high intensity powerbuilders - sahli, bill


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Bill Sahli - High intensity Powerbuilders


High IntensityPowerbuilding


Strength TrainingWorkout

Book 2

Mind Becomes Mass

Foundational Series ©

By Bill Sahli

All Material Is Copyright Protected

©2001 High Intensity PowerbuildersHOW TO Strength Training Workout


Introduction / Foreword

I What Is Strength

II The Difference

III High Intensity Training

IV Exercise Selection and ImportantNotes

A Experienced toAdvanced

B Safety Equipment…TrainingPartners and Spotters

C Warmups and Proper ExerciseStyle

D Weight Lifting Belts and Raps

V The Workout



B Workout Design andInitiation

C WorkoutGrid

D WorkoutOrder

E WorkoutTechnique

F Other H I T Techniques

VI The Mind


1 Your Mind Doesn’t Know theDifference

2 The Filter

3 Whatever You Believe…You CanOut-picture In Your World

VII Diet and Rest

VIII A Lesson in Humility

IX My FinalThoughts

"Everything of any value related toexercise can be stated in less than athousand words, can, in fact, be fairlywell covered in only a few words, asfollows: Train hard, Train briefly, Traininfrequently, and always remember thatyour final results will primarily be aconsequence of genetics"

-Arthur Jones

This book is dedicated to those, who throughout the years, havecontributed and brought HighIntensity Training to where it is today,and continue to move and make those

seeking to improve their physicalbodies and increase muscularity,aware of the amazing benefits andaffects. Thank you for all your workand dedication.

To Arthur Jones, the creator of

Nautilus Exercise Equipment whowithout your focus, direction, belief,personal finance and research… thetraining you described as “intense,brief and infrequent” would neverhave come about.

To Mike Mentzer, Mr. Heavy Duty,

Olympian Champion, leader, teacher,mentor, thinker and friend to many…

the legend, who without your searchfor truth, your philosophy, your lovefor bodybuilding and perfection of theapplication of High IntensityTraining… and your Voice OfReason, this book would not exist norwould the Theory of High IntensityTraining.

To Joanne Starkey and John Little,

for your loyalty and dedication to thecontinuance of Mike’s work andpassion. Thank you for continuing thelegacy of an amazing human beingand one of the best bodybuilders theworld has ever seen… a true thinkingman’s bodybuilder!

The recommendations as noted in thisbook require the experience andknowledge of exercise performance ofthe individual using them. Nothingcontained herein is to be considered asmedical advice. Always consult aphysician before beginning or changingany fitness, weightlifting, bodybuildingor related program. Due to the nature ofthe subject matter, without theexperience and knowledge mentionedabove, the information contained hereinmay be dangerous. There is always a riskof injury in any program using weights.Should you experience or think you areexperiencing any injury or illness, stop

immediately and seek medical attention.


Growing up in a power lifting gymback in the early 70’s made me thinkthat there was nothing peculiar about abodybuilder being strong. I thougheveryone was supposed to be strong.Even my first training partner and firstmentor, Roger DeCarlis was amazinglystrong!

Roger DeCarlis

I remember one day, while trainingin our local YMCA weight room inUpstate New York, I was going towitness strength first hand. I was about15 years old and had been training now ayear or so. Roger and I were trainingthat day and of course the place was fullof power lifters. It was deadlift day.

Now Roger weighed about 178pounds in training clothes and was in

similar shape to the picture you seeabove. He looked incredible. Roger wasa student of the deadlift but I hardly sawhim perform the lift, although he hadhuge spinal erectors to prove it.

Andy, a 181 pound power lifter,who himself was very strong andworked as a brick mason, was trying todeadlift 585 pounds. Now 585 poundsis not chump weight when yourbodyweight is around 180 pounds andwith six forty-five pound Olympic plateson each side, it may look intimidating.

Now you have to understand thatat that time, power lifters ruled andbodybuilding was just being accepted.The power lifters scoffed at the bodybuilders any chance they got. But notthis time!

Andy made three attempts topulling that lift and it seemed glued tothe ground. He was frustrated to say theleast. Now Roger was in one of hismoods and looked at me, at the bar andat Andy. Andy made some sort of

comment to Rog and that was it! Rogersaid absolutely nothing back.

