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NRS 235

Concepts of nursing practice IV


fall 2019

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NRS235 Course Outline



Course Number: NRS 235 Course Title: Concepts of Nursing Practice IV Credits: 8

Hours: 3 hours/week theory; 3 hours/week lab; 12 hours/week clinical

Pre-requisite: BIO104 and BIO 201 with a minimum C+ grade, NRS 111, NRS 112, NRS 125,

NRS 225.

Catalog Description

This course builds on all previous nursing courses to further refine and apply the concepts of

nursing practice in the care of diverse adult and pediatric patients with complex conditions.

Application of knowledge and skills occurs in the nursing laboratories and a variety of clinical


Course Coordinator

Lisa M. Dunn MSN/Ed, RN, CCRN, CNE, EdD (c)

Office: MS 149

Telephone: 609-570-3379

E-mail: [email protected]

*To ensure collaboration, all email communication with lecture, lab, and clinical

instructors MUST have Professor Dunn “cced” on ALL emails. This may expedite student

questions or concerns.


We as faculty are here to help you have success in not just this course, but all your nursing

school endeavors. If you want success, you will need to work for it. It is imperative that you

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understand you must be committed to doing all you can to succeed. We will be here to guide

you, advise you, and encourage you; but it does start with you. Our expectations for students


• You will come to class prepared, having completed the assignments listed in this course outline

• You will conduct yourself in a professional manner in all situations

• You will adhere to all components engrained within the academic integrity standards set forth

by this institution

• You will maintain open communication with your course faculty regarding questions, concerns,

or any issues you feel will impede your ability to have success in this course

Required Materials

Adams, M.L., Holland, L.N. & Urban, C.Q. (2017) Pharmacology for Nurses A

Pathophysiologic Approach. (5th ed.) Upper Saddle River: Pearson Education, Inc.

(ISBN 13:-978-0-13-425516-3)

Callahan, B. (2015). Clinical Nursing Skills: A Concept-Based Approach to Learning,

Volume Three. (2nd. Ed.) New York: Pearson Education, Inc. (ISBN 978-0-13-335179-8)

D’Amico, D. & Barbarito, C. (2016). Health & Physical Assessment in Nursing. (3rd

Edition.) Upper Saddle River Pearson Education, Inc. (ISBN 978-0-13-387640-6).

DocuCare Learner License from Laerdal. To place your order with a credit card please

visit the

Laerdal web site at

Click on ‘Products & Pricing’ from the menu bar. Choose the Docucare 6 month learner

license and ‘Add to Cart’. Review your order and click Proceed to Checkout. A limited

number of licenses are available in the college bookstore.

Evolve-HESI – (for case studies & practice exams)

HESI ONLINE review course

MyNursingLab: Electronic resource bundle from Pearson that includes supplemental

study materials and additional electronic textbooks. Sold in college bookstore as a

bundle with concept textbooks, pharmacology text and health assessment text. May be

purchased separately for higher cost.

North Carolina Concept-Based Learning Editorial Board. (2015). Nursing: A Concept-

Based Approach to

Learning, Volumes One & Two. (2nd ed.) Upper Saddle River: Pearson Education Inc.

(Volume One: ISBN13:978-0-13-293426-8; Volume Two: (ISBN-13: 978-0-13-293427-


Silvestri, L.A, (2016) Saunders Comprehensive Review for the NCLEX-RN

Examination. (7th ed.) St. Louis, MI. Elsevier Saunders. (ISBN-13:


3 X 5 Index Cards

Simple calculator – cell phones are not permitted to be used as calculators during exams.

Stethoscope, blood pressure cuff, penlight, and wrist watch with a second hand

Regular access to a computer with internet access and ability to generate Microsoft Word

document or Adobe Acrobat pdf file.

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Recommended Materials

American Psychological Association. (2010) Publication Manual of the American

Psychological Association. (6th ed.). American Psychological Association: Washington


Doenges, M.E., Moorhouse, M.F., Murr, A.C. (2014) Nursing Care Plans: Guidelines for

Individualizing Patient Care Across the Life Span. (9th ed.) Philadelphia: FA Davis.

(ISBN-13: 978-0-8036-3041-3).

Nugent, P.M., & Vitale, B.A. (2016) Test Success: Test Taking Techniques for Beginning

Nursing Students. (7th ed.) Philadelphia: FA Davis. (ISBN 13: 978-0-8036-4418-2)

Nugent, P.M., Vitale, B.A. (2015). Fundamentals Success. (4th ed.) Philadelphia: F.A.

Davis. (ISBN 13: 9780-8036-4414-4)

Pickar, G.D., Abernethy, A.P. (2013) Dosage Calculations. (9th ed.) Clifton Park:

Thompson Delmar Learning (ISBN10: 1-4390-5847-4; ebook: ISBN13: 978-1-4390-


Vallerand, A.H. & Sanoski, C.A. (2016) Davis’s Drug Guide Nurses. (15th ed.)

Philadelphia: FA Davis. (ISBN13: 978-0-8036-5705-2).

Venes, D. (2012) Taber’s Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary. (22nd. ed.) Philadelphia, FA

Davis. (ISBN-13: 978-0-8036-2977-6).

Course Information & Web Resources:

Nursing Program website – (Nursing Program Handbook,

program policies, course outlines)

Mercer Online (Blackboard) – (Course shell containing

lecture handouts, course gradebook, other course learning resources)

Evolve-HESI – (for case studies & practice exams)

HESI ONLINE review course

NCLEX-RN Detailed Test Plan –

Please copy this test plan because it is new for this year!

