here! magazine spring 2014

Spring 2014 Victoria BC Wearing the Hijab: the public face of Islam [ A BEGINNER’S WORKOUT [ FINDING SPACE FOR MEN [ RENTING IN VICTORIA [ MINDING THE (CULTURE) GAP [ ESTABLISHING CREDIT a language & culture magazine for women new to Canada

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A language and culture quarterly for women new to Canada


Page 1: Here! Magazine Spring 2014

Spring 2014

Victoria BC

Wearing the Hijab: the public face of Islam






a l a n g u a g e & c u l t u r e m a g a z i n e for women new to Canada

Page 2: Here! Magazine Spring 2014

answers to activities on pages 14, 15, 22

page 14 weight machines

1. leg press2. leg extension3. pec dec4. leg curl

page 15abbreviations

LATS = latissimus dorsi musclesPECS = pectoralis major musclesABS = abdominal musclesQUADS = quadricep musclesREPS = repetitionsGLUTES = gluteal musclesDELTS = deltoid musclesHAMS = hamstring musclesTRAPS = trapezius muscles

Sharons’ workout

LATS (vertical row)PECS (pec dec)ABS (plank)QUADS (leg press, leg extension)GLUTES (leg press)DELTS (shoulder press, pec dec)HAMS (leg curl, leg press)

general part of the body where the muscles are found:

LATS (mid-back)PECS (chest)ABS (abdomen)QUADS (front thigh)GLUTES (buttocks)DELTS (shoulder)HAMS (back of thigh)TRAPS (upper back)

true or false

1. F (False)2. F (False3. T (True)4. F (False)5. T (True)6. T (True)7. F (False)8. F (False)

page 22So you want to be a Canadian citizen, eh? Test

1. c - In the Parliament of Canada2. b - Alberta (Edmonton), Saskatchewan (Regina) and Manitoba (Winnipeg)3. c - Commissioner4. b - April 1, 19995. c - Service6. d - The Queen, The House of Commons and the Senate


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Your federal and provincial representatives

Here to Help

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C O N T E N T T H A T M A T T E R SWhat Victoria B.C. is saying about Here! Magazine:

“I love “Here!” because it’s so important to have such a resource in the community, especially for immigrant women! -Olga Minko

Since I moved to Victoria three years ago, I’ve really longed to connect with the multicultural community here. Reading your magazine last night prompted me to reach out to volunteer—something I’ve always thought about doing. The look of the magazine is fantastic, and I found the content really interesting. I look forward to reading more, and will be connecting with Here! Magazine through your social media channels. -Renée Layberry “

Here! reminds me that I have a voice. -Nat Johnstone “

Page 3: Here! Magazine Spring 2014


Victoria has a vibrant and growing multicultural communit y! These organizations celebrate culture and diversit y with annual events l ike the Dragon Parade, Flamenco Festival, Greekfest , and the Highland Games and Celt ic Festival . They also offer support and ser vices to their members and newcomers, inc luding language support , health and wel lness activit ies, net working opportunit ies, and work- related ski l l development.

Victoria and Vancouver Island Greek Community Society

Victoria Canada-China Friendship Association

White Eagle Polish Association

Institute for Canadian Citizenship (Victoria Chapter)

Ukrainian Canadian Cultural Society of Vancouver Island

Victoria Highland Games Association

Sons of Scotland

The Royal Commonwealth Society

Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association

Victoria Native Friendship Centre

Victoria Korean-Canadian Women’s Association

Victoria Filipino-Canadian Association

Victoria Filipino-Canadian Caregivers Association

Victoria Filipino-Canadian Seniors Association

Victorian Croatian Community

Leonardo Da Vinci Centre

India Canada Cultural Association

Jewish Federation of Victoria and Vancouver Island

Victoria African Caribbean Cultural Society

Victoria Nikkei Cultural Society

Vancouver Island Thai Association

Newcomers Connect

The Victoria Immigrant and Refugee Centre Society (VIRCS) is excited to offer “Citizenship 101”, a pilot project funded by Citizenship and Immigration Canada, to help all newcomers across BC gain a better understanding of their role as citizens and prepare better for the Citizenship test. Contact: Keri Greenidge at [email protected]

please contact us at [email protected] if you would like to highlight your organization or event in here! magazine


ImmigrantWelcome Centre

ICA’s Settlement Services program connects individuals and organizations across cultures. To help immigrants and refugees reach their goals, ICA provides information, support, and tools to assist with housing, healthcare, education, human rights, Canadian law, family concerns, citizenship, and more.

Settlement Services

For more information or to register:Tel: 250-388-4728 Email: [email protected]

Since 1978, ICA has helped more than 20,000 newcomers.

