hepatic physiology sabina sabharwal, md mph boston childrens hospital content reviewers karen...

Hepatic Physiology Sabina Sabharwal, MD MPH Boston Children’s Hospital [email protected] Content Reviewers Karen Murray, MD David Piccoli, MD

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Outline Anatomy and blood supply of the liver Physiologic immaturity of hepatic function Mechanisms of hepatic regeneration Hepatic serum protein synthesis Hepatic carbohydrate metabolism Hepatic fatty acid metabolism Biochemical parameters of hepatic integrity Pathways of hepatic drug metabolism Bilirubin uptake, metabolism, excretion Portal hypertension Board review questions


Page 1: Hepatic Physiology Sabina Sabharwal, MD MPH Boston Childrens Hospital Content Reviewers Karen Murray, MD David

Hepatic Physiology

Sabina Sabharwal, MD MPHBoston Children’s Hospital

[email protected]

Content Reviewers

Karen Murray, MDDavid Piccoli, MD

Page 2: Hepatic Physiology Sabina Sabharwal, MD MPH Boston Childrens Hospital Content Reviewers Karen Murray, MD David

NASPGHAN Physiology Education Series

Series Editors:Christine Waasdorp Hurtado, MD, MSCS, [email protected] Daniel Kamin, [email protected]

Page 3: Hepatic Physiology Sabina Sabharwal, MD MPH Boston Childrens Hospital Content Reviewers Karen Murray, MD David

Outline• Anatomy and blood supply of the liver• Physiologic immaturity of hepatic function• Mechanisms of hepatic regeneration• Hepatic serum protein synthesis• Hepatic carbohydrate metabolism• Hepatic fatty acid metabolism• Biochemical parameters of hepatic integrity• Pathways of hepatic drug metabolism• Bilirubin uptake, metabolism, excretion• Portal hypertension• Board review questions

Page 4: Hepatic Physiology Sabina Sabharwal, MD MPH Boston Childrens Hospital Content Reviewers Karen Murray, MD David

Segmental anatomy of the liver

• Couinaud (“French” system) – based on tranverse plane through bifurcation of mail

portal vein– Functional lobes divided into total of 8 subsegments

• Caudate 1• Lateral 2,3• Medial 4a, 4b• Right 5,6,7,8

– Caudate lobe is separate, receiving blood flow from R and L -sided vasculature

Page 5: Hepatic Physiology Sabina Sabharwal, MD MPH Boston Childrens Hospital Content Reviewers Karen Murray, MD David

Blood supply liver• Hepatic artery (25%) – oxygenated• Hepatic portal vein (75%) – deoxygenated blood,

nutrient- rich• Oxygen comes equally form both sources• Terminal branches of hepatic portal vein and hepatic

artery empty together and mix entering the liver• Blood flows through liver sinusoids, empties into

central vein of each lobule• Central veins coalesce into hepatic veins• Blood exits liver via hepatic vein and returns to the

heart via IVC, deoxygenated and detoxified

Page 6: Hepatic Physiology Sabina Sabharwal, MD MPH Boston Childrens Hospital Content Reviewers Karen Murray, MD David

Blood supply and segments of the liver

From Dancygier Clinical Hepatology, Chapter 2. In SpringerImages database (non-commercial use permitted)

Page 7: Hepatic Physiology Sabina Sabharwal, MD MPH Boston Childrens Hospital Content Reviewers Karen Murray, MD David

Extramedullary hematopoiesis

• Until 32 weeks of gestation in fetal development, hematopoiesis occurs primarily by the liver (and also the spleen)

Page 8: Hepatic Physiology Sabina Sabharwal, MD MPH Boston Childrens Hospital Content Reviewers Karen Murray, MD David

Physiologic Immaturity of hepatic function

• Full maturity of biliary secretion takes up to 2 years after birth to be achieved

• Involves normal expression of signalling pathways including JAG1 genes, amino acid transport, insulin growth factors

• Hepatocytes are specialized at birth with 2 surfaces:– Sinusoidal surface absorbs mixture of oxygenated

blood and nutrients from portal vein– Other surface delivers bile and products of

conjugation, metabolism to bile canaliculi

Page 9: Hepatic Physiology Sabina Sabharwal, MD MPH Boston Childrens Hospital Content Reviewers Karen Murray, MD David

