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IPA Cross-Border Programme “Greece – former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia” 2007 - 2013 1 HELLENIC REPUBLIC MINISTRY FOR DEVELOPMENT AND COMPETITIVENESS Managing Authority for the Operational Programmes of the “European Territorial cooperation" objective TO BE POSTED ON THE INTERNET Thessaloniki 18-09-2013 Prot. No. : 302298/ΥΔ6488 Α.D.Α. ΒΛ9ΦΦ-Β71 OPEN TENDER NOTICE FOR THE PROJECT: Expert Consultant to provide supporting the drafting the Operational Programme IPA Cross-Border Cooperation Greece former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia" 2014 2020” Contracting Authority: Ministry for Development and Competitiveness Managing Authority for the Operational Programmes of the European Territorial CooperationObjective Project: Expert Consultant for supporting the drafting of the IPA Cross-Border Cooperation Operational Programme “Greece – former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 2014 2020” Budget: Up to thirty five thousand euro (35,000.00€), plus VAT Financing: The project is co-financed by the European Union and National Funds of Greece End date for the submission of bids: 3-10-2013 at 16.00 Location for the submission of bids: Managing Authority for the Operational Programmes of the “European Territorial Cooperation” Objective , 65, Georgikis Sholis Ave, 570001, Thessaloniki The Programme is co-financed by the European Union and by National Funds of the participating countries

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IPA Cross-Border Programme “Greece – former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia” 2007 - 2013




Managing Authority for the

Operational Programmes of the

“European Territorial cooperation" objective


Thessaloniki 18-09-2013

Prot. No. : 302298/ΥΔ6488

Α.D.Α. ΒΛ9ΦΦ-Β71



“Expert – Consultant to provide supporting the drafting the

Operational Programme IPA Cross-Border Cooperation “Greece –

former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia" 2014 – 2020”

Contracting Authority:

Ministry for Development and Competitiveness

Managing Authority for the Operational

Programmes of the “European Territorial

Cooperation” Objective


“Expert – Consultant for supporting the

drafting of the IPA Cross-Border Cooperation

Operational Programme “Greece – former

Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 2014 – 2020”


Up to thirty five thousand euro (35,000.00€),

plus VAT

Financing: The project is co-financed by the European

Union and National Funds of Greece

End date for the

submission of bids: 3-10-2013 at 16.00

Location for the

submission of bids:

Managing Authority for the Operational Programmes

of the “European Territorial Cooperation” Objective ,

65, Georgikis Sholis Ave, 570001, Thessaloniki

The Programme is co-financed by the European Union

and by National Funds of the participating countries

IPA Cross-Border Programme “Greece – former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia” 2007 - 2013



The Managing Authority for the Operational Programmes of the “European

Territorial Cooperation” Objective of the Ministry of Development and

Competitiveness will award the project “Expert – Consultant for supporting

the drafting of the IPA Cross-Border Cooperation Operational Programme

“Greece – former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 2014 – 2020” through

the process set forth in P.D. 4/2002, as well as in the circular of the Special

Service for Strategy, Planning, and Evaluation of Development Programmes

(EYSSAAP) Prot.No. 51540/EYSSAAP 3628 (Government Gazette 1856/Β/26-11-


1. Introduction

1.1 Background Information

The ΙΡΑ Cross-Border Programme “Greece - former Yugoslav Republic of

Macedonia” 2007-2013 (hereinafter the Programme) is a European Territorial

Cooperation Programme, which is financed by the Instrument for Pre-accession

Assistance (IPA).

The general objective of IPA Programme “Greece – former Yugoslav Republic of

Macedonia" is "to increase the standard of living of the population, by promoting

sustainable local development in the cross-border area”. This general objective

will be accomplished through the following strategic priorities:

Priority 1: Enhancement of cross-border economic development

Priority 2: Promote and develop the environment and natural and cultural


Specifically the Programme aims on the one hand to enhance cross-border

economic development with the promotion of entrepreneurship and the promotion

of sustainable tourism, enabling people to people actions and facilitation of border

accessibility through small scale infrastructure, and on the other hand promote

and develop the environment and the natural and cultural resources by promoting

the protection of natural and cultural resources of the region.

The budget of the programme amounts to 31,549,722 €. For Greece the budget

amounts to 20,072,593 €, 15,054,445 € European community funds (ERDF)

corresponding to cofinance rate of 75% and 5,018,148 € national funds

corresponding to 25%. For the same actions, the total budget of the former

Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia is 11,477,129 €, of which 9.755.560 €

corresponding to 85% from European Community IPA funds and 1,721,569 €

corresponding to 15% from national funds).

Eligible areas for the programme are the regions of Florina, Pella, Kilkis, Serres

and Thessaloniki on the Greek side and Pelagonia, Vardar, Southeast and

Southwest from the side of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.

In view of the Programming Period 2014 – 2020 the consultation process between

Greece and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia has started for the

preparation of the Operational Programme IPA Cross-border Collaboration

"Greece - former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia” 2014 – 2020 , and is expected

to be completed in the following months.

1.2 Approach

The Contractor will undertake the obligation to provide the overall scientific,

consulting and organisational support of the Managing Authority - OP European

IPA Cross-Border Programme “Greece – former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia” 2007 - 2013


Territorial Collaboration in drafting the Operational Programme IPA Cross-Border

Cooperation “Greece – former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 2014 - 2020",

through know-how that it possesses and its human resources.


