hebrew appearance ii

Food For Thought Volume 9 By Yachazy‘al Shalum

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For years, scholars, theologians and archaeologist have debated the answer to the question, "How did the ancient Israelites look physically?" Although the scriptures and other historical documents, have left a lot of evidence that confirms the physical appearance of the Israelites, much of this information is still unknown to the masses.


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Food For Thought

Volume 9

By Yachazy‘al Shalum

Page 2: Hebrew Appearance II

Hebrews and Egyptians: Mistaken Identity

The Physical Appearance of the Children of Israel

Part 2

**important notes: before the foundation of the earth was made - the Father had one Name:

hwhy (pronounced Ya-Hoo-Ah: YAHUAH)! This article proudly proclaims that Name. The

Father Himself breathed to humankind the only Name for His Son: [fwhy (pronounced Ya-

Hoo-Sha: YAHUSHA)! This article proudly proclaims that Name. Neither the Father nor His

Son will be referred to as ‘god’, ‘lord’, ‘Jehovah’, ‘Jesus’, or ‘Christ’. Pagans created these

names and titles, therefore, they are sinful to use. Hebrew reads from right to left, while Greek

reads from left to right. Whenever you see the letter H followed by a number (H-1234), this is

a reference to the Hebrew section of the Strong’s. Whenever you see the letter G followed by a

number (G-1234), this is a reference to the Greek section of the Strong’s. I strongly

recommend the use of an Interlinear Bible. An Interlinear Bible will enable you to read the

Scriptures in its original language and get a better understanding of very important words.**

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Greetings to you again in the wonderful, beautiful Names of hwhy and [vwhy! In our last

edition of Food for Thought, some of us were left with a hunger for more knowledge, but sadly

enough: some decided to discontinue their subscription. All I am offering is the truth. The word

of hwhy speaks for itself and we should all search the scriptures daily in order to know for sure if

what we are learning is the truth (Acts 17:11). It is with all sincerity that I admonish you to

diligently research all of the information being presented to you.

We have covered the Covenant Relationship, the appearance of Cham (Ham) and the Egyptians,

and the lie of the Jews being the chosen people. As I promised, the Scriptures will now prove

that Israelites looked exactly like Egyptians. In case you are wondering the importance of

identifying Israelites, remember that Yashma’al (Ishmael) was also Hebrew, but not an Israelite.

Y`aqb (Jacob) became Yashar’al (Israel: B’rashyth (Genesis) 32:28) and his sons became

known as the ‘children of Israel,’ but remember: they were all Hebrews. I am super excited to

present this information to you! Now, without further delay, let us meet the Hebrew men of the

Covenant who, at some point or another, were mistaken for black Egyptians.

Hebrews Mistaken For Egyptians

Yusaph (Joseph)

In B’rashyth (Genesis) 37, we began to learn more about the favorite son of Y`aqb (Jacob):

Yusaph (Joseph). Verse 3 explains that Y`aqb loved Yusaph more than all of his sons because he

bore him in his old age. Yusaph dreamed that his brothers would bow down before him and this

made them extremely angry (verses 4-11). Jealousy and hatred eventually led to Yusaph being

thrown into a pit and sold, by his brothers, to Hebrew Yashma’alyth merchants (verses 19-28).

We have already learned that Abraham birthed Yashma’al (Ishmael) before he birthed Yatschaq

(Isaac: B’rashyth 16:2-4, 16). We have proven that Abraham was Hebrew and Yashma’al’s

mother (Hagar) was Egyptian. Egyptians were black-skinned children of Cham (Ham). So

Yusaph was not sold to Muslims: he was sold to his cousins, who were the descendants of his

uncle Yashma’al: black-skinned Hebrew/Egyptian men.

You can read the full story in Chapter’s 37-50 of B’rashyth.

As time went on, Yusaph became Viceroy (Governor) of Matsraym (Egypt) and was second only

to the Pharaoh. There came a time, because of the famine, that the sons of Y`aqb came to

Matsraym for food. They stood and bowed in the presence of the Governor of Matsraym, who

was none other than Yusaph. I want to add an interesting note: his brothers did not recognize

who he was (B’rashyth 42:1-8). Let’s examine what we have learned carefully. Egyptians were a

black-skinned people and Yusaph (Hebrew and Israelite) was Governor of the land of Egypt

(Khemet in their own language, which meant land of the black). Why wouldn’t Yusaph’s

brothers recognize their Caucasian/Jewish looking brother amongst all of these black people?

His brothers did not recognize him because they were all black (Hebrews and Egyptians are

cousins) men of different bloodlines and they had not seen him since he was a teenager.

