hastag profits system

HASHTAG PROFITS Skyrocket Your Profits with Hashtags By: Nazreen M Daud

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HASHTAG PROFITS Skyrocket Your Profits with Hashtags

By: Nazreen M Daud

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HASHTAG PROFITS! | Skyrocket Your Profits with Hashtags

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Disclaimer Notice Please note the information contained within this document is for

educational purposes only.

Every attempt has been made to provide accurate, up to date and reliable

complete information no warranties of any kind are expressed or implied.

Readers acknowledge that the author is not engaging in rendering legal,

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HASHTAG PROFITS! | Skyrocket Your Profits with Hashtags

Table of Contents

Introduction 4

What is a Hashtag? 5

Overview of Topics 6

Chapter 1 – Benefits of Hashtags 7

Why Hashtags Matter 7

Pros and Cons of Using Hashtags 8

Chapter 2 – Benefits of Free Traffic 9

Why Using Free Marketing Makes Sense 9

Chapter 3 – Platforms that Support Hashtags 11

Chapter 4 – Finding Highly-Targeted Hashtags 13

Chapter 5 – How to Use Hashtags to Make a Profit 17

Twitter 17

Facebook 19

Instagram 20

Pinterest 21

Chapter 6 – Tracking Hashtags 23


HOT Hashtag Tips! 31

Conclusion 32

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HASHTAG PROFITS! | Skyrocket Your Profits with Hashtags


I never forget the day I did my first hashtag. I almost didn't know what I was

doing and it was quite crazy how that day let sudden increase in traffic. I

am talking about thousands of visitors per day! Hey there, my name is Naz.

Something you might see a lot of people do is hashtag on the internet. In

fact when I first launched my website I am receiving no traffic and I didn't

know what to do…

Then I started doing hashtags on my social media post without even noting

or thinking that it can drive traffic. One day as I checked my traffic stats for

my site, I was confused by where all the traffic are coming from. Then I

reverse engineered it and realized that it all came from my hashtags! I went

back to the lab and kept studying about hashtags and what makes it so


As I learn and apply them, I got more and more results. That's what this

book is all about. I'm going to share with you what I have learned without

you wasting all the time that I have wasted. You might not have thought

about what a hashtag is, or how you might be able to use them to earn

money. Let’s jump right into it.

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What is a Hashtag?

Simply put, a hashtag is a single word or un-spaced phrase preceded by

the hash sign or number symbol: #. They are a form of metatag widely

used on Twitter and other social media sites. They are a convenient way of

labeling similar content into groups. Effective hashtags allow users to find

content about a particular topic.

Twitter first started using hashtags in 2007, and over the years their use

has become standard, on Twitters as well as on other social media and

microblogging sites such as Facebook, Instagram, Google+ and others.

Twitter now hyperlinks all hashtags for easier searching, and they also list

Trending Topics on their home page to track hashtags that are growing in


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Overview of Topics

In this book, I will show you how to make money online using hashtags. If

you’re unfamiliar with hashtags or new to internet marketing, it might seem

difficult to believe that you can generate income using something so

simple, but it’s true. As easy as it may sound, you must know how to

hashtag the right way. I will give you a step-by-step guide to using

hashtags, including:

The benefits of using hashtags

Why free traffic is the best bet for beginner marketers

An overview of sites where you can use hashtags

How to find highly-targeted hashtags

How to use hashtags to make PROFIT!

How to track your hashtags

In addition, I’ll give you a handy hashtag cheat sheet with some of the top

hashtags for internet marketing and a variety of other popular topics. By the

time you’re done reading, you’ll be ready to get started putting hashtags to

work earning money for you. Let’s get started!

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Chapter 1 – Benefits of Hashtags

Understanding hashtags is the first step to making money with them. The

next step is talking about the benefits of using hashtags: why do they

matter, and what are the pros and cons of using them.

Why Hashtags Matter

If you’ve been thinking about traditional marketing methods, you might

wonder why I’m encouraging you to use hashtags. Why do they matter?

