have tubes will travel

Have tubes will travel?

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Post on 31-Jul-2015




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1. Have tubes will travel? 2. With your partner see how long it takes water to move from one end of the paper towel to the other end? Start time:__________ End Time: __________ Now try it with the eye dropper. Which method moved water the fastest? Race to the top 3. Vascular tissue transports food, nutrients, and water through a plants body similar to veins or small pipes. Vascular tissue supports a plants body, allowing for great size. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C9LHjV48e9s The Redwoods Vascular Plants 4. There are two types of vascular tissue Phloem : start in leaves; transport sugar to stems and roots Xylem : start in roots; transport water/nutrients up to stems & leaves 5. When you think of xylem you need to connect it to water- think of the alphabet w-x-y W- water XY for xylem ********************************************* For Phloem think of the sound f in food and in phloem How to remember 6. Vascular plants are more numerous than non-vascular plants. There three types of vascular plants. 1. Ferns -2) Seed Plants (flowers, oak, white pine) Gymnosperms; (pine tree) Angiosperms (seeds are inside fruit; apple tree) fern Gymnosperm Angiosperm 7. Nonvascular Plants Do not have a vascular system (xylem and phloem). Water and nutrients simply move through the plants body cell by cell. A plant can get water this way as long as the plants body is no more than a few cells thick. Examples- moss 8. From your paper towel vs. eye dropper race Which one represents vascular Plants? Which one represents non-vascular Plants? Thought question: What process is working to move water through the paper towel? What do you think?