When you read the story of Yusaph in Acts 7:2-13, you will learn a very important detail about

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him: even the Pharaoh was unaware that Yusaph was Hebrew. Verse 13 shows that Yusaph’s

race became known to the Pharaoh. Yusaph looked like the Egyptians so much that even Pharaoh

did not know he was Hebrew: Hebrews and Egyptians looked alike.

Hebrews Mistaken For Egyptians

Mashah (Moses)

One of the most famous stories of what people refer to as the ‘Old Testament’ is the story of

Mashah (Moses). Though the story has been told thousands of times, I do not think it has ever

been read thoroughly. The story of Mashah indeed reveals something about Israelites: they were

black people. Shamuth (Exodus) 1 tells us that Yusaph and his brothers all died and a new

Pharaoh emerged who did not know Yusaph (verse 8). This new Pharaoh feared the Hebrews and

tried to subdue them with harsh slavery, but the more he afflicted them, the more they increased

and grew (verses 9-12). The order was sent out to kill all male newborn Hebrews and only spare

the lives of the female babies. Pharaoh went so far as to have all newborn boys thrown into the

river: but baby girls were spared (verses 16-22). So enters the story of Mashah.

Grandson of Pharaoh

In Shamuth (Exodus) 2, we read of a man from the tribe of Luy (Levi) who married a woman

from the same tribe. We have already shown that Abraham, Yatschaq (Isaac), and Y`aqb (Jacob)

were Hebrews. Y`aqb birthed the 12 tribes (children) of Yashar’al (Israel) and Luy was one of

the twelve (Shamuth 1:1-5). This means that both of Mashah’s parents were Hebrews

(Israelites) from the tribe of Luy, living in Egypt under the rule of a Pharaoh who wanted to

murder all Hebrew boys. This was a huge problem because they indeed had a son, whom they

hid for 3 months (Chapter 2:1-2). When the child could no longer be hid, he was placed in the

river inside of an ark of wicker. Verse 5 shows that the daughter of Pharaoh (the man who

wanted to kill the male Hebrew babies) drew Mashah out of the water and knew that he was

Hebrew (verse 6). Pharaoh’s daughter even sought out a Hebrew to nurse the child (verse 7-10).

Scriptures reveal that Mashah grew as the grandson of Pharaoh for 40 years (Acts 7:20-23). Ask

yourself this question. How is it possible for the Pharaoh’s daughter to raise a Hebrew child and

pass him off as an Egyptian for 40 years if he looked like Charlton Heston? Look at Seti and

look at Heston. No way are these two kindred!

Pharaoh gave the decree himself to kill all Hebrew males, how could he face and rule over his

people if he knowingly had one living in his house with all the rights and privileges of his own

family? Pharaoh wanted to murder all newborn Hebrew boys, but why did he spare Mashah?

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Because he could not tell the difference in the physical appearance of an Egyptian or a Hebrew:

they were both black skinned people! Many Scholars and Archeologist agree that Seti I (father of

Ramses II) was the Pharaoh at the time of Mashah. Do you remember the temple drawings of

Seti I from our last edition? Notice the temple drawings of the man that thought Mashah was his

grandson. Notice the reddish tone of the Egyptian king? Look at the Hebrew baby!

George Rawlinson, an English author, wrote a book entitled History of Egypt. On page 252, he gives a description of Seti I. He states, “Seti’s face was thoroughly African. He had a stormy face with a depressed flat nose, thick lips, and heavy chin.” Would this black Seti order all the

Caucasian/Jewish Hebrew boys to be killed, but not be able to tell that his grandson was of a

different skin tone? Mashah was raised in the house of Pharaoh Seti I secretively because he

looked just like the Egyptians. Mashah bore the same skin tone as the illustration above: we

would call him ‘black’. It is also important to keep in mind that even the Midianites recognized

Mashah as an Egyptian and not a Hebrew in Egyptian clothing (Shamuth 2:16-19).

The evidence is extremely compelling! Look at the descendants of Cham (Ham – means

burnt/black) and realize one of the greatest cover ups in history. Research the 1922 excavation of

King Tut’s tomb: he (and his father) were Egyptian, black, and looked like the Hebrews.

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So far, we have seen that both Mashah and Yusaph were mistaken for Egyptians. Yusaph’s own

brothers could not distinguish between him and other Egyptians: even though Yusaph was

Hebrew (B’rashyth (Genesis) 42:1-8). Let us examine more stunning facts that are only revealed

in the Turah (instruction/law) of hwhy.

Sleight of Hand

When hwhy spoke to Mashah in Shamuth (Exodus) 4, He showed Mashah 2 great miracles. In

verses 1-4, hwhy turns the staff of Mashah into a snake. When Mashah caught the snake by the

tail, the snake turned back into a staff. This act would show that hwhy had indeed appeared unto

Mashah (verse 5). This is the point where most ‘bible stories’ end. The second miracle was to be

more convincing than the first (verse 8). Mashah was instructed to place his hand into his bosom

(above his waist area) and hwhy would cause him to be white (leprous – verse 6). The second

time the hand was placed in his bosom, Mashah’s flesh was restored. What does this mean? Why

would a white man’s hand turning white be a miracle worthy of comparison to a staff

transforming into a snake? Behold the miracle of leprosy!!

