heart murmur, incidental finding client education sheet · heart murmurs not associated with...

412 Heart Murmur, Incidental Finding www.ExpertConsult.com (asymptomatic) mitral valve regurgitation. Relevant inclusion criteria for the trial that demonstrated this effect were a vertebral heart sum > 10.5, an echocardiographic left atrial–aortic ratio > 1.6, and left ventricular enlargement. • ACE inhibition may have a positive effect on the time to development of stage C HF in canine patients with left atrial enlargement due to mitral valve regurgitation. • Evidence that medical therapy slows the progression of HCM is lacking. Technician Tips Teaching owners to keep a log of their pet’s resting respiratory rates can allow early detection of HF decompensation so that medications can be adjusted and hopefully hospitalization for acute HF can be avoided. Client Education Management of the veterinary patient with chronic HF requires careful monitoring and relatively frequent adjustment of medical therapy (see client education sheet: How to Count Respirations and Monitor Respiratory Effort) SUGGESTED READING Atkins C, et al: ACVIM consensus statement. Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of canine chronic valvular heart disease. J Vet Intern Med 23:1142-1150, 2009. AUTHOR: Jonathan A. Abbott, DVM, DACVIM EDITOR: Meg M. Sleeper, VMD, DACVIM Heart Murmur, Incidental Finding Client Education Sheet BASIC INFORMATION Definition A heart murmur that is detected in the process of an examination that was not initially directed at the cardiovascular system Synonym Asymptomatic heart murmur Epidemiology SPECIES, AGE, SEX Any species, all ages, both sexes GENETICS, BREED PREDISPOSITION Predispositions mirror those of the causative cardiac diseases (pp. 263, 505, 657, 658, 764, 844, and 948). RISK FACTORS • Structural heart disease • Anemia • Youth Clinical Presentation HISTORY, CHIEF COMPLAINT • By definition: identified in patients that are presented for noncardiovascular concerns, such as annual wellness exams, noncardiac medical concerns, or preanesthetic evaluation. • Although no historical signs are associated with the murmur, misleading or overlapping signs are common, including cough, exercise intolerance, and others, which can be caused by unrelated comorbidities. PHYSICAL EXAM FINDINGS • Heart murmur (by definition), which is described according to timing, grade, and point of maximal intensity (p. 414) • Auscultatory features of murmurs that are nonpathologic (see Differential Diagnosis below) classically meet the six S criteria, which are typically systolic, soft (grade 1-2/6), sensi- tive (prone to change in intensity with heart rate or body posture), short (midsystolic), single (unaccompanied by other abnormal sounds), and small (not widely radiating). Etiology and Pathophysiology • A heart murmur is caused by turbulent blood flow in the heart (p. 414). • Identifying the timing, location, and intensity of the murmur may be straightforward or challenging; uncertainty favors pursuing diagnostic testing. • e presence of a heart murmur does not warrant treatment. Rather, determining its cause (definitively or presumptively) can lead to an assessment of whether treatment is indicated. DIAGNOSIS Diagnostic Overview First, an incidentally detected heart murmur is pursued through careful characterization of the murmur’s timing, grade, and point of maximal intensity. Second, these characteristics, combined with the patient’s signalment, may provide a strong suspicion of a likely underlying cause. If so and the veterinarian’s tentative diag- nosis is of a benign process, the client is satisfied with this opinion without confirmation, and the animal is not to be used for breeding nor subjected to cardiovascular stress, diagnostic testing is not essential. Otherwise, diagnostic testing should be pursued. Differential Diagnosis Murmurs may be nonpathologic (the heart is structurally normal) or pathologic (caused by a structural heart lesion): • Nonpathologic (benign) murmurs are further described as functional if a plausible physi- ologic cause is detectable (e.g., anemia) or as innocent if no cardiac or extracardiac cause for the murmur can be identified. • Pathologic murmurs can be caused by any cardiac disorder of any degree and do not automatically indicate a severe condition. Initial Database • oracic radiographs may be considered as the initial diagnostic test in small- to medium-breed dogs with systolic murmurs that are loudest over the mitral valve region. • An echocardiogram should be considered for any adult animal with one or more of the following: uncertain or unusual murmur characteristics, murmur characteristics sug- gesting a form of heart disease that requires initiation of treatment, large-breed dog (aus- cultation and thoracic radiographs have low specificity for individual cardiac disorders), impending cardiovascular stress (e.g., plane travel, general anesthesia), breeding prospects, or owner who wishes to have confirmation of the cause of the murmur. • An echocardiogram should be considered for puppies and kittens with a murmur that is grade 3/6 or louder, that is diastolic or continuous, that obscures the second (or both) heart sounds, that radiates to the carotid region or is loudest over the left apex or right hemithorax, or that is a direct relative of an animal with congenital heart disease. • NT-pro-BNP testing in cats can raise or lower the likelihood of structural heart disease (notably cardiomyopathy) as the cause of the murmur. TREATMENT Treatment Overview Because a murmur is a physical finding alone, no treatment is warranted. Acute and Chronic Treatment Initiation of treatment in the absence of a diagnosis is not appropriate. It can lead to administration of medications a patient does not need (or that are contraindicated), cause unnecessary expense, and cause adverse treat- ment effects.

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Page 1: Heart Murmur, Incidental Finding Client Education Sheet · Heart murmurs not associated with cardiac disease Synonyms Innocent murmurs, flow murmurs, nonpatho-logic heart murmurs

412 Heart Murmur, Incidental Finding


(asymptomatic) mitral valve regurgitation. Relevant inclusion criteria for the trial that demonstrated this effect were a vertebral heart sum > 10.5, an echocardiographic left atrial–aortic ratio > 1.6, and left ventricular enlargement.

• ACEinhibitionmayhaveapositiveeffectonthe time to development of stage C HF in canine patients with left atrial enlargement due to mitral valve regurgitation.

• Evidence that medical therapy slows theprogression of HCM is lacking.

