history - École nationale de cirque · popular (more than 19,000 spectators)andcriticalsuccessof...


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Page 1: HISTORY - École nationale de cirque · popular (more than 19,000 spectators)andcriticalsuccessof both year-end shows staged in June 2010, so ably directed by Shana Carroll of The
Page 2: HISTORY - École nationale de cirque · popular (more than 19,000 spectators)andcriticalsuccessof both year-end shows staged in June 2010, so ably directed by Shana Carroll of The


The National Circus School was founded in 1981 by Guy Caron,actor and circus artist, and eminent gymnast Pierre Leclerc. In anera when contemporary circus companies were virtually unknownin Canada, and nearly all professional circus schools were locatedin Eastern Europe or Asia, establishing a centre for circus artstraining represented a formidable challenge. The first studentsand trainers soon regrouped at the Centre Immaculée-Conception. Even before Cirque du Soleil, the School become anational institution with an international reputation.

Following a move to Dalhousie Station in Old Montreal, theSchool further developed its training programs, which came to berecognized by the Quebec ministries of Education and Cultureand by Heritage Canada. The School began offering professionaltraining programs of the arts-academic type at the secondarylevel in 1991, adding college-level circus arts programs in 1995.By 2003, the School had outgrown its quarters. It then tookup residence in a new space designed specifically for trainingprofessional circus artists in the heart of Tohu, the Cité des arts du

cirque, in Montreal. The School is now able to provide optimumconditions for a greater number of students. It also offers newprograms such as the Attestation of Collegial Studies in CircusArts for instructors and trainers in circus arts and a range ofservices for professional circus artists. Since its founding 29 yearsago, the National Circus School has played a crucial role in thedevelopment of circus arts in Canada and around the world.Impelled by a continual quest for excellence, the School hasremained a world leader in training professional circus artists. It is aplace of research, study, creation and experimentation in circus arts.

The School has prepared more than four hundred circus artists forprofessional careers. The School’s students and graduates havegarnered numerous prizes and distinctions through participationin prestigious world festivals, including those of Paris, Wuqiaoin China and Tournai in Belgium. A pioneer of the circusrenaissance in Canada and North America, the School has alsocontributed to the emergence of such circus companies as Cirquedu Soleil, Cirque Éloize and The 7 Fingers.


Table of contents5 History

6 Boards of Directors, Committees and Executive Team

7 Governments and Associated Organizations

9 A Word from the Chairs of the Boards

10 Executive Director’s Report

14 Programs in Summary

15 Applicants and Admissions 2004 to 2010

16 Class of 2010 - Higher Education in Circus Arts

17 Class of 2010 - Instructors and Trainers in Circus Arts

18 Student Enrolment by Program 2004 to 2010

19 2009-2010 School’s Financial Statements

38 National Circus Shool Foundation

39 Bursary Program

40 2010 Benefit Evening Donors

41 2009-2010 Annual Campaign Donors

42 2002-2006 Major Campaign Donors

44 2009-2010 Foundation Financial Statements

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Boards of DIRECTORSNational Circus School - NCSAnd National Circus School Foundation - NCSF

The National Circus School receives financial support from the ministère de la Culture et des Communications et de la Condition féminine duQuébec through the Programme d’aide au fonctionnement pour les organismes de formation supérieure en arts as well as from theDepartment of Canadian Heritage through the Canada Training Arts Found. The School is also accredited for subsidies by the ministère del’Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport du Québec.

The National Circus School Foundation has been granted financial support from the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec through thePlacements Culture Program.