Mercer County Community College Institutional Learning Goals

IL1 Written and oral communication in English: Students will communicate effectively in

both speech and writing.

IL2 Mathematics: Students will use appropriate mathematical and statistical concepts and

operations to interpret data and to solve problems.

IL3 Science: Students will use the scientific methods of inquiry, through the acquisition of

scientific knowledge.

IL4 Technology: Students will use computer systems or other appropriate forms of

technology to achieve educational and personal goals.

IL5 Social Science: Students will use social science theories and concepts to analyze human

behavior and social and political institutions and to act as responsible citizens.

IL6 Humanities: Students will analyze works in the fields of art, music, or theater; literature;

philosophy and/or religious studies; and/or will gain competence in the use of a foreign


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IL7 History: Students will understand historical events and movements in World, Western,

non- Western or American societies and assess their subsequent significant.

IL8 Diversity and Global Perspective: Students will understand the important of a global

perspective and culturally diverse peoples.

IL9 Ethical Reasoning and Action: Students will understand ethical issues and situations.

IL10 Information Literacy: Students will recognize when information is needed and have the

knowledge and skills to locate, evaluate and effectively use the information for college

level work.

IL11 Critical Thinking and Problem Solving: Students will use critical thinking and problem


skills to distinguish among inferences, opinions and facts.

Nursing Education Program Student Learning Outcomes

1. Provide safe, quality, evidence-based, patient-centered nursing care in a variety of

healthcare settings to diverse patient populations across the lifespan.

2. Engage in clinical reasoning to make patient-centered care decisions.

3. Participate in quality improvement processes to improve patient care.

4. Collaborate with members of the interprofessional team, the patient, and the patient’s

support persons.

5. Use information management (informatics) principles, techniques, and systems, and

patient care technology to communicate, manage knowledge, mitigate error, and support


6. Assimilate leadership, management, legal, and ethical guidelines in practice as a

Registered Nurse.

Course Student Learning Outcomes

This course builds on all previous nursing courses to further refine and apply the concepts of

nursing practice in the care of diverse adult and pediatric patients with complex conditions.

Application of knowledge and skills occurs in the nursing laboratories and a variety of clinical


1. Provide safe, quality, evidence-based, patient-centered nursing care in a variety of

healthcare settings to clients with complex conditions across the lifespan.

2. Engage in clinical reasoning to make increasingly complex patient-centered care

decisions for clients with complex conditions across the lifespan.

3. Participate in quality improvement processes to improve patient care for clients with

complex conditions across the lifespan.

4. Collaborate with members of the inter-professional team, the patient, and the patient’s

support persons for clients with complex conditions across the lifespan.

5. Use information management (informatics) principles, techniques, systems, and patient

care technology to communicate, manage knowledge, mitigate error, and support


6. Assimilate leadership, management, legal, and ethical guidelines in practice as a

Registered Nurse.

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Academic Integrity Mercer County Community College is committed to Academic Integrity – the honest, fair and continuing pursuit of knowledge, free from fraud or deception. This implies that students are expected to be responsible for their own work, and that faculty and academic support services staff members will take reasonable precautions to prevent the opportunity for academic dishonesty. Please refer to the full Academic Integrity policy in the MCCC Student Handbook and OMB Policy 210.

Credible reports of academic dishonesty will result in course failure and possible program dismissal.

Nursing Program Handbook

Each nursing student will receive a copy of the Nursing Program Handbook at the start of the

program. The handbook is updated each academic year and the most current version is available

to all students on the nursing program website Students are responsible

to review the most current semester’s handbook each semester and comply with the nursing

program policies and procedures as written.

ADA Statement

Mercer County Community College is committed to ensuring the full participation of all students

in all activities, programs and services. If you have a documented differing ability or think that

you may have a differing ability that is protected under the ADA and Section 504 of the

Rehabilitation Act, please contact the Center for Inclusion, Transition, and Accessibility at 609-

570-3422 or LB218 for information regarding support services.


Please review the Nursing Education Program Attendance Policy on the nursing program website

or the Nursing Education Program Handbook. Students are expected to attend all lecture, college

laboratory, and clinical laboratory sessions. If you cannot avoid an absence, contact your

instructor prior to the activity to be missed. Students who are unable to be present for a

scheduled exam must contact the instructor prior to the exam. No Call, No Show to any exam

results in a zero for that exam. Prolonged absences due to illness, injury, or bereavement for an

immediate family member should be reported to the Nursing Office.

Per the Nursing Education Attendance Policy, two points will be deducted from the overall

course grade for every unexcused absence from any educational session. Two episodes of

unexcused lateness will be treated as an unexcused absence; points will be deducted from the

final course grade accordingly. Each request for an excused absence will be considered

separately, on its own merit. Any combination of more than two absences in theory, lab, or

clinical may result in inability to meet course objectives and course failure.

Theory Classroom theory sessions are based on learning objectives from the course outline. Textbook

readings and other supplemental readings or activities are assigned based on weekly learning

objectives listed in the course outline and should be completed prior to the class session. Online

student resources for the Pearson Concept textbook can be accessed at

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Classroom experience will involve critical thinking interactive learning activities which will

require reading the assigned readings prior to class. A presentation of theory concepts will be

given at the beginning of the class followed by classroom learning activities. Cell phones must

be shut off during class sessions unless otherwise instructed by the Professor. Recording any

class session is at the discretion of the instructor. Permission to tape should be obtained prior to

the beginning of class.

