haworth . cross roads . stanbury newsletterthe main criteria for joining the group and becoming a...

HAWORTH . CROSS ROADS . STANBURY Haworth News - April - May 2009 Sponsored by : Haworth, Cross Roads and Stanbury Parish Council Local Information gathered by Local People NEWSLETTER COMMUNITY FIRST RESPONDERS The Worth Valley Community First Responder group are looking for new volunteers to expand their already successful group. Worth Valley Community First Responders provide emergency care to patients suffering Cardiac Arrest, Heart Attacks, Breathing Difficulties and other serious medical conditions prior to the arrival of an ambulance. They cover an area within a 5-10 minute drive of the Worth Valley. No prior first aid knowledge is needed to join the First Responders as the group is trained by the Yorkshire Ambulance service on a 2 day course held locally. The training involves CPR (Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation), use of Automated External Defibrillator (AED), oxygen therapy, first aid and patient care as well as assessment and infection control. The main criteria for joining the group and becoming a responder is that you must be over 18 years of age; there is no upper age limit, although you must be able to carry the equipment and perform CPR for up to 20 minutes. You should also hold a full driving licence and be able to have a vehicle available to use whilst you are on call. You must also have a caring and sympathetic approach to people and be trustworthy and reliable. If you would like to volunteer or would like some more information on the group please feel free to contact their Recruitment Co-ordinator on 07973 204595 or visit their website at: http://worthvalleyresponders.webs.com . The current team would like to thank all those who have been involved with the recent fundraising efforts, with special thanks to The Sun Inn in Haworth who held a raffle, and also to the Royal Oak in Haworth who held a quiz night.

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Page 1: HAWORTH . CROSS ROADS . STANBURY NEWSLETTERThe main criteria for joining the group and becoming a responder is that you must be over 18 years of age; there is no upper age limit, although


Haworth News - April - May 2009

Sponsored by : Haworth, Cross Roads and Stanbury Parish Council

Local Information gathered by Local People



The Worth Valley Community First Responder group are looking for new volunteers to expand their already successful group.

Worth Valley Community First Responders provide emergency care to patients suffering Cardiac Arrest, Heart Attacks, Breathing Difficulties and other serious medical conditions prior to the arrival of an ambulance. They cover an area within a 5-10 minute drive of the Worth Valley.

No prior first aid knowledge is needed to join the First

Responders as the group is trained by the Yorkshire Ambulance service on a 2 day course held locally. The training involves CPR (Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation), use of Automated External Defibrillator (AED), oxygen therapy, first aid and patient care as well as assessment and infection control.

The main criteria for joining the group and becoming a responder is that you must be over 18 years of age; there is no upper age limit, although you must be able to carry the equipment and perform CPR for up to 20 minutes. You should also hold a full driving licence and be able to have a vehicle available to use whilst you are on call. You must also have a caring and sympathetic approach to people and be trustworthy and reliable.

If you would like to volunteer or would like some more information on the group please feel free to contact their Recruitment Co-ordinator on 07973 204595 or visit their website at: http://worthvalleyresponders.webs.com. The current team would like to thank all those who have been involved with the recent fundraising efforts, with special thanks to The Sun Inn in Haworth who held a raffle, and also to the Royal Oak in Haworth who held a quiz night.

Page 2: HAWORTH . CROSS ROADS . STANBURY NEWSLETTERThe main criteria for joining the group and becoming a responder is that you must be over 18 years of age; there is no upper age limit, although

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Contacting Your Parish Councillors

Cross Roads Ward

Ian Shackleton 01535 602417 [email protected]

Anne Knott (Chair of Planning) 01535 643999 [email protected]

Haworth Ward

John Huxley (Chairman) 01535 648422 [email protected]

Peter Hill (Vice Chair) 01535 644868 [email protected]

Haworth Ward cont….

Barry Thorne 01535 211762 [email protected]

Rosemary Key 01535 646428 [email protected] Beverley Watts 01535 673653 [email protected] Alan Watts 01535 645168 [email protected] Philip Jolly 01535 649320 [email protected]

Haworth Ward cont….