Technician TipsTeaching owners to keep a log of their pet’s resting respiratory rates can allow early detection of HF decompensation so that medications can be adjusted and hopefully hospitalization for acute HF can be avoided.

Client EducationManagement of the veterinary patient with chronic HF requires careful monitoring and relatively frequent adjustment of medical therapy (see client education sheet: How to

Count Respirations and Monitor Respiratory Effort)

SUGGESTED READINGAtkins C, et al: ACVIM consensus statement.

Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of canine chronic valvular heart disease. J Vet Intern Med 23:1142-1150, 2009.

AUTHOR: Jonathan A. Abbott, DVM, DACVIMEDITOR: Meg M. Sleeper, VMD, DACVIM

Heart Murmur, Incidental Finding Client Education Sheet

BASIC INFORMATIONDefinitionA heart murmur that is detected in the process of an examination that was not initially directed at the cardiovascular system

SynonymAsymptomatic heart murmur

EpidemiologySPECIES, AGE, SEXAny species, all ages, both sexes

GENETICS, BREED PREDISPOSITIONPredispositions mirror those of the causative cardiacdiseases(pp.263,505,657,658,764,844, and 948).

RISK FACTORS• Structuralheartdisease• Anemia• Youth

Clinical PresentationHISTORY, CHIEF COMPLAINT• Bydefinition:identifiedinpatientsthatare

presented for noncardiovascular concerns, such as annual wellness exams, noncardiac medical concerns, or preanesthetic evaluation.

• Althoughnohistoricalsignsareassociatedwith the murmur, misleading or overlapping signs are common, including cough, exercise intolerance, and others, which can be caused by unrelated comorbidities.

PHYSICAL EXAM FINDINGS• Heart murmur (by definition), which is

described according to timing, grade, and point of maximal intensity (p. 414)

• Auscultatory featuresofmurmurs that arenonpathologic (see Differential Diagnosis below) classically meet the six S criteria, which are typically systolic, soft (grade 1-2/6), sensi-tive (prone to change in intensity with heart

rate or body posture), short (midsystolic), single (unaccompanied by other abnormal sounds), and small (not widely radiating).

Etiology and Pathophysiology• Aheartmurmuriscausedbyturbulentblood

flow in the heart (p. 414).• Identifyingthetiming,location,andintensity

of the murmur may be straightforward or challenging; uncertainty favors pursuing diagnostic testing.

• The presence of a heart murmur does notwarrant treatment. Rather, determining its cause (definitively or presumptively) can lead to an assessment of whether treatment is indicated.

DIAGNOSISDiagnostic OverviewFirst, an incidentally detected heart murmur is pursued through careful characterization of the murmur’s timing, grade, and point of maximal intensity. Second, these characteristics, combined with the patient’s signalment, may provide a strong suspicion of a likely underlying cause. If so and the veterinarian’s tentative diag-nosis is of a benign process, the client is satisfied with this opinion without confirmation, and the animal is not to be used for breeding nor subjected to cardiovascular stress, diagnostic testing is not essential. Otherwise, diagnostic testing should be pursued.

Differential DiagnosisMurmurs may be nonpathologic (the heart is structurally normal) or pathologic (caused by a structural heart lesion):• Nonpathologic(benign)murmursarefurther

described as functional if a plausible physi-ologic cause is detectable (e.g., anemia) or as innocent if no cardiac or extracardiac cause for the murmur can be identified.

• Pathologicmurmurscanbecausedbyanycardiac disorder of any degree and do not automatically indicate a severe condition.

Initial Database• Thoracic radiographs may be considered

as the initial diagnostic test in small- to medium-breed dogs with systolic murmurs that are loudest over the mitral valve region.

• An echocardiogram should be consideredfor any adult animal with one or more of the following: uncertain or unusual murmur characteristics, murmur characteristics sug-gesting a form of heart disease that requires initiation of treatment, large-breed dog (aus-cultation and thoracic radiographs have low specificity for individual cardiac disorders), impending cardiovascular stress (e.g., plane travel, general anesthesia), breeding prospects, or owner who wishes to have confirmation of the cause of the murmur.

• An echocardiogram should be consideredfor puppies and kittens with a murmur that is grade 3/6 or louder, that is diastolic or continuous, that obscures the second (or both) heart sounds, that radiates to the carotid region or is loudest over the left apex or right hemithorax, or that is a direct relative of an animal with congenital heart disease.

• NT-pro-BNPtestingincatscanraiseorlowerthe likelihood of structural heart disease (notably cardiomyopathy) as the cause of the murmur.

TREATMENTTreatment OverviewBecause a murmur is a physical finding alone, no treatment is warranted.

Acute and Chronic TreatmentInitiation of treatment in the absence of a diagnosis is not appropriate. It can lead to administration of medications a patient does not need (or that are contraindicated), cause unnecessary expense, and cause adverse treat-ment effects.

Page 2: Heart Murmur, Incidental Finding Client Education Sheet · Heart murmurs not associated with cardiac disease Synonyms Innocent murmurs, flow murmurs, nonpatho-logic heart murmurs

Heart Failure, Chronic 412.e1








RELATED CLIENT EDUCATION SHEETSConsent to Perform EchocardiographyDilated CardiomyopathyHeart FailureHow to Count Respirations and Monitor

Respiratory EffortMitral/Tricuspid Regurgitation Due to Myxo-

matous Heart Valve Disease

ADDITIONAL SUGGESTED READINGSBoswood A, et al: Effect of pimobendan in dogs

with preclinical myxomatous mitral valve disease and cardiomegaly: the EPIC study—a randomized clinicaltrial.JVetInternMed30(6):1765-1779,2016.

Chetboul V, et al: Comparative adverse cardiac effects of pimobendan and benazepril monotherapy in dogs with mild degenerative mitral valve disease: a prospective, controlled, blinded, and randomized study.JVetInternMed21(4):742-753,2007.

