hechts greater ei seventh f hour i mens shoes t f cot i 8ttel evening times washington thuesday...

TEl EVENING TIMES WASHINGTON THUESDAY AUGUST 9 1900 B J F I IN Grievances of Longshoremen v Considered by Employers northern Centrnl Hnilivny Employe- As ke l o Work With XouUiiio- 31ci and u Geiierul TieUp IN iir- rovrly Averted Ollleera of Koiicl AeUuowleflse Their Mistake BALTIMORE Aug 9 Only an apology and admission of being in the wrong pre vented a striko yesterday among the pier workmen employed by the Northern Cen- tral Railway Company at Canton Manag- er Kendig ot the railway ordered twelve of the men to go on board the Hamburg American steamer Bengalia on Tuesday night to run the winches to assist the stevedores employed by D Holl jes The men positively refused to do so giving as their reason that they were em ployes of the railway company could not be made to engage in any other em- ployment The mens position it is stated was not acceptable to Mr Kendig and he threat ened the dismissal of the twelve men His threat was soon known by the pier men numbering about HO They decided that if the men were discharged for the stand they had taken the whole of them would leave work in a body Mr Kendig subse- quently admitted his mistake and made an apology The striking stevedores of D Hollies who have been loading steamers at the piers of the Northern Central Railway and Pennsylvania Railroad at Canton held a meeting yesterday afternoon at Lauter bachs Hall 1735 Canton Avenue No was taken but President George Kro of International Longshoremens Un ion 194 of which all the strikers are mem- bers reported that their cause was pro- gressing favorably and that it was expected- an agreement acceptable to the men woulft be reached In a few days Mr Kronert said an erroneous impression had gotten abroad that the Canton long- shoremen are striking in sympathy with their Locust Point comrades Such was not the case said Mr Kronert The cause of our grievance is the refusal of Mr Detrick Hollies to consider a set of rules which we adopted for the conduct of our union and presented to him last Monday These rules provide that deckmen winch drivers and leaders of men working in the holds of ships shall receive 25 cents an hour and all others in the holds shall re ceive 22 12 cents an hour The wharf men are to get 20 cents an hour The hours for day work are to be from 7 a m to 6 p m and from the latter hour to 7a m for night work On legal holidays and from C p ni Saturdays until 7 a m Mondays the rules demand that the men shall re ceive double pay The rules also demand that when men are called upon to rig up a vessel for discharging cargo and for carry ing the discharging gear the time shall be counted as on duty Heretofore they claim no time allowance was made for such When men are taken away from the city to ships in distress by being aground the rules insist that they shall be paid from the time they leave the wharf until they return and to be paid double for overtime Tire ship so served is also to furnish the necessary meals for the men A demand is made that the men shall not be paid off in a liquor saloon and that the night men must be paid off between 3 and 6 oclock p m and the day men between 6 p m and S oclock p m on at the main office of the pier and that no further deductions from pay will ba per- mitted for any purpose excepting for ten efit iln of what transpired at the stevedores meeting yesterday on Locust j Schubert said Our men means lost their courage or Tiope of winning this fight The sailing Cambrian King after a long delay is no proof that the backbone of the strike is broken All of us know that when the Cambrian King finally got away from Balti more there was still room in her hold for 1000 tons of freight When she gets to Antwerp she may find that it were better for her not to have carried as big a load as she did The agents of Patterson Ramsay Co are bringing a lot of men from Richmond take the places of the union men but with little success Fortythree colored and twelve white men arrived today from Richmond and were greatly amazed to find that they were called upon to take the places of strikers They said that were told that there was a scarcity of workmen in Baltimore and that there was po strike on When they found out the j condition of the affairs here they refused to go to work as stevedores as they were unaccustomed to the work and afraid that they would be molested We took care of these men but we can notpay their expenses home The only think we can do is to consult the Acting Mayor and ask him if these men are to remain in this city and if not how they to be sent to the place they i from One hundred and twenty colored men were landed in Baltimore yesterday morn ing Several were taken away in boats by committees of the strikers and others es caped from the piers and went to the city Others were too much scared to leave the scow It was said that who had means to take them back on the even- ing boat for Richmond fi EERICAlTS CLAIM UPHELD Custom DutN Demanded hy Xica- ma Xot to Ho Paid The State Department yesterday received information that the differences that have existed between the Xicaraguan Govern Cent and American merchants at Blue fieids Nicaragua have been adjusted by the return to the merchants of 19000 representing customs dues which the mer- chants claimed had been unjustly and ille- gally collected The trouble arose during the Reyes in surrection in the Mosquito country of which Blueflelds is the principal town Colonel Reyes seized Bluefields and col lected customs duties Whoa he was the Nicaraguan Government sought- to make the American merchants pay again the amounts they had paidto Reyes The merchants refused and when the Nicara Government threatened to seize the articles on which the duties had been collected by Reyes the mer- chants locked up the in a warehouse barricaded it the Stars and Stripes above it and defied the Government of Nicaragua to carry out its threat In this serious aspect of affairs the United States Government stepped in and arranged a compromise It was agreed that the amount of the duties 19000 should beturned over to the British Consul who vasMo pay it to the Nicaraguan authorities or back to the merchants as might he arranged The negotiations for a settle- ment conducted by William L Penfield Solicitor of the Department of State for this Government and Senor Correa the Nicaraguan Minister for his Government resulted In sustaining the contention of the Americans Directions to the British Consul to refund the money to the mer chants have been issued IT fe O Saturday and Sundry August 11 and 12 KIDNEY Is a deceptive disease have it and results you can make no mistake by using Dr Kil the great kidney remedy At druggists in fiftycent and dollar Sam pIe by mail free alto pamphlet telling you how to find out if you have kidney trouble Address Dr iKilmerfr Co Binshamton N Y i SrRIKES BALTIMORE nonunion and ac- ton I I that dues any of the j I I to t the ire those I de- feated an gods I Return Vin TROUBLE rr th Situr day a1iiTo linliimorc and don know it If you want quit a < > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < Jacob Strasburger 900 Seventh St Value and the reductions are real be cause we are positively going out of business in a short time We shall not open here under a new name or move to another part of the city but we intend to quit for Every pair of shoes must be Hence this remarkable bar- gain opportunity What Little Money Will Buy A special lot of Ladles Slippers 25c Ladles Canvas Shoes small sizes 25c Mens and Boys 75c Tennis Shoes 25c 25c French Polish now 2 bottles for 25c Choice of any pair Misses and Childrens Slippers black or tan all sizes up io 150 re- duced to A special table of Ladies Shoes and Oxfords mostly small sizes values up to 250 now J9c White Slippers any pair in the house ladles and girls sizes now 49c Boys Black or Russet Shoes 9 to 13 spring heels and 1 heels all solid leather goods worth fully 125 now 69c 69c for Misses and Childrens Vici Kid black or tan shoes lace or button worth up to 150 Choice of any pair Ladies Tan Oxfords in the house for 69c up to 200 Special bargains in Ladies Shoes button or lace black or russet mostly 2 grades now 99c A table full of Mens Shoes lace congress and oxfords worth 150 to now 99c Ladies Vici Kid Oxfords hand turn 150 grades now 99c choice of all our Ladies fine Vici Kid button or lace shoes all hand turns or extension sole welts pair sold at 3 now 179 genuine Calf Shoes black or russet Goodyear welts price cut from 3 to 179 Jacob Strasburger 900 Ttli St Cor I Store for Rent Fixtures for Sale THE CUBAN ELECTION Open Itcs trutioji of Voters Ordered to Begin on August Jo HAVANA Aug 9 General Wood will go- o Matanzas today at the request of the Governor of that province to explain fully the details of the coming election for members of a constitutional assembly The clause in the decree calling the assembly which refers to deciding the relations that will exist United States and Cuba has caused some comment here It is claimed by some that these relations should be settled alter a free government is established while others see no incon- gruity in theBssembly the ques of permanent decree has caused much doubt among prominent Cubans including Gen Maximo Gomez Since his return from Santo Do- mingo General Gomez has told General Wood that he did not want the Americans to leave the island for some years Though a great many Cubans would like the Amer leans to stay yet fearing that their con tinued presence will weaken their party they have not said much on the subject Should they give to their desire it is probable that the rabid section though somewhat discredited would raise a dis- turbance by