Rosie Broomhead 01535 647839 [email protected]

Patricia Thorne 01535 211762

Stanbury Ward

Lesley O’Brien 01535 648009 [email protected]

Clerk to the Council

Glyn Broomhead 11 Lees Bank Avenue Cross Roads BD22 9EW 01535 647839 [email protected]

Parish Council Column

Surely there can’t be anybody in this neck of the woods who isn’t now aware that times are hard! After all, we hear virtually daily of the plight being endured by not only our country but the rest of the world too - financial holocaust. That situation came home to roost at the Parish Council in January when members considered the Council’s annual budget. Basically, the Councillors fell into two distinct camps. Those who wanted a stand still budget and those who wanted to show an increase in the hope that some of the Credit Crunch effects could be mitigated, even marginally, in the three villages.

After a very healthy full and frank debate when each Councillor had the opportunity to state their opinion and point of view, the stand still budget was passed for 2009 – 2010. It was easy to have sympathy with both sides of the argument; both had equal merit for most of us. But hard decisions had to be made. The Council’s decision was, I believe, made fairly and democratically. It did, however, reveal some of the differences in emphasis held by each individual member. Next year this process could be a whole lot easier because now that the Parish Plan has been published there are identifiable objectives and targets for the Parish Council to meet.

On March 1 the Parish Plan was delivered after a gestation period of almost three and half years. Much of this time was devoted to studying what the public and special interest consultations had revealed: in real terms what you identified as being important for the future of our district and what priorities you placed on those tasks. Now perhaps for the first time since the Parish Council was formed we can see what tasks need to be undertaken and in which order. We shall be calling a conference of all our Councillors to consider tasks allocated to it under the terms of the Parish Plan and then the work will really start.

The Plan is a fairly weighty document and if you would like one a copy is available, free of charge, from the Worth Valley Contact Point at Changegate and at various other points throughout the Worth Valley. If you really care about your district and want to be part of the delivery process why not get hold of a copy and see what YOU can do to help!

John Huxley, Chair, Haworth, Cross Roads and Stanbury Parish Council

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This is just a reminder to everyone to be aware of people calling at your door trying to sell items such as smoke alarms, door chains and other, similar security type items.

A man has appeared in court for attempting to sell items such as these in the West Yorkshire area charging vulnerable people extortionate prices. This is a timely reminder that such people exist, who are not genuine, and will try to take advantage.

If anyone experiences anything like this, please let us know immediately by contacting one of the following:

The Contact Point on 01535 644001 or email [email protected]

The Worth Valley Police Team on 01274 475331 or email [email protected]

Catherine Wynn, NHW coordinator 07525 989030 or email [email protected]

West Lane Methodist Church and Grimshaw Centre

Many people`s interest in family history is sparked by the BBC TV series "Who do you think you are?" and it could be that some of your ancestors are buried in Haworth`s two Methodist graveyards. The small congregation is struggling to maintain these two large areas which contain many interesting memorials dating back as far as the early 18th century.

Work over the last 18 months means that it is now possible to see many of the gravestones and serves as a reminder that each grave is owned not by the church but by the families of those buried there. It is really up to them to care for the graves but we realise that in some cases there will be no one left. In some cases the gravestones have fallen and some graves are collapsing.

There are literally hundreds of people remembered here, not all from the Worth Valley. And the top graveyard in particular, reveals the social history of the area. Here we see how many children died in infancy in the late 1800s and early 1900s. Wealthy mill owners are united in death with those who worked for them.

There is the grave of a former headmaster at the old Wesleyan Day School now used for worship and as a community centre and that of the first superintendent minister of the Haworth and Oakworth Methodist Circuit, the Rev Samson Cocks. Memorials to young men sacrificed in the First World War are scattered throughout and there are several war graves which are the responsibility of the Commonwealth War Graves Commission. Local names ranging from Akeroyd to Wright are to be found here. The graveyards will be closed from time to time to be treated with weedkiller in a bid to keep things in check but meantime feel free to go along with your trowel and shears to tend one or two graves. The more people who help the easier the work will be.

