
1. Start Walking A good advice in order for you to begin: On the road to work, get off the bus earlier or leave your car little more far and walk a little more OR still better, you use a walk meter and measure the steps that you make daily. Benefits of walking: Walk is a very good way of exercise and only that needs is a pair shoes! And if you want to see how much steps you can make in one day, you hang in our walk meter and

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Post on 04-Dec-2014



Health & Medicine

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eating habbits


Page 1: Health

1. Start Walking

A good advice in order for you to begin: On the road to

work, get off the bus earlier or leave your car little more

far and walk a little more OR still better, you use a walk

meter and measure the steps that you make daily.

Benefits of walking: Walk is a very good way of exercise

and only that needs is a pair shoes! And if you want to see

how much steps you can make in one day, you hang in

our walk meter and start! Remember to begin little by

little - your objective is to increase your steps at 2000

daily. And before you known you will reach the objective

of 10.000 steps the day.

2. Consume total milling foods

Page 2: Health

It is easier than that you believe - you change in the

sandwich the white bread with bread of total milling and

consume bread rusks of total milling.

Benefits of Total milling foods: Researches show that

the persons with healthy heart tend to consume more

foods of total milling in the frame of balanced diet. There

is a reason for this - the foods of total milling contain

complex carbohydrates and plant fibres that Help

maintaining normal levels of blood sugar in the blood and

assist in the regulation of your body weight. See also Fast


3. Buy more fruits and vegetables

Make sure that the fruits and the vegetables it is the first

thing that you shop when you buy foods. Thus you can

base your weekly dinners on fresh materials, while you do

not forget to consume at least 5 portions of daily (400gr)

fruits and vegetables.

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Benefits of fruits and vegetables: All know that there is

no magic trick in the consumption of correct foods - all

have to do with achieving a correct balance in what we

eat. Fruits and vegetables - independent if it is for fresh,

frozen, tin, and drained or juices - are full natural

components which can help in the maintenance of

cardiovascular health.

4. Eat more fruits and vegetables

Try bananas, strawberries and apples. Throw a brave

quantity in your cereals or in your yoghurt for a healthy

dessert. You may even want to try the banana diet for


Benefits of eating fruits and vegetables: The

consumption of variety of fruits and vegetables is good

for your heart. This happens because the different fruits

and vegetables contain different vitamins, metal

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elements, plant components (included antioxydant) and

plant fibres - all good!

5. Do not be afraid to say “no” in certain obligations

Do not be afraid to say “no” in certain obligations-

specifically if you feel that your day overwhelms you.

And most important, realize when you need help ask for it

Benefits of saying "NO" to obligations: Carried out by

the stress of the day can have an impact in your

cardiovascular health, specifically if you think some of

the ways we use in order to 'cope' with daily stress such as

smoking, the consumption of unhygienic foods and the

lack of exercise. You deserve the right to say NO if it is

for the benefit of you and of your heart - Learn how to

control stress and enjoy your life more.

6. Increase your natural activity

Find small occasions and breaks in the day in order to

increase your natural activity. For example do not use the

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remote control, but instead try to walk to the tv each time

you want to change the channel.

Benefits of natural activity: In general, the more active

your are in your life the better it helps in the maintenance

of your cardiovascular health. The exercise can help in the

control of arterial pressure, blood sugar levels and

cholesterol in the blood, while it is easier to control and

maintain your normal and physiologic weight. Even the

least activity, as you raise itself each time where you want

to change the channel it can help your heart and give

impulse in the circulation of blood.

7. Skip the elevator.

Begin walking for only 1 floor at the beginning and

afterwards increase the floors.

Benefits of not using elevators: Walking up the stairs is

a marvellous aerobic exercise. This exercise makes your

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heart function a little more and it minimises the

possibility of articulations.

8. Exercise more

If you are not a fun of gym or you haven't exercised for

some time (or at all) then begin slow. Try to run for 1

minute and then to walk for 1 minute. Repeat this circle

for as long as you can (perhaps for 10-20 minutes in the

beginning) and continue increasing.

Benefits of exercise: The aerobic exercise, like running,

intense walking (for a limited interval) increases the

cardiac vibration, a fact that is very good for the health of

your heart. Exercise increases the flow of blood and

intensifies the operation of cardiac system. And while

your heart is a muscle, as any other muscle, becomes

bigger and more possible via the natural activity. Big

heart - a lot of love!

9. Take small breaks for stretching

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Find a excuse in order to come out from the office, use

the time to relax and strain your legs. Possibly you can

include this exercise in the hour of lunch break - You can

walk to the bank, you can go on foot to receive the clothes

from the dry cleaner's or walk in the open air in order to

buy your newspaper or your favorite magazine.