accusing those desiring the Americans to remain of being annexation ists and thus defeat the moderate party Until the conservative element Is thor- oughly organized it will probably be im possible to make much headway against the revolutionary party Another reason that prevents the United States being asked to remain in control for a given perIcd say five or six years is the fear that the Americans might ulti- mately decide to permanently remain The marriage law has been signed Hereafter marriages will be civil or re ligious according to the desire of the con trading parties Religious marriages will have the same force as those performed by civil magistrates Parties wishing to be married must present to the officiating clergyman papers proving that they can legally marry The clergyman must file the marriage contract at the municipal registry Tvithin twenty days of the under a penalty of 100 Telegrams have been sent to all the may ors of the island ordering the open regis- tration of voters between August 15 and 25 Registration boards Tvill be composed of one nominee from each party in the district Each ward win have its own board Practice Mnlcei Perfect From the Jttchmond Dispatch She But tell Herbert have ever love l before me HeWWcJl yes darling J to love several just a Htile you know in order to per feet myself in the art of loving a SHOES AT Bow gad i For 25c I For 49CB value Fur 6C8 I size va- lue For 99c 250 For 179 ever I I p betweenthe u t setting ton t t s e a voice cere- mony rNnkl anyone < o n a a a o n S gp r p you b c Shad t you b ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ = Many Queer Articles Pledged for a loan of Cash Cripples Part With Their Wooden JCKS anti Crutches mi it SoHtutre Diamond EiiKiisremeiU Stings Not Deemed Too Sacred to Let Go for a Temporary Accommodation An interested observer walking down what might appropriately be called the Lombard Street of St Louis turned his attention a moment from the passing throng to theJarge window before which he found himself standing and let his gaze idly wander over the djsplay behind the fine plate glass Almost instantly it be- came riveted upon an object that seemed out of place even In such a heterogenous collection for the Incongruous object was nothing more nor lees than a wooden l over the door of the business house to which the window belonged swung three golden balls In the far away days of Charlemagne one of his brave the mighty giant Slagello and stole his threeheaded which he no doubt then wielded right tily at any rate the members of his fam- ily have ever since had upon their arms this emblem of the prowess of their first great hero and wherever the Medicis planted the golden balls of sonic sort came their way prcud Lombard merchants of the family wandered out into the world and fotight the battles of peace with kings arid bowing and beseeching them for rfliitle more time or a little more money history was but re- peating itself Driven out of Lombard Street the rich merchant became the poor Jew but still he swung the golden balls which were to him what Excalibar was to Arthur and again there are rich merchants in Lombard Street But while the inter- ested observer mused upon the mutations of fortune he kept on thinking about the wooden leg and resolved to enter and in- vestigate how these timber toes came to a resting place among the unredeemed Neither Moses nor Abraham nor any gar individual with nose which developed proboscis proclivities came behind the nickelplated counter but instead a handsome well young American smiled a wel and answered all questions put to a twinkle in eye all the time Yes said he does seem queer a fellow would pull his own leg for a money but that is what the chap owned this found necessary to do And as lila leg was off of course lie soon was oIl ini I suppose he stayed3 at home or It be that he got a better leg and had that reason for getting rid of his old I dont know whether there was a Nelly Gray or not but I am in to think the poor fellow who owned underpinning came to regard it as great a luxury and exchanged it for to buy maybe beer In tho showcase one of the most notice objects was a splendid diamond and sunburst which looked so much like real thing that it attracted immediate A Sacrifice for a Soldier pretty bit of jewelry has an in story remarked the young man j One day a young society man and a young in his own set came in here and asked they could get on this pin and in or I to get as much as possible they took into their confidence The young man a soldier in the army of the Philippines i had come to St Louis on a furlough j girl was his sweetheart but he did not all his time her for he into no end of trouble which of would not have happened if he had more attentive to her Among his troubles was the fact that he had all his money gambling and had not to take him back to his regiment the end of his furlough was approach The young lady came to his rescue to him from disgrace and sacrificed this pin which cost 600 and it Is to hoped that the fellow is duly grateful you never can tell Those look like engagement rings real some of them is just what they are and funny things we know about some of Often the men bring the rings but often the young ladies and when come it is usually very shyly Some the same man will his engage ring several times before he is fin married I am sure I lave no idea a young lady should pawn her en ring but she may need money buy something for the wedding or she may come at the young mans Some of these rings are valued low as 10 and some of them are 5500 is a case of wedding rings in all of wear and teajj suppose it is hard for a woman o part with her ring but you would be surprised know how often it is done Just at that moment two young women into the place and asked what could obtained for a plain gold ring which suspiciously like a wedding ring and were referred to the office at the end the room Let me show you something pretty the young man and be took from velvetlined case an exquisite bit of workmanship necklace of gold which been hammered by hand the many having all been cut from one piece an Oriental piece of handiwork Indian and was evidently a cou of hundred years old Attached to it a mosaic locket We sometimes pick antiques like this but net often Speak about the queer experiences of the we certainly do have a good many some elegant fatally jewels for man fifteen he paying interest on all the In lila will he ordered the jewels should remain here for the length of time longer although the was well able to redeem them and be hampered with the The I suppose is to of the family obtaining them until a certain age has been attained Here is something pretty and the took from the safe a beautiful cameo made of five large cameos most cut and framed in Tuscan gold An English woman visiting this country it necessary to raise some money this will be carefully for her un the returns to England and can re it T Did Not ReooEnizc StrndivariuK Sometimes we get things of whose are not aware For instance a young brought a violin which he had inher with many other things from some generation of the family He had use for It and thought we might be ablo dispose of it for him It was simply violin to us but one of the musicians the city heard about it and came at it and found it to be a real Stradi which he eagerly bought for the low price we asked for There entered upon the scene a burly quite at variance with the old violin pretty Jewels for he carried in his two more or less dilapidated hats pair of tancolored shoes and a pistol Today he is going to work for the week will have no need for tancolored shoes pistols but when Sunday comes he may both and may be able to redeem thOrn In the mean time he needs the until next pay day Monday is pay day among the laboring peo that is the day they come to pawned during week Before the week is may necessary to pawn them again We ac them just as the banks do more fortunate neighbors and our I take it is just as legitimateand GURIOUSTHIGS IN PAWN g- ad soldier cub coat t victor ns I his his ray 00 breador Jcarl I he Tat I ad hat IS s Ld ot i leer md ng lea I Ie Jt ire ome hey I a s Iretty o Ie If lad ink Ie p lg rae year hat lust interest pr ler Her lerk racelet nd I value Ie ted rmer o o f egro nd rms r eed aturda lead the eir Isiness lie due d smelling d ward ses oomed me m at tle o e thess ned s ney le ention y r end herewith urse her t ough ve em re mes pan ent y y gement ssibly quest ere ages dding me oked ey ntinued obably as em me tate autifully und an an- d to- ok atlus tid oney e ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ j Slechts Greater 513515 Seventh ilechts Greater Stores 513515 Seventh Street The special purchasing of makers and importers surplus stocks which has been on for the last few days offers an unprecedented opportunity lot bargain offering Certain ly we have itever sold desirable and seasonable merchandise for so little as we offer it now and though there are many things you may not need this summer it will really pay you to buy them for the future Purchases charged when you desire it and terms made to suit you 8t 9 for menR percale shirts sizes 14 3 14 12 and formerly sold for soc 1- I C each for lOc packages of tan shoe paste t 3 for Infants button shoes tan and IJ black formerly sold for 30c pair 0 7C yard for bleached mus Hn remnafitsjvhich sell usually up to 6c yard small lot of figured IfS lawns which sold up to 8c yard 9 to 10 C yard for fast black sateen the which sells for 8c yard usually 4ZC yard for extra good quality yard wide new fall percale in remnant lengths but desirable lengths for wrappers tea gowns etc which sell for 12 i2c yard CJC Pair for ladies fast black full 2 seamless hose the kind