hemochromatosis disorder of iron metabolism leading to progressive iron loading mainly involving the...

Hemochromatosis Disorder of iron metabolism leading to progressive iron loading mainly involving the parenchymal cells of the liver, pancreas and heart. When the disease is fully developed, organ structure and function are impaired as a consequence of the toxic effect of the free iron component

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Post on 01-May-2015




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Page 1: Hemochromatosis Disorder of iron metabolism leading to progressive iron loading mainly involving the parenchymal cells of the liver, pancreas and heart


• Disorder of iron metabolism leading to progressive iron loading mainly involving the parenchymal cells of the liver, pancreas and heart.

• When the disease is fully developed, organ structure and function are impaired as a consequence of the toxic effect of the free iron component

Page 2: Hemochromatosis Disorder of iron metabolism leading to progressive iron loading mainly involving the parenchymal cells of the liver, pancreas and heart

Hemochromatosis Primary iron overload

Hereditary hemochromatosis (HH)– HFE-associated HH (C282Y) (AR)– Non HFE-associated HH

• TfR2 mutations (AR)• Ferroportin mutations (AD)• Other mutations...

– Juvenile H– Solomon Islands HH (AD)

African (Sub-Saharian) H– Heredity not yet characterised

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Secondary iron overload

– Chronic anemias– Thalassemia major– Sideroblastic anemia– Congenital atransferrinemia– Aceruloplasminemia– Porfiria cutanea tarda– Polymetabolic syndrome

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Assorbimento ~ 1 mg/die

Perdite ~ 1 mg/die

Tessuti (mioglobina-enzimi)

140 mg - ~ 1 mg

Trasporto (transferrina)

3 mg

Serie eritroide (emoglobina)

2500 mg

Scorte (fegato, SRE)

(ferritina ed emosiderina) 100 / 400 mg - 1000mg

1,5-2 mg/die

Page 5: Hemochromatosis Disorder of iron metabolism leading to progressive iron loading mainly involving the parenchymal cells of the liver, pancreas and heart


• L’emocromatosi genetica, trasmessa con carattere autosomico recessivo, è caratterizzata da sovraccarico di ferro, a carico degli organi parenchimali.

• Il gene (HFE) responsabile è localizzato sul braccio corto del cromosoma 6, con due mutazioni importanti: - C282Y - H63D

• La proteina HFE è situata a livello delle cripte intestinali in associazione con la beta-2 microglobulina ed il recettore della transferrina.

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Fe3+ Fe2+






Fe2+ FerroportinFe3+



Vascular lumenTransferrin receptor (TfR)


Iron absorption

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• La proteina mutata induce un aumento dell’assorbimento intestinale del ferro.

• Il quadro clinico si manifesta: nei soggetti omozigoti (C282Y+/+) (60-100%) nei soggetti con doppia eterozigosi (10%)

• Il 5% della popolazione normale presenta uno stato di eterozigosi per le due mutazioni C282Y eH63D

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Genotype / PhenotypeGenotype Prevalence (%) Usual phenotype

G. Pop. HH

C282Y (+/+) 0.5 60-100 HH with variable grade of expression

C282Y (+/-) 13 3 Normal

H63D (+/+) 2 2 NormalRisk of iron overload < 0.2%

H63D (+/-) 25 2-3 Normal

C282Y/H63D 4 4 Normal:0.5-1.0% mild iron overload

Wild type 60-90 0-36 Normal Remember non-HFE associated HH !!


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Factors influencing phenotypic Factors influencing phenotypic expression of HH (liver damage)expression of HH (liver damage)

- Alcohol abuse- Anti HCV-positivity- HBsAg positivity- -thalassemia trait


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Aumentato assorbimento di


Sovraccarico di ferro epatico

Effetto sul DNA epatico

Perossidazione lipidica delle membrane

Necrosi cellulare

Fibrosi Cirrosi


Aumentata sintesi di collagene nelle

cellule stellate

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Il quadro clinico diventa evidente tra IV e V decade di vita ed è caratterizzato da :

epatomegalia 65%

iperpigmentazione cutanea 35%

diabete mellito 25%

cardiomiopatia dilatativa 20%

ipogonadismo ipogonadotropo 20%

poliartrite cronica 10-15%

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Page 13: Hemochromatosis Disorder of iron metabolism leading to progressive iron loading mainly involving the parenchymal cells of the liver, pancreas and heart


Page 14: Hemochromatosis Disorder of iron metabolism leading to progressive iron loading mainly involving the parenchymal cells of the liver, pancreas and heart

DIAGNOSI• Il sospetto diagnostico di emocromatosi si basa sulla

storia familiare, le manifestazioni cliniche, l’aumento della percentuale di saturazione della transferrina (vn 40%) e della ferritina sierica (vn 200 ng/mL nelle femmine, 300 ng/mL nei maschi)

• Un’iperferritinemia può essere riscontrata anche in corso di processi infettivi, neoplastici o nell’abuso alcolico; è pertanto un insieme di dati che suggerisce la diagnosi di emocromatosi

• Biopsia epatica / RMN (Hepatic Iron Index): - età > 40 aa - transaminasi elevate - ferritina serica > 1.000 ng/ml

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• L’accumulo di ferro a livello epatico porta allo sviluppo di cirrosi e delle sue complicanze

• La più frequente causa di morte è l’epatocarcinoma,

che si sviluppa su fegato cirrotico, specie a partire dai cosiddetti “foci ferro- privi”, che vanno considerati lesioni pre-neoplastiche

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• Il sospetto di emocromatosi trova definitiva conferma nella biopsia epatica, con valutazione del contenuto di ferro parenchimale

• Nelle fasi precoci della malattia: - siderosi è prevalente negli epatociti; - interessamento più tardivo delle cellule del sistema reticolo-endoteliale; - accumulo di ferro con distribuzione periportale

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• La malattia esordisce più frequentemente tra la IV e la V decade di vita, in relazione al lungo tempo necessario perché il ferro raggiunga concentrazioni tali da condizionare insufficienza funzionale degli organi colpiti. La malattia conclamata è prevalente nei maschi.