The National Circus School is a member of the following organizations:

• TOHU - La Cité des arts du cirque

• En Piste - Circus Arts National Network

• ADESAM - Montreal’s Professional Arts Schools Association

• FEDEC - European Federation of professionnel Circus Schools

• FEEP - Fédération des établissements d'enseignement privés

• ACPQ - Association des collèges privés du Québec

• ACQ - Association des camps du Québec

Governments and ASSOCIATED Organizations

Executive DirectorMarc Lalonde

Director of StudiesDaniela Arendasova

Director of CreationHoward Richard

Administrative DirectorÉric Langlois

Director of CommunicationsChristophe Rousseau

Technical and Production DirectorMartin Saintonge

Executive Team

Chair - NCSBruno DuguayVice-President, General Counsel & SecretaryJTI-MACDONALD

Chair - NCSFDavid McAuslandPartnerMcCARTY TETRAULT

Vice-Chair and SecretaryLili de GrandpréSenior PartnerCENCEO CONSEIL

Treasurer - NCSJacques CotéExecutive Manager by interimSOCIÉTÉ DU HAVRE DE MONTRÉAL

Treasurer - NCSFGilles LapointeExecutive Vice-President –Finances & AdministrationFEELING PRODUCTIONS INC.

MembersJocelyn L. BeaudoinPresident and CEOFOUNDATION ON ANTIVIRALS


Pierre CarrierTeacherEmployees’ RepresentativeNATIONAL CIRCUS SCHOOL

Daniel DupuisParents’ Representative, High School ProgramLawyer and Business AdvisorDUPUIS PAQUIN

David J. ForestPresident and Advisor in Group Insurance andGroup Annuity PlansDAVID FOREST FINANCIAL SERVICES FIRM

Marc GagnonSenior Vice-President, Organization and CultureCIRQUE DU SOLEIL

Marc LalondeExecutive DirectorNATIONAL CIRCUS SCHOOL

Normand LegaultChairman of the BoardSOCIÉTÉ DU PARC JEAN-DRAPEAU

Robert C. NadeauFounder and PresidentNADEAU CONSEIL INTERNATIONAL

Outgoing MembersJovette DemersManager, Marketing CommunicationsIBM CANADA LTD.

Luc FiliatreaultPresident and Chief Executive OfficerNSTEIN

Luc MartinDeputy Chief Operating Officer - CanadaSAMSON BÉLAIR/DELOITTE & TOUCHE

Executive CommiteeBruno DuguayDavid McAuslandLili de GrandpréJacques CotéMarc LalondeGilles Lapointe

Fundraising CommiteeBruno DuguayDaniel DupuisDavid J. ForestGilles LapointeNormand LegaultDavid McAusland

Construction CommiteeBruno DuguayJacques Coté

Investment CommiteeClaude BédardGilles LapointeRobert C. Nadeau

Programs CommiteeLili de GrandpréDaniel DupuisMarc Gagnon

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In three decades only, the contemporary circus has not only gaineda huge following, but also taken an extraordinary place in ourimaginations, especially among young people. This is evidencedby the proliferation of initiatives relating to or touched by thecircus, in fields as diverse as recreation, education and so forth.The circus permeates our lives, our media, our schools, our stages.The circus is part of our culture while contributing to the economy.

The National Circus School and its initiatives aimed at youth andthe professional circus milieu lie at the source of a thread ofcreation. This thread has led tospectacular and singular works by thecircus companies of which we are soproud. The School is also upstream of avalue-added chain for the sector, with somany initiatives vital to our identity andthe growth of our economy.

Politicians have long understood the roleplayed by the School since thebeginning of the 'new circus' adventurein this country. Stakeholders fromHeritage Canada as well as from theQuebec ministère de la Culture, desCommunications et de la Conditionféminine (MCCCF) and ministère del’Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport (MELS)have proven that they remain, as always,aware. We would like to thank HeritageCanada and the MCCCF for increasingtheir contributions to our operations,granted in 2009-2010 and pledged for2010-2011. Moreover, the exceptionalassistance of these two ministries wasessential to complete the Schools'expansion project for new studios andresidences for young people from acrossthe country. These facilities have made itpossible for us to become a truly national institution. We also thankMELS which has been unflagging in its financial support to theSchool's growth, in all programs that fall under its jurisdiction.