usually sold at 12 l2c a pair yard for lot of Torchon laces from 1 to 4 Inches wide with insert logs to match elegant assortment of patterns yard for lot of remnants of hand some ribbons appropriate for ty ing up little girls hair 1 94C for ladies fine muslin and corset some of them trimmed odd 25c sort 9C for Infants slips long or short wen made trimmed yokes 0C each for waterproof felt window shades in all colors complete with fixtures CJ7C yard for best Quality stair runner 8 oil cloth In pretty colors and pat terns lOc usually 9QC pair for lot of childs black and tan spring heel shoes which for merly sold for 40c ACC pair for lot sof ladies strap san dais with buckle and bow for- merly sold for 125 1 0C pair for mens peppcrill jean 1 U drawers sizes 30 to 34 which sold for 39c OC each for mens madrai shield and band Lows in handsome patterns which sold for loc 0 C each for boys percale shirt waists in variety of patterns sell usually for 19c each O 1C Pair for boys washable knee 2 pants of Galatea cfoth which sell usually for Socv- CC for box of 24 sheets writing paper u and envelopes OQC for Ladies TChite and JJ and White Polka Dot Thick Skirts knifepleated flounce full width the 2sort 7C a yard for In all col- ors which formerly sold for as high as 29c to 11 JQC for boys washable Galatea cloth sailor blouse suits in sizes 3 to 10 which sell for l 1 C for boys Bne French percale and Indigo bli e percale shfrt waists tho 25c sort IQC ami ends in mens grey and ecru shirts and drawers whichsoldfor 39c J ored CQC for boys spring heel lace shoes in three kinds 5f leather in sizes 9 to 13 12 whlohslojd for 9Sc 10 to 11 CONTINUED A pair for ladles Oxfdr3s sizes 3 to 5 which formerly sold for 9Sc j CC each for pretty Ingrain Remnants suitable for worth Soc 1 QJC yard for best quality Table Oilcloth handso colorings JQC for tp doublebed size Bed Spr adfi formerly sold for 79c 1 i C Ladies Muslin Drawers fin i ishCd deep hems and tucks 25c usually 9QC for Ladies Summpr Underskirts made of washable material for merly sold for 50c CC yard for fine Hamburg and Swiss Edgings 1 to 3 inches wide 1 fosJLadies Lisle and Maco Rib 2 bediXegts finished with ribbon and trimme yith lace sold for 25c 17JC yard fiJr Taffeta Ribbons 3 to 5 Incnes wide In white pink blue turquoise automobile violet eteij positively all silk yard for Valenciennes Laces for 1 edging ruffles fiZC yard for Fast Black yardwide Percaline the quality which sells for lOc yard 9CC yard for five of allsilk tj genuine Silks which yard CjZC yard for yardwide White Cam brie soft fine quality which sells at 10c yard usually OC for sprays of roses lilacs forget meknots roses etc which sold up to 33e QP Ladies Cheviot serge and I homespun skirts which former ly sold 11 to i 12I- QC each for rladies morocco or alligator IQC for choice a lot of brooch pins hat pins silver pieces for the bu reau etc which formerly sold for yard for baby ribbon in all col ors and black and white the very best quality QaC Pair forkdies fast black ribbed of fine lisle which sold QC for MdiesTlinen collars in all sizes J and latest styles sold formerly for 12 12c to 15c AQC for ladies lawn and percale wrappers with white yokes full width skirts cool and comfortable for summer the same quality and snake of wrappers sold for as much 125- J 7C for white applique bureau scarfs and waShstand scarfs also pillow shams some slightly soiled worth up to 35c i3 y 1 7C foe Jnantel and piano lambre- quins also ofa made of art drapery worth 35c- OQC for ladles surpass kid Oxfords sizes 2 12 to S toes only formerly sold OQC mens nainsook drawers In all sizes which formerly sold for 50C mC pair for boys pique and duck knee pants which sold for four times that much for boys wash suits of hand some quality of galatea cloth sizes up to ll years which sold up to 3 1 QO for lot of Ladies Polka Dot trimmed with two circular with white braid 11 to 12 CONTINUED for i sold for lOc pair C1 QO for Ladles rainyday skirts 4 l stitched bottoms which former ly sold for 4 X- 97C yard for lot of fine Corded White pique and sheer India Lin V- on in remnants 25c 97f yard for choice of Wash Goods T which sold for as high as 25c T yard embracing dimities JL organdies jaconat lawns etc 4 97C yard for 20 pieces of fast Black X Organdie Lawns sheer fine qual t ity which sold up fb 12 l2c yard t 5C for 12 copies of good music this T hour tomorrow for Ladies Vici Kid Lace IJJ bulldog toes nearly all sizes sold for 250 C7C yard for best quality Stair or Runner Oilcloth which sells for 51 lOc yard usually 4- QOC fur heavy Woven Ham steel spreader and X pillow attached sell for 2 usually 4- OOC for Ladies Wire Bustles un breakable 4C yard for Turkish Unbleached X Towels IQC for Bleached Table Damask yard and onehalf wide in hand j some designs sell for29eryanL usually 4 2 to 3 67C each for odd lot of Damask and f Huck Towels which formerly sold for 1212c 4- HC for Childrens Nazareth T Waists the sort which sells for X 25c 4 yard for Xaces and Insert X- ings all elegant patterns JL sell for lOc yard 4- 0QC for lot of Mens and Ladies GIn 31 ria Umbrellas with assortment 4 of handles ICC each for childrens gingham JL- J dresses sizes 1 to 3 years 4- rQC for ladies sateen skirts in good X- UJ colors accordeoff pleated 4- A 7C each for white applique mats X which sold for lOc 7QC for large tapestry table covers X J in all colors heavy fringe sold 4 for L25 r- r i rairfof boys washable Galatea X 2 oth knee pants in assortment j of paterns which sell for lOc T 3 tO OCC for 50 dozen readymade 54 by 90 Bleached Sneets which usually sell for 39e- C yard for pretty golden art dra Ji pery in handsome colors and patterns worth Sc yard OOC for best quality Holland window J shades trimmed with heavy lace or fringe worth 30c- 47C each for readymade bleached Pillow Cases c r 4 to aC- C for six mens collars all 2100 X linen but in sizeslG 12 17 and 17 12 only QQC 75c and si colored ma 4 dras negligee shirts also white 7 shirts with madras bosoms Cl for mens 3 and 350 tan bicycle J shoes sizes 6 to 11 y HECHT COMPANY 513 5 1 5 Seventh j I j u Jw I I H H f 1 I I J Stores Street f ± f Remarkable Hour Sales at Hechts Again t t f T i f I t 3C which i J Carpe C I whit I I I I for i 1 I I 0 I I 1 5 1 to 2 4 Shoe T I C I 5C extra J 5C pIece sold ± I cover 1 I t J T for for t50 J d 5c Back J side satchels of J f pure t pall lea I 10c and o vest form ry f 2 I I wear Blueand as I I Back I T I I I St 1 i plow i 1 0 I T wit T I I J J for 0 i 0 for odds balbriggan 89C f for and eel for o 8 bordered handkerchIefs T Duck SKirt q d i I 5 J Street I I 1 1 EI 4 i I 1 5 5 r 1 1 1 I 5 t 4 a 4 i i 4 IV i J 4 E i I I 5 ti rJal Tomorrow going T 1 I I Ian suspenders Ju I I yard vide i ii for high grade with 4 Si 4 1 1 each 1 i J o r Braid I I 4 5 I ply zC men s lOc plain white men s I S i L ii ii imii ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ° ¬ > ¬ > = = + + + + + < + + + + + + + + + + + = + + = + + + = + + + + ° + ± + ± necessary although we are sometimes I will admit obliged to accept clumsy cpl lateral and the goodnatured young man smiled By the way he resumed our colored brethren have developed a sort of business wit for which they are somewhat peculiar A negro will not buy an article unless he knows what he can get for it His first question is Whats it worth meaning how much can it be pawned for and not the sellingprice The troubles of permanent ownership do not annoy them A small oil painting was referred to and taking it down the said Yes it was brought to us by a young a representative of one of the aristocratic families in the city to have some ready money and so brought this although to us the Floren- tine frame Is really the best part of it polished wooden cases were noticed and upon investigation they were found to be Vatican cabinets or home altars which are kept in the families of pious Catholics for the purposes of administer ing the sacrament of extreme unction An old Irishman had brought one of them in that morning probably thinking that if he didnt have money to buy bread he mIght need the last sacraments There were quantities of rosaries and some very beautiful crosses in Contrast to these sacred things the clerk pointed out a pair of of blue enamel upon which a pair of prize fighters were represented in white Those belonged to a noted middleweight he said a man quite well known in St Louis who is now dead In the same case was a pretty collection of assorted sizes of gold thimbles evidence of the fact that their owners had seen bet- ter times before they had to part with them But the most varied Collection of all was that of watches ranging from the clumsy plated to the dainty chronometer- I can understand a mans Tielng obliged- to part with his watch but it does seem that he might have the decency to remove his sweethearts picture from it they dont said the clerk opening of several and showing the girl faces thus revealed I found a pretty childs picture in one a few years ago and I put it in my own watch and theyoung opened his watch upon the cover of was pasted the pretty laughing face of a tiny girl somebodys whose father had probably forgotten about her picture in the excitement good timepiece Omnium GnfnejrninJlof the Shop Trunks opera glasses tflutes meereliaum pipes in all conditions 6t coloring these a few of the things upon which the in a survey of the cases are doctors instruments said the clerk Youngjf doctors especially find to the neces- sity of pawning the tools df their trade sev- eral times before they start the world And imsginesa cripple pawning his l young man tel jew- eled but Ian d t were eye t d get in h He- ad evcral ill lth ins themsele reduced et ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ crutch but that