College Lab This weekly lab is designed to help the student gain proficiency in nursing skills in a controlled

environment utilizing videos, interactive computer learning, hands on demonstration and clinical

simulation. The student will be expected to practice basic nursing skills to gain proficiency and

perform a return demonstration in front of the instructor. Students must successfully perform a

return demonstration on all critical skills in order to pass the lab portion of the course.

If a student is absent from a college laboratory, it is the responsibility of that student to plan to

attend open lab hours for practice of any missed skill. Student must obtain referral form from

instructor and bring the form with them to the open lab time. Form must be signed and submitted

to the course coordinator within two weeks of missed college lab session. Open lab information,

including time and location, to be posted on blackboard/nursing website.

Dosage Calculation Math Requirement

The dosage calculation exam will be given at the beginning of the semester during the first 2

weeks of class. Students will take their exam in the testing center at their leisure during these

two weeks. Please contact the testing center for hours of operation. Students should bring a

simple calculator. The use of a cell phone as a calculator is NOT allowed. The exam will NOT

be timed. There will be 20 questions on the exam, and the expectation for this exam is for the

student to achieve 100%. Please consult the example exam that is on the blackboard shelf. If the

student does not achieve the 100% on the first attempt, remediation session must be completed

by the student and a new test will be taken.

Students will not be allowed to pass medications during the clinical experience until the dosage

calculation exam requirement has been met. If the student is unable to pass medications after the

second attempt of the dosage calculation exam, an ‘UNMET’ grade will be issued for that

competency, which will result in a clinical failure and subsequent course failure.

Clinical Lab

The clinical laboratory provides students with the opportunity to provide care to patients in the

clinical setting to meet course goals. Preparation for clinical lab will focus on weekly

objectives listed in this course outline. Clinical lab consists of 12 hours per week performed at

the assigned clinical facility. Weekly clinical assignment information will be handled by the

clinical instructor. There is no preconference in NRS 235. Students are expected to be able to

care for any patient assigned by the clinical instructor. Post conference will consist of 1 hour.

During that time, the students are expected to:

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1. State the patient's diagnosis including organs involved; explain (briefly) signs and

symptoms of the disease using correct terminology.

2. Identify and explain how the patient's condition exemplifies an alteration to the concept

being studied that week using the disease process, nursing order and use of

pharmacological agents.

3. Identify developmental tasks appropriate to the patient's age and the implications for

nursing care.

4. Formulate a preliminary plan of nursing care based on the altered concept and utilizing

the nursing process.

5. Discuss assigned medications in relation to patient care outcomes.

6. Review and evaluate the care given and the patient's response to care plan.

7. Discuss revisions that should be made in your plan to improve care.

8. Discuss application of clinical objectives to your patient.

Clinical Experience:

1. Receive report on assigned patient, review medical record.

2. Assess your assigned patient.

3. Revise your preliminary plan as needed utilizing data obtained in report, from the

medical record, and your assessment of the patient.

4. Implement the nursing plan by caring for your patient demonstrating proficiency in

nursing skills and seeking guidance from your instructor as needed.

5. Record nursing documentation and report off to nursing staff appropriately.

All patient information received during clinical lab is to remain confidential always. No

photocopying of patient information is allowed. Students will not be allowed to visit the unit for

patient information at times other than their assigned clinical day.

Clinical Documentation - DocuCare All nursing students will be documenting their clinical experiences in DocuCare and students are

expected to purchase a DocuCare learner license. Student license access to DocuCare EHR

virtual simulation software will be available for purchase on using

the instructions below. Limited licenses are also available in the college bookstore.

To purchase course access online you will need to register for an account on the Laerdal


1. Visit

2. Click on ‘Products & Pricing’ from the menu bar

3. Choose the DocuCare product and ‘Add to Cart’

4. Review your order and click Proceed to Checkout

*Once you create your account, please take note of your Customer Number and Password for

future purchases. The student access code is nontransferable and can only be used during the

access period depending on the module selected. To access your course material after you

purchase, follow the steps detailed in your order confirmation email.

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Evolve Case Studies

Case studies are assigned as a tool to aid in learning specific content. These case studies are

included in the Weekly Class Preparation and should be included as learning activities to support

the content covered for the week. Each case study must be completed before coming to class.

Each case study presents a scenario that introduces the client and then a series of small sets of

questions. At the end of the case study, a summary screen shows all the rationales for each


The case studies can be accessed via the Evolve website at under the

link “case studies with practice tests.” All students will need an Evolve login and password, as

well as a course ID number to access the Evolve materials. HESI Tech Support is available at 1-


Students may re-take the case study as many times as they like to master the content.

HESI Exam: There will be multiple HESI exams given in this course. Please refer to the course

schedule. These exams must be completed. These exams are web based which requires your

evolve login and password to access these exams. Students are expected to achieve a score of

850 on the med/surg, maternity, and pediatric exams prior to the exit exams. The exam

percentage scores will be calculated into your final grade for the course. There are 55 questions

on each exam, including alternate format items. Students will have up to 1 hour and 30

minutes to complete each exam. Students should bring earbuds or headphones to the exam.

Students will be required to complete the medical/surgical practice test, maternity practice test,

and pediatric practice test, which can be accessed on the evolve website under “case studies”

before they will be able to sit for this HESI exam. Students must complete these practice exams

with an average percentage of 90% at least 24 hours before the start time of the exam or the

student will not be able to take the exam during the scheduled time. If you need additional

assistance in accessing the case studies or practice tests, please see the NRS 235 course


Two HESI RN EXIT exams will be administered during NRS 235. The exams are created to

reflect the NCLEX-RN exam and scores are predictive of success on the exam. Research

indicates that a raw score of 900 on the HESI Exit Exam indicates 96-99% estimated prediction

of success on the NCLEX exam. There are 160 questions on the exam, including alternate

format items. Students will have up to 4 hours to complete the exam. Students should bring

earbuds or headphones to the exam.