The answer is this: they matter because they have become part of the way

we talk to each other. While Twitter hashtags have been around for less

than a decade, they have increased in popularity so rapidly that no internet

marketer can afford to ignore them.

Internet marketers build businesses by creating content, and encouraging

conversation about that content. Hashtags can help you to group your

content into categories, brand yourself, and make it easier to engage

customers in conversations about your content and your brand.

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Pros and Cons of Using Hashtags

Now let’s talk about the pros and cons of using hashtags. We’ll look at the

pros first:

Hashtags can help you organize your thoughts and content. When

you post about a topic or keyword your customers care about, they’ll

be able to find you easily.

Hashtags can help you spread marketing campaigns across multiple

platforms, and give you a way to collect feedback from your


Using hashtags can help you establish yourself as an authority in

your niche, and to connect with other people in your industry.

And now let’s consider some of the cons of using hashtags:

If you use hashtags inappropriately, it can backfire. Improperly

researched hashtags are a liability, not an asset.

Once you create a hashtag, you cannot control how people use it.

You will have to monitor your hashtags for inappropriate content or

negative publicity.

Overusing hashtags is as bad as not using them at all. If you use too

many hashtags or post too often, people may dismiss your content as


On the whole, hashtags can be a great tool for internet marketers when

they are used properly. The next step is to talk about why using free traffic

makes sense for newbie internet marketers.

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Chapter 2 – Benefits of Free Traffic

If you’re just starting out as an internet marketer, you may wonder why I’m

advocating using free traffic sites with hashtags instead of paying for more

traditional advertising.

Why Using Free Marketing Makes Sense

As of January 2015, there are more than two billion active social media

accounts worldwide. That is a staggering number. Social media has

become the way we connect with one another, and it allows us to share

information, opinions and experiences on a global level.

Those numbers mean that no business can afford to ignore social media. In

order to compete as an internet marketer, you need to have a social media

presence. Since that is the case, why not make full use of that presence to

generate revenue?

A primary benefit of using free traffic to advertise is that, especially when

you are starting out, it can help you keep your costs down. If you can

attract customers and earn income without having to spend money on paid

advertising, why wouldn’t you want to do it?

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Finally, the techniques that you use on social media to brand yourself,

attract customers and sell your products are very similar to the techniques

you will use when your business has grown and you can afford to pay for

advertising. The experience of marketing your business using hashtags will

help you prepare for a more traditional marketing campaign later on.

The bottom line is that using free traffic from social media is an easy, low-

cost way to grow your business. Let’s take a look at what are the various

platforms that integrate hashtags features in them.

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Chapter 3 – Platforms that Support Hashtags

Twitter was the first platform to support hashtags, but it is by no means the

only place you can use them. Let’s take a look at the various sites where

you can use hashtags:

Twitter: the original site to use hashtags, and still the most popular

place to use them. Trending topics appear on the side of the feed.

Facebook: the largest social media site. Clicking on a hashtag will

take you to a page showing all posts (based on users’ privacy

settings) related to that hashtag. Trending topics appear on one side

of the feed.

Instagram: the popular photo-sharing site. You can use hashtags on

your photographs and also click on hashtags to find photographs

similar to ones you’ve posted.

Google+: Google’s social networking site. One major difference

between Google+ and other social media is that Google will add

hashtags if it feels they are relevant. You can opt out of this feature.

Tumblr: microblogging site. When you post new content, Tumblr

gives you the option of adding tags. When you do, it automatically

turns them into hashtags.

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Pinterest: online bulletin boards. Tags are only clickable in Pin

descriptions and they’re not searchable.

YouTube: video sharing site. Hashtags are more common in the

comments, and can be used to find videos with similar content.

Vine: site for sharing short videos. It’s owned by Twitter, so hashtags

are common and clicking on a hashtag will bring you to other Vines

with similar descriptions.

