hgm project report-1

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  • 8/12/2019 HGM Project Report-1





  • 8/12/2019 HGM Project Report-1




    While exploration and mining can sometimes be conducted by individual entrepreneurs or

    small business, most modern-day mines are large enterprises requiring large amounts of

    capital to establish. Consequently, the mining sector of the industry is dominated by large,

    often multinational, mostly publicly-listed companies. See Category: ining companies for

    a list. !o"ever, "hat are referred to as the #mining industry# are actually t"o sectors, one

    speciali$ing in exploration for ne" resources, the other speciali$ing in mining those

    resources. %he exploration sector is typically made up of individuals and small mineral

    resource companies dependent on public investment. %he mining sector is typically large

    and multi-national companies sustained by mineral production from their mining operations.

    iners today do more than &ust dig tunnels in the 'arth#s subsurface. %here are many

    different &obs, direct and indirect, in the mining industry, ranging from engineers and lab

    technicians to geologists and environmental specialists. (eyond employment directly lin)ed

    to mine-site activity, the modern mining industry also employs many other professionals,

    including accountants, la"yers, sales representatives, public relations specialists, not tomention thousands of men and "omen involved "ho manufacture the machines and

    equipment necessary to mine minerals.

    *old is a pleasure to o"n and possess, as many people have discovered throughout the ages

    and around the "orld. *old is a very stubborn element "hen it comes to reacting to or

    combining "ith other elements. +eeping this in mind, helps to explain many things about

    gold. %here are very fe" true gold ores, besides native gold, because it forms a ma&or part of

    only a fe" rare minerals, it is found as little more than a trace in a fe" others or it is alloyed

    to a small extent "ith other metals such assilver. *old is almost indestructible and has been

    used and then reused for centuries to the extent that all gold of )no"n existence is almost

    equal to all the gold that has ever been mined. *old is a great medium metal for&e"elry, as

  • 8/12/2019 HGM Project Report-1


    it never tarnishes. ative gold "ires emerging from massive "hite quart$ can ma)e for a

    visually stunning specimen.

    *old "as probably the first metal )no"n to the early hominids that, on finding it as nuggets

    and spangles in the soils and stream sands, "ere undoubtedly attracted by its intrinsicbeauty, great malleability, and virtual indestructibility. s tribal development progressed

    through the /aleolithic, esolithic, and eolithic ages, and as people congregated into

    civili$ed centers, the metal appears to have ta)en on a sacred quality because of its enduring

    character 0immortality, being "orn initially probably as amulets and later fashioned into

    religious ob&ects 0idols.

    'arly references to the first discovery of gold are essentially legendary or mythical. %hus,

    Cadmus, the /hoenician, is said by some early "riters to have discovered gold2 others say

    that %homas, a Saurian )ing, first found the pre angelus ountains in %hrace. %he

    Chromium lexandrina 0.3. 45 ascribes its discovery coins metal in the / to ercury

    06oman god of merchandise and merchants, the son of 7upiter, or to /ious, )ing of 8taly,

    "ho, quitting his o"n country "ent into 'gypt. Similar legends and myths concerning the

    initial discovery of gold are extant in the ancient literature of the !indus 0the 9edas as "ell

    as in that of the ancient Chinese and other peoples. 8n fact, the discovery of the element "e

    call gold is lost in antiquity.

    %he principal source of gold in primitive times "as undoubtedly stream placers, although

    there is considerable evidence in certain gold belts 0e.g., 'gypt and 8ndia that alluvial

    deposits, auriferous gossans, and the near surface parts of friable 0oxidi$ed veins "ere

    mined. %he eluviaand alluvial placers "ere "or)ed in the crudest manner by panning or the

    simplest form of sluicing.

    %he auriferous gossans and exposed parts of friable veins "ere simply grubbed out,

    trenched, or pitted along their stri)e length "ith the crudest of tools -stonehammers, antler

    pic)s, and bone and "ooden shovels. nly rarely "ere added, simple shafts, and drifts

    attempted and then only in the soft roc)s of the $one of oxidation. ;ire-setting "as probably

    employed by the ancient 'gyptians, Semites, 8ndians, and others to brea) up the hard quart$

    veins, although there is only limited evidence to support this contention.

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    %he !utti *old ines Company =imited a *ovt of +arnata)a underta)ing established in

    1>?@ as the !yderabad *old ines Company =imited has *ovt "as holding >5A shares

    "ith A public participation "ith recugani$ation of state in 1>B4 the company "as

    transferred to ysore state 0no" in +arnata)a state and became the !utti *old ines

    Company =imited.