Benefits of stretching: When you find some time and

stretch your body either by walking or otherwise then this

exercise is very good for your health and also very good

for your heart. It can make your heart muscles stronger.

10. Eat Low Fat products

It is healthier to have vegetable margarine in your bread

or in your healthy snack than not to eat vegetable

margarine at all. Not all fat products are harmful - some

of them are indeed good for your health. Select a

margarine which includes polyunsaturated fat (low-

hydrogenated fat) instead of butter.

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Benefits of eating low fat food: Fat constitutes a source

of energy which provides essential structural elements for

the cells of your body. Certain types of fat can maintain

your heart healthy. Thus, what is important is not only the

quantity but also the type of fat that you consume.

Polyunsaturated fatty products are good! This is

unsaturated fats, which help maintain cardiovascular

health and are in sunflower oil and margarines. See also

healthy weight loss tips.

11. Eat Fish twice a week

Try to eat two portions of fatty fish each week (fatty fish

include mackerel, salmon, sardines, trout and perch) and

select a spread such as Becel which contains vegetable

oils. The fatty fish containing omega 3, which is good for

maintaining cardiovascular health.

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Benefits of eating fish: Studies have shown that

consumption of omega 3 fatty helps maintain

cardiovascular health. And indeed there are two different

types of omega 3. One is an essential fatty which is in

vegetable oils,and the other is in fatty fish.

12. Switch off your mobile phone 30 minutes per day!

We know that there may be a challenge for some of you -

but try to turn off your mobile phone for 30 minutes every

day. You can do this when you go back home after work.

You'll see that it worth doing it!

Benefit of switching off your mobile phone: You know

already that stress can increase the risk for health

problems such as high blood pressure,

by disabling your phone (do not worry, it's only for 30

minutes) you can relax without interruptions. I do not

deserve it? Your heart, however, deserves - will be better

long term.

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13. Manage your shopping cart

Make a list in advance and avoid to go shopping when

hungry, as you will be surprised by what may result in

your trolley! Try to buy enough fruits and vegetables.

Benefits of managing your shopping cart: Often we can

overestimate how hungry we are. This sometimes leads us

to buy foods that are high in fat or sugar (such as crisps

and chocolate).

Prepare a shopping list for you and plan healthy choices

and stick to them. So this favour for your wallet and your

diet and make your shopping list in advance.

14. Exercise with Friends

Find a friend to exercise together. A friend can lead you

to achieve your goals. Also, to go to the gym is a social


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Benefit of exercising with friends: To have a friend to

exercise with will help you have a motive. Let's face it - if

he/she goes to the gym and you do not go, likely you will

feel a little guilty. While when you go along, there will be

a little healthy competition.

It is also a good idea to set common goals - for example

«If we go to gym three times this week, we can relax the


15. Reward your self for your healthy habits

After you make all these changes, you can relax with

certain simple enjoyments. Make a hot bubble-bath, or

buy a new CD to listen or spoil yourself with a massage.

Benefit of rewarding your self: You have adopted

certain healthy habits, which your heart will appreciate.

Therefore, you are eligible for a remuneration for your

hard work. And hope that they were not as bad as you

believed. Looking after your health care can be easy,

Page 12: Health

entertaitaining and relaxing. You don't feel already the


16. Focus on fiber.

When shopping this week put a lot of oats, legumes

(beans, lentils and chickpeas), total cereal milling without

added sugar, total milling and bread fruit and vegetables.

Benefits of having fiber as part of your diet: Fiber has

many advantages for health - as many people know is

very good for combating constipation.

But this is just one advantage to health by integrating

solvents (oats, pulses, fruits and vegetables) and

insoluble, total milling foods in your diet. There are many

more advantages - the fiber can help reduce blood

cholesterol levels and control blood glucose levels.

Make sure that you drink enough water - in order for the

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fiber to be used by your body they should be hydrated.

You can also try fasting.

17. Explore your challenges

If you like challenges, it is perhaps time that you make

your exercise most interesting. Take dance lessons, try

fencing or go hiking.

Benefit of new challenges: Simply because the variety is

the salt in our life!

The variety in exercise prevents boredom - there is a limit

to how many times can you like the abdominal exercises.

To do something different also helps avoid or delaying

coming to a quagmire in the performance and results from

the exercise.

18. Cooking in the grill!

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Try cooking using the grill! Try chicken, turkey, fish or

vegetables. And for something slightly exotic - improvise

and let your imagination free.