is what some of thm often have tt do There is one poor wretch who would no doubt be better off if he had never had the chance to buy a crutch He around on it for awhile makes a drinks all the beer he lan get for it to drown his sorrow I suppose and then pawns his crutch and stays at home until he can persuade some of his chums to get lufor Him and then he begins the same story over What in tfi world do you do with teeth was ated with surprise as a sud den turn broughf Into view a startling den tal array We dont expect generally to have to keep them but If we did we could use the gold and we take none excrpt thse so plated One could not help an amusing reflection concerning the straits to which the must be reduced who is obliged to pawn his teeth and then to think of his living on gruels until he was able to take them out but he probably would not be troubled in an effort to chew inchthick while b thus deprived and them very much after A case full of family silver all properly marked and dozens of souvenir spoons were among the other unredeemed things which doubt tell an interesting tale if they could speak of the days when skies were blue and days when the skies were grey and the sad things that came about in this world since they first left the pretty velvetlined cases in which eler had placed them at the beginning of their existence A pair of beautiful diamond failed to be redeemed at the and were for sale at representing pride while across the way a few pewter spoons represented povertys luxurious contribution of a few cents to this strange collection More than SO per cent of the things brought to us ire redeemed said the proprietor coming up and we do a mil dollars worth of business during the and so it seems that the gol- den balls still bring who live in theif Louis Globe Democrat The KaiscrsAVrnthfiil Speech From the Yew York Post Our Ambassador to Gennany is not quite sue in his attempt to defend Wil- liam against the charge of uttering According to one account 3Ir White that there was no truth in the report that tile Emperor Iiad told his troops to grant no quartet the Chinese We should be gled to believe Mr White if he his statement by evidence but unfortunately not lie says that he never anything the speech until it was pointed out tp to the columns of a certain French newspaper and apparently supposea that if he says the report is all nonsense that will end the matter Hoi untrustworthy a certain French newspaper be the London Times is a respectable au- thority sad its Berlin Correspondent telegraphed the words of the a as they were relying evidently on the German report hobble fale I I steak Quid not could no thejew earring 650 lon three giants t sentiment doe J ever I k I man Evening ese ful lie e arty soon ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ° j j IN LINE FOR STEVENSON Xeliraslca Ioitnllsts Apiirove of Mr Townesi Ac trout LINCOLN Neb Aug a Discussion of the declination of MX Towne and its prob- able effect is now the chief concern of Nebraska politicians The talk yesterday showed a generally surprising change of front on the part of leaders A few weeks ago they were almost unani j mously insistent that Mr Towne should stay on and they declared that should the Minnesotan decline for Mr Bryans sake would be dead Among those who uttered such j were Senator Allen Governor Poyn ter and Vice Chairman Edmiston of the Populist National Committee and prac- tically all tho Populist State officers Now all have amended their opinions but Edmiston who sUit makes a show of consistency but there are signs that he too is wavering He said yesterday- I will tak no action toward calling the National Committee together to consider Mr Townes declination until after con ferring fully with party leaders at the Committee meeting in Chicago be no snap judgment but a conservative consideration of situation and the matters involved before a final de- cision is every indication that the vice chairman Is also preparing to come out for Stevenson His associates argue that Western Populists want Bryan far more than Towne and they must stand together in the fight Stevenson or there will be a repetition of the Tom Wat son entanglement of 1S96 There is a suspicion that some of the Southern members of the executive com- mittee headed by Senator Butler will go to the Chicago meeting and there seek to put the Committee on record as favoring a Populist on the ticket with Bryan The National Committee they say must tin ally decide but it Is feared that any established by the com- mittee would go far the larger body For these reasons Mr Edmistons friends have been counseling him to drop the substitution idea and take Stevenson instead Mr Edmiston left for Chicago tonight As Chaixmari of the Executive Committee he will prosaic Nebraska Populists him to favor the acceptance of Stevenson as the Populist nominee or else leaving the place blank Ppynter said yesterday I believe Tpwnos declination will have arty material effect one way or tho other on the result in this State When the people have had time to consider the situation more thoroughly and come to j i I I I I the I I I fUSion I Execute the announce I execute I ex- pect I Populist forebod- ings prec- edent Govern don t ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ n X Hechts Greater Stores ij S SiS Seventh Street 4J i I Specials in mens clothing j i for all 7fJG tomorrow for about 48 j Crash and Vests Itpm suits from pants have be JT 5 come broken and which sold when complete for 5 X tomorrow for lot of liens ij 4 via Crash Coats broken from r suits which sold for 450 when complete T S1 tomorrow for the choice of any 4- T pair of Mens Bicycle Pants in 31 the house which sold up to 1 and T- Ji there is a splendid variety T J 90C tomorrow for Simsons Print 31- j Office Coats which sell for 50c J usually about 100 4 C tomorrow for Mens Pants 1 U which formerly sold for L50 T and f 175 great line of patterns 4 CO tomorrow for about 25 Mans 4 tLJ Crash Suits in sizes 31 35 and 26 only which formerly sold T 4 for 7- X flC pals tomorrow for Mens White Duck Pants which if 2 4 not slightly mussed and soiled 4 T would sell for L 4- i AH day hat specials JL ICC tomorrow for any of our j Childrens Straw Sailors sold formerly up to 1 4 tomorrow for the choice of JL- J LJ any Mans Straw Hats which told up to 1 T V X iQC tomorrow for the choice of any Mans Straw Hats which sold K- T UP t 2 X 1 CC for lot of Mens Crash Hats in sizes from 6 34 to 6 78 which formerly sold for SOc T Hecht Company 513515 Seventh Street Wonderfully Treat ment of All and Kinds of Diseases Chronic Nervous Blood and Skin Is Beyond a Doubt Superior to Any Other Methods of Cure Known His Fee of Which includes full treatment and medicine it possible for all to place themselves care of this worldrenowned specialist In gives his services practically free and inal assessment of 5 a month is less titan the usual outlay for medicines alone Thousands in tbe City of Washington and sunounding country can rise and call Dr Young blessed for the wonderful cures be has wrousbt in cases of Lung Trouble Kidney Trouble Stomach Troubles arrh Rheumatism Skin and Blood Disease or come other torturing or enfeebling chronic malady Corner 12th and F Streets Daily office hours 10 to 1 and 3 to 6 San3ay 10 to 12 Weonesday and Saturday from and girls too doing pleas ant work among their friends during vacation Call at 1204 Pa ave 2d know Stevenson and his record better will be perfectly willing to support Instead of Mr Towne I have not hart time to consider what effect Mr Townes might have in other States THE ATALA3TTA A GU1TBOAT Old Ynclit Colombian IVnrshiy XEW YORK Aug converted steam yacht Atalanta purchased recently by the Colombian Govynrnent from George j Gould for use as a gunboat has sailed from this port for Colombia Senor Eduardo Es pinoza Consul General of Colombia is au T j7ity tor this statement He refuses to give particulars touching her destina- tion or armament There is no record of the ships at the Maritime Exchange At the custom house the records show that while the Atalanta is still the property of George Gould her registry was transferred from this port to Perth Araboy So if any declaration of clearance was made it was made with the collector there The im- pression here is that her name was hanged so that the revolutionary agents should not know of her departure until she was well under way All that Senor Espinoza would say today i was that the Atalanta would soon arrive nt some port In Colombia He declined to tell how guns or men she carried It Is known however that there were on board several guns of small calibre and several thousand rifles besides a large supply of ammunition ANmissiiialioii in All Directions Front the Louisville Courier Journal With the King of Italy wantonly shot down hundreds perhaps butchered because of their nationality or religiSn with mobs killing people in the streets of Kcvw Orleans because of their color arid with men under trial in Kentucky for assassinating a citi- zen to prevent him being Governor the civili- zation Tof the world is showing up conspicuously at present thsso Xitlie rills from Dyspepsia 1ST a LE Indigestion and Too 5 Hearty Eating A per feet remedy for Dizzi PllaiaS ness Nausea Drowsi ness Bad Tastoin the j lIouthCoatedTongue Pain in the Side TOR- PID LITER They regulate the lloyds Small Pill Small Dose Small Price T TI i Iens T Cot J I 5 which c T I J I t YOUNGS Skied 5OO A make felt J evening Make Money fo- ot N they acton ite us I 9The any depart- ure v r 4 5 1 i 5 I J JJ 4 S i Dr MONTh rtos Boys 2 1 Stills in- CIting r IositivelyCucdh- I t L6 TheyalsoiIteveDis tress z kg ii lei j g ± = ° ¬ = ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < + + + +

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Page 1: Hechts Greater EI Seventh f Hour I mens SHOES t f Cot i 8tTEl EVENING TIMES WASHINGTON THUESDAY AUGUST 9 1900 B J F I IN Grievances of Longshoremen v Considered by Employers northern




Grievances of Longshoremen

v Considered by Employers

northern Centrnl Hnilivny Employe-As ke l o Work With XouUiiio-31ci and u Geiierul TieUp IN iir-

rovrly Averted Ollleera ofKoiicl AeUuowleflse Their Mistake

BALTIMORE Aug 9 Only an apologyand admission of being in the wrong prevented a striko yesterday among the pierworkmen employed by the Northern Cen-

tral Railway Company at Canton Manag-er Kendig ot the railway ordered twelve ofthe men to go on board the HamburgAmerican steamer Bengalia on Tuesdaynight to run the winches to assist the

stevedores employed by D Holljes The men positively refused to do sogiving as their reason that they were employes of the railway company couldnot be made to engage in any other em-ployment

The mens position it is stated was notacceptable to Mr Kendig and he threatened the dismissal of the twelve men Histhreat was soon known by the pier mennumbering about HO They decided thatif the men were discharged for the standthey had taken the whole of them wouldleave work in a body Mr Kendig subse-quently admitted his mistake and madean apology

The striking stevedores of D Hollieswho have been loading steamers at thepiers of the Northern Central Railway andPennsylvania Railroad at Canton held ameeting yesterday afternoon at Lauterbachs Hall 1735 Canton Avenue No

was taken but President George Kroof International Longshoremens Un

ion 194 of which all the strikers are mem-bers reported that their cause was pro-gressing favorably and that it was expected-an agreement acceptable to the men woulftbe reached In a few days

Mr Kronert said an erroneous impressionhad gotten abroad that the Canton long-shoremen are striking in sympathy withtheir Locust Point comrades Such wasnot the case said Mr Kronert Thecause of our grievance is the refusal of MrDetrick Hollies to consider a set of ruleswhich we adopted for the conduct of ourunion and presented to him last Monday

These rules provide that deckmen winchdrivers and leaders of men working in theholds of ships shall receive 25 cents anhour and all others in the holds shall receive 22 12 cents an hour The wharfmen are to get 20 cents an hour The hoursfor day work are to be from 7 a m to 6p m and from the latter hour to 7 a mfor night work On legal holidays and fromC p ni Saturdays until 7 a m Mondaysthe rules demand that the men shall receive double pay The rules also demandthat when men are called upon to rig up avessel for discharging cargo and for carrying the discharging gear the time shall becounted as on duty Heretofore they claim

no time allowance was made for such

When men are taken away from the cityto ships in distress by being aground therules insist that they shall be paid fromthe time they leave the wharf until theyreturn and to be paid double for overtimeTire ship so served is also to furnish thenecessary meals for the men

A demand is made that the men shall notbe paid off in a liquor saloon and that thenight men must be paid off between 3 and6 oclock p m and the day men between6 p m and S oclock p m onat the main office of the pier and that nofurther deductions from pay will ba per-mitted for any purpose excepting for tenefitiln of what transpired at the

stevedores meeting yesterday on Locust j

Schubert said Our menmeans lost their courage

or Tiope of winning this fight The sailingCambrian King after a long delay

is no proof that the backbone of the strikeis broken All of us know that when theCambrian King finally got away from Baltimore there was still room in her hold for1000 tons of freight When she gets toAntwerp she may find that it were betterfor her not to have carried as big a loadas she did

The agents of Patterson Ramsay Coare bringing a lot of men from Richmond

take the places of the union men butwith little success Fortythree coloredand twelve white men arrived today fromRichmond and were greatly amazed to findthat they were called upon to take theplaces of strikers They said thatwere told that there was a scarcity ofworkmen in Baltimore and that there waspo strike on When they found out the j

condition of the affairs here they refusedto go to work as stevedores as they wereunaccustomed to the work and afraid thatthey would be molested

We took care of these men but we cannotpay their expenses home The onlythink we can do is to consult the ActingMayor and ask him if these men are toremain in this city and if not howthey to be sent to the place they i

fromOne hundred and twenty colored men

were landed in Baltimore yesterday morning Several were taken away in boats bycommittees of the strikers and others escaped from the piers and went to the cityOthers were too much scared to leave thescow It was said that who hadmeans to take them back on the even-ing boat for Richmond


Custom DutN Demanded hy Xica-ma Xot to Ho Paid

The State Department yesterday receivedinformation that the differences that haveexisted between the Xicaraguan GovernCent and American merchants at Bluefieids Nicaragua have been adjusted bythe return to the merchants of 19000representing customs dues which the mer-chants claimed had been unjustly and ille-gally collected

The trouble arose during the Reyes insurrection in the Mosquito country ofwhich Blueflelds is the principal townColonel Reyes seized Bluefields and collected customs duties Whoa he was

the Nicaraguan Government sought-to make the American merchants pay againthe amounts they had paidto Reyes Themerchants refused and when the Nicara

Government threatened to seizethe articles on which the duties hadbeen collected by Reyes the mer-chants locked up the in awarehouse barricaded it theStars and Stripes above it and defied theGovernment of Nicaragua to carry out itsthreat

In this serious aspect of affairs theUnited States Government stepped in andarranged a compromise It was agreed thatthe amount of the duties 19000 shouldbeturned over to the British Consul whovasMo pay it to the Nicaraguan authoritiesor back to the merchants as might hearranged The negotiations for a settle-ment conducted by William L PenfieldSolicitor of the Department of State forthis Government and Senor Correa theNicaraguan Minister for his Governmentresulted In sustaining the contention ofthe Americans Directions to the BritishConsul to refund the money to the merchants have been issued

IT fe OSaturday and Sundry August 11 and 12

KIDNEY Is a deceptive diseasehave it and

results you can make nomistake by using Dr Kilthe great kidney remedy

At druggists in fiftycent and dollar SampIe by mail free alto pamphlet telling youhow to find out if you have kidney trouble

Address Dr iKilmerfr Co Binshamton N Y











of thej












Return Vin




Situr day

a1iiTo linliimorc and

donknow it If you want quit



































Jacob Strasburger900 Seventh St

Valueand the reductions are real be

cause we are positively going outof business in a short time Weshall not open here under a newname or move to another part ofthe city but we intend to quit for

Every pair of shoes must beHence this remarkable bar-

gain opportunity

What Little Money Will Buy

A special lot of Ladles Slippers25c

Ladles Canvas Shoes small sizes25c

Mens and Boys 75c TennisShoes 25c

25c French Polish now 2 bottlesfor 25c

Choice of any pair Misses andChildrens Slippers black or tanall sizes up io 150 re-

duced toA special table of Ladies Shoes

and Oxfords mostly small sizesvalues up to 250 now J9c

White Slippers any pair in thehouse ladles and girls sizes now49c

Boys Black or Russet Shoes9 to 13 spring heels and 1

heels all solid leather goods worthfully 125 now 69c

69c for Misses and ChildrensVici Kid black or tan shoes laceor button worth up to 150

Choice of any pair Ladies TanOxfords in the house for 69c

up to 200

Special bargains in Ladies Shoesbutton or lace black or russetmostly 2 grades now 99c

A table full of Mens Shoes lacecongress and oxfords worth 150to now 99c

Ladies Vici Kid Oxfords handturn 150 grades now 99c

choice of all our Ladies fineVici Kid button or lace shoes allhand turns or extension sole welts

pair sold at 3 now 179genuine Calf Shoes black

or russet Goodyear welts price cutfrom 3 to 179

Jacob Strasburger900 Ttli St Cor I

Store for Rent Fixtures for Sale


Open Itcs trutioji of Voters Orderedto Begin on August Jo

HAVANA Aug 9 General Wood will go-o Matanzas today at the request of

the Governor of that province to explainfully the details of the coming election formembers of a constitutional assembly Theclause in the decree calling the assemblywhich refers to deciding the relations thatwill exist United States andCuba has caused some comment here Itis claimed by some that these relationsshould be settled alter a free governmentis established while others see no incon-gruity in theBssembly the ques

of permanentdecree has caused much doubt among

prominent Cubans including Gen MaximoGomez Since his return from Santo Do-mingo General Gomez has told GeneralWood that he did not want the Americansto leave the island for some years Thougha great many Cubans would like the Amerleans to stay yet fearing that their continued presence will weaken their partythey have not said much on the subjectShould they give to their desire it isprobable that the rabid section thoughsomewhat discredited would raise a dis-turbance by accusing those desiring theAmericans to remain of being annexationists and thus defeat the moderate partyUntil the conservative element Is thor-oughly organized it will probably be impossible to make much headway againstthe revolutionary party