HESI RN EXIT EXAM: This web exam will be administered during NRS 235. The expected

benchmark for satisfactory performance on this exam is a raw score of 850-900. Students not

achieving a score of 850 are highly encouraged to access individualized content remediation via

the evolve website. The date and time of this exam will be forthcoming.

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HESI RN EXIT EXAM Second exit exam: This exam may not be called “second attempt.”

However, it will be the students second attempt at the exit exam. There are six versions of

this exam. Each version is not “harder.” They are simply a different version. This web

exam will be administered at the end of the course after individualized remediation based on the

version 1 score has been completed. The benchmark for this exam is a raw score of 900.

Students not achieving the benchmark score of 900 will be required to seek additional

remediation with the nursing program tutors.

Completion of both HESI RN EXIT Exams (first and second attempt) are required to

successfully complete NRS 235. If the benchmark score of 900 is not achieved on the

second attempt of the exam, further remediation will be required.

The following evolve practice tests located in your assigned Case Studies and Practice Test

course ID will help prepare you for the HESI EXIT RN exams:

Comprehensive Exam: (3 versions available 125 questions per version) One of these

comprehensive exams are required to take each of the Exit HESI exams and the med/surg


Management of Care: 29 questions

Pediatric: 84 questions

Pharmacology: 68 questions

Medical-Surgical Nursing: 123 questions

Community Health Nursing: 34 questions

Fundamentals: 87 questions


vSim for Nursing is simulation software that students will use throughout the program. All

students are expected to purchase vSim® for Nursing Medical Surgical. Student license access

to vSim® for Nursing online, virtual simulation software will be available for purchase on using the instructions below. Limited licenses are also available in

the college bookstore.

To purchase course access online you will need to register for an account on the Laerdal website.

1. Visit

2. Select the Medical-Surgical module.

3. Click on ‘Products & Pricing’ from the menu bar

4. Choose the vSim student license and ‘Add to Cart’

5. Review your order and click Proceed to Checkout

*Once you create your account, please take note of your Customer Number and Password for

future purchases. The student access code is nontransferable and can only be used during the 2-

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year access period. To access your course material after you purchase, follow the steps detailed

in your order confirmation email.

Peer tutoring and/or facilitator of study groups:

NRS 235 students will be required to complete at least 4 hours of peer tutoring. Students are to

sign up Professor Dunn for their preferred shifts. Sign-ups will be on a first-come first-serve

basis. A student cannot sign up for a shift if they are required to be in class or clinical on that

day. If a student needs to switch a shift with another student, Professor Dunn needs to be aware

of any changes before they occur.

Testing Procedure:

All course theory exams will be given during the first hour of lecture. Exams are typically fifty

questions and students are given 75 minutes to complete the exam. If a student arrives late to an

exam, there will be no extra time allowed to complete the exam. Once a student has completed

the exam, any late students will no longer be allowed admission to the classroom to sit for the

exam and will receive a zero (0) as a grade.

Students who are unable to be present for a scheduled exam must contact the instructor prior to

the exam. No call, no show to any exam will result in a zero for that exam. In the case where a

student misses an exam, an alternate exam may be administered at the discretion of the


The student must notify the instructor in advance of the scheduled test of a student’s inability to

take an exam as scheduled. Additionally, it is the student’s responsibility to inform the instructor

if they are too ill to take the exam prior to the exam. All students must acknowledge on the

exam cover sheet that they are physical and mentally able to take the exam. Once the exam has

been submitted for grading, students may not request a make-up exam.

Seating during the exam is at the discretion of the instructor or exam proctor. Only pencils,

erasers, calculator, the answer sheet, and the test booklet will be allowed at the student’s seat

during the exam. Questions will not be answered during the exam. Theory exams are scored on

Scantron forms. The Scantron sheet stands as the final grade.

Please refer to nursing program testing policy in the Nursing Program Handbook for further


Exam Review

Group exam reviews will be conducted by the course faculty. Individual exam reviews will be at

the discretion of the course coordinators. There will be no cell phones allowed during the

review. Students who scored a 78% or less will be given priority for individual exam review.

Please refer to the student handbook for additional information regarding the nursing program’s

test review policy.

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Student Success

Students who score less than 80% on a nursing exam will be required to meet with the health

profession’s success coach or other designated MCCC team member to develop or revise a

personalized success plan. In addition, nursing program faculty or staff may require students to

attend open skills lab, tutoring, meet with the health professions success coach, attend a

workshop or other activities to assist the student to be successful. Nursing program tutoring

includes peer and faculty tutoring offerings.

Theory Grade

Assessment Percentage of Grade

Exam 1 15%

Exam 2 15%

Exam 3 15%

HESI Med/Surg 5%

HESI Maternity 2.5%

HESI pediatrics 2.5%

HESI Online Modules 5%

Comprehensive Final Exam 30%


Total 100%

Clinical/Lab Grade

Clinical and lab are scored on a pass/fail basis. See NRS 235 Lab Manual for details of lab

assignments, and the clinical evaluation form.

Determination of Grade Completion of all theory exams and HESI exam(s) is required for a grade to be assigned.

In the clinical setting, there are multiple written clinical evaluations during the semester. A

student must receive a score of “Proficient” on all components of the clinical evaluation by

the end of the semester to pass the clinical component of the course.