Roger walked over to the bar,without a belt on, bent over and didthree reps with 585 without even awarm-up. You could have heard a pindrop after the weight slammed downagainst the floor on the last rep! Afterdoing this feat, Roger just went back tohis set of concentration curls withoutsaying anything. What else needed to besaid!! It was put up or shut up and Rogerput up and everyone else shut up!


As we already know, in simpleterms…strength is a measurement of amuscle’s ability to contract maximallyagainst an object, in this case, a weightwhile performing an exercise. Thedictionary describes it as “the physicalpower to carry out demanding tasks”.

We all know... whether you are a

bodybuilder or a power lifter or what Icall a power builder, strength is a meansto an end. A perfectly arrangedbodybuilding program is nothing morethan a strength program, as is a powerlifting program.

Body builders as they get strongergrow larger, just as power lifters do. Infact, there are many known top powerlifters that have had to move up throughweight classes because their strength andmuscle size had increased and theirbodyweight followed suit.


Obviously, the difference betweenbodybuilding and power lifting isperformance.

In simple terms the bodybuilder hasto display what musculature he or shehas developed while the power lifter hasto perform the actual lifts. Because ofthis fact and our knowledge that, inorder to build muscle, we need a veryintense contraction, it is not always

necessary, depending on the exercise, fora bodybuilder to use free weights. Infact, to accomplish this need, machinesdo a much better job in most casesbecause of the element of control andbalance. Nautilus and Hammer Strengthare my choices in that order…and ofcourse we have had the leg extension,leg curl and lat pull down around forquite some time.

Well, what if you were abodybuilder and/or a power lifter andwanted to develop not only a heavilymuscled body but strength that included

the neuromuscular coordination toperform not only power movements butfeats of strength…what then? Well thatis what this book is all about.


High Intensity Training… is themost effective and productive scientifictraining principal found today ifapproached logically. With HIT, HighIntensity Training, exercise must bebrief, infrequent and most of all intense.You can’t train hard and long, you cando either or. A sprinter can not sprint formiles as can a distance runner, so cannot a bodybuilder or power lifter train

intensely and not briefly.

HIT requires taking all sets, to apoint of momentary muscular failure inproper exercise form. You will not bestopping short of failure, except inexercises that may threaten your safety ifyou proceed, due to your inability tohold your form and integrity. You willbe employing techniques that actuallybring the intensity of the contractionhigher, thus increasing yourmusculature and strength accordingly.Muscle strength and size is relative.

I am not going to do an in depthstudy about HIT at this time or a courseon anaerobic exercise. Mike Mentzer,has already done the most amazing workand experimentation on this subject andyou can find a detailed easy tounderstand explanation in my previousbook, “How Anyone Can Have MusclesFast In 20 Minutes Twice A Week”,Book 1 of the Mind Becomes MassFoundational Series.

Here is a quote from Arthur Jones,

the creator of Nautilus….

"Everything of any value related toexercise can be stated in less than athousand words, can, in fact, be fairlywell covered in only a few words, asfollows: Train hard, Train briefly, Traininfrequently, and always remember thatyour final results will primarily be aconsequence of genetics" -Arthur Jones

In conforming to HIT then, we knowthat the workout must be…

· Intense – in order to first

· Intense – in order to firststimulate muscle growth throughan intense contraction.

· Brief – in order to not use upthe limited resources of the body

· Infrequent – in order to allowthe body to grow stronger, laydown muscle, compensate for theexhaustive effects of the workout then overcompensate… buildmuscle!


In choosing the correct exercisesfor this endeavor, one must understandthe outcome we are trying to create. Weare into performance, thus free weightsare the selection of choice.

All athletes know, if you want toget good at something you have to do

it… thus if you want to bench, squat anddeadlift good, you have to do it. Now ifyou are not going to compete and arenot worried about a particular lift, I amgoing to include a slide in exercise forthose who want to substitute the purepower program with a power builderprogram. Either would be finedepending on your intention.

A Experienced to Advanced

Before I get into the actualworkout, I want to mention that thisworkout is for the experiencedintermediate to advanced lifter. Youshould know how to perform theseexercises properly and have done them,before you attempt to go “balls to thewall” and use heavy weight in HITfashion. I do cover however, certainelements of the exercises and how theyshould be performed.

B Safety Equipment, TrainingPartners and Spotters

If at all possible, perform theselifts described herein, using a barbell ina power rack. Just about every gym hasone and safety is paramount. At thesame time you should have a trainingpartner and/or a spotter(s). If you do nothave a power rack you may need twospotters for certain exercises, especiallywhen you are using maximum weight.Use lockable collars!

