heating, air conditioning, and refrigeration mechanics and ... program revi… · occupations for...

1 Program Review 2013 Career and Technical Education-Supplemental Questions Air Conditioning and Refrigeration (ACR) 1. How strong is the occupational demand for the program? The national statistics are 7% higher than the state’s for future growth. The following tables show the national and state statistics red for national and blue for state. The national growth rate is 34% from 2010-2020 and the state growth rate is 27.1% over the same time. These numbers are higher than the average growth rates of other occupations. The following shows the national statistics for the Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration (HVACR) trade. Heating, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration Mechanics and Installers Percent change in employment, projected 2010-20 Heating, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration Mechanics and Installers 34% Installation, Maintenance, and Repair Occupations 15% Total, All Occupations 14% Note: All Occupations includes all occupations in the U.S. Economy. Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Employment Projections program

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Page 1: Heating, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration Mechanics and ... Program Revi… · Occupations for Heating, Air Conditioning, Ventilation & Refrigeration Maintenance in California


Program Review 2013

Career and Technical Education-Supplemental Questions

Air Conditioning and Refrigeration (ACR)

1. How strong is the occupational demand for the program?

The national statistics are 7% higher than the state’s for future growth.

The following tables show the national and state statistics red for national

and blue for state. The national growth rate is 34% from 2010-2020 and

the state growth rate is 27.1% over the same time. These numbers are

higher than the average growth rates of other occupations.

The following shows the national statistics for the Heating,

Ventilation, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration (HVACR) trade.

Heating, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration Mechanics and Installers Percent change in employment, projected 2010-20

Heating, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration Mechanics and Installers


Installation, Maintenance, and Repair Occupations


Total, All Occupations


Note: All Occupations includes all occupations in the U.S. Economy.

Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Employment Projections program

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The following table shows the California growth statistics for HVACR


Occupations for Heating, Air Conditioning, Ventilation & Refrigeration Maintenance in California

Occupation Title

Estimated Year - Projected Year

Employment Employment Change Minimum Educational Requirement

View Video Estimated Projected Number Percent

Heating/Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Workers

2010 - 2020

20,700 26,300 5,600 27.1 Long-term on-the-job training (> 12 months)

2. How has the demand changed in the past 5 years and what is the outlook for the

next five years?

The Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that in the next 5 years over

136,000 job openings for HVACR.

In the midst of a down economy the baby-boomers were not retiring. They

were hanging around to see what was going to happen to the economy.

HVACR employers were only hiring in an emergency. In 2010 only

270,000 were employed in the HVACR trade down 40,000 from 2008.

Now that the economy is recovering the projection for 2018 is 395,000

employed, up 34% from 2008.

(number in thousands)

Code Trade 2008 2018 Percent Growth Total job openings

49–9021 Heating, air conditioning, and refrigeration mechanics and installers

308.2 394.8 28.1 136.2


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3. What is the districts need for the program?

In the Fall 2012 semester the ACR Program went to 8 week sections for

the full time day students. In Spring 2014 those students that started the 8

week sections are going to be awarded their certificates and finish the

ACR Program. The certificates and degrees awarded by students in the

ACR Program will show an improvement. 2 of these students are going for

their A.S. degrees. In the year 2010-2011 the ACR Program CTE with 12

certificates. Waiting for the 2012-2013 statistics for certificates awarded.

The next Table shows the certificates earned from 2011-2012.

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4. What is the state’s need for the program?

With a 20%-40% growth in HVACR employment in the state, all California

Community Colleges (CCC) with a HVACR program are needed. The

need for qualified technicians with certificates and degrees is evident. In

the past 10 years, employers have decreased the qualifications for new

employees because of the lack of qualified technicians.

Future Challenges

Emerson created the list after talking to contractors, HVACR students, and instructors about

what motivates young people to pursue HVACR careers.

One of the key challenges identified is a shortage of qualified technicians. According to the Air-

Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute (AHRI), an estimated additional 57,000

skilled workers are needed each year to work in the HVACR industry.

The Top 10

Emerson’s top 10 list draws on HVACR salary and employment data from the

U.S. Department of Labor; trade school locations recognized by the Partnership

for Air-Conditioning, Heating, Refrigeration Accreditation; heating and cooling

degree days calculated at DegreeDays.net; residential home values from the U.S.