Chetboul V, et al: Effect of benazepril on survival and cardiac events in dogs with asymptomatic mitral valve disease: a retrospective study of 141 cases. J Vet Intern Med 22:905-914, 2008.

Ettinger SJ, et al: Effects of enalapril maleate on survival of dogs with naturally acquired heart failure. The Long-Term Investigation of Veterinary Enalapril (LIVE) study group. J Am Vet Med Assoc 213(11):1573-1577,1998.

HäggströmJ,etal:Effectofpimobendanorbena-zepril hydrochloride on survival times in dogs with congestive heart failure caused by naturally occurring myxomatous mitral valve disease: the QUESTstudy.JVetInternMed22:1124-1135,2008.

Häggström J, et al: An update on treatment andprognostic indicators in canine myxomatous mitral valve disease. J Small Anim Pract 50(suppl 1):25-33, 2009.

Jeunesse E, et al: Effect of spironolactone on diuresis and urine sodium and potassium excretion in healthydogs.JVetCardiol9(2):63-68,2007.

Keene BW, et al:Management of heart failure indogs.InBonaguraJD,etal,editors:Kirk’sCurrentveterinary therapy XIV, St. Louis, 2009, Saunders, pp769-780.

Luis Fuentes V: Management of feline myocardial disease. In Bonagura JD, et al, editors: Kirk’sCurrent veterinary therapy XIV, St. Louis, 2009, Saunders, pp 809-815.

MacDonaldKA,etal:Effectofspironolactoneondiastolic function and left ventricular mass in Maine coon cats with familial hypertrophic cardiomyopa-thy. J Vet Intern Med 22(2):335-341, 2008.

Ouellet M, et al: Effect of pimobendan on echocar-diographic values in dogs with asymptomatic mitral valve disease. J Vet Intern Med 23(2):258-263, 2009.

Sisson D, et al: Management of heart failure: principles of treatment, therapeutic strategies, and pharmacology. In Fox PR, et al, editors: Textbook of canine and feline cardiology, ed 2, Philadelphia, 1999, Saunders, pp 216-250.

The BENCH (BENazepril in Canine Heart disease) Study Group: Long-term tolerability of benazepril in dogs with congestive heart failure. J Vet Cardiol 6(1):7-13,2004.

Page 3: Heart Murmur, Incidental Finding Client Education Sheet · Heart murmurs not associated with cardiac disease Synonyms Innocent murmurs, flow murmurs, nonpatho-logic heart murmurs

Heart Murmur, Physiologic 413








Possible ComplicationsOverinterpretation or underinterpretation of incidentally detected heart murmurs can lead to failure to provide an accurate treatment plan and prognosis.

PROGNOSIS & OUTCOMEBecause incidentally detected murmurs occur in animals without associated clinical signs, the prognosis is often fair to good. Many disorders are progressive, but some (notably patent ductus arteriosus) lend themselves to being cured. The exact prognosis therefore depends on establishing the underlying cause and its degree of severity.

PEARLS & CONSIDERATIONSComments• 25%-69%ofcatswithheartmurmurshave

no detectable heart disease.• Treatment of a heart murmur is never

indicated. The murmur is a clue, and the cause to which the clue is pointing may or may not benefit from treatment.

Technician TipsCats routinely have heart murmurs that are heart-rate dependent or that can vary in intensity between anesthesia and being awake. These characteristics are typical of physiologic murmurs, but it is impossible to be certain of

the murmur’s cause (pathologic or nonpatho-logic) without an echocardiogram.

SUGGESTED READINGCôté E, et al: Management of incidentally-detected

heart murmurs in dogs and cats. J Am Vet Med Assoc246:1076,2015.


Heart Murmur, Physiologic

BASIC INFORMATIONDefinitionHeart murmurs not associated with cardiac disease

SynonymsInnocent murmurs, flow murmurs, nonpatho-logic heart murmurs

EpidemiologySPECIES, AGE, SEXPhysiologic heart murmurs are common in puppies and kittens, and these generally disappear by 4-6 months of age. Other causes for murmurs unrelated to heart disease can be detected at any age.

GENETICS, BREED PREDISPOSITION• Hounddogs(e.g.,greyhound,Italiangrey-

hounds, salukis) and, in general, athletic dog breeds are particularly prone to developing physiologic heart murmurs.

• Boxerdogs

RISK FACTORS• Athleticism• Anemia• Other high cardiac output conditions

(anxiety, hyperthyroidism, fever)

ASSOCIATED DISORDERSCommonly associated with severe anemia

Clinical PresentationHISTORY, CHIEF COMPLAINT• Physiologic murmurs in puppies/kittens

or athletic dogs are found during routine checkups.

• Patients with murmurs caused by anemiaor fever can show clinical signs associated to these underlying conditions.

PHYSICAL EXAM FINDINGS• Thesemurmursaremoreeasilyauscultated

over the left heart base, occur during systole, and are usually soft (<III/VI).

• Palemucousmembranesmaybeevidentinpatients with physiologic heart murmurs caused by anemia.

• Fevermaycauseaphysiologicmurmur.

Etiology and Pathophysiology• The genesis of a murmur is affected by

multiple factors; structural heart disease creates turbulence and/or increases blood velocity due to valvular leakage (regurgita-tion), abnormal shunts, or obstructive lesions (p. 414).

• Physiologicheartmurmursresultfromarela-tively high cardiac output. It is hypothesized that young patients have a relatively high stroke volume for their great vessels, causing physiologic murmurs. As these patients grow, their great vessels enlarge and the murmur disappears, usually by 6 months of age.

• Changes in blood properties, such as itsviscosity or density, can also lead to heart murmurs in normal hearts. In patients with anemia, the combination of decreased blood viscosity due to a low hematocrit and an increased stroke volume can result in a physiologic murmur.

• Greyhoundsandotherathletichuntingdogsmay have a soft, basilar systolic murmur that is physiologic. An echocardiogram, which is necessary to rule out a pathologic cause for the murmur, may demonstrate transaortic velocities that are slightly increased but still in the normal range and a normal cardiac structure.