C Warm-ups and ProperExercise Style

This is part of the safety factor.Unlike a concentration exercise likedumbbell laterals, when you are using agreat deal of weight and are very strongin a compound movement like thebench, squat or deadlift… it is necessaryto move up through multiple warm-upstill you get near to the weight you willbe using. However, don’t turn yourwarm-up into a workout but warm-up

until you feel confident that you canproceed safely to the next weight.

EXAMPLE: If the weight I was goingto use on my deadlift set was 585 lbs.This would be my warm up…

135 x 5 (2 sets)

225 x 5

405 x 1

495 x 1

585 x (maximum reps not over 5)

Proper exercise style is important.All exercises must be done in deliberatefashion unless otherwise noted. Theredoes not need to be a particular cadenceexcept for controlled form always. Wewant no injuries here.

D Weight Lifting Belts andWraps

Although many do not use and donot recommend them, I do!

I always use a weight lifting beltwhen dead lifting and especially tightenit up on my work set.

I always use knee wraps whengoing over 300 lbs. on the squat.

I never wrap my elbows but somehave and do. This I will leave up to you.Also, wrist wraps will be necessary forat least one exercise.

Use these suggestions as they willsave your knees and help to keep youfrom incurring a back injury. You canfind these in most sport stores.

The Author Late 70’s


This workout is a very basic,abbreviated workout using what I callbig movements and auxiliary or assistantmovements designed to assist onstrengthening the bigger lifts.

This is the exact workout I used tobench over 400 pounds, close gripbench press 380 pounds, squat 600pounds plus, half squat 1000 pounds,deadlift 830 pounds and barbell row

405 pounds naturally at a bodyweight of238 pounds. Of course I did not start at238 pounds bodyweight, but ended upthere. At the same time I could pick upcompact cars like they were a wheelbarrow and bend rebar into a pretzel. Itell you this not to boast, rather to saythat anything is possible if youunderstand how to get there and youfocus intently on your goals. Mine wasto get big and strong and genetically Iwas capable of doing so with some veryhard work… note hard is the key! Youcan work hard or you can work long butyou can’t do both!

A Exercises

1. Bench Press – I prefer amedium grip. I think everyoneknows how to bench properly butI will explain here. Move the baroff the rack with a spotter (and alift off when heavy, I like it on acount of three), once in position,lower the bar in a controlledfashion which should move in anatural arc… touch your chestand explosively return to the topposition. In power lifting youmust pause the bar on your chestbut in training I would not until

you are ready for a meet.

OR as a slide in for PowerBuilders rather than the bench

Dips – I like to face away fromthe dipping bar, where the handlesgrow apart from one another,causing my hands to be turnedoutward at the thumb, rather thaninward while facing the machine.The dip involves a good balance of

pectoral, delt and triceps (Nautilus’has a nice plate load DippingMachine designed this way). Indoing these I do get a full stretch inthe bottom position but neverbounce. I lower to a point where Ifeel that my pecs are stretched andreturn to the top. I don’t rest at thetop either but for a moment tocontract.

2. Partial Bench Press – this isbest done in a power rack withapproximately a four inchlockout. Perform as above

described in the Bench Press, butstarted from a resting point on thepower rack support bars (fromthe low position not the top).

OR as a slide in for PowerBuilders (You can obviouslyinterchange between either)

Partial Dips – done only as alockout at the top. Be careful withthese to set up a safe workout area,

so that you start from standing on asolid object to the lockout and thenback down to the solid object. Notfrom the top. Each dip station isdifferent but usually there are stepsthere you can start from or put abench underneath you.

3. Close Grip Bench Press – withyour hand spacing three thumbsdistance from each other (whileyour hands are gripping the barmove your thumbs out andtogether till the tips touch andthen move out an additional one

thumb space). As with the benchpress, use the same style andexecution. These can be done inpurely negative style also.

OR as a slide in for PowerBuilders

Smith Close Grips – described asabove. It is also important to notethat while doing these on a smithmachine, position yourself first so

that the bar touches the appropriatearea of your chest which is in thenipple area.

