hate and guns: a terrifying combination

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  • 8/20/2019 Hate and Guns: A Terrifying Combination


    Hate and Guns

    A Terrifying Combination

    By Chelsea Parsons, Eugenio Weigend Vargas, and Jordan Jones February 2016


  • 8/20/2019 Hate and Guns: A Terrifying Combination


  • 8/20/2019 Hate and Guns: A Terrifying Combination


      1 Introduction and summary

      3 History of hate crime laws in the United States

      5 Prevalence of hate crimes in the United States

      8 Use of guns in the commission of hate crimes

     10 Proposal: Federal and state legislation to keep gunsout of the hands of hate criminals

      13 Conclusion

      15 Endnotes


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    1 Center for American Progress |  Hate and Guns

    Introduction and summary

    On he evening o June 17, 2015, Dylann oo opened fire on a Bible sudy group

    a Emanuel Arican Mehodis Episcopal Church in Charleson, Souh Carolina,

    killing nine congregans and injuring one addiional person.1 oo fled and, afer

     being on he run or 16 hours, was ulimaely apprehended by law enorcemen.2 

    I quickly became clear ha his was no anoher episode o he random mass vio-

    lence ha occurs much oo ofen in he Unied Saes: oo is a whie supremacis

     who argeed he hisoric black church ou o racially moivaed malice.3 

    Te massacre a his hisoric churchknown as Moher Emanuel and home o

    he larges and oldes black congregaion in he Souh4is no he only recen

    example o a public or mass shooing moivaed by bias or hae. Jus hree years

    earlier, a similarly moivaed atack occurred a a Sikh emple in Oak Creek,

     Wisconsin. On Augus 5, 2012, Wade Michael Pagea whie supremacis wih

    long-sanding ies o several neo-Nazi organizaionsatacked he emple, aally

    shooing six people and wounding our ohers beore commiting suicide.5

    Insances o hae-moivaed individuals errorizing communiies wih guns are

    no limied o high-profile cases involving muliple aaliies. Violen exremiss

    and hae criminals ofen use guns as a ool o hreaen and inimidae members

    o hisorically vulnerable or marginalized communiies. In doing so, hey inflic

    serious harm wihou ever pulling he rigger. New analysis o Naional Crime

     Vicimizaion Survey daa by he Cener or American Progress reveals ha

     beween 2010 and 2014, roughly 43,000 hae crimes were commited in he

    Unied Saes ha involved he use or hrea o a gun.

    Hae crimes and acs o violen exremism have a pernicious impac on he ar-

    geed communiiesno jus he mos proximae vicim o a paricular crime buhe broader communiy o which he vicim is a member. Indeed, ha is precisely

    he purpose o hese acs in he minds o he perperaors: o hreaen, inimidae,

    and errorize no jus an individual bu he enire membership o a hisorically

     vulnerable communiy wih a message o ear and hared. Te use o guns by hese

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    2 Center for American Progress |  Hate and Guns

    perperaors compounds he harm done o he vicimized communiy by inro-

    ducing a uniquely lehal insrumen. Te hrea o a gun rom dangerous exrem-

    iss sends a clear message ha hey no only harbor eelings o bias or hae agains

    a paricular group, bu also ha hey are willing o kill in service o his ideology.

    Keeping guns ou o he hands o individuals who perperae hae crimes is here-ore a crucial measure o help ensure he saey o groups ha have hisorically

     been argeed because o heir race, ehniciy, naional origin, religion, gender,

    gender ideniy, sexual orienaion, or disabiliy. Ye under ederal law and he law

    in mos saes, individuals who have been conviced o hae crimes remain ree o

     buy and possess guns.

    Tis repor explores he hisory o hae crime laws in he Unied Saes, he gaps in

    hose laws ha conribue o sporadic and inconsisen reporing, and he chal-

    lenges involved in successully prosecuing hese cases. I hen considers he nexus

     beween guns and hae crimes and he requency wih which criminals moivaed by bias and hae use guns o hreaen and harm heir vicims. Finally, i proposes

    a new measure o help keep guns ou o he hands o violen exremiss: sae

    and ederal legislaion ha prohibis individuals conviced o misdemeanor hae

    crimes rom buying or possessing guns.

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    3 Center for American Progress |  Hate and Guns

    History of hate crime laws

    in the United States

    Te roos o modern hae crime laws can be ound in he Civil ighs Ac o

    1968he firs piece o ederal legislaion o disinguish criminal aciviy moi-

     vaed by bias agains vicims due o heir acual or perceived race, religion, or

    naional origin.6 Concern over hae crimes in he 1980s and 1990s led o he pas-

    sage o addiional ederal legislaion. In 1990, Presiden George H.W. Bush signed

    he Hae Crime Saisics Ac, which requires he U.S. Deparmen o Jusice

    o monior and record daa on crimes commited because o bias due o race,

    religion, sexual orienaion, or ehniciy.7 Tis law was amended in 1994 hroughhe Violen Crime Conrol and Law Enorcemen Ac, which increased penalies

    or perperaors o bias-moivaed crimes and expanded daa collecion o crimes

    moivaed by bias oward acual or perceived disabiliy.8 

    Te mos recen updae

    o ederal hae crime laws came in 2009 wih he Mathew Shepard and James

    Byrd, Jr. Hae Crimes Prevenion Ac, which expanded he proecions o he Civil

    ighs Ac o include gender, gender ideniy, sexual orienaion, and disabiliy.9

    In addiion o ederal law, nearly every sae has enaced some ype o hae crime

    law. Washingon and Oregon were he firs saes o pass hae crime legislaion in

    1981.10 o dae, only five saes have ailed o enac any ype o hae crime law:

     Arkansas, Georgia, Indiana, Souh Carolina, and Wyoming.11 Sae laws, however,

     vary widely in erms o he breadh o he proecion and who is covered. Te

     Ani-Deamaion League has evaluaed each sae’s laws and ound ha while 45

    saes have a leas some ype o hae crime law on he books, only 14 saes have

    laws ha can be characerized as comprehensive, meaning ha hey provide pro-

    ecion or a broad group o classes, including race, religion, ehniciy and naional

    origin, sexual orienaion, gender, gender ideniy, and disabiliy.12 In addiion o

    criminalizing his conduc, some sae-level hae crime laws also mandae daa col-

    lecion and raining or law enorcemen.13


    Heighened criminal penalies or hae crimes under sae and ederal law no-

     wihsanding, here are sill subsanial challenges o ully enorcing hese laws.

