hello acct110 dl students - north seattle collegefacweb.northseattle.edu/kbreland/acc110...

Hello ACCT110 DL Students: My name is Lauren Psomostithis and I am delighted to have the opportunity of being your instructor for this online class. In addition to welcoming you to ACCT110DL – Introduction to Accounting- Bookkeeping I – this letter serves as an online orientation and provides information needed to access the course as well as other important information. Please take the time to carefully read this letter and refer to it in the future. If you are unfamiliar with webCT, please also read the ‘webCT Instructions’ letter. Online learning can be an incredibly rewarding and exciting adventure. It provides flexibility and an opportunity for students who might not otherwise be able to take advantage of a college curriculum; however, you should be aware that self-discipline, self-motivation, and attention to detail are required to complete the course successfully in this format. Students must be committed to meeting deadlines for reading and homework assignments in addition to participating in the discussion forums. It is the students responsibility to log onto the site often enough to remain abreast of what is going on in the class. No on campus meetings will be required for this class. The course will be taken entirely online. Read this orientation carefully and contact me should you have any questions ([email protected]). You should also read the course syllabus which is available on the class website. Many of you may never have taken an online course and are somewhat apprehensive about the endeavor. I assure you that you have nothing to fear – and the discussion room provides you with plenty of interaction with classmates, so you won’t feel disconnected. You should have a basic level of computer literacy that will permit you to perform tasks such as using a word processing program, a web browser, and excel. Once the class begins, all email is conducted via the internal email system. Please be sure to read all instructor notices when they are posted in the discussion room. Additionally, you must sign in to the course and participate within the first three days of the quarter – begin by familiarizing yourself with the course tools, and then post a short bio on yourself providing some information about your education, any accounting background, and career goals (post this in the ‘introductions’ section of the discussion room).

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Hello ACCT110 DL Students: My name is Lauren Psomostithis and I am delighted to have the opportunity of being your instructor for this online class. In addition to welcoming you to ACCT110DL – Introduction to Accounting- Bookkeeping I – this letter serves as an online orientation and provides information needed to access the course as well as other important information. Please take the time to carefully read this letter and refer to it in the future. If you are unfamiliar with webCT, please also read the ‘webCT Instructions’ letter. Online learning can be an incredibly rewarding and exciting adventure. It provides flexibility and an opportunity for students who might not otherwise be able to take advantage of a college curriculum; however, you should be aware that self-discipline, self-motivation, and attention to detail are required to complete the course successfully in this format. Students must be committed to meeting deadlines for reading and homework assignments in addition to participating in the discussion forums. It is the students responsibility to log onto the site often enough to remain abreast of what is going on in the class. No on campus meetings will be required for this class. The course will be taken entirely online. Read this orientation carefully and contact me should you have any questions ([email protected]). You should also read the course syllabus which is available on the class website. Many of you may never have taken an online course and are somewhat apprehensive about the endeavor. I assure you that you have nothing to fear – and the discussion room provides you with plenty of interaction with classmates, so you won’t feel disconnected. You should have a basic level of computer literacy that will permit you to perform tasks such as using a word processing program, a web browser, and excel. Once the class begins, all email is conducted via the internal email system. Please be sure to read all instructor notices when they are posted in the discussion room. Additionally, you must sign in to the course and participate within the first three days of the quarter – begin by familiarizing yourself with the course tools, and then post a short bio on yourself providing some information about your education, any accounting background, and career goals (post this in the ‘introductions’ section of the discussion room).

ACC110 Introduction to Accounting/Bookkeeping

https://frontpage.northseattle.edu/lpsomostithis/ACC110_Folder/acc110HomePage.htm[11/30/2008 2:37:50 PM]

Course Syllabus

Lecture Notes and Sample Problems

Online Resources

Practice Activities and Templates

Class Communications

Text Box
When you sign in to the class you will find these buttons: 1- The course syllabus button will take you to the syllabus which provides information on course objectives and expectations, as well as grading criteria. 2- The lecture notes and sample problems button will take you to chapter specific notes (these provide additional clarification on text material and extra information for some chapters); the sample problems are taken from the 11th edition of the text and walk you through the solutions. The sample problems are in power point, but are set so that you go at your own pace (just remember to click on the speaker icon for sound) 3- The online resources tab provides a link to the text site (which has videos, power points, problem templates, practice self-tests, and much more!) and links to many useful accounting related sites. 4- The practice activities and templates button links you to chapter specific activities - these are for you to work on your own and then check your answers (answers will be posted in the discussion room). It is very important to do these as part of your weekly review. There are excel templates provided for certain problems and for the mini-practice set 2 which is your project for this course. 5- The class communications button takes you from my site (https://frontpage.northseattle.edu/lpsomostithis) to the webCT discussion room and e-mail; however, once you begin the course - I recommend book- marking the webCT site and entering the course directly (http://elvis.sccd.ctc.edu:8900).
Sticky Note
Please sign in and click around on these tabs to become familiar with the site.

