health benefits of cashew nuts or kaju

Health Benefits of Cashew Nuts or Kaju Cashew nuts or kaju are kidney shaped nuts, famous as nature’s vitamin pill, having amazing and wonderful nutritional health benefits.

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Health Benefits of Cashew Nuts


Page 1: Health Benefits of Cashew Nuts or Kaju

Health Benefits of Cashew Nuts or Kaju

Cashew nuts or kaju are kidney shaped nuts, famous as nature’s vitamin pill,

having amazing and wonderful nutritional health benefits.

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It is generally used dry fruit in the Indian cuisine such as variety of dessert

preparations to add nutrition and taste. Solid, soft, sweet and delicious

cashew nuts are packed with energy, protein, antioxidants, minerals and

vitamins including other healthy materials required for body building.

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Page 3: Health Benefits of Cashew Nuts or Kaju

It belongs to the Anacardiaceae family and Anacardium genus, found in the

tropical regions of the earth. It was spread by the Portuguese travelers all

across the world from the Brazil’s Amazon rain forest. Now, it is

commercially cultivated in various countries like Brazil, India, Vietnam,

African countries and etc.

It grows on the tree adhering at the base to the accessory fruit called

cashew apples of bell shape. It has doubled shell of allergenic phenolic resin

(anacardic acid) and potent skin irritant allergenic oil urushiol (phenolic

urushiol resin) having irritant toxin (used to make varnishes and

insecticides). Later the outer skin gets destroyed and edible cashew nuts are


Health Benefits of Cashew Nuts or Kaju

Cashew nuts or kaju are full of amazing health benefits if taken within limit

on daily basis. Health conscious people must try it by adding it to their daily

diet plan to have its wonderful nutritious health benefits.

It is beneficial for all the age groups people of both genders. It has essential

amino acids, proteins and unsaturated fats which nourishes the unique body

systems very well. It has all the nutritious elements (anti-oxidants, vitamins,

proteins, electrolytes, minerals and etc) required for better body growth and

development specially for growing age children. Enjoy reading some of the

health benefits of cashew nuts which are mentioned below:

Benefits of Cashew Nuts for Cancer Prevention

Fights with Tumor

It has a most important substance called Proanthocyanidin (flavonols) which

has ability to fight against tumor cells by stopping their growth and division.

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Prevents from Cancer

Proanthocyanidins are compound having high copper content which helps in

fighting with the cancerous cells. It prevents from the various cancers like

cancer of colon, prostate and etc.

Rich Source of Antioxidants

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It reduces the occurrence of cancer to a great level as it has antioxidants

like selenium and vitamin E which obstructs the free radical oxidation in the

body and boosts the immunity.

Fights with Infection

It has high level of other mineral called zinc which helps to fight from

various infections.

Suppress Tumor Cells Growth

Vitamin K found in it has ability to suppress the tumor cells growth. It also

helps in the prevention of cirrhosis and liver cancer as well as best treatment

of the cirrhosis and liver cancer.

Benefits of Cashew Nuts for Heart

Keeps Heart Healthy

It contains low fat content and no cholesterol which helps the heart to

function well. It also has powerful antioxidants which keeps the heart away

from various heart diseases.

Keeps Blood Pressure under Control

Its magnesium content helps to maintain the blood pressure and lowers

down the high blood pressure. Its tendency of lowering the blood pressure

helps in preventing the heart attacks.

It has lower level of sodium and higher level of potassium which keeps the

blood pressure under control.

Balances Cholesterol Level

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Kaju has heart friendly monounsaturated essential fatty acids called oleic

acid and palmitoleic acid which reduces the bad cholesterol level as well as

increases the good cholesterol and triglycerides level in the body which

makes the heart healthy, thus prevents from coronary artery disease and

strokes by maintaining the blood lipid profile balanced.

Maintains Healthy Blood Flow in Arteries

Cashew nuts prevent from the atherosclerosis and reduces the plague

formation in the arteries.

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Prevents from Cardiac Arrhythmia

It is also the good source of the omega-3 fatty acids and omega-6 fatty

acids which acts as powerful antioxidants and prevents the blood vessels

from free radicals and cardiac arrhythmia.

Reduces Risk of Heart Diseases

The essential fatty acid like oleic acid inhibits the cholesterol transport to the

bloodstream thus reduces low-density lipoproteins (LDL) and elevates high-

density lipoprotein (HDL) concentration in the blood and lowers the risks of

heart diseases.

Benefits of Cashew Nuts for Hair

Improves Hair Growth

It has an important mineral called Copper which helps hair to maintain their

brightness, strong and black color.

