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  • 8/3/2019 Hawkins Electrical Guide


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    IHoME ll GEAVITATIOII | | co!,lrAcr I lrELa4iBlENo IH awkinsElectricalGuide.com

    Gravitational Radiation EmissionfromNatural Sources of Terrestrial Protons

    One of the predictions found in the text, Fundamental Invariance and Natural Numbers is the ParallelGravitationaf Spectrum. For every discrete photon or lepton energy in the electromagnetic spectrumthere is a discreie gravitational wave energy. The electromagnetic spectrum covers a wide range ofenergies but the non-relativistic range oftotal energies for the electron and tlte proton are essentiallyclose to the rest energies ofthose leptons.In general, the gravitational emission radiation energy is much lower in magnitude than the particlerest energy. For ihe rest proton in particular, the frequency of the gravitational emission is found to be204.071kH2. This frequincy is then modified by the proton Gyromagnetic Ratio and is heard in naturalsources as a73.071KH2 signal. Please refer to this short (BAcIKGROUND ITIEORY) paper for details0n how this frequency is arrived at. This frequency can easily be heard in the VLF spectrum by anyLongwave DX'er, using modest receiving equipment.Thi major natural proton signal source being investigated is the flux ofprotons trapped by themagnetic bottle eflect ofthe earth's geomagnetosphere, predominantly from the solar wind and to aminor extent from the galactic wind. A great informational site is the US Geological Survey(( j eoma-gnel ilql-llagc ). Solar flare eruptions and coronal mass ejections, such as seen inthe record flare-ups in October of 2003, increase the signal strength greatly adding to the evidence that this signal mayindeed be emanating from this source. One the best places to investigate solar activity is at theNATIONAL OCEANOGRAPHIC and ATMOSPHERIC ADMINISTRATION (NO./\A HOINEPAgE] INaddition, this 73.071 KHz signal exhibits spectral components at about (850 Hz), the source of whichseems to be the cyclotron frequency ofkinetic protons in the earth's geomagnetosphere.

    Because ofthe important emphasis placed on the predictability and repeatability ofany experimenttliis signal source has been observed using several different methods as described in the followingarticle. Emphasis is more on general description rather than detailed analysis for the fact that thosewishing to repeat these "r,p"ri--.nt, will employ their own analysis and draw their own conclusions andalso to encourage amateur experimentation.One easy setup I use is a Yaesu FRG-100 communications receiver with a range of 50 KHz to 30MHz. a typical iong wire short wave antenna about 40 meters long with an orientation perpendicular to

    the North, and fed by a 50 ohm coaxial cable. The signal is very faint using AM mode with a signalauclio null occurring at 73.30 KHz. In CW mode the signal is loud and clear. As you tune across thesignal bandwidth the signal sounds like the "wind".-Using an HP 3580A spectrum analyzer connected to the recording oulpulgltherufcommunrcatrons lcurtsr urs srgtrar bpixrs trrs rdrrs.! tIF.., lrgF ! -',IDin reference to the audio range spectral component jusi dutside the human hearing range measured at al0 Hz resolution bandwidth and a 2 sec/cm sweep. The audio tone is highest in frequency at 71.22KH2and gradually strengthens. gets lower in frequency, and louder as 74.36 KHz ts approached. where thesignalsharplvcursotf.Thissamerangeisalso(7LWtt,usingmypersonalhearingrange-and as seen on the spectrum analyzer at a 1 Hz resolution bandwidth and a l0 sec/cm sweep.Sweeping across such a low resolution bandwidth increases greatly that any noise has equal powerdensity at all fiequencies. This is commonly known as white noise. In using the FRG-100communications receiver I also take into account that in CW mode the personally set 600 Hz BFO offsetalters the audio tone and hence slightly, the spectral result.