Census; and certified North American Technician Excellence (NATE) contractors

by state. Emerson also draws upon its own data to look at wholesaler locations

and commercial service volumes from its ProAct™ Service Center.

The Emerson Climate Technologies Top 10 States to Work in HVACR are:

1. California

2. Ohio

3. Florida

4. Texas

5. Illinois

6. New York

7. Pennsylvania

8. New Jersey

9. North Carolina

10. Georgia

Why They’re on the List

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According to Emerson, California tops the list with more than 2,000 NATE-

certified technicians, many cooling degree days to drive air conditioning and

refrigeration demand, high employment (more than 16,000 HVACR techs,

according to the U.S. Dept. of Labor), and some of the highest wages in the

country. The NEWS, HVACR article March 4, 2013

The following table shows the California growth statistics for HVACR


Occupations for Heating, Air Conditioning, Ventilation & Refrigeration Maintenance in California

Occupation Title

Estimated Year - Projected Year

Employment Employment Change Minimum Educational Requirement

View Video Estimated Projected Number Percent

Heating/Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Workers

2010 - 2020

20,700 26,300 5,600 27.1 Long-term on-the-job training (> 12 months)

What Wages and Benefits Can I Expect?

The wages for Technicians in California differ widely depending on job duties and responsibilities, work experience, type of industry, and location of work. Workers in large cities or urban areas usually earn higher wages than those who work in smaller towns and rural areas.

The median wage in 2013 for Heating/Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Workers in California is $51,386 annually, or $24.71 hourly. The median is the point at which half of the workers earn more and half earn less.

Change to Hourly Wages

Annual Wages for 2013

Low (25th


Median (50th


High (75th


California $38,565 $51,386 $63,524

Source: EDD/LMID Occupational Employment Statistics Survey, 2013 Wages do not reflect self-employment.

View Wages for All Areas

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Change to Annual Wages

Hourly Wages for 2013

Low (25th


Median (50th


High (75th


California $18.54 $24.71 $30.54

Source: EDD/LMID Occupational Employment Statistics Survey, 2013. Wages do not reflect self-employment.

Technicians may receive benefits that include health and dental insurance, vacation, and retirement plans. For union members, the benefit packages are negotiated in contracts between employers and unions. Self-employed contractors must pay for their own insurance and retirement plans.

What is the Job Outlook?

As the population and number of buildings increase, so does the demand for residential, commercial, and industrial climate-control systems. The complexity of today’s climate control systems increases the possibility that equipment may malfunction, creating more employment opportunities for Technicians. Technicians who specialize in installation work may experience periods of unemployment when new construction activity declines, but maintenance and repair work usually remains relatively stable. People and businesses depend on climate-control systems and must keep them in good working order, regardless of economic conditions. Concern for the environment has prompted the development of new energy-saving heating and air-conditioning systems. An emphasis on better energy management should lead to the replacement of older systems and the installation of newer, more efficient systems in existing homes and buildings. Regulations prohibiting the discharge and production of chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) and hydro-chlorofluorocarbon (HCFC) refrigerants should continue to result in the need to replace many existing air-conditioning systems or modify them to use new environmentally safe refrigerants.

5. How does the program address needs that are not met by similar programs in the


All Community Colleges in the area of the Compton Center teach HVACR

basics. Cypress teaches more engineering, Trade Tech teaches more

codes and construction, Orange Coast College teaches only the basics,

and Long Beach City is closing its HVACR program. El Camino College

and the Compton Center have the same curriculum.

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When students finish the HVACR program in any school they have to find

their own job. Most employers want 3-5 years experience with new hires.

Only a few employers want to train new employees their way and want no

previous work experience.

The ACR program at the Compton Center addresses the need of newly

graduating students looking for employment. With funding from the

Foundation the ACR program joined GradCast. GradCast lets students

who have been awarded certificates in the ACR program to send out

resumes to employers in HVACR trade and related businesses. These

employers are not expecting a resume with years of experience in the

trade. They are looking for resumes with certificates awarded and degrees

.Within 100 miles or the Compton Center there are 2087 employers on the

GradCast list, within 20 miles there are 831, within 10 miles there are 245,

and within 5 miles there are 52 employers.

The national average is 50% job placement for students with either

certificates awarded or degrees in HVACR . The percent drops to under

10% if someone has a resume with no certificates awarded or degrees.

