hdfc bank limited


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2. BANKING A bank is a financial institution that acts as a payment agent forcustomers and to borrow and lend money. Banks are important factors in financial market. Development of central banking started from London. Establishment of World Bank in 1944. Establishment of RBI in 1935. LOGO of Indian currency is 3. BANKING IN INDIA Banking in India originated in the last decades of 18th century. The first banks were The General Bank of India, which startedin 1786, and Bank of Hindustan, which started in 1770; bothare now defunct. The oldest bank in existence in India is the State Bank of India,which originated in the Bank of Calcutta in June 1806. The first fully Indian owned bank was the ALLAHABADBANK, established in 1865. 4. MAJOR BANKS IN INDIA 5. BEST MANAGED COMPANY 6. HISTORY OF HDFC HDFC stands for Housing Development Finance Corporation. It was founded in 1977 by Hasmukh Bhai Parakh HDFC Bank was incorporated in 1994 Indias largest housing finance company It was amongst the first companies to receive Reserve Bank OfIndia (RBI) approval to set up bank in the private sector Promoted by HDFC, the parent company Listed in NSE, BSE, NYSE etc. IPO in India in 1995 7. VISIONTo be customer driven best managed enterprise that enjoys marketleadership in providing housing related finance.MISSIONOur mission is to be "a World Class Indian Bank", benchmarkingourselves against international standards and best practices in termsof product offerings, technology, service levels, risk managementand audit & compliance 8. OBJECTIVES CustomersTo provide a caring customer service anticipating solutionsrequired by our customers and innovatively satisfying thembeyond expectations. ShareholdersTo optimize return on shareholders funds. OrganizationTo commit ourselves to the highest standards in corporate andbusiness ethics whilst maintaining financial stability andgrowth. EmployeesTo motivate, develop, recognize and reward our employees. 9. CONTD.. CommunityTo be strongly committed to contribute to the national goal ofproviding shelter for all. IndustrySetting industry benchmarks of international standard indelivering customer value through out comprehensive productrange, customer service and all our activities. EthicsMaintaining the highest ethical standards worth of a leadingcorporate citizen. 10. PROFILE OF THE BANK Type- Public Traded asBSE: 500180NSE: HDFCBANKNYSE: HDB Industry- Banking, Financial services Headquarters- Mumbai, Maharashtra Key People- Mr. C. M. Vasudev (Chairman)Mr. Aditya Puri (Managing Director) 11. CONTD.. Revenue- US$ 6.480 billion (2012) Profit- US$ 977.2 million (2012) Total assets- US$ 70.098 billion (2012) Total equity- US$ 7.754 billion (2012) Employees- 66,076 (2012) Website- 12. NETWORK 2,620 branches in 1,454cities across India 10,316 networked ATMsCustomers in over 500locations are servicedthrough telephone banking 16 branches in Middle East and 6 in Africa Representative offices in Hong Kong, New York, London and Singapore. 13. PRODUCTS Credit Cards Consumer Banking Corporate Banking Finance And Insurance Investment Banking Mortgage Loans Private Banking Private Equity Wealth Management 14. BUSINESS STRATEGIES Increasing the market share in India. Leverage our technology platform and open scaleable systems todeliver more products to more customers and to control operatingcosts. Maintain our current high standards for asset quality. Develop innovative products and services. Continue to develop products and services that reduce our cost offunds. Focus on high earnings growth with low volatility. 15. SWOT ANALYSIS 16. STRENGTHS They have a large number ofinvestors. The banks ATM card iscompatible with all domestic andinternational Visa/Master card,Visa Electron/ Maestro, andAmerican Express HDFC bank has the high degree ofcustomer satisfaction The attrition rate in HDFC is low HDFC has good financial advisors They have lots of awards andachievements 17. WEAKNESSES HDFC bank doesnt havestrong presence in rural areas HDFC cannot enjoy first moveradvantage in rural areas HDFC lacks in aggressivemarketing strategies The bank focuses mostly onhigh end clients Some of the banks productcategories lack in performance The share prices of HDFC areoften fluctuating 18. OPPORTUNITIES HDFC bank has better asset qualityparameters over government banks The companies in large and SME aregrowing at very fast pace HDFC bank has improved its baddebts portfolio and the recovery ofbad debts are high when compared togovernment banks HDFC has very good opportunities inabroad Greater scope for acquisitions andstrategic alliances due to strongfinancial position 19. THREATS HDFCs non-performing assets (NPA)increased from 0.18 % to 0.20%. The non-banking financial companiesand new age banks are increasing inIndia The HDFC is not able to expand itsmarket share as ICICI imposes majorthreat The government banks are trying tomodernize to compete with privatebanks RBI has opened up to 74% for