As you can see, there are many opportunities to use hashtags. In fact there

are many more platforms out there asides from the one listed above uses

hashtags as part of their integrated features. The next chapter will talk

about how and where to find highly-targeted hashtags that can help you

leverage this chance to turn your businesses into profit.

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Chapter 4 – Finding Highly-Targeted Hashtags

At this point, you may be wondering how to find highly-targeted hashtags.

There are several tools you can use to help.

1. Hashatit.com

Hashatit.com is a free site that allows you to search any hashtag, and then

breaks down the results by platform. For example, this search for the

hashtag #workouttips yielded the following result:

As you can see, it gives you information about who is using the hashtag

you’ve searched. You can also break down the results to see how people

are using the hashtag on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest.

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2. Findgram

Findgram is a website that helps you explore hashtags on Instagram.

You can search by hashtag or by user name. This can be especially

helpful for seeing what hashtags others in your niche are using. Here’s a

look at the Findgram search results for #yoga:

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3. Tagboard

Tagboard gives more detailed information when you search a hashtag,

including the average number of times the hashtag is used per hour, and

trends regarding whether the tags are positive, neutral or negative. Here

are the results of a search for #crossfit:

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4. Hashtagify.me

Hashtagify.me is a site that offers up information about popular hashtags

and even shows who the top influencers are for each one. A quick

glance at their homepage gives an idea of the kind of tools they provide:

5. Other tools you can use include: RiteTag, Hashtags.org,

SmartInsights, and Bundlepost.

When you are doing hashtag research, start with one hashtag you think is

relevant to your site. When you see posts that use that hashtag, it is likely

you will see others that you can research as well, until you find the ones

that will be the most effective.

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Chapter 5 – How to Use Hashtags to Make a Profit

How this book came about is when I compiled all the best ways to use

hashtag for myself. I didn’t plan to distribute it elsewhere because it was

solely made for myself. But fortunately for you I realized that other people

need it. As much as traffic is concern, this method does not cost any


Now that you have a solid understanding of what hashtags are and where

to find them, it’s time to look at how to use them. I’ll walk through some of

the major platforms to give you an idea of what you can do to make the

most of each, and turn your hashtags into profits.


Twitter was the first platform to use hashtags, and it’s still the best place to

use them because it’s the most versatile. Here are some suggestions:

1. Participate in industry- and niche-specific conversations. One of

the hardest things for a newbie internet marketer to do is establish

himself as an expert. Follow leaders and other brands in your

industry, and use common hashtags to join the conversation. When

you talk about a hot topic, you increase the chance that your Tweet

will be seen – and that people who see it will follow you and become


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2. Create a hashtag that will help you brand yourself. Note: this

does mean that the hashtag must include your brand name. Ideally

you want to pick something that will (a) speak to your brand; (b) spark

conversation and sharing; and (c) not be used against you. Probably

the most famous marketing hashtag fail was McDonald’s #McDstories

hashtag. They created it assuming that people would tweet about

positive experiences with their brand, and instead found themselves

at the receiving end of a slew of negative stories. They ended up

pulling the tag within hours of its launch. A more successful story is

Nike’s #makeitwork hashtag. You will note that it does not include the

brand name. Instead it contains a positive message that encourages

participation, and it is very much in keeping with Nike’s brand

personality and image.

3. Use hashtags to promote contests and promotions. Everyone

loves to get a freebie. Why not run a giveaway and combine it with a

conversation on a trending topic in your niche? For example, say you

are selling yoga equipment. You might join in a conversation about

the health benefits of yoga using the hashtags others are using, and

then add your own hashtag for the contest you are running.

4. Live tweet an industry event. Most event organizers now create

event-specific hashtags so attendees and other interested parties can

follow along. Tweeting about an event while it is happening is a great

way to promote yourself at a time when interest is at a very high level.

Even if you are not attending the event, you can join in the

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conversations remotely and take the opportunity to interact with

participants and industry leaders.