Physiologic Immaturity of hepatic function

• With interruption of umbilical supply at birth, rapid induction of transamination, glutamyl transferase, coagulation factor synthesis, bile production and transport

• Preterm infants have immaturity and delay in achieving normal detoxifying and synthetic function, risk of hypoxia and sepsis – all placing them at risk for hepatic decompensation

Page 10: Hepatic Physiology Sabina Sabharwal, MD MPH Boston Childrens Hospital Content Reviewers Karen Murray, MD David

Lobule and its zones

• 3 distinct zones of the hepatic acinus:– Zone 1: periportal hepatocytes

• Hepatocyte regeneration• Bile duct proliferation• gluconeogenesis

– Zone 2: mixed function between zones 1 and 3– Zone 3: borders central vein

• Detoxification• Glyocolysis• Hydrolysis

Page 11: Hepatic Physiology Sabina Sabharwal, MD MPH Boston Childrens Hospital Content Reviewers Karen Murray, MD David

From Shih et al. Journal of Biomed Microdevices 2013 in SpringerImages database ((non-commercial use permitted)

Page 12: Hepatic Physiology Sabina Sabharwal, MD MPH Boston Childrens Hospital Content Reviewers Karen Murray, MD David

Hepatic Regeneration• In fully developed liver, only 1/10-20,000

hepatocytes are dividing• As little as 25% of liver can regenerate a full liver• If stimulated, the liver can regenerate rapidly:

– Viruses– Cirrhosis– Ischemia– Trauma– Partial hepatectomy

Page 13: Hepatic Physiology Sabina Sabharwal, MD MPH Boston Childrens Hospital Content Reviewers Karen Murray, MD David

Hepatic Regeneration

• Requires new hepatocyte recruitment and ECM restoration

• IL-6, epidermal growth factor (EGF), TGF-a, TGF-B hepatocyte growth factor (HGF): initiation and regulation of regeneration

• EGF works with insulin and glucagon to promote hepatocyte DNA synthesis

Page 14: Hepatic Physiology Sabina Sabharwal, MD MPH Boston Childrens Hospital Content Reviewers Karen Murray, MD David

Liver Protein synthesis • Plasma proteins

– Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP), fibronectin, C-reactive protein, opsonin, acute phase proteins, globulins

• Hemostasis, fibrinolysis– All coagulation cascade (except factor VIII – endothelium), alpha1

antitrypsin, antithrombin III, protein C and S, plasminogen, complement components

• Hormones, prohormones– IGF-1, thrombopoietin, angiotensinogen

• Carrier proteins – Albumin, ceruloplasmin, transcortin, haptoglobin, hemopexin, IGF

binding protein, retinol binding protein, sex hormone binding globulin, thyroxine-binding globulin, tranferrin, vitamin D binding globulin

• Apolipoproteins– All except apo B48 (intestine)

Page 15: Hepatic Physiology Sabina Sabharwal, MD MPH Boston Childrens Hospital Content Reviewers Karen Murray, MD David

Taurine• Conditionally essential amino acid in early life• Essential amino acid for preterm/newborn infants and

assured by breast milk• Diet is usual source, but in presence of vitamin B6,

synthesized from methionine and cysteine• Patients on chronic TPN are at risk of taurine

deficiency and need supplementation• Also at risk are those with hepatic, cardiac and renal

failure• Taurine involved in bile acid conjugation and

cholestasis prevention

Page 16: Hepatic Physiology Sabina Sabharwal, MD MPH Boston Childrens Hospital Content Reviewers Karen Murray, MD David

Hepatic carbohydrate metabolism

• Gluconeogenesis– Synthesis of glucose from amino acids, lactate,

glycerol• Glycogenolysis

– Breakdown of glycogen into glucose• Glycogenesis

– Formation of glycogen from glucose

Page 17: Hepatic Physiology Sabina Sabharwal, MD MPH Boston Childrens Hospital Content Reviewers Karen Murray, MD David

Fatty acids and lipid transport• Triglycerides absorbed as free fatty acids (FA), packaged in

chylomicrons/liposomes released through lymphatic system into the blood and binding to hepatocytes

• Liver processes chylomicron remnants and liposomes into VLDL and LDL

• FA synthesized by the liver get converted to triglycerides and are transported into the blood as VLDL