    Beween 2009when he Mathew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr. Hae Crimes

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    5 Center for American Progress |  Hate and Guns

    Prevalence of hate crimes

    in the United States

    Te exac number o hae crimes commited in he Unied Saes each year is

    difficul o deermine. Alhough ederal law mandaes ha he Federal Bureau o

    Invesigaion, or FBI, collec daa on incidens involving bias-moivaed crimes

    agains proeced classes, paricipaion in his daa collecion program on he par

    o sae and local law enorcemen agencies is volunary, and many have declined

    o paricipae in a comprehensive way.18 Addiionally, because many vicims o hae

    crimes are members o vulnerable communiies ha hisorically have a ense rela-

    ionship wih local law enorcemen, many vicims do no repor hese incidens ordo no repor ha heir vicimizaion was he resul o hae or bias. Tere may also

     be culural or language barriers o he accurae reporing o hese crimes.19

    Frequenly criicized as a subsanial undercoun, he FBI’s limied daa on hae

    crimes noneheless presen a disurbing picure o he exen o he problem.20 

    From 2010 o 2014, local law enorcemen agencies repored 30,014 single-bias

    hae crime incidensmeaning incidens ha were reporedly moivaed by one

    ype o biasha involved 34,941 offenses and 32,708 vicims.21 Nearly hal o

    hese incidens, 48 percen, were moivaed by racial bias; o hose incidens, 67

    percen were moivaed by bias agains Arican Americans.22 

    Te second-mos common ype o bias crimes repored o he FBI are hose moi-

     vaed by a vicim’s sexual orienaion or religion.24 From 2010 o 2014, 20 percen

    o single-bias hae crime incidens repored o he FBI involved bias due o sexual

    orienaion, and 58 percen o hose incidens involved ani-gay male bias.25 

    Minneapolis protest shooting

    On November 23, 2015, five activists were injured after four men allegedly opened fire

    at a Black Lives Matter demonstration. The four suspects, all white, were arrested in the

    Minneapolis metropolitan area. One of the suspects, Allen Lawrence Scarsella, report-

    edly posted an image of the Bonnie Blue Flag, a Confederate banner, on his Facebook

    page the day after the shooting.23 

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    6 Center for American Progress |  Hate and Guns

     Anoher 19 percen o single-bias cases involved bias agains religion; 63 percen

    o hose incidens involved ani-Jewish bias.26

     A second daa source assessing he prevalence o hae crimes in he Unied Saes

    reveals subsanially larger numbers, suggesing ha hae crimes are as much as 25imes o 40 imes more common han he FBI daa indicae.30 Te Naional Crime

     Vicimizaion Survey, or NCVS, is an annual survey o 90,000 households across

    he counry ha asks quesions abou “he requency, characerisics, and conse-

    quences o criminal vicimizaion in he Unied Saes.”31 Unlike daa repored o

    he FBI, which couns only cases ha are repored o local law enorcemen, he

    NCVS daa are drawn rom surveys o individuals abou heir experience wih

    crime, regardless o wheher hey have repored an inciden o police.32 Te NCVS

    defines hae crime as “crimes ha manies evidence o prejudice based on race,

    gender or gender ideniy, religion, disabiliy, sexual orienaion, or ehniciy.”33 

     According o he NCVS, here were 215,011 hae crimes in he Unied Saes in

    2014, including boh inerpersonal and propery crimes.34 From 2010 o 2014,

    here were more han 1.2 million hae crimes.35

    Daa rom he NCVS again show ha he majoriy o hae crimes were moivaed

     by animus due o a vicim’s perceived race and/or ehniciy. From 2010 o 2014,

    51 percen o hae crimes repored hrough he NCVS were racially moivaed

     while 33 percen were due o bias agains a person due o heir perceived ehniciy.

    Tese caegories are no muually exclusive; a vicim can repor ha a crime was

    due o boh race and ehniciy.36

     eligion, sexual orienaion, and gender were henex mos prevalen caegories o hae crimes, according o he NCVS.37

    Cincinnati shooting

    Gregory Beauchamp was shot and killed on December 31, 2002. Beauchamp wasstanding outside a store with a friend when a car full of people stopped at the stop

    light, yelled a homophobic slur, and threw a can of soda at the pair.27 When Beau-

    champ began to throw the can back at the car, one of the passengers fatally shot

    him. In 2009, Jerry Jones was convicted of Beauchamp’s murder. During the trial, one

    person testified that Jones had confessed to killing a “[homophobic slur].”28 Jones was

    sentenced to 25 years to life.29 

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    7 Center for American Progress |  Hate and Guns

    esearch rom oher organizaions also helps illusrae he prevalence o hae

    crimes. Te Souhern Povery Law Cener esimaes ha here are 892 hae groups

    currenly operaing in he Unied Saes, a number ha has increased 14 percen

    since las year.40 Organized groups, however, appear o accoun or a minoriy o bias-moivaed crimes; raher, individuals who commi hae crimes end o be