The scope of the Project comprises:

on the one hand ensuring efficient and multilevel support of the competent

bodies, as well as the coordination of all involved parties and stakeholders,

with respect to preparing the aforementioned Common Programme and,

on the other hand the compilation of the individual texts of the

programming process and drafting a single and coherent Programming

Document, to be submitted to the European Commission.

The working languages are English and Greek.

The contractor for project implementation should take into account the

Institutional and Regulatory Framework for Programming Period 2014-2020


EUROPE 2020: A strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth

Regulation (EU, Euratom) No 966/2012 of the European Parliament and of

the Council of 25 October 2012 on the financial rules applicable to the

general budget of the Union and repealing Council Regulation No


COM (2011) 842 final 2011/0415 (COD)/7.12.2011 Proposal for a


establishing common rules and procedures for the implementation of the

Union's instruments for external action

COM (2011) 838 final 2011/0404 (COD)/ 7.12./2011 Proposal for a


the Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA II)


implementation of the Regulation of the Instrument for Pre-accession


1st and 2nd Circular for the Design and Drafting of Development

programmes for the Period 2014-2020 of EYSSAAP of the Ministry of

Development, Competitiveness and Shipping


Recent amendments of all draft Regulations are published each time on the



whilst useful material can be found on the websites www.espa.gr and




IPA Cross-Border Programme “Greece – former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia” 2007 - 2013



The deliverables and timetable for the project are described in detail in Annex II

(Terms of Reference) hereto, and constitute an integral part of the present


The deliverables must be submitted in Greek and in English languages, in

three (3) copies and in electronic form.


The project is expected to be implemented in four (4) phases and a detailed

description of the schedule is set forth in Annex II (Terms of Reference) hereto,

which comprises an integral part hereof. The contractual obligation of the Contractor to deliver services to the Contracting

Authority ends with the approval of the O.P. IPA Cross-Border Cooperation

“Greece – former Yugoslav Republic" 2014 – 2020 by the European Commission.


The budget of the Project is thirty five thousand euro (35,000.00€) maximum,

plus VAT.

The fee of the Contractor will be a lump sum for the entire scope of the Contract.

The amount of the fee will be set in accordance with his Financial Offer.

The consideration will include all fees and expenses required for the execution of

the Project without the MA of the European Programmes under Objective 3

incurring further costs, even as a result of delivering the services, and


The fee of the staff that the Contractor possesses.

Every expense pertaining to any third party, with respect to these

services, including contributions to Insurance Funds of any nature,

insurance against all accidents (for persons, property, etc.) or obligations

of third parties in carrying out the services hereof or as a result thereof.

Any expense related to the transportation of personnel provided by the


No adjustment of the contractor’s fee is foreseen during the delivery of the

services to be undertaken in accordance with the relevant contract. The

Contractor shall pay any legal social security contribution and deductions for legal

entities or other organisations, which the law stipulates shall be borne by the



The fee shall be paid upon the final and unreserved receipt of the Deliverables –

which are set forth herein and may be specified in detail in the Contract – by the

Committee for Monitoring and Receipt to be established for this purpose by the

Ministry of Development, Competitiveness, Infrastructure, Transport and


IPA Cross-Border Programme “Greece – former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia” 2007 - 2013



The present invitation for the expression of interest will be translated and posted on

the website of the Contracting Authority in Greek and in English.

In application of article 30 of par. 4 of P.D. 60/2008 (Government Gazette 64

Α/16-3-2007) “Adjustment of Greek legislation to the provisions of Directive

2004/18/EC “on the coordination of procedures for the award of public works

contracts, public supply contracts and public service contracts” as amended by

Directive 2005/51/EC of the Commission and Directive 2005/75/EC of the

European Parliament and the Council of 16 November 2005”, in the event of

disagreement/contradiction of the two texts, the original is considered to be the text

published in Greek, which takes precedence over the English text.

IPA Cross-Border Programme “Greece – former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia” 2007 - 2013





The invitation to express interest is made with the aim of selecting a contractor for

the project “Expert – Consultant for supporting the drafting of the IPA

Cross-Border Cooperation Operational Programme “Greece – former

Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 2014 – 2020” based on the provisions of

P.D. 4/2002 “Execution of technical assistance actions and management of

corresponding resources” as in effect; the circular of the Special Service for

Strategy, Planning, and Evaluation of Development Programmes (EYSSAAP) Prot.

No. 51540/EYSSAAP 3628 (Government Gazette 1856/Β/26-11-2010); and the

following general and special conditions.

1. Right to participate – Minimum participation conditions

1.1. Right to participate

A. Every natural or legal person, as well as any consortium submitting a joint

offer, cooperative or joint venture, operating legally in Greece or any other

member state of the European Union of the European Economic Area (EEA)

or third countries signatories to the Government Procurement Agreement

(GPA) of the World Trade Organisation (WTO), which was ratified by law

2513/1997 or third countries that have entered into bilateral agreements or

association and cooperation agreements with the EU, and operate lawfully in

the services sector, related to the scope of the present Tender, is entitled to

participate in the present Tender.

In the event of a consortium the following shall apply:

. Consortiums are established by decision of all their members

(partners of the association), through which their main characteristics

and the relationship between the members, as well as their share

therein are set forth. Among other things the member who is the

coordinator / lead of the consortium is designated.

