henningsenmotou sales wf!.----- -.—...

GAUDET-RO GERS TO BE AT CIRCUS HERE When the Harnett Bros. Three Tt liiB Circus exhibits in ' Port Jeff er- son on I-Miln y, July 17 , they will have with them some of the greatest circus performer s on the road to- day, among them being tho famous Paudet-IlOBers troupe of acrlallsts. Jlr. Gaudet Is one of the four people in the world that does a somersault on a tight wire stretched liigh in t he air. . . i ' } The performance , from the grand open ing, "Miss Universe ," using over one hundred people ond ani- mals, to the final act when J lr. Cor- nel l slides on a wire from the roof of the tent to tbe ground , stand ing on his head, and using nei ther bal- ancing pole or umbrella , is a glor- ious feast of thrills and pleasu re. 7f you have the pleasure ot seeing the Barne lt Bros. Circus this sea- son, you will no doubt be surprised to se«. > t hree preat unusual pals thai are constantly together from morn- ing until night. Princ e, a Canadian great Dane do. cr, who has won many cups and ribbons at various dog shows throughout the Dominion of Canada , and Snookle , a fu ll grow n horse , standing 34 inches In height nnd just one Inch talle r than his pal , Prince Jutile , the bab y ele- phant, and his pals present a unique and awe-Inspirin g display ot almost human Intelligence , consisting ol var ious routines of dances , drills. poses, mid other difficult executio n - .iroly ever afro iiiiiMshed by animals. Tho management of the circus has •leveled a tremendous sum of money nn d time to seeuro the b«st train- ers ava ilable to produce . Ibis act, which I. i the only one of its kind r «• be fore tlio public. This act Is n o of tin- feature animal acts of ,..l\oil ern nuK :md has no oillial. A special car has been provided lo transport these three rals with trainers and attendants from town to to wn nnd can only lie seen with H arnett llrfis. Circus tills year nt To rt Jefferson on July 17. Elephant , Horse and Dog Become Circus Pals MIDDLE ISLAND Mrs. Marlha Kdwanls ami Mrs . Kuiileo Potty nro ocouvying tin- hoiiicsloml In Swozcylowri for tin 1 summer. Tho l.\ ... of tlio stra w liorrios in this cordon vero plo ' iioil on tho fourth of July wliidi is very im- Uual having thorn hold out so Into. Tli.i iiiThiii' i lii. 'i. -' in [hi. - - vlrlnili say the avilos nro ilrnp l'liig very liiully, siuvi o ol.tiiuur- tin > will h;i" mi . frnll nl nil. XVIillo vl-irliio U':is lilni. -:il ii iii.l ri;.! In Mow Yuri , a fow itish ls ago wo notleoil n siniill miok pull in from North C-iTnllnn with a load of lui elilolii'i-rlos , Tho driver a ssured ns ho bail ilrivon nil tho way ihrouch. n dlstauoo of ovor i ' il(» miles. l>ls- ' aiH -o pr oves no barrier hi hauling pro duce l o tlio Now Vork lmirkots in those days of low prl eod trucks ntul cheap operating t >M »«'iiM-s, Mr. an d Mrs. Paul llmik and Mrs . Alico llnUlfiti 'lu loll Saturday for a mo tor trip through Now Vorl c and I' niindn. l.oHoy AlWn la com liming Ills similes ibis suiiiinor with a course n t Noir Vorli I' lilvorsl ly. , - Henry Dloffon lmcli hits sold his plac e on lli«> Wodnl g 11 Ivor Hollow roa d to Mrs. John iluttor of Blue Point. Tlie tourlh of Jul y wan celebrated In our onco quiet hamlet by a nevor - ending I mil of aulas passin g; through and by four aniwili ups on the Mid- dle Country road which nenl «i>vornl people to honpltnls. Dr. William S, Snillli is havin g additional bathrooms Installed 'at Lon gwoorl and other Improv ements made. Herbert Benjamin doing t ho carpenter vork. A VonUor o mwi who read In Lon e InUitd' t Sunrise HomolMid book that Ixing Inland hat all the ocean front of New York State , anile Iho L, I. Chamber of Commerce how lo get to thooo famous "bottl o neeki " ho has heard ao much about. MST SEIAME T To day and Yesterday Nearly three centu ries have gone bv since Iho tide mill was working in tho crce K nt Ea st Setauket, grinding I ho plon oor settlers ' grain. The name of Brewster became associated with tholr work when Joseph. 