headteacher update - 29th april 2019baines.lancs.sch.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/2-draft... ·...

Headteacher Update - 29th April 2019 Dear Parents, Carers, Students, Family and Friends of Baines School, I am always pleased to welcome everyone back after a school holiday, and returning after Easter hopefully marks the start of nicer weather and I like seeing the students taking part out on the school field in the summer sports in their PE lessons and at extra-curricular clubs. Even though we have only been back four days, there is a lot to tell you about. Thank you to everyone who supported our Bugsy Show during the last week before Easter. It was a magnificent event for school which showcased the fantastic talent and hard work from our whole community. Every ticket was sold and as a special treat we added an extra performance as a reward for our Year 7 and 8 students who had fewer than 4 negative behaviour points. We are now starting to think about the show for next year. We will announce this in July. You will see a nice report about our Easter School later in the update. I popped in to see it one day and it was lovely to see the activities and young people from different schools all enjoying themselves. I would like to thank the staff and students who took part in Easter School and all the exam revision sessions too. The school was a vibrant learning place for recreation and also examination preparation for our Yr 11 and 13 students. I was amazed to learn that 59 Yr 11 students attended one of the science sessions. The staff continue to provide after school sessions for our exam students in the lead up to their examinations. I am sure you are aware that we are now moving in to the main exam season at school. The practical art, photography and language speaking exams will be complete after next week. Out Year 13 students gave their presentations for the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) last week too, and all controlled assessments and project work are in their final stages of completion. I am so pleased that we are the first secondary school to register with the Children’s University (CU) and we will be holding our very first graduation at the start of June. All students taking part need to hand in their CU passport to Mr Vernon by Friday 3 rd May so that we can log the hours and register the students for their awards. To receive an award, they need to have logged 30 hours of out of lessons learning. Many of you will know that I completed my BecomingX challenge on Sunday which was to run the Blackpool Marathon. Yes, it was even more difficult than I had imagined and the last six miles really took a lot of determination. The aim is for me to show the students that they can achieve anything if they really put their mind to it and try hard. As our school motto says, ‘Nil Sine Labore’. As the weather is nicer, more students are travelling to school on their bikes. Please encourage them to wear a helmet and to be aware of traffic in order to keep themselves safe.

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Page 1: Headteacher Update - 29th April 2019baines.lancs.sch.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/2-DRAFT... · 2019-04-30 · Headteacher Update - 29th April 2019 Dear Parents, Carers, Students,

Headteacher Update - 29th April 2019

Dear Parents, Carers, Students, Family and Friends of Baines School, I am always pleased to welcome everyone back after a school holiday, and returning after Easter hopefully marks the start of nicer weather and I like seeing the students taking part out on the school field in the summer sports in their PE lessons and at extra-curricular clubs. Even though we have only been back four days, there is a lot to tell you about. Thank you to everyone who supported our Bugsy Show during the last week before Easter. It was a magnificent event for school which showcased the fantastic talent and hard work from our whole community. Every ticket was sold and as a special treat we added an extra performance as a reward for our Year 7 and 8 students who had fewer than 4 negative behaviour points. We are now starting to think about the show for next year. We will announce this in July. You will see a nice report about our Easter School later in the update. I popped in to see it one day and it was lovely to see the activities and young people from different schools all enjoying themselves. I would like to thank the staff and students who took part in Easter School and all the exam revision sessions too. The school was a vibrant learning place for recreation and also examination preparation for our Yr 11 and 13 students. I was amazed to learn that 59 Yr 11 students attended one of the science sessions. The staff continue to provide after school sessions for our exam students in the lead up to their examinations. I am sure you are aware that we are now moving in to the main exam season at school. The practical art, photography and language speaking exams will be complete after next week. Out Year 13 students gave their presentations for the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) last week too, and all controlled assessments and project work are in their final stages of completion. I am so pleased that we are the first secondary school to register with the Children’s University (CU) and we will be holding our very first graduation at the start of June. All students taking part need to hand in their CU passport to Mr Vernon by Friday 3rd May so that we can log the hours and register the students for their awards. To receive an award, they need to have logged 30 hours of out of lessons learning. Many of you will know that I completed my BecomingX challenge on Sunday which was to run the Blackpool Marathon. Yes, it was even more difficult than I had imagined and the last six miles really took a lot of determination. The aim is for me to show the students that they can achieve anything if they really put their mind to it and try hard. As our school motto says, ‘Nil Sine Labore’. As the weather is nicer, more students are travelling to school on their bikes. Please encourage them to wear a helmet and to be aware of traffic in order to keep themselves safe.