Page 4: Here! Magazine Spring 2014

Publisher | Functionall Books

Editor | Fiona Bramble

Associate Editor | Christy Sebelius

Contributing Writers | Erin Renwick, Kedsanee Broome, Sharon Jacobson, Alex Creighton, Kelly Sterk, Ali Dadkhah, Heidy López, Adrienne Clarkson

Design and Layout | Fiona Bramble

Production | Black Press

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here magazine

160 Eberts St. Victoria BC Canada V8S 3H7

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All contents copyrighted. Written permission from the publisher is required to reproduce, quote, reprint, or copy any material from here! magazine. Ideas and opinions expressed in the articles do not necessarily reflect those of the publisher or advertisers. The publisher neither endorses nor assumes any liability for the contents of any advertisement in this publication.

Printed in Canada.

$4.95 ISSN: 2291-8582

Page 5: Here! Magazine Spring 2014

letter from the editor Welcome to our second issue! It has been an incredible few months for our

team, connecting and sharing with newcomers and community organizations here

in our beautiful city. I recently had the honour of facilitating a roundtable discussion

and witnessing 42 new Canadians swear the Citizenship Oath at a special citizenship

ceremony held at the Royal British Columbia Museum and hosted by the Institute

for Canadian Citizenship. It was a moving experience on many levels, particularly

when many of our newest Canadians told me that even from their earliest days as

newcomers, they had instantly felt that they were Canadian, not ”other” and an equal part of Canada’s

multicultural mosaic.

These sentiments made me feel proud to be Canadian and overjoyed for these new citizens,

but I also know that the newcomer path is not always as simple as that. In my many conversations with

other newcomers in our community, they expressed an pervasive sense of “otherness” - an invisible but

perceptible barrier between “them” and “us”.

My eight-year old asked me the other day how he can ask someone about his or her background or

ethnicity without sounding racist. It was a good question, and is. I am grateful in my work to have a platform

that encourages open dialogue about race and culture . In my personal life, I am able to sit around my

kitchen table and ask my friends of varying backgrounds about aspects of their race, religion, and culture

without any of us feeling awkward or ignorant. I sometimes feel that the stories I am told are precious secrets

that I am privileged to know. These opportunities aren’t available for many people. So how can we learn

about each other without the fear of offending or appearing ignorant? Let’s start the conversation.

This issue highlights the stories of Muslim women in our community and welcomes word mentor,

Sharon Jacobson, who introduces us to strength training and shows us how all those weird machines at the

gym work. In addition to our regular columns, we are lucky to add a “men’s corner” with male newcomer

insights, a guide to renting in Victoria, and a special citizenship message from The Right Honourable

Adrienne Clarkson.

This magazine is a meeting place for all Canadians , new and “old”. Each story and article is another

Canadian reaching out to welcome you here and share in your experience. Make yourself at home.

Fiona Bramble, Editor

2nd-generation Irish-Scottish Canadian

Page 6: Here! Magazine Spring 2014

ContentVolume 1, Issue 2

newhere page 9Welcome Heidy López, public accountant, from Caracas, Venezuela.Heidy first arrived in Victoria B.C. in 2009 as a student. She has since started a new career and plans to make Victoria home.

learnherepage 12Learn the language of the gym and get exercise and health tips in this issue’s lesson: “a beginner’s workout” with word mentor and personal trainer, Sharon Jacobson.

homeherepage 17Share the joys and growing pains of a multicultural family with Kedsanee Broome as her children remind her that being “different” can be a source of pride.

readhere page 8 The Beggar Maid excerptby Alice Munro

moneyhere page 10 Establishing credit in Canadaby Kelly Sterk

imageshere page 11 Tourism Victoria’s Image Gallery

renthere page 16 Looking for a place to rentby Alex Creighton

hereinCanada page 22 Citizenship Quiz #2Tweeting Canada


feature article 18Read the stories of the women in Victoria’s vibrant Muslim community and about their personal decisions to wear or not wear the hijab.

men’scorner 20Discover what Victoria’s newcomer men are up to and meet Ali Dadkhah, facilitator of the Inter-Cultural Association of Greater Victoria Men’s Group.

specialfeature 23The Right Honourable Adrienne Clarkson shares her powerful citizenship story.

Page 7: Here! Magazine Spring 2014 7

M any of us came from somewhere

else. Some of us arrived 100 years

ago, some of us 100 days ago. Now

we are here, working, living, and

learning together. We may have

arrived in different ways and may have come for

different reasons. We may be going down different

paths but one thing is the same: here is home.

Page 8: Here! Magazine Spring 2014


Alice Munro is the 2013 winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature. Ms. Munro

now lives in British Columbia and is the first Canadian

woman to win a Nobel Prize for Literature. She has been

called “the pre-eminent master of the short story”.

about the authorAlice Munro

Canadian Literature books & stories by

Canadian authors


excerpt from The Beggar Maid

thinking about the story

Is Rose in love with Patrick?

What kind of person is Rose?