Benefits of cooking in the grill: Cooking on the grill is a

very healthy way of cooking and is also very easy! When

food is cooked, it retains most nutrients and allows any fat

to leave, leaving a healthy meal without lossing its taste.

If you want to be even healthier, select non fat sliced meat

and remove any visible fat - that can help reduce saturated


And for dessert, why not try bananas? Bake a ripe banana

and then served it with a few balls frozen low-fat yogurt.

19. Relax

Make sure that you find some time during the day to relax

and enjoy yourselft. It could be a walk round the park or

simply relaxing and reading a book or magazine.

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Benefit of relaxing: Its not only the well balanced diet

and the exercise that contributes in the cardiovascular

health - the maintenance of stress under control is also

important. Therefore, when you feel stressed, remember

that your heart feels the same.

20. Laugh

Find something that makes you laugh and deal more with

this! Watch a comedy theatre, rent a comedy film or meet

with friends.

Benefits of laughing: Somebody said that the laughter is

the better medicine. You feel good with your self -

relaxing with friends, or seeing funny films - it can sure

help you relax, and thus decreasing your levels of stress.

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21. Increase the levels of natural exercise

Page 16: Health

Try to do little exercises during the day. Do not worry, it

is not as difficult as it sounds. For example, use the

shopping bags to work out your bisepts or stand on the

nose of your feet while you wait in a queue.

Benefit of natural exercise: Even the smaller things that

you make measure for the maintenance of cardiovascular

health. You exceedingly use what you have - that is to say

you use what exists around you in order for you to

exercise - it constitutes an intelligent approach for a

healthier way of life, without spending a lot of time and


22. Reduce the consumption of alcohol

Try to reduce the consumption of alcohol. It is also a good

idea that you keep a couple of days per week with out

consuming any alchocol. Good alternative solutions are

fruit juices, or soda.

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Benefit of not consuming large quantities of alcohol:

We do not like to be the messengers of bad news, but

alcohol actually it contains a lot of calories. The good

news is that if you moderate the quantity that you drink,

you can help in maintaining your physiologic weight,

which is good for your heart. Your objective should be:

maximum 3-4 units daily for men and 2-3 units daily for

women (1 unit counterbalances with a glass of regular

beer, 1 measure of drink or 1 regular glass wine). More

consumption of alchohol per day can lead to a drinking


23. Reduce the consumption of saturated fat

Turn your back on your saturated fat this week. So, fried

and fatty foods such as animal butter, cheese, red meat

and sweets should be minimised. Instead, replace animal

butter with vegetable soft margarines, and products with

lower or reduced fat.

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Benefit of not consuming saturated fat foods: When

your diet contains foods with excessive amounts of

saturated fat and calories, you run the risk of getting extra

weight. Being overweight puts an extra charge on your

heart, which leads to high blood pressure.

By choosing foods with lower fat, which are not high in

saturated fat is good for your diet, and also it makes your

heart very happy. See Also weight loss pills.

24. Begin dance!

Latin, modern or traditional dances, classic, or belly-

dancing ! Anything that you like better. You do not even

need to leave home - just put  some music on and start to


Benefits of dancing: Dancing is a very good way to

strengthen your heart and improve your physical form.

You do not even feel like exercing because it is so much

amusing! So, if you like dancing, go to a cultural club,

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gym or dancing school in your neighborhood and find

something you  like. Before you will understand it you

will master the dance floor and at the same time you take

good care of your heart.

25. Snacks

Think smart when it comes to snacks. Good food for a

snack are nuts and seeds and almonds (unsalted). On the

other hand, fresh or dried fruits are a good substitute for

biscuits or cakes.


Benefits of not eating un-healthy snacks:Most of us are

very good when they need to eat healthily. But often

when its the time for a snack it is very difficult to resist to

foods that we know they are not too good for us.

Sometimes eating "bad food" is not catastrophic, but if

you do it regularly then you should look at more healthy

alternatives such as dried fruits which contain good fats.

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Attention, however, do not consume more than a handful

a day, because they contain many calories.

26.Combine creativity and physical activity

Explore your artistic side while walking. Take a camera

with you and take a photo of everything there is around


To go for a walk and find some spare time is a very good

way to move your feet and make your heart work better.

The physical activity such as walking makes the heart

muscle stronger. And the more powerful and big is your

heart, the more slowly must work to efficiently circulate

your body.

The combination of your creative side with little physical

activity may encourage you to walk a mile more for a

good reception!

27. Reduce the consumption of caffeine

Page 21: Health

Want a cup of coffee? We not try a more healthy version?

Perhaps try green tea, which is delicious, or you might

prefer a tea with fruit, or with lemon and honey.