• Although boxer dogs are predisposed tosubaortic stenosis (SAS), these dogs also have an increased prevalence of physiologic murmurs that are thought to be due to a

relatively smaller left ventricular outflow tract without other changes consistent with SAS.

• Emotionalstressalsoincreasescardiacoutputand should be taken into consideration when auscultating and/or echoing these patients.

DIAGNOSISDiagnostic OverviewPhysiologic heart murmurs cannot be diagnosed solely by auscultation, and an echocardiogram is necessary to rule out structural heart disease. However, the echocardiogram may be delayed if there is evidence supporting a cause for physi-ologic murmur (e.g., if severe anemia exists, echocardiogram may be postponed to see if resolution of anemia results in resolution of murmur).

Differential DiagnosisOther causes of heart murmurs: congenital (pulmonic or subaortic stenosis, ventricular septal defects, atrioventricular valve stenosis), acquired (degenerative valvular disease, sec-ondary valvular regurgitation due to dilated, hypertrophic, or restrictive cardiomyopathy, bacterial endocarditis).

Initial Database• Echocardiogram• Hematocrit

TREATMENTTreatment Overview• No treatment is necessary for pediatric or

athletic murmur.• Patients with physiologic murmurs due

to anemia or fever need treatment for the underlying systemic condition.

Client Education Sheet

Page 4: Heart Murmur, Incidental Finding Client Education Sheet · Heart murmurs not associated with cardiac disease Synonyms Innocent murmurs, flow murmurs, nonpatho-logic heart murmurs

492 Hypercalcemia, Idiopathic Feline


• Plicamycin• Cinacalcet

Chronic TreatmentTreat inciting cause

Possible ComplicationsOvercorrection (hypocalcemia), urolithiasis, nephrondamage(ifCa•PO4 > 60)

Recommended Monitoring• Serum total and ionized calcium

concentrations• Renalparameters• Serumelectrolytes

PROGNOSIS & OUTCOME• Varies; depends on ability to achieve nor-

mocalcemia and correct underlying cause• ExcellentforPHPTH

PEARLS & CONSIDERATIONSComments• Remember, renal failure is not caused by

hypercalcemia alone.• Correctingtotalcalciumconcentrationfor

hypoalbuminemia or hyperalbuminemia is not reliable (instead, measure serum ionized calcium concentrations directly).

• Oral consumption of calcium alone doesnot cause hypercalcemia.

• Hypercalcemicdogsthatareillarenotlikelyto have PHPTH.

Technician Tips• Urolithiasis related to hypercalcemia can

cause urinary obstruction. Straining to urinate is an emergent condition.

• Hypercalcemic dogs should always havedrinking water available and should be given ample opportunity to urinate.

SUGGESTED READINGSkelly BJ: Primary hyperparathyroidism. In Ettinger

SE, et al, editors: The textbook of veterinary internalmedicine,ed8,St.Louis,2017,Elsevier,pp1715-1727.

AUTHOR: Edward C. Feldman, DVM, DACVIMEDITOR: Leah A. Cohn, DVM, PhD, DACVIM

○ Assess calcium ×phosphorous(Ca•PO4) product: if > 60, nephron damage is a concern. In PHPTH, typically < 45.

• Urinalysis○ Uroliths and calcium-containing crystal-

luria are common.○ All causes of hypercalcemia lead to poorly

concentrated urine (by nephrogenic diabetes insipidus).

○ Persistent isosthenuria (1.008-1.012) with concurrent azotemia suggests kidney disease or hypoadrenocorticism.

○ Hyposthenuria, isosthenuria, or minimally concentrated urine associated with PHPTH (mean ≈1.011), with values as low as 1.002.

• Thoracicradiographs○ Nodular lung patterns or lymphadeno-

megaly suggest neoplasia or fungal disease.○ Cranial mediastinal mass common in

dogs that have hypercalcemia secondary to lymphoma.

○ Lytic bone lesion suggests multiple myeloma or other metastatic cancer.

• Abdominalimaging(ultrasound± radiographs)○ Lesions suggesting malignancy (lymph-

adenopathy, hepatosplenomegaly, possible metastases, including lytic bone lesions)

○ Uroliths (calcium phosphate, calcium oxalate, or both) and bladder wall thicken-ing: common in PHPTH

○ Assess renal structure. Renal dystrophic mineralization rarely is apparent radio-graphically or ultrasonographically.

Advanced or Confirmatory Testing• Ionized calcium (i.e., biologically active

component of the total serum calcium): normal or lowwithCKD, increasedwithmost other causes of hypercalcemia (e.g., PHPTH, hypercalcemia of malignancy, vitamin D toxicosis)

• Serum PTH and PTHrP concentrationsduring hypercalcemia○ PTH should be undetectable in response

to hypercalcemia.○ PTH values within or above reference

range are consistent with PHPTH.○ Undetectable PTH and detectable PTHrP

concentrations are consistent with hyper-calcemia of malignancy.

• SerumvitaminDconcentrations:ifsuspectintoxication (p. 164)

• Cervicalultrasound

○ Parathyroid glands should be ≈1.3-3.3 mm in greatest width (dogs and cats).

○ In dogs with PHPTH, a mass is typically identified involving one or more parathy-roid gland(s), usually 4-8 mm in greatest diameter.

○ Dogs with renal secondary hyperparathy-roidism have enlargement of two, three, or all four parathyroid glands.

• Additional testing based on abnormalitiesidentified (e.g., fine-needle aspiration of enlarged lymph nodes, fungal serology)

TREATMENTTreatment OverviewSuccessful treatment of underlying cause lowers serumcalcium.If(Ca•PO4) is > 60, additional measures may be required. Rapid reduction in serum calcium, even with extremely increased values(15-23mg/dL)isnotnecessaryif(Ca•PO4) is < 60, which is typical of PHPTH. Even whencalciumiswithinreferencerange,ifCa•PO4 is increased, nephron damage may ensue.

