hendrik viii

1. Henry VIII – Son of Henry VII who married 6 times.

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Page 1: Hendrik VIII

1. Henry VIII – Son of Henry VII who married 6 times.

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2. Arthur – Henry’s older brother who died in 1502. He was also married to Catherine of Aragon.

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3. Catholic – Henry VIII began his reign as a ….. He wrote a

book defending the Pope against the ideas of Martin Luther.

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4. Divorce –The legal ending of a marriage.

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5. Annulment – a word to describe a marriage as null and void (cancelled).

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6. Legitimate –a child whose parents were married when the child is born.

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7. illegitimate –A child whose parents are not married when the child is born.

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8.Heir –Person who becomes the Monarch next.

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9. Anne Boleyn – Henry VIII wanted to divorce Catherine of Aragon to


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10. Pope – Henry VIII first asked the …. for a divorce in 1527 – but he said no.

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11. Head – In 1534 Henry VIII declared himself …. of the Church of

England and got a divorce.

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12. Elizabeth – In 1533 Anne Boleyn gave birth to ?

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13. Executed – Henry VIII …….. Anne Boleyn by beheading.

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14. Jane Seymour – In 1537 she died after

giving birth to Edward.

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15. Son – Between 1509 and 1537 Henry VIII was desperate for a ?

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16. Catherine of Aragon – Henry VIII’s 1st wife. Married

1509, she had been married to Arthur, Henry’s brother.

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17. Economic – This word means to do with money.

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18. Political – This is a reason to do with power.

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19. Pope Clement VII – In 1527 Henry VIII asked him for a divorce.

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20. Defender of the Faith – Title given to Henry

VIII by Pope Leo X for writing a book (Defence of the Seven Sacraments, 1. Baptism 2. Eucharist 3. Reconciliation 4. Confirmation 5. Marriage 6. Holy

Orders and 7. Anointing of the Sick) defending the Catholic Church in 1521.

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21. Emperor Charles V – Nephew of Catherine of Aragon. I’m the most powerful man in Europe, the Holy Roman Emperor. I own parts of

Germany, Holland, Spain & Italy. If the Pope arranges the divorce of my niece, Catherine, I’ll invade the Pope’s lands in Italy. So watch out!

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22. Elizabeth of York – Henry VIII’s mother.

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23. Henry VII – The first Tudor The first Tudor monarch who reigned from 1485-monarch who reigned from 1485-1509. He became king after 1509. He became king after winning the Battle of Bosworth in winning the Battle of Bosworth in 1485.1485.

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24. Parliament – Made up of the Made up of the King and important men; a place King and important men; a place to talk (from the French parler, ‘to to talk (from the French parler, ‘to talk’). talk’).

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25. Treason – When a person tries to When a person tries to plot against the king or queen. Usually it is plot against the king or queen. Usually it is with the intention of helping another personwith the intention of helping another person

become the monarch.become the monarch.

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26. Cardinal Wolsey – Lord Chancellor and Henry VIII’s chief advisor – died in 1530

after falling out of favour with Henry.

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27. Sir Thomas Cromwell – (c.

1485 – 28 July 1540) was an English statesman who served as King Henry VIII’s chief minister from 1532 to 1540. ,,,,,,,, rose to such power because he was one of the strongest advocates of the English Reformation, the English Church's break with the papacy in Rome. This break was vital to King Henry since he wanted his marriage to Catherine of Aragon declared null so he could marry Anne Boleyn.

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28. Mary Rose – Built in Portsmouth (1509-10) she

was thought to be named after Henry VIII’s sister Mary and the rose, the Tudor emblem. She was one of the earliest purpose-built warships to

serve in the Royal Navy. She displaced 500 tons (700 tons after 1536), was 38.5 m long and 11.7 m beam and her crew consisted of 200 sailors, 185 soldiers, and 30 gunners. After serving for over thirty years, she sank

in the Solent during an engagement with the French fleet on 19 July 1545. Flagship of Henry VIII sank in 1545- but raised in 1982.

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29. Dissolution of the Monasteries – The

administrative and legal processes between 1536 and 1541 by which Henry VIII disbanded ……….., nunneries and friaries in England, Wales and Ireland; appropriated their income, disposed of their assets and provided for their former members. He was given the authority to do this in England and Wales by the Act of Supremacy, passed by Parliament in 1534, which made him Supreme Head of the

Church in England; and by the (1536) and the Second Suppression Act (1539).

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30. Hampton Court Palace – Henry VIII lived here in London.

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31. Mary I – Eldest child of Henry VIII – born in 1516 and only surviving child of Catherine of Aragon.

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33. English Reformation – The English Reformation was the series of events in

16th century England by which the Church of England first broke away from the authority of the

Pope and the Roman Catholic Church.

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34. Henry FitzRoy – Bessie Blount gave birth to Henry’s only illegitimate son that he

recognized; born in 1519 but he died in 1536.