here i come with modalities

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Post on 04-Jun-2018




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  • 8/13/2019 Here i Come With Modalities


    Here i come with Modalities, gait, posture, equipments and devices. The requirements are,

    1.Review guide (chapters 10,11)

    2.Blue book

    3.Phys rehabilitation by sullivan


    5.Kendall (only for Posture)6.Low and reed for modalities (optional)

    Read and understand very well about indications,contraindications and dosage of all the modalities. In

    particular, to the specific conditions and situation in clinical practice in RG and then BB some of the

    electro-diagnostic tests from Phys rehab. Gait and posture, you can read thoroughly from RG, BB, magee,

    and kendall and i would say focus specifically on deviations and on normal conditions. As far as

    equipments and devices concerned, read and understand about all the components, and measurements.

    Orthotic,prosthetic and anatomic deviations. Specific wheelchair prescriptions and its compliance with

    ADA (Americans with disabilities act) recommendations and also ergonomics. And then skim through

    these items in phys reahabilitation by sullivan. You are done

    At last, i come with Professional roles, Admin, Leaning, Research. The requirements are

    1.Review guide (12,13,14)

    2.Blue book

    3.APTA websites (guide to professional practice and even you can see this review guide appendices)

    Read and understand the US health care system to the most and types of learning, levels of learning and

    its importance in the PT practice. Especially patients rights and safety ,documentation. Responsibilities

    and job codes of both PT and PTA

    Research found in Review guide and blue book is more than sufficient to encounter the questions in the

    actual exam.

    Good luck guys. It has come to the end. Last but not least, try to finish all the practice exams atleast 1-2

    months before the actual exam.

    People generally have misconception that why should i study only RG and BB ( these books are

    compilation of nearly some 50-60 very important books in PT practice in the USA, you can see the

    References at the end of each book). At the same time, studying only these two books will not give you

    confidence to pass rather than those i mentioned in section wise or system wise. This will really give you


    Good luck once again all the PTs. Have a great beginning and future.

    Hi friends, now it is high time to guide my fellow PTs who are really in need of study tactics so as to

    encounter NPTE efficiently. Here i come with some of the basic study tactics in various systems whichworked well for me to pass in the first attempt with 85%. Let me start with Musculoskeletal system first.

    The requirements for effective MSK are as follows,

    1.Review guide-o'sullivan

    2.Kendalls muscle testing


    4.Blue course manual-TEP

    5.Therapeutic exercises by Carolyn Kisner

  • 8/13/2019 Here i Come With Modalities


    6.Differential diagnosis by goodman-MSK part

    Plan and Study region wise(eg,shoulder, elbow, wrist and cervical spine, hip, knee, ankle, lumbarspine

    and pelvis, thoracic spine) and i know its tough initially but as u go through u will be able to and at the

    same able to taste that.

    Read and understand very well the concepts given in the Review Guide line by line and word by word

    (memorization will not work except for the tables) and then read thoroughly Kendall. After reading thesetwo books go for magee for patient history, special test( again memorization is not gonna work) and

    dignostic imaging. Once you r done with these books and go for one overall review of the particular

    region in blue book. After reading all these books go for intervention with kisner and at last you should

    know how to differentially diagnose MSK with other system involvement by referring goodman ( only msk

    portions for MSK).

    Once you read like this, you will be thorough in MSK.

    Will post soon about neuro. Good luck

    Here i come with other systems and system interaction part. The requirements are

    1.Review guide(chapter 6)2.Blue book

    3.Differential diagnosis by Good man 4th edition(Skim through the chapters 5,8,9,10,11,12,13)

    Read and understand specific pain patterns that involve multiple system and its system interaction and

    focus more on metabolic conditions. Understand very well in distinguishing features among various

    related disorders(eg,hyper vs hypothyoidism) in RG and then understand additional regions in blue book

    and at last skim through the chapters i mentioned in goodman. You are done with Other systems. Have

    to really know about the lab values and you should understand what those numbers really mean.

    Here i come with Cardio-pulmonary, geriatry, pharmacology and integumentary system. The

    requirements are

    1.Review guide-o'sullivan(combine chapters 3,4,5,8(geriatry))

    2.Phys rehabilitation by sullivan(chapters 15(Chronic pulmonary dysfuntion),16(Heart

    disease),17(Vascular,lymphatic and integumentary disorders)

    3.Blue course manual

    4.Differential diagnosis by goodman

    5.ACSM guidelines (optional)

    For this part of preparation, you need to have an integrated approach of preparation by combining

    cardio-pulmonary, geriatry and pharmacology which are inter-related to one another.

    Read and understand very well about the examination part in chapters 3,4,8 in Review guide and then go

    over the rest of the contents in RG. Then, go through the book and understand very well

    about ECG and what those waves really mean and their significance both in physiological and

    pathological aspects in addition to cardiac rehabilitation, pulmonary rehabilitation. Know and understand

    very well about the exercise prescription across the life span both normal and diseased conditions by

    googling ACSM guidelines. At last, read and understand the concepts in blue book in addition to what has

    been mentioned in RG. Finally go for differential diagnosis with goodman Cardio-pulmonary part. For

    geriatry, read and understand very well the age related changes and diseases associated with old age

  • 8/13/2019 Here i Come With Modalities


    and integrate this with pharmacology (polypharmacy is very common in old age) which you will find in

    rich quantity in blue book which is more than sufficient. understand very well the mechanism of drugs

    and its influence on various systems. Soon with other systems.