Acute General TreatmentPrimary (most efficacious):• IVfluidtherapy(calciumfree;avoidlactated

Ringer’s solution)○ Dilution of serum calcium and phosphorus

concentrations, improved glomerular filtration rate

○ Twice maintenance plus dehydration deficit should be administered over the first 24 hours, assuming no heart disease, oliguria, or other factor predisposing to intolerance of volume load; adjust accord-ing to clinical signs.

• Furosemide2-3mg/kgIVq4-8h.Calciuricdiuretic (unlike thiazide diuretics or spirono-lactone) is not recommended for pets with renal insufficiency.

• Glucocorticoids(prednisoneordexametha-sone): decrease intestinal calcium absorption, increase renal calcium excretion. Diagnostic samples (e.g., lymph node aspirate, bone marrow aspirate, liver biopsy) should be obtained before treatment because steroids may mask lymphoma.

Secondary therapies (more expensive and not often required):• Bisphosphonates• Calcitonin

Hypercalcemia, Idiopathic Feline

BASIC INFORMATIONDefinitionThis poorly understood condition is the most common cause of increased ionized calcium (iCa) in cats.

EpidemiologySPECIES, AGE, SEXCats of any age (often 5-10 years) and either sex

GENETICS, BREED PREDISPOSITIONLong-haired cats appear to be overrepresented.

RISK FACTORSGenetics, diet, or the use of urinary acidifiers

ASSOCIATED DISORDERSCalcium oxalate urolithiasis, chronic kidney disease(CKD)

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Hypercalcemia, Idiopathic Feline 493








Clinical PresentationHISTORY, CHIEF COMPLAINT• Usuallyanincidentalfinding(e.g.,geriatric

screening) or associated with vague clinical signs such as weight loss, diarrhea, constipa-tion, vomiting, or anorexia

• Themodestdegreeofhypercalcemiatypicalof the disorder is seldom associated with the most worrisome adverse effects of hypercalcemia (e.g., tissue mineralization).

• Sometimes,signsrelatedtocalciumoxalateurolithiasis (e.g., dysuria, periuria [p. 1014]) orconcurrentCKD(e.g.,polyuria/polydip-sia[pp.167and169])arenoted.

PHYSICAL EXAM FINDINGSNo specific physical exam findings. Calcium oxalate urolithiasis can cause signs of urethral obstruction in some affected cats.

Etiology and Pathophysiology• Extracellulartotalcalciumfractionsinclude

biologically active iCa (≈52%), protein-bound calcium (≈40%), and calcium com-plexed to other molecules (≈8%). Calcium balance is closely controlled in health through intestinal absorption, renal excretion, and redistribution from bone.

• As thename implies, the causeof ionizedhypercalcemia in affected cats remains unknown.

DIAGNOSISDiagnostic OverviewTypically, total calcium is measured first, and if above the upper end of the reference range, iCa is measured. If that too is above the reference range, attempts should be made to identify a cause of hypercalcemia. Idiopathic hypercalcemia is a diagnosis of exclusion.

Differential DiagnosisHypercalcemia (pp. 491 and 1232)

Initial Database• Serumbiochemistryprofile:increasedtotal

calcium; phosphorus within reference range○ ConcurrentCKDassociatedwithazote-

mia, hyperphosphatemia• Ionizedcalcium:usuallymildtomoderate

increase(80%between1.5and1.75mmol/L;1.4 mmol/L is the upper end of the reference range)○ If iCa cannot be measured quickly

in house, sample should be collected anaerobically and transported on ice.

○ Exposure of sample to air can lead to loss of CO2, resulting in decreased iCa.

○ Lactic acid accumulation alters the pH of stored samples, resulting in increased iCa.

• CBC:unremarkable• Urinalysis: variable urine specific gravity,

possible calcium oxalate crystalluria

• Totalthyroxine(T4): unremarkable• Thoracicandabdominalimaging:ruleout


Advanced or Confirmatory TestingSerum parathyroid hormone (PTH), parathy-roid hormone–related protein (PTHrP), vitamin D profile:• PTH:belowornear the lower endof the

reference range• PTHrP:typicallybelowlimitsofdetection• VitaminD:25(OH)D3 and 1,25(OH)2D3

within reference range

TREATMENTTreatment OverviewBecause the degree of hypercalcemia is typically modest, emergent efforts to reduce calcium are not required. After other causes of hypercalcemia have been ruled out, dietary therapy is typically begun. If unsuccessful, medical management is attempted. Concurrent urolithiasis and/or CKDmustbeaddressed,ifpresent.

Acute General TreatmentRarely, calcium oxalate urolithiasis results in urethral obstruction, requiring emergency intervention (p. 1009)

Chronic Treatment• Many cats can be managed with dietary

therapy alone.• If ionized hypercalcemia persists after a

6-week diet trial, medical therapy with glucocorticoids or bisphosphonate drugs is recommended.○ Prednisolone (not prednisone) 0.5-1 mg/

kg PO q 12-24h. Avoid use until diag-nostic testing is complete.

○ Alendronate 5-20 mg/CATPOq7days.Begin with lower dose, and titrate up as needed. Administer after a 12-hour fast. Pills should not be cut because they can be highly irritating to the oral and esophageal surfaces. Follow pill with 5-10 mL of water to reduce risk of esophageal stricture. Liquid formulations are available but may not be palatable.

○ Occasionally, a combination of predniso-lone and alendronate is required to control iCa.

Nutrition/Diet• High-fiberdietand/orpsylliumsupplementa-

tion recommended• Wet/cannedfoodspreferred• Oxalatepreventiondietsusefulforcatswith

noevidenceofCKD• Renal diets are appropriate for cats with

concurrent azotemia.

Possible Complications• Uncontrolledhypercalcemiamay result in

calcium oxalate urolithiasis.