The financial balance of the School's operations, the developmentof new programs and services, and its accessibility for talentedyoung people are made possible only with the generosity ofnumerous volunteers and donors, of businesses, individuals andfoundations. We extend our thanks to all!

As you can see, the executive director's report speaks eloquentlyof the quality as well as the quantity of the School'saccomplishments over the past fiscal year. Similarly, the institution'sfinancial statements and those of the Foundation reflect theexcellent financial health of both organizations.

The School and its Foundation can rely on the enlightenedgovernance provided by experienced board members, whom wethank. We take this opportunity to express our appreciation to Ms.Jovette Demers, leaving the board of directors after serving as

secretary for more than a decade, to Mr.Luc Martin, the Foundation's treasurersince the year 2000, and to Mr. LucFiliatreault who was the parents'representative for our youngest students.

At the end of 2009-2010, the governingbodies of the School and Foundationhave resolved that in the future theyshould be composed of the samedirectors. This move would simplifytheir respective operations and ensurethat the institution's destiny, as well asits management and private fundraising,would be shared by all directors. Thetwo entities, linked by their commonmission and better integrated, remainseparate as would be their financialstatements. Following this reorgani-sation of governance, we were pleasedto welcome new volunteer directors. Wewelcome Messrs. Normand Legault andDavid J. Forest, both already committedto the School, and to Mr. Daniel Dupuis,recently elected by the parents.

As every year, we take advantage of thisannual report, as required by the Loi sur

le Conseil exécutif du Québec from any private college authorizedto receive subsidies, to certify that the School's board of directorshas not noted any instance of real or apparent conflict of interestin which any member would have been placed during the 2009-2010 fiscal year.

A Word from theCHAIRS of the Boards

1 The Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct for National Circus School board members is available on the institution's website.

David McAuslandChairman of the Board

National Circus School Foundation

Bruno DuguayChairman of the BoardNational Circus School

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When it comes to purely pedagogical training, for the sixthconsecutive year the School offered Attestation of Collegial Studies(AEC) diplomas to circus arts instructors and trainers. This year sawthe most important graduating class since the programs' inception.An evaluation of the AEC programs was completed in summer 2009.It concluded that they were increasingly relevant and coherent, andmet clientele needs while being a good fit with one another. Onlya few minor adjustments were deemed necessary. Following oneof the evaluation's recommendations, the School developed a new,shorter AEC program (180 hours), Assistant Instructor of Circus Artsprogram. Intended to educate those charged with training at the firstand most basic level of circus arts training, this program wasrecognized by MELS in spring 2010 and now is being offered.

Specialized student servicesSince fall 2009 physiotherapy and sports medicine services providedat the School increased by 11% from 2008-2009, now 50 hours aweek. The service also gained in efficiency, with a 38% increase inthe number of consultations.

The School's financial assistance service handled 55 studentrequests for aid from the governments of Quebec or the otherCanadian provinces, or the National Circus School Foundation. Aswell, 16 Canadian students in the college programs may receivepublic financial support.

The bursary committee co-managed by the Foundation and Schoolreviewed 39 requests for financial aid. The Foundation has awarded29 bursaries of between $500 and $5,000 to students of eachprogram. Twenty bursaries were awarded to Canadian students and9 to foreign students, for a total of $54,000.

In total, the School was involved in 26 internationnal workshops,exchanges or festivals. These include the École Supérieure des Artsdu Cirque in Brussels, Festival Circa in Auch, France and theOpeningCeremonies of the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics.

Despite delays in the construction of its new student housing project,the School welcomed the first resident students at the start of the2009 school year. Housed in dormitories during the first months,CES program students were able to access the on-site residencesonly in January. Since them the School has become home to 8students from various regions of Canada and abroad. They enjoyaccess to quality, semi-private rooms and common areas, with allservices provided in a comfortable and secure environment.