    “lone wolves,” ofen wih an ideology influenced by a paricular hae group bu

     wihou ormal ies o ha group.41 

    Tere has also been an increase in hae and bias-moivaed crimes agains paricu-

    lar proeced groups. A review by he Human ighs Campaign, or HC, and he

    rans People o Color Coaliion, or POCC, ound a dramaic increase in aal

    hae crimes agains ransgender people: Tere were more aaliies in he firs six

    monhs o 2015 han during all o 2014.42 Tere is also evidence o an increase in

    ani-Muslim crimes, which increased 14 percen beween 2013 and 2014, accord-

    ing o FBI daa.43 Similarly, he Cener or he Sudy o Hae and Exremism noed

    an upick in hae crimes agains Muslims in he immediae afermah o he error

    atacks in Paris on November 13, 2015, and he mass shooing in San Bernardino,

    Caliornia, on December 2, 2015. In he monh afer he Paris atacks, repored

    incidens wih an apparen ani-Muslim moivaion ripled in he Unied Saes.44

    Isla Vista, California, rampage

    On May 23, 2014, six people were killed and 14 others wounded when Elliot Rodger

    went on a rampage in Isla Vista, California. Rodger fatally stabbed three people in his

    apartment before driving to a sorority house and shooting three women standing

    outside, killing two of them. He then continued on to ultimately fire more than 55rounds, killing another person and wounding 13 others before fatally turning the gun

    on himself.38 Prior to the shooting, Rodger posted an extensive misogynistic mani-

    festo online vowing revenge on the women of Isla Vista. He had also demonstrated an

    extreme interest in Nazi figures Joseph Goebbels and Heinrich Himmler.39

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    8 Center for American Progress |  Hate and Guns

    Hazelwood, Pennsylvania, shooting

    On November 26, 2015, a Muslim taxi driver was shot after his passenger began

    asking questions about his background. Upon arriving at the passenger’s home, the

    passenger went inside, came back out with a gun, and began shooting as the taxi

    drove away.


     Prior to the shooting, the passenger disclosed that he had spent time inprison and began to angrily discuss the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham, or ISIS.46 

    Meriden, Connecticut, mosque attack 

    On November 14, 2015, a man in Meriden, Connecticut, who had previously ex-

    pressed anti-Muslim sentiments, fired shots from an assault rifle into an empty

    mosque after he learned of the terror attacks in Paris. He was arrested on December

    18, 2015, and charged with a hate crime.47

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    9 Center for American Progress |  Hate and Guns

    Use of guns in the commission

    of hate crimes

    One disurbing rend is he use o guns by individuals who commi hae and bias-

    moivaed crimes. According o daa rom he NCVS, here were roughly 43,000

    hae crimes commited in he Unied Saes beween 2010 and 2014 ha involved

    a gun.48 O hese incidens, he majoriy involved bias due o race, ehniciy, or

    a combinaion o he wo: 56 percen o vicims o hae crimes involving a gun

    repored bias due o race, and 48 percen repored bias due o ehniciy.49

    Oher research provides a similar picure o he inersecion beween gun violence

    and hae crimes in he Unied Saes. An analysis o 8,132 hae crimes repored

    o he FBI hrough he Naional Inciden-Based eporing Sysem, or NIBS,

     beween 2011 and 2013perormed by researchers a he John Jay College o

    Criminal Jusice and news organizaion Te raceound ha 207 o hose inci-

    dens involved guns.53 Tis analysis also ound ha among hae crimes commited

     wih a gun, black vicims were argeed more ofen han any oher racial group and

    ha ani-black bias was, by ar, he mos common moivaion or hese atacks.54 

    O he 21 ransgender people murdered during he firs hal o 2015 according o

    he HC and POCC sudy, 11 were killed wih guns.55 

    Racist leader arrested in Albany, New York 

    After purchasing fully automatic machine guns from an undercover FBI agent on

    August 6, 2015, Shane Robert Smith told the agent he was part of a hit group and

    wanted the weapons to “execute minorities.”50 On November 30, 2015, he was

    indicted in federal court.51 Prior to this incident, Smith was arrested in June 2014 for

    painting racially charged graffiti.52

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    10 Center for American Progress |  Hate and Guns

    Similar rends have emerged in domesic error atacks, many o which are com-mited by lone wol acors moivaed by ideologies o hae. Te Souhern Povery

    Law Cener ound ha 59 percen o domesic erroris atacks carried ou beween

     April 1, 2009, and February 1, 2015, were perperaed wih a gun.59 An addiional 25

    percen involved explosives, while 5 percen o atacks in ha ime period involved

     boh firearms and explosives.60 A repor by he Ani-Deamaion League examining

    incidens o aal domesic errorism and exremism in 2015 ound ha 48 o he 52

    individuals killed in hese incidens were murdered wih a gun.61 

    Tis represens a new rend in he insrumenaliy o domesic errorism. Lone

     wol erroriss have radiionally used explosives in heir atacks; since 2001,

    however, hese individuals have increasingly urned o high-powered guns as heir

     weapon o choice.64


    Spokane, Washington, attempted murder

    On September 12, 2012, Jimmy J. Blackburn approached three black teens. He alleg-

    edly yelled racial slurs at them and challenged them to a fight.56 After he threatened

    the teens with a gun, they ran away while Blackburn pursued them. He fired at least

    one shot, which was recovered by police. The next day he was arrested and chargedwith attempted second-degree murder.57