What kind of person is Patrick?

Why does Patrick give Rose a “cold incredulous look”

when she is talking with her friends?

Do you think Rose and Patrick eventually get married?

photo credit: Derek Shapton

Patrick Blatchford was in love with Rose. This had become a f ixed, even furious, idea with him. For her, a continual surprise. He wanted to marry her. He waited for her after classes, moved in and walked beside her, so that anybody she was talking to would have to reckon with his presence. He would not talk when these fr iends or classmates of hers were around, but he would try to catch her eye, so that he could indicate by a cold incredulous look what he thought of their conversation. Rose was f lat tered, but nervous. A girl named Nancy Falls, a fr iend of hers, mispronounced Metternich in front of him. He said to her later, “How can you be friends with people like that?”

Nancy and Rose had gone and sold their blood together, at Victoria Hospital. They each got f if teen dollars. They spent most of the money on evening shoes, tar ty silver sandals. Then because they were sure the bloodletting had caused them to lose weight, they had hot fudge sundaes at Boomers. Why was Rose unable to defend Nancy to Patrick?

Page 9: Here! Magazine Spring 2014 9

The hardest thing is

to communicate 100%

exactly what I want

to express, what my

thoughts and feelings


check the Internet

for volunteering

positions at churches,

museums, or non-

profit associations;

volunteers are always

needed somewhere in




11 months

H e i d y L ó p e z reason for coming here: to learn English, seek employment opportunities, and have a better quality of life.

getting here: quite an adventure: I took 2 flights, plus a ferry and spent almost 3 hours in immigration among other things.

studying here: English courses at University of Victoria (UVIC), Certificate and Diploma in Business Administration at UVIC, Canadian Certification in Accounting at the General Accountants Association of BC (CGA).

favorite thing to do here: walk on the beaches and look at the scenery.most helpful person here: it’s going to sound selfish, but to be honest, I helped myself the most.

I miss tons of things,

mainly my family and

friends. I also miss

the weather, food,


I stay connected to my

culture through the

Internet radio stations;

listening to Latin music

takes me back so quickly

to Venezuela.

Is Rose in love with Patrick?

What kind of person is Rose?

What kind of person is Patrick?

Why does Patrick give Rose a “cold incredulous look”

when she is talking with her friends?

Do you think Rose and Patrick eventually get married?

here & thereCanadians have heavy

food for dinner and light food for lunch. It’s the opposite in Venezuela!

“Finally! I am here! hometown Caracas, Venezuela

mother tongueSpanish

Page 10: Here! Magazine Spring 2014

Kelly Sterk Branch Manager

Island Savings ,Tuscany Village Branch



u s e t he c r e d i t c a r d r e g u l a r l y a nd pay i t o f f e a c h mo nt h

credit /ˈkrɛdɪt/ credit in financial terms

means any kind of borrowing: credit cards, mortgages and vehicle loans are all examples of credit. Credit is used when a person borrows money from a lender and then pays this same amount plus interest over a specific period of time back to the institution that loaned the money.

credit score /skɔr/ also

called a credit rating, your credit score shows your history of owing money and paying it back. This rating is based on whether or not you pay bills and loan repayments on time—a high score means you make payments regularly and are responsible with credit. You need a good credit rating to be able to use credit in the future.

debt /ˈdɛt/ debt is something—

usually an amount of money—that has been borrowed from a lender and must be paid back.

interest / ɪ̍ntrɛst/ interest is a

service fee charged on borrowed money, usually calculated as a yearly percentage (for example, 4.5%) that is paid monthly.

lender /ˈlɛndər/ a lender can

be a bank, credit union, mortgage broker, or any individual that lends you money.

tips for using credit

How d o I star t building a good credit score?

Victoria is a city ful l of opportunity - but many people

need f inancial help to get started.

Credit - or the abi l ity to borrow money - is an important tool

for many parts of Canadian l i fe, including renting apartments,

booking hotels, and buying almost anything onl ine. Many

Canadians use credit to purchase high-priced items l ike cars and

houses. Credit is also often used for funding needs l ike post-

secondary education or starting a new business.

a pp l y f o r a c r e d i t c a r d t hr o u g h yo ur ba nk o r c r e d i t un io n

Always pay your bills on time.

Pay your bills in full or at least pay the required minimum amount on your monthly statement.

Pay your debts as quickly as possible.

Don’t go over the credit limit on your credit card; the higher the balance, the more impact it has on your credit score.

photo credit: Old Towne by Deanne Gillespie . All rights reserved by

Page 11: Here! Magazine Spring 2014 11


In 2007, Tourism Victoria “invited residents and visitors alike to send photos of their favourite Victoria moments in to

Tourism Victoria’s first ever ‘Full of Life’ photo contest.

