heat transfer (arctic & fennec fox)

Monday 17 January 202 2 Sameenah Ahmed 1 V S

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Page 1: Heat transfer (arctic & fennec fox)

2 May 2023 Sameenah Ahmed 1


Page 2: Heat transfer (arctic & fennec fox)

2 May 2023 2

The Arctic Fox

Sameenah Ahmed

Page 3: Heat transfer (arctic & fennec fox)

2 May 2023 Sameenah Ahmed 3

They are usually about the size of a small house pet. They generally don't grow much larger than 2 to 3 feet long. Arctic foxes have short ears, and legs. Warm-blooded creatures lose the most body heat from their hands and feet. Any part of the body that is far away from the heart requires more energy to heat up. It is difficult for the arctic foxes because their bodies are short and stumpy. With a compact body, their hearts don't have to work very hard to warm their noses and toes. Thick fur covers their paws and gives them warmth and grip in the winter snow. When they sleep, arctic foxes curl their long, bushy tails around their bodies to conserve more heat.

The Arctic fox is found throughout the entire Arctic tundra, through Alaska, Canada, Greenland, Russia, Norway, Scandinavia, and even Iceland, where it is the only native land mammal. These areas have very cold conditions therefore the arctic fox has adapted to withstand the cold temperatures

Page 4: Heat transfer (arctic & fennec fox)

2 May 2023 Sameenah Ahmed 4

Fennec Foxes

Page 5: Heat transfer (arctic & fennec fox)

2 May 2023 Sameenah Ahmed 5

The fennec foxes have large ears which are usually 6 inches long. This helps them to release excess body heat in very hot weather conditions. Their large ears can also move in a fanning motion to help them cool down during hot days. They can also lose heat by panting and sweating. The thickness of their fur helps provide heat during the cold nights and the colour of the reflects the heat.