    Oakland County, Michigan, threats

    On March 8, 2013, an African American woman driving in Oakland County, Michi-

    gan, with her two children was threatened by a white passenger in a neighboring

    car who pointed a handgun while the driver screamed racial epithets.58

    Seattle LGBT attack On June 28, 2015, following the gay pride parade in Seattle, Washington, a man wear-

    ing rainbow colored beads was accosted by a perpetrator who held a gun to his stom-

    ach and used homophobic slurs.62 The man was arrested on a hate crimes charge.63

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    11 Center for American Progress |  Hate and Guns

    Proposal: Federal and state

    legislation to keep guns out

    of the hands of hate criminals

    Despie his growing reliance on guns as he preerred ools o violence and

    inimidaion by individuals who commi hae crimes and acs o domesic error-

    ism, many individuals who have been conviced o hese crimes remain ree o buy

    and possess guns under boh ederal and sae law. Under ederal law, individuals

    conviced o any elonyincluding elony-level hae crimesare prohibied rom

     buying and possessing guns.65 However, his prohibiion does no cover all indi- viduals who have been conviced o hae crimes. Many saes have misdemeanor-

    level hae crimes laws as well, and he vas majoriy o people conviced under

    hese laws remain ree o buy guns.

    Tese sae misdemeanor hae crime laws generally ake wo orms: sand-alone

    hae crimes ha criminalize cerain conduc commited wih bias moivaion or

    senence enhancemens or oher misdemeanor crimes ha may be applied when a

    cour finds ha he deendan commited he crime wih a hae or bias moivaion.

     A Cener or American Progress analysis o sae hae crime laws reveals ha a leas

    30 saes have a misdemeanor hae crime or senence enhancemen on he books.

    Tese crimes should no be misaken or low-level or nonviolen offenses ha do

    no warran serious concern. In ac, many o hese crimes and senence enhance-

    mens cover hreaening and dangerous conduc. In some saes, including

     Alabama, Florida, and exas, cerain ypes o assaul and batery commited wih

     bias moivaion are misdemeanor offenses.66 Hae crimes involving hreas and

    inimidaion agains a member o a proeced classincluding hrough he use o

    orceis ofen a misdemeanor-level offense, such as in Colorado and Caliornia.67

    One example o a paricularly violen misdemeanor hae crime case occurred

    a San Jose Sae Universiy in Caliornia in November 2013. Tree sudens

    harassed and hreaened heir black roommae, locking a U-shaped bicycle lock

    around his neck, using racial slurs, and displaying a Conederae flag in heir

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    12 Center for American Progress |  Hate and Guns

    room, leading o charges o misdemeanor hae crime and batery.68 And many hae

    crimes ha involve damage, desrucion, or deacemen o properyypically

    nonviolen offenses ha noneheless have a significan negaive impac on he

    argeed communiyare ofen classified as misdemeanors.69

     Addiionally, researchers have ound ha individuals who commi hae crimesend o escalae heir conduc in order o ensure heir message is received by

    he argeed individual or communiy. Jack Levin and Jack McDevit, research-

    ers rom Norheasern Universiy who specialize in hae crimes, explained his

    phenomenon as ollows:

     Deensive hate crimes are intended to send a messageor example, that Blacks

    are not welcome on this block or Latinos should not apply or that promotion.

     As such, these crimes are in their intended effect very much like acts o terror-

    ism, meant to send a signal by means o ear and horror. I the original criminal

    response ails to elicit the desired retreat on the part o the victim, then theoffender fequently escalates the level o property damage or violence. A Black

     amily moving into an all-White neighborhood is first warned; i they don’t heed

    the warning, then their windows are broken; and i they still reuse to move out,

    their house may be firebombed, or worse.70

    Tis patern o escalaion demonsraes he need o ensure ha individuals who

    have been conviced o hae crimeseven a he misdemeanor levelare pre-

     vened rom buying and possessing guns.

    Many saes, driven by research demonsraing ha individuals conviced o

    cerain violen misdemeanors pose an increased risk o commiting uure acs o

     violence, have enaced laws prohibiing hem rom gun possession.71 According o

    he Law Cener o Preven Gun Violence, 23 saes and he Disric o Columbia

    prohibi individuals conviced o specified misdemeanor offenses rom buying and

    possessing guns.72 Te vas majoriy o saes, however, have no enaced laws o

    preven conviced misdemeanan hae criminals rom having easy access o guns.

     A CAP analysis o sae laws finds ha only hree saesMinnesoa,73 Oregon,74 

    and New Jersey 75specifically bar individuals conviced o misdemeanor hae

    or bias-moivaed crimes rom buying and possessing guns. Tree oher saesDelaware,76 Maryland,77 and Massachusets78have laws barring individuals

    conviced o cerain misdemeanor crimes rom gun possession ha would apply

    o a leas some misdemeanor convicions or hae crimes.

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    13 Center for American Progress |  Hate and Guns

    Legislaors a he ederal and sae level should close his loophole by passing laws

    ha prohibi people conviced o misdemeanor hae crimes rom being able o

     buy and possess guns. Doing so would ensure ha such individuals do no have

    easy access o guns and ha boh sae and ederal law enorcemen would have

    he abiliy o invesigae and prosecue violaions o hose laws.79

    Tis legislaion would address a serious public saey concern: Hae-moivaed

    criminals and violen exremiss armed wih guns pose a subsanial hrea o he

    saey o hisorically vulnerable communiies ha are proeced by hae crime

    laws. Access o guns by hese perperaors makes i more likely ha a hae crime

     will have a aal oucome. Bu even when hese perperaors do no pull he rigger,

    he use o guns o hreaen and inimidae individuals and communiies because o

     bias and hae on he basis o any o he proeced classesrace, ehniciy, religion,

    gender, gender ideniy, sexual orienaion, naional origin, or disabiliyrepre-

    sens a significan escalaion o his haeul conduc.