Over 4,500 submissions flooded in, showing just how full of life Victoria really is. [They] received pictures of wildlife,

plants and gardens, the ocean and its creatures, arts and cultural events, festivals, city and streetscapes, outdoor

adventures, sports, architecture, and many others.” (

These (and the one of Old Towne on the opposite page) are just a sample of the incredible images that were taken. After a

wet winter, they are a great reminder that we live in one of the most beautiful cities in the world!

Victoria was named’s “Most Romantic City in Canada”

for both 2013 and 2014!

photo credit: Mount Baker from Cattle Point by Dylan Hoen. All rights reserved by

photo credit: Tallships Festival by Gary WebsterAll rights reserved by

photo credit: Fort Rodd on a Perfect Day by Brian YoungAll rights reserved by

photo credit: Breaching Humpback by Jacklyn BarrsAll rights reserved by

photo credit: Goldstream Park by Vadym Garifer. All rights reserved by

All rights reserved by

Page 12: Here! Magazine Spring 2014



“We’re going to start today with our big muscles, using the leg machines for our lower body.

words by

Sharon Jacobsonpersonal training manager @ VI Fitness

Choose a weight that isn’t too heavy for you.

the leg extension

Adjust the foot bar. The pad should be on your shoe laces.

Adjust the back for your height.

the leg curl

the leg press

Your heels should rest on top of the foot pad.

Drop pad to rest on top of your thighs.

strength training

This machine works your quadriceps. Sit as far back as you can to support your back. Raise the foot bar with both feet underneath and take it up without locking the legs; slowly take it back down to a 90° angle. Do 2 sets of 12-15 repetitions.

This machine works your hamstrings, the opposing

muscles to the quadriceps. You should always work

opposing muscles.

Set up the weight, back rest, and foot bar as you did with

the leg extension.

Breathe out as you curl your legs all the way under.

Breathe in as you bring your legs slowly back up.

Do 2 sets of 12-15 repetitions.

This machine works your quadriceps, hamstrings, and


Set your weight, lie down and put your feet on the silver plate, with your heels on the line. Your knees

must be bent and legs must be at a 90° angle.

Push through the heels (don’t lock your knees!), then return to your

90° angle.

Do 2 sets of 12-15 repetitions.

Page 13: Here! Magazine Spring 2014

a beginner’s workout 13

the leg press

the calf raise

My passion for training comes from the opportunity to meet new people and from helping them achieve their fitness goals. My philosophy is that every person can become fit and healthy no matter what their age, size, or shape.

Moving on to our upper body, we’re going to start with the “Pec Dec”

the pec dec

the vertical row

the shoulder press

strength training

This machine works your soleus muscle, part of the calf. This is a fun one to do - it’s a bit like a rocking horse!

Put a weight on the bar that sticks out. Sit down and lower the pads so that they are resting on top of your quadriceps, not your knees. The balls of your feet should be on the silver plate.

Remove the lever. Breathe out as you go up and bring your feet flat. Lean slightly forward.

Do 2 sets of 12-15 repetitions.

This machine works your chest and the front of the


Set the weight and the seat for your height.

Sit down with your arms out at shoulder height.

Hold the bottom handles.Drop and lead with the elbows. Breathe out as

you pull in and breathe in as you go out.

Do 2 sets of 12-15 repetitions.

This machine works your back and the opposing muscles to the chest,

the “lats” and the rhomboids.

Set the weight and the seat for your height.

Sit down with your arms out at shoulder height. Keep your body

tall; no swinging when you do this one. Adjust the chest pad if you

can’t reach the handles. Breathe out as you pull it towards you,

keeping your elbows in and your shoulder blades together. Breathe in as you take your arms forward.

Do not overextend your arms.

Do 2 sets of 12-15 repetitions.

This machine works your deltoids and your triceps.

Set the weight and the seat for your height. Sit down and make sure the handles are above your shoulders, never below. There are two sets of handles; one of them is closer in and you should use those if you have any shoulder problems.

Breathe out and keep your elbows soft as you lift up. The white bar should not go past eye level.

Do 2 sets of 12-15 repetitions.

Page 14: Here! Magazine Spring 2014



why strength training?

Sharon says:

aids in stress relief

helps prevent osteoporosis

increases your metabolism

burns fat more quickly

“before your workout: always warm up for 5-10 minutes on a bike, treadmill, or elliptical machine.

during your workout: if 15 repetitions is too easy, put the weight up.

after your workout: eat protein to help support your muscles.

after your workout: do some abdominal exercises, like sit-ups, crunches, or a plank.

after your workout: stretch!

during your workout: drink water.

listen to Sharon’s good advice by scanning the QR code below with your phone or tablet.

t r u e o r f a l s e ?

1 32 4

Match the diagrams below to the correct

machine on pages 12 & 13. Write the

name of the machine above its diagram.

Answers are on the inside front cover.