    !utti *old ines Company =imited is profile ma)ing public sector underta)ing of the *ovt

    of +arnata)a. 8t is the premise gold production company in 8ndia no". 8n its B years of

    successful existence it has produced ?.

  • 8/12/2019 HGM Project Report-1


    production units at !utti and Chithradurga are headed by an 'xecutive 3irector and a

    3eputy *enreral anager respectively. %he present C3 has been holding office since

    ctober 1>>>.


    =ac) of adequate investment.

    8nadequate database on mineral concessions.

    /oor infrastructure.

    =ac) of local ris) capital mar)et.

    /oor taxation regime.

    Dnderinvestment by state in geosciences.

    6esistance from communities.


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  • 8/12/2019 HGM Project Report-1


    fter the "ar, the !yderabad gold mines company =td "as found in 1>?@ and regular mine

    production started in September 1>?5 at the rate of 1@ this "as

    progressively increased to 4 tons per day. 8n the year 1>>> increased to >1 tone per day.

    With abolition of gold control at commencement of ne" mines policies !*= "as in aposition to greatly expand its activities it "as proposed to increased production from .4

    la)hs tones of ore per annum to B la)hs tones of ore pre annum after completion of the

    moderni$ation and expansion programmed by introducing mechani$ed mining latest C8/

    treatment process technology from the year to 1


    !utti is located about 5 )ms "est of 6aichur , about B )ms north of (angalore and isconsidering has one of the prestigious stable under ground metal mine in 8ndia located in

    north "est periphery of !utti-as)i green stone belt. !utti underground gold mine of

    !*= is one of the deepest "or)ing in 8ndia 0after closure of +olar *old ines of (*=

    and the osabani +olar ines of !C=. Since the deepest development point depth [email protected] *G% 0up to end

    of march

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    H)tti Gro)" of Mi$s

    %he !utti Has)i schist belt bearing gold minerali$ation stretches over a length of about @

    +ms and an average "idth of 4 +ms. 8t occupies an area of @B square +ms "hich extends

    from +rishna river in north of up to %ungabhadra river in the south. nd its one of the most

    important auriferous arcane green stone belt of the southern 8ndian shield. fter

    independence, search for noble metals "as identified. %he past and recent "or) of

    recommence and preliminary regional exploration activity geological survey of 8ndia 0field

    season 1>41-4 on"ards and detailed exploration by ineral 'xploration Corporation

    =imited 0'C= and !*= 01>54 on"ards the belt "itnessed a "hole spectrum of

    investigation, these includes regional mapping of the entire belt, geographical and

    geochemical survey. =arge scale mapping, detailed drilling and exploratory mining in

    selected areas. early 1B depositIprospect have been explored in the northern and southern

    parts of a belt. %he geographical terrain extending from us)i-(uddini to Dti is significant

    and important. ;rom the economic point of vie", three mines vi$. hutti *old ines, uti *old

    ines and !era buddini pro&ect o"ned by !*= are producing gold ore at present.

    dditionally there are many small deposits such as

    %uppadur, as)i-buddini, !onnali, Chinchgiri, Jaradoni2 (allapur (loc) "ith limited

    potential in comparison the southern part of the belt is not "ell explored. vast areabet"een as)i and southern end of the schist is covered by thic) bloc) cotton soil and is

    covered by ca


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    *old has long been considered one of the most precious metals, and its value has been used

    as the standard for many currencies 0)no"n as the gold standard in history. *old has been

    used as a symbol for purity, value, royalty, and particularly roles that combine these


    %he primary goal of the alchemist "as to produce gold from other substances, such as lead H

    presumably by the interaction "ith a mythical substance called the philosopherFs stone.

    lthough they never succeeded in "hat can be done "ith substances, and this laid a

    foundation for todayFs chemistry. %heir symbol for gold "as the circle "ith a point at itscenter "hich "as also the astrological symbol, the 'gyptian hieroglyph and the ancient

    Chinese character for the Sun.

    %he price of gold is determined on the open mar)et, but a procedure )no"n as the *old

    ;ixing in =ondon, originating in 1>1>, provides a t"ice-daily benchmar) figure to the


    !istorically gold "as used to bac) currency in an economic system )no"n as the gold

    standard in "hich one unit of currency "as equivalent to a certain amount of gold. s part

    of this system, governments attempted to control the price of gold by setting values at "hich

    they exchange it for currency.