• Il quadro clinico è manifesto solo nei soggetti omozigoti, mentre negli eterozigoti è silente anche in presenza di cofattori (virus, alcol, ecc)

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• La proteina mutata induce un aumento dell’assorbimento intestinale del ferro.

• Il quadro clinico si manifesta: nei soggetti omozigoti (C282Y+/+) (60-100%) nei soggetti con doppia eterozigosi (10%)

• Variabilità fenotipica: omozigoti C282Y+/+ senza fenotipo di HH omozigoti C282Y -/- con fenotipo di HH

• Il 5% della popolazione normale presenta uno stato di eterozigosi per le due mutazioni C282Y eH63D

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• L’emocromatosi genetica, trasmessa con carattere autosomico recessivo, è caratterizzata da sovraccarico di ferro, a carico degli organi parenchimali.

• Il gene (HFE) responsabile è localizzato sul braccio corto del cromosoma 6, con due mutazioni importanti.

• Il gene è in stretta vicinanza con il complesso HLA; si ha una stretta associazione con l’antigene HLA-A3 (fino al 75%) e con minor frequenza con gli antigeni B7 e B14

Page 20: Hemochromatosis Disorder of iron metabolism leading to progressive iron loading mainly involving the parenchymal cells of the liver, pancreas and heart

Iron MetabolismIron MetabolismCirculating erythrocytes

Erythroid Hepatocytes R E cells

bone marrow

Tf (plasma)

Other GI iron absorptioncells

Page 21: Hemochromatosis Disorder of iron metabolism leading to progressive iron loading mainly involving the parenchymal cells of the liver, pancreas and heart

HH- Approximate prevalence in HH- Approximate prevalence in comparison with other autosomal recessive comparison with other autosomal recessive

diseasesdiseasesDisease Homozygote (q2) Mutant gene(q)

Heterozygote (2pq)*

HH 1:400 1:20 1:10

1ATD 1:600 1:40 1:20

CF 1:2500 1:50 1:25

PKU 1:10.000 1:100 1:50

WD 1:100.000 1:300 1:150

*Hardy-Weimberg equilibrium

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HH - Gene(s) and disease(s)HH - Gene(s) and disease(s)

HH Type 1 2A 2B 3 4

Chr. 6 1 19 7 2


Mut. C282Y ND Hepc TfR 2 FPN 1

Page 23: Hemochromatosis Disorder of iron metabolism leading to progressive iron loading mainly involving the parenchymal cells of the liver, pancreas and heart

HH - FrequencyHH - Frequency

# / 1000 95% CI

Overall 4.5 (3.3-5.8)

Caucasians 5.4 (4.0-7.1)

Male / Female ratio 1.8 : 1

Page 24: Hemochromatosis Disorder of iron metabolism leading to progressive iron loading mainly involving the parenchymal cells of the liver, pancreas and heart

Type 1 HH ( HFE - HH )

Late onset

Prevalent in males

Low penetrance


Intestinal iron absorption not maximal

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Cloned in 1996Located 4.5 Mb telomeric to the HLA-A locus on chromosome 6Encodes an HLA-class Ib proteinTwo missense mutations described:

Cys 282 Tyr ( C 282 Y ) 60-100% +/+ in clinical HH

His 63 Asp ( H 63 D )

5% of the general population: compound heterozygosityC282Y/H63D

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Problems to be considered for C282Y mutation

C 282 Y + / + without phenotipic expressed

C 282 Y - / - with fully developed disease

Possible role of :- other mutation (s) on the same gene- other gene(s) - cofactor(s)

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C282Y: Penetrance

It depends upon: age, sex and evaluated population ( 1-70% for males in different studies )

Genotype: it indicates the susceptibility to the disease

The concurrent role of genetic and environmental factors are mandatory

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HH- Clinical findings (I)HH- Clinical findings (I)• “Classical” presentation with liver disease, diabetes and

pigmentation occurs now in less than 5% !

• Pre-symptomatic stage always more frequent due to:- General population screening- Incidental finding- Family screening- Screening of groups at higher risk for HH

• Symptomatic stage: significant relation between liver iron concentration and clinical findings

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HH- Clinical findings (II)HH- Clinical findings (II)- Chronic parenchymal liver disease, including HCC

- Cardiomyopathy and/or arrhythmias

- Diabetes mellitus type I and II

- Impotence, loss of libido

- Amenorrhea / Infertility

- Anterior pituitary failure

- Arthritis and arthralgia (particularly in association with chondrocalcinosis)

- Inappropriately increased skin pigmentation

- Porphyria cutanea tarda

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HH - Groups at higher riskHH - Groups at higher risk

• Siblings of HH probands

• Patients with:– Diffusely increased skin pigmentation– Dilative cardiomyopathy– Diabetes mellitus (especially NID)– Arthropathy of non obvious rheumatologic


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HH - DiabetesHH - Diabetes

Diabetics (# 894) Controls (# 467)

M/F (#) 418 / 476 234 / 233

Age (yrs, mean+SD) 62+9 60+11

HH (#) 12 (NIDDM) 1

% (95% CI) 1.34 (0.7-2.3) 0.2 (0.01-1.1)

ODD RATIO HH / DIABETES 6.3 (95% C I 1.1-37.7)