helen caines yale university soft physics at the lhc - catania - sept. 2006 questions for the lhc...

Helen Caines Yale University Soft Physics at the LHC - Catania - Sept. 2006 Questions for the LHC resulting from RHIC Strangeness Outline • Chemistry • Yields - Centrality dependence Flow (radial and v 2 ) Intermediate p T

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Page 1: Helen Caines Yale University Soft Physics at the LHC - Catania - Sept. 2006 Questions for the LHC resulting from RHIC Strangeness Outline Chemistry Yields

Helen CainesYale University

Soft Physics at the LHC - Catania - Sept. 2006

Questions for the LHC resulting from RHIC Strangeness


• Chemistry• Yields - Centrality dependence• Flow (radial and v2)• Intermediate pT

Page 2: Helen Caines Yale University Soft Physics at the LHC - Catania - Sept. 2006 Questions for the LHC resulting from RHIC Strangeness Outline Chemistry Yields

Helen Caines

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p-p data

•Not just a base line!

•Interesting results in their own right.

•Need to push for p-p at the same energy.

•mT scaling - not absolute

Separate shape for baryons and mesons

Not really going to discuss – see Rene’s talk

STAR Preliminary p-p 200 GeV

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mT scaling and jetsUsing PYTHIA split events into gluon and quark jet

Quark jet events show mass dependence

Gluon jet events show baryon/meson splitting

Gluon jet domination at RHIC? What happens at the LHC?

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Statistical model results

●, K,p●, K,p, ,


●, K,p●, K,p, ,

Including is important for s

Close to chem. equilibrium !

Close to net-baryon free

Tch flat with centrality

How fast does LHC reach s =1?

STAR preliminary Au+Au at √sNN=200GeV and 62 GeV

Using Kaneta model

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Expectations at the LHC energies Tch 125 - 170 MeV

Calculations fromKraus et al., (Eq.)Rafelski et al., (Non Eq.)

Statistical model predictions for LHC

Measurable differences in

predictions from the models

s 1-5

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Strangeness meets heavy flavour

STAR Preliminary

d-Au √s=200 GeV














PYTHIA tells us:














Statistical recombination tells us:

A. Andronic et al. PLB 571 (2003)

Ds (BR 3.6%)+

Use a “resonance” analysis technique K+K-

Our total charm cross-section calc. could be affected

After background subtraction

Should be feasible at LHC – more charm

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Excitation function of central mid-rapidity yields

Baryon yields ~flatAnti-baryon rise sharply

dN/dy extrapolations at the LHC : 10~30 : 3~6 : 0.4~0.7

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Centrality dependence

We can describe p-p and central Au-Au

Can we understand the centrality evolution?

Look at the particle enhancements.

E(i) = YieldAA/Npart Yieldpp /2

STAR Preliminary

Solid – STAR Au-Au √sNN = 200 GeV

Hollow - NA57 Pb-Pb √sNN = 17.3 GeV

Even without p-p LHC can determine centrality dependence

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The canonical to grand canonical transition

STAR Preliminary

K. Redlich

Correlation volume:

V= (ANN) ·V0

ANN = Npart/2 V0 = 4/3 ·R0


R0 = 1.1 fm proton radius/strong interactions

T = 170 MeVT = 165 MeV

Seems that T=170 MeV fits data best – but shape not correct

Au-Au √sNN = 200 GeV

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Varying T and R

Calculation for most central Au-Au data

Correlation volume: V0 R0


R0 ~ proton radius strong interactions

K. Redlich

Au-Au √sNN = 200 GeV

SPS data indicated

R = 1.1 fm

Can get same E(i) with differing R and T combinations

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Npart dependence

STAR Preliminary

K. Redlich

Correlation volume:

V= (ANN) ·V0

ANN = Npart/2 V0 = 4/3 ·R0


R0 = 1.2 fm proton radius/strong interactions

T = 165 MeV = 1T = 165 MeV = 2/3T = 165 MeV = 1/3

Shape described if production volume not prop. Npart

Au-Au √sNN = 200 GeV

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PHOBOS: Phys. Rev. C70, 021902(R) (2004)

More on flavour dependence of E(i)

STAR Preliminary


measured E(ch)for 200 and 19.6 GeV

Enhancement for all particles?