We all want something help us keep up during the day

and most of the times this is coffee, which contains

caffeine. However, we must be careful how we consume

caffeine. The high intake of caffeine may contribute to

increased blood pressure.

The herbal infusions (such as chamomile) help in

relaxing, both for you and for your heart, while green tea

contains antioxidants that are also good for your heart.

28. Yoga

If you have not ever tried yoga, is perhaps the best time to

start. There are many different types of yoga to choose,

depending on how fit and flexible you are.

Benefits of Yoga: Yoga combines meditation and

physical integration, constituting physical activity you can

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do regularly in the comfort of your home. In particular,

yoga is a good way to get rid of stress, and focused

breathing. And we all know that learning to relax and to

control the level of stress not only helps us to enjoy life

more, but it is better for our hearts long term.

29. Herbs and not salt

Try herbs. Rather than put salt, why not use fresh herbs

for extra flavour?

Too much salt in your diet is not good - linked to high

blood pressure. Choosing foods low in salt or another

«tasty alternative» do good in your heart.

Foods you should be carefull about are: bread, canned

soups, sausages, corn and sausage bif.

So start to experiment with herbs in cooking. Here are

some helpful tips:

• Royal fits perfectly with tomatoes

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• Oregano gives strong taste in the sauce for pizza

Good cooking!

30. Celebrate!!!

You have reached in very good point and remember, even

if you have not followed the all advices, you have made

the best you could. And as we all know the slightest

counts for a healthy heart.

Making changes in our lives is not easy. We should try

and do some changes if this can reduce the age of your


So go out with your friends or simply do a little

celebration for yourself. Go shopping, buy yourself a gift

or make a small party at home.

And do not forget: the care of your heart does not stop

here, so remember if you love your heart it will love you


Page 24: Health

1. Begin your day with a glass of luke warm water.

2. Drink atleast 8 glasses of water in a day.

3. Include atleast two vegetables and a fruit type in your diet.

4. Eat sprouted beans as snacks atleast once in a+ day.

5. Eat green vegetables salad before your mid-day meal.

6. Eat fresh vegetables.

7. Eat just vegetables in the morning atleast thrice a week. Let lunch

be the first heavy meal of he day.

8. Avoid refrigerated or frozen foods. Eat foods hot.

9. Eat green vegetables and yellow colored fruits daily.

10. Fasting once in a week is good for health. Drink only fresh

juices while fasting. Begin with vegetable juice in the morning.

11. Replace tea and coffe with fresh juices.

12. If possible avoid using soda, coke and health/energy drinks.

13. Avoid eating fat fried foods.

14. Limit the consumption of ice creams and other baked


15. Never skip any meals. Even if you are fasting make sure you

drink juices to compensate the energy loss.

16. Select food items rich in fiber content.

17. Moderate the intake of sugar and salt.

18. Wash the vegetables well in running cold water before


Page 25: Health

19. Steam or cook the vegetables.

20. Cook the vegetables like cucumber, potatoes and tomatoes

with their skin intact.

21. Calculate the amount of fat in your food.

22. Eat your food slowly and enjoy them.

23. Prepare each dish and enjoy the taste while eating.

24. Learn to calculate the nutrient content in your food.

25. Select good and fresh vegetables.

26. Control your moods in order to control the food intake.

While in depression it is normal to develop a passion for sweets or

chocolates. Substitute this appetite with a fresh fruit juice.

27. Avoid chips or snacks while watching. You may eat popcorn


28. While eating concentrate only on food.

29. Try to eat along with your family.

30. Stop when you feel your stomach filled.

31. Avoid smoking cigerette.

32. Control alcohol consumption.

33. Learn to sleep well.

34. Select an exercise model that suits you and starting training.

If you like practise yoga daily.

35. Walk for atleast 20 minutes daily.

36. Involve yourself in atleast 10 minutes of streching exercises.

Page 26: Health

37. In the office avoid lifts and prefer stairs.

38. Meditate for atleast 10 minutes a day.

39. Stay calm while concentrating on your breath. Breathe in and

out slowly. 

40. Relax all your muscles.

41. Find and allocate time for prayer.

42. Laugh is a medicine for good health. Find some time for fun.

43. Rejuvenate all your inner senses and try to savour as much

energy as you can.

44. Balance your work and fun time.

45. Find time to spend with your children.

46. Meet your friends and find time to travel.

47. Listen to some music during the day.

48. Share the details of your illness ( if any ) with your family.

Participate them in your program to reduce cholestrol.

49. Read books that are informative in contents.

50. Understand that you have the ability to select the changes in

your life and believe you can do it.