Provides Natural Color to Hair

Copper found in it acts as an essential component for many enzymes.

Tyrosinase is a enzyme having copper helps in converting tyrosine to the

melanin (a pigment providing color to the hair and skin).

Benefits of Cashew Nuts for Bones

Provides Required Nutrients for Bone Growth

It has lots of minerals like calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and etc required

for the healthy growth and development of the bones among kids, women

and men.

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Enhances Calcium Absorption

Good magnesium level in the body also enhances the calcium absorption

level by the bones.

Improves Bone Density

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Its high level proteins and good magnesium and calcium level helps in

making the strong bone structure.

Maintains Bone Flexibility

High copper level helps in maintaining the flexibility of the bones and joints.

It enhances the functioning of an enzyme which combines the collagen and

elastin, thus provides flexibility to the bones and joints.

Prevents from Bone Deformity

Vitamin K found in Cashew nut helps in maintaining the healthy bones by

calcifying the bones, thus prevents from osteoporosis and skeletal


Benefits of Cashew Nuts for Nerves

Makes Nervous System Healthy

It’s one of the minerals called Magnesium play a very important role in

maintaining the healthy nerves.

Relaxes Blood Vessels, Nerves and Muscles

Magnesium gets stored on the bones surfaces and prevents calcium to enter

the nerve cells, thus enhances the relaxation of the blood vessels, nerves

and muscles. Low or insufficient magnesium level in the body let the calcium

passes into the blood vessels and made them contract which leads to the

high blood pressure, migraine, headache and lots of problems.

Benefits of Cashew Nuts in Weight Loss

Contains Healthy Protein and no Cholesterol

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Even after being loaded with the fats and proteins, it is considered that

cashew nut helps in managing the weight as it contains no cholesterol, good

fat and healthy protein. So, the weight conscious people can start eating

cashews, at least for two days a week to be prevented from extra weight


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Contains Dietary Fibers

Kaju has high energy density and high level of the dietary fibers, both of

which aids to the weight management when eaten in limit.

Benefits of Cashew Nuts for Gums and Teeth

Improves Health of Teeth and Gums

Its magnesium content helps a lot in maintaining the healthy and strong

gums and teeth if taken on regular basis.

Prevents Tooth Decay

It prevents from the tooth decay and abscessed teeth.

Benefits of Cashew Nuts for Brain

Promotes Healthy Brain Functioning

Its high level of copper content involves in very important body functions

like enzyme activation, hormone production and maintenance of brain


Improves Brain Power

It enhances the brain power as it boosts the immunity system, prevents

from infections and enhances blood supply to the brain by increasing the

production of more red blood cells.

Improves Oxygenated Blood Flow to Brain

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It enhances the oxygen supply to the brain and enhances the memory


Enhances Brain Cells Production

It has polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats which enhance the

production of brain cells.

Maintains Healthy Nerve Impulses Conduction

Magnesium conducts nerve impulses to the brain from muscles thus

prevents from painful cramps, muscle spasm and lesions.

Prevents from Mental Disorders

Copper found in Cashew nut involves in production and secretion of both

melanin and dopamine which prevents from depression, severe sun burn,

chronic fatigue syndromes, neurological disorders and etc.

Benefits of Cashew Nuts for Skin

Prevents from Dermatitis

One of the B group vitamins found in it called Niacin prevents from the skin

disease known as pellagra or dermatitis.

Improves Utilization of Iron

As it enhances the utilization of the iron in the body, elimination of free

radicals, maintenance of connective tissue, production of skin and hair

pigment called melanin, it makes the skin healthy and wrinkles free.

Rejuvenates Skin

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Its copper content keeps the skin rejuvenate, glowing and healthy by

fighting with the free radicals and removing pigments.

Prevents from Skin Cancer

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It prevents from the basal cell carcinoma, a type of skin cancer.

Benefits of Cashew Nuts for Eyes

Prevents from Old Age Eye Disorders

It has a pigment flavonoid antioxidant called zea-xanthin which gets

absorbed to the eyes (retinal macula lutea) and protects from the UV rays,

thus prevents from the age-related macular degeneration during old age.

Benefits of Cashew Nuts in Diabetes

Restricts Glucose Absorption

It helps in combating with the diabetes as the extract of cashew seeds

restricts the glucose absorption in the body.

Protects from Diabetic Complications

Cashew nuts have monounsaturated fats which reduces the triglyceride

levels among diabetics thus protect from further complications.

Reduces Risk of Type-2 Diabetes

It lowers the risk of Type 2 Diabetes among people.