high horses · rick & jody biddle prof vijay & kirthi govindarajan ... leeli & james...

www.highhorses.org The more progress I have seen in myself, the more I have wanted to share this peace with fellow veterans. There is a companionship and loyalty in military service that is difficult to find in the civilian world and I have found that once again at High Horses.” - A veteran 93%of participants observed by independent raters demonstrated gains in skills in a goal area 49 New Participants in 2015 High Horses 2015 Annual Report Therapeutic Riding Program Norwich VT relationships mobility confidence joy leadership communication I know A__ from working at her school. Her confidence has grown so much since she started riding with High Horses that you would never know she was the same kid! It is amazing what horses can do for our self-esteem.” - A school aid and High Horses volunteer

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Page 1: High Horses · Rick & Jody Biddle Prof Vijay & Kirthi Govindarajan ... Leeli & James Bonney Peggy Hammer ... Jim Brown Catherine Herlihy David & Mary Otto Andrew & Donna


“The more progress I have seen in myself, the more I have wanted to share this peace with fellow veterans. There is a companionship and loyalty in military service that is difficult to find in the civilian world and I have found that once again at High Horses.” - A veteran

93%of participants observed by independent raters demonstrated gains in

skills in a goal area

49 New Participants in 2015

High Horses 2015 Annual Report Therapeutic Riding Program Norwich VT

relationships mobility confidence joy leadership communication

“I know A__ from working at her school. Her confidence has grown so much since she started riding with High Horses that you would never know she was the same kid! It is amazing what horses can do for our self-esteem.” - A school aid and High Horses volunteer

Page 2: High Horses · Rick & Jody Biddle Prof Vijay & Kirthi Govindarajan ... Leeli & James Bonney Peggy Hammer ... Jim Brown Catherine Herlihy David & Mary Otto Andrew & Donna


Cerebral Palsy


Autism Spectrum disorder



Down Syndrome


Grey Horse12%PTSD



Populations Served










13yrs Volunteers: Ageless 75yrs

4,557 hours contributed (VT rate = $21.65/hr) $98,659.05

Independent raters measuring outcomes: 29


2014 2015 63,287 69,260

178,873 233,514

242,160 302,774

214,299 237,019

22,255 28,830

236,554 265,849

5,606 36,925

Research and Development Grants/Community Funds awarded

Alces Foundation

The Jack & Dorothy Byrne Foundation

Jane B. Cook 1983 Charitable Trust

The Couch Family Foudation

The Hope Foundation

Lap Foundation

Thomas Marshall Foundation

McCollom Charitable Foundation

NH Charitable Foundation

Norwich Women’s Club

Mark and Paula Schleicher

The Salmon Foundation




High Horses Therapeutic Riding Program’s Mission: To improve the well-being of people with special needs through a therapeutic equine experience.


231 participants ages 3-94 Seniors, Veterans, Children, Teens, Adults

Volunteers are crucial to our success and are a valued member of the team that help participants reach their goals

Page 3: High Horses · Rick & Jody Biddle Prof Vijay & Kirthi Govindarajan ... Leeli & James Bonney Peggy Hammer ... Jim Brown Catherine Herlihy David & Mary Otto Andrew & Donna


How much did we do?

Therapeutic riding participants

132 TR participants received GAS session


101 obtained independent assessments of

their session progress

On average, each participant had 1.4 TR

goals per session

Therapeutic riding instructors

TR instructors wrote 190 GAS goals

7 TR instructors utilized GAS in TR lessons

2 instructors first started using GAS during

this time period

Wrote 27 goals per session on average

Data came from 5 TR sessions (Feb-Apr,

May-June, July-Aug, Sept-Oct, & Nov-Dec 2015)

How well are we doing it?

Therapeutic riding participants

77% of those with GAS goals had their performance

assessed by an independent rater

71% of those who participated in TR lessons were involved

in outcomes evaluation efforts

On 31% of the goals, extenuating circumstances at the time

of evaluation may have had an influence on goal attainment

Therapeutic riding instructors

100% who taught during Feb 2015-Feb 2016 utilized GAS

54% of the goals included the participant’s own session

goal (or that provided by family members or care providers)

For 75% of the goals, instructors provided some written

instructions for leaders & side walkers on how best to support goal attainment

For 76% of the goals, instructors offered ideas on how

gains in targeted skills might potentially benefit the participant beyond horseback riding

Is anyone better off?