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    Page 2 ol5This signal bandwidtli is tentatively attributed to the range ofkinetic energies associated with theproton flux predominantly f'rom the solar wind and also to the variable magnetic B-field associated withchanging latitude/longitude coordinates and distance perpendicular to the earth's surface that individualprotons in motion may be located. Generally at lower latitudes the protons are deflected by this magneticB-fleld well before encountering the atmosphere and at upper latitudes the protons become trapped by

    tl.re magnetic bottle etlect and spiral inwards toward the northern magnetic pole.'fo correlate the spectral components ofthe 73.071 KHz signal to the proton cyclotron frequency f'romthe solar wind flux trapped in the geomagnetosphere, several bits of information are necessary. First of'fthe knowledge ofthe magnitude of the B-field at your location and ranging to the magnitude olthe B-tield at the nofthern magnetic pole is helpful. You can find these values at the NOAA (Nlagnctic l:ic1cl(ionrpLrtcr-). If you live in the USA just type in your Zip Code, otherwise you also can type in yourlatitude and longitude coordinates, which you can get here ( l -a liluder Lr4gllude lqnlpute). Thislatitnde/longitude f'eature is also helpful for finding the B-field magnitude near the magnetic poles wherethc signal strength due to increasing proton flux is much stronger but also where the magnetic fieldmagr.titude is much higher resulting in a higher cyclotron frequency. Here is a typical printout on oneparticular day at my house and also near the northem magnetic pole (near Barrow, Alaska). lPrinlouli )cc (). 2(X)3.1At rny location, about 60 km southwest of Boston, Massachusetts, USA, the field component resultantis F-53556 nT (nano-Tesla) and rises to about 63000 nT near the northern magnetic pole. Thistranslates to an approximate cyclotron frequency range of (816 Hz to 960 Hz). Additionally, much of thesolar proton flux arrives at the earth at relativistic velocity, thereby increasing the proton mass andlowering the cyclotron fiequency, which may explain the increasing signal strength in spectralcomponents at the lower audio range. For example a proton arriving at .90c near the northern magneticfield rnagnitude o163000 nT has a cyclotron fiequency of418 Hz. Additionally, decreasing B-fieldmagnitude such as fbund at increasing distances from the earth surface also lower this cyclotronfiequency. Refer to the short theory paper link above on how to calculate cyclotron frequency. A verygood and necessary discussion on the various intricacies involving details of B-field components and theMagnetic Elements correlated to specific geography can be forurd on the same page andjust below theB-field results that you may obtain for your location fiom the NOAA Magnetic Field Computer.

    I must also add that using the FRG-100, I have heard this signal suddenly shut down momentarily onvery rare occasion and then start back up. Knowing that this particular receiver has intermittent audioproblcms and thinking this activity perhaps due to internal receiver difficulty and also because thisparticular receiver has what I believe are IF image signals getting through even though they aresupposed to be completely flltered out, I did not trust this experiment as anything but a preliminaryscouting mission. In order to build confidence in the experiment and theory overall, the experiment hadto be repeated using diflerent equipment and techniques.Another potential problem is that this band is sometimes peppered with signals that are human inoligin. [n this regard the UK had designated the 73 kHz band for amateur radio experimentation forseveral years but rescinded that privilege in June of2003. Generally, there was a lack ofinterest duenrainly from the excessive noise floor characteristics of that band. (71 .6 KHz to 74.4 KHz) From thisauthor's view, the noise floor is the real interesting phenomena anyway, here are a few paragraphs abouttl.rat cpisode. Also. in that band are small Maritime or other beacons scattered around the globe. Thesestatiuns are not constant in their operrtion and generally have very nanow bandwidth transmissioncharacteristics typical ofClW operation (mostly only 100 Hz). Here is a ge!Ial tist of such stations. lncontrast. the ernission we are interested in is at least 3.l4KHz in bandwidth.With these potential problems in mind. experiments in the lab will also be conducted on laboratorysamples ofprotons. shielded from outside extemal electromagnetic interference, and also repofted onthis website.