• Alendronatemaycauseesophagealstrictureor irritation of mucous membranes.

• Inhumans,alendronatemaycauseosteone-crosis of the mandible and maxilla; if dental work is required, it should be completed before starting alendronate.

Recommended MonitoringRecheck iCa 6 weeks after starting diet trial or 1-2 weeks after any change in medical therapy. Once controlled, iCa should be rechecked q 4-6 months. Serum chemistry profile (azotemia) and urinalysis (crystalluria) should be checked q 6-12 months.

PROGNOSIS & OUTCOMEWith treatment, excellent. Without treatment, urolithiasis remains a concern.

PEARLS & CONSIDERATIONSComments• Othercausesofhypercalcemiamaybeassoci-

ated with life-threatening disease and should be ruled out before instituting treatment for idiopathic hypercalcemia.

• Severe hypercalcemia is seldom caused byidiopathic hypercalcemia.

• Renaldamageassociatedwithhypercalcemiais related to the calcium × phosphorus product more than to the iCa. Because hypercalcemia is mild and phosphorus is within reference range, kidney damage is unlikely with idiopathic hypercalcemia alone.

• ItispossibleforacattohavebothCKDandidiopathic hypercalcemia, which can confuse thediagnosis(e.g.,CKDcancauseincreasedtotal calcium but normal iCa).

• Useofformulastoadjustcalciumconcentra-tion based on albumin is not appropriate for cats with hypercalcemia. Instead, ionized calcium concentrations should be measured directly.

Technician TipsDemonstrate for owners how to properly administer medications, including giving water afterward to minimize the risk of esophageal stricture with alendronate.

Client EducationProper administration of medications

SUGGESTED READINGFinch NC: Hypercalcemia in cats: the complexities of

calcium regulation and associated clinical challenges. JFelineMedSurg18:387-399.2016.


Page 6: Heart Murmur, Incidental Finding Client Education Sheet · Heart murmurs not associated with cardiac disease Synonyms Innocent murmurs, flow murmurs, nonpatho-logic heart murmurs

Hypercalcemia, Idiopathic Feline 493.e1








ADDITIONAL SUGGESTED READINGSHardy BT, et al: Treatment of ionized hypercalcemia

in 12 cats (2006–2008) using PO-administered alendronate. J Vet Intern Med 29:200-206, 2015.

Midkiff AM, et al: Idiopathic hypercalcemia in cats. J Vet Intern Med. 14:619-626, 2000.

SavaryKG,etal:Hypercalcemiaincats:aretrospec-tivestudyof71cases(1991–1997).JVetInternMed 14:184-189, 2000.

Schenck PA, et al: Prediction of serum ionized calcium concentration by serum total calcium measurement incats.CanJVetRes74:209-213,2010.

Page 7: Heart Murmur, Incidental Finding Client Education Sheet · Heart murmurs not associated with cardiac disease Synonyms Innocent murmurs, flow murmurs, nonpatho-logic heart murmurs

498 Hypernatremia


Nutrition/Diet• Hypertriglyceridemia

○ Dietary fat restriction (dog: < 20% metabolizable energy [ME]; cat: < 25% ME)

○ If a low-fat diet is unsuccessful, a nutritionist can design an ultralow-fat (10%-12% ME) diet.

• Hypercholesterolemia○ Low-fat diet with increased amounts of

soluble fiber

Drug Interactions• Statinsshouldnotbeusedconcurrentlywith

azole antifungals, cyclosporine, diltiazem, or gemfibrozil.

• Statinsmayincreasethetoxicityofdigoxin.

Possible Complications• Fibratesmaycausemyalgiaandhepatopathy.• Niacinmaycausehyperglycemia,erythema,

pruritus, myalgia, and hepatopathy.• Statinsmaycauselethargy,diarrhea,myalgia,

and hepatopathy.

Recommended Monitoring• MonitorplasmaTGs4-8weeksafterinitia-

tion of low-fat diet, then every 6-12 months.• Monitorhematologic/biochemicalparameters

with fibrates, niacin, or lovastatin.

PROGNOSIS & OUTCOME• Successfulmanagementdependsonadequate

control of underlying disease(s) and reduction of plasma lipid concentrations.

• Catswithperipheralneuropathiesgenerallyhave clinical signs resolve within 4-12 weeks of instituting diet change.

PEARLS & CONSIDERATIONSComments• Hyperlipidemiainpatientsfasted> 12 hours

is abnormal.• Lipemicplasmaisanindicationofhypertri-

glyceridemia, not hypercholesterolemia.• Hypertriglyceridemiaoftensignalsunderlying

disease and may cause clinical disease.

• Hypercholesterolemiamayindicatethepres-ence of an underlying disorder but rarely causes clinical disease.

Prevention• Treatpredisposingdisorders.• MonitorTGconcentrations in susceptible


Technician Tips• Alert the attending veterinarian if the

supernatant in a hematocrit tube or serum or plasma in a centrifuged tube is cloudy and the patient has not eaten in > 12 hours.

• Lipemiacanincreasetotalsolidsmeasuredbyrefractometry and can interfere with multiple biochemical tests.

SUGGESTED READINGXenoulis PG, et al: Canine hyperlipidaemia. J Small

Anim Pract 56:595-605, 2015.