1st , step- ped In and took over some of tho upland on the west side of this cove with the meadow, Ihe mill hod for- merly stood on. Seve nty or more years ngo , 't he line of the mill dam along the north- erly cdee of the meadow could be traced . The old emban kment had not t hen all disa ppeared nnd here and there wns to be seen a stake tha t had been sharpened and drive n down alon g; its center , showing that at some former period a wator fence had stood there. The First Settlers The first settlors In the townshi p could net do without a mill , which was finally provided for them on the west side. They were endowed with courage and had a love for adven - ture and it was said on favorabl e occas ions would bag up their grain , put lt into rowboat s and then row across the Sound to the mainlan d where tliey got their grain prepared to supply the needs in their home pantries. Was it one of these trips that he-Iped the first Joseph Bre w- ster to set acquainted with the clrl ho marrie d. Who knows? It Is said that prior to her mar - r iage, she was a, native and lived in New Millford. Con n. Mr. Brewster an d his wife were the first whose re- ma ins were laid to rest in the fam- ily burial ground he had set aside near their home. First Public School in 1687 The town records slow tha t at a legal town meeting leld July IS, 16S7, it was voted lo have a public school established in the settlement, and that the trustee s "agree with Mr. Fraacls Williamson to teach the school for 30 pounds a year, " 20 of it to be paid by the children. More anon. It 's the Fourth of July parade where the horse comes in. Mechani- cal machines can ' t match him. When you are going to tak« part lay the " old flivver " aside and get a hor se, fat and gentle, but seasoned with a little " jiep. " Let us take of our hats to our old friend, tbe horse , and encourage oats where they are try- ing to keep pac e with gasoline. Ever since tho Declaration of In- lientnd cnce was written the Village Green at Setauket on the morn ing of tho Fourth , has been the center of many an interesting ; ana appro- priate celebration. The doings th ere Saturday show that it is keeping up with the times. - "Bob White " is now around the wheat tlelds whistling for his morn- ins and evening meals. The troubl e with '"nob" is. ho doesn 't find nea r- ly as many wheat fields to whistle around ns his grandfath ers did. "Bob" is a game bird , but if the m illionaire colonies are going to come in and sot the farmers aside thoy will have to provide wheat, for "Bob " or ho will get his little br ood toget her and follow the farmer s. There was a roclot and a Are cracker enter tainment in all parts of Ihe town last Saturday night to close the annual paulottc enter tain- ment and the boys and girls were all In It. V.liMiliant in Willow Lake A lecal baynian is s.iia io nave caught a shark In Selatikot recently. Sharks are dangerous to handle. "Willow Lake " was never known to contain any. Hut wo have heard tell of an elephant that once got in ther e and then used Its trunk so v igorously to bail out tho water anil mud "hat some ot i tie audience - that came lo get a front view were glad lo get mil of ran ge of n. This was before the days ot •'Jumbo ." and at a period when iho town fathers could give permission to travelin g showmen lo oxhll.lt on the Green. The town is again causing the gras s nnd weeds to- !>o inoive.! and rei nr.M -il from the sides of the main streets. Tin- product which has Mi r.ie value ciies u> those lhal ivill One of ihe former ViMin ' .i of July , vi).:s livi- i- was iru- a- ' .i'i'u oon !' . o:>< inn al the K .vt Setauket ' r.vi ng l> ,i:l. . w?i;e l} l:.i, ^ h, ,:) cut r . Tlie ;iarl: is umr used lo raise tviii -l.s in place ef t:u - l hor.-i-s. The liorsi-f are dead, nml If any of the men who owned and drove thein are alive they ,ivo probably wise enough le go way. hack and sit down in n ro cking chair and keep out of the wa y of things new used c.u mails and lac e I racks. EAST SETAUKET M r. and Mrs. Ji>& *(> Hulse we re entertained by th« 'lr dau ghter and son-in-law. Mr. nii el Mrs . Victo r Par- adise of Millers Place. M. S. Wlgh iiiinn has opened his house for the summer. Win. Ilryani spent Sunday Willi Mr. and Mrs. Viu . A. Hayes. Mrs. Emily S. Itopkln s and Mr. and Mrs. Prank Itowell enjoyed the weeik-end with Mr , and Mrn. Lewis, Snnlord of Snuihold. Mr , .Mid Hts riiu Ol Hnwlilns of Qutens VIU ig, . \ - as In town over Iho Pou rth , Kenneth Weji entertained frlenda Sunday. A largo parly from th e city were ent urtulned al tho Poulna farm at South Setauket over tho week-end. Wins Lottie Golden Is enjoying tho summer with her par ent * , Mr. and Mr *, D. L. Ooldcn. Sir *. Anna Seller of Now York wm a -visitor at the home of Mra, XL, Brock over tho fourth. Mr. and Mm. Albert Seller and little daughter, Dotty Ann , left for Ilrcoklyn after arjen dlng two week* wltli Mm. Seller ' ! mother , Un, R, Urock on Shore road. ' C01AM Tho Coram Commu nity House has had several improvements made re- cently, a boardwalk nnd railin g from the front door , a ne w sign of wel- come 1ms been l>ut up. The si gn bearing tho words Community House could be Improved by painting. There has also been some Inside work. J Ilss Dorothy Scha rft of Easlport visited her cousii.. Mrs . R. D. Still on Thursday. Miss Scharff recently gra duated from Plattsburg Normal School. She took Mr. and Mrs . Still to the Northport Veterans ' Hospital where he is receiving treatment , She re turned to her home In the after- noon accompanied by Mrs. Still and son , M iss Evelyn Glroux and Miss Dorothy Still , for a short visit, Edwi n Edwa rds recently pur ^ chased a new Ford coupe. Mrs. Charles J. R. Davis ol New Yor k who .has been spen ding a few weeks at the home of her husband' s paren ts, Mr. and. -Mrs. D. R. Da-vls, was overcome by the heat last Tu es- da y and was taken to the Ma ther Hosp ital for treatment where she is slowly recoverin g. ¦ Charles J. R. Davis spent several da ys in town last week. 1 The Epworth Lea gue gave a beac h part y at West Meadow Beach last Thursday night. Miss Virginia T>are was in charge of the arrangements. Mr. und Mrs. Jo hn Bacicnsky leave for Canada and other points of interest this week for a two weeks ' trip by motor. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Still and children Marlon and Norman ot Pa t- cho gue, enjoyed a trip to Savin Rock on Sunday. Mrs. Martha Edwards and Mrs. D. Elbert Petty of Brooklyn ar e spend ing the summer at their home in Swezeytown. / The wedding of Miss Beatrice Clifford of Yaphank and Mr. 'Wi lliam J. Ledig of Broo klyn was soleninired at Whispering Pines , the home of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Do Young: on June 7. Rev. Paul Nieswander offi- c iated. Mrs. Ledig was very popular with the younger set and has a host of friends who extend congratula- tions. Mr s. Daniel Roe Davis attended a meeting of the Mayflower Chapte r Daughters of the Revolution at the ighborhood House , Setauket , re- cent ly. MIDDLE ISLAND Mrs. Jason B&ndall spent last week In done Park visiting her faster. Anthony Zebrowski and family , ' £«F JB& BUSHED 1899 &K I ^ ~ I «& ^r^stsr ml ~lj Special - Ofieniig Ij n . Genuine Stone Jewelry gjj Hj H J ade , Cornelian, Lapis and Chalcedony 11 H9 | mounted in Kecklace s , Bracelets , Rings fcftj Sraj and Ear -Rings of the latest vogue. ij | b9 SENSA.TIONAL VALUES hj g H8 | at $3.50. $5.00 and $7.50 ||A M SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAYS l| H G.W. Fairchild & Sons , Inc. 1 J EWELERS AND STLVERSUT THS KSjj H MAIN AT ARCADE BRIDGEPORT |i , ;:ii:ira:nnii ;l:!li!3 : ' i,;n:!s::i "H:i't * , i ¦!¦ i.r. ic i- < n ; r Always Comfortabl y Cool - I V* *T!tatofM t Prudential Pl aqliaMr 1 ** fj | NOW PLAYING _ | I rawMbci. 1000 t o l you'll i I ™X * ^ ate ^t ' p.ct Se | s CAGNW you' ve seen th is | 1 lVAlVri»WP year - | | VAUDEVILLE | | _ stm. to wed. ^ . I I ^OhASESI i (ir Hou r I = RrRb HABBY CAREY and - I WsKKe EDWYNA BOOTH | i ffSJ&t The most stup endous | - 19EBK.achievemcnt in the his- 1 I On the Stage f 1 at Every Performance . i I BI G TIM E | | VAUDEV ILLE i f.lit;l'li.| I |.:1'«<li.s.l'l 1 I ¦ ¦.¦:¦ Ill ¦ 1 .1* ©02 X? ©WdBG' u 0 £ ' Durin g April , Ma y und \ June than in any | like period in Histor y ] X. HERE a re reason * for «bi»—Firestone is now build. j lug ihe Gr ** trst Tire Valots in history, with the result that *j Kr« tone fottories are operating 2- i hrrarfl a day, § days a' j ytttlk , lo««aeet pnUfc preference j This is the year everybod y scrn tiniziiig his purcha ses. 4 Thia is par ticolarl y true in tire baying because of the many j can! using and initJ eadiug statements made about tires. 4 To give car owners die facts, Firesto rm published com- j para gons showing «rn nlity, construction and prices. Then the $ pub lic came in—made their own comparisons with cross. j sec tions cut from Firestone tires—and from special brand !j maiS order tire * and others. A When they saw the fact * , they bought more Firestone q tire * during Apri l , May andft june than in any like period in 2 Fires tone Malory. i Dri ve in today and let oa show yon these Firestone Extra ' 3 Values and hare your car equipped for Safe , Trouble-Free H Summer Motoring. We can tare you money and terve you 1 teaer. ¦ \ _ . j ^ ¦^^^ Bbpwm ip' ^^ ^HHH Hjj ^^^ ^^^ ^^^BaBliB**^^^^^^ 1 OEDF TELO TYPE ¦ . j ii j, ' ' ' - ' » ' il * Oar SpMial J& O" SstcUl 55 ' , »* . Iff s M ^? ** * t4 g4t 15. SO-IC . jgj-55-} «4.t» »4.98 wo ggSSrrl .