he pānui ki te whānau nei rā te tuku i ngā kupu ... panui/panui march 2015.pdfnei rā te tuku i...

20 March 2015 He Pānui ki te Whānau Nei rā te tuku i ngā kupu whakamoemiti ki tō tātou Kaihanga Ka whakahonore tō tātou Kīngi a ratou ko te whare Kāhui Ariki, Paimārire. Ki ngā mate, moe mai rā ki roto i ngā ringa kaha o tō tātou Matua i te rangi. Rātou te hunga mate ki a rātou. Tātou ngā urupā o rātou mā, e whakakotahi nei ki raro i te maru o te Kīngitanga Paimārire ki a tātou katoa

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Page 1: He Pānui ki te Whānau Nei rā te tuku i ngā kupu ... Panui/Panui March 2015.pdfNei rā te tuku i ngā kupu whakamoemiti ki tō tātou Kaihanga Ka whakahonore tō tātou Kīngi a

20 March 2015

He Pānui ki te Whānau

Nei rā te tuku i ngā kupu whakamoemiti ki tō tātou Kaihanga

Ka whakahonore tō tātou Kīngi a ratou ko te whare Kāhui Ariki, Paimārire.

Ki ngā mate, moe mai rā ki roto i ngā ringa kaha o tō tātou Matua i te rangi.

Rātou te hunga mate ki a rātou.

Tātou ngā urupā o rātou mā, e whakakotahi nei ki raro i te maru o te Kīngitanga

Paimārire ki a tātou katoa

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20 March 2015

Pānui nā te Tūmuaki o Ngā Taiātea

Tenei te tuku whakawhetai ki a Ihoa o nga mano.

Te timatanga me te hapainga o nga mea katoa.

Ka tuku mihi ki a Kingi Tuheitia ratou ko te Whare Kahui Ariki whanui tonu.

Paimarire ki a ratou katoa.

Kei nga mate o te motu, moe mai ra koutou.

E Api, e Tama, koutou ko te hunga kua wheturangitia, okioki atu ra ki te kainga tuturu mo tatou katoa.

Kei te whānau o Nga Taiātea, tatou no nga hau e wha, tena ra koutou katoa.

2014 NCEA Achievers

Congratulations to all of the students who achieved NCEA in 2014. We enjoyed celebrating the achievements of the

students who achieved NCEA at their relevant levels with Merit and Excellence. Our goal for this year is that many

more will receive these badges for high NCEA achievement in 2015.

The following students received the NCEA award for achieving NCEA with either Merit or Excellence;

NCEA Level 1 Merit Endorsement 2014 Blair Morrison-Hawea Grace Levi Tiara Ruawai Jalani Te Koi Haylee Simon-Hopa Sade Gilbert-Perenise Palais Douglas Tangaroa Tapara Kotukurerengatahi Tuterangiwhiu Deyna Tukere Te Riaki Maru NCEA Level 1 Excellence Endorsement 2014 Brodie Numanga Paumea Walker Te Kaweora Enoka-Barton Ngapera Keegan NCEA Level 2 Merit Endorsement 2014 Te Rina Keogh Ruby Ruru Te Paea Ngapo Kendal Evitts Maramena Tuna Anaru Tarawhiti Whetumairangi Stone Tyla Hill-Moana Oromairoa Biddle-Rangawhenua NCEA Level 3 Merit Endorsement 2014 Alex Rau Rau Wirihana Noenoe Barclay-Kerr Ritihia Umuroa Tekiteora Rolleston-Gabel

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20 March 2015

Scholarship 2014 Te Reo Rangatira Matehuirua Hohua Te Reo Maori Noenoe Barclay Kerr Rugby League

Congratulations to our Rugby League team who entered the Waikato wide Secondary School 9s Tournament and

won. Ka mau te wehi e hoa ma.


Congratulations to our Athletics Team who participated in the Waikato/Bay of Plenty Athletics Championships in

Tauranga. Congratulations to Kiti Taituha who will be representing the region at the North Island Athletics



Kia kaha to Mikaere Morgan who is swimming at the New Zealand swimming championships in Dunedin this week.

Also a big mihi to our rangatahi who are committed to the Swimming Sports today.

Nei ra te mihi ki a koutou katoa rangatahi ma me nga Kaiawhakaako i whakahaere i te kaupapa.

Term 1 Reports

In week 2 of Term 2 all rangatahi and their whanau will receive their first report for the year. There will be a

Kaiaarahi report that refers to the graduate criteria, and also reports from each of the subject teachers of your

rangatahi. You will be able to read the report of your rangatahi online through the Nga Taiaatea website and the

KAMAR portal. You need to have the username and password of your rangatahi to see their report online. Please

contact the Kaiaarahi of your rangatahi if you do not have their username and password.