. The bidding consortiums submit a joint Bid represented by a Legal

Representative who is authorized to do so, by the corresponding

administrative bodies of the financial agencies that participate in

them. The offer lists the main characteristics of the consortium, the

relationship of its members, the share of each member, as well as the

lead member thereof.

. With the submission of the Bid each member of the consortium is

jointly and severally liable before the Contracting Authority. In the

event of award - assignment of the Contract to a consortium, this

responsibility remains until the full execution of the Contract.

The consortiums do not need to have a specific legal form in order to

submit a Bid. However, they are obliged to do so if they are selected

by the Contractor, before Contract signature, if the Contracting

Authority so requests.

. In the event of consortiums or joint ventures, it is sufficient for one

member thereof to possess the requisite experience and the minimum

conditions, as these are set forth in article 1.2 of Part 2 hereof.

. Each participant, natural or legal person, cannot participate in more

IPA Cross-Border Programme “Greece – former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia” 2007 - 2013


than one bid. Natural or legal persons participating, independently or

in a joint venture or a consortium in more than one bid, are

disqualified from the tender and together with them, the bids in which

they participate are also disqualified.

Β. Any bidder can be excluded from the Tender, if he himself or if even one

member in the event of a consortium (financial agency):

a) has been convicted irrevocably for participating in a criminal organization,

bribery, fraud or money laundering.

b) is bankrupt, is being wound up, whose affairs are being administered by

the court, who has entered into an arrangement with creditors, who has

suspended business activities or who is in any analogous situation;

c) is the subject of proceedings for a declaration of bankruptcy, for an order

for compulsory winding up or administration by the court or for an

arrangement with creditors or of any other similar proceedings;

d) has been convicted of an offence concerning his professional conduct;

e) has been guilty of grave professional misconduct proved by any means by

the Contracting Authority;

f) has not fulfilled obligations relating to the payment of social security


g) has not fulfilled obligations relating to the payment of taxes and duties;

g) is guilty of serious misrepresentation or omission to supply information

The following shall also be excluded:

a) The participant / bidder who has not submitted all the supporting

documents set forth in the present notice, and/or has violated any of the

obligations set forth in the present tender document.

b) The participant / bidder who has not submitted all documents required

officially translated into Greek.

c) The participant / bidder who has been excluded from tenders for public

procurements by decision of the Minister of Development.

d) The participant / bidder who has lost the right to participate in public

tenders by decision of another public service or legal entity of public law or

agency of the broader public sector, because of not fulfilling his contractual


e) Natural or legal persons from abroad who have been subjected to

penalties similar to the aforementioned.

f) Consortia when one of the reasons for exclusion set forth in the present

paragraph applies to at least one member thereof.

g) Legal persons, whose representative has not submitted during bid

submission the appropriate proof or representation.

h) The participant / bidder who has submitted an offer for only part of the


i) The consortia / joint ventures that submit a joint offer and do not submit

the agreement among the members, with respect to the specific project.

IPA Cross-Border Programme “Greece – former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia” 2007 - 2013


1.2. Conditions for participation

The prospective Contractor should have proven professional experience and the

necessary training to carry out the project, so as to be able to meet its demands,

as set forth in the present Notice.

Specifically, the prospective Bidder should operate in the field of the services that

are the subject of the present notice, as specified in Part 1 hereof and specifically

advisory and support services in issues of assessing and managing projects and

operational programmes.

Moreover, he must employ in his business or have the possibility to directly enter

into an agreement to cooperate with the personnel deemed necessary for the

provision of the services under this notice.

Specifically, the Contractor should establish a project team, which will be made up

of members capable of carrying out the project correctly. The project team should

have at least four (4) members and have the necessary scientific training and

experience in services with the same or related scope as those of the project.

One of the Project Team members will be designated as Project Manager (PM)

and will undertake the technical design, coordination of the other members of the

Project Team, and a large part of project implementation. The Project Manager

should have at least 10 years of experience in similar advisory and support

services in matters of strategic design and management of operational

programmes and projects, as well as experience in project team management.

The PM is expected to have a large degree of practical involvement in carrying out

the project, and not only administrative duties.

The remaining Project Team members shall have at least five years of

experience in services of the same or related scope as those required for carrying

out the project. Together, the four main members of the Project Team should

more than cover the cognitive scope / experience of the services required.


2.1. Deadline for the Submission of Bids

The deadline for the submission of bids ends on 3-10-2013 at 16.00 hrs. After

bid submission no additional supplementary or clarifying information is accepted

besides what is requested by the Bid Evaluation Committee. Counter offers, offers

for a part of the project tendered and alternative offers shall not be accepted.

2.2. Drafting of Bids

Because the Greek language has been legislatively established as the official

language for all Greek State administrative functions and in proportional

enforcement of article 8 of Circular with serial No. 14873/395/4-4-2006 of the

Ministry of Economy and Finance “General rules for tendering", any bid in order to

be accepted must be written in Greek as refrenced by the paragraphs 2.5, 2.6 and

2.7 listed below.

2.3. Submission of Bids

— Bids must be submitted to the Managing Authority for Operational Programmes

of the “European Territorial Cooperation” objective, 65 Georgikis Sholis Ave,

57001, Thessaloniki by 3-10-2013 at 16.00 hrs The date is proven only by

IPA Cross-Border Programme “Greece – former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia” 2007 - 2013


the incoming [documents] protocol of the Managing Authority for the

Operational Programmes of the “European Territorial Cooperation” objective.