    Lawmakers have already deermined ha cerain individuals should no be per-

    mited o possess guns because heir previous criminal hisory makes hem more

    likely o pose a uure risk o public saey, and he Supreme Cour has consis-

    enly upheld such laws as consisen wih he Second Amendmen.80 Barring indi-

     viduals conviced o misdemeanor hae crimes rom possessing firearms would all

     well wihin he ype o reasonable resricions he Supreme Cour has indicaed

    do no violae he Consiuion.81 

    Legislaion barring individuals conviced o misdemeanor hae crimes rom being

    able o buy and possess guns would also creae a new incenive or prosecuors o

    pursue hese cases. Because hey involve an addiional evideniary burden, prosecu-

    ing hae crimes is nooriously difficul. Prosecuors may be more likely o expend he

    ime and resources necessary o prosecue misdemeanor hae crimes i hey knew

    ha a convicion would prohibi dangerous individuals rom accessing firearms.

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    14 Center for American Progress |  Hate and Guns


    Law enorcemen and argeed communiies have been grappling wih he unor-

    unae legacy o hae crimes in he Unied Saes or decades, i no longer, and

    recen rends sugges such violence may be on he rise. Many policy changes could

    help preven hae crimes and proec vulnerable communiies. Tese include

    improving he collecion o daa on hese crimes o produce an accurae picure o

    he scope and characer o hae crimes, expanding he coverage o hae crime laws,

    and enhancing law enorcemen’s abiliy o bring appropriae charges agains he

    perperaors o bias-moivaed crimes.

    Te use o guns by violen exremiss and bias-moivaed criminals, however, pres-

    ens an addiional, urgen challenge: ensuring ha individuals who have demon-

    sraed ha hey pose a unique hrea o argeed communiies are prevened rom

    accessing guns. New legislaion o prohibi individuals conviced o misdemeanor

    hae crimes rom buying and possessing guns would no sop every hae-moi-

     vaed shooing. I would, however, be a srong sep oward keeping guns ou o

    he hands o individuals who have proven hemselves o be uniquely dangerous o

    hisorically vulnerable communiies.

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    15 Center for American Progress |  Hate and Guns

    About the authors

    Chelsea Parsons is he Vice Presiden o Guns and Crime Policy a he Cener

    or American Progress. Her work ocuses on advocaing or progressive laws and

    policies relaing o guns and he criminal jusice sysem a he ederal, sae, and

    local levels. Prior o joining CAP, she was general counsel o he New York Ciycriminal jusice coordinaor, a role in which she helped develop and implemen

    criminal jusice iniiaives and legislaion in areas including human rafficking,

    sexual assaul and amily violence, firearms, ideniy hef, indigen deense, and

     jusice sysem improvemens. She previously served as an assisan New York sae

    atorney general and a saff atorney law clerk or he 2nd U.S. Circui Cour o

     Appeals. She is a graduae o Sarah Lawrence College and Brooklyn Law School.

    Eugenio Weigend is he Senior Policy Analys or he Guns and Crime Policy

    eam a he Cener. His work has ocused on public securiy. He has conduced

    research on arms rafficking, organized crime and violence, firearm regulaionsin he Unied Saes, and he illegal flow o weapons ino Mexico. He has a Ph.D.

    rom ecnologico de Monerrey and a maser’s degree in public affairs rom

    Brown Universiy.

    Jordan Jones is he esearch Associae on he Guns and Crime Policy eam a

    he Cener. Prior o joining CAP, she worked as he developmen associae a he

    ape, Abuse and Inces Naional Nework, or RINN. Jones also inerned a he

    Smoo ewes Group, or SG, where she worked primarily on environmenal

    issue campaigns. Originally rom Phoenix, Arizona, Jones holds a maser’s degree

    in gender, policy, and inequaliies rom he London School o Economics and

    Poliical Science and graduaed summa cum laude rom Arizona Sae Universiy

     wih a bachelor’s degree in hisory.

  • 8/20/2019 Hate and Guns: A Terrifying Combination


    16 Center for American Progress |  Hate and Guns


      1 Frances Robles, “Dylann Roof Had AR-15 Parts DuringPolice Stop in March, Record Shows,” The New YorkTimes, June 26, 2015, available at http://www.nytimes.com/2015/06/27/us/dylann-roof-was-questioned-by-police-in-march-record-shows.html;  Olivia Becker, “HowEasy Is It to Get a Gun in South Carolina?”, The Trace, June18, 2015, available at  http://www.thetrace.org/2015/06/how-easy-is-it-to-get-a-gun-in-south-carolina/.  

    2 Jason Silverstein, “Cops bought Dylann Roof BurgerKing after his calm arrest: report,” New York Daily News,June 23, 2015, available at http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/dylann-roof-burger-king-cops-meal-article-1.2267615.

      3 Frances Robles, Jason Horowitz, and Shaila Dewan,“Dylann Roof, Suspect in Charleston Shooting, Flew theFlags of White Power,”The New York Times, June 18, 2015,available at http://www.nytimes.com/2015/06/19/us/on-facebook-dylann-roof-charleston-suspect-wears-symbols-of-white-supremacy.html;  Josh Sanburn, “Insidethe White Supremacist Group that Influenced CharlestonShooting Suspect,” Time, June 22, 2015, available athttp://time.com/3930993/dylann-roof-council-of-con-servative-citizens-charleston/ .

    4 Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church, “Wel-come to Emanuel,” available at http://www.emanuela-mechurch.org/ (last accessed February 2016).

      5 CNN, “Police identify Army veteran as Wisconsin templeshooting gunman,” August 7, 2012, available at http://www.cnn.com/2012/08/06/us/wisconsin-temple-shooting/.