Page 15: Here! Magazine Spring 2014 15

at the gym

the weight machines on pages 12 & 13 are part of a “strength training circuit”. Weights that you hold in your hand are called “free weights”.

People at the gym often use abbreviations when talking about their workout or their bodies. Here are some common abbreviations:

Can you guess what these abbreviations mean? What muscles did Sharon’s workout involve? Answers are on the inside cover.

t r u e o r f a l s e ?

1. The leg curl works your quads. T or F

2. The pec dec works your lats. T or F

3. A plank is good for the abs. T or F

4. Your glutes are in your arms. T or F

5. A set is 12-15 repetitions. T or F

6. Always work opposing muscles. T or F

7. The leg press is a free weight. T or F

8. The soleus muscle is in your chest. T or F

Answers are on the inside cover.

Draw a line from the muscles in the list on the left to where they are on the human body.










Page 16: Here! Magazine Spring 2014

16 NEXT ISSUE: Looking at a Rental Unit

online The most popular sites for finding apartments or houses for rent are:, usedvictoria.

com, and When searching online using Google, for example, search “Rentals Victoria B.C.” and property management companies will also show in the search results. A property management company usually manages many rental apartments.

walk around Walk around the neighbourhood you are

interested in living in. Many landlords post “for rent” signs with a contact phone number or email outside their buildings.

word of mouthTell your friends you are looking for a place to

rent! Many rentals are NEVER advertised and are rented out to friends or people the landlord knows.

classified ads These ads are usually in a newspaper, online or in print.

Some of the larger landlords advertise in the daily newspaper, like the Times-Colonist. A landlord or landlady is the owner or manager of the rental unit.


f/s = fridge and stove

fp = fireplace

n/s = no smoking

bdrm/br/bed = bedroom

furn = comes with furniture

BA = bathroom

utils = heat and hot water

n/p = no pets

w/d = washer and dryer

meetAlex Creighton

Alex has over 30 years experience in property management with Devon Properties and her family-run property management company.

ads for rental apartments and houses often use these abbreviations:

how many bedrooms do

you need?

looking for a place to rent

what area do you want to

live in?

what is your budget?

rent $

utitilities $

how many bedrooms do

you need?

photo credit: Downtown by Jerry Ezekiel . All rights reserved by

Page 17: Here! Magazine Spring 2014

NEXT ISSUE: Looking at a Rental Unit

online The most popular sites for finding apartments or houses for rent are:, usedvictoria.

com, and When searching online using Google, for example, search “Rentals Victoria B.C.” and property management companies will also show in the search results. A property management company usually manages many rental apartments.

word of mouthTell your friends you are looking for a place to

rent! Many rentals are NEVER advertised and are rented out to friends or people the landlord knows.

classified ads These ads are usually in a newspaper, online or in print.

Some of the larger landlords advertise in the daily newspaper, like the Times-Colonist. A landlord or landlady is the owner or manager of the rental unit.

f/s = fridge and stove

fp = fireplace

n/s = no smoking

bdrm/br/bed = bedroom

furn = comes with furniture

BA = bathroom

utils = heat and hot water

n/p = no pets

w/d = washer and dryer

ads for rental apartments and houses often use these abbreviations:

homehere minding the gap by Kedsanee Broome

Kedsanee Broome immigrated to Canada from Thailand

in 2004 and is a Registered Clinical Counsellor with the

BC Association of Clinical Counsellors, specializing in

cultural diversity. She is a mother of two and wife of a Caucasian Canadian in a mixed-cultural marriage, raising her children

in two cultures. 17

When I went to pick up my daughter at pre-school, the teacher told me a story that she claimed was “very cute”. It occurred on the school field trip to the Bug Zoo.

After seeing all sorts of bizarre, strange, and fascinating bugs from different places, the children gathered in the souvenir shop, eyeing all the wonderful treats. One of the children noticed that the candies had real bugs inside them and the following dialogue took place:

A girl: “Look! A worm inside the candy!”

My daughter: “My mum eats bugs.”

According to the teacher, at this point everyone looked at my daughter Nisa. Some friends were amazed, some were quizzical, and some thoroughly disgusted.

A boy: “Your mum eats bugs?!!”

Nisa’s teacher says that Nisa’s voice was full of pride when she said: “Yes, she’s from Thailand.”

After hearing the story from the teacher, I turned to my daughter. She was staring at me with a look that showed how wonderfully exceptional she is to have a mum who stands out from other mums. I laughed and gave her a kiss. Though, if you ask me how I felt at that moment, I was not overly enthusiastic about being “different” at that moment, in that way!

I thought, Great! Now they will think I’m weird. I don’t eat bugs! Sure I’ve tried them at the market in Thailand, but to be honest I don’t really like them. Many people do and it is not uncommon, but for me it was a bit embarrassing to be singled out for this character trait even though it was quite amusing to see the reactions of others.