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Once again the Upper Worth Valley History Group is running a series of walks in the Haworth area. Please note that there are a few changes this year :

• Walks will be on Wednesdays. • They are not all on successive weeks – there are gaps. • Not all walks start from bus stops.

For the first time we have a visiting leader for one of the walks. We are fortunate to have Alison Tymon of the West Yorkshire Geology Trust leading a walk on Penistone Hill to look at the geology and quarrying industry of the area. The first two walks take up last year’s theme of boundaries. In fact they are the two walks that we were unable to do last year owing to an unwelcome dose of flu.

1. APRIL 22nd Alcomden Stones and Crow Hill – 6 miles. Meet south side of Ponden Reservoir near sailing club (SD 992369) at 10 a.m.

2. APRIL 29th Oxenhope Stoop & the Noonan Stones – 5.5 miles. Meet at the small car park (the one with the public toilets) on the west side of Penistone Hill (SE 018361) at 10 a.m.

3. MAY 13th Penistone Hill geology trail with Alison Tymon – 2 or 3 miles. A short walk taking a leisurely look at the geology and quarries of Penistone Hill. Meet at Haworth Tourist Information Centre at 10 a.m.

4. MAY 20th Quarries of the Black Moor area – 6 miles. Meet at Haworth Tourist Information Centre at 10 a.m.

5. JUNE 10th Lumb Foot, Blue Stone Delf and Griffe Mill. Meet at Haworth Tourist Information Centre at 10 a.m.

6. JUNE 17th Coombe Hill Cross and the Wolf stones – 6.5 miles Meet south side of Ponden Reservoir near sailing club (SD 992369) at 10 a.m.

Mud is inevitable, rain is likely – come prepared with walking boots and waterproofs. Bring a packed lunch. If you need any more information contact Steven Wood Phone: 01535-645735 Email: [email protected]

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Haworth Village Association

If the name of this association is unfamiliar to you, don’t worry.

Until recently, most of the village’s events were organised and run by the Haworth Trader’s Association. Now however, an invitation has been extended to the villagers themselves to become involved in events at all levels from planning to participation. To reflect this new direction the name ‘Haworth Village Association’ has been chosen … and a new era begins. There will be more about the new association in a later issue, but for now we would like to bring three popular events to your attention:

Haworth 40’s weekend

This year’s event will take place on the 16th and 17th May. As usual, there will be a full weekend program including re-enactments, dances and street performers. There is also a strong possibility of two separate fly-overs by historic aeroplanes, one on each day. Look out for posters and time-tables nearer the time.

Haworth 60’s weekend

June 20th – 21st. This will be the second year of this event and interest in it is growing. Despite dreadful weather last year, the turn-out was very encouraging, with lots of scooters, memorabilia … and two valiant musicians who played throughout the day on the church steps! This year expect even more scooters plus minis and other vehicles, more musicians and lots of ‘dressing up’! Posters and timetables will be placed around the village before the event.

‘Wall of Art®’

Although this event doesn’t take place until mid-July, preparations are already underway and we have received our first grant: £300 from Keighley Community Chest. This year’s ‘wall’ will once again be attached to the outside of the Black Bull on Main Street, but will comprise 200 paintings, instead of the usual 100. This is to allow for schools, community groups, care homes, etc., to take part. If you are involved with such a group and would like to take part, please contact ‘Haworth People’s Art’ at; [email protected] or call 01535 647449. In closing, the association has a favour to ask: please would residents try their best to accommodate the village’s events and take them into consideration when parking vehicles? We do understand that some use of Main Street for access is unavoidable, but where at all possible, please help. Thank you.