Page 2: Headteacher Update - 29th April 2019baines.lancs.sch.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/2-DRAFT... · 2019-04-30 · Headteacher Update - 29th April 2019 Dear Parents, Carers, Students,

Mrs. A Chapman Headteacher Update 29th April 2019

Stars of the Week

Whittington Founders Stafford Tomlinson Year 11

Sporting Success

Easter Sports Camp

From Monday 8th April to Friday 12th April, Baines PE Department hosted their annual Easter Sports Camp. The camp was filled with over 40 pupils from local primary schools in Year 5 and Year 6 and also pupils from our school in Year 7 and Year 8. We were blessed by the weather as we had five sunny days which meant we could make the most of all of the activities on offer. The aim of the week is to get pupils active whilst learning new skills such as team work, being a leader and participating in new sports. For example, some pupils were introduced to the school gym for the first time and used the exercise bikes, cross-trainers and they worked on core exercises too. The whole week was a success and the pupils enjoyed themselves taking part in a range of sports that included: trampoline, short tennis, bench ball, badminton, football, table-tennis and dodgeball. It was great to see all the pupils mixing with one another, forming new friendships and offering help to one another where necessary. As well as some of the more traditional sports, we also added an Easter touch by having a chocolate hunt in the school forest. The pupils thoroughly enjoyed running around looking for the hidden sweet treats! Also, the annual tradition of a game of manhunt continued in the forest, and was excellent to see all of the pupils excited by the thought of being captured. The staff enjoyed seeing all of the pupils being active with a smile on their faces for the whole six hours each and every day. In addition to this, the staff would like to thank all of the pupils who came along to the camp, they were a credit to themselves and their respective schools – we hope to see some of them again at future camps! (From Mr Hartley)


Year 7 Cordelia Year 8

Lewis Year 9

Charlie Year 10

Matthew Year 11

Page 3: Headteacher Update - 29th April 2019baines.lancs.sch.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/2-DRAFT... · 2019-04-30 · Headteacher Update - 29th April 2019 Dear Parents, Carers, Students,

Mrs. A Chapman Headteacher Update 29th April 2019

Other Successes

Well done to Matthew, a Year 11 student who has completed his Level One NVQ at 4 Tech Motors.

We received a lovely email back from his mentor Jeff, saying ‘he has passed with flying colours, and was a pleasure to teach’.

This qualification will support Matthew in his transition to College and train to get the job that he wants, which is to become motor vehicle technician.

“On a typical day, they put us in pairs or small groups to perform a task like change the brakes, take the struts out and put them back on. If you got stuck they were there to help you. This work goes towards 6 work booklets which is the main part of the course. The final part of the course is an online test that has everything you have done on it.

I have now completed the course; I am really pleased as it is a step closer to achieve the job I want”.

By Matthew

BecomingX Partnership

As our partnership with this new charity develops we were really pleased that we were given free VIP tickets to see the Ant Middleton show in Blackpool. Some of the students who attended are writing a report for the next update.

I was pleased to present the first staff BecomingX badges for completing their challenges.

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Mrs. A Chapman Headteacher Update 29th April 2019

Mrs Giles and Mrs Hutchinson have both completed a personal swimming challenge and Mr Shillitoe has never put on a musical before. Here is the photograph of them receiving their BecomingX badges.

