hiring top talents


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Post on 19-May-2015




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The top talents are crucial for each modern organization. Without top talents the company cannot survive. The talents are usually the source of innovation, they do manage challenging projects and they deliver results. The job market is tough today, the quality of education is decreasing, but the companies require highly skilled employees. Companies do fight for talents. How your company can find the right talents on the job market? How the company can build the pool of interesting talents available on the market? LinkedIn is not the only solution, the company has to design a mix of different HR and marketing tools to promote itself on the job market to become a really attractive target to top talents.


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Hiring Top Talents

How to source the organization with top talents … and attract them to join your company!

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Content 1.   Who is the top talent 2.   Exploring job market 3.   How to build external talent pools 4.   How to attract top talents 5.   How to hire top talents

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Top Talent Definition 1.   Top Talent is the person with the right set skills and

competencies who contributes to the organization most

2.   Top Talent accepts challenges and discover new opportunities

3.   Top Talent changes the career path pretty often and does not focus just on the vertical promotions

4.   Top Talent drives innovation and changes in the company

5.   Top Talent is always a person mentioned in the succession plan

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Why is a top talent important?

1.   Top Talents absorb new skills and and becomes a key know how holder

2.   Top Talents make a difference. They drive key projects and initiatives in the organization

3.   Top Talents bring new ideas and shape them into new products and services

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The top talent represents the future of the company. The talent drives changes and innovations. Takes leadership roles when ready.

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Talents on the job market 1.   Top Talents enjoy the freedom to choice

the employer. They do not have to accept any job offer.

2.   Top Talents are proactive and visible in communities. This makes them easy targets.

3.   They are attracted by challenges, opportunities and the talent friendly corporate culture.

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Where to find talents? 1.   Universities keep a track of their students. They

are willing to collaborate with organizations to offer interesting opportunities.

2.   Top Talents are active on social media, they participate in groups and follow topics of their interest.

3.   Top Talents publish articles and share ideas. They can be found using a simple Google query.

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�Best Research Tools 1.   Social media tool like Topsy 2.   Google Search 3.   RSS syndication 4.   Special Programs and Projects 5.   Referrals

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Top Talents are always visible on the job market. They do not apply for a job, but they are active in communities. They can be researched.

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Social Media Research

1.   Set priorities and research keywords to be found

2.   Set the right social media to research. LinkedIn provides quick results, but there is a real war for talents

3.   Set rules in Topsy to find users mentioning the keyword

4.   Research users and follow them

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Collaboration with Colleges 1.   Universities prefer long term programs over

short term initiatives with no long term benefits for the university to offer to students

2.   Identify internal opportunities and ask the university to recommend students as project members

3.   Give freedom to students, ask them for referrals

4.   Reward and recognize best projects

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1.   Reward employees for referrals

2.   Inform employees about opportunities

3.   Ask employees to refer the job opportunity to their friends

4.   Top Talents usually know other top talents and they can influence them

5.   Loyal employees are willing to help the company to hire other top talents

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Promoting internal Talents 1.   Ask internal experts for a cooperation 2.   Start being present on social media

and publish interesting internal facts, which are attractive to a target group

3.   Ask the internal expert to bring referrals and ask him to lead small projects for external talents

4.   Be open to a community

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Be attractive for top talents. Promote your achievements and how inspiring your company is. Make top talents remember the name of the company.

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Challenging Projects

1.   Establish the internal incubator to design new products and services

2.   Offer to project member the opportunity to change the industry or your company

3.   Offer special agile project work to university students and employees

4.   Do not invest huge amounts but allow to team members to organize their work

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Talent Friendly Corporate Culture

1.   Promote opportunities and freedom to innovation

2.   Reward successes and celebrate failures

3.   Allow to employees to participate in projects

4.   Design internal Facebook so employees can organize themselves around topics of their interest

5.   Promote project work to be attractive to generation Y

6.   Do not ask to deliver immediate results, promote long term benefits

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Internal Incubator

1.   Establish the internal incubator

2.   Small projects do deliver better results than huge projects

3.   Allow to employees to find the topic of the interest

4.   Agile innovations. Not a management decisions.

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Give the freedom to your talents. They will talk about it to their friends. Your culture will become recognized and valued.

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Talent friendly Package

1.   Pay for achievements

2.   Share profits from innovations

3.   Give flexibility and do not ask for many reports

4.   Promote right to make a mistake

5.   Promote team work and reward for spreading know how across the organization

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