Another reason that prevents the UnitedStates being asked to remain in control fora given perIcd say five or six years isthe fear that the Americans might ulti-mately decide to permanently remain

The marriage law has been signedHereafter marriages will be civil or religious according to the desire of the contrading parties Religious marriages willhave the same force as those performed bycivil magistrates Parties wishing to bemarried must present to the officiatingclergyman papers proving that they canlegally marry The clergyman must filethe marriage contract at the municipalregistry Tvithin twenty days of the

under a penalty of 100Telegrams have been sent to all the may

ors of the island ordering the open regis-tration of voters between August 15 and25 Registration boards Tvill be composedof one nominee from each party in thedistrict Each ward win have its ownboard

Practice Mnlcei PerfectFrom the Jttchmond Dispatch

She But tell Herbert haveever love l before me

HeWWcJl yes darling J to love severaljust a Htile you know in order to perfeet myself in the art of loving






iFor 25c


For 49CB


Fur 6C8I size



For 99c


For 179ever






settington t












you bcShadt

you b
















Many Queer Articles Pledged for a

loan of Cash

Cripples Part With Their WoodenJCKS anti Crutches mi it SoHtutreDiamond EiiKiisremeiU Stings NotDeemed Too Sacred to Let Go fora Temporary Accommodation

An interested observer walking downwhat might appropriately be called theLombard Street of St Louis turned hisattention a moment from the passingthrong to theJarge window before whichhe found himself standing and let his gazeidly wander over the djsplay behind thefine plate glass Almost instantly it be-

came riveted upon an object that seemedout of place even In such a heterogenouscollection for the Incongruous object wasnothing more nor lees than a wooden l

over the door of the business house towhich the window belonged swung threegolden balls

In the far away days of Charlemagne oneof his brave the mighty giantSlagello and stole his threeheadedwhich he no doubt then wielded righttily at any rate the members of his fam-ily have ever since had upon theirarms this emblem of the prowess of theirfirst great hero and wherever the Medicisplanted the golden balls of sonicsort came their way prcudLombard merchants of the family wanderedout into the world and fotight the battlesof peace with kings arid bowing andbeseeching them for rfliitle more time ora little more money history was but re-peating itself Driven out of LombardStreet the rich merchant became the poorJew but still he swung the golden ballswhich were to him what Excalibar was toArthur and again there are rich merchantsin Lombard Street But while the inter-ested observer mused upon the mutationsof fortune he kept on thinking about thewooden leg and resolved to enter and in-vestigate how these timber toes came to

a resting place among the unredeemedNeither Moses nor Abraham nor any gar

individual with nose whichdeveloped proboscis proclivities came

behind the nickelplated counterbut instead a handsome well

young American smiled a weland answered all questions put to

a twinkle in eye all the timeYes said he does seem queer

a fellow would pull his own leg for amoney but that is what the chap

owned this found necessary to doAnd as lila leg was off of course

lie soon was oIl

ini I suppose he stayed3 at home or Itbe that he got a better leg and hadthat reason for getting rid of his oldI dont know whether there was a

Nelly Gray or not but I am into think the poor fellow who owned

underpinning came to regard it asgreat a luxury and exchanged it for

to buy maybe beerIn tho showcase one of the most notice

objects was a splendid diamond andsunburst which looked so much like

real thing that it attracted immediate

A Sacrifice for a Soldierpretty bit of jewelry has an instory remarked the young man j

One day a young society man and a youngin his own set came in here and askedthey could get on this pin and in or I

to get as much as possible they tookinto their confidence The young man

a soldier in the army of the Philippines i

had come to St Louis on a furlough j

girl was his sweetheart but he did notall his time her for he

into no end of trouble which ofwould not have happened if he had

more attentive to her Among histroubles was the fact that he had

all his money gambling and had notto take him back to his regiment

the end of his furlough was approachThe young lady came to his rescue tohim from disgrace and sacrificed this

pin which cost 600 and it Is tohoped that the fellow is duly gratefulyou never can tell

Those look like engagement rings realsome of them

is just what they are andfunny things we know about some of

Often the men bring the rings butoften the young ladies and when

come it is usually very shyly Somethe same man will his engagering several times before he is fin

married I am sure I lave no ideaa young lady should pawn her en

ring but she may need moneybuy something for the wedding or

she may come at the young mansSome of these rings are valued

low as 10 and some of them are 5500is a case of wedding rings in allof wear and teajj suppose it ishard for a woman o part with her

ring but you would be surprisedknow how often it is done

Just at that moment two young womeninto the place and asked what could

obtained for a plain gold ring whichsuspiciously like a wedding ring and

were referred to the office at the endthe roomLet me show you something pretty

the young man and be took fromvelvetlined case an exquisite bit of

workmanship necklace of gold whichbeen hammered by hand the manyhaving all been cut from one piece

an Oriental piece of handiworkIndian and was evidently a cou

of hundred years old Attached to ita mosaic locket We sometimes pick

antiques like this but net often Speakabout the queer experiences of the

we certainly do have a good manysome elegant fatally jewels for

man fifteen he paying interest onall the In lila will he ordered

the jewels should remain here for thelength of time longer although thewas well able to redeem them and

be hampered with the TheI suppose is to

of the family obtaining them untila certain age has been attained

Here is something pretty and thetook from the safe a beautiful cameo

made of five large cameos mostcut and framed in Tuscan gold

An English woman visiting this countryit necessary to raise some money

this will be carefully for her unthe returns to England and can re

it TDid Not ReooEnizc StrndivariuK

Sometimes we get things of whoseare not aware For instance a young

brought a violin which he had inherwith many other things from some

generation of the family He haduse for It and thought we might be ablodispose of it for him It was simplyviolin to us but one of the musiciansthe city heard about it and came

at it and found it to be a real Stradiwhich he eagerly bought for the

low price we asked forThere entered upon the scene a burly

quite at variance with the old violinpretty Jewels for he carried in his

two more or less dilapidated hatspair of tancolored shoes and a pistol

Today he is going to work for the weekwill have no need for tancolored shoes

pistols but when Sunday comes he mayboth and may be able to redeem thOrn

In the mean time he needs theuntil next pay day Monday is

pay day among the laboring peothat is the day they come to

pawned during weekBefore the week is may

necessary to pawn them again We acthem just as the banks do

more fortunate neighbors and ourI take it is just as legitimateand





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Tat I










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Slechts Greater513515 Seventh

ilechts Greater Stores513515 Seventh Street

The special purchasing of makers and importers surplus stocks which has beenon for the last few days offers an unprecedented opportunity lot bargain offering Certainly we have itever sold desirable and seasonable merchandise for so little as we offer it nowand though there are many things you may not need this summer it will really pay you tobuy them for the future

Purchases charged when you desire it and terms made to suit you

8t 9for menR percale shirts sizes 143 14 12 and formerly sold for

soc 1-

I C each for lOc packages of tan shoepaste

t 3for Infants button shoes tan andIJ black formerly sold for 30c pair

0 7C yard for bleached musHn remnafitsjvhich sell usually

up to 6c

yard small lot of figuredIfS lawns which sold up to 8c yard

9 to 10C yard for fast black sateen the

which sells for 8c yard usually4ZC yard for extra good quality yard

wide new fall percale in remnantlengths but desirable lengths forwrappers tea gowns etc which sellfor 12 i2c yardCJC Pair for ladies fast black full2 seamless hose the kind usuallysold at 12 l2c a pair

yard for lot of Torchon laces from1 to 4 Inches wide with insertlogs to match elegant assortment ofpatternsyard for lot of remnants of handsome ribbons appropriate for tying up little girls hair

1 94C for ladies fine muslin andcorset some ofthem trimmed odd 25c sort

9C for Infants slips long or shortwen made trimmed yokes

0C each for waterproof felt windowshades in all colors complete

with fixtures

CJ7C yard for best Quality stair runner8 oil cloth In pretty colors and patterns lOc usually9QC pair for lot of childs black and

tan spring heel shoes which formerly sold for 40c

ACC pair for lot sof ladies strap sandais with buckle and bow for-

merly sold for 1251 0C pair for mens peppcrill jean1 U drawers sizes 30 to 34 which

sold for 39c

OC each for mens madrai shield andband Lows in handsome patternswhich sold for loc0 C each for boys percale shirtwaists in variety of patternssell usually for 19c eachO 1C Pair for boys washable knee2 pants of Galatea cfoth whichsell usually for Socv-