„ M : i ^I ^d. QaHaiil I taw t&W) »»73« I ;O m*l>c_ S^a S.60 *o. <stolcbt&». j . ii-so- ax 6.eo-i8 I PWi 5.** S.69 M1« O jr rAr—) xt ^ n<20 sl., 0 liSt 14 * . f c-oo-ia : i assSH *•« &iss ii* nBStr] xu^a u.40 mio : niaym i na»»rtaa.i gas?* , »•«">-«• KSfed *•» W5 ON t j SatU_ aI%Je usa z^ 5.0O- I* US4 I SSS!!r n™*"— m.»s u.65 »s.»o : n««i« f c.so-ao filSlfe - MB 6-9* *S^ « s " t*- ***• IS * 10 aM0 p«u«t_^ 7.op-«o - ; S Sf^^ r SgB£dl»*» l 15 -^! «*" : j | S y ** \ ,,,. 7ll0 «wm» mUCK amd PUS TIKg§ J3.35-S O fonr duSif Spidul OtirC nJi Wii«atti. ' , i.utt I 7.90 X5J 0 tuns ynu kuan a k-ric * :Ol onuUla.i 7 '*" I '**" ^^ Eua Hall Or- P« Pair I c.at-aa. 1 i '*" ""¦* ____ ' . j nidi W a57 ** .7» nJt ^ ,»,.,, $17.95 SS4. -o! !s,5C-S0 i irttnn— *M * 29-75 S7.»<> ! !¦* _"'¦ 1 ,,, .,, „_, icitnjj SW.t» S2.VS *_-70 , ay-— } aw j MB *7-a* "^" SEC -gJS 1SSS Bf.Wj COMPARE CONSTRUCTION and QUAL.tr I ri mlmi kAtNdi ] __, FlmtH i kAtMtlil t-.4^«t ««• ra •-»-« •¦» -vr saws _ . . _. i ' » " Tfimniili Tn r Uave Bublier V-m_e , c«.lD. «W «« Volume , cu, In. **S «*T MM K Wd st-t ,, Itor aWets ht , pmu-b . . ' , S**t XS.TB pound. . . . »*« «**• HmVU * , MwraWldtu , ? _ _„ __. li«Iu _rV I , AVS 4.74 tache. . . . »*0 «H4 Mar alMilmMa . Mfwi _«-ta -*i , todwa . ' . . Mtl -tit Indie - . . . «M» WM * _ntn_.li. * $ ItonFUMM T— . V IiwMh , , «UH mfo to—H rita . . W - ««oWi»4» I I ,. ,,-»¦. . ' -„ ¦!¦« i 7 iili awi iii ¦ ! ¦¦ -¥—nm_ - --i i iti ir i ni—Trrrr -M I *A *^««_l ll«_** lIi-faj-»44i lr r« Bia_ia r«t«r- «r ff«r <UalrU«ton Out 4ut» »ot HilWr Mw __uafact -Tt!r to Uae paU lc , wtmMr k-eaau * Iw WUt Ho "-••! < »»l»y " t ire * •¦¦»» "* *~* **"*• I n ¦ ¦ ' -¦! i l " i »" ¦ ' ' ' " —————»« »—aw——— ¦-»* PORT JEFFERSON AUTO SALES INC. ihh» mmauHO * btation HENNINGSENMOTOU SALES , INC. MMKt tlOmWUf ai BlvmON COMMUNITY SEEVICE STATION mm tamoom. eas_m__________________ i________a____aBi .... .. >.. !...¦.¦¦. .¦. ...... J ¦ i|H|l,«...||| II 111 ,1 11/ , tttii ll'H III f ij 'ltl 11 a' I i 'l 'l I 'l I lillll ll n m r9 aa i n at'i'i'ii ' { \ FOR SALE :! Sur plus of | j SALT GLAZED TERRA COTTA | T in perfect condition t " ' T " ' , T t < T ' . T X ; This material is excellent for t Gara ges , Dairies , Bathrooms f ATTRACTIVE PRICE I T •¦ _t «• ¦ i ¦ X ¦; For pa rticuUrB apply to J j; TURNER CONSTRUCTION f COMPANY I : ij PilRTim State HospiUl Project | i j TeL Bmitwood 31Q Brentwood, L. L, N. Y. | :5 l lr lM * »WI»< »M » » »» rMM » t t»> W»i HriW ll O »»l»V ^a ve moved to Hur.ti ss- .on and will occup y ihe residential propenv he purchased last t ' . irinc. Mrs. Tiioinas Bayles ani childre n hare bita spea-Jin c a few da ys at t he noil * -of her aunt. Mrs. Howard Benjamin at East Moriche s. The D. A. it. i prizes for the best- essays venciros ' Sa the East Middle School l,y Pr ices Steirart , first; Adam Ti "eber ; serood . an d Rose Dep- ta , school pr3je. - -n- CSI'^ iDOKiGJiM'J'f ^'*^*'! " PORT JEFFERSON THEATRE i Today (Friday) | ! Victor McLa g len, Ed- | ! mund Lowe , El Bre ndel % ! Fifi Dorsay t . : 'Women of all nations ' | | BO&m TARBJNGXON'8 J- Lewis Stone, Irene Bich | ! Also $ I TIM McCOX * tu^ j Si^m t - MATE NEE 2;30 f Sunda y , Jul y 12 | l ^ mmmB- 1 . H' 'POINTS "f. sS^^ FayWrir !«"!•» Toobiey T F^^ H RoVlEmoH-O^.tGiM* X hiSr? w mmn I EbISK SW W- X^ S-mln (••Unci 2 . (i HRVafci "TH I or WH f itmof i wf £ |iX__E3rl w- n.0uT.ca . *. -_ lwa (A»ik ...J-ii mi caisair) j. E ¦J.^Sf * R'- * i__*- ' >^*«« * ¦! I i a x | SIon .r July-43 ——g— I BANKHEAD J i 11 "BROOK I j I v%mIi/ted£ac/A | 5 ii d gmaaouiu QtaxB ' % t 1 % Tucs., Jul y 14 | |I . MR. GEORGE 1{ rS! fa "^ra ra _p<2sa Qr j f, J_ Kl3S^ Ii i i /wiosioire i ' RU IVALYM KHAPP OAV1P M\, ¦ ' tr _ MUKN tnS .JUMtSCAOMCIf 1,-J. . "*$ llOAIIBI tliy J.F»r!lCll r<a. . < ?i5 JIttU . fl.Olir. -ICt AK1SE ; " J,. ' BSS l «m.|.ni «lp,M«» .J Kl . ;sa ¦" . - * ,*• ,. ¦ Wed., July 15 i| I r^l____ ^B^^ »I» 'li^^ _w U ^fc. ^-HHI. . i " Titurs., July 1C ;; N ' ii Ramon "" " CMRRO i W fMsi !.-----_-.—«;sw~w~>i ,

