hikes at the peak of summer 2017 padjelanta and the …€¦ · lunch and presentation of the week....

2016-12-16 C:\Users\mbi\Downloads\Bokningsinfo 1 Padjelanta-Tarradalen summer 2017 Engelska privat.doc Hikes at the peak of summer 2017 Padjelanta and the Tarradalen Valley A classic hike through a big part of UN’s world heritage Laponia. Waste mountain mores, roaring rivers and crystal clear lakes, midnight sun, Sami camps, the Norwegian mountains in the west and the high alpine mountains of Sarek in the east. All this together with numerous flowers and wildlife. Some of the legs have significant difference in altitude and the longest leg is 20 kilometres. To enjoy this hike you should have previous experience from walking with a backpack and be in good physical shape. Please note that you will have to carry provisions for maximum 4 days and the weight of your backpack will increase with approx. 3 kilos. Padjelanta national park, known for its rare flowers Rainforest like vegetation in the Tarra valley! Photo STF Photo Åsa Säfström/STF The Padjelanta trail, endless views from morning to evening Photo Åsa Säfström/STF

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Page 1: Hikes at the peak of summer 2017 Padjelanta and the …€¦ · Lunch and presentation of the week. In the evening we take the boat over Lake Akkajaure. Our adventure starts on the


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Hikes at the peak of summer 2017

Padjelanta and the Tarradalen Valley A classic hike through a big part of UN’s world heritage Laponia. Waste mountain mores, roaring rivers and crystal clear lakes, midnight sun, Sami camps, the Norwegian mountains in the west and the high alpine mountains of Sarek in the east. All this together with numerous flowers and wildlife. Some of the legs have significant difference in altitude and the longest leg is 20 kilometres. To enjoy this hike you should have previous experience from walking with a backpack and be in good physical shape. Please note that you will have to carry provisions for maximum 4 days and the weight of your backpack will increase with approx. 3 kilos.

Padjelanta national park, known for its rare flowers Rainforest like vegetation in the Tarra valley! Photo STF Photo Åsa Säfström/STF

The Padjelanta trail, endless views from morning to evening

Photo Åsa Säfström/STF

Page 2: Hikes at the peak of summer 2017 Padjelanta and the …€¦ · Lunch and presentation of the week. In the evening we take the boat over Lake Akkajaure. Our adventure starts on the


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Prel. program Day 1 Gathering in Ritsem around 12 o’clock. Lunch and presentation of the week. In the evening we take

the boat over Lake Akkajaure. Our adventure starts on the other side of the lake, tonight we will stay in Vaisaluokta, only 100 meters from the beach.

Dag 2 The hike starts with a short walk trough the local Sami village. After a few kilometres we will start our

climb up into the mountains. Today’s leg will take us to the cabin at Lake Kutjaure on the border to Padjelanta Nationalpark. Tonight’s dinner will be served at the local Sami settlement 20 minutes walk from our cabin. Distance approx.18 km, difference in altitude + 350 m, then – 200 m.

Day 3 In to Padjelanta Nationalpark and towards the big lakes on the Norwegian border. Today’s leg will take

us to Låddejåkkå. Distance approx 19 km, difference in altitude + 200 m, then – 200 m. Day 4 After two long days it can be nice with a short leg. The goal today is the Sami village at Arasluokta.

Distance approx.13 km, difference in altitude + 300 m, then – 300 m. Day 5 To Staloluokta Sami village. The trail winds over the mountain Stuor Titer with a wonderful view over

Lake Virihaure and the Norwegian mountains at the border. In Staloluokta we can enjoy a sauna! Distance approx. 11 km, difference in altitude + 150 m, then -150 m.

Day 6 The trail winds up into the mountains again to the highly situated cabins at Tuottar, 900 mas. Throughout the whole day will have the Sarek mountains in front of us. Distance approx. 18 km, difference in altitude + 300 m.

Day 7 Down to the spring lakes at the top of the Tarradalen valley by Tarraluoppal. Today’s leg is nice and

short and gives us time to enjoy the beautiful landscape. Distance approx. 11 km, difference in altitude - 200 m.

Day 8 Further down into the valley. The landscape alters from the waste mountains to the luxuriant vegetation in the valley. After about 10 km we will leave Padjelanta Nationalpark enter the Tarradalen reservation. Today’s goal is the cabin at Såmmarlappa. Distance approx. 15 km, difference in altitude -150 m.

Day 9 Mt Tarrekaise rises more than 1000 meters above our heads when we follow the Tarra River to Njunjes.

In this luxuriant vegetation elks, bears and lynx thrive! Distance approx. 20 km, difference in altitude – 100 m.