Baines British Science Week

Championships 2019

Page 5: Headteacher Update - 29th April 2019baines.lancs.sch.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/2-DRAFT... · 2019-04-30 · Headteacher Update - 29th April 2019 Dear Parents, Carers, Students,

Mrs. A Chapman Headteacher Update 29th April 2019

On 15th March during British Science Week, four of our fantastic feeder Primary Schools joined us at Baines School to compete for the title of Baines British Science Week Primary Schools Champions. A range of scientific challenges awaited our competitors who skilfully worked as teams to solve all of the activities and building balloon powered cars and aeroplanes, towers out of spaghetti, drawing magnetic materials to the end of our track, filtering plastic out of washing machines and mummifying oranges. The students at Thornton Primary School were our champions this year, well done to them. Also competing were Poulton St Chads, Northfold, and Staining.

We were extremely impressed with all of the teams who were a credit to their schools and talented scientists in the making. We are looking forward to welcoming you back very soon for our next scientific event.

By the Baines Science Department

On Tuesday 5th March, we welcomed Staining Primary School’s Year 5 class into the Science Department and extended their separation methods topic by completing Filtering and Evaporating Experiments using the fantastic Bunsen burners in our science laboratories. What talent the Year 5 class showed with their careful and safe methods and enquiring minds! Filtering was carried out on a mixture of Rock Salt that contains both sand and salt.

The sand was filtered out and the water was evaporated from the salty water mix.

Staining’s students were brilliant at both filtering and evaporating and are obviously going to be fantastic scientists of the future!

By the Baines Science Department

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Mrs. A Chapman Headteacher Update 29th April 2019

Science Visit to Breck Primary School

Mrs Doherty along with the two science technicians, Mrs Bethel and Mrs Pritchard, went to visit our Year 5 friends at Breck Primary School in March.

The students were first amazed by the ‘Genie in the Bottle’ demonstration and the old favourite of Mentoes and diet coke.

The students then investigated the changes which can occur during a chemical reaction; so recorded observations such as the amount of bubbles produced, changes in colour and temperature changes.

We were then kept on our toes by some really tricky science questions from the very inquisitive students.

We look forward to visiting again.

Pupil Rewards

Founders House Achievements Bronze Award Over 200 Points

Liam, Rhianna, Oliver, Chloe, Joe, Domi, Chelsea, Freya, Jake, Matty , Lucy, Paige Miles, Courtney Parry, Tilly, Evie, Finlay, Jamie, Rachael, Dylan, Hannah, Chelsea, Liza, Amelia, Katie, Francesca, Elliott, Molly, Elyse, Jamie Ward, Jaudi, Halil, Daniel and Josh, Kaleb, Ethan, Connie, Reggie, Aiden, Kirsten, Evie, Oscar, Jack, Jordan, Thomas, Rees, Grace, Kenzie Regan, Loren, Sophia, Keira, Lucas, Billy, Ruby, Charlize, Cerys, Sienna, Calum, Lola, Ellie, Ashley, Ella, Reuben, Paris, Kaidon, Ben, Ali, Isaac, Victoria, Callum, Adam, Kaia, Elliot, Darcey, Brandon, Owyn, Caty, William, Caitlan and Finlay, Eva-Rose, Abi, Johnny, Katherine, Harry, Luke, Lucy, Josh, Harry, Luke, Leah, Ruby, Oliver, Emma, Ethan, Kiera, Ross, Niamh, Caitlin, and Bobby.

Silver Award Over 400 Points

Oliver, Liam, Summer, Benjamin, Poppy, Rachel, Anna, Lily, Archie, Rya, Dylan, Sujan, Chelsea, Kaleb, James, Ethan and Lenny, Tom, Earl, Finley, Harrison, Jessica, Sian, Ruby, Layla, Freya Green, Steph, Abigail, Ollie, and Abi.

