high density intermetallic sputter target

with a dosage of ultraviolet light; etching the treated surface; and applying to the etched surface a polymeric coating. HIGH DENSITY INTERMETALLIC SPUTTER TARGET U.S. Patent 6,042,777. Mar. 28, 2000 C.F. Lo et al., assignors to Sony Corp., Tokyo, and Materials Research Corp., Orangeburg, N.Y. A method of forming an interme- tallic sputter target comprising mixing a first metallic powder with a second metallic powder to form a blend; heating the lend in a containment vessel to a first tem- perature of from 400°C below the melting point of the first metallic powder to 100°C below the melt- ing point of the first metallic pow- der for a period of time effective to form an intermetallic structure having at least one melting point; heating the intermetallic struc- ture in the containment vessel to a second temperature of between 300°C below the at least one melt- ing point of the intermetallic structure to about 50°C below the at least one melting point of the intermetallic structure; and si- multaneously applying pressure to the intermetallic structure to thereby form a high density inter- metallic sputter target. ELECTROLESS PLATING PROCESS U.S. Patent 6,042,889. Mar. 28, 2000 G.L. Ballard, and J.G. Gaudiello, assignors to International Business Machines Corp., Armonk, N.Y. A method for electrolessly depos- iting a metal onto a substrate us- ing mediator ions. STRUCTURAL STEEL PROFILES WITH GALVANIZED COATING U.S. Patent 6,042,891. Mar. 28, 2000 B.R. Crossingham et al., assignors to Tubemakers of Australia Limited, Sydney, Australia A method of manufacturing a con- tinuous length of steel having a structural profile incorporating at least one corner of predetermined included angle and a coating of galvanizing material. ELECTROCOATING CATALYST U.S. Patent 6,042,893. Mar. 28, 2000 E.C. Bossert et al., assignors to Elf Atochem North America Inc., Philadelphia A process for coating a conductive substrate comprising contacting with a curable conductive coating composition of a blocked reactive component; a functional com- pound reactive with the blocked reactive component; and a cata- lyst for promoting the reaction of the blocked reactive component with the functional compound. UNIFORM PLATING OF DENDRITES U.S. Patent 6,043,150. Mar. 28, 2000 F.J. Downes, Jr. et al., assignors to International Business Machines Corp., Armonk, N.Y. A method for forming uniform dendrites on a circuitized sub- strate. AUTOCATALYTIC DEPOSITION OF ZINC-TIN U.S. Patent 6,045,604. Apr. 4, 2000 P.L. Cavallotti, and V. Sirtori, assignors to International Business Machines Corp., Armonk, N.Y. An alkaline bath for autocatalytic chemical deposition of tin-zinc al- loy on a catalytic surface contain- Recover Your Precious Metals In House With The Go,.. For electrolyticrecoveryof precious metals**, the GOLDBUG offers: • For drag outs, scavengingstrip solutionsand spent plating baths with wide range of pH capability. • Compact, in-tank design requires no additional space. • No more costlyshipping of heavy drums of hazardous waste solutions. • Large surface area of cathode assures fast, complete recovery--toconcentrationbelow 5ppm. • Disposable cathode for easy extraction & total control and accountability. Phone, fax or write RandyEpner today for complete details and to arrange FREE on-site r .~.,~ 30 days, no-obligationtrial. 5CZ PMPC, Inc. m----- • "li --2 ::-- U.S. and foreign patents **Rhodium, Platinum, Gold and Silver PreciousMetals Processing Consultants, Inc. 430 BergenBoulevard,PalisadesPark, NJ 07650 Tel: (201) 944-8053 Fax:(201) 944-8003 Website: www.preciousmetals-pmpc.com E-mail: info@ preciousmetals-prnpc,com Circle 042 on reader card or go to ~rww.thru.to/webconnect i Powdor.X oating getom , Inc. A Business Opportunity in the products finishing industry 100% dedicated to making you a profitable powder coater. 888-326-4840 fax 2 5 ~ 0 5 1 I w.,o, for a Powder-X V ~ ~,,~.~=t-~, X | Seminar Coming to Your kC~e~t ~, "u~. )I I Area Soon | Powder-X Coat n! Systems, 1nc./1305 Potmao Drive/HunUviU©, AL25816 Circle 041 on reader card or go to ~n~nw.thru.to/webconnect 86 Metal Finishing

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Page 1: High density intermetallic sputter target

with a dosage of u l t raviole t light; e tch ing the t r ea ted surface; and apply ing to the e tched surface a polymeric coating.