• In peripheral tissue, lioprotein lipase converts VLDL to LDL and free FA by removing triglycerides

• The remaining VLDL then becomes LDL, absorbed by LDL receptors• LDL is then converted into free fatty acids, cholesterol• Liver controls serum cholesterol concentration by removal of LDL• HDL carries cholesterol from the body back to the liver to be broken

down and excreted

Page 18: Hepatic Physiology Sabina Sabharwal, MD MPH Boston Childrens Hospital Content Reviewers Karen Murray, MD David

Hepatocyte biochemical parameters

• Hepatocellular injury – – membranes of hepatocytes become permeable

when damaged– alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate

aminotransferase (AST) escape into bloodstream• Cholestasis –

– obstructed/damaged intra- and extra- hepatic bile ducts

– induction of alkaline phosphatase and gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT)

Page 19: Hepatic Physiology Sabina Sabharwal, MD MPH Boston Childrens Hospital Content Reviewers Karen Murray, MD David

Hepatic drug metabolism• Mostly in the smooth endosplasmic reticulum of the liver• Factors that increase and decrease drug biotransformation affect

enzymes in the Cytochrome P450 monooxygenase system• Phase 1 (utilized by acetaminophen and steroids)

– Oxidation: cytochrome P450 and flavin-containing monooxygenase, alcohol and aldehyde dehydrogenase, monoamine oxidase, peroxidase

– Reduction: NADPH P450 reductase, reduced (ferrous) cytochrome P450

– Hydrolysis: esterase, amidase, epoxide hydrolase • Phase 2 (detoxifying)

– Conjugation reactions– Methylation, sulphation, acetylation, glucuronidation, glutathione and

glycine conjugation

Page 20: Hepatic Physiology Sabina Sabharwal, MD MPH Boston Childrens Hospital Content Reviewers Karen Murray, MD David

Clinical vignette: acetaminophen toxicity

• Acetaminophen metabolism: normal dose – Phase II metabolism: sulfate and glucuronide

metabolism– Cytochrome P450: only 5% of acetaminophen

converted to NAPQI– NAPQI detoxified via glutathione conjugation to

cysteine and mercapturic acid conjugates

Page 21: Hepatic Physiology Sabina Sabharwal, MD MPH Boston Childrens Hospital Content Reviewers Karen Murray, MD David

Clinical vignette: acetaminophen toxicity

• In acetaminophen toxicity:– Phase II metabolism becomes saturated– Shunted to P450 pathway– Glutathione becomes depleted and NAPQI remains in toxic

form– Damages hepatocyte cell membrane and leads to acute

hepatic necrosis– Made worse with chronic alcohol use, concomitant use of

anti-epileptics, large amounts of caffeine– N-acetylcysteine replenishes body stores of glutathione

and is treatment for acetaminophen toxicity

Page 22: Hepatic Physiology Sabina Sabharwal, MD MPH Boston Childrens Hospital Content Reviewers Karen Murray, MD David

Bilirubin metabolism

• Formed by breakdown of heme (80% from hemoglobin, 20% from other hemoproteins)

• Heme –via heme oxygenase—biliverdin---via biliverdin reductase---bilirubin IX alpha

• Heme oxygenase is rate-limiting step in bilirubin production

• Heme oxygenase is found in Kupffer cells of the liver and reticuloendothelial cells of the spleen

Page 23: Hepatic Physiology Sabina Sabharwal, MD MPH Boston Childrens Hospital Content Reviewers Karen Murray, MD David

Bilirubin metabolism• Albumin binds to bilirubin, reversible except in states

of bilirubin obstruction/conjugated bilirubinemia• Albumin-bilirubin complex dissociates in liver sinusoids

where bilirubin is taken up by hepatocytes• This is via facilitates diffusion, bidirectional• Defects in transporters in these steps cause

hyperbilirubinemia (eg Gilbert’s)• Unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia also results from

cirrhosis when bilirubin produced from the spleen bypasses the liver via portosystemic collaterals

Page 24: Hepatic Physiology Sabina Sabharwal, MD MPH Boston Childrens Hospital Content Reviewers Karen Murray, MD David

Bilirubin conjugation

• Bilirubin poorly water soluble because of internal hydrogen bonding which makes it toxic and prevents its elimination