To receive a grade in NRS 235, the following criteria must be satisfied:

(A) The final summative evaluation on the Clinical Laboratory Performance Evaluation must

be proficient for all clinical objectives.

(B) Successful completion of all college lab critical skills as verified by instructor.

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(C) Passing grade of 100% on the Dosage Calculation exam.

(D) Completion of assigned HESI exam(s).

(E) Completion of HESI online modules.

(F) Completion of all theory exams.

(G) Completion of comprehensive final exam.

(H) Completion of at least 4 hours of peer tutoring.

The Student is responsible for maintaining a record of his/her own grades as they are

achieved. If all criteria for the determination of a grade for the course have been successfully

met, a grade will be assigned as follows:

A 93% - 100%

A- 90% - 92.99%

B+ 87% - 89.99%

B 83% - 86.99%

B- 80% - 82.99%

C+ 77% - 79.99%

C 70% - 76.99%

D 60% - 69.99%

F 0% - 59.99%

1. Students must earn a C+ (77%) or better and pass the clinical/lab component in order to successfully complete any of the professional phase nursing courses.

2. Grades will be calculated to the one hundredth place (two decimal points), when available.

3. After calculation to the one hundredth place, grades will not be rounded.

4. All grades are final.

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Weekly Course Outline

Week - Theory Class Date Focus Concepts Assessment (Important DATES)

1 – September 3, 2019


Lab on Sept 4 and 6. Be

prepared to review all past skills

learned during simulation.


TUTORING with Professor

Dunn. This must be done

before sitting for EXAM 1

You must complete one of the

three HESI comprehensive

exams with a 90% to prepare for

the med/surg HESI exam by

September 6th. You can take it

an unlimited amount of tries to

obtain a 90%.

To access this, go to the Evolve

website for case studies. Go to

content area. Then go to HESI

RN practice test. Then go to

comprehensive exam. There are

3 of them. You must do one of

them to take the med/surg HESI

exam. There are 124 questions.



2 – September 10, 2019 Assessment

Sensory perception


Med/surg HESI exam on

September 11, 2019

(Wednesday) in AD 223.

Students having lab either

Wednesday or Friday must all

report for the HESI exam on

Wednesday at 6pm. This exam

takes the place of your

scheduled lab.

3 – September 17, 2019 Oxygenation Exam #1 in classroom on

Lecture on oxygenation will be

after exam.

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4 – September 24, 2019 Intracranial regulation

5 – October 1, 2019 Skin Integrity

6 – October 8, 2019 Cellular regulation Exam #2 in classroom. Lecture

on cellular regulation will be

after exam.

Complete maternity practice

HESI exam by October 11th

with a 90%. You can take it an

unlimited amount of tries to

obtain a 90%.

To access this, go to the Evolve

website for case studies. Go to

content area. Then go to HESI

RN practice test. Then go to

Obstetrics/Maternity. Then go to

Practice. Then go to Obstetrics/

Maternity practice exam. (not the

quiz). There are 102 questions.

7 – October 15, 2019 Digestion


Acid Base

Maternity HESI exam in AD

223 and 229. All students to

report on Friday, October 18th

at 6pm. This will take the place

of this week’s lab.

8 – October 22, 2019 Dysrythmias Complete pediatric practice HESI

exam by October 25th with a

90%. You can take it an

unlimited amount of tries to

obtain a 90%.

To access this, go to the Evolve

website for case studies. Go to

content area. Then go to HESI

RN practice test. Then go to

pediatric. Then go to Practice.

Then go to pediatric practice

exam. (not the quiz). There are

84 questions.

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9 – October 29, 2019 Inflammation, immunity, and


Exam #3 in classroom. Lecture

will be after exam.

Pediatric HESI exam on

November 1st at 6pm in AD 223

and AD 229. All students are to

report at 6pm. This will take

the place of your lab.

10 –November 5, 2019 Elimination/ Renal HESI MODULES DUE ON

November 8th.

You must complete one of the

three HESI comprehensive

exams with a 90% to prepare

for the Exit HESI exam by

November 8th for all students.

You can take it an unlimited

amount of tries to obtain a


To access this, go to the Evolve

website for case studies. Go to

content area. Then go to HESI

RN practice test. Then go to

comprehensive exam. There are

3 of them. You must do one of

them to take the med/surg HESI

exam. There are 124 questions.

11 – November 12, 2019 Safety

HESI EIXT exam on

November 13th for the

Wednesday lab and November

15th for the Friday lab. Please

report at 6pm. This exam will

take 4 hours.

12 – November 19, 2019 Final Exam Final exam on November 19th

for all students at 6 pm in our

scheduled classroom.

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CAT exam given on November

22nd for all labs in AD 223 and

AD 229. Please report at 6pm.

This will take the place of your


13 – December 2, 3, and 4th.

All students expected to attend

every day from 4pm- 10pm.

Room number with be


HESI LIVE REVIEW COURSE You must complete one of the

three HESI comprehensive

exams a 90% to prepare for the

Exit HESI exam by December

6th. You should have all three

exams finished now. You can

take it an unlimited amount of

tries to obtain an average of


To access this, go to the Evolve

website for case studies. Go to

content area. Then go to HESI

RN practice test. Then go to

comprehensive exam. There are

3 of them. You must do one of

them to take the Exit V2 HESI

exam. There are 124 questions.

14 – December 10, 2019 Delegation

Health care systems

Collaboration and


Professional behaviors


EXIT HESI EXAM on December

13, 2019 in AD 223 and AD 229

at 6m. This exam will take 4

hours. Please bring your head

phones or ear buds to this exam.