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    1, .isio$

    %o become one of the most vibrant, self reliant, financially viable and steady gro"ths

    oriented organi$ation.


    %he corporate mission is:

    ine "ith a human face.

    chieve perational, ;inancial and Social ob&ectives.

    8mprove productivity and profitability.

    /rovide long term financial stability.

    6egister steady gro"th in terms of percent of capacity utili$ation, production,

    income and profitability.

    8nnovative methods of production.

    8ntroduction of modern and effective management control systems.

    /romote harmonious and cordial relationships.


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    /romote "elfare and community development in !utti village.

    !ave environment friendly and healthy mining and production process.


    *old has been )no"n and highly valued since pre-historical times. *old in antiquity "as

    relatively easy to obtain geologically. /rimary deposition, the first source of gold, is in

    igneous roc)s. deposit usually needs some form of secondary enrichment to be

    economically viable either chemical or physical changes li)e erosion or solution, "hich

    concentrates the gold in sulfides or quart$. %hese deposits are termed reef or vein, and are

    eroded by "eathering, "ith most of the gold being transported into stream beds "here,

    congregating "ith other heavy minerals, it forms placer deposits. 8n all these deposits the

    gold is in its native form, that is, as a shiny yello" metal.

    *old has been considered one of the most precious metals, and its value has been used as the

    standard for many currencies 0)no"n as the gold standard in history. *old has been used as

    a symbol for purity, value, royalty, and particularly roles that combine these properties.

    %he primary goal of the alchemists "as to produce gold from other substances, such as lead

    H presumably by the interaction "ith a mythical substance called the philosopherFs stone.

    lthough they never succeeded in this attempt, the alchemists promoted an interest in "hat

    can be done "ith substances, and this laid a foundation for todayFs chemistry. %heir symbol

    for gold "as the circle "ith a point at its center "hich "as also the astrological symbol, the

    'gyptian hieroglyph and ancient Chinese character for the Sun.


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    3* 0etallurgy


    (oard of 3irectors

    ;inance!633* 0ining

    ;inance anager!6Sr manager 0metSr anager

    3ep. ;inance gr.3!6anager 0metanager

    Sr anagerSr Welfare fficer3 0met3eputy anager

    anager/ersonal fficer WGssistantSr 'ngineers

    ssistant anagerssistant /G WG'ngineers

    ssistant Cler) Cler)


  • 8/12/2019 HGM Project Report-1



    Ch#ir!#$ : Sri 6amachandra

    M#$#&i$& Dir%tor : + onalingappa

    Sri .Sriraman

    s. 9.an&ula

    Sri.+. maranarayana


    Sri &ay Seth, 8S

    Sri (.S.6amaprasad, 8SSri Shivalingamurthy, 8S

    Sri +ishor)umar


    Sri 9i&aya)rishna +.%

    AUDITORS : Gs 6angas"amy K Co

    Ch#rtr' A%%o)$ts

    -@, (rigade e&estic

    +alidas arg, *handhinagar



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  • 8/12/2019 HGM Project Report-1




    HUMAN RESOURCE DEPARTMENT!uman 6esource management is a management function that helps manger recruit select,

    train and develops employees for organi$ation. 8t is concerned "ith the people dimensions in

    the organi$ation. 8t is concerned "ith the people dimensions in the organi$ation. 8t is

    speciali$ed field that attempts to develop programmes, policies and activates to promote the

    satisfaction of both individual and organi$ational needs goals and ob&ectives.

    8t is concerned "ith the people dimensions in management. Since every organi$ation is

    made up of people acquiring their services developing their s)ills, motivating them to higher

    levels of performance and ensuring that they continue to maintain their commitment to the

    organi$ation are essential to achieving organi$ational ob&ectives.

    !uman resource philosophy:

    !utti gold mines Company limited believes that people are greatest assets and have the

    potential to gro" and be creative "ith increased efficiency.

    8n turn, should demonstrate that no compromise can be made by debiting to traditional

    respect for the individual and must provides support and encouragement by creating

    opportunities and challenges "ith equity to.

    La)e !utti gold company a peopleFs rgani$ationM


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    %he company selects the employees required for the concerned &obs through the selection

    procedure. %he procedure is as follo"s:

    1, o #$#3ysis0

    8t refers to the study of &ob in terms of duties, responsibility ris)s and other factors

    associated "ith each )ind of &ob. 8t is the basis for the selecting the right candidate to the

    right &ob. 8t is essential to finali$e the &ob analysis, &ob description, &ob satisfaction and

    employeeFs satisfaction before proceeding to the next step.