• Glucuronic acid conjugation of bilirubin makes it water-soluble and excretable into bile

• Phototherapy in neonatal jaundice produces configurational and structural bilirubin photoisomers, excreted into bile without further metabolism

Page 25: Hepatic Physiology Sabina Sabharwal, MD MPH Boston Childrens Hospital Content Reviewers Karen Murray, MD David

Bilirubin conjugation• Mediated by a family of enzymes called uridine-

diphosphoglucuronate glucuronosyltransferase (UGT)• UGT1A1 is the main enzyme of conjugation• UGT1A1 deficiency – Gilbert’s and Crigler-Najjar

syndromes• Inhibition of UGT1A1 can occur via a factor in breast milk

(breast milk jaundice)• Inhibitory factor from maternal plasma can be transferred

to fetus transplacentally (Lucey Driscoll syndrome) – Inhibits UGT1A1 activity in newborn– Results in unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia

Page 26: Hepatic Physiology Sabina Sabharwal, MD MPH Boston Childrens Hospital Content Reviewers Karen Murray, MD David

Bilirubin excretion

• Conjugated bilirubin is excreted in bile across the bile canalicular membrane via active transport

• 4 types of transporters (eg MRP2, ABCC2)• Excretion impaired by viral hepatitis,

cholestasis of pregnancy, Dubin-Johnson and Rotor syndrome

Page 27: Hepatic Physiology Sabina Sabharwal, MD MPH Boston Childrens Hospital Content Reviewers Karen Murray, MD David

Bilirubin degradation• 98% of the bile pigment in bile is conjugated and

is water-soluble and will not be absorbed across lipid membrane of small intestinal epithelium

• Unconjugated fraction is partially reabsorbed through enterohepatic circulation

• Bilirubin is reduced by bacterial enzymes in the colon to urobilinoids (urobilinogen and stercobilinogen)

• Intestinal microflora influence serum bilirubin levels and antibiotic use can increase serum bilirubin levels

Page 28: Hepatic Physiology Sabina Sabharwal, MD MPH Boston Childrens Hospital Content Reviewers Karen Murray, MD David

From Trowers and Tischler Gastrointestinal Physiology 2014 in SpringerImages database (non-commercial use permitted)

Page 29: Hepatic Physiology Sabina Sabharwal, MD MPH Boston Childrens Hospital Content Reviewers Karen Murray, MD David

Bilirubin metabolism in newborns• Generally infants not jaundiced at birth because

placenta can clear bilirubin well from the fetal circulation, but can develop jaundice because– Bilirubin production in term neonates is 2-3 times

higher than adults because they have more red blood cells and the the red blood cells have a shorter life span than in adults

– Bilirubin clearance is decreased in neonates because of UGT1A1 deficiency and does not achieve adult levels until 14 weeks of age

– Neonates have an increase in the enterohepatic circulation of bilirubin

Page 30: Hepatic Physiology Sabina Sabharwal, MD MPH Boston Childrens Hospital Content Reviewers Karen Murray, MD David

Clinical vignette: breastmilk jaundice

• Starts at 10-21 days of age (after physiologic jaundice period)

• Effects 0.5-2.4% of newborns• Can last 3-12 weeks• Theory: factor in breast milk is inhibiting

breakdown of bilirubin• As long as infant is feeding and growing and

bilirubin is being monitored, no reason to stop breastfeeding

Page 31: Hepatic Physiology Sabina Sabharwal, MD MPH Boston Childrens Hospital Content Reviewers Karen Murray, MD David

Portal hypertension• Portal system definition: begins and ends with

capillaries• Liver portal system: capillaries of intestinal and

splenic mesentery ending in the hepatic sinusoids• Portal hypertension: elevation of portal blood

pressure >5 mm Hg• Because of high prevalence of pediatric biliary

disease compared to adult liver disease, portal hypertension occurs earlier in the course of liver disease versus hepatic insufficiency

Page 32: Hepatic Physiology Sabina Sabharwal, MD MPH Boston Childrens Hospital Content Reviewers Karen Murray, MD David

Portal hypertension

Physiologic porto-systemic anastomoses. Portal

circulation in blue, systemic circulation in green

From Moubarak et al. Abdominal Imaging 2012 in SpringerImages database (non-commercial use permitted)

