healthy living week 3 rd november 2015 shobnall primary school

Healthy Living Week 3 rd November 2015 SHOBNALL PRIMARY SCHOOL

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Healthy Living Week 3rd November 2015


Page 2: Healthy Living Week 3 rd November 2015 SHOBNALL PRIMARY SCHOOL


They looked at healthy foods and stuck pictures of things such as milk, water fruit, salad, vegetables and sandwiches into their lunchboxes.

The children used mark making to write about their favourite meal

To begin our Healthy Living Week the Nursery children watched a PowerPoint presentation on how we can keep ourselves healthy. During the week the children talked about what it means to be healthy

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The children looked at the way exercise can effect their bodies, by feeling their heart rate before and after exercise

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RECEPTIONReception children have had an action packed week learning about different aspects of healthy living. The nurse came into school and talked to us and our families, about what a healthy plate of food looked like, and the size of meals we should be eating compared to our mums and dads . We felt our heart beat before and after exercise so that we could feel it bumping faster. We learned that we should try to drink 8 glasses of water a day, should eat 5 portions of fruit/ vegetables each day and should exercise for 60 minutes each day

After we knew what healthy food was we all designed our own healthy lunch box and made sure we tried to include some fruit and vegetables

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RECEPTIONTo conclude our fun week we had a very exciting present from one of our parents… a giant molar tooth! We began by talking about how we should clean our teeth twice a day and drinking milk was good for making our teeth grow strong. We then carried out an experiment to find out what effect drinking Coca Cola could have on our teeth. We were amazed to see how the tooth had changed colour during just one day. We will stick to drinking milk and water!

The effect of Coca Cola on our giant molar tooth!!!.

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During the week beginning the 3rd November 2014 all Year 1 children took part in ‘Healthy Living Week’. They had the opportunity to design and make a fruit salad. This activity was designed to promote healthy eating and to remind the children of the importance of eating ‘5 a day’

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They then recorded their results in a pictogram to see which time was the most popular and which time was the least popular

For ‘Healthy Living Week’ Year 2 measured 20 metres using metre wheels. They then timed themselves to see how long it took them to run 100 metres. Year 2 worked out that this would equal 5 shuttle runs of our 20 metre running track!

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YEAR THREEYear 3 had a busy week taking part in various activities to celebrate

‘Healthy Living Week’. The children discussed the different ways they can keep themselves healthy and learnt about the

importance of this. They completed a food diary for a day and reflected on how healthy their daily meals were. I was very

impressed that they had remembered lots of their learning from Year 2 related to the 5 food groups!

The children also had a focus on exercise and completed some data

handling to identify the most popular sporting activities taken part in.

They found that Year 3 is an extremely active class

with swimming and cycling being the most popular


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During ‘Healthy Living Week’ Year 4 have been learning about enjoying a balanced and healthy diet. The children were introduced to the health diet wheel which displays the major food groups such as breads and cereals, meats , diary products and fruit and vegetables .

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Year 4 discussed the importance of having 5 portions of fruit and vegetables a day. The children thought of many super ideas of how they can reach their targets of 5 portions whilst still enjoying the food that they eat

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First of all, we learnt about how having a healthy diet is an important way to keep our bodies healthy. We found out which foods we should eat plenty of and which we should eat in moderation. We designed our own healthy lunch boxes.

In Year 5 we have completed a number of activities to promote healthy living


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We also found out about how exercise is an important way to stay healthy. We carried out an investigation on pulse rate

and the effect that exercise has on our pulse rate

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Finally, we designed posters informing other people of things that they can do to stay healthy


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Year 6 had an excellent trip to Kinsgswood where we did activities such as:• Zip Wire• Climbing• Abseiling• Quad Biking• Archery• Team Challenge• Caving• Nightline


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Year 6 did things such as movie night, campfire and mini

Olympics. We slept in bunk beds which we shared with a friend .

We all visited the shop where we bought sweets and souvenirs

Our trip to Kingswood was

Brilliant!! Gracie Clarke

and Lizzie Spalding