AUTHOR: Karen M. Tefft, DVM, MVSc, DACVIMEDITOR: Ellen N. Behrend, VMD, PhD, DACVIM


BASIC INFORMATIONDefinitionA serum sodium (Na+) concentration above the reference range; caused by net water loss (most common) or Na+ gain

EpidemiologySPECIES, AGE, SEXNo species, age, or sex predisposition

GENETICS, BREED PREDISPOSITIONEssential adipsic hypernatremia rarely reported in schnauzers, other dog breeds, and cats; may have a genetic basis

RISK FACTORS• Diuresisintheabsenceofadequateavailable

water replacement• Excessivewaterlossfromnonrenalsources

(e.g., vomiting, diarrhea, burns)• Acuteadministration/consumptionoflarge

amounts of Na+ (e.g., sea water consumption)

ASSOCIATED DISORDERSEssential adipsic hypernatremia, diabetes insipidus, central nervous system (CNS) damage

Clinical PresentationDISEASE FORMS/SUBTYPES• Canbeacuteorchronic; accumulationof

idiogenic osmols in chronic hypernatremia impact treatment

• Categorized by volume status as hypovo-lemic, normovolemic, or hypervolemic

hypernatremia; volume status provides clues about the cause

HISTORY, CHIEF COMPLAINT• Clinical signs (e.g., vomiting, diarrhea,

polyuria/polydipsia [PU/PD]) often related to the underlying cause of hypernatremia

• Severity and rapidity of onset correlatewith severity of signs attributed directly to hypernatremia, which can include○ Mental dullness/ inappropriate mentation○ Ataxia○ Stupor/coma○ Seizures○ Muscle weakness

PHYSICAL EXAM FINDINGS• Findingsoftenrelatetotheunderlyingcause

of hypernatremia.• WhenNa+ >170mEq/L,findingsdirectly

attributed to hypernatremia can become apparent (see Chief Complaint).

• Evidenceofvolumedepletionorexcess○ Hydration usually adequate (from movement

of water from intracellular space to extracel-lular space) until extreme water loss occurs

○ Volume depletion: loss of skin turgor, weak pulse, tachycardia, delayed capillary refill time

○ Volume excess: serous nasal discharge, tachypnea, harsh lung sounds

Etiology and Pathophysiology• Na+ and its anions account for ≈95% of

osmotic activity in extracellular fluids; there-fore, hypernatremia causes hyperosmolality.

• Acutehyperosmolalitycancausebraincellsto shrink because intracellular water is pulled into the extracellular fluid space, resulting in rupture of vessels and intracranial bleeding.

• Ifhypernatremiacomesaboutmoreslowly,the brain can adapt through production of idiogenic osmoles, which hold water volume in the brain cells.○ Overly rapid correction of long-standing

hypernatremia causes water to be pulled into the brain cells by idiogenic osmoles, resulting in brain swelling and neurologic damage.

• Causesofhypernatremia(p.1237)○ Pure water deficit: normovolemic hyperna-

tremia (e.g., water deprivation [especially with diabetes insipidus], adipsia)

○ Hypotonic fluid loss (most common): hypovolemic hypernatremia (e.g., dia-betes mellitus, postobstructive diuresis, gastrointestinal (GI) fluid loss, burns, chronic kidney disease)

○ Increased Na+ retention or intake: hyper-volemic hypernatremia (e.g., hypertonic enema solutions, sea water consumption, excess hypertonic saline infusion)

DIAGNOSISDiagnostic OverviewHypernatremia may be suspected in depressed animals with conditions known to predispose to hypernatremia, or it can be an incidental finding on serum biochemical profile. Signs of hypernatremia may not be apparent until Na+ >175-180mEq/L.

Page 8: Heart Murmur, Incidental Finding Client Education Sheet · Heart murmurs not associated with cardiac disease Synonyms Innocent murmurs, flow murmurs, nonpatho-logic heart murmurs

Hyperlipidemia 498.e1








ADDITIONAL SUGGESTED READINGSBlackstockKJ,etal:Transienthyperlipidemiaina


Fletcher JM: Diagnosis and management of hyper-lipidemia. In Proceedings from the 14th annual Southwest Veterinary Symposium, 2016, Fort Worth, TX.

Hill RC: Dietary and medical considerations in hyperlipidemia. In Ettinger SJ, et al, editors: Textbook of veterinary internal medicine, ed 8, Philadelphia,2017,Saunders,pp758-764.

KlugerEK,etal:AssessmentoftheAccutrendGCTand PTS CardioChek meters to measure blood triglyceride concentrations in cats. J Feline Med Surg 12:458-465, 2010.

KlugerEK,etal:Evaluationoftwoportablemetersfor determination of blood triglyceride concentra-tionindogs.AmJVetRes71:203-210,2010.

KlugerEK,etal:Serumtriglycerideconcentrationindogs with epilepsy treated with phenobarbital or with phenobarbital and bromide. J Am Vet Med Assoc233:1270-1277,2008.

Kluger EK, et al: Triglyceride response followingan oral fat tolerance test in Burmese cats, other pedigree cats and domestic crossbred cats. J Feline Med Surg 11:82-90, 2009.

Kutsunai M, et al: The association between gallbladders mucoceles and hyperlipidaemia in dogs: aretrospectivecasecontrolstudy.VetJ199:76-79,2014.

Mori N, et al: Predisposition for primary hyper-lipidemia in miniature schnauzers and Shetland sheepdogs as compared to other canine breeds. Res Vet Sci 88:394-399, 2010.

Watson P, et al: Hypercholesterolaemia in Briards in theUnitedKingdom.ResVetSci54:80-85,1993.

Xenoulis PG, et al: Association between serum triglyc-eride and canine pancreatic lipase immunoreactivity concentrations in miniature schnauzers. J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 46:229-234, 2010.

Xenoulis PG, et al: Association of hypertriglyceri-demia with insulin resistance in healthy miniature schnauzers. J Am Vet Med Assoc 238:1011-1016, 2011.

Xenoulis PG, et al: Serum liver enzyme activities in healthy miniature schnauzers with and without hypertriglyceridemia. J Am Vet Med Assoc 232:63-71,2008.

ZarfossMK,etal:Solidintraocularxanthogranulomain three miniature schnauzer dogs. Vet Ophthalmol 10:304-307,2007.