Page 33: Hepatic Physiology Sabina Sabharwal, MD MPH Boston Childrens Hospital Content Reviewers Karen Murray, MD David

Portal hypertension

• Combination of increased portal resistance and/or increased portal blood flow– Splenomegaly/hypersplenism – congestion– Esophageal and rectal varices – decompression

through portosystemic collaterals– Decompression leads to hepatic encephalopathy

and hepatopulmonary syndrome– Portal hypertension leads to ascites and

complications: peritonitis and hepatorenal syndrome

Page 34: Hepatic Physiology Sabina Sabharwal, MD MPH Boston Childrens Hospital Content Reviewers Karen Murray, MD David

Portal hypertension

• Hepatic encephalopathy– Reversible impairment in neuropsychiatric

function– Pathogenesis unclear

• Increase in ammonia concentration• Inhibitory neurotransmitter through GABA receptors in

the CNS• Changes in central neurotransmitters and amino acids

Page 35: Hepatic Physiology Sabina Sabharwal, MD MPH Boston Childrens Hospital Content Reviewers Karen Murray, MD David

Portal Hypertension• Hepatopulmonary syndrome

– Triad: liver disease, impaired oxygenation, intrapulmonary vascular dilatations

• Hepatorenal syndrome– Usually from portal hypertension from cirrhosis, but also

in fulminant hepatic failure– Diagnosis of exclusion of acute renal failure– Associated with poor prognosis– Increasingly severe hepatic injury results in reduction in

renal perfusion

Page 36: Hepatic Physiology Sabina Sabharwal, MD MPH Boston Childrens Hospital Content Reviewers Karen Murray, MD David


• The liver is organized by its vascular supply into segments, and has a unique blood supply that includes arterial and ‘venous’ blood (portal system) draining the intestine, pancreas, and spleen.

• The microscopic functional unit is the liver lobule, composed of hepatocytes, vessels, and bile ducts, organized in a fashion that promotes the functions of the liver.

Page 37: Hepatic Physiology Sabina Sabharwal, MD MPH Boston Childrens Hospital Content Reviewers Karen Murray, MD David

Summary-2• The liver produces the majority of serum proteins, ranging in

function from albumin to sex hormone binding proteins to numerous clotting factors.

• Liver glucose storage, breakdown, and generation maintain serum glucose in a physiologic range

• Serum lipoprotein make up and content is heavily influenced by liver synthesis and uptake of lipoproteins.

• Drug metabolism occurs in hepatocytes via phase I and/or phase II enzyme systems– a goal of which is to produce chemical structures which are excretable in the bile.

Page 38: Hepatic Physiology Sabina Sabharwal, MD MPH Boston Childrens Hospital Content Reviewers Karen Murray, MD David


• Bilirubin metabolism is a robust example of a waste product biotransformed into a substance that can then be excreted in the bile. Particular enzymes are responsible for bioconversion and transport.

• Portal hypertension is a pathophysiologic state established by the existence or development of resistance to portal blood flow toward the liver.

Page 39: Hepatic Physiology Sabina Sabharwal, MD MPH Boston Childrens Hospital Content Reviewers Karen Murray, MD David

Board review question• A 16 year old female presents to the ER with RUQ abdominal pain, nausea

and malaise. She has a history of depression and seizure disorder. AST and ALT are greater than 10,000 IU/L. She admits to taking acetaminophen for a headache the night before. What of the following is true:

• A. checking a serum acetaminophen level before 4 hours of ingestion is generally helpful

• B. Concomitant use of anti-epileptic medications is protective for her liver• C. If the patient has presented less than 8 hours of ingestion, NAC reduces

risk of hepatotoxicity and improves survival• D. all of the above

Page 40: Hepatic Physiology Sabina Sabharwal, MD MPH Boston Childrens Hospital Content Reviewers Karen Murray, MD David

Board review question• A 3 day old full term breast-fed infant is noted to have

jaundice. He is otherwise behaving normally and has normal-colored urine and stools. There was no ABO or Rh incompatibility. The most likely reason for the jaundice is:

• A. biliary atresia• B. a factor in the maternal breast milk that is inhibiting

UGT1A1• C. inadequate milk intake and dehydration• D. none of the above

Page 41: Hepatic Physiology Sabina Sabharwal, MD MPH Boston Childrens Hospital Content Reviewers Karen Murray, MD David

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