Chris McCarthy

Page 6: HAWORTH . CROSS ROADS . STANBURY NEWSLETTERThe main criteria for joining the group and becoming a responder is that you must be over 18 years of age; there is no upper age limit, although

Sue Ryder Care Manorlands Hospice Midnight Walk 2009

Come on girls! Take to the streets and be part of a night to remember. You are invited to take part in Manorlands Hospice second Midnight Walk 2009. This year’s event is being held on Saturday 6 June and will follow a 10 mile route from the Bradford and Bingley Rugby Club, Wagon Lane, Bingley to Sainsbury’s, Keighley and back. Registration is £12 and includes a Midnight Walk T-shirt and there will be refreshments, goody bag and medal at the finish. Please note that we cannot accept registration on the night so register today to avoid disappointment. You can register online at www.suerydercare.org/midnightwalks . I hope you can join us for a fun evening that will also help your local hospice. Our running costs this year will be £2 million in this area. By taking part you will be helping us to continue to provide our expert services which include an in-patient unit, day therapy unit and community team as well as specialist bereavement counsellors and complementary therapists. If you have any questions or would like further information please call the fundraising office on 01535 6403430 or email [email protected] Thank you for your kind support and hopefully we will see you on the night. The Fundraising Team.

WANTED - SCHOOL CROSSING PATROL PERSON A school crossing patrol person is required for Haworth Primary School. Times: Monday - Friday, term time only, 8.20am - 9.05am and 3.00pm - 4.00pm Total hours 8¾ per week. Uniform and training are provided and Bank Holidays are paid. The weekly wage is £55.00 You must be over 18 but there is no upper age limit. Interested? Contact Tony Merifield on 01274 385636.

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Join in the fun at the Bronte Parsonage this Easter!

Friday 10 April - Storytelling for children

Saturday 11 April - Art and craft activities for children

Sunday 12 April - Branwell’s About! - Branwell tells the Bronte story; performances in the Parsonage Garden at 2.30 and 3.30pm

Monday 13 April - Special drama performances; scenes from Jane Eyre performed through the day in the Parsonage Garden.

There’s also a children’s Easter trail throughout the holiday, a newly refurbished exhibition space featuring the treasures of the collection and fun interactives for the children, new displays throughout the Parsonage rooms and an exhibition of costumes from the new ITV Wuthering Heights.


Easter Fun at the Bronte Parsonage Museum


In association with CALTEC, the Shipley based training agency, the Contact Point is again arranging computer classes for the Summer Term. Classes will be held on Tuesdays and will run for 12 sessions commencing 22nd April. There will be a week off during the Spring Half Term on Tuesday 26th May. Classes will be held as usual in West Lane Baptist Church with CALTEC providing all the facilities.

As usual we are offering a class for complete beginners and a digital photography course as well as the Introduction to Microsoft Office Applications. There will not be a Certificated course this time. The cost will be £48 for tuition plus a £5 registration fee with both of these amounts payable on enrolment. In addition there is a weekly charge of £2 payable on attendance. For more information or to register your interest in any of these classes please call the Contact Point on 01535 644001 or email [email protected] .

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What’s April 2009

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1st April, Wednesday Worth Valley Book Group ‘The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society’ by Mary Ann Shaffer 7.30pm The Old White Lion, Haworth 2nd April, Thursday Churches Together Lent Group Meet at 10.30am, West Lane Methodist Church 2nd April, Thursday Upper Worth Valley History Group Open Archive 1.00pm - 3.00pm, Contact Point, 28 Changegate 4th April, Saturday Haworth Cat Rescue Table Top Sale 9.30 - 11.30am, West Lane Methodist Hall, Haworth 5th April, Sunday Learn Map Reading and GPs A 3 mile circular walk with a classroom base. Prebooking is essential, packed lunch required. Meet Ken Bailey at 10.30am at Haworth Tourist Information Centre, top of Main Street. Learn very basic map reading and GPS skills. Classroom based morning, short practical walk in the afternoon. Limited to 20 places. To book contact: 01274 432666. 6th April, Monday Stanbury & District WI Bed & Breakfast by Mrs C Clarkson 7.30pm West Lane Baptist Church, Haworth