    6 Human Rights Campaign, “Hate Crimes Law,” availableat http://www.hrc.org/resources/hate-crimes-law (lastaccessed February 2016); Joel D. Lieberman, “Inner Ter-ror and Outward Hate: The Effects of Mortality S alienceon Bias Motivated Attacks.” In Brian H. Bornstein andRichard L. Wiener, eds., Emotion and the Law: Psychologi-cal Perspectives (New York: Springer, 2010), p. 134.

    7 Human Rights Campaign, “Hate Crimes Timeline,”available at http://www.hrc.org/resources/hate-crimes-

    timeline (last accessed February 2016).

      8 Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act , PublicLaw 103-322, 103rd Cong., 2nd sess. (S eptember13, 1994), available at https://www.congress.gov/bill/103rd-congress/house-bill/3355/text?q=%7B%22search%22%3A%5B%22Violent+Crime+Control+and+Law+Enforcement+Act%22%5D%7D&resultIndex=11.

    9 U.S. Department of Justice, “The Matthew Shephardand James Byrd, Jr., Hate Crimes Prevention Act of2009,” available at http://www.justice.gov/crt/matthew-shepard-and-james-byrd-jr-hate-crimes-prevention-act-2009-0 (last accessed February 2016).

      10 National Institute of Justice, “Hate Crime,” available athttp://nij.gov/topics/crime/hate-crime/pages/wel-come.aspx (last accessed February 2016).

      11 Anti-Defamation League, “Anti-Defamation LeagueState Hate Crime Statutory Provisions” (2016), availableat http://www.adl.org/assets/pdf/combating-hate/ADL-updated-2016-Excel-State-Hate-Crime-Statutes.pdf .

      12 Anti-Defamation League “#50StatesAgainstHate: An Ini-tiative for Stronger Hate Crime Laws,” available at http://www.adl.org/civil-rights/m/50statesagainsthate/#.VrO0YOZK9_A (last accessed February 2016).

      13 Anti-Defamation League, “Anti-Defamation LeagueState Hate Crime Statutory Provisions.”

      14 June 2015 is the most recent date for which data areavailable.

    15 TRAC Reports, “Convictions in Federal Hate CrimesSince FY 2010,” June 25, 2015, available at http://trac.syr.edu/tracreports/crim/393.

      16 Benjamin B. Wagner, “Unique Approaches for a Unique Type of Crime: Prosecuting Hate Crimes,” U.S. Depart-ment of Justice, July 8, 2015 available at http://www.


      17 TRAC Reports, “Conviction in Federal Hate Crimes SinceFY 2010.”

     1 8 Jack Levin and Jack McDevitt, Hate Crimes Revisited: America’s War on Those Who Are Different  (Boulder,CO: Westview Press, 2002), p. 188; Lara Pellegri-nelli, “Hate Crime Statistics Lack Key Facts,” NPR,December 2, 2010, available at http://www.npr.org/2010/12/02/131761843/Hate-Crime-Statistics-Lack-Key-Facts; Jack Levin and Jack McDevitt, “HateCrimes.” In Lester Kurtz, ed., The Encyclopedia of Peace,Violence, and Conflict  (Cambridge, MA: Academic Press,2008), available at http://jack levinonviolence.com/articles/HateCrimesencyc92206FINAL.pdf .

    19 Levin and McDevitt, Hate Crimes Revisited , p. 118; TheLeadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights,“Hate Crimes in America: The Nature and Magnitude ofthe Problem,” available at http://www.civilrights.org/publications/hatecrimes/nature-and-magnitude.html(last accessed February 2016).

      20 Nicole Krasavage and Scott Bronstein, “Are victimsfalling through America’s hate crime data gap?”,CNN, March 23, 2013, available at http://www.cnn.com/2013/03/15/justice/hate-crime-statistics/; Christo-pher Ingraham, “The ugly truth about hate crimes—in5 charts and maps,” The Washington Post , June 18, 2015,available at https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2015/06/18/5-charts-show-the-stubborn-

    persistence-of-american-hate-crime/; Linda Mooney,David Knox, and Caroline Schacht, Understanding SocialProblems (Boston, MA: Cengage Learning, 2015), p. 296.

    21 Federal Bureau of Investigation, “2014 Hate CrimeStatistics,” available at https://www.fbi.gov/about-us/cjis/ucr/hate-crime/2014/tables/table-1 (last accessed February 2016); Federal Bureau ofInvestigation, “2013 Hate Crime Statistics,” avail-able at https://www.fbi.gov/about-us/cjis/ucr/hate-crime/2013/tables/1tabledatadecpdf/table_1_incidents_offenses_victims_and_known_of-fenders_by_bias_motivation_2013.xls (last accessedFebruary 2016); Federal Bureau of Investigation,“2012 Hate Crime Statistics,” available at https://www.fbi.gov/about-us/cjis/ucr/hate-crime/2012/tables-and-data-declarations/1tabledatadecpdf/table_1_incidents_offenses_victims_and_known_of-fenders_by_bias_motivation_2012.xls (last accessed

    February 2016); Federal Bureau of I nvestigation, “2011Hate Crime Statistics,” available at https://www.fbi.gov/about-us/cjis/ucr/hate-crime/2011/tables/table-1 (lastaccessed February 2016); Federal Bureau of Investiga-tion, “2010 Hate Crime Statistics,” available at https://www.fbi.gov/about-us/cjis/ucr/hate-crime/2010 (lastaccessed February 2016).

    22 Ibid.


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    17 Center for American Progress |  Hate and Guns

      23 Matt Furber and Dave Philipps, “4 Arrested in Shootingat Black Lives Matter Protest Are Identified,” The NewYork Times, November 25, 2015, available at http://www.nytimes.com/2015/11/26/us/4-arrested-in-shooting-at-black-lives-matter-protest-are-identified.html?_r=0.