foreignbanks to invest in Indian market 20. EMPLOYEE FEEDBACK Strongly positioned bank Very systematic Rewarding Experienced senior staff Reviews and suggestions from the staff Flexible and supportive working environment 21. CUSTOMER FEEDBACK Customer friendly Branches are easily locatable and accessible Good advisors They maintain the secrecy of information of customers They are very systematic and fast 22. ACHIEVEMENTS Times Bank Limited was merged with HDFC Bank Ltd., in 2000 In 2008 HDFC Bank acquired Centurion Bank of Punjab HDFC Bank was the quickest to cross the one millioncredit card mark HDFC Bank was the first bank in India to launch debitcards and offer mobile banking, online banking and real-time net banking HDFC Bank is the primary settlement bank to the majorstock exchanges in the country and has the biggest marketshare in the settlement services to commodities exchanges Fitch Ratings India Pvt. Ltd. has assigned the "AAA (ind)" 23. AWARDS Finance Asia- BEST MANAGED COMPANYand Best CEO to Mr. Aditya Puri Euromoney India Poll 2012- Best Private Bank in the SuperAffluent Category Best Performing Bank- Private by UTI MF & CNBC TV18Financial Advisor Awards 2011 Dun & Bradstreet Banking Awards 2012- - Overall BestBank, Best Private Sector Bank, Asset Quality - Private Sector,Retail Banking -Private Sector Asia Money 2012 Best Domestic Bank in India 5th Loyalty Summit Award- Customer and Brand Loyalty Celent Model Bank Award 2012- Great Customer Experience 24. WORST MANAGEDCOMPANY 25. HISTORY OF CANARA BANK Established as Canara Bank Hindu Permanent in 1906 Founded by Ammembal Subba Rao Pai Incorporated in 1910 as Canara Bank Limited Nationalised in 1969 as Canara Bank First Indian Bank to get ISO certification for Total BranchBanking IPO in India in 2002 26. FOUNDING PRINCIPLES To remove superstition and ignorance. To spread education among all to sub-serve the first principle. To inculcate the habit of thrift and savings. To transform the financial institution not only as the financialheart of the community but the social heart as well. To assist the needy. To work with sense of service and dedication. To develop a concern for fellow human being and sensitivity tothe surroundings with a view to make changes/removehardships and sufferings. 27. VISIONTo emerge as a Best Practices Bank by pursuing global benchmarksin profitability, operational efficiency, asset quality, risk managementand expanding the global reach.MISSIONTo provide quality banking services with enhanced customerorientation, higher value creation for stakeholders and to continue asa responsive corporate social citizen by effectively blendingcommercial pursuits with social banking. 28. PROFILE OF THE BANKType- PublicTraded asBSE: 532483NSE: CANBK Industry- Banking, Financial servicesHeadquarters- Bangalore, Karnataka Key people- Sunderrajan Raman (CMD) 29. CONTD..Revenue- US$4.87 billion(2011) Net income- US$762.43 million(2011)Total assets- US$62.11 billion(2011)Employees- 44,090 (2011)Website 30. NETWORK 3,595 branches in 1,139cities across India 2,858 networked ATMs Foreign branches inHong Kong, UK, China,Russia, UAE 31. BUSINESS STRATEGIES They focus on domestic banking, i.e. increased numbers ofbanks in home country They have introduced Internet and Mobile banking (IMB) They promote the thought of Anywhere Banking They have strong fundamentals Enlightened leadership They promote family like work culture 32. SWOT ANALYSIS 33. STRENGTHS Innovative Products Wide Distribution Strong credit controls Aggressive Advertising 34. WEAKNESSES Efforts are concentrated moretowards the urban consumersthus ignoring the ruralcounterpart. Number and spread of branchesis very low as compared to PSUbanks. Excessive focus on non-branchdistribution channel reducingthe scope of personal interactionneeded for the sale ofretail product. 35. OPPORTUNITIES Changing consumer outlook towardsloans and related products. Rising consumer income levels. Increasing banking habits amongIndian consumers. Rapid increase in the retail loanmarket size to the tune of 30 40 %. 36. THREATS Stiff competition in the housing loanssegment from HDFC, LIC Housingetc. In the Credit card segment,competition from Citibank, Stan Chartetc. Of late, lots of Non Banking FinancialInstitutions have emerged and haveeaten up the banks market share. Educating people by wayof advertisements might helpcompetitors to reap the benefits. 37. EMPLOYEE FEEDBACK Since its a government bank, bureaucracy is present They dont provide flexible work environment Appreciation of work is not being done 38. CUSTOMER FEEDBACK Many customers have been circling around the bank for gettingtheir work done but all that goes in vain Customers are not valued The equipments provided by the bank are also not technicallysound. Rural customers who have an account in this bank can notwholly utilize services provided by Canara bank as very fewbanks are their in the rural segment. They are very unsystematic and inefficient They are not customer friendly