    2, R%r)it!$t0

    8t refers to the process of searching for prospective employee and stimulating then to apply

    for &ob to the company. Selection of right no )ind of candidate depends effective


    /, A""3i%#tio$ for!:

    8t is also )no"n as application blan) it is "idely accepted technique for securing

    information from the respective candidate. %he company as)s the application to apply on

    paper giving particular about his name, date of birth, mailing address, education,

    qualification, experience, etc.

    Contents of application ;orm:

    /ersonal bac)ground information

    'ducation attainment

    Wor) experience Salary accepted


  • 8/12/2019 HGM Project Report-1


    , Tsts0

    %he follo"ing are the tests conducted. %hey are as follo"s:

    a ptitude test: %his test conducted to )no"n the ability if the

    b candidate to learn to &ob, it giving adequate training candidate may be having

    some specific aptitudes such as mechanical, clerical, managerial, etc.

    c /ersonality %est: /ersonality is some total of mental moral and physical

    trades are qualities. %he test "ill help the experts to )no" the qualities li)e

    emotions, reaction, mental maturity, self-confidence, optimistFs decisions

    ma)ing, capacity, sociability, patients, intensive, honesty and integrity.

    d edical %est: %his test is conducted to assess the physical healthy standards

    of the prospective employee. (eside medical test is conducted to see that the

    candidateFs are not suffering from any infection diseases.

    e 'mployment %est: %his test appears more suitable "hile selecting the typistFs

    stenographer, computer operators, mechanical engineers, electrical engineers

    etc. %his test is intended to )no" the practical )no"ledge and prophecy of

    the candidate in performing the &ob.

    4, Fi$#3 I$tr5i60

    %he candidateFs "ho are successful in the above tests "ill be called for final intervie".

    8ntervie" means face-to-face encounter "ith purpose recruitment committee consists of

    some persons from the concerned department and from the human resources department this

    expert goes on as)ing different topics. (ased on the satisfactory ans"er the candidates are

    final considered for the employment.


  • 8/12/2019 HGM Project Report-1



    %ypes of "elfare activities:

    #7 M'i%#3 F#%i3ity:

    %he company has got a "ell-equipped hospital "ith 1 beds and (lood (an) "as

    established and inaugurated in the year 1>>>. Company has been treating the employees and

    their dependents at free cost. %he employees and their dependents requiring special

    treatment are referred to place "here medical facilities are available and the cost incurred

    for such treatment "as re-imbrued to the employees. verage of 5-5B out patients "ere

    treated per day and average per month expenses to"ards medicines "as 6s. @,?B,? 0app

    spent during the year.

    7 C#$t$ f#%i3ity:

    %he company runs its industrial Canteen2 the "elfare department supervises the day to day

    "or) of the canteen. %he brea) fast, lunch and dinner

    is also supplied at subsidi$ed rates at the respective departmental canteen. verage monthly

    sales 6s. 4.

  • 8/12/2019 HGM Project Report-1


    '7 S%hoo3s0

    %here are all together 15 *ovG /rivate Schools in the camp and as "ell as ad&oining the

    campus, offering primary secondary and /re HDniversity education to the children, children

    are instructed in different languages li)e +annada, 'nglish, %elgu, %amil and Drdu and

    some of the children of the employees are also accustomed in studying their o"n language.

    %he total strength of children studying in their different education institutes "as 114?

    during the year B %/3

    %he millingG*rinding process of gold ore in !utti employs t"o distinct grinding techniques.

    8n the first technique grinding is done in t"o stages i.e one primary mill and < nos. of

    secondary tube mills constitute one stream of grinding. %"o such streams are there. %he

    discharge of these mills are passed on stra)e table spread "ith blan)ets "hich recover coarse

    gold by gravity process, and the system is in close circuit operation.