Organizer Page

http://elvis.sccd.ctc.edu:8900/SCRIPT/ACCT130LP/scripts/designer/serve_home?959112035+view_page[11/30/2008 3:10:42 PM]

Communication Tools



Text Box
The primary communication tools used in this course are e-mail and the discussion room. . Mail. This mail icon is what you will click to access the class e-mail system - this is how you can e-mail both me and your classmates. This is also the e-mail you will use for submitting your homework, exams, and class project - it is much safer than other methods because messages do not get lost, and the inbox is never full. . Discussions. The discussion room will be your 'classroom' for this course. This is where we will discuss topics of interest, questions about how to solve a homework problem, and is also the place where your discussion activities take place. Each week I will post a message in the appropriate week outlining the activities for the week and any typical difficulties (along with explanations). . The discussion room is divided into different sections, including: Instructor notices - this is where I will post non-chapter related messages. Introductions - this is where you will post an introduction (tell us about yourself, why you are taking the course, accounting background, etc..) Student comments & Questions - this is for general questions Questions - homework - this is for homework related questions Solution Keys - this is where you will find the solutions to the practice activities. Week _ Activities - this is where I post weekly outlines, as well as where you post your discussion question activity. . As you can tell, I encourage you to post your questions, rather than e-mailing me directly - this is because it is very likely that if you are confused about something, you are not the only one - and it helps your classmates to read your question and the responses to it. I do answer questions that are posted in the discussion room, but this also provides you with the opportunity to answer each other's questions as well.
Sticky Note
Please check these often enough to keep up with weekly activities and stay abreast of what is going on in the course - it is your responsibility to be aware of what is going on in here.


http://elvis.sccd.ctc.edu:8900/SCRIPT/ACCT110LP/scripts/student/serve_mail?FORUM1++[11/30/2008 3:20:52 PM]


Compose message Search Message settings

You have 1 new message in your Inbox.

Folder Unread Total

Inbox 1 128

Outbox 0 84

Draft 0 0

All 1 212

Text Box
Compose Mail Message Send to: Choose recipient from list (click browse) Browse... Paste records Subject: Enter your subject (for ex: homework, week 1) Message: Type your message in this box Attachments: select (click browse) Browse Attach file There are no files attached. Send Preview Cancel Save draft
Click here to write your own message.
Click 'browse' and select the e-mail recipient.
After selecting the file to attach (browse), click the 'attach file' tab - wait until you see the attachment before you hit send
Text Box
This is your e-mail page - select your inbox to view messages sent to you, and your outbox to view sent messages. If you want to check that your assignment has been sent, you will need to refresh the page after sending it in order to see the message in your outbox.


http://elvis.sccd.ctc.edu:8900/SCRIPT/ACCT110LP/scripts/student/serve_bulletin?START[11/30/2008 3:46:11 PM]


Compose message Search Topic settings

Click on a topic name to see its messages.

Text Box
Topic Unread Total Status Instructor notices 0 18 public, unlocked Introductions 0 27 public, unlocked Student Comments & Questions 0 21 public, unlocked Questions - homework 0 36 public, unlocked Solution keys 0 2 public, unlocked Week 1 Activities 0 65 public, unlocked Week 2 Activities 0 61 public, unlocked Week 3 Activities 0 77 public, unlocked Week 4 Activities 0 56 public, unlocked Week 6 Activities 0 47 public, unlocked Week 7 Activities 0 39 public, unlocked Week 8 Activities 0 22 public, unlocked Week 9 Activities 0 1 public, unlocked Week 10 Activities 0 3 public, unlocked Practice Set Questions 0 71 public, unlocked All 0 546 ---
Sticky Note
The first step is to select the topic - if you are posting, select the appropriate topic. If you are reading messages - look in the 'unread' column to see where you have unread postings.
The 'status' of each topic shows if it is unlocked or not - the weekly activities will remain locked until the appropriate week.
Text Box
This is the discussion page.