Yes – not predicted by model

Similar enhancementfor one s hadrons

Au-Au √sNN = 200 GeV

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Soft physics scalings with entropy (Nch)

PHOBOS White Paper: Nucl. Phys. A 757, 28

nucl-ex/0505014 Lisa et al.

<kT>≈ 400 MeV (RHIC) <kT>≈ 390 MeV (SPS)

HBT radii from different systems and different energies scale with (dNch/dη)1/3

v2 scaling within “low density limit” scalingwhen use part

These are all scalings over several orders of magnitude of √s

Most central LHC:dNch/d ~1200

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Strangeness vs entropy

No scaling between energies

But does become ~linear at higher dNch/d

Solid – STAR Au-Au √sNN = 200 GeV

Hollow - NA57 Pb-Pb √sNN = 17.3 GeV

Most central LHC:dNch/d ~1200

dN/dy = dN/dy ~20-30

dN/dy = dN/dy ~4-6

dN/dy = dN/dy ~0.5-1

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• Blast-Wave: hydro inspired parameterization:– Parameter Tkin

– Parameter <βT>– Direct fit (2) on the


• Blast-Wave gives slightly different results for multi-strange

• At 62 GeV <βT> lower

~ 90 MeV

~ 160 MeV

~ 125 MeV

NA57 : C. Alt et al. Phys. Rev. Lett 94 (2005) 192301

E. Schnedermann et al., Phys. Rev. C 48 (1993) 2462F. Retière and M. Lisa, Phys. Rev. C 70 (2004) 044907

Blast-Wave :

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Ideal hydrodynamics -, K-, p

• Best agreement for :

Tdec= 100 MeV α = 0.02 fm-1

α ≠ 0 : importance of initial conditions

0 = 0.6 fm/c

Tdec = 165 MeVTdec = 100 MeV α : initial (at τ0) transverse

velocity : vT(r)=tanh(αr)

Central Data

P.F. Kolb, J. Sollfrank and U.Heinz, Phys. Rev. C 62 (2000) 054909P.F. Kolb and R. Rapp, Phys. Rev. C 67 (2003) 044903P.F. Kolb and U.Heinz, nucl-th/0305084

Starts to fail earlier (lower pT)less re-scattering?

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Tdec = 164 MeVTdec = 100 MeV

Ω- spectra, central

Ideal hydro and the

• Both energies best reproduced with Tdec≈100 MeV (as -, K-, p)

• Tdec ≈ 164 MeV (Tch) :Not enough flow

P.F. Kolb and U. Heinz, nucl-th/0305084

If not same physical quantity stick to hydro.

Need better models (hydro+hadronic phase)

• B-W fit on hydro : Tkin ≠ Tdec (up to 30 MeV difference)

Au-Au 200 GeV

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v2 of strange hadrons

All strange particles flow - s quark flow same as light quarkIndication for collective flow in partonic phase (small hadronic x-section for Ω, φ)

Baryon “remembers” it was incoming

STAR Preliminary

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Constituent quark scaling of v2

STAR Preliminary

Au-Au 62 GeV

High statistics data show idealized scaling fails at 200 GeVSee scaling at 62 GeV

Where at LHC (if at all) will hydro/reco switch occur?

PHENIX (open symbols) PRL 91 182301 (2003)

v2 saturates for pT > 3 GeV/c

Clear baryon/meson difference at intermediate to high pT

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√sNN=62 GeV 0-5%


Nuclear modification factors - RCP

√sNN=200 GeV 0-5%


NA57 nucl-ex/0507012

√sNN=17.3 GeV


Recombination or different “Cronin” for and K at SPS?

Differences between and

B absorption?

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Rcp vs Energy

STAR Preliminary

NA57: G. Bruno, A. Dainese: nucl-ex/0511020

The top SPS and top RHIC energy

data are consistent

62 GeV Au+Au data also follows the same trend

Is coalescence present in all


Does same pattern exist at LHC and out to higher pT?

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Summary• Stat. models predict little change in strangeness at LHC unless over-saturation occurs

• What about charm?• Transition of strangeness from p-p to A-A not well understood

• No Npart scaling• Several soft sector variables scale with dNch/d(i.e. entropy)

• HBT, v2 at low densities, strangeness centrality dependence

• Hydro does not need early multi-strange freeze-out• Need more complex models

• v2 of s quarks same as for light quarks• Baryons retain “memory” of beam?