This story reflects how I raise my children, who are growing up in a two-culture household. It ’s not about whether I eat bugs or whether I like them or not. It ’s about my daughter’s expression that tells me that she is happy to be different. It ’s okay to have a mum who eats bugs. Nothing can teach her that it is okay to be different as well as my being okay with it does.

Recently, I have talked to some teenagers who are living in mixed-culture homes. Some have just immigrated, some have been here more than 5 years, and some were born here. Most of them said to me that they don’t like being different. Have you ever felt uneasy about being different? Are you caught in two cultures? As a parent, do you feel caught in multi-cultural parenting?

Read Kedsanee’s advice on how not to get discouraged when negotiating the language and culture gaps in your daily life:

looking for a place to rent

photo credit: Downtown by Jerry Ezekiel . All rights reserved by

Page 18: Here! Magazine Spring 2014

O u t b e y o n d i d e a s o f w r o n g d o i n g a n d r i g h t d o i n g ,t h e r e i s a f i e l d .

I ’ l l m e e t y o u t h e r e .W h e n t h e s o u l l i e s d o w n i n t h a t g r a s s ,

t h e w o r l d i s t o o f u l l t o t a l k a b o u t .I d e a s , l a n g u a g e , e v e n t h e p h r a s e e a c h o t h e r

d o e s n ’ t m a k e a n y s e n s e . - R u m i

These words by Rumi illustrate non-judgment and, like many of Rumi’s ancient poems, are still admired today by many Muslims around the world. Yet when we see Islam represented in the media, the focus is regularly on the hijab, burka or niqab in particular as a symbol of women’s oppression and of Islam’s dangerous extremism. This kind of representation has helped to create a negative image of not just the hijab, but of Islam itself.

In Quebec in particular, the polarizing so-called Quebec Charter of Values has ignited a much-publicized outburst of anti-hijab sentiment, sometimes even aggression against women who wear the hijab. For Muslim women in Canada, however, wearing the hijab has many different meanings. In order to understand what the hijab really means to the women who choose to wear it, or not to wear it, it is important to listen to the perspective of Muslim women themselves. The women interviewed here represent just a few points of view on what is a very personal and complex topic.

Meharoona Meharoona Ghani was born and raised in Canada; she is an activist, scholar, writer, public speaker, spoken word artist and consultant who specializes in diversity. She is also a Muslim woman. Meharoona chooses not to wear the headscarf at this point in her life, but has explored the idea as part of her personal spiritual path. The question that she pondered while she wore the hijab was this: “Does this really bring me closer to God?” In the end, Meharoona decided that it did not. She says that “everybody’s trying to find a way of connecting to a divine being, and divine power; finding their way, finding who they are. That’s what my journey has been, and I realized that the hijab doesn’t bring me closer to God. Maybe for others, it does.”

For some Muslim women, the hijab is tied strongly with their faith in God.

Nour Nour Abdella is a young Muslim woman who immigrated to Canada from Egypt as a teenager, and she says that wearing the hijab is a responsibility that she is not ready for yet. She says, “at this point in my spiritual journey, I am not ready yet to undertake such a responsibility and it is not something to be taken lightly. The other thing is, to me, the hijab is the outward symbol of commitment to spiritual growth. It is a commitment to every day strive to be a good Muslim. I do have that commitment and it is quite near and dear to my heart….but it is also a very personal thing; it’s my inner compass that guides me. With the hijab you’re literally wearing it for everyone to see……people feel the need to judge, label or question you, and you have to be more open to share your spiritual journey; it’s part of the responsibility. I’m a private person by nature; I really don’t think I’m ready for that kind of sharing yet. But, I really hope that one day I will be ready and that I will wear the hijab.”

Wearing theHijab the public face of Is lam


Page 19: Here! Magazine Spring 2014

Another Muslim woman describes her decision not to wear the hijab in terms of her own behaviour.

“Jara”explains that she doesn’t want to “embarrass” her religion by acting incorrectly in public as a Muslim. She wears the hijab only when she feels that she is acting as a faithful Muslim. She says that when she does wear it, she feels “so proud…because I know I’m doing good.”

Certainly, public behaviour is important for many Muslims, and the hijab is a public statement of one’s faith in Islam. One local Muslim woman describes wearing the hijab as a burden that she is willing to bear.

“Nyla” “The burden that I have wearing hijab is, when I leave the house, I represent not only Muslim women, but Muslims in general. I try to be on my best behaviour. When I put it on when I am getting ready to leave, it’s on my mind, but I’m proud of it…it is a struggle to wear it… I mean I know lots of women that started [wearing the hijab] and no longer do it. I know women that have had negative physical altercations and don’t wear it because of that. They don’t want to bring that upon themselves. To me, my faith in God, my religion is much more important than a hypothetical situation that could happen. This is my town...I don’t feel afraid here.”