— Offers will be accepted that are submitted via:

1. The Hellenic Post

2. Mail Courriers

3. Authorised representatives

In all events, bids should have received a protocol number from the above service

up to the deadline of 3-10-2013 at 16.00 hours.

Bidders can address questions that they may have with respect to the present

invitation to express interest by 23-9-2013 to the Managing Authority for the

Operational Programmes of the “European Territorial Cooperation” objective and

send them by email to [email protected] or by fax to 2310-469600 marked

“Expert – Consultant for supporting the drafting of the IPA Cross-Border

Cooperation Operational Programme “Greece – former Yugoslav Republic

of Macedonia 2014 – 2020”, for the attention of Mr. A. Samaras.

The Committee for Bid Evaluation may request clarifications on the legally

submitted supporting documents set forth in articles 2.5, 2.6 and 2.7 and the

prospective Contractors are obliged to provide clarifications within two (2) working

days from the date of the relevant request being submitted by the Bid Evaluation

Committee. In the event that the clarifications requested by the Committee are

not submitted in the appropriate manner and within the above deadline, the bid is

disqualified by the Committee. Only those points of the clarifications given by the

bidder that relate to clarifications requested shall be taken into account

- The envelopes with the bid copies must have the name and address of the

bidder written on them, as well as:


“Expert – Consultant for supporting the drafting of the IPA Cross-Border

Cooperation Operational Programme –“ Greece – the former Yugoslav

Republic of Macedonia 2014 – 2020”

Ministry of Development and Competitiveness

Managing Authority for the Operational Programmes of the “European Territorial

Cooperation” Objective

65, Georgikis Sholis Ave, 570001, Thessaloniki (2nd floor)

Bid Date: (date)

“Not to be opened by the postal service or protocol”

- Self adhesive envelopes, which can be unsealed and re-sealed without leaving

a trace should not be used.

- The envelope for each bid must be accompanied by a special cover letter,

which must mention the body or consortium submitting the bid.

- Each bid envelope must include the following three (3) individual envelopes:

1. The “SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS” Envelope, containing the ORIGINAL

and a copy, whose contents are described in detail under Point 2.5. This

envelope should contain a file with project team CVs in electronic format


IPA Cross-Border Programme “Greece – former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia” 2007 - 2013


2. The “TECHNICAL OFFER” Envelope, containing the ORIGINAL and a copy,

whose contents are described in detail under Point 2.6. This envelope

should contain a file with the Technical Offer in electronic format (CD).

3. The “FINANCIAL OFFER” envelope which is sealed on penalty of

disqualification and contains only one (1) original of the Financial Offer of

the bidders. The contents of the financial offer are outlined under Point 2.7.

Offers submitted after the stipulated date 3-10-2013 and until 16.00 hours

shall not be taken into account. The submission of the bid automatically implies

the full and unreserved acceptance of all the terms of the Invitation by the


2.4 Validity of the bids

The bids shall bind the bidders for 150 calendar days after the deadline for bid

submission. If requested an extension may be given for an equal period of time.

The bids should not have scrapings, deletions, additions or corrections. If the bids

have any correction, this must be clearly written and initialled by the bidder and

the competent body for the receipt and unsealing of the offers, upon performing

its check shall clearly write out any correction, initial and stamp it. The bid shall be

rejected if it has corrections that render it unclear in the opinion of the Bids

Evaluation Committee.

Counter offers are not accepted.

2.5 Contents of the folder “Supporting Documents”

The bidders will submit together with their bid the following supporting documents

in Greek in the "SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS” sub-envelope. Otherwise the bidder

will be disqualified from the tender process for the project. The supporting

documents that are issued outside of Greece will be accompanied by their official

translation into Greek on penalty of disqualification. Specifically, the sub-envelope

“SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS” includes the following supporting and other


1. Updated articles of association of the body or any other information which

stems from the main scope of its activity (e.g. certificate for exercising a

profession from the competent Public Authority, Government Gazette with

incorporation of the company, whenever required etc.)

2. In the event of a joint venture or consortium, a cooperation agreement that

designates the representative of the Consortium or the Joint Venture during

tender participation, who is authorised to sign the bid documents on behalf of

the joint venture or consortium, as well as any other document related to the


3. A solemn declaration of L. 1599/1986, stating that up to the date of bid


(a) the bidder is registered with the competent professional registry,

Chamber or professional association;

(b) the bid was drafted in accordance with the terms of the present

invitation, of which he was informed.

(c) the offer submitted covers the entire project;

IPA Cross-Border Programme “Greece – former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia” 2007 - 2013


(d) the information set out in the offer is accurate and true;

(e) the bidder has no outstanding tax obligations;

(f) the bidder has no outstanding social security obligations;

(g) has not been convicted for a crime and is not in one of the legal statuses

set out in par. 1.1.B

4. Detailed curricula vitae of the executives from which the formal qualifications

and the general and special experience of the Project Team Executives can

be derived with respect to what is set forth in article 1.2 hereof. The curricula

vitae must be accompanied by a Solemn Declaration of L. 1599/1986 stating

that the information provided is accurate and true.

5. The filled in version of Table 1 below, which sets out in detail the involvement

of each of the proposed members of the Project Team.