7th April, Tuesday Cross Roads and Lees Church & Chapel Ladies Group ‘Yorkshire Air Ambulance Saves Lives’ arranged by Christine Shaw 7.30pm Lees Methodist Chapel 11th April, Saturday The Ogden Giants Tooth A 4½ mile circular themed walk. Packed lunch required. Meet David Anderson at 11.00am at Denholme Velvets Mill, Denholme Gate on the A629 Halifax Road. An ideal family walk with a story. Parking available in the mill car park. 13th April, Easter Monday Haworth West Lane Methodist Church Mini Market 10am- 2pm. Hot and cold food, stalls and games. 20th April, Monday Haworth, Cross Roads and Stanbury Parish Council Annual Parish meeting & Full Parish Council 7.00pm St. James Church Halls, Crossroads 23rd April, Thursday Bestselling novelist Kate Atkinson reads from and discusses her latest novel ‘When Will There Be Good News’. Tickets £5. Bookings [email protected] or call 01535 640188 7.30pm Old Schoolroom, Church St. Haworth 25th April, Saturday Handbags and Glad Rags Sale From 10.30am West Lane Methodist Church, Haworth



The Worth Valley First Responders, featured on the front page, are supporting the national 999whereareyou campaign.

When they respond to an emergency call they need to find where they are going quickly - someone’s life may depend on it. The Can We Find You Campaign aims to ensure that householders and businesses put their property number on their outside wall, door or gate of the property as well as the name of the house or business.

Please check your house - would the emergency services be able to identify your property quickly in the event of an emergency?

Page 9: HAWORTH . CROSS ROADS . STANBURY NEWSLETTERThe main criteria for joining the group and becoming a responder is that you must be over 18 years of age; there is no upper age limit, although

’s On ? May 2009

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11th May, Monday Haworth, Cross Roads and Stanbury Parish Council Annual Meeting of the Parish Council 7.00pm, West Lane Baptist Church, Haworth 16th and 17th May Haworth 1940’s weekend Dance tickets available. Tel 01535 640 640, or pop into Oh La La 16th May, Saturday NAAFI café and mini-market As part of the 1940s weekend From 10.00am, West Lane Methodist Church, Haworth 17th May, Sunday Guided Walk “Forest and Moorland” An 8½ mile circular walk. Packed lunch required. Meet Ken Bailey at 10.30am at the junction of the old Bradford Road and Grange Road, Riddlesden. A steep climb to start out of Airedale onto the moors overlooking Wharfedale. Nearest bus stop Bar Lane, Riddlesden. For further information contact: Countryside and Rights of Way Service on 01274 432666. 30th May, Saturday Guided Walk “Haworth’s Hidden Spar” A 7 mile circular walk. Packed lunch required. Meet David Anderson at 11.00am at the top of Main Street, Haworth near the Tourist Information Centre for a climb up Spa Hill.

3rd May, Sunday Sunday School Anniversary Service led by minister Rev Alf Waite. Anyone with liks to the church is warmly invited. 10.30am and 6.00pm, West Lane Methodist Church, Haworth 5th May, Tuesday Cross Roads and Lees Church & Chapel Ladies Group, Fashion Show by Complete Clothing Company- with clothing and accessories for sale, arranged by Marian Taylor. 7.30pm St. James Church Hall, Cross Roads 6th May, Wednesday Worth Valley Book Group “Purple Hibiscus” by Chimammanda Ngozi 7.30pm, The Old White Lion, Haworth 7th May Thursday Upper Worth Valley History Group Open Archive 1.00pm - 3.00pm, Contact Point, 28 Changegate 7th May, Thursday Informal coffee and prayers 10.30am West Lane Methodist Church, Haworth 11th May, Monday Stanbury & District WI “History of Locks and Keys” - Mr D Key, E.M.L.A. 7.30pm West Lane Baptist Church, Haworth


Do you have an hour or two to spare every other month? The Contact Point and the Parish Council would like to recruit more volunteers to help deliver this newsletter. If you think you might be able to help, or if you’d like more information, please contact Hilary at the Contact Point on 01535 644001 or email [email protected]

The Contact Point is also recruiting volunteers and would be interested to hear from any-one aged 18 or over who may be interested in becoming a Volunteer in Policing and would be able to make a regular commitment of an hour or two each week. The work is varied and interesting and there are never two days the same. Call Hilary on the number above for more information.

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After gaining Premier Club Status from the English Table Tennis Association (ETTA), Haworth Hawks are now very close to achieving Club Mark status, which is a recognised accreditation by Sport England – it is the mark of a quality sport club.