93% of participants demonstrated progress beyond their baseline performance in at least one skill area

Assessments of participant performance in the targeted skill areas by independent raters indicated:

On 7% of the goals, the participants demonstrated no progress beyond baseline in the targeted skill area

On 17% of the goals, there was some progress in the targeted skill, but less than was expected

On 41% of the goals, the expected amount of progress in the targeted skill area was demonstrated

On 26% of the goals, participants demonstrated better than expected progress in the targeted skill area

On 9% of the goals, the raters observed much better than expected progress in the targeted skill area

High Horses Progress Report February 2015 – February 2016

Page 4: High Horses · Rick & Jody Biddle Prof Vijay & Kirthi Govindarajan ... Leeli & James Bonney Peggy Hammer ... Jim Brown Catherine Herlihy David & Mary Otto Andrew & Donna


Jeffrey Acker Clare Forseth Barbara McKeon Timothy & Codie Rockwood

Lee Alexander George & Susie Fraser Mr & Mrs Bruce McLaughry Stave Puzzles

George Allison & John Alan Watkins Milton & Carolyn Frye Neal Meglathery & Polly Cole Nina Rudra

Linda Andersen Arthur Gallagher Katheryn & Michael Mercurio David & Susan Russo

Paul & Anna Anderson Country AG Services Farmway, Inc Dianna Sachs

Anna Anderson Kate Gamble & Rolland Dickson Charlotte Metcalf Terri Satterlee

Diane Andrews Joanna Garbisch Jana Meyer Henry & Edythe Scheier

Margie & Pete Ankeny Carlota Garrett Jim & Ruth Ann Meyerholtz John Schiffman

Susan Armstrong Steve & Lorna Garrow Wolf Michaelis & Marie Sanda Mark & Paula Schleicher

Barbara Barnes Dr. and Mrs. Dale Gephart Susan & Robert Miller Peggy & Richard Schlein

Lasell Bartlett Cornelia Gephart Karen Mirski Amy Schrom

Frank & Janice Bauchiero Barbara Gerstner Robin Mix Anne Segal

Kimberly Bay-Miller Bo Gibbs Raquel Morales Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Seigel

Ronald Bebeau Edes Gilbert June Morgan Suzette Seigel

Avard & Mary Benton Susan & Al Gillotti Stephanie Morgan Sheila & Lawrence Shulman

Iris Berezin Susan & Jeff Goodell John Morley Robert Shumsky & Judith Williams

Rick & Jody Biddle Prof Vijay & Kirthi Govindarajan Arthur Morris Betsy Siebeck

Debra Birenbaum Nora Grahl Jim & Elaine Morrison Jacqueline & Peter Sinclair

Gabbie Black Alexander & Elizabeth Gray Carol Ann Moses Colin & Laurie Skinner

Peter & Ruth Bleyler Jim & Debbie Griffiths Jeffrey Mullenbrock Carole Slater

Nancy Bliss & Harry Byrd ll Candace & Charles Haber Kimberlee Munroe-Swift Peter Griggs & Sydney Smith

Buffy & Nick Boke Ledyard National Bank Miles & Pat Mushlin Tracy Smith

Leeli & James Bonney Peggy Hammer Karen Nardone Gina Smith

Margaret Bonz Grace Harde Robin Neil Dr & Mrs Steven Spencer

Anne Boswell Susan Hardy Tyler Nelson Chelsea Sprague

Sally Bower Douglas & Janet Hardy Diane Nelson Lynne & John Stahler

Lynn Braley George & Laurel Harvey Ingrid Nichols Doug & Beth Staiger

Sara & Chip Brettell David & Susanne Haseman Joyce & Walter Noll Nathan & Sharon Stearns

Jo Brewer Doug & Ellen Haun Marilyn K. Norton Payton Stearns

Joel Brokaw Richard & Emily Hausman Teresa Oden Peter & Kimberly Stern

Suzanne Brooks Jill & George Helmer Nancy Osgood Patricia Stockwell

Jim Brown Catherine Herlihy David & Mary Otto Andrew & Donna Stoltman

Emily Bruce Thomas & Caroline Hill Margaretta Paduch James & Karen Strout

Hanover Lions Club Deming & Romer Holleran Molly Pahuta Susan Sundstrom & Matthew Foley

Erin Carey Cecilia & Coleman Hoyt Louise Paquette Charles & Anne Swift

Ken & Paula Carpenter Judith Hughes Ms. Ellen Parkhurst Fred & Kathy Tefft

Priscilla & Ron Carr Elinor Huntley Sue & Bill Parmenter Anthony Thacher

Brad & Ann Caswell Meg & Nick Hutchins Lyle Parry Dart Thalman

Karla Champney Margaret Jackson Hannah Payson Bonne Tharrington

Jan & Bob Chapman Martha Jacobs & Eric Pyle Brian & Linda Pendelton Lynn & George Tidman