For this Muslim woman, her hijab has nothing to with repression whatsoever. It is simply an expression of her faith in God, and she wears it not out of fear of what might happen at home if she doesn’t, but in spite of what might happen in public when she does.

Aishah Aishah is a newcomer from Malaysia who did not initially wear the hijab when she arrived in Canada for her studies. She says, “I was young and I didn’t want people to judge me a certain way because I was wearing hijab…I was afraid that I might scare some people, so they wouldn’t be friends with me, but deep inside I did have a desire to wear [hijab], but because of how society looks at it, my perception of how people look at it, makes me shy away from it.” Aishah did get over her fear, and has begun to wear the hijab every day. She describes the way that she convinced herself to wear the headscarf. She told herself: “you should just do it regardless of what people might say… you are doing it for the sake of Allah, so even of you are

not going to get a job because you are wearing hijab, if you are doing this for the sake of your God, then you should be at

peace. You should feel good about yourself, and

not worry about what people think.”

For yet another Muslim woman, wearing the hijab is a given.

Maram Maram is a student from Saudi Arabia who has been in Canada for about three years. She has never considered removing the hijab. She says that the “hijab to me is identity for me as a Muslim woman, as a symbol of modesty, and it’s not like non-Muslims think--that we wear the hijab to control the sexuality of men, it’s not like this. I am not forced to wear it. I am here in Canada and I can do what I want.“

And Maram is right. Canada is a country that prides itself on its freedom of choice for citizens and visitors, even when those choices are complex, and cannot be summed up by any news clip, anywhere.

The fear of public

perception plays into

other Muslim women’s decisions

whether or not to wear the hijab as


b y E r i n

R e n w i c k 19

Page 20: Here! Magazine Spring 2014

their storyaverage time in Canada: 2 YEARS


reasons for leaving their home country: CIVIL WAR, POOR SOCIETAL CONDITIONS, LACK OF EMPLOYMENT


things they miss most from home : FOOD, FAMILY, FRIENDS


F A T H E Rpartnerh u s b a n dBROTHER

f r i e n d




MAURICIO (Colombia)

JUN (China)

top 5 tips for settling in Victoria:

#1: learn English

#2: go to ICA

#3: communicate with the locals

#4: volunteer

#5: take chances

“about 30,000

immigrant and

newcomer men call Victoria



Page 21: Here! Magazine Spring 2014

their storyaverage time in Canada: 2 YEARS


reasons for leaving their home country: CIVIL WAR, POOR SOCIETAL CONDITIONS, LACK OF EMPLOYMENT


things they miss most from home : FOOD, FAMILY, FRIENDS

i If you meet Ali

somewhere, feel free to

offer him some Persian

pastry - it’s the thing

from home he misses


talking with Al i DadkhahI r anian immigr antand f ac i l i t ator o f theInter - Cu l tur a l A s soc iat ion o f Greate r V ic tor ia ( I CA )

Men’s Group

full name:

Alireza Eftekhardadkhah

“With men, if you give them space and time, they are willing to share.




What is the ‘Men’s Group’?

The Men’s Group is a group designed only for immigrant men in Victoria. The group meets once a week for two hours to learn about different aspects of Canadian life and to share their experiences with each other. Every week there is a different theme and every theme is a combination of a guest speaker and some practical activity. Some of the themes so far are: transport, communication, sport, culture, finance, and men’s health.

Why is there a need for the Men’s Group?

What are some challenges in the Men’s Group?

There are many programs with a focus on women. Even if there is something for men, it is usually a program combined with women. Men need a group for themselves too. The issues men want to talk about are sometimes different from women’s. When they see people in a group with the same background and gender, they are more comfortable sharing and participating. The Men’s Group at ICA is the place where this is possible.

The first few sessions are a bit challenging. It is difficult to make everyone feel safe enough to share their experience as an immigrant. A:


What do you think the men in the group take away from the meetings?One of the main things is that they understand there is a place where they can get help and that they are not alone. The settlement process is not easy - if they know they are not alone and have help, it makes the change easier. They also learn about different aspects of Canadian society in a very practical way.

I could never get my head around hockey fights! It seems like fighting is encouraged and to my understanding, people actually enjoy watching it. This is a strange Canadian custom. 21for more information about ICA’s workshops and programs, call: 250.388.4726, email: [email protected], or visit the website:

Page 22: Here! Magazine Spring 2014


1. Give an example of where English and French have equal status in Canada. a. In schools b. In the workplace c. In the Parliament of Canada d. At City Hall 2. What are the Prairie provinces and their capital cities? a. Alberta (Edmonton) and Saskatchewan (Regina) b. Alberta (Edmonton), Saskatchewan (Regina) and Manitoba (Winnipeg) c. Saskatchewan (Regina) and Manitoba (Winnipeg) d. Saskatchewan (Regina), Manitoba (Winnipeg) and Ontario (Toronto)