5. Participate in Twitter chats. Twitter users can create chats to talk to

customers, colleagues and fans. Joining in a chat can be a great way

to engage with potential customers, establish yourself as an expert,

and network with other people in your industry. If you do not see a

Twitter chat that appeals to you, consider setting up one of your own.


Hashtags on Facebook have not yet caught on the same way they have on

other social media sites, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t use them.

Here are some thing you can do to make use of them:

1. Participate in online traditions like Throwback Thursday (#tbt).

Making yourself a part of the community is a great way to spread the

word about your business.

2. Use hashtags sparingly on Facebook. Because their use is not as

widespread as it is on Twitter and Instagram, stick to using them only

when they can lead readers to a bigger conversation about a relevant


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3. If there is a hashtag that you’ve found is particularly strong for you,

use it across all of your social media platforms. It will help strengthen

your brand, and make it easier for customer to find you.

4. If you’re a local business, make sure to use the name of your city

as a hashtag – it will help local customers find you.


Hashtags are as prevalent on Instagram as they are on Twitter, if not more

so. Marketers know that hashtags are the only way to get their content

noticed on Instagram. Here are some tips to make them work for you:

1. Use popular and relevant hashtags to make sure your content is

seen by a wider audience.

2. Re-share your photos on Facebook – hashtags will carry over,

ensuring that content spreads faster.

3. Avoid using popular hashtags that are not relevant to your

business. For example, #love is one of the most popular hashtags,

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but you’re not doing yourself any favors using it to try to promote your

accounting software.

4. Use hashtags to sponsor a photo-captioning contest. The

primary content on Instagram is photographs, so have some fun with

it. Post a picture of someone using your product and ask for caption

suggestions for hashtags. Then give the winner a free product or gift


5. Use your SEO keywords and adapt them to Instagram. For

example, if you sell yoga mats and videos, you may be trying to rank

for those words on Google. It’s unlikely that anybody will search

#yogamats on Instagram – but they might search #yoga or

#yogapose or something of that kind. Explore and get creative.


Like Instagram, Pinterest is photograph-driven, so hashtags are a very

important way to help users find the things you post. Here are some tips:

1. Create a special hashtag to promote new projects, then create a

board for them and encourage people to share.

2. Keep in mind that you cannot currently hashtag the names of boards

or in your account description or name. You can use them in

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descriptions of pins, although Pinterest may change that in response

to user feedback.

3. Use a mix of unique, brand-specific hashtags and general

hashtags to bring the highest amount of traffic to your pins.

4. Use 2-3 hashtags at the most. Studies show that using more

actually decreases engagement.

5. Create a special board for user-created content. Encourage

customers to pin photographs of themselves using your product, then

collect them on a special board and use a unique hashtag to label


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Chapter 6 – Tracking Hashtags

Once you have started using hashtags to promote your website and

products, it is extremely important to track their performance. If you have

created a unique hashtag then you can track some things by simply

searching the hashtag on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or Pinterest.

However, if you want more detailed analysis of your hashtags, you can use

a site like Hashtracking.

Hashtracking offers things like:

Hashtag analytics

Real-time analysis

Embeddable infographics

Lists of contributors

Influencer analysis

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It can be a great way to monitor the ongoing success of your hashtag

marketing efforts. This is a sneak peek of some of what they can offer:

If you’re just starting out and trying to keep costs low, simply sign up for the

30 day free trial membership. During that time, try out all of the different

features they offer and if you find that you are having success with your

hashtags, their tools can help you do even more.

If you find that a particular hashtag is not performing well, that is a signal

that you need to try something new. The only way you can really know if

your hashtags are working is if you take the time to analyze their


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BONUS CHAPTER Top Popular Hashtags

You will have to do some hashtag research to optimize your marketing

campaign for your business, but this chapter will give you some of the top

hashtags in a variety of niches. There are more creative hashtags out

there, feel free to use these as a guide for your post. Enjoy!