4. Barbell Squats – in doing these,the bar should be low on yourback, either in the trap area orsitting on the rear deltoids.Contract your erectors and lockyour back while you descendcarefully into a full squat, whereyour thighs are parallel to thefloor, and explosively butcarefully, return to standing. Donot let the bar bounce on your

back and make certain to keepyour head up with your site on aspot high in the corner betweenthe ceiling and wall. For thosecompeting I have included thepowerlifting rules which mayrequire you to go a bit lower. Ifthis is the case train at that pointbut no lower.

OR as a slide in for PowerBuilders

Smith Squats – described asabove but on a Smith Machine.

5. Leg Presses – this exercise ispretty self explanatory. Be carefulnot to hold your breath (as withany movement) or grip thehandles too tight as this couldcause health problems. Move intoa deep position in a controlledfashion and back up again. Withspotters these can be done innegative only fashion and are agreat assistance exercise for thesquat.

6. Deadlifts – I know there arethose Sumo dead lifters outthere… but these are done inco nvent i o na l deadlift style.Remember, the deadlift is startedjust like a leg press. You get inposition and preload the bar.What is preload? Ok, here iscorrect deadlift style…

Take your stance which for me

is about shoulder width and in asquat position.

Grasp the bar one hand facingyou one facing away, close enoughso that your inner forearms are tightagainst your outer thigh. At thispoint you pull up slightly actuallybending or preloading the barupwards, causing less distance topull.

Assume that position and drivewith your legs, as in a leg press. Thiswill move the bar off the floor. Youshould be literally dragging the barup your shins. Your erectors should

be contacted (I call this arching yourback backwards). I actually lock myback in this position. Never roundyour back in this movement.

As the bar moves upwardtoward my knees I begin pullingback to stand upright until I amerect. Once I am I don’t lean back. Islowly bring the bar back to thefloor in a controlled fashion andbegin again.

Your grip if you arecompeting should be as describedabove, reversed, one hand facing outand one in as to limit any rolling of

the bar. If not you can use bothhands facing you with wrist strapsbut this will not do anything foryour gripping power.

7. Partial Deadlifts – these aredone off blocks or a power rack.The bar should be just below theknee cap at the beginning of theexercise. Performed just like aregular deadlift. You will requirewrist straps for these. Again startfrom the bottom.

8. Barbell Rows – these are doneusing an Olympic Bar with amedium grip, not reversedeither!! Bent over parallel to thefloor, with erectors contracted,raise you upper body just enoughto move the plates off the floor.With slight body movement, pullthe weight into the waist area andlower in a controlled fashionback down. A bit of a bobbingaffect is OK, a slight hitch in thebottom. This is more of anauxiliary movement for thedeadlift than anything else. It isimportant to note that whenever I

do a row, or a squat, because ofthe contraction technique I use inmy erectors and low back, Iimprove the strength anddevelopment in my lower back.Be very aware to use thistechnique that I call “arching myback backwards”. I actually dothat…contract and arch my backbackwards before I do any row,deadlift and as I descend in thesquatting position. You can learnto do this as you sit… contractyour erectors, arching your backand sticking your chest out. Feelthe contraction in your back.Now stand up, bend over and do

the same thing. You will get thehang of it. You will have aninjury free squatting anddeadlifting career getting strongerevery time you squat, row ordeadlift.

9. Close Grip Pull Downs – theseare done on a lat machine withyour hands facing you, as taughtto us as children in doing a chin-up. These are done in a verycontrolled fashion and are

important because they are notonly a great lat developer but alsoa great bicep developer. There isnothing like big biceps whendoing a bench press or a dip as acushion at the bottom! Start at thetop with hands in closer thanshoulder width, pull the bar downto your upper chest, hold and thenreturn slowly to the full extendedposition. These also work greatas purely negatives or acontraction hold first and then anegative.

B Workout Design andInitiation

This workout will be broken intofour separate workout routinesperformed in a sequence that allowstraining once every four to five days ormore. As you get stronger, you will haveto insert additional days in order toeffectively compensate for your strengthand size gains and eventually drop theassistance movements.