Parent Interviews (Parent, Student, and Teacher Conversations)

On 6 May from 2pm, parents and students will have the opportunity to meet with all of the teachers for your

rangatahi. You will have the report of your rangatahi so you will be able to follow up on anything in regards to their

progress. It is very important that all students come to this hui with their parents.

Term 1 Assessments

All of our rangatahi have assessments due over the next 2 weeks. These assessments will have a major contribution

to NCEA (Year 10 – 13 students) and whether students graduate at the end of next year. Therefore, please ensure

that your child is doing their homework at home so that they do their best.

The goal is that all of our year 11 – 13 students gain the relevant NCEA qualification this year and that they all


Please see next 2 pages for the criteria that our students need to achieve to graduate, as well as the criteria for

excellence awards in any of the Oranga (Hinengaro, Tinana, Wairua, Tukuihotanga me Whanau).

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20 March 2015

Appendix 2: Te Taumata Manu Taiko (Tau 13) Te Taumata Manu Taupua (Tau 9 – 12) 2015

Oranga Manu Taiko

Whainga Akonga a Tau: Below are the criteria for graduation. Our goal is that all students graduate.

Oranga Tukuihotanga

Whiwhinga mo te Reo Maori Ka 14+ maha ake ranei nga whiwhinga/piro mo te Reo Maori/Reo Rangatira - Assessed by Kaiako Reo Maori (Term 4)

Ka Kawe i te Mahi Okawa: Student confidently fulfills formal karakia, mihi and korero in hui reanga/ whanau/kura -Assessed by delegated Reanga Kaiarahi (Each Term)

Oranga Wairua

Our rangatahi will graduate if the strive to be;

-Kaitiaki Kaupapa: Represents our Reo, Tikanga and Values positively wherever they are.

-Kaiwhakarite: Student is planned, organised and reliable. Student is punctual, brings necessary equipment and completes work on time.

-Kaikotuitui: Respects other students, staff and people in general. Works well independently & with others. Final assessment done by Kaiarahi in term 4.

If a student is suspended, it is probable that they will not meet the wairua req to grad - Assessed - Tumuaki

Oranga Tinana

Student has set a challenging but achievable physical health/activity goal and has strived to achieve it.

Focus is that the student achieves a personal health goal. Assessed by Kaiarahi(Term 3)

Wears the correct uniform-if achieved Level 4 due to incorrect uniform/jewelry etc, the student will not graduate. (Taura Here term 4)

Oranga Hinengaro

Student gains 14 credits in 3 marau/ lines or more. Evident in school data. Assessed by Kaiarahi-Term 4 Y9-10 grad with Merit if gained 14+ points in 5 lines Y9-10 grad with Excellence if gained 17+ points in 5 lines. Y11-13 grad with Merit if 14+ credits in 4 lines with 40 M or E credits at cohort level. Y11-13 grad with Excellence if 14+ credits in 4 lines with 40 Ex credits at the cohort NCEA level (KA)

Oranga Whanau

Student completes the Ararau/ Aria kaupapa to Te Weu Standard as set out in the Rubric. Assessed by Kaiarahi (Term 2)

Rautaki Ako set in the beginning of the year. Rautaki Ako reviewed and updated in the beginning of each term-clear term plan - Assessed - Kaiarahi (Term 4)

Have set key goals and learning plan for next year -Assessed - Kaiarahi (Term 4)

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20 March 2015

Te Whakanui I nga Taumata Tiketike

Excellence Recognition Criteria

Nga Oranga Nga Tohu Whakatairanga: Student will gain excellence in the following areas if they graduate achieve 1 of the bullet points below

Oranga Tukuihotanga

Represented Tainui at National Manu Korero

Consistently led by example in service to Tainui and the Kingitanga (Coronation, Poukai, Hui a Iwi, Tainui Rangatahi) of their own free will.

Excellence in Reo NCEA achievement and the promotion of Reo and Tikanga in the Taiātea Whanau.

Recommended by Kaiarahi or other teacher to Matua Anaru

Oranga Wairua Recognised in school and community for exhibiting our values (He Kaitiaki Kaupapa, he Kaiwhakarite, he Kaikotuitui).

A strong track record of excellent voluntary service to Taiātea and other community groups (not including above Tukuihotnga kaupapa).