    8n the second technique, single stage grinding is done in four nos. of independent ball mills

    in close circuit "ith cyclone classification system. %he mill discharge is passed through

    nelson concentrators to recover the free gold. %he sta)e tables concentrate and (3so$

    %o$%$tr#t is f)rthr )"&r#'' o$ 8#!s t#3 to "ro')% s!3t #3 &r#' of &o3',

    Cy#$i'#tio$ #$' %#ro$ i$ ")3" "ro%ss CIP70

    %he cyclone overflo" from both the techniques is sub&ected to thic)ening in a !igh rate

    thic)ener to remove excess "ater, "hich is passed through a series of carbon column to

    recover dissolved gold. %he thic)ened pulp of specific solid content is mixed "ith cyanidefor leaching in a series of mechanical agitators at al)aline media. %o facilitate leaching

    hydrogen peroxide assisted "ith compressed air is used to improve oxygen potential in

    circuit. %he cyanide

    leached pulp is sent to carbon-in-pulp 0C8/ unit, agitated "ith activated carbon in

    suspension. %he dissolved gold is then absorbed on carbon as sodium auro cyanide. %he

    gold loaded carbon is removed from the C8/ periodically and carbon is "ashed "ith "ater

    and given acid and al)aline treatment.


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    E3)tio$ #$' E3%tro-6i$$i$& P3#$t:

    %he clean K gold loaded carbon is elution columns by maintaining the specific parameters.

    %he gold in the pregnant solution is recovered in electrolytic cells using steel "ool as a

    cathode on "hich the gold is deposited. %he stripped carbon that retails a very little gold is

    activated and reused.

    Rfi$ry S!3ti$&70

    %he upgraded 7ames table concentrate is roasted, magneted and finally smelted into bullion

    buttons. %he gold loaded steel "ool is manually removed periodically, sub&ected to acid

    digestion, drying and smelted to obtain bullion buttons. %he bullion buttons thus obtained

    from table concentrate and steel "ool are cast into salable bullion bars "eighing B to 11)gs

    having a purity of 55->1A of gild, 5-11A of silver and balance impurity.

    *=3 =JS8* C!8'

    %his =( is 8ndiaFs o. 1

    lab for *old nalysis

    J'6 - W8S' 8==8* K *=3 /63DC%8 3%.??

  • 8/12/2019 HGM Project Report-1


    J e a r re treated 0% *old /roduced 0+gs

    1>51 -1>5 1?>@5< 1?@5?> >4?.5

    1>5< 1>5? ? @B5? -1>5B 1?@4> 51.5

    1>5B -1>54 154-1>5@ 1B1? 55@-1>55 1BB>44 >14.15>-1>> 14?>-1>>1 155?? >[email protected]

    1>>1-1>> 14B>-1>>< ?@4 1?5.>@

    1>>>? ?B1 15?.>5

    1>>?-1>>B 15.41

    1>>B-1>>4 1@54.?

    1>>4-1>>@ ?4?51 1?.@4

    1>>@-1>>5 >5-1>>> 5>>- >

    ?-B BB>5 4?.B

    B-4 B@

  • 8/12/2019 HGM Project Report-1


    4-@ B>45B >.1

    @-5 B1

  • 8/12/2019 HGM Project Report-1



    ar)eting department is one of the important departments in !*=. %hey provide door

    delivery after the agreement for gold purchase.

    %he present gold purchases are

    GS Suresh 7e"elers

    GS (angalore 6efinery

    GS /rUcis 7e"els

    R(ombay bullion

    %he *old rate fixing on this committee

    %he board perused care fully the note circulated. 3r Subramanya desired to have details of

    the procedure of sale "hich "as explained. fter the deliberations, the follo"ing resolution

    "as passed.

    6esolved that approval of the (oard be and in here by given for sale of (ullion at 1 A

    refinery discount based on the umbai (ullion ar)et price of standard gold of >>s purity

    and silver of >>> purity as published in the 'conomic %imes on the date of delivery of

    bullion to Gs (angalore 6efinery 0/ ltd, ? )ilograms2 Gs prUcis precious metal Co /9%

    ltd 1-1B )ilograms and Gs Suresh 7e"elers 1-1B )ilograms per "ee) for the period of to

  • 8/12/2019 HGM Project Report-1




    'ngineering department is a department "hich deals "ith all most all supportive engineering

    &obs li)e maintenance and repairs of existing machines, equipments and buildings and

    installation, erection and commissioning of ne" machines equipments and pro&ects,

    transportation facilities for ining 'ngineering and etallurgical 'ngineering departments

    and also provides engineering solutions for ma)ing arrangements for providing fundamental

    amenities for the employees and their dependents li)e

    /roviding "ater for drin)ing and daily use.

    /roviding electrical facilities.

    a)ing civil constructions.

    /roviding transportation facilities.