Leprosy When we think of leprosy, we think of people with a debilitating neurological disorder- covered

with sores and scales, waiting to die. The Scriptures speak of an entirely different disease. Uyqra

(Leviticus) 13:2-4 describes a skin disease (leprosy) identified by a scab, swelling, or a white

spot. Even the hair was affected (verse 3). Notice that verse six states if the skin began to darken

(reverting to its original tone): the man shall be pronounced clean. He was unclean as long as his

skin bore the white spots. Verses 12-13 even show that if the man turned ALL WHITE (laban in

Hebrew means to be or become white H-3835) he was clean. Wow! If a leper turned all white,

he was considered just as clean as everyone else was. He would now be a Hebrew with white

skin. You have just read a perfect depiction of an ancient albino! In the diagram below, the little

boy is what we would call a black kid, but look at his skin tone and the white hair. Please read all

of Uyqra 13, you will discover that true leprosy turned skin white.

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Hansen’s disease become known as the face of modern day leprosy and the actual disease known

as leprosy has been hidden in the form of a disease we now call vitiligo. In the images below,

there are two people; both have leprosy (vitiligo). One is a black skinned Hebrew and the other is

that of a white man (white skin becomes red with leprosy). Which of these hands fit the

description of what we just read in Uyqra (Leviticus) 13 and the hand of Mashah in Shamuth

(Exodus) 4:6-7? The bottom two pictures are of those with Hansen’s disease.

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I think it is safe to say that the bottom pictures of Hansen’s disease do not fit the Scriptures

account of the disease that turned skin white.

Leprosy (known today as vitiligo) was a skin disorder that turned dark skin white. Hebrews and

Egyptians were already black skinned people. Imagine the shock the king would feel if Mashah’s

hand had looked like the images of these Hebrews stricken with leprosy (vitiligo). Notice how

the skin turning white matches perfectly with Uyqra (Leviticus) 13 and Shamuth 4:6-7:

Michael Jackson suffered from this disease. If Mashah was already Caucasian/Jewish, where

was the miracle of turning more white? If leprosy was really Hansen’s disease, why are the

Scriptures so far off? The word of Yah has always been very clear on what leprosy was.

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Marym (Miriam): Changed

In B’madbar (Numbers) 12, we read the story of Mashah’s (Moses) sister Marym (Miriam).

Marym spoke in a negative manner against Mashah because he had taken a Kushite (Ethiopian)

woman (12:1). We already know that Ethiopians are black skinned people from the lineage of

Cham (Ham – B’rashyth (Genesis) 10:6). Ethiopians were not Hebrews and Marym was upset

by the fact of her brother joining himself to a woman of a different culture: not a different skin

tone. There was also jealousy brewing in the hearts of Marym and Aharan (Aaron) due to the fact

that hwhy was speaking to Mashah (12:2). hwhy summons them outside of the tent and tells them

that Mashah was the most trustworthy in His house, therefore He chose to speak to Mashah

plainly and not in riddles (12:6-8). Then the situation turns extremely bad for Marym. hwhy is so

angry with her for her words, He turned her leprous (12:10)! The Hebrew text clearly shows that

Marym became white. But wasn’t Marym already white? hwhy punished Marym by changing

her skin color from black to white, a shocking ordeal for any Hebrew (12:14). If Marym was

already white, what was the punishment of solidifying her skin color, why not just make her jet

black? Hebrews were a black skinned people: leprosy turned their skin white. Don’t be deceived,

which of these images would have looked like Marym?

N’aman (Naaman): Mighty Leper

Keep in mind the images you have already seen of Hansen’s disease and of leprosy as we visit

the story of N’aman (Naaman). In Malakym Beth 5 (II Kings), we read of a mighty warrior who

was highly respected, brave, and hwhy brought deliverance to Aram (Syria) by him: N’aman was

a leper (5:1). Is it possible that N’aman had a disease that looked like the graphic photos of

Hansen’s disease we saw earlier, or did this dark skinned man have a skin disorder described in

Leviticus 13? AlYasha (Elisha) told N’aman to wash seven times in the Yardan (Jordan) and his

leprosy would be healed (5:10). After some complaining, and rationalization from a servant

(5:11-14), N’aman washed and was cleansed of his leprosy. The story goes on to tell of

AlYasha’s evil servant Gychazy (Gehazi) trying to receive some sort of financial gain for the

miracle that had taken place (5:15-23). Because of his treachery, Gychazy, and his descendants,

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were cursed with leprosy forever! The Scriptures further said that Gychazy became leprous as

snow. The word used for snow is the Hebrew word shalag (H-7949 & 7950) which means to be

white/whiteness. Once again, the scriptures make it abundantly clear: leprosy turned skin white.