6. Are students satisfied with their preparation for employment?

These are some of the results of the Career & Technical Education (CTE)

Employment Outcomes Survey 2013 Compton Center.

50% of former students were “very satisfied” with the education and training they received at El Camino College – Compton Center, and 36% were “satisfied” for an overall satisfaction rate of 86%.

The results of the survey showed that completing CTE studies and training – whether or not a credential is earned, whether or not a student transfers – is related to positive employment outcomes. The preponderance of respondents are employed, are working in the same field as their studies or training, and are working full time. Respondents overall posted a 20% increase in their hourly wage after completing their studies El Camino College—Compton Center and the vast majority were satisfied with the education and training they received.

7. Are employers in the field satisfied with the level of preparation of our graduates?

The basics of the HVACR trade is taught the same in any book you read.

Teaching the basics has not changed since I went through an

apprenticeship 28 years ago for HVACR.

Working with Vic Cafarchia and Tim Muckey from El Camino to change

the curriculum to include energy efficiency and energy management

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courses and certificates. These are the technologies the technicians in the

field are using today.

We are combining ACR 21 and 22 to have only one prerequisite basic

course, deactivating ACR 32 Pneumatic Controls and reactivating ACR

31Electronic Controls, deactivating ACR 20 because another program is

teaching solar, and in the process of writing the curriculum for two new

courses dealing with Energy Management and System Efficiency. We are

also going to propose two more mini certificates for Energy Management

and System Efficiency.

8. What are the completion, success, and employment rates for the students?

The ACR Success and Retention Rates are close to the Division numbers.

This semester Anthony Charles was awarded 4 certificates and an A.S.

Degree in ACR. He sent out 100 resumes through GradCast and started

working for an HVACR contractor 2 weeks later. His second week on the

job he received 2 more job offers. GradCast works.

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9. What is the role of the advisory committee and what impact does it have on the


The ACR program has an Advisory Committee Meeting every semester.

The Advisory Committee consists of contractors, vendors, educators, and

journeymen in the HVACR trade. There is a guest speaker and an agenda

which is followed.

All students in the ACR program are invited to participate in the Advisory

Committee Meeting. This makes them feel like they have an input into

their education at the Compton Center.

I take in consideration all that is said in the Advisory Committee Meetings.

Improvements is the ACR program and CTEA Grant Proposals stem from

the recommendations made at the meetings. And students are involved in

the decision making process.

Here are the agenda and minutes from the Fall 2013 meeting.

Air Conditioning and Refrigeration (ACR)

Advisory Committee Meeting Agenda

Fall 2013

Thursday October 31, 2013

VT 197 8:00am-9:00am

Type of meeting: ACR Advisory Committee Meeting Facilitator: Dale Ueda

Recorder: Laura Atchison

Guest Speaker: Mr. Ken Robinson from Refrigeration Service Engineers Society


Attendees: Mr. Dale Ueda (El Camino/Compton Center ACR Department), Mr. Ken

Robinson (RSES), Mr. Pat Heeb (LBCC), and Mr. William Jeff (Los Angeles City).

Participants: All ACR students

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Importance of specialized HVACR training and education

Technical information and resources

Service Application Manual (SAM)

Networking with individuals in the HVACR trade

Where the HVACR trade is going in technology and jobs

Energy management systems

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Air Conditioning and Refrigeration (ACR)

Advisory Committee Meeting

VT 197

October 31, 2013


Professor Ueda introduced the presenter, Mr. Ken Robinson, Climate Pro Mechanical to give an

over-view of today’s trade. He informed everyone how much technology has grown throughout

the years. He showed the importance of being part of a chapter for continual growth.

Technology is always changing in the HVACR trade. Going to seminars and conferences keeps

you up with the new technology.

The Chapter he affiliates is Refrigeration Service Engineers Society (RSES). It is a non-profit

organization that gives their time and experience in assisting Colleges about the trade. Their

desire is to give back to the industry.

Importance of Specialized HVACR Training and Education

He asked the question – “What plague industry the most?” Some felted it was not keeping up

with technology; no knowledge in the trade, not being able to use the computer. The answer to

the question was ‘laziness’; lack of knowledge and doing nothing to grow. There are areas for

one to grow; on-the-job training, ask employer permission to take classes to extend knowledge.

In today’s trade, computer is not new; it is a tool to assist in the field. Animation system assists

one’s capabilities to find answer to problems.