RELATED CLIENT EDUCATION SHEETSConsent to Perform Abdominal UltrasoundHow to Change a Pet’s Diet

Page 9: Heart Murmur, Incidental Finding Client Education Sheet · Heart murmurs not associated with cardiac disease Synonyms Innocent murmurs, flow murmurs, nonpatho-logic heart murmurs

Hyperparathyroidism, Primary 499








Differential Diagnosis• Encephalopathicsigns:hypoglycemia,hypo-

natremia, hepatic encephalopathy, uremia, intoxications, hypoxia, CNS disorders

• Hypernatremia:pseudohypernatremiaoccursoccasionally in hyperproteinemic or hyperlip-idemic animals. Confirm true hypernatremia with direct selective electrode measure.

Initial Database• Reviewhistoryforwaterconsumption/thirst,

urine production, possible salt ingestion/administration

• Serumbiochemicalprofile○ Na+ above upper reference range (by

definition; usually Na+ >157mEq/L)○ Hyperchloremia (common)○ Azotemia (may accompany hypovolemia

or kidney disease)○ Hyperphosphatemia (may accompany

kidney disease or sodium phosphate enema use)

○ Increased albumin in hemoconcentrated state

○ Serum osmolality (measured or calculated); always increased

• CBC:mayshowevidenceofhemoconcentra-tion

• Urinalysis,withurineosmolality(ifavailable):hyposthenuria (e.g., diabetes insipidus), isosthenuria (e.g., kidney disease), or concentrated urine (e.g., salt intoxication, GI losses)

Advanced Diagnostic TestingAdditional testing is aimed at identification of the underlying cause of hypernatremia; choice of test depends on suspected cause. Common tests:• Abdominal imaging: causeof vomitingor

diarrhea, evaluation of kidneys and adrenal glands

• BrainimagingbyMRIorCT:ifhypotha-lamic lesion suspected

• Teststoconfirmendocrinopathies,ifindicated: diabetes insipidus (p. 250), hyperaldoster-onism, diabetes mellitus (p. 251)

TREATMENTTreatment OverviewAcute hypernatremia (<24-hour duration) can be corrected rapidly, but longer-standing hyper-natremia must be corrected slowly (often over 48-72hoursat< 8-12 mEq/L per 24 hours). Because frequent measures of serum Na+ are required, animals with severe hypernatremia should be treated at 24-hour care facilities capable of monitoring electrolytes in real time.

Acute General Treatment• SeeHypernatremiaAlgorithm(p.1428).• Forhypernatremiaof shortduration (<24

hours), rapid correction is appropriate (1.5-2 mEq/L/h) using no or low Na+ fluids (e.g., 5% dextrose, 0.45% sodium chloride, one-half strength lactated Ringer’s solution)

• Forhypernatremia lasting for> 24 hours, correct no more quickly than 0.5 mEq/L/h (12 mEq/L/day). This rate may be difficult to achieve with very-low-sodium fluids; keep in mind that even fluids with a Na+ concentration of 40 mEq/L (e.g., Normosol M, Plasma-Lyte 56) can provide necessary water with a lower Na+ content than the patient’s serum. Frequent (i.e., q 2-4h) rechecks of Na+ are essential.

• For animals that are not vomiting andmentally appropriate, enteral water supple-mentation is useful.

Chronic TreatmentAddress underlying cause of hypernatremia.

Possible ComplicationsComa, seizures, and death

Recommended Monitoring• Duringcorrectionofchronic,severehyper-

natremia, monitor serum Na+ q 2-4h to be sure correction is not overly rapid.

• Repeat neurologic evaluations at leastdaily; signs of overly rapid correction may not be apparent for 48 hours or more after treatment.

PROGNOSIS & OUTCOME• Prognosis depends on underlying cause

as well as appropriate treatment. Often, hypernatremia is completely reversible if treated appropriately in a timely manner.

• Guardedtograveaftercomaoccurs

PEARLS & CONSIDERATIONSComments• Hypernatremia ismoreoften the resultof

water loss rather than Na+ gain.• Forslow-onsethypernatremia,correctslowly;

for rapid onset of hypernatremia, correct rapidly.

• Hyperaldosteronism is rare and causeshypertension more often than hypernatre-mia (excess Na+ pulls fluid into vascular space).

Prevention• Provideampleaccesstowaterforanyanimal

with polyuria or salt access.• Donotallowdogstodrinkseawater.• Mix generous amounts of water in moist

food for animals with adipsia.

Technician TipsAny animal with polyuria should be provided access to water at all times (or IV fluids if GI/oral intake is not allowed) during any hospital stay, even if brief.

Client EducationStress the importance of free-choice water for polydipsic pets.

SUGGESTED READINGGuillaumin J, et al. Disorders of sodium and water

homeostasis. Vet Clin North Am Small Anim Pract 47:293-312,2017.


Hyperparathyroidism, Primary Client Education Sheet

BASIC INFORMATIONDefinitionPrimary hyperparathyroidism (PHPTH) is caused by increased synthesis and secretion of parathyroid hormone (PTH) by autonomously functioning parathyroid cells.

EpidemiologySPECIES, AGE, SEX• Dogs:uncommon;olderdogspredominantly;

no sex predisposition• Cats:rare;oldercatstypicallyaffected

GENETICS, BREED PREDISPOSITION• Anybreed• Keeshond:inherited(autosomaldominant);

a genetic test is available (http://ahdc.vet .cornell.edu/docs/PHPTInstructions.pdf ).

• Hereditary neonatal PHPTH has beenreported in two German shepherd dogs.

Clinical PresentationHISTORY, CHIEF COMPLAINT• Polyuria/polydipsia (≈50% dogs; ≈10%


• Lowerurinarytractsigns(causedbyinfec-tion or cystic calculi), including pollakiuria, stranguria, and hematuria (≈50% of dogs)

• Weakness, lethargy (≈40%-50% of dogs and cats)

• Inappetence (≈25%-30% of dogs; ≈40% of cats), vomiting (≈10% of dogs; ≈40% of cats)

• Some(≈30% dogs) have no clinical signs; hypercalcemia is an incidental finding.

PHYSICAL EXAM FINDINGS• Physicalexam:typicallyunremarkable