Gold Award Over 600 Points

Poppy, Benjamin, and Victoria

100 % Attendance.

Jake, Evie, Finlay, Eve, Courtney, Joe, Leah, Poppy, Archie, Elyse, Benjamin, Francesca, Elliott, Lily, Rees, Jack, Reggie, Victoria, Ashley, Adam, Kaia, Harrison, Isaac, Layla, Jessica, William, Ross, Harry, Kiera, Ruby, Abi, Luke, Abigail, and Harry.

Page 7: Headteacher Update - 29th April 2019baines.lancs.sch.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/2-DRAFT... · 2019-04-30 · Headteacher Update - 29th April 2019 Dear Parents, Carers, Students,

Mrs. A Chapman Headteacher Update 29th April 2019

Stafford House Achievements Bronze Award Over 200 Points

Tyronne, Alex, Saul, Liv, Megan, Ella-Mae, Katy, Anya, Jack, Jack, Senna, Cormac, Libby, Callum, Bradley, Jake, Jessica, Finn, Sasha, Alfie, Jemima, Ella, William, Ryan, Charlotte, Ethan, Ashley, Rhianna, Jack, Frankie, Sam, Alice, Logan, Tianna, Harry, Elliott, William, Brady, Mason, Mackenzie, Molly, Poppy, Jamie, Samuel, Owain, and Leyla.

Silver Award Over 400 Points

Kody, Ella, Luke, Adam, Leila, Zuer, Jiya, Jessica, Grace, Bryn, Lily, Charlie, Holly, Jenson Dutton, Alec, Harrison, Jessica, Ruby, Corey, Cordelia, Lexie, Jamie, James, George, Grace, Milly, Julia, Harry, Daniel, Ted, Ruby, Amber, Lucy, Gabriella, Connor, Sienna, Cameron, and Abigail.

Gold Award Over 600 Points


Platinum Award Over 800


100 % Attendance.

Lexie, Amelie, Alec, Sean, Jenson, Ryan, Jack, Tyronne, Callum, Sam, Holly, Kynan, Rhianna, Ruby, Elliott, Lucy, and Zuer

Whittington House Achievements

Bronze Award

Over 200


Gabriel, Adil, Amelie, James, Tia-Jade, Ricky. Harvey, Jackson, Dre, Josh, Jasmine, Georgia, Gypsy Rose, Harry, Ellie, Seb, Valentina, Caitlin, Jack, Ellis, Eve, Kya, Faith, Luke, Kris; Amy, Harry, Leona, Jenson, Abigail, JJ, Amelia, Shannon, Lily, Jocelyn, Charli, Kelsie, Antonia, Alex, Amelia, Zakary, Mya, Alisha, Katie, Zack, Laila, John, Amelia, Tousif, Reiss, Georgia, Jonathan, Reuben, Georg, Summer, Brooke, Amy, Leah, Kenzie, Rees, Ellie-Mae, Charlie, Ollie, Courtney, Ryan, Jacob, Jasper, Zeta-Marie, Charlotte, Jayde, Louie, Macy, Aaron, Kara, Ethan, George, Caitlin, Danielle, Jack, Darcie, Adam, George, Ellie, Harry, Joe, Emma, Jessie, Emily, Kai, Megan, Elliot, Freya, Henry, Sam, Charlie; Blake; Erika, Charley, Jay, Tait, Sienna, Matthew, Aliyah, Harley, Jodie, Kelvin, Heidi, Chloe, Jake, Callum, Lydia, Georgia, Emilie, Zoe, Mikey, Elizabeth, Liam, Sienna, and Sophie.

Silver Award

Over 400 Points

Alix, Sophia, Grace, Jacob, Ella, Faith, Lily, Ashleigh, Yasmine, Kieran; Emily, Holly, Martha, Lewis, Brodie, Nat, Henry, William, Maisie, Harry, Sophia, Jessica, Callum, Olivia, Elizabeth, Eva, and Leo.