•Reco. traits observed at all energies – v2 , RcpNew & detailed results from RHIC but as many new soft

physics questions remain for LHC as have been answered

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Comparison between p-p and Au-Au

T 171 ± 9 MeV

s 0.53 ± 0.04

r 3.49 ± 0.97 fm

Canonical ensemble

T 168 ± 6 MeV


0.92 ± 0.06

r 15 ± 10 fm

Au-Au √sNN = 200 GeVSTAR Preliminary

p-p √s = 200 GeVSTAR Preliminary

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Recent ReCo Model PredictionsPremise:


STAR Preliminary

The production of Φ and Ω particles is almost exclusively

from thermal s quarks even out to 8 GeV/c

The ratio of Ω/ yields should rise linearly with pT

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HBT radii

Entropy determines radii

No obvious trends as fn of √s

HBT radii from different systems and at different energies scale with (dNch/dη)1/3

power 1/3 gives approx. linear scale

nucl-ex/0505014 Lisa et al.

<kT>≈ 400 MeV (RHIC) <kT>≈ 390 MeV (SPS)

Works for different mT ranges

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Eccentricity and low density limit

At hydro. limit v2 saturates

At low density limit

Apparent complete failure.Especially at low density!

Voloshin, Poskanzer PLB 474 (2000) 27

v2 different as fn Npart and energy










RR eccent

PHENIX preliminary

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Fluctuations matter

Important for all Cu-Cu and peripheral Au-Au


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PHOBOS preliminary h±

0-50% centrality

v 2

Elliptic flow

PHENIX preliminary

v2 decreases by ~ 50% from RHIC to SPS

PHENIX preliminary

v2 same for 200 – 62 GeV Au-Au at fixed pT

v2 same in Au-Au and Cu-Cu for same centrality

No perfect scaling but hints

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Nch as measure of entropy

Entropy in Heavy Ion

> Entropy in p-p?

J.Klay Thesis 2001






Different EOS? QGP?









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PHOBOS White Paper: Nucl. Phys. A 757, 28

1000 5.5 TeV



6.4 = RHICx1.6

Most central events:

dNch/d ~1200

LHC prediction I

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LHC prediction II

Ro = Rs = Rl = 6 fm

Most central events:dNch/d ~1200dNch/d ~10.5

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LHC prediction III

Most central events:dNch/d ~1200S ~ 20

But I suspect I’m not in the low density limit any more so

v2/ ~ 0.2

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62 GeV : Λ , Ξ central Backup Ideal Hydrodynamics

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Λ , Ξ centrality dependence Backup Ideal Hydrodynamics

NNAu+Au, s = 62.4 GeV NNAu+Au, s = 62.4 GeV

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Compilation of comparisons

• Use π, K, p B-W parameters on multi-strange baryons– Tkin = 90 - 100 MeV

– <βT> = 0.57 c

• Ξ- and Ω- spectra not reproduced

J. Speltz (for the STAR Collaboration), nucl-ex/0512037

NNAu+Au, s = 62.4 GeV

• Differences between Ξ-, Ω-

and π, K, p mainly due to <βT> (best constrained)


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Chemistry in forwards direction


b drives the production ratios – Where does LHC sit?

Differences appearing in p-p production

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Mid-rapidity net-proton yield

62.4 GeV: PHOBOS Preliminary200 GeV: PHENIX PRC 69, 024904 (2004) (correlated errors assumed: underestimated errors)

• Net protons (p–p) yield proportional to Npart (within errors!)

Really “strange” result:

• Number of protons‘transported’ to midrapidityper participant pair isindependent of numberof collisions per participant!



If net baryons remain at LHC need better description of how transport occurs

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B 45 ± 10 MeV

S 22 ± 7 MeV

Q -21 ± 8 MeV

T 168 ± 6 MeV

s 0.92 ± 0.06


q 1.05 ± 0.05 (23 MeV)

s 1.02 ± 0.08 (5 MeV)

T 133 ± 10 MeV

s 2.03 ± 0.6

q 1.65 ± 0.5

s 1.07 ± 0.2


B 8.0 ± 2.2 MeV

S -10.3 ± 4.5 MeV

T 154 ± 4 MeV

s 1.05 ± 7

0-5% Au-Au √sNN = 200 GeV

All models not the same

Statistical model calculations

STAR Preliminary