#affiliatemarketing #smallbiz

#affiliate #ppc

#marketing #entrpreneur

#clickbank #onlinemarketing

#jvzoo #amazonassociates


#onlineretail #custexp

#marketplace #ecommerce

#shopify #retail

#amazon #emarketing

#ebay #socialcommerce

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#emailmarketing ##emailjobs

#webmarketing #inboundmarketing

#autoresponder #getresponse

#onlinebusiness #aweber

#directmail #mailchimp


#seo #sem

#seomarketing #searchengine

#socialmedia #keyword

#searchranking #google

#localsea #bing


#social #instagram

#socialmedia #pinterest

#socialmediamarketing #twitter

#socialnetworking #networkmarketing

#facebook #onlinemedia

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#wellness #nutrition

#health #workout

#healthcare #lifestyle

#dental #diet

#weightloss #fitness


#fatloss #fit

#diet #eatingright

#weightloss #burncalories

#healthyfoods #diettips

#getheathy #lean


#myfitnesspal #sixpackabs

#workout #aerobics

#workoutroutine #zumba

#hiit #yoga

#afterburn #pilates

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#musclemass #ripbody

#proteinshake #sixpackabs

#muscle #powerlifting

#gymtime #fitnessmotivation

#perfectbody #weightlifting


#dating #selfhappiness

#relationship #firstdate

#getyourexback #soulmates

#love #datingtips

#karma #withmyman


#foodgasm #instafoods

#foodporn #lifestyle

#foodphotography #burgers

#foodshot #donuts

#foodstagram #fishnchips

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#makemoney #fireyourboss

#makemoneyonline #financialfreedom

#workfromhome #getpaid

#makemoneyfast #stayhomemom

#quityourdayjob #onlinecash


#goodvibes #goals

#quoteoftheday #quotesdaily

#advicequotes #motivation

#inspire #success

#dreams #wakeupnow


#kids #family

#daddyontime #pregnancy

#parents #baby

#kidsmatterok #moms

#children #dads

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#ootd #portrait

#arts #lansdcape

#finearts #canon

#photoshop #nikon

#instadaily #olympus


#live #punkrock

#glastonbury #ballad

#unplugged #recording

#ensemble #guitarsolo

#jazz #oasisband


#gardening #whiteblossom

#naturelovers #flowersofinstagram

#organicfarming #plantlife

#flowerporn #orchid

#lovenature #inthegarden

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HOT Hashtag Tips!

Finally, here are a few hashtag tips that are applicable for every platform.

1. Use a service like Postano to embed your hashtags on your website

and make it easier for people to follow you on social media.

2. Keep your hashtags short and sweet. If they’re too long they will be

more difficult for people to remember.

3. Think of a hashtag as a conversation, not a name. They are a way to

keep people talking about your product and your brand.

4. Display hashtags at media events and conferences. If you’re going to

a trade show and have a hashtag that’s been performing well for you,

make it part of your display and encourage people who visit your

booth to use it.

5. Monitor relevant conversations. Keep track of popular hashtags in

your industry and follow the conversation. This can be a great way to

keep abreast of what’s happening.

6. Encourage and make use of user-generated content. Hashtags are a

great way to get customers to participate in a conversation about your

brand, and re-posting positive things people say about you is terrific

advertising – and it’s free!

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HASHTAG PROFITS! | Skyrocket Your Profits with Hashtags


I hope that the information in this book has inspired you to give hashtag

marketing a try. When you’re just starting out, the thought of having to lay

out large amounts of money to advertise and grow your new business can

be daunting, and may seem impossible. The good news is that with a little

time and effort on your part, you can make money, create great brand

recognition and grow your business without spending a dime on


When you’re ready to start, remember:

Research your hashtags

Keep them short and sweet

Use only the hashtags that are necessary

Promote your hashtags across social media platforms, on your

website, and at conferences

Think of hashtags as conversations, not labels

Encourage customer participation

Re-share customer content

Track your hashtags’ performance

Eliminate hashtags that aren’t working

If you follow the advice in this book, you’ll soon see the results that I saw,

and that encouraged me to share my success with you. Good luck!