I prefer the 1-2 approach where Itrain two times one week, once the nextas in this example:

Week 1 -Monday and Friday

Week 2 -Wednesday

Week 3 -Monday and Friday

Week 4 -Wednesday

C Workout Grid


#1 PUSHING (alternate WO1 withWO3)

1-Bench Press or Dip - Rest Pause4 reps

Assistance Movements Pushing

(Alternate next 2 movements everyother workout i.e. Next time you do #1

Pushing, Do Partials (dip or bench)rather than close-grips)

2- Barbell or Smith Close GripBench Press - 3 to 7 reps


2- Partial Bench or Partial Dip – 3to 5 reps

3-Barbell or Smith Squat – 3 to 5reps


(Substitute WO4 for this workoutevery 4th workout)

Partial Deadlift - 3 to 5 reps

Assistance Movements

Barbell Rows – 3 to 7 reps

Close Grip Pull down – 3 to 7 reps


Bench Press or Dip – 3 to 5 reps

Barbell or Smith Squat – RestPause 4 reps

Assistance Movement

Leg Press – 3 to 7 reps

#4 PULLING (This workout is doneevery 4th pulling workout or 3rd if youchoose. Deadlift from Floor – 3 to 5reps

Alternating Hammer Curls – 5 to 7reps

I added the hammer curl in due to itsaffect on the biceps and forearms. Hereis a description:

Position two dumbbells to yoursides, palms facing in starting withyour arms straight. With elbows tosides, raise one dumbbell until forearmis vertical and thumb faces shoulder.Lower to original position and repeatwith alternative arm.

D Workout Order

The order in which you perform theseworkouts is a follows…

Week 1



Week 2

Wednesday-W O 3 (As you can see,you are alternating this with WO1)

Week 3



Week 4


Week 5


Friday-WO4 (If you countWO2s, you will see youhave performed three sofar and this is the fourth

where you willsubstitute and insertWO4)

As you can see you are basicallyalternating WO1 and WO3 with eachother as noted above and every 4th

workout of WO2s, rather than doingWO2 you insert WO4.

E Workout Technique

As you can see, the reps are lowerthan most bodybuilding reps by design.Use the lowest rep number as yourstarting rep. Continue your progressuntil you reach the upper number (i.e. 3-5 reps). Once you reach five reps,increase the weight to allow you to getjust three reps with the increased weight.Keep increasing accordingly. There is noneed to do more than the reps suggestedon these movements. Once you reach the

high rep, increase weight.

All movements should be donedeliberately and under control to thepoint of momentary muscular failure, ingood form. In the bottom positions ofeach exercise you should not bounce butshould be explosive coming out of thatposition.

In doing the bench press or dip,once you touch your chest in the bench

or get a pectoral stretch in the dip, youshould explode out of the bottom butdon’t bounce! Just as I lock my back inthe squat, row and deadlift, I do so withthe bench so that I have a strongfoundation. (Also, a quick note is thatthese two exercises work very well increating strength and power when theyare alternated, however, as you approachyour contest I would bench specifically)You make the choice. This is just asuggestion and guide.

In the squat descend under controlto a point where your thighs are parallel

(or in competition… “The top surfaceof the legs at the hip joint is lower thanthe top of the knees”. The latest rulesf o r powerlifting competition can befound at http://www.powerlifting-ipf.com/Technical-Rules.50.0.html) tothe floor and then explode out of thebottom with control, with your backfully contracted and upper body lockeduntil you are upright and in the standingposition. Again don’t let the bar bounceon your shoulders! It looks cool to havehundreds of pounds bouncing aroundbut believe me… a back injury is notworth it. The ones that win in this gameare the ones that stay injury free!

The only thing I will say about thedeadlift is not to bounce it off the floorunless you are looking for an injury anddon’t arch backwards at the top.Remember, the negative portion of therep is very beneficial and effective increating strength so control it to thebottom. Stop and do it again.

F Other H I T Techniques

Rest Pause – As you can see Irecommended this on both the bench andthe squat. This technique employs amaximum rep each time with restintervals between them. I suggestFIRST, having a spotter.

Use a weight where you can performjust one maximum repetition. Do nomore than 4 reps… resting 7-10 secondsbetween. Each rep will feel harder andyou will need assistance after the first orsecond rep. You may also need toreduce the weight between your reps but

you be the judge of that. I do suggest inusing Rest Pause on squats TOabsolutely reduce the weight betweensets and be extremely careful. Useexperienced spotters who can load andunload and tighten the collars properly.Always remember safety first!

Negatives and Forced Reps – Thesecan be used on occasion after a rep setwhere you are performing reps and onoccasion do a set in pure negative stylesuch as in your auxiliary movements. Ifusing pure negative style you canincrease the weight as much as 30% or

more, but this is only a guide. Yournegative strength is greater than bothyour contraction and positive strength.Make sure you have good spottersthough! Don’t use these on squats ordeadlifts as I feel they are toodangerous.


