herb companions pests repelled - central louisiana herb society


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Herb Companions Pests Repelled - Central Louisiana Herb Society


Page 1: Herb Companions Pests Repelled - Central Louisiana Herb Society

Herb Companions Pests Repelled

Angelica Avoid Dill

Basil Tomatoes Flies, Mosquitoes

Dislikes Rue

Borage Tomatoes, Squash, Strawberries Tomato Worm

Caraway Plant throughout the garden to loosen the soil.

Avoid Dill

Catnip Eggplant Flea Beetle, Ants

Chamomile Cabbage, Onion

Coriander Aphids

Chervil Radish

Chives Carrots

Dead Nettle Potatoes Potato Bug

Dill Cabbage

Dislikes Carrots and Caraway

Fennel Most plants dislike this herb

Feverfew roses attracts aphids away from roses

Flax Carrots, Potatoes Potato Bug

Garlic Roses, Raspberries Japanese Beetle, Aphids

Horseradish Potatoes Potato Bug

Henbit General Insect Repellent

Hyssop Cabbage, Grapes Cabbage Moth

Dislikes Radishes

Lavender Moths — combine with southernwood, wormwood and rosemary in an anti-moth sachet

Marigolds Plant throughout the garden Mexican Bean Beetles, Nematodes, others

Mint Cabbage, Tomatoes White Cabbage Moth, aphids, flea beetles

Mole Plant Moles and Mice

Nasturtium Radishes, Cabbage, Cucurbits, fruit trees Aphids, Squash Bugs, Striped Pumpkin Beetle

Pennyroyal Roses Flies, Mosquitoes, Fleas, others

Petunia Beans

Pot Marigold Tomatoes Tomato Worm, Asparagus Beetles, others

Pyrethrums Use dried flower heads as a general insect repellent.

Rosemary Cabbage, Beans Carrots, Sage Cabbage Moth, Bean Beetle, Carrot Fly

Rue Roses and Raspberries Japanese Beetles

Dislikes Sweet Basil

Sage Rosemary, Cabbage, Carrots Cabbage Moth, Carrot Fly, Flea Beetle, Slugs

Dislikes Cucumbers

Page 2: Herb Companions Pests Repelled - Central Louisiana Herb Society

Southernwood Cabbages Cabbage Moth

Sowthistle Tomatoes, Onion, Corn

Plant in moderation

Summer Savory Beans Bean Beetles

Tansy Fruit Trees, Roses, Raspberries Flying Insects, Japanese Beetles, Striped Cucumber Beetles, Squash Bugs, Ants, Flies

Thyme Cabbage Cabbage Worm

Wormwood Plant as a border to keep animals out of the garden.

Yarrow Plant near aromatic herbs to enhance production of essential oils.