CC for box of 24 sheets writing paperu and envelopesOQC for Ladies TChite andJJ and White Polka Dot ThickSkirts knifepleated flounce fullwidth the 2sort7C a yard for In all col-

ors which formerly sold for ashigh as 29c

to 11JQC for boys washable Galatea cloth

sailor blouse suits in sizes 3 to 10which sell for l

1 C for boys Bne French percale andIndigo bli e percale shfrt waists

tho 25c sortIQC ami ends in mens grey

and ecru shirts anddrawers whichsoldfor 39c

J oredCQC for boys spring heel lace shoes

in three kinds 5f leather in sizes9 to 13 12 whlohslojd for 9Sc


A pair for ladles Oxfdr3ssizes 3 to 5 which formerly sold

for 9Sc

j CC each for pretty IngrainRemnants suitable for

worth Soc

1 QJC yard for best quality TableOilcloth handso colorings

JQC for tp doublebed size BedSpr adfi formerly sold for 79c

1 i C Ladies Muslin Drawers fini ishCd deep hems and tucks

25c usually9QC for Ladies Summpr Underskirts

made of washable material formerly sold for 50c

CC yard for fine Hamburg and SwissEdgings 1 to 3 inches wide

1 fosJLadies Lisle and Maco Rib2 bediXegts finished with ribbon

and trimme yith lace sold for 25c

17JC yard fiJr Taffeta Ribbons 3 to5 Incnes wide In white pink

blue turquoise automobile violeteteij positively all silkyard for Valenciennes Laces for1 edging ruffles

fiZC yard for Fast Black yardwidePercaline the quality which sellsfor lOc yard

9CC yard for five of allsilktj genuine Silkswhich yardCjZC yard for yardwide White Cam

brie soft fine quality whichsells at 10c yard usuallyOC for sprays of roses lilacs forget

meknots roses etc which sold upto 33e

QP Ladies Cheviot serge andI homespun skirts which formerly sold

11 toi

12I-QC each for rladies

morocco or alligatorIQC for choice a lot of brooch pins

hat pins silver pieces for the bureau etc which formerly soldfor

yard for baby ribbon in all colors and black and white thevery best quality

QaC Pair forkdies fast black ribbedof fine lisle which

soldQC for MdiesTlinen collars in all sizesJ and latest styles sold formerly for12 12c to 15c

AQC for ladies lawn and percalewrappers with white yokes full

width skirts cool and comfortable forsummer the same quality andsnake of wrappers sold for as much


J 7C for white applique bureau scarfsand waShstand scarfs also pillow

shams some slightly soiled worth upto 35c i3 y1 7C foe Jnantel and piano lambre-

quins also ofa made ofart drapery worth 35c-

OQC for ladles surpass kid Oxfordssizes 2 12 to S toes

only formerly soldOQC mens nainsook drawers In

all sizes which formerly sold for50C

mC pair for boys pique and duckknee pants which sold for four

times that muchfor boys wash suits of handsome quality of galatea cloth

sizes up to ll years which sold up to3

1 QO for lot of Ladies Polka Dottrimmed with two

circular with whitebraid


for i

sold for lOc pairC1 QO for Ladles rainyday skirts 4

l stitched bottoms which formerly sold for 4 X-

97C yard for lot of fine Corded Whitepique and sheer India Lin V-

on in remnants 25c

97f yard for choice of Wash Goods Twhich sold for as high as 25c T

yard embracing dimities JLorgandies jaconat lawns etc 4

97C yard for 20 pieces of fast Black XOrgandie Lawns sheer fine qual t

ity which sold up fb 12 l2c yard

t5C for 12 copies of good music this T

hour tomorrow

for Ladies Vici Kid LaceIJJ bulldog toes nearly allsizes sold for 250C7C yard for best quality Stair or

Runner Oilcloth which sells for 51lOc yard usually 4-

QOC fur heavy Woven Hamsteel spreader and X

pillow attached sell for 2 usually 4-

OOC for Ladies Wire Bustles unbreakable

4C yard for Turkish Unbleached XTowels

IQC for Bleached Table Damaskyard and onehalf wide in hand j

some designs sell for29eryanL usually 4

2 to 367C each for odd lot of Damask and f

Huck Towels which formerly soldfor 1212c 4-

HC for Childrens Nazareth TWaists the sort which sells for X

25c 4yard for Xaces and Insert X-ings all elegant patterns JL

sell for lOc yard 4-

0QC for lot of Mens and Ladies GIn 31

ria Umbrellas with assortment 4of handles

ICC each for childrens gingham JL-

J dresses sizes 1 to 3 years 4-

rQC for ladies sateen skirts in good X-UJ colors accordeoff pleated 4-

A 7C each for white applique mats Xwhich sold for lOc

7QC for large tapestry table covers XJ in all colors heavy fringe sold 4

for L25 r-

r i rairfof boys washable Galatea X2 oth knee pants in assortment j

of paterns which sell for lOc T

3 tOOCC for 50 dozen readymade 54 by 90

Bleached Sneets which usuallysell for 39e-

C yard for pretty golden art draJi pery in handsome colors andpatterns worth Sc yardOOC for best quality Holland window

J shades trimmed with heavy laceor fringe worth 30c-

47C each for readymade bleachedPillow Cases

c r4 to aC-

C for six mens collars all 2100 Xlinen but in sizeslG 12 17 and

17 12 only

QQC 75c and si colored ma 4dras negligee shirts also white 7shirts with madras bosoms

Cl for mens 3 and 350 tan bicycleJ shoes sizes 6 to 11 y

HECHT COMPANY51 3 5 1 5 Seventh




u JwI I H H f 1 I I J

StoresStreet f


f Remarkable Hour Sales at Hechts Again tt fT

if I

t3C which i






II for


1 I

I 0 II

1 5 1 to 2

4 ShoeTI

CI 5Cextra J

5C pIecesold±

Icover1I tJ Tfor

for t50


5c BackJ side satchels of

J f

puret pall lea


10c ando vest form ry



Blueand as I IBack I TII

I St1


plow i1 0 IT wit T II JJ for0 i0

for oddsbalbriggan 89C

ffor and eel foro 8 bordered handkerchIefs

TDuck SKirt qd

i I5 JStreet

I I 1 1























ti rJal

Tomorrowgoing T



Ian suspendersJu



yard vide i


for high gradewith






1i J


r Braid





zC men s lOc plain white men s




ii ii imii















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± + ±necessary although we are sometimes Iwill admit obliged to accept clumsy cpllateral and the goodnatured young mansmiled By the way he resumed ourcolored brethren have developed a sort ofbusiness wit for which they are somewhatpeculiar A negro will not buy an articleunless he knows what he can get for itHis first question is Whats it worthmeaning how much can it be pawned forand not the sellingprice The troubles ofpermanent ownership do not annoy them

A small oil painting was referred toand taking it down the said

Yes it was brought to us by a younga representative of one of the

aristocratic families in the cityto have some ready money and so

brought this although to us the Floren-tine frame Is really the best part of it

polished wooden cases were noticedand upon investigation they were foundto be Vatican cabinets or home altarswhich are kept in the families of piousCatholics for the purposes of administering the sacrament of extreme unction Anold Irishman had brought one of them inthat morning probably thinking that ifhe didnt have money to buy bread hemIght need the last sacraments Therewere quantities of rosaries and some verybeautiful crosses in Contrast to thesesacred things the clerk pointed out a pairof of blue enamel upon whicha pair of prize fighters were representedin white Those belonged to a notedmiddleweight he said a man quite wellknown in St Louis who is now deadIn the same case was a pretty collectionof assorted sizes of gold thimbles evidenceof the fact that their owners had seen bet-ter times before they had to part withthem But the most varied Collection ofall was that of watches ranging from theclumsy plated to the dainty

chronometer-I can understand a mans Tielng obliged-

to part with his watch but it does seemthat he might have the decency to removehis sweethearts picture from it theydont said the clerk openingof several and showing the girl faces thusrevealed I found a pretty childs picturein one a few years ago and I put it in myown watch and theyoung openedhis watch upon the cover of waspasted the pretty laughing face of a tinygirl somebodys whose father hadprobably forgotten about her picturein the excitement goodtimepiece