Company :

Team member: Duties in the Man-months (or

Team man-days) offered in the context of

the project

e.g. 6 man-months

. If the project team members are not permanent staff of the bidder, each of

them has to submit a solemn declaration that there is a collaboration

agreement in place for the entire duration of the present project

and that they accept the terms of the present tender. During the

contract term the members of the project team can only be replaced upon

written approval of the Contracting Authority and provided that the

Contracting Authority is notified in a timely manner. Moreover, the

Contracting Authority retains the right to request that any member of the

Project Team be replaced with a member with similar know-how and


In the event of one or more natural or legal persons submitting an offer jointly,

each member of the consortium is obliged to submit the above supporting


It should be noted that any solemn declaration to be submitted as set forth above,

shall also have validation by a competent authority with respect to the signature

affixed belonging to the person making the statement.

2.6. Contents of the “Technical Offer” envelope

The “TECHNICAL OFFER” envelope is divided into the following sections whose

IPA Cross-Border Programme “Greece – former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia” 2007 - 2013


contents are outlined below:

— A detailed presentation of the proposal and understanding of the Project


— Methodology for the implementation of the Project

— Capacity and effectiveness of the organisation of the Project Team

2.6.1. Detailed presentation of the proposal and understanding of the

Project requirements.

The section “Detailed presentation of the proposal and understanding of

the Project requirements” contains a detailed description of the reference

framework of the project and the demands projected in view of the deliverables

required for project completion, as set forth below in Annex II Terms of Reference


2.6.2. Methodology for the implementation of the Project

The section “Methodology for the implementation of the Project" contains a

detailed description of the manner in which the Bidder aims to approach the

project. The detailed proposal for the project will include the bidder’s methodology

for meeting project sections, the necessary information and data to be collected,

the possible problems foreseen to arise, as well as the manner in which they are to

be tackled, the level of analysis, the manner in which information and findings will

be presented and the support tools for implementing the present project, as well

as the implementation schedule.

2.6.3. Capacity and effectiveness of the organisational configuration of

the Project Team

The section “Capacity and effectiveness of the organisational configuration

of the Project Team” contains a detailed description of the Project Team and its

organisation, as well as the proposed manner in which the members of the Project

Team will be organised and coordinated and the proposed means of

implementation for the more effective execution of the project.

2.7. Contents of the “Financial Offer” envelope

The envelope “FINANCIAL OFFER” will contain the total financial offer for the

execution of the Project, written in words and in figures, in EURO, with and without

VAT. The financial offer is signed by a legal representative of the bidder or legal

representatives of the bidders.

2.8 Binding nature of the bid

The bidder by virtue of his bid commits himself to implement the project in the

specified time, quality and level in accordance with his offer and the terms of the

Invitation to Express Interest.

For this reason, the bidder’s offer must describe the manner of implementation

and the proper execution of the Project, as well as its total cost.


3.1. Tender Conduct Committee

IPA Cross-Border Programme “Greece – former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia” 2007 - 2013


The bid evaluation will be done by the Tender Conduct Committee, to be

established by the Ministry of Development and Competitiveness by drawing lots,

in accordance with the procedure set forth in article 26 of L. 4024/2011.

Specifically, the Committee is responsible for receiving, unsealing and evaluating

the offers, their final score, ranking, as well as investigating any objections. The

Commission drafts its Minutes and makes its recommendation to the competent

body with respect to the award of the contract and contract signature.

The Committee retains the right, after assessing the technical offers, to request of

the bidders to give a presentation of their technical offer in English.

3.2. Selection Procedure and Award of the Project

The contractor will be selected based on the most advantageous offer. The offer

evaluation procedure will include the following:

— Checking of the supporting documents for participation. In each instance

whereby in checking of the supporting documents for participation, proposals

are rejected, the competent committee draws up minutes, which justify the

rejection. The evaluation of the Bid is only done for those bids deemed

to comply with the stipulated conditions after the supporting

documents for participation have been checked.

— Evaluation of the Minimum Participation Conditions

In the event that a bid does not meet the above conditions, it is excluded from the

rest of the procedure by virtue of the minutes of the Committee containing the

justification, whilst the Technical and Financial offer Envelopes are returned


— Evaluation of the Technical Offer, based on the content of the “TECHNICAL

OFFER” envelope.

The minutes of the Tender Conduct Committee with respect to the

procedure for checking the supporting documents for participation, are

sent to be approved by the Contracting Authority, so that an executable

administrative act can be issued, which is then sent to the bidders.

— Evaluation of the Financial Offer, based on the content of the “FINANCIAL

OFFER” envelope.

— Final Assessment.

The minutes of the Tender Conduct Committee with respect to the

procedure for the evaluation of the financial offers and the final evaluation

are sent to be approved by the Contracting Authority, so that an

executable administrative act can be issued, which is then sent to the


The Project will be assigned based on the most advantageous Bid, which will arise

from weighting the score from the evaluation of the Bidders with respect to the

technical criteria and the corresponding financial offers.

3.3 Technical Offer Evaluation

Those offers considered to be acceptable and which were not rejected for

any reason in a previous stage of the tender are then graded and ranked.

To this end the following formula is applied based on the score in three

criteria (Β1, Β2, Β3 ) with the corresponding weighting criteria (α, β, γ):

IPA Cross-Border Programme “Greece – former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia” 2007 - 2013


ΒΤ = α * Β1 + β * Β2 + γ * Β3


Βτ = Technical offer score

Β1 = Technical offer score for the first criterion

Β2 = Technical offer score for the second criterion

Β3 = Technical offer score for the third criterion

The weighting factors for the individual criteria are given in the following




a. Clarity of the proposal and understanding of the Project



b. Project Implementation Methodology and Project

Management Methodology


c. Staffing of the project Team, specific roles and duties for

implementing various phases and degrees of involvement.