    Ihe next project was to build the simplest receiving device thereby eliminating any potentialinterf'erence from the internal generation of stray signals as may be found in a modern digitally based

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    receiver and also to show an easy receiving device for the interested homebrew experimenter. A simpleC'rystal Itadio design coupled with an Operational Amplifier fits the requirements.The circuit is simply a lowcost operational amplifier (741) with a parallel LC resonance circuit (tankcircuit) tuned to 73.071 Khz. The output is about I millivolt, just right for observing on a typicalspectrum analyzer with a minimum of attenuation. The high input impedance of the 741 also saves onefi'orn lraving to tap the tank inductor Ll, or wind a secondary to it, as in the old days ofradio when theamplifier usually had a low impedance input. See ((llRCltJIl SCllliMA'l'Le) As far as the tank circuitL l . C I, C2. I have used many combinations to obtain similar results. All that is necessary is to satisfytlie fundamental resonant equation (see circuit schematic). The addition ofthe variable capacitor Cll isto allow some tuning range on either side of 73.071 KHz. My first working prototype was a real birdsnest but at these low frequencies circuit layout is not all that critical.NOTE: Ifyou are going to use a spectrum analyzer that is DC coupled it is advisable to put a capacitorin series with the positive output. The OP AMP circuit can pass DC and any voltage spikes couldrlamage a sensitive instrument. A (. I mfd) DC blocking capacitor only presents a capacitive reactance ofabol.rt 2l ohms, at 73 KLIz. and attenuates the signal only a few dB. Good insurance!!For those ofyou on a budget like me. very good results for observing spectral components in the audiorange can be obtained by using an FFT ( Fast Fourier Transform) application and a good sound cardwitl.r your PC. Typing in FFT into any search engine on the Web you can find many low-cost FFTprograms designed fbr audio enthusiasts. I use a Creative Sound Blaster sound card with a 48 KHzsampling rate (96 KHz is available), which according to the Nyquist Theorem isjust adequate to samplesignals below 24 KHz without aliasing. The proton cyclotron frequencies of interest (near 0 Hz to 1000Hz) are certainly well within these parameters. Here are a few spectrograms taken at the 73.30 KHz AMaudio null but in CW with a sound card:

    Data liom this FFT program can be saved in binary or delimited text formats and then analyzed in MSEXCEL or MATHCAD. Similarly, the data can also be directly saved in a wav.file and used byMATIICAD but wav.files are generally huge, and short streams are desirable.As far as signal power measurements (in Decibels), the sound card must be calibrated to an externalstandard, however so f-ar in this experiment this necessary information has not been elaborated on yet fbrlcasons discussed below. Frequency-wise the sound card is calibrated at manufacture and is quiteaccurate. and of course the FFT program is a math algorithm and reflects the accuracy ofthe sound card.The application I use is (lrl;'l' PBQPEI{TIES 3.5) and you can purchase it from that site. I very muchlike this program it has many useful features and is very modestly priced.Again using an HP 3580 spectrum analyzer (range 5 Hz to 50 KHz) the cyclotron spectral componentcan easily be observed (a|73.071KHz a bit less than 1000H2):

    llowever. with no iF circuitry and no low-pass audio filters the 73 KHz signal is also passed throughthc amplilier and is easily observed. Here is a spectral photograph of the signal obtained using aTektronix 7Ll4 spectrum analyzer with a Tektronix 7854 mainlrame and waveform calculator:

    flre twtr largest side lobes are 73.22. KHa which is within the ball park considering my non-traceableto NIST personally calibrated equipment and the two far side lobes are the 102.1 KHz signals. which arethc two removed degeneracy states, which in Fundamental Invariance Theory are equivalent to the

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    201.071KHz gravitational radiation emission. In essence this is a spectrum photograph ofan intrinsicgravitational wave from an elementary particle. in the context of a large population ofprotons. That the73 KHz and 204 KHz signals show up clearly in one spectrogram is amazing to this author and is onething prompting me to publish the results, even though far from fully conclusive and certainlypreliminary.Tlie tbllowing spectrogram was taken with a Scientific Atlanta GPD350-6A Digital Signal Analyzerwith a Tektronix 603 X/Y Storage Monitor. The two larger side lobes near the center frequency (offtothe lelt) are a strong 24 KHz signal that I have not as yet identified. (*WOW*) since this date have Ifirund out a thing or two about low frequency transmissions, take a look at this,....24 KHzIransmissions. There are two displays in the photo. The upper display, which is an average function ofthe basic signal. and the noisy lower display. In the upper display the lobe to the right with the brightcursor at the peak is the 73.50 KHz signal we are after. The 204 KHz signal is out ofthe range of thisanalvzer.