I am going to quote a section frommy Book 1 in the Mind Becomes MassFoundational Series©. It pertains to theuse of your mind and visualizing yourgoals and is so important…

BEGINNING OFINSERT==========================================

VIII- Visualization

Your mind doesn’t know the


It has been found that the mind doesnot know the difference between what isreal and what is not. It has been tested inathletes. There was a test done whereathletes were asked to run through theworkout in their mind and the signalswere scientifically monitored. Next theydid it physically for real. There was nodifference in the signals.

Arnold would visualize his bicepslike mountains when he trained and youcan tell from pictures of him in hiscompetition days, he had one of the bestsets of arms there was.

I personally have used my ownvisualization technique and selfhypnosis while I was power training,which I liked to do on occasion as Iliked being strong. I would relax mybody one part at a time. I would feel awarm and heavy feeling in each bodypart until my entire body felt totallyrelaxed. I would then see myself at a

beach and my thoughts were people atthe beach. As those people left so didthe thoughts in my mind until I hadno thought in my mind whatsoever.Then, I would picture myself on aweight lifting bench with 400 lbs inmy hands on a bar and it would feellight to me. I took it and easily benchpressed it with explosive ease. Oncethe deed was done, I would tell myselfthat as I count backwards from 10, Iwould ease back into my day. When Iawoke I would feel fresh andinvigorated. This technique allowedme to break the 400 lb bench pressbarrier that I held in my mind. Why…read on!

The filter

Your mind is like a filter. You as aspiritual being can accomplish anything;you have the power of the source! Butyour ego, the filter, has beenprogrammed by your lifetime ofexperience with limiting ideas andbeliefs. Reprogram the filter and changethe outcome!

So what did I really do in myvisualization above? What was I doing?

I was reprogramming my beliefsystem, my ego. My ego, my outer mindheld a block. My inner mind knows noblock, so… I just created an exercise toallow my ego to bend the program. LikeNeo in the Matrix! Bend the program.You can change the program and theoutcome in an instant if you practice.

I could remember when I starteddeadlifting, I could not ever get past 315lbs. I could not even lift it off the floor.I couldn’t understand why? I did 290like nothing! Well, it occurred to methat the weight at the time looked soheavy and because of it a block wascreated in my belief system. I walkedaway after missing it numerous times. Irealized that it scared me, the weightdid. So I took 20 minutes and came backwithout thinking of anything whatsoeverexcept the style of the exercise, how myforearms were against my outer thighs,how my back was arched backwards andflat, how just before I lifted the bar, I

preloaded the bar, actually pulling up abit to bend the bar so I didn’t have so farto pull it. By just taking 20 minutes tochange my mind, I deadlifted 315 easily.I went on to deadlift 830 unofficially! Iwasn’t afraid of it anymore.

Whatever you believe, you can outpicture in your world

Although this is a bit esoteric, it hasbeen proven over the ages, whatever

picture you hold constant in your mind,with full belief of achieving, that picturewill out picture in your world. Visualizewhat you want to look like, hangpictures around yourself of what youwant your arms, chest, back, shoulders,legs and calves to look like. Start seeingit so clearly in your mind that with yourfocus you create exactly what you want!You can move further in learning onthis through my other work in this MindBecomes Mass Foundational Series©.

END OFINSERT===============================================


As always, eat a well balanceddiet, eat frequent and healthy. Eatingonce or twice a day just won’t do it.That eating sends a message to yourbody that you are starving and yourmetabolism will slow down and beginto hold body-fat. Nothing replaceshealthy eating. I was my strongest as aNatural Athlete, eating well and restingwell.

Remember, you grow outside thegym, not in the gym! If you come to theday that your workout is scheduled andstill feel tired, take two days off! Really!I can’t tell you how many times mytraining partner and I met at the gym anddecided to go out and eat. Be wise andunderstand how muscle is built. Mybook, “How Anyone Can Have MusclesIn 20 Minutes Twice A Week” goes intomany of these facts in detail. If youhaven’t read it, do so. It is part of theMind Becomes Mass FoundationalSeries©.


No matter how strong or big weget, there is always going to be someonewho may be bigger or stronger than weare. It doesn’t matter if you are a weightlifter or not, there are just some outthere who are stronger. Even though youmay look like you can bench press 600pounds (but actually can bench press400 pounds)… there are those out therewho look like they can bench press 300pounds and can bench press 600 pounds.