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Page 1: HENNINGSENMOTOU SALES Wf!.----- -.— Ms«;sw~w~i>inyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn88075685/1931-07... · nell slides on a wire from the roof of the tent to tbe ground , stand ing


When the Harnett Bros. ThreeTt liiB Circus exhibits in ' Port Jeff er-son on I-Miln y, July 17 , they willhave with them some of the greatestcircus performer s on the road to-day, among them being tho famousPaudet-IlOBers troupe of acrlallsts.Jlr. Gaudet Is one of the four peoplein the world that does a somersaulton a tight wire stretched liigh int he air. . • . i'}

The performance , from the grandopen ing, "Miss Universe ," usingover one hundred people ond ani-mals, to the final act when J lr. Cor-nel l slides on a wire from the roofof the tent to tbe ground , stand ingon his head, and using nei ther bal-ancing pole or umbrella , is a glor-ious feast of thrills and pleasu re.

7f you have the pleasure ot seeingthe Barne lt Bros. Circus this sea-son, you will no doubt be surprisedto se«.> t hree preat unusual pals thaiare constantly together from morn-ing until night. Princ e, a Canadiangreat Dane do.cr, who has won manycups and ribbons at various dogshows throughout the Dominion ofCanada , and Snookle , a fu ll grownhorse , standing 34 inches In heightnnd just one Inch talle r than hispal , Prince Jutile , the bab y ele-phant, and his pals present a uniqueand awe-Inspirin g display ot almosthuman Intelligence , consisting olvar ious routines of dances , drills.poses, mid other difficult executio n-.iroly ever afro iiiiiMshed by animals.

Tho management of the circus has•leveled a tremendous sum of moneynn d time to seeuro the b«st train-ers ava ilable to produce . Ibi s act ,which I.i the only one of its kindr «• be fore tlio public. This act Is

no of tin- feature animal acts of,..l\oil ern nuK :md has no oillial.

A special car has been providedlo transport these three rals withtrainers and attendants from townto to wn nnd can only lie seen withH arnett llrfis. Circus tills year ntTort Jefferson on July 17.

Elephant , Horse and DogBecome Circus Pals

MIDDLE ISLANDMrs. Marlha Kdwanls ami Mrs .

Kuiileo Potty nro ocouvying tin -hoiiicsloml In Swozcylowri for tin 1summer.

Tho l.\ ... of tlio stra w liorrios inthis cordon vero plo 'iioil on thofourth of July wliidi is very im-Uual having thorn hold out so Into.

Tli.i iiiThiii' i l i i . ' i . - ' in [hi . - - v l r ln i l isay the avi los nro ilrnp l ' liig veryliiully, siuvio ol.tiiuur- tin > w i l l h ;i"mi.frnll nl ni l .

XVIil lo v l - i r l i i o U':is l i ln i .- :il ii iii . l r i ; .!In Mow Yuri , a fow itish ls ago wonotleoil n siniill miok pull in fromNorth C-iTnllnn with a load oflui elilolii' i-rlos , Tho driver a ssured nsho bail ilrivon nil tho way ihrouch.n dlstauoo of ovor i' il(» miles. l>ls-'aiH -o pr oves no barrier hi haulingpro duce lo tlio Now Vork lmirkotsin those days of low prl eod trucksntul cheap operating t>M »«' iiM -s,

Mr. an d Mrs. Paul llmik and Mrs .Alico llnUlfiti 'lu loll Saturday for amotor trip through Now Vorl c andI'niindn.

l.oHoy AlWn la com liming Illssimiles ibis suiiiinor with a coursen t Noir Vorli I' lilvorsl ly.

,- Henry Dloffon lmcli hits sold hisplac e on lli«> Wodnl g 11 Ivor Hollowroa d to Mrs. John iluttor of BluePoint.

Tlie tourlh of Jul y wan celebratedIn our onco quiet hamlet by a nevor -ending I mil of aulas passin g; throughand by four aniwili ups on the Mid-dle Country road which nenl «i>vornlpeople to honpltnls.

Dr. William S, Snillli is havin gadditional bathrooms Installed 'atLon gwoorl and other Improv ementsmade. Herbert Benjamin l» doingt ho carpenter vork.

A VonUor o mwi who read In LoneInUitd' t Sunrise HomolMid book thatIxing Inland hat all the ocean frontof New York State , anile Iho L, I.Chamber of Commerce how lo getto thooo famous "bottl o neeki" hohas heard ao much about.