Effectiveness and efficiency of organisation.



Each member of the Committee will grade each criterion of the technical

assessment with a score from 80 to 120. Scores under 80 correspond to offers

that do not cover the tender requirements, and therefore will be rejected. Scores

of 100 correspond to offers that fully meet the requirements of the tender. Scores

over 100 correspond to offers that more than meet the requirements of the tender

and offer additional services to the Contracting Authority in the context of the


The Committee’s score for each criterion is the sum total of the scores of all the

members of the Committee divided by the number of its members. This score is

multiplied by the weighting factor of the criterion giving the score of the offer for

the specific criterion. The sum of the scores of all criteria gives the Score for the

Technical Offer.

3.4 Financial Offer

For the comparative scoring of the financial offers that were judged to be

acceptable and were not rejected at a previous stage of the tender process, the

Evaluation Committee takes into account the cost of each offer, as given by the


Which is determined as:

Bκ = Total project value without VAT

In the event of unusually low offers, before rejecting the above offers, the

Contracting Authority will request clarifications in writing about the make up of the

IPA Cross-Border Programme “Greece – former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia” 2007 - 2013


offer and can take into account the explanations pertaining to the financial nature

of the services delivered, or the chosen technical solutions or the exceptionally

beneficial conditions under which the bidder will provide the service or the

originality of the bidder’s plan. If the explanations are not deemed to be

completely satisfactory the bid is rejected.

3.5 Final Assessment

After the completion of the technical and financial evaluation according to the

above, the committee ranks the offers in a Table, by decreasing order of the final



Βi = 0,8 ----- + 0,2 ----------



Bi =the total score of bidder i.

Bτ = the score for the technical evaluation of bidder i.

BK = the total cost of the financial offer of bidder i.

MAXτ = The best technical score amongst the bidders

ΜΙΝΚ = The lowest financial offer amongst the bidders

The calculation of Bi is done to the fifth decimal. The sixth decimal is deleted if

equal to 0,1,2,3,4. It is rounded up if equal to 5,6,7,8 and 9.

In the event of a tie, the offers with the same score are ranked in decreasing

order of the technical evaluation score (Β).

The offer ranked highest in the table of Bi scores is considered to be the most

advantageous offer.


The minutes of the Tender Conduct Committee with respect to the evaluation of

the financial offers and the recommendation on the final ranking of the bidders are

sent for approval by the Contracting Authority and then sent to the bidders.

The competent body issues a decision on awarding the contract and invites the

contractor to sign the relevant contract.

The contract to be signed shall set forth the manner of payment of the Contractor,

which will be linked to the deliverables.

Upon the decision to award the contract and prior to the signature of the contract,

the Contractor is called upon to submit:

. An extract from Criminal Records for general use or equivalent document

by an appropriate administrative or judicial authority of the country of

establishment demonstrating that the Chairman, CEO and BoD members

have not been convicted of any offence related to their professional


. Certification from the appropriate judicial or administrative authority,

issued within the last six months before submission, certifying that that the

Bidder is not bankrupt or being wound up, his affairs are not being

administered by the court, he has not suspended business activities, he has

IPA Cross-Border Programme “Greece – former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia” 2007 - 2013


not entered into an arrangement with creditors or any analogous situation

and furthermore that he is not the subject of proceedings for declaring

bankruptcy, for an order for compulsory winding up or administration by

the court or of an arrangement with creditors or of any other similar.

Tax Clearance Certificate.

A solemn declaration of Law 1599/1986, with validation as to the signature

affixed belonging to the person making the declaration, in which the

contractor shall list all the social security organization to which he pays

contributions for the personnel employed by him.

Certificates by all of the above social security organisations listed in the

Solemn Declaration of the contractor, indicating that the bidder has no

outstanding obligations with respect to social security contributions.

Good performance guarantee which corresponds to 10% of the total

Project budget, not including option and VAT. The Good Performance

Guarantee is returned after the final delivery of the Project. The Good

Performance Guarantee is drafted according to the template (Annex I) and

is issued by credit institutions or other Legal entities that lawfully operate

in the member states of the European Union and are entitled to do so

according to the legislation of the member states.




Internal Distribution :

ο Office of Minister Mr. K. Xatzidakis

ο Office of General Secretary of Investments and Development Mr. G.


ο Office of General Director Mr. K. Koukolias

ο Service for the Management of the Operational Programmes of the

“European Territorial Cooperation” Objective, Supervisor’s Office, Units A,

B1 & D

ο Joint Technical Secretariat of the Cross-Border Cooperation Programme

“Greece – former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 2007 – 2013”

IPA Cross-Border Programme “Greece – former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia” 2007 - 2013





(contract no or prot. no. of Award Decision)

TO The Ministry of Development and Competitiveness

Managing Authority for the Operational Programmes

“European Territorial cooperation" objective


Hereby we notify you that we are explicitly, irrevocably and unreservedly, liable

before you in full, and as the debtors for

............................ for the amount in euro kept at the disposal of your Service.

1. We expressly and irrevocably waive our right of objection against you with

respect to the benefit of division and discussion, our right to raise all the

objections of the principal debtor against you, even non person related

objections, and particularly any other objection set forth in articles 852-855,

862- 864 and 866-869 of the Greek Civil Code as well as of our rights

stemming from said articles.