We opened our doors in January 2007, starting off with a very successful Open Evening. In the 2 years we have been running, we have attracted players of all ages ranging from 5 up to 80 years old, both male and female and of all abilities from the very beginners to advanced players who regularly enter competitions.

Due to our rapid expansion we have had to introduce a waiting list for our junior section as Haworth Community Centre cannot accommodate any more table tennis tables. We do however, still have space in our adults section. Adults can receive coaching on Friday Evening’s between 8pm and 9pm, or on Sunday mornings between 10am and 12pm, both at the Haworth Community Centre. If you are interested please contact Andy Bray on the details below.

If anyone has any information about buildings in the area that are to let or for sale that may accommodate a large table tennis club please get in touch. We are looking for a clear floor space of about 4,000ft².

We would love to be able to continue growing at the rate we have done up to now, but it is dependent upon both volunteers and quality facilities. If you have any interest in table tennis, or coaching in general, and feel you would be able to offer your services by helping to coach our junior, please get in touch. Many of you may know that there are plans for a new Community Centre and Library in Haworth and your support in ensuring this community facility is large enough to accommodate sport of a large scale would be much appreciated.

Sport is such an important part of life and is well known to reduce obesity and stress. Table Tennis is ideal for all of these and can be played by any member of the community at a cheap rate.

If you have any questions whatsoever or feel you can helping any way, please contact Head Coach and Secretary of the club, Andy Bray on 01535 645253 / 07766 428307, or email [email protected]. Alternatively, please log on to our website www.haworthhawks.co.uk for more information.


The Rotary Club of Haworth & Worth Valley is continuing to collect used and unwanted spectacles for Vision Aid Overseas - a registered charity that gives training and screens patients in some of the poorest countries in Africa and in India to provide spectacles.

Collection boxes can be found in Haworth in the Health Centre, in the Langhorne Pharmacy on Mill Hey and in Our Lady of Lourdes Cathalic Church on Ebor Lane.

To give someone their sight back is a truly wonderful gift.

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The Rotary club of Haworth and Worth Valley are organising a Handbags and Gladrags day to raise funds for the presidents charity this year, which is the well known international charity ‘Wateraid’. The event will be held on Saturday 25th April at Haworth Methodist Church from 10.30am onwards. There will be a variety of stalls including one selling nearly new handbags such as Radley and Tula, wedding/christening hats, scarves and jewellery. A pamper stall will be selling toiletries, and there will be a book stall, a bric a brac stall and a stall selling good quality childrens’ toys, mostly wooden ones. Refreshments will also be available all day with all proceeds going to support the charity. Please feel free to pop in and see all our wares - there will be no charge for entrance.

HAWORTH RIDING FOR THE DISABLED Volunteers needed for Wednesdays/Saturdays for up to 2 to 3 hours to assist with disabled riders in the Cross Roads area.

Travel expenses will be paid.

Contact Jackie on 01535 644375 for more information.

ROTARY YOUNG LEADERSHIP AWARD The Rotary club of Haworth and Worth Valley are looking to sponsor a young person aged 16/17 years old to attend a five day Rotary Young Leadership Award (RYLA). You must live within the Haworth Parish boundary and be free to attend either course - please see the dates below:

Sunday 26th July to Friday 31st July 2009 & Sunday 2nd August to Friday 7th August 2009

All costs will be paid for by the Rotary club; transport to and from the course will also be pro-vided. If you would like further information please check www.ryla.org or contact Chris Bown on 01535 606320, email [email protected]

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THE HAWORTH TENNIS CLUB leases the two tennis courts and pavilion from Bradford Met. Council at the corner of Butt Lane and Rawdon Road. The council are responsible for the upkeep. Each year there are about 70 - 80 members. Apart from a very modest an-nual subscription, there is nothing else to pay for and play is only limited by the court use of other members. i.e. play can be for 24 hours 365 a days a year! It is quite rare for members having to wait for a court - usually one can play whenever one wants. But there is a court reservation system in place. There is electricity in the pavilion and free tea and coffee (and kettle) for members' use. All members have a key which gives admission to the pavilion and courts. The keys are colour coded and changed with the changing of the locks at the start of each season.

