his wife said


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Post on 29-May-2018




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8/8/2019 His Wife Said.

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/his-wife-said 1/4

8/8/2019 His Wife Said.

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/his-wife-said 2/4


His wife said, you’re too

 Nice to people, too

Darn nice, you ought to

Be like Rocky; he

Don’t take no shit from

People, he tells them

Where to get off and

Is down their throats far 

Quicker than they can

Say, boo boo, but you,

You’re just too nice, you

Even open doors

For dames and give them

The big friendly smile,

And give them the bright

Eyed sparkle. He let

His wife’s words float on

By like butterflies,

Focussed on the art,

His word management,

Giving form to his

 Notions, painting out

Scenes, putting plots to

 New ideas, and for 

Another thing, his

Wife added, what’s with

The dame in the darn

8/8/2019 His Wife Said.

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Photos everywhere?

Who’s she? In the frame

By the bed, on your 

Cell phone, tucked away

In your pocket book?

Are you some kind of 

Religious fruit? He

Looked at his wife (she

Was a looker, had

A nice face and cute

Ass) and watched her mouth

Move, saw her tongue, like

Some small snake go in

And out and how fine

Her eyes were in the

Morning sun, how they

Shone some, and he said,

You know, your mouth moves

Quite prettily, your 

Lips, they’re like parting

Thighs and how I just

Love the way your headTilts slightly to one

Side just like some odd

Inquisitive bird,

And by the way, the

Dame in the photos

Is St Therese, andShe’s just there to bring

8/8/2019 His Wife Said.

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Me comfort and to

Remind me how pure

And heaven sent aWoman can be and

That there is more to

Women than meets the

Eye, but his wife stood

And shook her head, and

 Not another wordBy his wife was said.