See NRS 235 Lab Manual for details of clinical/lab assignments.

Weekly course outline, test, and assignment dates

are subject to change at instructor’s discretion.

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Week Concept and


Weekly Objective Class Preparation Activities College Lab












coagulation (DIC)

CLO1: Apply the concept of

perfusion as it relates to the

role of the registered

professional nurse to clients

with complex conditions

across the lifespan.

CLO2: Demonstrate clinical

reasoning to make client-

centered care decisions when

caring for the client with an

alteration in perfusion and

complex conditions across the


CLO3: Relate quality

improvement processes when

caring for clients with an

alteration in perfusion and

complex conditions across the


CLO4: Demonstrate a team-

based approach to the care of

the client with an alteration in

perfusion and complex

conditions across the lifespan.



Review 599-605

Read p. 1217-1234

Read p. 1076-1083

Read p. 1138-1144


Review chapters 26, 27, and


Read chapter 12 and 29

D’Amico & Barbarito:

Review chapter 20


Go under client need. See

Live review video on shock

and DIC.

Go under content area. Go

under Module 7-critical care.

Go under Emergency


Be prepared to perform all

past skills learned during

simulation throughout the


Bring stethoscope, blood

pressure cuff, penlight and

watch to lab and clinical.

Simulated experiences, case

studies, and drug calculation








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CLO5: Describe information

management principles that

support decision making

regarding the client with

alterations in perfusion and

complex conditions across the


CLO6: Apply leadership

strategies when addressing

legal and ethical care

guidelines of the client with

an alteration in perfusion and

complex conditions across the


2 Assessment

Sensory perception


Approach to the

multisystem patient

Spinal cord injury

Neurogenic shock


Cerebral Palsy

Spina bifida

Muscular dystrophy

CLO1: Apply the concept of

sensory perception and

mobility as it relates to the

role of the registered

professional nurse to clients

with complex conditions

across the lifespan.

CLO2: Demonstrate clinical

reasoning to make client-

centered care decisions when

caring for the client with an

alteration in sensory

perception, mobility, and

complex conditions across the




Read p. 906-918

Read p. 1331-1336


Chapter 21

D’Amico & Barbarito: Review chapter 25

Evolve case study:

Spinal cord injury


Go under content area. Go

under module 6- child health.

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CLO3: Relate quality

improvement processes when

caring for clients with an

alteration in sensory

perception, mobility, and

complex conditions across the


CLO4: Demonstrate a team-

based approach to the care of

the client with an alteration in

sensory perception, mobility,

and complex conditions

across the lifespan.

CLO5: Describe information

management principles that

support decision making

regarding the client with

alterations in sensory

perception, mobility, and

complex conditions across the


CLO6: Apply leadership

strategies when addressing

legal and ethical care

guidelines of the client with

an alteration in sensory

perception, mobility, and

complex conditions across the


Go under neurological and

cognitive. Pay special attention

to the spina bifida. Also, go

under content area (adult).

There is a whole review of

spinal cord injury.

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Acute respiratory

distress syndrome



Pulmonary emboli

Acute Asthma

CLO1: Apply the concept of

oxygenation as it relates to the

role of the registered

professional nurse to clients

with complex conditions

across the lifespan.

CLO2: Demonstrate clinical

reasoning to make client-

centered care decisions when

caring for the client with an

alteration in oxygenation and

complex conditions across the


CLO3: Relate quality

improvement processes when

caring for clients with an

alteration in oxygenation and

complex conditions across the


CLO4: Demonstrate a team-

based approach to the care of

the client with an alteration in

oxygenation and complex

conditions across the lifespan.

CLO5: Describe information

management principles that

support decision making

regarding the client with

alterations in oxygenation and



Review 953-1005

Read p. 1210-1217

D’Amico & Barbarito: Review chapter 17


Review chapter 40

Evolve case study



Go under Content area. See

module 5- Adult Health. Go

under respiratory disorders of

the adult client.

Go under client need. See live

review videos. Go under chest


Go under content area. Go

under module 6- child health.

Go under throat and


Go under content area. Go

under module 7-critical care.

Go under basic life

Exam #1 in classroom before


Simulated experiences, case

studies, and drug calculation


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complex conditions across the


CLO6: Apply leadership

strategies when addressing

legal and ethical care

guidelines of the client with

an alteration in oxygenation

and complex conditions

across the lifespan.



Go under concepts. Go under

HESI concepts. Go under

Biophysical. Do acid/base


Vernon Watkins Post-op

Hemicolectomy: Pulmonary


Jennifer Hoffman

Acute Severe Asthma

Vincent Brody

COPD spontaneous


4 Intracranial


Traumatic brain



Brain tumors



CLO1: Apply the concept of

intracranial regulation as it

relates to the role of the

registered professional nurse

to clients with complex

conditions across the lifespan.

CLO2: Demonstrate clinical

reasoning to make client-

centered care decisions when

caring for the client with an

alteration in intracranial

regulation and complex

conditions across the lifespan.

CLO3: Relate quality

improvement processes when



Read chapter 11, 687-724.


Review chapter 15

D’Amico & Barbarito: Review chapter 26

Evolve case study:

Traumatic brain injury


Simulated experiences, case

studies, and drug calculation


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caring for clients with an

alteration in intracranial

regulation and complex

conditions across the lifespan.