Recommended by Kaiarahi, Coach, Tutor to Matua Jason

Oranga Tinana Excellent Coach and Service to Taiātea Health and Sport

In a team or as an individual who placed 1st, 2nd or 3rd in a national championship in a popular sport including waka ama

Student gained a place (selected) in a national representative team

Recommended by Kaiarahi, Coach, Tutor to Matua Kingi

Oranga Hinengaro

NCEA Achieved with Merit or Excellence at the cohort level (official NCEA badge given in March of the following year)

Taiātea Merit or Excellence tohu for graduation if they meet the Taiātea Oranga Hinengaro Merit or Excellence criteria for their cohort.

Recommended by Kaiarahi, Teacher or Principals Nominee to Whaea Michelle

Oranga Whanau Fulfilled full Te Rea (Excellence) criteria for Project or Internship?

Recommended by Kaiarahi to Whaea Mel

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20 March 2015

Students Not Submitting Assignments

Our senior students have chosen options and our younger students have a mix of compulsory subjects and option

subjects in their learning plan (Rautaki Ako). Students have committed to courses through their rautaki ako and they

all need to make sure that they submit work to the best of their ability for all of their assessments.

Therefore, all students need to submit all of their assignments. If a student does not submit an assignment, the

student’s whanau will be informed and the student will need to do a detention here at school. If a student does not

submit other assignments (any more than 3 during the year), then they are not fulfilling their responsibilities and the

values that they need to uphold to graduate. Therefore, any students who do not submit an assignment is in danger

of not being able to graduate because they are not Kaitiaki (caregivers of our kaupapa) or Kaiwhakarite (well

organised to ensure that they complete their work) which is set out in the Tripartite Agreement. Na reira, kia kaha

ra tatou.

Student Passion Projects and Internships

In Term 2 our rangatahi will be doing Passion Projects (Kaupapa Āria, Years 9 – 11) and Internships (Mahinga

Wheako, Years 12 – 13). These projects are very important and our rangatahi will be focusing on these projects and

internships all day each Wednesday for Term 2. On the last Wednesday of Term 2 all students will present their

project/internship to their families. For Term 2 only, Wharekura will finish at 2pm each Wednesday during the

project /internship time. For the remainder of the year (Terms 1, 3 and 4) Wharekura will finish at 3.15pm each

Wednesday the same as the other days.

Please remember that the students need to show that they have used their time wisely. We have committed to this

kaupapa and released students from their other school work so they can focus on their passions and kaupapa that

they can investigate, innovate, create within. What is very important is the kaupapa that the students choose and

that they know they will work hard in doing their best.

Nga Taiātea Photo 2015 (School & Class Photos)

The photos will be taken on Monday 30 March 2015. All of our rangatahi will need their kakahu nama tahi (number

one dress uniform. Rangatahi need to be well groomed - which includes no facial hair.

Please be aware, if inappropriate facial expressions are used in the photos by any of our rangatahi, they will be

‘photo-shopped’ out of the school photo and not be included in this part of the history of our Wharekura. At all

times, our rangatahi need to have the right attitude inside and out.

Your rangatahi were given individualised envelopes during earlier this week so you can order their class photo. The class photos cost $14 or $16 each (dependent on the size chosen).

At this stage we have not received the ‘whole school photo’ envelopes. These will be distributed to our rangatahi once they are received.

The class photos envelopes are to be handed into the Office. Please ensure that the correct payment is in the envelope as no change is given.

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20 March 2015

Kapa Haka

The campaign has begun for our kapa haka this year. We have 2 months to prepare for the Tainui secondary school

competition on 16 May, so all of the students who come to practice need to be prepared to work hard. There are 3

key days each week for practice, Friday after school, Saturday and Sundays. All students are required to attend

practices, and if they can’t they are to contact Matua Ohia, Matua Greg or Matua Tokoaitua.

Friday 2.30-5.00pm Rahoroi 10.00am-6.00pm Ratapu 10.00am-6.00pm

Wahanga 1 Wiki 8 Kaupapa Matua

20 March 2015 Patere (Greg)

21 March 2015 Patere (Te Wairere), Haka (Watson) 12.30 – 6pm

22 March 2015 Whakaeke/Waiata a Ringa (Tony/Toko) 1 – 6pm

Wahanga 1 Wiki 9 Kaupapa Matua

27 March 2015 Patere (Greg)

28 March 2015 Whakaeke/Waiata a Ringa (Tony/Toko) Watson – Te Kaha

29 March 2015 Whakaeke/Waiata a Ringa (Tony/Toko) Watson – Te Kaha

Wa Hararei Wiki 1 Kaupapa Matua

Wed 8 March 2015 & Thurs 9 March 2015 (Consolidate Whakaeke, Patere, Waiata a Ringa, Haka (words) Fri 10 March2015 Poi (Te Wairere), Haka (Watson) 10am – 6pm

