hi everybody for all friends

Upload: kaustav-manna

Post on 04-Jun-2018




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  • 8/13/2019 Hi Everybody for All Friends


    i every body,this is 4 u..

    To My Friends Who Are...........SINGLE

    Love is like a butterfly. The more you hase it! the more it eludes you. "ut if you #ustlet it fly! it $ill ome to you $hen you least e%&e t it. Love an make you ha&&y butoften it hurts! but love's only s&e ial $hen you (ive it to someone $ho is really $orthit. So take your time and hoose the best.

    To My Friends Who Are............NOT SO SINGLE

    Love isn't about becomin somebody e!se's "#er$ect #erson." It's about$indin someone %ho he!#s you become the best #erson you can be.

  • 8/13/2019 Hi Everybody for All Friends


    To My Friends Who Are The............&LA (O )GI*L T &E

    Never say "I !ove you" i$ you don't care. Never ta!+ about $ee!in s i$they aren't there. Never touch a !i$e i$ you mean to brea+ a heart. Never!oo+ in the eye %hen a!! you do is !ie. The crue!est thin a uy) ir! can doto a ir!) uy is to !et her $a!! in !ove %hen he)she doesn't intend to catchher)his $a!! ...

    To My Friends Who Are............MA**IE,

    Love is not about "it's your $au!t"- but "I'm sorry." Not "%here are you"-but "I'm ri ht here." Not "ho% cou!d you"- but "I understand." Not "I%ish you %ere"- but "I'm than+$u! you are."

    To My Friends Who Are............ENGAGE,

    The true measure o$ com#atibi!ity is not the years s#ent to ether butho% ood you are $or each other.

    To My Friends Who Are............ EA*T(*O/EN

    eartbrea+s !ast as !on as you %ant and cut as dee# as you a!!o% them too. The cha!!en e is not ho% to survive heartbrea+s but to !earn $rom

  • 8/13/2019 Hi Everybody for All Friends



    To My Friends Who Are............NAI0E

    o% to be in !ove1 Fa!! but don't stumb!e- be consistent but not too#ersistent- share and never be un$air- understand and try not to demand-and et hurt but never +ee# the #ain.

    To My Friends Who Are............&OSSESSI0E

    It brea+s your heart to see the one you !ove ha##y %ith someone e!se butit's more #ain$u! to +no% that the one you !ove is unha##y %ith you.

    To My Friends Who Are............AF*AI, TO 2ONFESS

    Love hurts %hen you brea+ u# %ith someone. It hurts even more %hensomeone brea+s u# %ith you. (ut !ove hurts the most %hen the #erson you!ove has no idea ho% you $ee!.

    To My Friends Who Are............STILL OL,ING ON

    A sad thin about !i$e is %hen you meet someone and $a!! in !ove- on!y to$ind out in the end that it %as never meant to be and that you have

    %asted years on someone %ho %asn't %orth it. I$ he isn't %orth it no%

  • 8/13/2019 Hi Everybody for All Friends


    he's not oin to be %orth it a year or 34 years $rom no%. Let o.....

    TO ALL M F*IEN,S.......

    My %ish $or you is to $ind a man)%oman %hose !ove is honest- stron -mature- never5chan in - u#!i$tin - #rotective- encoura in - re%ardin andunse!$ish...ahh #!ease- %e!! i uess i can on!y ho#e $or you.. ood !uc+6 157

    Kaustav Manna