CLO4: Demonstrate a team-

based approach to the care of

the client with an alteration in

intracranial regulation and

complex conditions across the


CLO5: Describe information

management principles that

support decision making

regarding the client with

alterations in intracranial

regulation and complex

conditions across the lifespan.

CLO6: Apply leadership

strategies when addressing

legal and ethical care

guidelines of the client with

an alteration in intracranial

regulation and complex

conditions across the lifespan.

Go under client need. See

Live review videos. Go under

Head injury.

Go under content area. Go

under module 5- adult health.

Go under neurological

disorders of the adult client.

Also, go under oncological


5 Tissue integrity


CLO1: Apply the concept of

tissue integrity as it relates to

the role of the registered

professional nurse to clients

with complex conditions

across the lifespan.



Read p. 1464-1487


Simulated experiences, case

studies, and drug calculation


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CLO2: Demonstrate clinical

reasoning to make client-

centered care decisions when

caring for the client with an

alteration in tissue integrity

and complex conditions

across the lifespan.

CLO3: Relate quality

improvement processes when

caring for clients with an

alteration in tissue integrity

and complex conditions

across the lifespan.

CLO4: Demonstrate a team-

based approach to the care of

the client with an alteration in

tissue integrity and complex

conditions across the lifespan.

CLO5: Describe information

management principles that

support decision making

regarding the client with

alterations in tissue integrity

and complex conditions

across the lifespan.

CLO6: Apply leadership

strategies when addressing

legal and ethical care

Review chapter 18 and 25

D’Amico & Barbarito: Review first few pages of

chapter 13

Evolve case study



Go under concepts. Go under

HESI concepts. Go under

Biophysical. Go under Tissue

Integrity. Go under Adult

Health condition. Do burn


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guidelines of the client with

an alteration in tissue integrity

and complex conditions

across the lifespan.

6 Cellular Regulation

Sickle cell crisis

Gastrointestinal (GI)


Peptic Ulcer disease




Malignant Myeloma

CLO1: Apply the concept of

cellular regulation as it relates

to the role of the registered

professional nurse to clients

with complex conditions

across the lifespan.

CLO2: Demonstrate clinical

reasoning to make client-

centered care decisions when

caring for the client with an

alteration in cellular

regulation and complex

conditions across the lifespan.

CLO3: Relate quality

improvement processes when

caring for clients with an

alteration in cellular

regulation and complex

conditions across the lifespan.

CLO4: Demonstrate a team-

based approach to the care of

the client with an alteration in

cellular regulation and

complex conditions across the




Review p. 42-76

Review p. 92-104

Read p. 119-126

Review p. 464

Read p. 787-788

Read p. 676-685


Review chapter 38 and 41

D’Amico & Barbarito: Review chapters 11 and 21

Evolve case study:

PUD, Pediatric sickle cell

Pediatric practice exam


Go under content area. Go

under module 5- Adult health.

Then go under gastrointestinal

disorders of the adult client.

Exam #2 before lecture.

Simulated experiences, case

studies, and drug calculation


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CLO5: Describe information

management principles that

support decision making

regarding the client with

alterations in cellular

regulation and complex

conditions across the lifespan.

CLO6: Apply leadership

strategies when addressing

legal and ethical care

guidelines of the client with

an alteration in cellular

regulation and complex

conditions across the lifespan.

7 Digestion


Acid base

Liver Disease




CLO1: Apply the concept of

digestion, metabolism, and

acid base as it relates to the

role of the registered

professional nurse to clients

with complex conditions

across the lifespan.

CLO2: Demonstrate clinical

reasoning to make client-

centered care decisions when

caring for the client with an

alteration in digestion,

metabolism, acid base, and

complex conditions across the




Review 780-790

Review 207-245

Read 245-251

Review 746-780


Review chapters 18, 31, and 45

D’Amico & Barbarito: Review chapter 21

Evolve case studies:

Chronic pancreatitis



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CLO3: Relate quality

improvement processes when

caring for clients with an

alteration in digestion,

metabolism, acid base, and

complex conditions across the


CLO4: Demonstrate a team-

based approach to the care of

the client with an alteration in

digestion, metabolism, acid

base, and complex conditions

across the lifespan.

CLO5: Describe information

management principles that

support decision making

regarding the client with

alterations in digestion,

metabolism, acid base, and

complex conditions across the


CLO6: Apply leadership

strategies when addressing

legal and ethical care

guidelines of the client with

an alteration in digestion,

metabolism, acid base, and

complex conditions across the



Go under content area. Go

under module 5-adult health.

Go under endocrine disorders

of the adult client (DKA).

Also, go under gastrointestinal


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8 Perfusion


CLO1: Apply the concept of

perfusion as it relates to the

role of the registered

professional nurse to clients

with complex conditions

across the lifespan.

CLO2: Demonstrate clinical

reasoning to make client-

centered care decisions when

caring for the client with an

alteration in perfusion and

complex conditions across the


CLO3: Relate quality

improvement processes when

caring for clients with an

alteration in perfusion and

complex conditions across the


CLO4: Demonstrate a team-

based approach to the care of

the client with an alteration in

perfusion and complex

conditions across the lifespan.