MSTSEIAME TToday and YesterdayNearly three centu ries have gone

bv since Iho tide mill was working intho crce K nt East Setauket, grindingI ho plon oor settlers ' grain. The nameof Brewster became associated withtholr work when Joseph. 1st , step-ped In and took over some of thoupland on the west side of this covewith the meadow, Ihe mill hod for-merly stood on.

Seventy or more years ngo , 't heline of the mill dam along the north-erly cdee of the meadow could betraced . The old emban kment had notthen all disappeared nnd here andthere wns to be seen a stake tha thad been sharpened and drive ndown alon g; its center , showing thatat some for mer period a wator fencehad stood there.

The First SettlersThe first settlors In the townshi p

could net do without a mill , whichwas finally provided for them on thewest side. They were endowed withcourage and had a love for adven -ture and it was said on favorabl eoccas ions would bag up their grain ,put lt into rowboat s and then rowacross the Sound to the mainlan dwhere tliey got their grain preparedto supply the needs in their homepantries. Was it one of these tripsthat he-Iped the first Joseph Brew-ster to set acquainted with the clrlho marrie d. Who knows?

It Is said that prior to her mar -riage, she was a, native and lived inNew Millford. Conn. Mr. Brewsteran d his wife were the first whose re-mains were laid to rest in the fam-ily burial ground he had set asidenear their home.

First Public School in 1687The town records slow tha t at a

legal town meeting leld July IS,16S7, it was voted lo have a publicschool established in the settlement,and that the trustee s "agree withMr. Fraacls Williamson to teach theschool for 30 pounds a year, " 20 ofit to be paid by the children. Moreanon.

It 's the Fourth of July paradewhere the horse comes in. Mechani-cal machines can 't match him. Whenyou are going to tak« part lay the"old flivver " aside and get a hor se,fat and gentle , but seasoned with alittle "jiep." Let us take of our hatsto our old friend, tbe horse , andencourage oats where they are try-ing to keep pace with gasoline.

Ever since tho Declaration of In-lientnd cnce was written the VillageGreen at Setauket on the morn ingof tho Fourth , has been the centerof many an interesting ; ana appro-priate celebration. The doings thereSaturday show that it is keeping upwith the times. -

"Bob White " is now around thewheat tlelds whistling for his morn-ins and evening meals. The troubl ewith '"nob" is. ho doesn't find near-ly as many wheat fields to whistlearound ns his grandfath ers did."Bob" is a game bird , but if them illionaire colonies are going tocome in and sot the farmers asidethoy will have to provide wheat, for"Bob " or ho will get his little br oodtoget her and follow the farmer s.

There was a roclot and a Ar ecracker enter tainment in all partsof Ihe town last Saturday night toclose the annual paulottc enter tain-ment and the boys and girls wereall In It.

V.liMiliant in Willow LakeA lecal baynian is s.iia io nave

caught a shark In Selatikot recently.Sharks are dangerous to handle."Willow Lake " was never known tocontain any. Hut wo have heard tellof an elephant that once got inther e and then used Its trunk sov igorously to bail out tho water anilmud "hat some ot itie audience - thatcame lo get a front view were gladlo get mil of ran ge of n. This wasbefore the days ot •'Jumbo ." and ata period when iho town fatherscould give permission to travelin gshowmen lo oxhll.lt on the Green.

The town is again causing thegras s nnd weeds to - !>o inoive.! andrei nr.M - il from the sides of the mainstreets . Tin- product which hasMir .ie value ciies u> those lhal ivill

One of ihe former ViMin '.i of July, v i ) . : s livi - i- was iru- a- '.i'i'u oon !'.o:><inn al the K .vt Setauket ' r.vi ngl> ,i:l. . w ? i;e l} l:.i, h , , :) cut r .

Tlie ;iarl: is umr used lo raisetviii -l.s in place ef t:u -l hor.-i-s. Theliorsi -f are dead, nml If any of themen who owned and drove thein arealive they ,ivo probably wise enoughle go way . hack and sit down in nro cking chair and keep out of thewa y of things new used c.u mails an dlac e I racks.

EAST SETAUKETM r. and Mrs. Ji>& *(> Hulse were

entertained by th« ' lr dau ghter andson-in-law. Mr. nii el Mrs . Victo r Par-adise of Millers Place.

M. S. Wlgh iiiinn has opened hishouse for the summer.

Win. Ilryani spent Sunday WilliMr. and Mrs. Viu . A. Hayes.

Mrs. Emily S. Itopkln s and Mr.and Mrs. Prank Itowell enjoyed theweeik-end wit h Mr , and Mrn. Lewis ,Snnlord of Snuihold.

Mr , .Mid Hts riiuOl Hnwlilns ofQutens VIU ig,. \ -as In town overIho Pou rth ,

Kenneth Weji entertained frlendaSunday.

A largo parly from the city wereent urtulned al tho Poulna farm atSouth Setauket over tho week-end.

Wins Lottie Golden Is enjoying thosummer with her par ent*, Mr. andMr *, D. L. Ooldcn.

Sir*. Anna Seller of Now York wma -visitor at the home of Mra, XL,Brock over tho fourth.

Mr. and Mm. Albert Seller andlittle daughter, Dotty Ann , left forIlrcoklyn after arjen dlng two week*wltli Mm. Seller '! mother , Un, R,Urock on Shore road.