Day 10 On the last leg of this hike we will pass an interesting old settlement; Njunjes. The leg ends with a 3 km

long boat ride on the Tarra River down to Kvikkjokk. Here we can enjoy showers before we are served dinner at the mountainstation. Distance (walking) approx. 13 km, difference in altitude – 100 m.

Day 11 We end our hike together with a short tour in the small village of Kvikkjokk. The village has an

interesting history from the 1600-hundreds. Buses to Jokkmokk and Murjek will depart from the church, about 500 meters away from the mountainstation.

The program can change due to current weather conditions

Minimum 6 and maximum 10 participants. The hike is recommended to people aged 16-70 years.

Included in the price: Lunch in Ritsem Half board at Kvikkjokk mountainstation. Dinner at Kutjaure Sami settlement 9 days in mountain cabins included provisions Sauna in Staloluokta All local transports Guide

Date: July 9-19 Price members: 10495 SEK, nonmembers pay 10995 SEK

Book at STF Fjallbokning: +46 10 190 23 60 or at [email protected]

Page 3: Hikes at the peak of summer 2017 Padjelanta and the …€¦ · Lunch and presentation of the week. In the evening we take the boat over Lake Akkajaure. Our adventure starts on the


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Welcome to the Padjelanta trail, Vaisaluokta-Kvikkjokk Here are a few practical details about your hike. For this mountain-hike you should have good condition. Distances between the mountain-cabins vary from 11 to 24 km. Difference in altitude on a single leg, maximum 350 meter. (Day-tours not included) Suitable maps are Swedish mountain maps BD 10 + BD 7. (One map does not cover the whole trail) The cabins... the beds are fitted with mattresses, pillows and blankets. During the summer-season you should bring a light sleeping bag or a set of sheets. The cabins have a basic standard but there is no electricity or running water. We all help each other with the domestic duties, cleaning, cooking, do the dishes etc. Wooden fires or gas heats the cabins. The cooking is done on gas-stoves. The cabins you will visit during this hike have 20-36 beds. (Rooms with 4-10 beds, male/female mixed) There are also extra mattresses and blankets in case the cabin gets full. Everyone will get shelter, if all the beds are occupied you will get a space on the floor and a mattress. You cannot book beds in advance. The midnight sun does not shine all summer long but it is daylight 24 hours a day 15/5-31/7. In August and September, bring a small torch or a headlamp. There are only emergency-telephones in the cabins. The phone is directly connected to the police. Mobile phones will not work out in the mountains. Your ´guide will carry a satellite telephone for emergency use. Transport of clothes... You can send things not needed fore the hike by bus (“Bussgods”) to Kvikkjokk. Bring a small bag to pack your things in. Please note that you have to print out your documents and pay in advance; You will find necessary transport-documents on www.bussgods.se Equipment…Included in these documents you will find a proposal on what to bring for the hike, pack light! Most people bring to many clothes. The weight of your backpack should stay on not more than 10-12 kg during a hike between cabins. Liquid... It is essential to keep a good liquid-balance, if you do not, you will feel tired and gluey. Beside a thermos for warm drinks, bring a bottle and a mug. You will find crystal-clear water along the trail most of the time but in the high mountains and in the later parts of the summer it could be some kilometres in between the creeks. Travel to Ritsem… Easiest journey is by train to Gällivare and then bus. Alternative by air to Kiruna or Gällivare and then bus. Transfer-time Gällivare C-Ritsem by bus is 3 hours. From Kvikkjokk the easiest way is to take the bus to Murjek, then train. For more information about travel please contact your local travelagency or: www.sj.se, www.inlandsbanan.se, www.sas.se, www.nextjet.se For local buses, please see www.ltnbd.se Detailed information about meeting-time, guides etc to participants of STF-groups will be sent 2-4 weeks before the hike.

Have a nice hike in Padjelanta

Page 4: Hikes at the peak of summer 2017 Padjelanta and the …€¦ · Lunch and presentation of the week. In the evening we take the boat over Lake Akkajaure. Our adventure starts on the


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Equipment for mountain tours, summer

The right equipment in your backpack gives you a nicer experience.

Check your equipment at home; see to that everything is in good


Basic clothing Live and sleep

Socks made of wool, 2 sets. Sleeping bag or sheets Underwear made of wool or synthetics, light, 2 sets. Indoor clothes and shoes Shirt or sweater that dries easy A pair of rain and windproof pants A rain and windproof jacket Prevent Cap Gloves sunglasses Blisterplaster: Leukoplast/Elastoplast Sun protection

Sun goggles Carry Eat

Backpack, approx. 60 litres with a relief belt thermos and a mug

Camping set with fork, knife and spoon Water bottle

Path finding Other equipment

Map insulated pad Compass knife Camera


Leather proofing for boots

Matches or a lighter A small torch Candles

Hygiene Toothbrush and paste A small soap A small towel Toilet paper napkins