Technical Information and Resources

There is an upcoming training for NATE. It is scheduled for this Saturday on November 2,

2013. This training will give assistance for individuals to help pass NATE and become certified.

There are two type of testing one can pass; Core and Specialty. Passing Core one will allow one

to become a server and an installer. There are 18 to 20 examinations to be ‘specialized’ in a

trade; for instance, Air Condition, Refrigeration, Heat Pump, Gas Heating to name a few. If one

pass the testing for Heat Pump, he will automatically qualifies to do air condition.

There will be a presentation on March 29, 2014 at the Golden Seal Hotel. Ticket will be

discounted for students. Newsletter is available showing how one can get free magazine. The

International Chapter will take place in October, 2014, in Long Beach. They will have various

speakers to express free classes that are available for students. Speakers will interact with

students in answering their questions.

Service Application Manual (SAM)

There are five reasons to join a chapter in learning new technology. Ones will focus on

advantage and the disadvantages in the trade. The RSES made this manual available on CD

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ROM; can now be access on-line. Members get newsletters free. New chapters are announced

in the newsletters. It network with others in assisting them in finding a job. Many companies

hire those affiliating in a chapter. This provides insight to employers how an individual is

willing to do the extra in marketing itself. They are thus reassured there will be fewer call backs

in completing a job.

Networking with Individuals in the HVACR Trade

Mr. Robinson highlighted the RSES Magazine showing the benefits and the importance of

subscribing to it. The RSES membership dues are $145.00 a year for professionals and $51.50

for students. The magazines are free with membership. Meetings are held on the 2nd Thursday

each month at 6:00pm in the city of Downey at the Sizzler Restaurant.

Brochures and applications were available for students to enhance their interests. Newsletters

were also provided for the students.

He acknowledged the students for establishing a club that represents their trade. This too is what

employers look for in one extending itself in showing their dedications and their trade.

Belonging to trade associations and organizations helps in networking with others in the trade.

There are sites which talk about common troubleshooting problems technicians run into in their

daily experiences. HVAC Talk is one of these sites. You log on to the internet and ask questions

you have, and others join in to answer your questions.

Energy Management Systems

This management system is very important system to teach HVAC students. The economizer is

a major part of this system. It teaches how to measure outside air. Learn how to read different

control on controllers. Mr. Robinson gave an illustration on how Edison increases their cost. No

longer a 5 tier; now 4 tier. Edison wanted 6.8% increase. Wanted 4 increases; 3 were rejected.

Equipment with economizer systems installed are good hands on training for students to learn on

in the lab.

Any Other Business

Several questions were asked by the students; one being is it feasible to open up a business after

receiving a certificate? Answer: It is best to work with a contractor first. There is a lot to learn

in the trade and by working with others will assist in one’s growth. If you are stuck on a

problem, it is good to have someone to assist or where to get resource for assistance. Capital is

needed in starting your own business. A C-20 HVAC contractor license, $25,000 working

capital, and $10,000 bond with the Registrar in needed to start your own business

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10. If there is a licensure exam for students to work in their field of study, please list

the exam and the pass rate. If there are multiple exams in the program, include

them all.

The EPA 608 is the certificate that all HVACR employees need to work in

the trade.

I used to be a proctor of the certification exam at El Camino College. They

used the company VGI as the testing agency.

Fall 2013 I switched to the ESCO Institute and made the Compton Center

a testing site for the EPA 608 which is the HVACR certification and the

EPA 609 which is the automotive certification.

On November 15, 2013 Dennis Kromer passed the EPA 608. He was the

first to take the exam after I switched to ESCO. He said the practice

exams and study guide helped him pass the exam.

The next 5 pages are national and state statistics on HVACR

employment and growth rates.

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The following shows the national statistics for the

Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration

(HVACR) trade.

Heating, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration Mechanics and Installers Percent change in employment, projected 2010-20

Heating, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration Mechanics and Installers


Installation, Maintenance, and Repair Occupations


Total, All Occupations


Note: All Occupations includes all occupations in the U.S. Economy.

Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Employment Projections program

Heating, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration Mechanics and Installers

Quick Facts: Heating, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration Mechanics and Installers

2010 Median Pay

$42,530 per year

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Quick Facts: Heating, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration Mechanics and Installers

$20.45 per hour

Entry-Level Education Postsecondary non-degree award

Work Experience in a Related Occupation None

On-the-job Training Long-term on-the-job training

Number of Jobs, 2010 267,800

Job Outlook, 2010-20 34% (Much faster than average)

Employment Change, 2010-20 90,300

Job Outlook About this section Heating, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration Mechanics and Installers

Percent change in employment, projected 2010-20

Heating, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration Mechanics and Installers


Installation, Maintenance, and Repair Occupations


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Total, All Occupations


Note: All Occupations includes all occupations in the U.S. Economy.

Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Employment Projections program

Employment of heating, air conditioning, and refrigeration mechanics and installers is expected to grow

34 percent from 2010 to 2020, much faster than the average for all occupations. Commercial and

residential building construction will drive employment growth as the construction industry continues to

recover from the 2007-09 recession. The growing number of sophisticated climate-control systems is also

expected to increase demand for qualified HVACR technicians.

Climate-control systems generally need replacement after 10 to 15 years. A large number of recently

constructed homes and commercial buildings will need replacement climate-control systems by 2020,

spurring demand for technicians.

The growing emphasis on energy efficiency and pollution reduction will require more HVACR technicians

as climate-control systems are retrofitted, upgraded, or replaced entirely. Regulations prohibiting the

discharge and production of older types of refrigerant pollutants also will result in the need to modify or

replace many existing air conditioning systems.

Job Prospects

Job opportunities for HVACR technicians are expected to be excellent, particularly for those who have

completed training at an accredited technical school or through a formal apprenticeship. Candidates

familiar with computers and electronics will have the best job opportunities as employers continue to

have trouble finding qualified technicians to work on complex new systems.

Technicians who specialize in installation work may experience periods of unemployment when the level

of new construction activity declines. Maintenance and repair work, however, usually remains relatively

stable. Businesses and homeowners depend on their climate-control or refrigeration systems and must

keep them in good working order, regardless of economic conditions.

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The following table shows the California growth

statistics for HVACR Trade.

Occupations for Heating, Air Conditioning, Ventilation & Refrigeration Maintenance in California

Occupation Title

Estimated Year - Projected Year

Employment Employment Change Minimum Educational Requirement

View Video Estimated Projected Number Percent

Heating/Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Workers

2010 - 2020

20,700 26,300 5,600 27.1 Long-term on-the-job training (> 12 months)

What Wages and Benefits Can I Expect?

The wages for Technicians in California differ widely depending on job duties and responsibilities, work experience, type of industry, and location of work. Workers in large cities or urban areas usually earn higher wages than those who work in smaller towns and rural areas.

The median wage in 2013 for Heating/Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Workers in California is $51,386 annually, or $24.71 hourly. The median is the point at which half of the workers earn more and half earn less.

Change to Hourly Wages

Annual Wages for 2013

Low (25th


Median (50th


High (75th


California $38,565 $51,386 $63,524

Source: EDD/LMID Occupational Employment Statistics Survey, 2013 Wages do not reflect self-employment.

View Wages for All Areas

Change to Annual Wages

Hourly Wages for 2013

Low (25th


Median (50th


High (75th


California $18.54 $24.71 $30.54

Source: EDD/LMID Occupational Employment Statistics Survey, 2013. Wages do not reflect self-employment.

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Technicians may receive benefits that include health and dental insurance, vacation, and retirement plans. For union members, the benefit packages are negotiated in contracts between employers and unions. Self-employed contractors must pay for their own insurance and retirement plans.

What is the Job Outlook?

As the population and number of buildings increase, so does the demand for residential, commercial, and industrial climate-control systems. The complexity of today’s climate control systems increases the possibility that equipment may malfunction, creating more employment opportunities for Technicians. Technicians who specialize in installation work may experience periods of unemployment when new construction activity declines, but maintenance and repair work usually remains relatively stable. People and businesses depend on climate-control systems and must keep them in good working order, regardless of economic conditions. Concern for the environment has prompted the development of new energy-saving heating and air-conditioning systems. An emphasis on better energy management should lead to the replacement of older systems and the installation of newer, more efficient systems in existing homes and buildings. Regulations prohibiting the discharge and production of chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) and hydro-chlorofluorocarbon (HCFC) refrigerants should continue to result in the need to replace many existing air-conditioning systems or modify them to use new environmentally safe refrigerants.