Wa Hararei Wiki 2 Kaupapa Matua

Thurs 16 March 2015 Poi (Te Wairere) Haka (Akonga Tuakana) Consolidate bracket , Fri 17 March 2015 Begin Whakawatea (Tony/Toko) 10am – 6pm

Wahanga 2 Wiki 1 Kaupapa Matua

24 April 2015 Tighten up bracket (Te Wairere, Toko & Greg)

25 April 2015 Whakawatea (Toko ma) 10am – 6pm Tony - tawahi

26 April 2014 Whakawatea (Toko ma) 10am – 6pm Tony tawahi

Wahanga 2 Wiki 2 Kaupapa Matua

2 May 2015 Consolidate bracket

2 May 2015 Consolidate bracket 10am – 6pm

3 May 2015 Consolidate Bracket 10am – 6pm

Wahanga 2 Wiki 3 Kaupapa Matua

8 May 2015 Consolidate bracket

9 May 2015 Consolidate bracket 10am – 6pm Watson - tawahi

10 May 2015 Consolidate bracket 10am – 6pm Watson - tawahi

Wahanga 2 Wiki 4 Kaupapa Matua Te Whakataetae

15 May 2015 Consolidate bracket

16 May 2015 Ra Whakataetae

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20 March 2015

Confiscated Items Policy

Please be aware that if a student continually brings inappropriate items including incorrect uniform, then that will

put the student’s chances of graduating in jeopardy and may not graduate. If a student reaches level 4 on the

system below, it is because the student continually chooses not to follow the school rules and therefore does not

adhere to the school values including Pono (honesty), Kawenga (responsibility) and Aroha (respect). Please

remember that this includes the wearing of incorrect clothing items and jewellery. At the moment cell phones are

not allowed to be seen at school, but we are developing a policy to allow cell phones at school to assist with

students learning.

Confiscated Items

Immediate Confiscation:

Cell phones


Incorrect ear rings (Only small studs permitted)

No more than 1 ear ring on one ear.

Necklace that is not taonga Maori

Bracelets-ankle and wrist

Non-regulation uniform items

Students are discouraged to bring any of these items to school. If any of these items are seen, or heard, by a Kaiako,

they will be confiscated. The item will be handed into the office for storage, and logged into KAMAR.

Return of Confiscated Item:

1. First time an item is confiscated from a student:

- Item is to be taken to the office and stored for safe keeping.

- Confiscation details will be entered into KAMAR by confiscator.

- Student can collect the item at the end of the school day, or the following day during break 3.

- Student will do a Tiaki Taiao Detention.

- Confiscator will enter students name and details into the Tiaki Taiao book.

2. Second time an item is confiscated from a student:

- Item is to be taken to the office and stored for safe keeping.

- Confiscation details will be entered into KAMAR by confiscator.

- Student can collect the item at the end of the school day, or the following day during break 3.

- This is a level 2 offence and the student will do a Kura Detention after school on a Wednesday, 3.15pm-

4pm. Whanau will be contacted by the Poutiaki Akonga Support Person (Whaea Reopiki) to confirm

detention details.

3. Third time an item is confiscated from a student:

- Item is to be taken to the office and stored for safe keeping.

- Confiscation details will be entered into KAMAR by confiscator.

- This is considered ‘deliberate disobedience’ and a level 3 offence. The student will do a Poutiaki Akonga

Detention after school on Thursday from 3.15pm-4.15pm.

- Poutiaki Akonga will contact the whanau to discuss the issue.

- Poutiaki Akonga will determine whether a Section 27 stand down is necessary.

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20 March 2015

- The confiscated item will be returned to the parent or caregiver only. They must come into school to

retrieve the confiscated item. Request via phone/email/txt from a parent or caregiver to return the

confiscated item to the student, will not be consented to.

4. Fourth time an item is confiscated from a student:

- Item is to be taken to the office and stored for safe keeping.

- Confiscation details will be entered into KAMAR by confiscator.

- This is considered ‘continual deliberate disobedience’ and is a level 4 offence.

- Poutiaki Akonga will organise a time to meet with the whanau to discuss the issue.

- The confiscated item will be returned at this meeting.

- The student will possibly be stood down. The students will probably not be able to graduate because of

the continual disobedience.

5. Fifth time an item is confiscated from a student:

- Item is to be taken to the office and stored for safe keeping.

- Confiscation details will be entered into KAMAR by confiscator.

- This is considered ‘continual deliberate disobedience’ and is a level 5 offence.

- Poutiaki Akonga will organise a time to meet with the whanau to discuss the issue.