We all have a genetic predisposition andgenetics rule!

Here is the lesson I spoke about…back in this particular time in my life Iwas living in Upstate New York andworking a full time job as a enginebuilder machinist and bouncing at alocal biker bar. It was a bunch of funand the bikers were awesome! My boss,Harold, was a bit of a gambler andfound out that I liked to arm wrestle andhad never been beat! This opportunity hedid not pass up.

Every night I worked he would putme up against some big guys whooutweighed me by a bunch and ofcourse were much taller than me. Nightafter night, I continued to win easily,surprising these folks. I would actuallyeven start them from the bottom andsometimes allow them to use two handsif they weren’t too big. What an ego! J

One day, a good friend of mine,Chip, played a dirty trick on me… He

said,” I have another friend name Glennwho I have to see, why don’t you comealong and you can meet him. I think youwould like him.” Well I agreed andbefore we got there he said, “Glenn likesto arm wrestle a bit too and he is prettygood at it.”

No doubt Chip was priming thepump. I met Glenn at his garage. He rana racing business where he built streetcars and race cars and was a nice guy.Glenn looked about 260 pounds, prettytall and just looked like a big guy! Wesocialized for a bit and he said, “Chip

tells me you like to arm wrestle”. I toldhim I did once in a while and hesuggested that we give each other a try.Another notch on my belt I figured!Well the only place was on the backtailgate of his truck.

You know, the ego is such thatsometimes it is wiser to just walk awaybut doesn’t know any better!!

Well Glenn and I squared off and

before you know it, we were locked up.I was pulling him down and winningagain. Much to my surprise, he lets out aholler and almost ripped my arm out ofmy shoulder! I could not stop his forceand he beat me fair and square. I couldnot believe my eyes! Well, I wasn’tgoing to have that! We went a total ofthree times with each arm and this guywas the strongest I have ever, till thisday, arm wrestled!

I said, “Glenn, you are thestrongest man I have every arm wrestledand I have never been beat.” Glenn, with

a grin on his face said, “Bill, don’t feeltoo bad…I am the New York StateSuper Heavyweight Arm WrestlingChamp!” We both laughed! He went onto tell me that he competed to star in thearm wrestling movie by SylvesterStallone called “Over The Top” butcame in second, next to the pig farmerthat won and was chosen to star in themovie and who arm wrestled Stallone.

It just goes to show, there isalways going to be someone strongerthan you but the most important thing toknow is that you are the best you can

be!! If you have done everythingpossible to be your absolute best, thenyou have won, remember that!


This book is a work of experienceand knowledge acquired over my 40years of powerbuilding andbodybuilding career.

I have used this workout andknowledge personally and achieved myall time biggest and strongest whileusing it. I did it naturally without any

drugs. I ate well and rested well.

Mike and Ray Mentzer werealready experimenting with Rest Pause. Isaw it as the key to massive size andstrength. I was already using less-setsbecause of Mike.

M y powerlifting comrades hadalready taught me that in order to have abig bench you must stop workingshoulders, they were worked enough.

When I stopped working my shouldersand then my biceps; and just doing theauxiliary movements or assistanceexercises as I call them, everythingbegan to grow and quick.

Here were my results, naturally…My legs taped at about 33 inches, armsmeasured a true 18 ¾ inches cold andmy chest measured 54 inches, weighing238 pounds at 5’5” tall. Yes the waistwas 37 inches but with 33 inch thighsand a 54 inch chest, it didn’t matter. Iwas carrying some body fat so don’t beafraid of some if you are natural.

As Arthur Jones said…

“It is neither necessary nordesirable….that no visible fatty tissueremains on the body; on the contrary,better performances will almost alwaysbe provided by subjects that show atleast some slight degree of fatty tissue insome areas of the body… individualsvary, of course, but do not expect a wellconditioned athlete weighing over 200

pounds at a normal height to show notraces of fatty tissue.”

I was a power builder, a strongbodybuilder naturally. My shoulderslooked like bowling balls and I neverworked them directly with any pressingor lateral movement.

High Intensity AbbreviatedWorkouts WORK! Stick with it and youwill get results. I have never been an

easy gainer in any respect. It was onlywith the proper use of intensity,frequency and volume with a cup ofdetermination that I was able to achievewhat I have… as can you.

I wish each and every one of youthe very best in your life path to success,in whatever and all avenues you choose!

Best Regards,

Bill Sahli

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