    24 Federal Bureau of Investigation, “2013 Hate CrimeStatistics”; Federal Bureau of Investigation, “2012 HateCrime Statistics”; Federal Bureau of Investigation, “2011Hate Crime Statistics”; Federal Bureau of Investigation,“2010 Hate Crime Statistics”; Federal Bureau of Investi-

    gation, “2014 Hate Crime Statistics.”

    25 Ibid.

    26 Ibid.

      27 State v. Jones, 2011-Ohio, 1st DCA, appeal no.C-110059, trial no. B-0902585, available at http://www.hamiltoncountyohio.gov/appealscourt/docs/decisions/C-110059_12232011.pdf .

      28 Ibid.; Max Simon, “Gregory Beauchamp Died OverA Mountain Dew Can. His Killer Will Serve 25 years,”Queerty, January 26, 2011, available at http://www.queerty.com/gregory-beauchamp-died-over-a-moun-tain-dew-can-his-killer-will-serve-25-years-20110126. 

    29 Ibid.

      30 Mark Potok, “DOJ Study: More Than 250,000 HateCrimes a Year, Most Unreported,” Southern PovertyLaw Center, March 26, 2013, available at https://www.splcenter.org/hatewatch/2013/03/26/doj-study-more-250000-hate-crimes-year-most-unreported.

      31 Bureau of Justice Statistics, “Data Collection: NationalCrime Victimization Survey,” available at http://www.bjs.gov/index.cfm?ty=dcdetail&iid=245 (last accessedFebruary 2016).

    32 Ryan Sibley, “The benefits of criminal justice data:Beyond policing,” Sunlight Foundation, May 1,2015, available at https://sunlightfoundation.com/blog/2015/05/01/the-benefits-of-criminal-justice-data-beyond-policing/. 

    33 Meagan Meuchel Wilson, “Hate Crime Victimization,2004–2012 - Statistical Tables” (Washington: Bureau

    of Justice Statistics, 2014), available at http://www.bjs.gov/content/pub/pdf/hcv0412st.pdf .

    34 Center for American Progress analysis of Bureau ofJustice Statistics, “National Crime Victimization Survey2013-2014,” available at http://www.bjs.gov/index.cfm?ty=dcdetail&iid=245 (last accessed February 2016).In order to obtain the statistics for hate crimes for 2014,the authors used the same methodology as Wilson,“Hate Crime Victimization, 2004–2012 - Statistic Tables.”Estimates are based on a two-year rolling averagescentered on the most recent year.

    35 Center for American Progress analysis of Bureau ofJustice Statistics, “National Crime Victimization Survey2010-2014,” available at http://www.bjs.gov/index.cfm?ty=dcdetail&iid=245 (last accessed February2016). The authors obtained the annual number of hatecrimes and summed them up to obtain the 2010–2014

    total. For these data, the two-year rolling averages werenot necessary.

    36 Ibid.

      37 Ibid.

      38 Richard Winton and Kate Mather, “Sheriff: Elliot Rogerfired 50-plus times in Isla Vista rampage,” Los AngelesTimes, June 4, 2014, available at http://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-elliot-rodger-shooting-isla-vista-20140604-story.html; Nicky Woolf, “Chillingreport details how Elliot Rodger executed murderousrampage,”The Guardian, February 20, 2015, available athttp://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2015/feb/20/mass-shooter-elliot-rodger-isla-vista-killings-report.

      39 Joseph Serna, “Elliot Rodger meticulously planned IslaVista rampage, report says,” Los Angeles Times, February

    19, 2015, available at http://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-santa-barbara-isla-vista-rampage-investigation-20150219-story.html.

      40 Southern Poverty Law Center, “Intelligence Report”(2016), p. 35, available at https://www.splcenter.org/sites/default/files/ir160-spring2016-splc.pdf .

    41 Edward Dunbar, Jary Quinones, and Desiree A.Crevecoeur, “Assessment of Hate Crime Offenders:

     The Role of Bias Intent in Examining Violence Risk,” Journal of Forensic Psychology Practice 5 (1) (2005): 1–19;Southern Poverty Law Center, “Age of the Wolf: A Studyof the Rise of Lone Wolf and Leaderless Resistance

     Terrorism” (2015), available at https://www.splcenter.org/20150212/lone-wolf-report.

      42 Human Rights Campaign and Trans People of ColorCoalition, “Addressing Anti-Transgender Violence”

    (2015), available at http://hrc-assets.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com//files/assets/resources/HRC-AntiTransgenderViolence-0519.pdf.

      43 Mark Potok, “FBI: Reported Hate Crimes Down Nation-ally, Except Against Muslims,” Southern Poverty LawCenter, November 16, 2015, available at https://www.splcenter.org/hatewatch/2015/11/16/fbi-reported-hate-crimes-down-nationally-except-against-muslims.

      44 Eric Lichtblau, “Crimes Against Muslim Americansand Mosques Rise Sharply,” The New York Times, December 17, 2015, available at http://www.nytimes.com/2015/12/18/us/politics/crimes-against-muslim-americans-and-mosques-rise-sharply.html?_r=0. 

    45 Dan Majors, “Muslim taxi driver shot on Thanksgiv-ing in Hazelwood calls attack a hate crime,” PittsburgPost-Gazette, available at http://w ww.post-gazette.

    com/local/city/2015/11/29/Muslim-taxi-driver-shot-on- Thanksgiving-in-Pittsburgh-calls-attack-a-hate-crime/stories/201511290154. 