' C01AMTho Coram Commu nity House has

had several improvements made re-cently, a boardwalk nnd railin g fromthe front door , a new sign of wel-come 1ms been l>ut up. The signbearing tho words Community Housecould be Improved by painting.There has also been some Insidework.

J Ilss Dorothy Scharft of Easlportvisited her cousii.. Mrs . R. D. Stillon Thursday. Miss Scharff recentlygra duated from Plattsburg NormalSchool. She took Mr. and Mrs . Stillto the Northport Veterans ' Hospitalwhere he is receiving treatment , Shere turned to her home In the after-noon accompanied by Mrs. Still andson , M iss Evelyn Glroux and MissDorothy Still , for a short visit ,

Edwi n Edwa rds recently pur^chased a new Ford coupe.

Mrs. Charles J. R. Davis ol NewYor k who .has been spen ding a fewweeks at the home of her husband' sparen ts, Mr. and. -Mrs. D. R. Da-vls,was overcome by the heat last Tues-day and was taken to the MatherHosp ital for treatment where she isslowly recoverin g.¦Charles J. R. Davis spent several

da ys in town last week.1 The Epworth League gave a beachpart y at West Meadow Beach lastThursday night. Miss Virginia T>arewas in charge of the arrangements.

Mr. und Mrs. John Bacicnskyleave for Canada and other pointsof interest this week for a twoweeks' trip by motor.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Still andchildren Marlon and Norman ot Pa t-chogue, enjoyed a trip to Savin Rockon Sunday.

Mrs. Martha Edwards and Mrs.D. Elbert Petty of Brooklyn ar espend ing the summer at their homein Swezeytown. /

The wedding of Miss BeatriceClifford of Yaphank and Mr. 'WilliamJ. Ledig of Brooklyn was soleniniredat Whispering Pines, the home ofMr. and Mrs. Maurice Do Young: onJune 7. Rev. Paul Nieswander offi-ciated. Mrs. Ledig was very popularwith the younger set and has a hostof friends who extend congratula-tions.

Mr s. Daniel Roe Davis attended ameeting of the Mayflower Chapte rDaughters of the Revolution at theX«ighborhood House , Setauket , re-cently.

MIDDLE ISLANDMrs. Jason B&ndall spent last

week In done Park visiting herfaster.

Anthony Zebrowski and family

,' £«F JB& BUSHED 1899 &K

I ^ ~ I«& r stsr ml

~lj Special-Ofieniig Ijn . Genuine Stone Jewelry gjjHjH J ade , Cornelian, Lapis and Chalcedony 11H9| mounted in Kecklace s, Bracelets , Rings fcftjSraj and Ear -Rings of the latest vogue. ij |b9 SENSA.TIONAL VALUES hj gH8| at $3.50. $5.00 and $7.50 ||A


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I V**T!ta tofM t Prudential PlaqliaMr1** fj| NOW PLAYING _ |

I rawMbci. 1000 to l you'll i

I ™X * ate^t 'p.ctSe |s CAGNW you've seen this |1 lVAlVri»WPyear- || V A U D E V I L L E |

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I ^OhASESI i(ir Hour I= RrR bHABBY CAREY and -I WsKKe EDWYNA BOOTH |i f f S J & t The most stupendous |- 19EBK.achievemcnt in the his- 1

I On the Stage f1 at Every Performance . iI BI G T I M E || V A U D E V I L L E if .l it ;l' l i.| I |.:1'«<li.s.l ' l 1 I ¦ ¦.¦:¦ Ill ¦ 1 .1*

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During April, May und \June • • • than in any |like period in Histor y ]

X.HERE are reason * for «bi»—Firestone is now build. jlug ihe Gr **trst Tire Valots in history, with the result that *jKr« tone fottories are operating 2-i hrrarfl a day, § days a' jytttlk, lo««aeet pnUfc preference j

This is the year everybody i» scrn tiniziiig his purcha ses. 4Thia is par ticolarly true in tire baying because of the many jcan!using and initJeadiug statements made about tires. 4

To give car owners die facts, Firestorm published com- jpara gons showing «rn nlity, construction and prices. Then the $pub lic came in—made their own comparisons with cross. jsections cut from Firestone tires—and from special brand !jmaiS order tire * and others. A

When they saw the fact*, they bought more Firestone qtire * during Apri l, May andftjune than in any like period in 2Firestone Malory. i

Drive in today and let oa show yon these Firestone Extra ' 3Values and hare your car equipped for Safe, Trouble-Free HSummer Motoring. We can tare y o u money and terve you 1teaer. ¦ \_ . j

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»* . Iff s M ^? ** *t4g4t 15.SO-IC .jgj-55-} «4.t» »4.98 wo ggSSrrl .„M :i I^d. QaHaiil I taw t&W) »»73« I;Om*l>c_ S^a S.60 *o.<r» stolcbt&». j .ii-so-ax 6.eo-i8I PWi 5.** S.69 M1« OjrrAr—) xt n<20 sl.,0

liSt14* . fc-oo-ia :iassSH *•« &iss ii* nBStr] xu^a u.40 mio :n iaym—i na»»rtaa.igas?* , »•«">-«•KSfed *•» W5 ON tjSatU_ aI%Je usa z^5.0O-I* US4ISSS!!r n™*"— m.»s u.65 »s.»o :n««i« fc.so-aofilSlfe- MB 6-9* *S^« s"t*- ***•