- The confiscated item will be returned at this meeting.

- The student will possibly be suspended.

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20 March 2015

Do you want access to your childs student information?

KAMAR has developed both an Android and Apple App which allows students and parents to access the same

information on their phones as can be viewed in the Parent/Student Portal (via our school website:

www.taiatea.school.nz). You are to use the same login details as you do for the Web Parent/Student Portal which

were handed out to whanau at the Rautaki Ako hui. Please contact the Kaiarahi of your rangatahi if you have not

received this.

This would be useful for accessing the daily notices, school events planner, results, attendance information,

timetables, and fees information and a whole lot more.


1) Download the Application in Play Store (Android) or iTunes (Apple)

2) Install

3) Open and click on Settings

4) Enter the server address https://taiatea.mystudent.school.nz

5) Logon is your child’s first name.last name e.g. jack.black

6) Password is the password which was handed out in the KAMAR letter handed out at the Rautaki Ako hui

7) It is possible to save the user name and password in the settings area


Google: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=nz.co.KAMAR&hl=en

Apple: https://itunes.apple.com/nz/app/kamar/id336862723?mt=8

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20 March 2015

All tau 12 and 13 tauira are expected to find work experience placements to

go to every Wednesday in term 2. These should be related to their

pumanawa and their Rautaki Ako.

If you are able to have one or two tauira come and do a work experience

placement with you, or if you know of someone who would be keen to have

them, please contact Whaea Mel here at Kura [email protected]

We are looking for Mentors in areas such as: Farming, Music, Building, Arts,

Business, Physio, Sports, Interior Design, Hairdressing and Beauty, Travel and

Tourism, Media, Social Work, Architecture, and many others.

Mahinga Wheako Permission Slips need to be signed by Whanau and were to be returned

to Whaea Mel by 4th March otherwise your tamaiti would not be able to go out and do their

work experience



discounts and scholarships available and ask questions.

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Visit www.studentexchange.org.au or call 1300 135 331 for more information

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20 March 2015

Ngaruawhia Express Bus – Additional bus stop

Effective from Monday 23 March 2015 an additional bus stop has been added in Flagstaff as follows:

Morning: 1786 River Road, Flagstaff - bus arrives approximately 8.28am Afternoon: 1787 River Road – additional bus stop – bus arrives 3.32pm

As this bus stop is on the current bus route there should be no changes to the normal bus timetable. As usual all students should be at the bus stop at least 5 minutes prior to pick up time. LOST PROPERTY

Please ensure that all items of clothing are named so that any lost clothing can be returned to your rangatahi.


Whaea Rachel Stone is the contact person for attendance/absences for your rangatahi. If your rangatahi is absent/going to absent you can contact her at [email protected] or 021 02781702. Please put the first and last names of your rangatahi, the reason for their absence and your first and last names to the email or text message.

You may have already received a text or email message regarding the absence of your rangatahi. We encourage you to continue to advise us of the absence/s of your rangatahi to ensure their attendance records are always kept up-to-date.

Please also ensure we have the correct email address/es and mobile numbers to send the absence notifications for your rangatahi.


Student ID cards have been issued to your rangatahi today. ALL tauira accounts have been charged $10 for the cost

of this card.

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20 March 2015

Ngaa Mahi Tuu Taua 2015

Taiaha haa! Taiaha haa!

Whakapuru tonu! Whakapuru tonu!

Kia rongo i te hau noo Tuu-i-te winiwini, noo Tuu -i-te-wanawana!

Teenei te whai ake i ngaa kawa. Ko taa te Whare Tuu Taua nei he whakariterite i te wairua, i te hinengaro, i te

tinana, i ngaa uaratanga katoa o te toa. E ai ki te koorero “maa te whakaharatau ka tika”.

We have Mau Raakau classes on Thursdays from 5-00 pm to 7-00 pm starting next week 9, Thursday 26th of March

in the Whare Tapere. Week 10, Thursday 2nd April. There is no training during school holidays. Classes will start

back after school holidays on Thursday April 23rd.

This is available to students who do Tuu Taua with Matua Duane and Matua Anaru and any Year 9, 10,11,12,and 13

students who want to learn. Also whaanau, staff and students of our whaanau year 9 and up who are keen to learn

When: Thursdays, Ngaa Taiaatea, Whare Tapere 5-00 pm-7-00 pm.

Where: Ngaa Taiaatea Wharekura.

Contacts: Matua Anaru. Kura 07 850 6359

What will we need: good attitude, sports clothes, running shoes and a padded raakau (if you have one).


Office Hours

Monday to Friday 8.15am to 3.45pm