3. What is the Queen’s representative in the Territories called? a. Premier b. Governor General c. Commissioner d. Member of Parliament 4. On what date did Nunavut become a territory? a. July 1st, 1867 b. April 1st, 1999 c. June 24th, 1995 d. March 31st, 1949

5. In what industry do most Canadians work? a. Natural resources b. Tourism c. Service d. Manufacturing

6. What are the three parts of Parliament? a. The Sovereign, Governor General and Prime Minister b. The House of Commons, the Legislative Assembly and the Senate c. The Queen, the Legislative Assembly and the Senate d. The Queen, the House of Commons and the Senate

more practice at:


hereinCanada best headline about Canada


Read our curated Canada-themed tweets at our Storify page :

Newcomer or not , answering some of these questions is a challenge!

Taken from the Richmond Public Library’s online Practice Citizenship

Test, the questions are samples of what newcomers need to know before they

take that all-important next step of becoming a Canadian Citizen.

See how well YOU do!answers on inside front cover

10 Ways Canada Has Already Won The Winter Olympics(Canada has a heart of gold. And also just a lot of gold.)

February 12, 2014, by Tanya Chen Read the story at our Facebook page:

Page 23: Here! Magazine Spring 2014


1. Give an example of where English and French have equal status in Canada. a. In schools b. In the workplace c. In the Parliament of Canada d. At City Hall 2. What are the Prairie provinces and their capital cities? a. Alberta (Edmonton) and Saskatchewan (Regina) b. Alberta (Edmonton), Saskatchewan (Regina) and Manitoba (Winnipeg) c. Saskatchewan (Regina) and Manitoba (Winnipeg) d. Saskatchewan (Regina), Manitoba (Winnipeg) and Ontario (Toronto)

3. What is the Queen’s representative in the Territories called? a. Premier b. Governor General c. Commissioner d. Member of Parliament 4. On what date did Nunavut become a territory? a. July 1st, 1867 b. April 1st, 1999 c. June 24th, 1995 d. March 31st, 1949

5. In what industry do most Canadians work? a. Natural resources b. Tourism c. Service d. Manufacturing

6. What are the three parts of Parliament? a. The Sovereign, Governor General and Prime Minister b. The House of Commons, the Legislative Assembly and the Senate c. The Queen, the Legislative Assembly and the Senate d. The Queen, the House of Commons and the Senate

more practice at: 23

Citizenship is the key to Canada

The Right Honourable Adrienne Clarkson,Institute for Canadian Citizenship Co-Founder & Co-Chair

I arrived in Canada in 1942, when I was about two and a half years old. My family took refuge here after the Japanese conquered Hong Kong.

I am someone that didn’t belong anywhere and I remain someone who understands the everlasting anguish of being forcibly displaced. I am also someone who is proud to be a Canadian citizen. I belong to a country whose welcome is warm and wide, and whose diversity astonishes the world.

Like many new Canadians, my journey to Canada wasn’t the easiest, and although my family’s struggle continued when we first arrived, we were welcomed.

Canada is unique in the way we welcome immigrants. We embrace diversity. The arrival of new Canadians makes our country more diverse, more interesting and more capable. Citizenship is central to our immigration policy. When we bring people to Canada as immigrants, we’re choosing them as future citizens.

I became a Canadian citizen when I was 10 years old, and with each passing year, I grow more proud to say I belong to a country that is bound together by citizenship.

Most Canadians believe everyone – regardless of whether they’re Canadian-born or born elsewhere – can be a good citizen. In Canada, citizenship is equality – there is no such thing as a second-class Canadian citizen.

I am proud to have been appointed the first immigrant as Governor General. It was proof that Canada is a place where the sky is the limit, and I wanted to do more to ensure new citizens felt they had the same access to everything Canada has to offer – just as I felt.

In 2006, I founded the Institute for Canadian Citizenship (ICC), a non-profit charity that works to ensure our country’s newest citizens feel welcomed and included, and engages all Canadians in active citizenship.

The ICC helps create a sense of belonging for all Canadians regardless of whether their family has been here for five years or five generations.

I encourage all Canadians to take on the role of active, engaged citizens – it’s the only way our country can continue to grow and succceed.

Canada’s 26th Governor General

Colonel-in-Chief of Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry

Bestselling author with a career in journalism spanning 30 years

2014 Massey Lecturer (speaking in Vancouver October 2014)

To learn more about the Institute for Canadian Citizenship please visit or follow us on Twitter @ICCICC.

Madame Clarkson enjoying the conversation with new citizens, Toronto’s emerging leaders and members of the Order of Canada and Ontario at the ICC’s Order! Order! dinner-discussion series.

Madame Clarkson and Deepa Mehta officially welcoming new

citizens at an ICC community citizenship ceremony .

Page 24: Here! Magazine Spring 2014