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HFT 2220



Development Programs

Helps our employees get better every day

Helps employees achieve their goals

Puts the person in sync with their position and place

Leads to career development

Career Development vs. Performance Appraisals

Performance AppraisalsShort term: based on past performance

Career DevelopmentLong term: Looks to the future

Career Development

A program to assist employees in their own personal growth and maturity in the workplace

Employee responsibilities

Management responsibilities

Company responsibilities

Employee Responsibilities

Self assessment of abilities, interest and values

Analyzing career options

Deciding on objectives and needs


Mapping out plans

Pursuing the action plan

Management Responsibilities

Act as a catalyst in the planning process


Counsel the employee

Follow up

Company Responsibilities

Provide a career planning model

Provide training

Provide skills training & on the job opportunities

Advantages of a Career Development Program to the Company

Succession planningPromotion potentialQualified poolCross trainingRetention/TurnoverReduced recruiting expense

Minimize issues / job dissatisfactionTeamworkImproved communicationPreparation for changeReleases workforce potential

Advantages to the Employee

Uncovers hidden interests

Improved attitude

Job satisfaction

Realistic promotion expectations

Develop talent potential

Take responsibility for growth & development


Realistic career goals

Handle current job responsibilities

Continuing Education

Professional improvement

Professional service

Professional growth

Professional learning


Professional commitment

Personal benefits

Increased job security

Growth in Professional Development

Required by occupations

Train employees

Certify employees

Changing environment

New developments



Professional Development

Allows employees to:Maintain their current position

Provide mobility


Professional Development on the Job

Improves processes

Something new

Represent management


Special assignments

Lead a task force

Practice a skill or behavior

Seek assignment to stretch your strengths

Follow up

Professional Development from Others

Join or lead a community group

Volunteer with a community organization

Make presentations to civic organizations

Model other competent people

Professional Development Off the Job

Attend workshops and training courses

Attend seminars

Take adult education classes



Certification courses and exams

Certification Programs

Certification – Not a licenseCertificate

Certificate Programs

CertificationUsually requires an exam

Factors for Supporting Continuous Learning

Job activities allow people pursue their interestsJob assignments expose employees to new ideasWork schedule which allow free time to work on new ideasFinancial supportCareer programs for internal advancementPrograms for skill developmentArrange for special speakersSkills development programsAwardsLife skills trainingOther external influences

Other Factors in a Development Program

Identify company’s mission and goals

Assist employees in determining personal goals and needs

Obtain information pertaining to organizational needs and priorities

Develop action plans matching employee needs with company needs

Provide feedback and guidance

Evaluation of Development Programs

Why evaluate?Improve the programs

Increase effectiveness

Assess value

Justify existence

Aid in identifying future candidates



Increase likelihood of continuous development

Kirkpatrick’s Levels of Evaluation






Level 1 - Reaction


Suggestions for improvement

Standards of performance


What do you want to find out?Written comment sheetQuantifiableAnonymousOpen ended commentsEnd of sessionTime for completionMeasure satisfaction

Level 2 - Learning

Answers the followingWhat was learned

Were skills improved

Were attitudes changed

ByDemonstrating the skill

Individual performance of the skill

In depth discussion

Level 3 - Behavior

Measured byHow much knowledge gained in training is used on the jobHow skills are improvedHas attitude changed

By doingEvaluate after the programSurvey othersAllow time for change to take place

Level 4 - Results

Allow time

Measure before and after

Repeat measurements at appropriate intervals

Decide what need to be measured

Report the results and modify procedures as needed

Level 5- ROI

Return on InvestmentCalculates a training programs payback

Net program benefits / Program costs x 100%

Pitfalls to Evaluation

Management doesn’t want to do it

People don’t want to do it

Lack of data

No standards exist

High perception of risk

Concern over privacy & confidentiality issues