Gold Award

Over 600 Points

Grace, Ashleigh, Maisie, and Harry

100 % Attendance.

Alix, Harvey, Amy, Kris, Amelia, Shannon, Mya, Kieran, Rees, Brodie, Justin, Macy, William, Maisie, Emily, Kia, Harry, Sam, Sophia, Callum, Jake, Zoe, Vaziri, and Elizabeth

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Mrs. A Chapman Headteacher Update 29th April 2019

Tomlinson House Achievements Bronze Award Over 200 Points

Zabir, Imogen, Elli, Lola, James, Kenzi, Harrison, Paige, Lola, Abby, Charlotte, Megan, Teddy, Callum, Bailey, Nathan, Alex, Shanaya, Laila, Joseph, Harry, Lydia, Gabrielle, Daniel, Oliver, Oliver, Cameron, Elle, Phoebe, Chaka, Miiko, Eleanor, James, Anna, Jack, Olivia, Ben, Daniel, Elliot, Kane, Elliot, Brandon, Holly, Lauren, Brogan, Jaden, Alisha, Thomas, Poppy, Nicole, Jack, Isaac, Saffron, Sadie, Nishan, Ava, Abbey, Molly, Adam, Philippa, Hannah, Aimee, George, Caighli, Tamzin, Joshua, Ellie, Nicholas, Todd, Luke, Brigale, Emilee, Tia, Bright, Jack, Oliver, Darrianne, Olivia, Matthew, Sithum, and Jordanna.

Silver Award Over 400 Points

Emily, Jordan, Joshua, Aimee, Alice, Conor. Marcus, Alexander, Rebecca, Aimee, Catriona, Megan, Emma, Mia, Rhianna, Isobel, Joshua, Ben, Eleanor, Ewan, Ella, and Jacob.,

Gold Award Over 600 Points

Harry, Charlotte, Elissa, and Joshua.

100 % Attendance.

Thomas, Amelia, Daniel, Henry, Michael, Esther, Daniel, Cache, Katie, Louis, Charlie, Thomas, Sophie, Lexie, Alex, Amy, Bailey, Collesha, Jack, Lauren, and Travis.

Year 5 moving up evenings On Tuesday evening (April 30th) we hold our first Year 5 Moving Up Evening of the year between 6.00pm – 7.15pm for families from Carleton Green, Carr Head and Poulton St. Chad’s Primary Schools. Moving to secondary school is an exciting time and our Open Evening in September will be a busy evening with hundreds of families visiting school. We realise that pupils and families will have lots of questions, which we can hopefully answer to help build pupils’ confidence and to help you to make an informed decision for important secondary school choices. Our Moving Up Evenings are small events where you can ask questions about life at Baines School and about teaching and learning. We will take visitors on a tour of the school when it is quiet so that, when you visit during our Open Evening in September, you will be more familiar with the surroundings and really enjoy taking part in the fantastic activities. During our Moving Up Evenings our Headteacher, Mrs Chapman, will give a brief presentation. Year 7 pupils will also be there to offer you their perspective of their first year at Baines and to help to answer any questions. Other staff will also be there to offer insight and to answer questions about life at Baines, transition from primary school and any specific needs you may have. If you would like to attend or, if you know a family with a child in Year 5 who would be interested in attending, please email [email protected] or telephone our Front Office (01253 883019) to let us know in advance that you are attending. Y5 Moving Up evenings are also scheduled. On Wednesday 8th May we welcome families from Hambelton, Poulton St. John’s, Staining and Breck Primary Schools/Academy. On Thursday 16th May we invite families from Carleton St Hilda’s, Layton and Norbreck Primary Schools/Academy. All these