    46 Ibid.

      47 Associated Press, “Man Who Shot at ConnecticutMosque Is to Plead Guilty to Hate Crime,”The NewYork Times, February 8, 2016, available at http://www.nytimes.com/2016/02/09/nyregion/man-who-shot-at-connecticut-mosque-is-to-plead-guilty-to-hate-crime.html; Jacquie Slater and Jesse Gosselin, “Arrest made af-ter bullets hit Meriden mosque,” News 8 WTNH, Decem-ber 18, 2015, available at http://wtnh.com/2015/12/18/arrest-made-after-bullets-hit-meriden-mosque/.

      48 Center for American Progress analysis of the Bureau ofJustice Statistics, “National Crime Victimization Survey2010-2014.” In order to obtain the statistics for hate

    crimes, the authors used the same methodology asWilson, “Hate Crime Victimization, 2004–2012 - Statistic Tables.” Additionally, the number of hate crimes involv-ing a firearm from 2010 to 2014 is a rough estimatebecause it is based on the relatively few cases reportedthrough the NCVS.

      49 Ibid.


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    18 Center for American Progress |  Hate and Guns

      50 Ayla Ferrone, “Whitehall man accused of making racistthreats, collecting weapons,” ABC News 10, December1, 2015, available at http://news10.com/2015/12/01/whitehall-teen-accused-of-making-racist-threats-collecting-weapons/.

    51 David Edwards, “FBI anti-terrorism unit busts racist ‘hitgroup’ leader buying machine guns to ‘execute’ Jewsand blacks,” Raw Story, December 2, 2015, available athttp://www.rawstory.com/2015/12/fbi-anti-terrorism-unit-busts-racist-hit-group-leader-buying-machine-guns-to-execute-jews-and-blacks/#.VmDdOfaClrQ.


    52 Ibid.

      53 Mike Spies, “The Gun Doesn’t Have to Go Off for It toBe a Hate Crime,” The Trace, August 10, 2015, availableat http://www.thetrace.org/2015/08/hate-crimes-race-assault-data-guns/. NIBRS is used to collect informationon crimes from local law enforcement by gatheringdata on the nature and type of offense, characteris-tics of the victims and offenders, types and value ofproperty stolen, and characteristics of persons arrestedin connection with the crime. Despite being a usefultool, there are limitations to NIBRS. For example, itonly presents incidents that have been reported to thepolice, and not all agencies participate or adequatelyfill out all the required information.

    54 Ibid.

      55 Human Rights Campaign and Trans People of ColorCoalition, “Addressing Anti-Transgender Violence.”

      56 Thomas Clouse, “Feds join Spokane shooting probe,”The Spokesman-Review , September 26, 2012, availableat http://www.spokesman.com/blogs/sirens/2012/sep/26/feds-join-spokane-shooting-probe/. 

    57 Ibid.

      58 Spies, “The Gun Doesn’t Have to Go Off for It to Be aHate Crime.”

    59 Southern Poverty Law Center, “Age of the Wolf.”

    60 Ibid.

    61 Anti-Defamation League, “Murder and Extremism in

    the United States in 2015” (2015), available at http://www.adl.org/assets/pdf/combating-hate/Murder-and-Extremism-in-the-United-States-in-2015-web.pdf.

      62 Eric Rosewood, “Violent Anti-LGBT Hate Crimes On The Rise After Marriage Equality Ruling,” The New CivilRights Movement, June 30, 2015, available at http://www.thenewcivilrightsmovement.com/ericrosswood/violent_lgbt_hate_crimes_on_the_rise_after_mar-riage_equality_ruling.

      63 Ibid.

      64 Libby Roerig, “Lone wolf terrorists target police more,but attacks n ot more frequent,” Indiana State UniversityNewsroom, September 18, 2014, available at http://www.indstate.edu/news/news.php?newsid=4081.

    65 18 U.S.C. §922(d)(1), (g)(1); Law Center to PreventGun Violence, “Categories of Prohibited People PolicySummary,” September 29, 2013, available at http://smartgunlaws.org/prohibited-people-gun-purchaser-policy-summary/.

      66 For example, see Code of Ala. § 13A-5-13; 11 Del. C.§ 1304; Fla. Stat. § 775.085; KRS § 532.031; La. R.S. §14:107.2; Miss. Code Ann. § 99-19-301; Tex. Penal Code§ 12.47; Va. Code Ann. § 18.2-57.

      67 Cal Pen Code § 422.6(a); C.R.S. 18-9-121.

      68 Al Jazeera America, “Three students charged withhate crimes at California college,” November 23,2013, available at http://america.aljazeera.com/articles/2013/11/23/three-students-chargedwithhate-crimesatcacollege.html.

    69 For example, see Conn. Gen. Stat. §53a-181; Cal PenCode § 422.6; C.R.S. 18-9-121.

     70 Levin and McDevitt, Hate Crimes Revisited , p. 79.

      71 Garen J. Wintemute and others, “Prior MisdemeanorConvictions as a Risk Factor for Later Violence andFirearm Related Criminal Activity Among AuthorizedPurchasers of Handguns,” Journal of American Medical Association 280 (24) (1998).

      72 Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence, “Categories ofProhibited People Policy Summary.”

    73 Minn. Stat. § 624.713(11).

     74 ORS §§ 166.470(1)(g); 166.155.

     75 N.J. Stat. § 2C:39-7.

     76 11 Del. C. § 1304.

     77 Md. PUBLIC SAFETY Code Ann. § 5-101.

     78 ALM GL ch. 140, § 129B.

      79 Enacting this law at the state level, as well as federally,would ensure more-robust enforcement because itwould provide state and local law enforcement withthe ability to investigate and prosecute violations ofthis law in addition to federal law enforcement.

      80 District of Columbia v. Heller , 554 U.S. 570 (2008).

    81 Ibid.


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