Mr. William Chester Ann & Jim James Gary & Karen Phetteplace Jason & Christina Titus

William Chorske Alfred Jaretzki IV Nancy Philips & Blair Brooks Pat Tivnan

Dave & Ann Cioffi Rolf & Nicole Jorgensen Claude Phipps & Connie Philleo Rae Tober

George Clark Jr. Kevin & Punam Keller Mary Louise Pierson Joyce Tompkins

Richard & Ellen Clattenburg Eric Keller and Diane Petrilla Win & Mundy Piper Carolyn Townsend

Liz Claud & John McKeon Preston & Virginia Kelsey Jeff & Karen Pippin Lynne Tracy & Robert Tracy, ll

Elissa Close Paul & Joyce Killebrew Diane V. Pitts Mary Trammell

James & Susan Coakley Gayle King Amy F Plavin David Tripple

Judy Coates & Whitney Mitchell The Rev. Louise L. Kinston Patricia Polk Bradley & Katina Tuckerman

Marcia Colligan Katharine Kitchel Dan & Rickey Poor Terry & Cricket Twichell

Priscilla & Kevin Connolly Jan Kleck James Potter Judy Tyson

Lynn & Tim Cook Barbara Kreiger Chip & Margaret Powell Deanna Vaillancourt

Gregory & Patricia Cook Beth Krusi & Sandy Harris Beth Preston Caroline Vaillant

Suzanne & Rob Curtiss Roland & Marianne Kuchel Wheelock Terrace Amy VanderKooi & Pete Thoenen

Margaret Coulter & Paul Duling Kelly Kurz Aroline Putnam Oxbow Vet Clinic

Edward & Laura Cousineau David & Sharon Lamb Candace Quackenbos Sandra Virginia-Chase & Ross Virginia

Monica Cox John & Jean Lawe Joe and Marly Quadros John Vogel & Judy Music

Sandra & Maurice Cozzo Sid Lea & Robin Barone Terry Quattrone James Wadlow lll

Richard & Kandace Culver Lynne & Timothy Leavitt Lindsey LeClair Quinn Gail & John Wasson

Mitzi & Cameron Cunningham Valerie Lemieux Sean & Kate Rakowski Peter & Susie Weaver

Karin Davenport Gerorge & Dominique Lightbody Kristin Ranney Ms. Karen Webb

Susan Davidson Jennifer Lindquist Mary Catherine Rawls Beverly Weeks

Rosemary De Stephan Bill & Jean Link Evergreen Recycling Inc. Paula & Craig Wehde

Doug Deaett Dr George & Carol Little Randy Reeves Rick Weinberg

Mr. & Mrs. Jan Dembinski Bronwyn Madan B Ellen Reidy Janet Wells

Karen Didricksen & Charlie Acker Elaine & Patrick Magari Renette & Joseph Reinhardt Robert & Virginia White

Dr Ardis Olson & Allen Dietrich Lisa Curry Mair Diane Reinhardt John Whitehead

Kim & Ron Dull Mr & Mrs John Manchester Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Rexford Mr. & Mrs. William Willett

Sarah Duncan Nancy Mandi & Peter Filippelli Dr & Mrs John Richardson Reeve Williams & Sandy Anderson

William & Susan Edwards Peter & Lu Martin Steve & Martha Richardson Beth Williams & Thomas Ziobrowski

Daniel Embree Lauren Mason Holly Richardson Barbara & Robert Wilson Sr

Pamela Engle Cleopatra Mathis Ruth Riess Wendy Wood

Mary & John English William & Penny Matteson Lenita & Ray Robbins Kathleen Woodward

John English Scott & Nina McCampbell Caroline & Ted Robbins Jeanne Woodward-Poor

Heddy & Ted Fantl Bob & Judy McCarthy David & Barbara Roby Roger & Cora Lee Woodworth

Debra Fisk Nolan McCarty David & Christin Roby Jim & Susan Wright

Lisa Florence Cathy & Scott McGee Leigh Roche Brandice Wrone

ANNUAL GIVING … Affirming their belief in the power of therapeutic riding

To err is human… If we have made a mistake in listing your name or inadvertently omitted you, please accept our sincere apology. Contact Nicole Jorgensen with corrections.

Participants report improvement in supporting skills