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Mrs. A Chapman Headteacher Update 29th April 2019

evenings are run from 6.00pm-7.15pm. Of course, if families from other primary schools wish to attend one of these evenings you are very welcome. For interested families please email ([email protected]) or telephone our Front Office (01253 883019) in advance to let us know that you are coming. Safeguarding Updates Parental Session to support keeping your child safe online – 23rd May 2019 On Thursday 23rd May there will be an E-Safety Advice evening in the ILC at Baines, from 4-5pm; this will be led by a Police Liaison Officer and an O2 representative. They will work with parents and carers showing them how to make their devices 'safe', making them more aware of the issues surrounding social media, and how we can work together to keep our children safe on-line. Letters will be emailed out this week, so please reply to secure your place. All schools in Lancashire participate in a project, called Operation Encompass, which is run in partnership with Lancashire Police. The project, which went live on 29th April 2019, aims to support children who are affected by domestic abuse. If there are any domestic abuse incidents where Lancashire Police attend and where any children from our school are present, the Police will notify us early the next morning and prior to the start of the school day. This enables us to offer support or whatever is needed to any child arriving at school. Each school has members of staff who are trained to liaise with the police, when required, whilst ensuring support is available to the child. At our school, the adults are Mrs C Doherty (DSL) and Mrs H Harkins (Pastoral Manager / DSP). We are committed to providing the best possible care and support for all our pupils. In the meantime, if you would like to speak to someone further about the project or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact either Mrs Doherty or Mrs Harkins via the school, or follow the link below. https://www.operationencompass.org/

Supporting children affected by domestic abuse

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Mrs. A Chapman Headteacher Update 29th April 2019

A massive ‘Thank You’ to the Red Box Project from Baines

What is The Red Box Project?

This is a national initiative and we as a school are taking part. The Red Box Project quietly ensures that no young person misses school because they have their monthly period and do not have any products. Our Red Box liaison person ensures that our box is always filled up with donations.

Race for Life

As we have done in previous years, we are putting together a group of parents / carers, staff and students who would like to run (or walk) as part of the Race for Life which will take place in Blackpool on Wednesday 10th July. Last year 91 staff. students and families ran together from Baines. We will send a letter out in the near future so that we can register anyone who is interested in supporting this amazing cause.

The cost of registering is £14.99 adult, £10.00 child and £14.99 for a young adult. If you are interested in this, you will need to return the reply slip, when you receive the letter, with the payment to participate.

Thank you to everyone who has been clicking on our School Angel link before purchasing online. It is an easy way to raise money for the school without it costing you anything. Any online purchases you make through the link on the Baines website will earn the school a small percentage of the money you spend. This does not cost you any additional money but the companies make a charitable

contribution to our school. We now have just over £200.00 raised for school. There is a PowerPoint on our website explaining how to use the School Angel website. Please continue to support us by sharing the link with family and friends for online purchases. https://www.schoolangel.org.uk/baines-school.html

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Mrs. A Chapman Headteacher Update 29th April 2019

Forthcoming Events:

29th April-GCSE Arts Exams. 30th April-Moving Up Evening 6pm-7.15pm (Year 5-Carr Head/Carleton Green/Poulton St

Chads). 6th May-School Closed, May Bank Holiday. 7th May-GSCE Arts Exams (all week) 8th May-Moving Up Evening 6pm-7.15pm (Year 5-Breck/Staining/St John’s/Hambleton) 13th May- Governors Meeting 5pm. 13th May-GSCE and A Level Exams Commence. 16th May--Moving Up Evening 6pm-7.15pm (Year 5 Carleton St

Hilda’s/Singleton/Layton/Norbreck). 20th May-Governors Committee Meeting 5pm. 24th May-Year 13 Leavers Celebration.

A gentle reminder that it is May Day Bank holiday on Monday 6th May and therefore school will be closed. Nil Sine Labore

Alison Chapman, Headteacher

We have received this information from the community and said we would pass on to our families.

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Mrs. A Chapman Headteacher Update 29th April 2019