2. In the event that in your own free and non prejudiced judgment you notify

us in writing that [the contractor] has failed to fulfill his obligations

described under 1 above, we hereby state that we undertake to pay hereby

without any objection, the above amount of the guarantee, in full or in part,

according to your instructions and within three (3) days of your request.

The amount forfeited will be subject to a fixed stamp duty.

3. Payment of the above guarantee shall not require any authorization or

action of consent nor shall any appeal or reservation or claim to arbitration

or courts demanding the non forfeiture of the letter of guarantee or its

replacement by court administered escrow be taken into account.

4. We hereby also confirm that the present guarantee will remain in full

validity until the present letter of guarantee is returned to us accompanied

by your written notification that you release us from the present guarantee.

Until that time, we shall remain liable to you for immediate payment of the

amount of the guarantee.

6. We hereby confirm that the amount of all the Letters of Guarantee in effect

provided by our Bank to the Public Sector and Legal Entities of Public Law,

together with the amount of the present guarantee, do not exceed the limit

set by the Law for our Bank.

IPA Cross-Border Programme “Greece – former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia” 2007 - 2013




1. Support objectives

The Contractor’s project aims at the overall scientific, advisory, organisational

and secretarial support of the Managing Authority for the Operational

Programmes of the “European Territorial Cooperation” during the consultation

process with the institutional and other bodies as well as in drawing up the

Operational Programme IPA Cross-Border Cooperation “Greece - former Yugoslav

Republic of Macedonia 2014 - 2020", taking into account the relevant time

constraints and the timetables of the European Commission and the Ministry of

Development and Competitiveness for designing the Programming Period 2014-


2. The Contractor’s work

I) Overall support of the procedures for drafting the Operational

Programme IPA Cross-Border Cooperation “Greece - former Yugoslav Republic of

Macedonia 2014 - 2020".

For this purpose the Consultant will continuously work together with the

corresponding Programme Design Team that will be designated in collaboration

with the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.

Specifically, the Consultant:

i) Will support and facilitate the work of the Programme Design Team, as

required on a case by case basis.

ii) In collaboration with the Managing Authority and the Joint Technical

Secretariat of the O.P. IPA Cross-Border Cooperation Programme “Greece –

former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 2007 – 2013”, the Contractor will support

the Design Team’s meetings with the stakeholders of the O.P., whereby on the

basis of the above the Contractor will provide the necessary secretarial support

and will prepare the relevant supporting material.

iii) Will submit proposals on methodology both with respect to the course

of the drafting procedures for the new Programmes, as well as with respect to

the new Programme.

iv) The Contractor will facilitate the coordination of the consultations

between the parties involved in the Programme being drafted.

v) Will support the Managing Authority and the Design Team in

coordinating the overall design process of the Operational Programme IPA Cross-

Border Cooperation “Greece - former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 2014 -


vi) Will provide his services up until the final approval of the Programme

by the European Commission.

vii) will report to the Programme Design Team established by both


II. Support for drafting the Operational Programme IPA Cross-Border

Cooperation “Greece - former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 2014 - 2020".


For this purpose the Consultant:

i) Will follow the Structure and Contents Plan, formulated so far by the

EU, to which he will adapt any future amendments, according to the guidance

IPA Cross-Border Programme “Greece – former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia” 2007 - 2013


given in the relevant Regulations, Directives and other working documents of the

European Union.

ii) Will collect, process, compile and present the necessary information

that will facilitate the work of the Programme Design Team and the Managing

Authority to develop and formulate the Programme strategy.

Indicatively, this entails:

(a) Presentation and analysis of the state-of-play in the collaborating countries,

as well as the broader socioeconomic environment of the joint Programme, with

special emphasis on the eligible areas.

(b) Evaluation of the results of the previous Programming Period 2007 – 2013.

(c) Determination of the programme objectives, strategies and priorities, in

accordance with the relevant Regulations and/or the Draft Regulations of the

European Union and/or related texts of an institutional nature, such as Directives,

Guidelines, etc., and in accordance with Development Planning of the two

countries, the Regional Planning in the eligible area and particularly the National

Strategic Reference Plans for Greece and the former Yugoslav Republic of

Macedonia and the Cooperation Agreements between the two countries and the

European Commission.

iii) Will determine the necessary quantifiable targets and will develop a

System of Indicators for the Programme. The said System of Indicators hould be

based chiefly:

(a) On the requirements of the related Regulations, Directives, Working

Documents and other related texts of an institutional nature of the European


(b) On the input from various sources in the cooperating countries (e.g. the on

going evaluation of the O.P., the official statistics, etc.)

(c) On the experience (data and other information) of the present programming


iv) Will perform a S.W.O.T. analysis of the Joint Programme. For the said

analysis, the Consultant must also take into account the current Programme, but

must also collect and process additional information in collaboration with the two

cooperating countries.

v) Will prepare and propose matters that pertain to the Programme

budget, such as the allocation of the available resources with respect to the

Intervention Axes, the Thematic Priorities and the financing tables.

vi) Will formulate recommendations with respect to the necessary

institutional and organizational adjustments that are preconditions for the

effective implementation of the new Programme, in accordance with the

regulatory framework governing the design for the period 2014 – 2020.

vii) During the delivery of services, the Consultant will work together with

the stakeholders of the Operational Programme, as well as anyone else indicated

by the Contracting Authority and particularly the Consultants for the Evaluation

of the O.P. IPA Cross-Border Collaboration “Greece – former Yugoslav Republic of

Macedonia 2007-2013”, the Ex Ante Evaluation of the O.P. IPA Cross-Border

Collaboration “Greece – former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 2014-2020” and

the Strategic Environmental Assessment of the O.P. IPA Cross-Border

Collaboration “Greece – former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 2014-2020”.