    .#rio)s s%tio$s of E$&i$ri$& '"#rt!$t.

    /lant section.

    D G * 'ngineering section.

    'lectrical section.

    /ro&ect section.

    Compressor section.

    %ransportation section.

    /ipe K pump section.

    *eneral "or) shop.

    Civil and Carpentry section

    P3#$t s%tio$0

    %his section is a supportive section for the *old production plant. %hat plant contains the

    follo"ing sections

    Crusher section


  • 8/12/2019 HGM Project Report-1


    *rinding section

    Cyanide section

    ssay lab

    9entilation section

    o all these sections have their o"n machinery for production of *old li)e crusher section

    have + + 7a" crusher, Cone crusher, belt conveyors.

    *rinding section have machine li)e (all mills, pebble mills, concentrators, cyclone

    concentrators, belt conveyors.

    Cyanide sections have machines and equipments li)e thic)eners, agitators, C 8 /, furnaces,

    Carbon recharge )iln.

    ssay lab has small machines li)e crushers, mills and furnaces.

    9entilation section have ventilation fans of various si$e for providing ventilation to the

    underground people.

    aintenance 0/reventive, predictive, brea)do"n, repairs and erection, installation of above

    said machinery and equipments is carried out by /lant Section.

    U$'r &ro)$' E$&i$ri$& '"#rt!$t0

    %his is engineering supportive section for mining engineering department. ining

    department has different shafts for trimming ore from different levels of each shaft for that

    purpose "e have different machinery K equipments li)e

    3rilling equipments V =ocomotives

    ir hoists V =oaders

    6oc) brea)ers V Conveyors


    aintenance 0/reventive, predictive, brea)do"n, repairs and erection, installation of above

    said machinery and equipments is carried out by D G * 'ngineering Section.


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    Co!"rssor s%tio$0

    ne of the ma&or source used for all most all mining processes li)e drilling of holes

    ,loading the material ,hoisting and lo"ering of men and material to different level and

    sub levels, diaphragm pump used for underground mine de"atering purposes is

    compressed air. %his compressed air is produced by different types of compressors li)e

    1 6otary 0electrical

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    E3%tri%#3 S%tio$0

    s all of us )no" all most all thing are difficult "ithout electrical po"er. 'ach and every

    thing in our routine life is depend on the electrical po"er.

    So in mining industry starting from lifting the material to ma)ing final billets of gold all

    most all process are carried out by help of electrical prime movers. %hese prime movers

    include 3C and C motors of different types and of different capacities "hich helps. %o run

    "inders, conveyors, crushers, mills, thic)eners, gitators, electro "inning process, furnaces.

    nd other electrical equipments li)e transformers, generators, etc.

    8nstallation, erection, maintenance 0/reventive, predictive, brea)do"n, and repair of

    electrical and electronic machineries and equipments is executed by this department.

    a)ing lighting arrangements for industrial area and employeeFs residential camp is carriedout by the same section.

    Ci5i3 S%tio$0

    %he main role of civil engineering is to ta)e care of all most all civil "or)s li)e constructing

    foundations for industrial machinery, buildings for process plant2 industrial constructions,

    residential building for employees and other amenities li)e ma)ing roads ,gutters, "ater

    tan)s etc. %his is a supportive section for all the sections.

    %his section has t"o sub sections

    1. (uilding section

    . Carpentry section

    Pro8%t S%tio$0

    ll huge metallic structures li)e roof structures for all industrial as "ell as residential, any

    ne" metallic constructions li)e agitators C8/ plants and installation of all ne" machineries

    li)e mills ,crushers ,process plants etc are executed by pro&ect section.


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    G$r#3 6or(sho"0

    %his section is supportive section for all departments this section has fallo"ing sub sections.

    achine shop

    ;itting shop

    ;abrication shop

    6ubber foundry

    Cast ironK (rass foundry

    8n the "or) shop all fabrication, machining, molding activities are been carried out to cater

    requirements of DG* mining dept., metallurgy dept., and to all other engineering sections.

    Tr#$s"ort s%tio$:

    %his section provide transportation facilities for all sections of all department li)e

    Cars, buses, 7eeps, excavator, do$ers, cranes, lifters, %ippers, %ruc)s etc

    %his section is having its o"n "or) shop "here all maintenance K repairing activities of

    above said vehicle K equipments are been carried out.


