healthier cities, dan hill, future cities catapult

Healthier Cities Dan Hill Executive Director / Chief Design Officer Future Cities Catapult @cityofsound

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Post on 17-Aug-2015




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—Healthier CitiesDan HillExecutive Director / Chief Design Officer Future Cities Catapult @cityofsound

—Technology is the answer. But what was the question?Cedric Price

—Technology changes cities.Technology changes.



Sensing Cities / Intel ICRI, Royal Parks, Enfield, Future Cities Catapult (2014-)

London 1951, Robert Frank




ITwas one day, as I was Walkingin Your MAJESTIES Palace

at WHITE'HALL (whereI have (bmetimes the honour to rcfrefh

my felfwith the Sight of Your Illu-

ftrious Prefence, which is the Joy of

Your Peoples hearts) that a prefump-

tuous Smoake iffuing from one or twoTunnels neer Northumberland'Houfe ,

and not far from Scotland-yardy did fo

invade the Court; that all the Rooms,Galleries , and Places about it were

fill d and infefted with it , and that to

fuch a degree, as Men could hardly

difcern one another for the Clowd


and none could (upport , without ma-nifeft Inconveniency. It was not this

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With fbme Remedies humbly


To His Sacred M a j e s t i e ,

A NDTo the Parliament now Affemblcd.

Pnblijhed by Hk Majejiies Comntand*

Lucret. 1. j.

Cdrhnumque gravis vit ^ dtquc.pdtr inpnuAtnr

^dm fdcilt in ctrthrnm f

Printed by W. godbld for Cjayriel Bedel , and ThomM Collins,

and are to be fold at their Shop at thj {fiddle Temple Gatencer Temfle-Bar. {M, 'DC, L X I,

Fumifugium, John Evelyn (1661)

Sensing Cities / Intel ICRI, Royal Parks, Enfield, Future Cities Catapult (2014-)


Background Who we talked to

Our choice of transport can make a big impact on air quality. For this UHDVRQ��ZH�UHFUXLWHG����SHRSOH�WR�FRYHU�D�VSUHDG�RI�GLHUHQW�WUDQVSRUW�modes, including: car commuters, users of public transport, walkers, cyclists, a taxi driver and a tube driver.

For inspiration design research looks to the extremes, as well as the norm. Our sample included: school run mums, buggy pushers, asthma VXHUHUV��LQKDELWDQWV�RI�OHVV�SROOXWHG��PRUH�SROOXWHG�SODFHV��D�VHPL�SUR�sports player training outdoors, someone who wears a pollution mask, and someone tracking their own behaviour to make a lifestyle change.

Sensing Cities / Intel ICRI, Royal Parks, Enfield, Future Cities Catapult (2014-)


Insight 01 Our perceptions of pollution are subjective, rather than scientific

We found:Sensing is believing…We think about pollution only when we see it, feel it or smell it. Our perceptions of pollution are bound by our senses. We see it in crowded commercial areas, in busy WUDF���IURP�KLJK�YDQWDJH�points. We feel it when our breathing tightens, or as a layer on our hands, our faces or even on our hair.

“I do notice [with the air] on holiday that I don’t have to wash my hair as much as I

do here. ±�7������(Q¿HOG

“Sometimes you can just feel it on your face, it’s just grimy. It makes

your lungs tighten. ±�&������(Q¿HOG

Sensing Cities / Intel ICRI, Royal Parks, Enfield, Future Cities Catapult (2014-)

Museum of the Future / UAE PMO, Tellart, Future Cities Catapult (2015)

Museum of the Future / UAE PMO, Tellart, Future Cities Catapult (2015)

Museum of the Future / UAE PMO, Tellart, Future Cities Catapult (2015)

‘Social Life of Small Urban Places’, William H. Whyte (1980)

—How can we better understand our cities and citizens?


Strandparken, Stockholm, by Windgårdhs (2014)

34-storey cross-laminate timber proposal, Stockholm, by CF Møller (2015)

‘The New Forest’ sketch (2014)

—Can we use projects strategically across silos?

SolarLeaf algae facade / Arup (2013)

SYNTH(e), Los Angeles, Alexis Rochas/SCI-Arc (2009)

Via Verde, by Jonathan Rose Companies/Grimshaw/Dattner Architects (2012)

Tesla Powerwall (2015)

Google autonomous car prototype (2014)

—If shared autonomous vehicles, 70% fewer private vehiclesMIT research on Singapore

Visions 2040 / Victoria Eco-Innovation Lab, University of Melbourne (2014)

Visions 2040 / Victoria Eco-Innovation Lab, University of Melbourne (2014)


‘Dryline’, Bjarke Ingels Group for New York (2015)

PRES Constitución, Chile (2012—) / ELEMENTAL, Arup, Tironi, Arauco et al

PRES Constitución, Chile (2012—) / ELEMENTAL, Arup, Tironi, Arauco et al

PRES Constitución, Chile (2012—) / ELEMENTAL, Arup, Tironi, Arauco et al

PRES Constitución, Chile (2012—) / ELEMENTAL, Arup, Tironi, Arauco et al

PRES Constitución, Chile (2012—) / ELEMENTAL, Arup, Tironi, Arauco et al

Hybrid Forum, Constitución, Chile (2012—) / ELEMENTAL, Arup, Tironi, Arauco et al

Parklet programme, Los Angeles

Parklet manual, San Francisco

Parklet manual, San Francisco

Parklet manual, San Francisco

—Could we build healthy outcomes into the codes that write cities?

Wikihouse 4.0 / 00 Architects, Arup, Future Cities Catapult (2014)

Wikihouse 4.0 / 00 Architects, Arup, Future Cities Catapult (2014)

Open Ideas Platform / GLA, Future Cities Catapult, Spacehive (2015)

Thames Bath (2015) / Studio Octopi et al

—Distributed, decentralised. Modular, cellular, adaptive. Parasitical, accreting, blurring.High-quality fine-grain spaces and interactions.Citizen-centred urban services. Wild, verdant, biodiverse, physical/digital.Predictive, algorithmic, learning, open.Human and natural and robotic.Relational systems, shearing layers.Strategic co-benefits.Small pieces, loosely joined.


A healthy new strain of urbanism?


Dan Hill Executive Director / Chief Design Officer Future Cities Catapult @cityofsound