IS*10 aM0

p«u«t_^ 7.op-«o - ;SSf ^ r SgB£dl»*» l15-^! «*" :

j|Sy ** \ ,,,. 7ll0 «wm» mUCK amdPUS TIKg§J3.35-S O fonr duSif Spidul OtirC nJiWii«atti. ', i.utt I 7.90 X5J 0 tuns y n u kuan a k-ric* ,«

:OlonuUla.i 7'*" I '**" • ^ Eua Hall Or- P« Pair Ic.at-aa. 1 i '*"""¦* ____ '.jnidi W a57 **.7»

nJt ,»,.,, $17.95 SS4.-o!

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Tfimniili Tn r UaveBublierV-m_e,c«.lD. «W «« Volume, cu, In. **S «*T

MMK Wdst-t,, Itor aWetsht,pmu-b . .' , S**t XS.TB pound. . . . »*« «**•

HmVU *, MwraWldtu , ? _ _„ _ _ .li«Iu_rV I , AVS 4.74 tache. . . . »*0 «H4

Mar alMilmMa. Mfwi _«-ta-*i,todwa . '. . Mtl -tit Indie - . . . «M» WM *

_ntn_.li. * $ ItonFUMM T—. • VIiwMh , , «UH mfo to—Hrita . .W-« «oWi»4»

II,. ,,-»¦. .'-„ ¦!¦« i 7iili awi iii ¦ !¦¦-¥—nm_-—-»--i ii it i ir i ni—Trrrr -M

I *A *^««_lll«_**lIi-faj -»44ilrr« Bia_iar«t«r- «r ff«r <UalrU«ton

Out 4ut» »ot HilWr *« Mw __uafact-Tt!r to Uae paUlc, wtmMrk-eaau * Iw WUt Ho "-••! <»»l»y" tire* •¦¦»» "* *~* **"*•

I n ¦¦ '-¦! i l " i »" ¦ ' ' ' " ——————»«»—aw——— ¦-»*




eas_m__________________ i________a____aBi

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\ FOR SALE:! Sur plus of |


in perfect condition t" ' T" ', Tt < T' . T

X; This material is excellent for t

Gara ges, Dairies, Bathrooms f

ATTRACTIVE PRICE I• • T• ¦ _t« • ¦ i ¦ X

¦; For particuUrB apply to J

j ; TURNER CONSTRUCTION fCOMPANY I: ij PilRTim State HospiUl Project |i j TeL Bmitwood 31Q Brentwood, L. L, N. Y. |:5 l lr lM I» *»W I » < »M » » »» rMM »tt»> W»i H» H ri W llO»»l»V

^ave moved to Hur.ti ss-.on and willoccupy ihe residential propenv hepurchased last t '.irinc.

Mrs. Tiioinas Bayles ani childre nhare bita spea-Jin c a few days atthe noil * -of her aunt. Mrs. HowardBenjamin at East Moriche s.

The D. A. it. i prizes for the best-essays venciros' Sa the East MiddleSchool l,y Pr ices Steirart , first;Adam Ti"eber ; serood . an d Rose Dep-ta, school pr3je.

--n-CSI' iDOKiGJiM'J'f ^'*^*'!"


THEATREi Today (Friday) |! Victor McLaglen, Ed- |! mund Lowe, El Brendel %! Fifi Dorsay t.: 'Women of all nations' || BO&m TARBJNGXON'8 J-

Lewis Stone, Irene Bich |! Also $I TIM McCOX *

tu j Si mt - MATE NEE 2;30 f

Sunday, July 12 |l


H''POINTS "f .sS^ FayWrir • !«"!•» Toobiey TF^ H RoVlEmoH-O ^.tGiM* XhiSr?w mmn IEbISK SW W- X S-mln (••Unci 2.(iHRVafci "TH I or WH f i tmof i wf £|iX__E3rl w- n.0uT.ca . *.-_ lwa (A»ik ...J-iimi caisair) j .E ¦J. Sf * R'-* i__*-' > *«« *

¦! I iai» x

| SIon.rJuly-43 ——g—

IBANKHEAD J i11 "BROOK I jI v%mIi/ted£ac/A |5 ii d gmaaouiu QtaxB ' %t 1% Tucs., Jul y 14 ||I . MR. GEORGE 1{rS! f a "^ra ra _p<2sa Qr

j f, J_Kl3S Iii i /wiosioirei' RU IVALYM KHAPP • OAV1P M\, ¦' tr_ MU KN tnS .JUMtSCAOMCIf 1,-J. ."*$ llOAIIB I tliy J.F»r!lCll r<a. .< ?i5 JIttU .fl.Olir.-ICt AK 1SE ; "J,.' BSS l«m.|.ni«lp,M«» .JKl .;sa ¦". - *,*•, .¦ Wed., July 15 i |

I r^l____^B^^ »I» 'li ^_w U ^fc. ^-HHI. .

i " Titurs., July 1C ; ;

N ' ii

Ramon """

CMRROiWfMsi!.-----_-.—«;sw~w~>i ,