    %he success or failure of any factory depends upon the cost of materials. %his is because

    material cost is a ma&or part of the total cost. n efficient purchasing ensures getting of

    materials from the right sources and at a right price. %hus purchasing is most important

    function of materials management. 8n big organi$ations li)e !utti *old ines there is a

    separate purchasing department. %he management entrusts all po"ers to this department for

    purchase of all types of materials. %his department is entrusted to one responsible person.

    !e is usually )no"n as /urchase anager or the Supply anager or the Chief (uyer.

    Oualification of /urchase anager:

    %he /urchase anager should possess the follo"ing qualities: -


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    1. *ood )no"ledge of industry.

    . dministrative and organi$ing ability.

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    68*!% %8'

    68*!% OD=8%J and OD%8%J

    68*!% /=C'

    68*!% /63DC%

    68*!% CDS%'6

    Do%)!$ts of P)r%h#s D"#rt!$t0

    %he purchase departments in the company )eep some of documents: -

    /urchase order proposal

    /urchase enquiry

    /urchase order

    %ender applications

    P)r%h#si$& Pro%')r0

    8n the !*= Company follo"ing procedure is follo"ed in purchasing department:


    %he first step in the purchase procedure is the receipt of the purchase requisition for

    materials by the purchase department from the various departments. 6equest for

    purchase of materials are made on a form )no"n as purchase requisitionF. 8t

    specifies "hat )ind of material is required.


    %he purchase manager is usually in contact "ith several sources of

    supplies of different materials. 8f the materials are to be purchased in bul), he invites

    quotations from various suppliers in the form of a %ender. When tenders are invited,

    then the lo"est tender should be accepted by the


  • 8/12/2019 HGM Project Report-1


    purchase department by considering other factors li)e quality, terms of payment, modes of

    delivery etc.


    fter selecting the supplier "ho quoted most favorable quotations, the next step to

    ta)en by the purchase manager is to place the order. %he order must be made on a

    printed form and must contain such information as number, date, address of supplier,

    particulars of goods etc. %his order form should be prepared in ? copies. %he original

    copy should be sent to suppliers, second copy to the stores department, third copy to

    the accounts department and last copy is retained by the purchase department for its

    future reference.


    When the invoice is received from the concerned supplier, it "ill be compared "ith

    the order form to ascertain "hether the only ordered goods have been supplied or

    not. %hen these goods are physically inspected to ascertain "hether goods received

    tally "ith the invoice


    fter the goods received are closely chec)ed and if found correct, the receiving cler)

    prepares goods received not in three copies. %hree copies along "ith goods received

    "ill be sent to stores department "hich intern sends one copy to purchase and

    account department. /urchase department "ill then for"ard the invoice to the

    accounts departments for payment.


    %he follo"ing are some problems that both stores department and purchase department are

    facing. %hey are: -

    %he store is facing shortage of "or)ers.


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    %he transactions are transferred in "riting and it ta)es long time also.

    6 is not raised soon after the stoc) is completed and "hich leads to shortage of

    materials during the production.


    Store means a building constructed for preserving the materials. %he term store is a "ide

    term and includes such as ra" materials, components, maintenance of materials, tools,

    patterns, "or) in progress, finished goods, and consumable stores

    %he main stores "ill be responsible for )eeping stoc) of material, "hich is need by the user

    department of the company. %he stores "ill maintain minimum stoc) in the stores. s the

    company have its o"n techniques to maintain the stoc) level in the store.

    %he company issues the materials on the basis of ;8; method to the each department.

    F)$%tio$s of th stors0

    6eceiving good into stores after chec)ing them "ith the contents of the goods

    received note and inspection report.

    aintenance of proper record of materials received and issued to production.

    /roper classification and codification of materials. aintain the store department neat and tidy.

    8ssue of materials only against authori$ed requisition.

    aintain stoc) level for each item of material.

    /revent unauthori$ed person from entering into the stores.

    6eceive bac) surplus materials returned.

    8nitiate purchase requisition for the replenishment of stoc)s.


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    Othr St#ffs

    1. *oods Clearing Cler)

    . *oods 6eturning Cler)

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    Do%)!$ts of Stors0

    %he ain Stores as follo"ing 3ocuments in order to perform its activities and the follo"ing

    are documents of stores:

    1. /urchase requisition.

    a aterials: 6ose by main stores "henever required.

    b Special order item requisition: 6aised by various user department

    . /urchase indent

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    SW% analysis is an analysis of S%6'*%!, W'+'SS, and //6%D8%J 3

    %!6'%S of a company. %his is used to analy$e the company environment "ill help each

    and every company to )no" the present situation of the company.