Omnium GnfnejrninJlof the ShopTrunks opera glasses tflutes meereliaum

pipes in all conditions 6t coloring thesea few of the things upon which the

in a survey of the casesare doctors instruments said

the clerk Youngjf doctors especiallyfind to the neces-

sity of pawning the tools df their trade sev-eral times before they start theworld And imsginesa cripple pawning his


young man







eye t d

get in




illlth ins

themsele reduced








crutch but that is what some of thm oftenhave tt do There is one poor wretch whowould no doubt be better off if he hadnever had the chance to buy a crutch He

around on it for awhile makes adrinks all the beer he lan get

for it to drown his sorrow I suppose andthen pawns his crutch and stays at homeuntil he can persuade some of his chumsto get lufor Him and then he begins thesame story over

What in tfi world do you do withteeth was ated with surprise as a sudden turn broughf Into view a startling dental array We dont expect generally tohave to keep them but If we did we coulduse the gold and we take none excrpt thseso plated One could not help an amusingreflection concerning the straits to whichthe must be reduced who is obliged topawn his teeth and then to think of hisliving on gruels until he was able to takethem out but he probably would not betroubled in an effort to chew inchthick

while b thus deprived andthem very

much afterA case full of family silver all properly

marked and dozens of souvenir spoonswere among the other unredeemed thingswhich doubt tell an interestingtale if they could speak of the days whenskies were blue and days when the skieswere grey and the sad things that cameabout in this world since they first left thepretty velvetlined cases in whicheler had placed them at the beginning oftheir existence

A pair of beautiful diamondfailed to be redeemed at theand were for sale at representingpride while across the way a few pewterspoons represented povertys luxuriouscontribution of a few cents to this strangecollection

More than SO per cent of the thingsbrought to us ire redeemed said theproprietor coming up and we do a mil

dollars worth of business during theand so it seems that the gol-

den balls still bringwho live in theif Louis GlobeDemocrat

The KaiscrsAVrnthfiil SpeechFrom the Yew York Post

Our Ambassador to Gennany is not quite suein his attempt to defend Wil-

liam against the charge of utteringAccording to one account 3Ir White

that there was no truth in thereport that tile Emperor Iiad told his troops togrant no quartet the Chinese We should begled to believe Mr White if hehis statement by evidence but unfortunately

not lie says that he never anythingthe speech until it was pointed out tp

to the columns of a certain French newspaperand apparently supposea that if he says the reportis all nonsense that will end the matter Hoi

untrustworthy a certain French newspaperbe the London Times is a respectable au-

thority sad its Berlin Correspondent telegraphedthe words of the a as they were

relying evidently on the German report




Isteak Quid not

could no














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Xeliraslca Ioitnllsts Apiirove of MrTownesi Ac trout

LINCOLN Neb Aug a Discussion ofthe declination of MX Towne and its prob-able effect is now the chief concern ofNebraska politicians The talk yesterdayshowed a generally surprising change offront on the part of leadersA few weeks ago they were almost unani

j mously insistent that Mr Towne shouldstay on and they declared that should theMinnesotan decline for Mr Bryanssake would be dead

Among those who uttered suchj were Senator Allen Governor Poyn

ter and Vice Chairman Edmiston of thePopulist National Committee and prac-tically all tho Populist State officers

Now all have amended their opinionsbut Edmiston who sUit makes a show ofconsistency but there are signs that hetoo is wavering

He said yesterday-I will tak no action toward calling the

National Committee together to considerMr Townes declination until after conferring fully with party leaders at the

Committee meeting in Chicagobe no snap judgment but a

conservative consideration of situationand the matters involved before a final de-cision is

every indication thatthe vice chairman Is also preparing tocome out for Stevenson His associatesargue that Western Populists want Bryanfar more than Towne and they must standtogether in the fight Stevenson orthere will be a repetition of the Tom Watson entanglement of 1S96

There is a suspicion that some of theSouthern members of the executive com-

mittee headed by Senator Butler will goto the Chicago meeting and there seek toput the Committee on record as favoringa Populist on the ticket with Bryan TheNational Committee they say must tinally decide but it Is feared that any

established by the com-

mittee would go farthe larger body For these reasons MrEdmistons friends have been counselinghim to drop the substitution idea and takeStevenson instead Mr Edmiston left forChicago tonight

As Chaixmari of the Executive Committeehe will prosaic Nebraska Populists

him to favor the acceptanceof Stevenson as the Populist nominee orelse leaving the place blank

Ppynter said yesterdayI believe Tpwnos declination will

have arty material effect one way or thoother on the result in this State Whenthe people have had time to consider thesituation more thoroughly and come to




















Governdon t








X Hechts Greater Stores ijS SiS Seventh Street 4J

iI Specials inmens clothing j

i for all7fJG tomorrow for about 48 j

Crash and Vests Itpmsuits from pants have be JT

5 come broken and which sold whencomplete for 5

X tomorrow for lot of liens ij4 via Crash Coats broken fromr suits which sold for 450 when

complete TS1 tomorrow for the choice of any 4-

T pair of Mens Bicycle Pants in31 the house which sold up to 1 and T-Ji there is a splendid variety TJ 90C tomorrow for Simsons Print 31-

j Office Coats which sell for 50c Jusually about 100

4 C tomorrow for Mens Pants 1U which formerly sold for L50T and f 175 great line of patterns4 CO tomorrow for about 25 Mans 4tLJ Crash Suits in sizes 31 35

and 26 only which formerly sold T4 for 7-

X flC pals tomorrow for MensWhite Duck Pants which if 2

4 not slightly mussed and soiled 4T would sell for L


i AH day hat specialsJL ICC tomorrow for any of ourj Childrens Straw Sailors

sold formerly up to 1 4tomorrow for the choice of JL-

J LJ any Mans Straw Hats whichtold up to 1 TV

X iQC tomorrow for the choice of anyMans Straw Hats which sold K-

T UP t 2X

1 CC for lot of Mens Crash Hatsin sizes from 6 34 to 6 78

which formerly sold for SOc T

Hecht Company513515 Seventh Street

Wonderfully Treatment of All andKinds of Diseases ChronicNervous Blood and Skin IsBeyond a Doubt Superior toAny Other Methods of CureKnown His Fee of

Which includes full treatment and medicineit possible for all to place themselvescare of this worldrenowned specialist Ingives his services practically free andinal assessment of 5 a month is less titan theusual outlay for medicines alone Thousands intbe City of Washington and sunounding countrycan rise and call Dr Young blessed for thewonderful cures be has wrousbt in cases of LungTrouble Kidney Trouble Stomach Troublesarrh Rheumatism Skin and Blood Disease orcome other torturing or enfeebling chronic malady

Corner 12th and F StreetsDaily office hours 10 to 1 and 3 to 6 San3ay

10 to 12 Weonesday and Saturday from

and girls too doing pleas

ant work among theirfriends during vacationCall at 1204 Pa ave 2d

know Stevenson and his record betterwill be perfectly willing to supportInstead of Mr Towne I have not harttime to consider what effect Mr Townes

might have in other States


Old Ynclit ColombianIVnrshiy

XEW YORK Aug convertedsteam yacht Atalanta purchased recentlyby the Colombian Govynrnent from George j

Gould for use as a gunboat has sailed fromthis port for Colombia Senor Eduardo Espinoza Consul General of Colombia is auT j7ity tor this statement He refuses togive particulars touching her destina-tion or armament

There is no record of the shipsat the Maritime Exchange At the

custom house the records show that whilethe Atalanta is still the property of GeorgeGould her registry was transferred fromthis port to Perth Araboy So if anydeclaration of clearance was made it wasmade with the collector there The im-pression here is that her name washanged so that the revolutionary agentsshould not know of her departure untilshe was well under way

All that Senor Espinoza would say todayiwas that the Atalanta would soon arrive

nt some port In Colombia He declined totell how guns or men she carried It Isknown however that there were on boardseveral guns of small calibre and severalthousand rifles besides a large supply ofammunition

ANmissiiialioii in All DirectionsFront the Louisville Courier Journal

With the King of Italy wantonly shot downhundreds perhaps butchered

because of their nationality or religiSnwith mobs killing people in the streets of KcvwOrleans because of their color arid with menunder trial in Kentucky for assassinating a citi-zen to prevent him being Governor the civili-zation Tof the world is showing up conspicuouslyat present

thsso Xitlie rills

from Dyspepsia1ST a LE Indigestion and Too

5 Hearty Eating A perfeet remedy for Dizzi

PllaiaS ness Nausea Drowsiness Bad Tastoin the

j lIouthCoatedTonguePain in the Side TOR-

PID LITER They regulate the lloydsSmall Pill Small Dose Small Price


IensT Cot









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