HIGH D E N S I T Y I N T E R M E T A L L I C SPUTTER TARGET U.S. Patent 6,042,777. Mar. 28, 2000 C.F. Lo et al., assignors to Sony Corp., Tokyo, and Materials Research Corp., Orangeburg, N.Y.

A method of fo rming an in terme- tallic s pu t t e r t a rge t compr i s ing mix ing a first meta l l ic powder wi th a second metall ic powder to form a blend; hea t ing the lend in a c on t a inmen t vessel to a first tem- p e r a t u r e of f rom 400°C below the mel t ing point of the first metal l ic powder to 100°C below the melt- ing point of the first metal l ic pow- der for a period of t ime effective to form an in te rmeta l l i c s t r uc tu r e hav ing at least one mel t ing point; h e a t i n g the in te rmeta l l ic s t ruc- tu re in the con ta inmen t vessel to a second t e m p e r a t u r e of be tween 300°C below the at least one melt- i ng p o i n t of the i n t e r m e t a l l i c s t ruc tu re to about 50°C below the at least one mel t ing point of the

in te rmeta l l i c s t ruc tu re ; and si- mu l t aneous ly apply ing pressure to the in termeta l l ic s t ruc tu re to the reby form a h igh dens i ty inter- metal l ic spu t te r target .

ELECTROLESS P L A T I N G PROCESS U.S. Patent 6,042,889. Mar. 28, 2000 G.L. Ballard, and J.G. Gaudiello, assignors to International Business Machines Corp., Armonk, N.Y.

A method for electrolessly depos- i t ing a meta l onto a subs t ra te us- ing media to r ions.

STRUCTURAL STEEL PROFILES W I T H G A L V A N I Z E D C O A T I N G U.S. Patent 6,042,891. Mar. 28, 2000 B.R. Crossingham et al., assignors to Tubemakers of Australia Limited, Sydney, Australia

A method of m a n u f a c t u r i n g a con- t inuous length of steel hav ing a s t ruc tu ra l profile incorpora t ing at least one corner of p rede te rmined included angle and a coat ing of ga lvaniz ing mater ia l .

ELECTROCOATING C A T A L Y S T U.S. Patent 6,042,893. Mar. 28, 2000 E.C. Bossert et al., assignors to El f

Atochem North America Inc., Philadelphia

A process for coat ing a conductive subs t r a t e compr is ing contac t ing wi th a curable conductive coat ing composit ion of a blocked react ive c o m p o n e n t ; a f u n c t i o n a l com- pound react ive wi th the blocked react ive component ; and a cata- lyst for p romot ing the react ion of the blocked react ive componen t wi th the funct ional compound.

U N I F O R M PLATING OF DENDRITES U.S. Patent 6,043,150. Mar. 28, 2000 F.J. Downes, Jr. et al., assignors to International Business Machines Corp., Armonk, N.Y.

A m e t h o d for fo rming un i fo rm dendr i t e s on a circui t ized sub- s trate.

A U T O C A T A L Y T I C DEPOSIT ION OF Z I N C - T I N U.S. Patent 6,045,604. Apr. 4, 2000 P.L. Cavallotti, and V. Sirtori, assignors to International Business Machines Corp., Armonk, N.Y.

An alkal ine ba th for autocata ly t ic chemical deposit ion of t in-zinc al- loy on a catalyt ic surface contain-

Recover Your Precious Metals In House With The

G o , . . For electrolytic recovery of precious metals**, the GOLD BUG offers: • For drag outs, scavenging strip solutions and spent

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recovery--to concentration below 5ppm. • Disposable cathode for easy extraction & total control

and accountability. Phone, fax or write Randy Epner today for complete details and to arrange FREE on-site r .~.,~ 30 days, no-obligation trial.

5CZ PMPC, Inc.


• "l i - -2 : : - -

U.S. and foreign patents **Rhodium, Platinum, Gold and Silver Precious Metals Processing Consultants, Inc. 430 Bergen Boulevard, Palisades Park, NJ 07650 Tel: (201) 944-8053 Fax: (201) 944-8003 Website: www.preciousmetals-pmpc.com E-mail: info@ preciousmetals-prnpc,com

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Powdor.X oating getom , Inc. A Business Opportunity in the products

finishing industry 100% dedicated to

making you a profitable powder coater.

888-326-4840 fax 2 5 ~ 0 5 1 I w . , o , for a Powder-X V ~ ~, ,~.~=t-~, X | Seminar Coming to Your kC~e~t ~ , " u ~ . )I I Area Soon | Powder-X Coat n! Systems, 1nc./1305 Potmao Drive/HunUviU©, AL 25816

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86 Metal Finishing