If leprosy clearly turned skin white, what color was the skin to begin with?

We have just had an in depth study of leprosy; let’s continue with the resemblance of Hebrews

and Egyptians.

Hebrews Mistaken for Egyptians

Shaul (Paul)

In Acts 21:37-38, soldiers were carrying Shaul (Paul) into the barracks. Shaul asked the

commander for permission to speak. The commander asked Shaul if he knew how to speak in the Greek language. In verse 38, the commander confused Shaul for an Egyptian! “Are you not the Egyptian who some time ago stirred up a revolt and led four thousand assassins out into the

wilderness (Acts 21:28)?” Shaul stated that he was indeed an Israelite (Hebrew - Yahudite) from

Tarsus. Philippians 3:1-5 and Romans 11:1 records Shaul stating that he was of the tribe of

Bnyamyn (Benjamin), an Israelite, and a Hebrew of Hebrews. In our last edition, we proved that

Egyptians were black skinned people. In order for Shaul to be mistaken for an Egyptian…he had

to look like one. Pay close attention to the men who were doing the service of [vwhy in Acts

13:1- Shaul (the Hebrew confused for a black Egyptian), Barnabah (an Israelite of the tribe

of Luy/Levi – Acts 4:36), Shimon the Niger (Niger is Latin for black/dark), Lucias the Cyrene

(Cyrene is in Libya: Africa), and Manachem (Hebrew Israelite: H#4505). This was a group of

black skinned men who the Romans classified as Ethiopians (according to noted historian J.A.


Hebrews Amongst Egyptians

[vwhy : The Savior

When [vwhy was a young child, messengers of hwhytold Yusaph (Joseph) and Marym

(Miriam) to flee to Egypt and hide because Herod sought to kill him (MathathYahu 2:13-15).

This event would fulfill the prophesy that stated, “Out of Matsraym (Egypt) have I called my

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Son (Husha (Hosea) 11:1, Shamuth (Exodus) 4:22-23).” We have already learned that Egypt

was called the land of the black (Khemet) and it was ruled by black skinned kings. Why did

hwhy tell Yusaph and Marym to flee to the land of the black to hide their Caucasian/Jewish

son? They did not flee to Egypt for military protection, they fled to Egypt so that they could

blend in with the inhabitants of that land. Yusaph, Marym and [vwhy would have looked just

like the other inhabitants of Egypt: a black Hebraic family.

BBC produced a program called ‘The Complete Jesus’ in 2001. I apologize for the word ‘Jesus,’

but I am quoting the name of the program and the work it contained. The Savior’s Name is

[vwhy, but bear with me in using ‘Jesus’ for the sake of the quote. The program contained a

statement from a scholar by the name of Mark Goodacre about [vwhy , who the world profanes

by calling ‘Jesus.’ Goodacre said that it would have been hard for [vwhy to hide among the

Egyptians, if He did not look like Egyptians. He was making the point that [vwhy could not

have been a man of white hue. He admitted that in the program that [vwhy was a dark/black-

skinned man. Here is a quote:

“Now it’s very unlikely that Jesus would have been able to be HIDDEN in Egypt, if he had a very different color of SKIN from the people in Egypt.”

He also made mention that the Israelites of the first to third centuries wore their hair in Afro's,

and wore short crop black beards. The Romans put Herod on the throne of Israel. Egypt was

under Roman dominion. All Herod had to do was check with the Roman officials in Egypt to

find out if there were any Hebrews with baby boys around. But, since the Hebrews and the

Egyptians looked the same physically, it would have been hard to single out a Hebrew family

among the native "black" ancient Egyptians.

Conclusion…There is so much more information that I am eager to share with you about the

Hebraic Children of Yashar’al (Israel). We have many more additions to come (Samson, slavery,

the curses) in order to unlock the mysteries of how the ancient Israelites looked. Please

understand that it is a sin to teach only black skinned Hebrews are part of the Covenant of

Yashar’al today. I do feel that it is extremely important to know who the original descendents

of Abraham were, in order to be grafted into the tree.

If you feel compelled either to discuss the Scriptures further, or to come out of paganism, and

join in on the fellowship or even be immersed into a Covenant relationship with hwhy: I would

love to hear from you. Until next time, remember, there is one faith, one Alahym, and one

immersion (Ephesians 4:5).

Your servant in the work of hwhy and [fwhy

Yachazy‘al Shalum

mwlF layzxy

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Skype: Yachazyel Shalum

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