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    !utti *old ines is one of the reputed *old 'xtraction Company in 8ndia

    8t has been producing the products as per the standard specified by the *overnmentof +arnata)a.

    %he "or)ing environment of the company is very good and motivated the employees

    to "or) hard.

    ll the departments are computeri$ed.

    %he company is mining Ouality ore and products.

    'xtraction process goes on ?G@.

    'mployees are satisfied by the facilities given by the company to them.

    'nvironment condition is favorable to the company

    ;inancial position of the company is good and that is the biggest strength of the


    %he value of sset is increasing year by year. %he total sset of the year 1 H

    14>@1.?? and for the year 11 H 1@@.55.

    %he net profit of the year 1 is 5



    odern machine and equipment are not installed in the company.

    bsenteeism is the main problem in the company.

    !uge sound and air pollution in the production department

    ne hour stoppage in the production process "ould lead to accrued loss of ,15,?

    %ransportation costs are high.


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    Company is having the excellent gro"th opportunity because of plants in different


    Company is having the good hold in the mar)et that helps to earn more profit.

    %he capacity of the plant is in the increasing direction.

    8t lies in the vicinity of large potential and unexplored mar)et of Southern 8ndia.


    %here is no closer competition to the extraction of *old but the liberali$ed rate to

    import the gold is one of the problems from domestic companies.

    *old is non abundant resources "hich may not be available in future if "e continue

    to extract "ith the present rate.

    !uge po"er consumes in extraction process and po"er failure.

    ;oreign currency fluctuation.


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    %he Company is underta)en by *overnment of +arnata)a.

    'mployeeFs co-ordination "ith the staff "as found to be good.

    Wor)ing atmosphere of organi$ation is very good.

    %he employees are getting attractive bonus, salary, "ages and other benefits.

    %here is high concentration to"ard the environment, health, and safety measures.

    %he company providing good medical facility to employees.

    %here is lac) of good incentives schemes.

    %here is good maintenance of lighting, ventilation, and dust free environment.

    %he company ensures utmost safety "hile entering into mining department by

    providing safety gear to all the employees.

    %he company financial performance is good last ten year. %he value of sset is

    increasing year by year.%he total sset of the year 1 H 14>@1.?? and for the

    year 11 H 1@@.55.

    %he net profit of the year 1is 5 crore


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    %he "or)er should be motivated through counseling for 1A attendance.

    %he anager 'xecutives and other staff of the company should be sent to attend

    seminars, Conferences and "or)shops to enhance their s)ills and update )no"ledge.

    %raining should be given )eeping in vie" of changing trend in human resource

    management and production technology.

    %he company should ta)e severe action to reduce the absenteeism.

    *ood incentives should be given for the "or)ers "ho ta)e minimum number of


    Company should recruit s)illed labourers to maintain productivity.

    %he company has to extend transport facilities to the employees staying outside the

    !utti gold mines.

    Company should adopt the ne" technology to increase the productivity and profits of

    the company.

    %he company should install those machines that can reduce the sound and air

    pollution in the company.


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    L#r$i$& E9"ri$%

    %he internship training in !D%%8 *=3 8'S C/J =88%'3 has been a

    memorable experience in my life. 8t "as real learning for me to )no" about corporate

    activities and to have in depth )no"ledge about my pro&ect "hich is organi$ation study.

    Cooperation bet"een "or)ing staff and management is very good. %hese 4 "ee)s has given

    me ne" "ays to thin) in the ne" direction. %his period also left me "ith a sense of

    gratefulness to"ards the higher po"er for giving me this "onderful life.

    %he company is "ell equipped "ith computers and is controlled by competent

    persons .%here is a good labor management relationship maintained. Wor)ers directlycontact "ith the personnel department in case of difficulty. %hus it has created a friendly

    atmosphere for the employees and gives them freedom to "or) freely. %he company also

    gives benefits from its various schemes. %he overall "or)ing capital management in the

    company could be described satisfactory.

    'xtensive interaction done "ith the employees to )no" about them and their

    suggestion if any to change or implement in the company "or)ing for the better results.

    lso learnt ho" the different departments "or) and coordinate "ith each other to achieve

    the organi$ation goal. lso "as provided "ith an opportunity to see ho" the production

    "or)s is carried out and it "as nice experience to see ho" the machine drills out the big

    roc) bloc)s.


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