It is widely known that Bradford Council are planning to build a new Library-cum-Community Centre right on our two courts and pavilion. Despair ye not! Councillors have promised to replace our facility before we have to stop playing on our existing courts, so hopefully playing will continue undisturbed during the transition. If the new facility is going to be better than the existing, and I am confident it will be, this could be good news for the club. The council planners have not yet defined exactly where the courts will be, nor even if we can have only two - or maybe a third. (I can only ask!) I think they will be close to the new community centre - maybe even adjacent so a small room in the new building might even become the tennis pavilion. Likewise we do not even known when work will start - it could be a year or two yet. We will have to wait and see. Jens Hislop. Tel 644444. E mail: [email protected]


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Friday 15th and Saturday 16th May At 7.30pm

This coincides with the Haworth 40s weekend and will take a light-hearted look

at the 1940s with songs, sketches and humour from that period.

Tickets cost £7 for adults, £4 for children, and include tea and biscuits.

Tickets are available from Vera on 01535 643425

Or email [email protected]

The Society is presenting The Gondoliers on Monday 16th to Saturday 21st



Helping local people into local jobs

Jobs@, the service which offers friendly, impartial job search advice in local area; knowledge of local vacancies and contact with local employers; help with your CV, application forms and interview techniques and continued support once you get a job, is now available at the Contact Point on the first Wednesday of every month. Call their advisor Giselle on 07990 780411 or the Contact Point on 01535 644001 for an appointment.


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We are a NEW 24hr Response Corgi Registered Plumbing & Heating Co.

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SLACK ALICE Rhythm ‘ n’ Blues Band


Saturday 18th April 7.30pm at

Haworth Community Centre Butt Lane, Haworth

Charity Gig for Myeloma UK

Tickets £8.00 available at

HOPS Main Street, Haworth

Tel: 01535 644581 Or 01535 640259

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IT Solutions

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Pick up and delivery service offered..

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E-mail: [email protected]

Text: 07884397198

Page 16: HAWORTH . CROSS ROADS . STANBURY NEWSLETTERThe main criteria for joining the group and becoming a responder is that you must be over 18 years of age; there is no upper age limit, although

Haworth News - April - May 2009

Copy Dates for the Next Edition

Please send articles as you want them to be printed, or give us a brief outline and we will write them for you:

June/July……………………...15th May Aug/Sept……………………...14th July

Free What’s On entries for all community groups Adverts for businesses 1/4 A4 Page – £20, 1/8 A4 Page – £10, Community Groups 1/2 price Please come and help us fold newsletters at the Contact Point on

Thursday 28th May 1.00—3.00pm

28 Changegate, Haworth,BD22 8DY (01535) 644001

[email protected]

Worth Valley Contact Point

28 Changegate, Haworth. 644001

Photocopies from 4p for black/white

Superb colour copies Only 40p for A4

Laminating from 30p

Crime Prevention items on Sale

Planning applications on display



Tuesday 12pm - 2pm Wednesday 12pm - 4pm Thursday 1pm - 3pm Friday 12pm - 4pm Saturday 10am - 12 noon

Bradford Councillor Surgeries at the

Contact Point

Bradford Councillors for the Worth Valley, Peter Hill, Kris Hopkins and Glen Miller will hold regular drop in surgeries at the Worth Valley Police and Community Contact Point, Changegate Haworth from 10 - 11am

Saturdays 4th April 25th April 16th May

Worth Valley residents can also contact

Cllr. Hill on (01535) 646999

Cllr Hopkins on (01274) 432079

Cllr Miller on (01535) 600344



Don’t forget you can bring your computer ink cartridges and mobile phones to the Contact Point. We then pass them all on to Sue Ryder Care at Manorlands to help raise funds. Used stamps now go to Oxfam.


Register with the Telephone Preference

Service on

0845 070 0707 or www.tpsonline.org.uk

and with the Mail Preference Service on 0845 703 4599 or www.mpsonline.org.uk