ACCT110LP - Learning System 4.1.6

http://elvis.sccd.ctc.edu:8900/SCRIPT/ACCT110LP/scripts/serve_home[11/30/2008 4:43:36 PM]

Control Panel

myBlackboard Resume Course Course Map Check Browser Log Out Help


View Designer Options

Discussion Messages: Instructor notices

Compose message Update listing Search Mark all as read Message options

Display: All Unread Threaded Unthreaded Select topic: Instructor notices Go

Status Subject Author Date

0/3 Welcome!


TUTORING SCHEDULELauren Psomostithis,Instructor(ACCT110LP)

September 22, 2008 12:51pm

0/3 Info from orientation

0/1 Practice activities info

0/2 Instructor introduction

0/2 Homework templates

0/2 Guest Lecture Series

0/1 video on financial meltdo...

0/2 Accounting Club

0/1 Student Success Fair

Actions Apply these actions to the message(s) selected above.

Compile Mark as read Mark as unread

Sticky Note
If you select 'threaded' then all related responses will be kept together in one thread; this can be useful when you have the 'all' messages selected.
Sticky Note
If you select 'all' then every message will be included in the thread. Unread messages will be in bold.
Sticky Note
If the green arrow is pointed to the right, the messages are condensed with one title. If you click on the arrow so it points down, then all messages in the thread will be displayed along with the author of the message (so if you want to read just one you can select it).
Sticky Note
After you post, you need to click 'update listing' in order to view what you just posted.

Organizer Page

http://elvis.sccd.ctc.edu:8900/SCRIPT/ACCT130LP/scripts/designer/serve_home?_homepage+view_page[11/30/2008 3:11:36 PM]


Text Box
When you click on the quiz icon you will be taken to the page with all of the quizzes for the quarter (as can be seen on the following page). Each quiz has a specific period of time during which you may take it, so be sure to take it in advance of the ending date/time. Each quiz is also timed - you have 30 minutes to complete the quiz - you will see a box in the upper right hand corner which says 'time remaining' that lets you know how much time you have left. The box also has a 'question status' which lets you know which questions are unanswered, answered, and answered but not saved. Be sure to save your answers as you go (you may still go back and change an answer, but this way if you have computer trouble it is not lost). When you are done with the quiz, click 'finish' and you will see your score and feedback.
The quizzes in this class consist of 10 questions - 5 multiple choice and 5 true/false

ACCT110LP - Learning System 4.1.6

http://elvis.sccd.ctc.edu:8900/SCRIPT/ACCT110LP/scripts/serve_home[11/30/2008 4:19:39 PM]

Control Panel

myBlackboard Resume Course Course Map Check Browser Log Out Help


View Designer Options

Quizzes and Surveys View class statistics for quizzes View scores for quizzes

0 Available 0 Due soon

Display: All quizzes and surveys Go November 30, 2008 4:17pm

Extra credit survey

Availability: October 20, 2008 12:00am - October 28, 2008 11:00pm

Status: Not taken

Chapters 3-4

Availability: September 27, 2008 12:00am - October 6, 2008 9:30pm

Duration: 30 minutes Grade: --- / 10

Attempts: 0 completed, 1 remaining View scores

Chapter 5

Availability: October 4, 2008 12:00am - October 12, 2008 9:30pm

Duration: 30 minutes Grade: --- / 10

Attempts: 0 completed, 1 remaining View scores

Chapter 6

Availability: October 11, 2008 12:00am - October 19, 2008 9:30pm

Duration: 30 minutes Grade: --- / 10

Attempts: 0 completed, 1 remaining View scores

Chapters 7-8

Availability: October 24, 2008 12:00am - November 2, 2008 9:30pm

Duration: 30 minutes Grade: --- / 10

Attempts: 0 completed, 1 remaining View scores

Chapter 9

Availability: November 1, 2008 12:00am - November 9, 2008 9:30pm

Duration: 30 minutes Grade: --- / 10

Attempts: 0 completed, 1 remaining View scores

Chapter 12

Availability: November 8, 2008 12:00am - November 16, 2008 9:30pm

Duration: 30 minutes Grade: --- / 10

Attempts: 0 completed, 1 remaining View scores

Chapter 13

Availability: November 15, 2008 12:00am - November 23, 2008 9:30pm

Duration: 30 minutes Grade: --- / 10

Attempts: 0 completed, 1 remaining View scores

This will remind you if a quiz is due!