health care innovation and the experience of aging


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Post on 22-Jan-2015




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Presented to University of Pennsylvania Architecture graduate students who were attempting to understand the experience of aging.


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2. We care about health care because we care about us. 3. This is called enlightened self-interest. 4. Which is not this. 5. They just had self-interest. 6. It looks more like: 7. [dramatization] 8. This was pretty bad. 9. This sucked too. 10. This was the worst. 11. I want better care. 12. Seriously. 13. We all do. 14. For young 15. and old. 16. Its up to us to change the conversation. 17. - Atul Gawande M.D.,The Checklist , The New Yorker We have a thirty-billion-dollar-a-year National Institute of Health... which has been a remarkable powerhouse of discovery. But we haveno billion-dollar National Institute of Health Care Delivery studyinghow best to incorporate those discoveries into daily practice. 18. Scientists provide valuable primary research Designers change perception People create demand 19. Economic Value Time Designers Culture Scientists 20. Economic Value Time Designers Culture Scientists Discovery Translation Amplification 21. So we should ask the experts? 22. We need to give engineers the right question and they mayalready have the answer.-Dr. Andrew Denton, Materials Connexion 23. The future is already here, its just unevenly distributed. -William Gibson, Author, NPR 24. Economic Value Time Designers Culture Scientists Discovery Translation Amplification firebrandsinstigators creators catalysts 25. The right question comes from understanding people 26. 27. 28. 29. There is a lot of talk about innovation, but 30. innovation is not something you talk about. It is something you do. 31. And the doing is messy. 32. Think big. Start small. Act fast. 33. Designers need to speak the language of business 34. in order to create meaningful change in the world. 35. We must scale our expectations 36. 37. SPARCInnovation Group 38. Find: Map and analyze activities 1 Recognize: concept illustrations 2 Prototype 3 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. Stakeholder interviews Patient interviews Phone interviews Site visits Elicitation activities Camera study Secondary research Online survey 44. 45. Principle 1:Provide the right information at the right time Principle 2:Recognize the individual and tailor services to them Principle 3:Maintain excellent communication between physicians Principle 4:Provide the right level of support Principle 5:Patients want to be as normal as possible Principle 6:Patient confidence in their care is crucial Principle 7:Give patients as much control as possible Principle 8:Patients prize convenience in treatment 46. 47. 48. 49. We have to be really smart stupid people. 50. We have to be curious about the obvious 51. So what have you found out about the silver tsunami? 52. What are OLD people really like? 53. What is too OLD? 54. Do OLD people act like they should? 55. How were your assumptions challenged?