    Sir.rce these spectrograms were taken the 7L14 spectrum analyzer has been sidelined in need ofrepair.However, I have a vintage Tektronix 1L5 spectrum analyzer about to come online and also a Tektronix7L5 and 7L13. As more evidence becomes available I will update this website.IIPDATE: Dec 16.2003

    'llre Tektronix 7L5 and 7L13 are now in service. Here is a couple ofshots using the 7L5 Spectrumanalyzer and a Tektronix 7603 Scope frame. The first is a 73.25 KHz signal being observed through the741 OP AMP Crystal receiver aI2lKHzlDiv and I 0 ms/Div sweep. The second is a I 000 Hz signalbeing observed at 1 KHlDiv. Both are the signal seen under the dot cursor in the upper center of thephotos.

    Next shot is a 7L l3 Spectrum analyzer in a7854 Scope frame observed directly from the antenna with

    Also coming online is a new tuned loop antenna with approximately 8 Km of wire (2.5 meters indiarneter), to observe the geomagnetosphere in general, which I intend to fully document, and aIromebrew automated data acquisition system involving very short burst (to save disk memory) wav.filesor delimited text data, taken at say, every ten minutes over a period of months, to conelate to Solaractivity and/or other geomagnetic cycles and variations in general. Correlation also means to signalstrength. as mentioned above over a long period of time. Other data acquisition ideas may involvesimple data logging of signal strength over time based on linear voltage/Hz, through a very tightbal dpass frlter (centered on 73 .071 KHz). This type of data can be logged continuously withoutoccupying much disk space.

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    Page 4 ol5204.071 KHz gravitational radiation emission. In essence this is a spectrum photograph ofan intrinsicgravitational wave from an elementary particle. in the context ofa large population of protons. That the73 KHz and 204 KHz signals show up clearly in one spectrogram is amazing to this author and is onething prompting me to publish the results, even though far from fully conclusive and certainlypreliminary.

    The lbllowing spectrogram was taken with a Scientific Atlanta GPD350-6A Digital Signal Analyzerwith a Tektronix 603 X/Y Storage Monitor. The two larger side lobes near the center frequency (offtothe lefi) are a strong 24 KHz signal that I have not as yet identified. (*WOW*) since this date have Ifound out a thing or two about low frequency transmissions, take a look at thrs,....24KlIzlrtrnsnrissions. There are two displays in the photo. The upper display, which is an average function ofthe basic signal. and the noisy lower display. In the upper display the lobe to the right with the brightclrrsor at the peak is the 73.50KH2 signal we are after. The 204 KHz signal is out of the range of thisanalvzer.

    Since these spectrograms were taken the 7L14 spectrum analyzer has been sidelined in need ofrepair.Ilowever. I have a vintage Tektronix 1L5 spectrum analyzer about to come online and also a Tektronix7L5 and 7L 1i. As more evidence becomes available I will update this website.LJPDATE: Dec 16.2003

    Tl.re Tektronix 7L5 and 7Ll3 are now in service. Here is a couple ofshots using the 7L5 Spectrumanalyzer and a Tektronix 7603 Scope frame. The first is a 73.25 KHz signal being observed through the74l OP AMP Crystal receiver at 2lKHzlDiv and l0 ms/Div sweep. The second is a 1000 Hz signalbeing observed at 1 KHlDiv. Both are the signal seen under the dot cursor in the upper center of thephotos.

    Next shot is a 7L l3 Spectrum analyzer in a 7854 Scope frame observed directly from the antenna with

    Also coming online is a new tuned loop antenna with approximately 8 Km of wire (2.5 meters indiarneter), to observe the geomagnetosphere in general, which I intend to fully document, and ahomebrew automated data acquisition system involving very short burst (to save disk memqry) wav.hlesor delimited text data, taken at say, every ten minutes over a period of months, to conelate to Solaractivity and./or otlter geomagnetic cycles and variations in general. Correlation also means to signalstrength. as mentioned above over a long period of time. Other data acquisition ideas may involvesimple data logging of signal strength over time based on linear voltage/Hz, through a very tightbandpass tilter (centered on 73.071 KHz). This type of data can be logged continuously withoutoccupying much disk space.

    H awkins ElectricalG uide.comhttp : //www.hawkinselectrical guide. com/experitransfer/exp I .htm 811312009