The Consultant after timely notification by the Contracting Authority is obliged to

be present at the technical or other meetings related to designing the O.P. IPA

Cross-Border Collaboration “Greece – former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

2014-2020”, which take place at the registered offices of the Managing Authority

or elsewhere.

Based on the above, the Consultant will proceed to compile a single – coherent

text - the Joint Programming Document - that will be proposed for submission to

the European Commission.

IPA Cross-Border Programme “Greece – former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia” 2007 - 2013


The Contracting Authority may ask the Consultant to draft relevant Special

Reports and Presentations in English, which will accompany the text of the Joint

Programming Document.

3. Implementation Stages – Project Deliverables

In accordance with the above, the Consultant must deliver as a print out

and in electronic form the following deliverables:

1st Deliverable

Finalising the methodology for drafting and the structure and content plan

for the O.P. IPA Cross-Border Collaboration “Greece – former Yugoslav Republic

of Macedonia 2014-2020”, accompanied by a report – progress report on the

drafting procedures, which will outline inter alia the support actions of the

Consultant, in two (2) months from contract signature.

The fee of the Consultant for the said deliverable will amount to 20% of

the total agreed fee.

2nd Deliverable

The draft of the Joint Programming Document of O.P. IPA Cross-Border

Collaboration “Greece – former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 2014-2020” to be

proposed for submission to the European Commission, accompanied by a report –

progress report on the drafting procedures, which will outline inter alia the

support actions of the Consultant, in five (5) months from contract signature

The fee of the Consultant for the said deliverable will amount to 20% of

the total agreed fee.

3rd Deliverable

The final text of the Joint Programming Document of O.P. IPA Cross-

Border Collaboration “Greece – former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 2014-

2020” to be submitted to the European Commission, accompanied by a report –

progress report of the drafting procedures, which will outline inter alia the

support actions of the Consultant, in eight (8) months from contract signature

The fee of the Consultant for the said deliverable will amount to 40% of

the total agreed fee.

4th Deliverable

Report which will describe the services delivered by the Consultant to the

Contracting Authority during the time period from the submission for approval of

the Joint Programming Document for the O.P. IPA Cross-Border Collaboration

“Greece – former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 2014-2020” by the

Management Authority up until the final Approval Decision is issued by the

European Commission.

The fee of the Consultant for the said deliverable will amount to 20% of

the total agreed fee.

All of the deliverables will be submitted to the tender Monitoring

Committee in Greek and in English and in three (3) copies in print out and

electronic form.

4. Support team specifications

All proposals must include:

A description of the company / expert of the legal / natural person that

will carry out the study,

IPA Cross-Border Programme “Greece – former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia” 2007 - 2013


A description of previous services related to the present services, setting

out the amount of the contract, the service delivery date and the

contracting authority.

A description of the qualifications of the person (or project team) that will

support MA OP ETC, which will set out their experience and knowledge in

the sector of strategic planning and implementation of the structural fund

programmes and the eligible area of Programme implementation.

5. Timetable

The indicative timetable for the contract and the deliverables plan is shown in the

following Gantt chart.

IPA Cross-Border Programme “Greece – former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia” 2007 - 2013


ID Work Title M1 M3 M4 M6 M7 M9 M10 M11 M12 M13 M14


Project Timeplan: Expert – Consultant for the drafting of the Operational Programme

IPA Cross-Border Cooperation “Greece – former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia"

2014 – 2020

2ACTION 1: Finalisation of the methodology for drafting the structure and content for

the "Greece-the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 2014-2020"


1st Deliverable: Methodology and drafting of the structure and content for the O.P IPA

Cross-Border Cooperation "Greece - former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 2014-




ACTION 2: Composition of the Draft of the Joint Programming Document of O.P. IPA

Cross-Border Cooperation “Greece – former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 2014-


52nd Deliverable: Draft of the Joint Programming Document of O.P. IPA Cross-Border

Cooperation “Greece – former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 2014-2020” ¤


ACTION 3: Composition of the f inal text of the Joint Programming Document of O.P.

IPA Cross-Border Cooperation “Greece – former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia


73th Deliverable: The f inal text of the Joint Programming Document of O.P. IPA Cross-

Border Cooperation “Greece – former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 2014-2020” ¤


ACTION 4: Submission of reports w hich w ill describe the services delivered during

the time period from the submission for approval of the Joint Programming Document

for the O.P. IPA Cross-Border Cooperation “Greece – former Yugoslav Republic of

Macedonia 2014-2020” by the Management Authority up until the f inal Approval

Decision is issued by the European Commission.


4th Deliverable: Reports w hich w ill describe the services delivered during the time

period from the submission for approval of the Joint Programming Document for the

O.P. IPA Cross-Border Cooperation “Greece – former Yugoslav Republic of

Macedonia 2014-2020” by the Management Authority up until the f inal Approval

Decision is issued by the European Commission.


M2 M5 M15*M8

* The deadline for the completion of the fourth deliverable depends on the date of approval of the O.P by the European Commission.