CLO5: Describe information

management principles that

support decision making

regarding the client with

alterations in perfusion and



Read 1070-1076

Review 1105-1129

Read 1178-1198


Read chapter 30

D’Amico & Barbarito: Review chapter 19

Evolve case study:



Go under client need. Go

under live review videos. See


Go under content area. Go

under module 5. Do

cardiovascular disorders and

hemodynamics of the adult



Carl Shapiro Acute Myocardial

Infarction: VFib

Simulated experiences, case

studies, and drug calculation


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complex conditions across the


CLO6: Apply leadership

strategies when addressing

legal and ethical care

guidelines of the client with

an alteration in perfusion and

complex conditions across the


9 Inflammation,

immunity, and




syndrome (AIDS)


Systemic lupus

Erythematosus (SLE)

Tick borne illness

Organ transplantation

End of life

CLO1: Apply the concept of

inflammation, immunity, and

infection as it relates to the

role of the registered

professional nurse to clients

with complex conditions

across the lifespan.

CLO2: Demonstrate clinical

reasoning to make client-

centered care decisions when

caring for the client with an

alteration in inflammation,

immunity, infection, and

complex conditions across the


CLO3: Relate quality

improvement processes when

caring for clients with an

alteration in inflammation,

immunity, infection, and



Review p. 437-456 and p. 670

Read p. 456-480

Read p. 509-518

Review p. 599-604

Read p. 174-184

Read p. 1157-1162

Read p. 397-399


Read chapter 34 and 37

Evolve case study:



Go under concepts. Go under

HESI concepts. Go under

Biophysical. Go under

Immunity. Go under Adult


Exam #3 before lecture.

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complex conditions across the


CLO4: Demonstrate a team-

based approach to the care of

the client with an alteration in

inflammation, immunity,

infection, and complex

conditions across the lifespan.

CLO5: Describe information

management principles that

support decision making

regarding the client with

alterations in inflammation,

immunity, infection, and

complex conditions across the


CLO6: Apply leadership

strategies when addressing

legal and ethical care

guidelines of the client with

an alteration in inflammation,

immunity, infection, and

complex conditions across the


10 Elimination

Renal failure

CLO1: Apply the concept of

elimination as it relates to the

role of the registered

professional nurse to clients

with complex conditions

across the lifespan.



Review pages 619-629

Read pages 374-404

Read pages 669-676


November 8, 2019.

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CLO2: Demonstrate clinical

reasoning to make client-

centered care decisions when

caring for the client with an

alteration in elimination and

complex conditions across the


CLO3: Relate quality

improvement processes when

caring for clients with an

alteration in elimination and

complex conditions across the


CLO4: Demonstrate a team-

based approach to the care of

the client with an alteration in

elimination and complex

conditions across the lifespan.

CLO5: Describe information

management principles that

support decision making

regarding the client with

alterations in elimination and

complex conditions across the


CLO6: Apply leadership

strategies when addressing

legal and ethical care


Review chapters 24 and 25

D’Amico & Barbarito: Review chapter 22

Evolve case study:

Chronic kidney disease


Go under Content area. Go

under module 5- adult health.

Go under renal and urinary


Go under content area. Go

under module 6- child health.

Go under renal and urinary.

Go under content area. Go

under module 5. Do

cardiovascular disorders and

hemodynamics of the adult

client (hemodialysis)

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guidelines of the client with

an alteration in elimination

and complex conditions

across the lifespan.

11 Safety



CLO1: Apply the concept of

safety as it relates to the role

of the registered professional

nurse to clients with complex

conditions across the lifespan.

CLO2: Demonstrate clinical

reasoning to make client-

centered care decisions when

caring for the client with an

alteration in safety and

complex conditions across the


CLO3: Relate quality

improvement processes when

caring for clients with an

alteration in safety and

complex conditions across the


CLO4: Demonstrate a team-

based approach to the care of

the client with an alteration in

safety and complex conditions

across the lifespan.

CLO5: Describe information

management principles that



Read p. 2608-2618


Read chapter 11

Evolve case study:


Natural disaster in a small



Go under client need. Go

under live review videos. Go

under triage.

Simulated experiences, case

studies, and drug calculation


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support decision making

regarding the client with

alterations in safety and

complex conditions across the


CLO6: Apply leadership

strategies when addressing

legal and ethical care

guidelines of the client with

an alteration in safety and

complex conditions across the


12 Final Exam Final exam will be held in the

classroom at 6pm for all


13 Accountability

Legal issues


Health care policy

CLO1: Apply the concept of

accountability, legal issues,

and ethics as it relates to the

role of the registered

professional nurse.

CLO2: Demonstrate clinical

reasoning to make client-

centered care decisions.

CLO3: Relate quality

improvement processes when

caring for a client.

CLO4: Demonstrate a team-

based approach to the care of

the client.


Go under concepts. Go under

HESI concepts. Go under

Healthcare. Do Health Policy,

Advocacy/ethical/legal issues.

Also, look at resources placed

on the Blackboard shelf.



December 2, 3, and 4 from

4pm-10pm. Assigned

classroom will be


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CLO5: Describe information

management principles that

support decision making

regarding the client.

CLO6: Apply leadership

strategies when addressing

legal and ethical care

guidelines of the client.

14 Delegation

Health care systems

Collaboration and


Professional behaviors



Quality improvement


CLO1: Apply the concept of

delegation, collaboration,

communication, professional

behaviors, EBP, QI, and

informatics as it relates to the

role of the registered

professional nurse.

CLO2: Demonstrate clinical

reasoning to make client-

centered care decisions.

CLO3: Relate quality

improvement processes when

caring for a client.

CLO4: Demonstrate a team-

based approach to the care of

the client.

CLO5: Describe information

management principles that


Go under concepts. Go under

HESI concepts. Go under

Healthcare. Do EBP, QI, and


Also, look at resources placed

on the Blackboard shelf.

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support decision making

regarding the client.

CLO6: Apply leadership

strategies when addressing

legal and ethical care

guidelines of the client.