Our Library's team, which manages the Pascal Jacob Fund,completed work on a web interface that made it possible to putonline one of the most important catalogue of circus arts materials.Since last spring students and researchers have enjoyed remoteaccess to the collections' catalogue. Work on this unique initiativewas conducted while maintaining modest development of thecollections (up 5%), and handling a significant increase in loanvolume (up 17%) and materials consultations (up 120%). Thecollection now also includes numerous artist profiles and a new webbibliography of close to 400 Internet sites, tools highly popular withstudents.

Students and graduates in the spotlightAt the latest Festival Mondial du Cirque de Demain, Nicolas Besnard(DEC 2004) won the silver medal while the duo of Gregory ArsenalRomagosa (DEC 2009) and Yannick Thomas (DEC 2009) broughthome the bronze medal. The Coup de cœur du Festival prize was

Year Two of the National Circus School's four-year plan saw its shareof accomplishments, to the betterment of not only our student bodybut the entire circus arts sector.

Over these months some 20 circus arts graduates were recruited bycircuses in Quebec and around the world. We also launched a newflight of 21 instructors and trainers who will raise the level of not onlyrecreational and social circus programs but also educationalinitiatives in circus arts.

Ever-evolving training programs,student services that benefit andadapt to the needs of those forwhom they are intended, newresidences that at last canaccommodate the youngeststudents from across the country,and new studios that providesupplementary "rings" fortraining and creating . . . Thisentire phase, culminated with thepopular (more than 19,000spectators) and critical success ofboth year-end shows staged inJune 2010, so ably directed byShana Carroll of The 7 Fingersand Guy Alloucherie of HVDZfrom France.

Effective programming …though still perfectingDownstream of increasingly moredemanding artistic training, thepostsecondary DEE and DECprograms once more demons-trated their relevance andeffectiveness. All 20 graduatespassed the final examination lastApril and showed that they hadmet the School's leavingrequirements. Furthermore, allDEC graduates have passed thegovernment's standardized testsand received a diploma of collegial studies.

Already more than 90% of graduates who completed their educationlast June have signed long-term contracts as circus artists. Cirquedu Soleil, Cirque Éloize, The 7 Fingers and Cavalia alone haverecruited half of the graduating class. Our young graduates followin the footsteps of their fellows from the class of 2008-2009, whohave all evolved professionally in their chosen disciplines sinceleaving the School. Also, participants in the professional insertionprogram found employment. This program, the Creation and

Exploration Workshop, is reserved for those who are about tograduate or recent graduates. In 2009, it was entrusted to Montrealchoreographer and director Estelle Clareton. Six studentsparticipated and in October 2009 presented the results of theirresearch entitled En plein corps, at Tohu and also in Auch, Franceat the Festival Circa. This program has been recognized by theMinistère de l’Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport as an Attestation ofCollegial Studies (Attestation d’études collégiales - AEC) program.

For a fourth consecutive year, theretention rate for studentsenrolled in the college programsexceeded 90%, indicating a highlevel of motivation for thecareer choice and academicachievement.

The School maintained itsupgrading efforts for entry to theDEC and DEE programs intendedfor talented candidates whosecircus skills are insufficientlydeveloped. Two-thirds of thesecandidates were definitivelyconfirmed for admission for the2010-2011 school year. Thismeasure remains just as relevant,since the upstream high-schoolprograms, (Preparation forAdvanced Training - PFS andCircus and High School Studies- CES), contribute only one-thirdof new admissions to the collegeprogram.

Although their numbers are stillinsufficient, the quality of highschool graduates is the highestever. The School also is proud ofthe academic success of studentsin the Circus and High SchoolStudies program (CES); its sevengraduating students all success-

fully completed high school to obtain the Quebec High SchoolDiploma (DES). We should make this program a priority, and extendevery effort to increase our capacity at the high school level to insurethat we recruit a greater number of core students.

It therefore was highly germane to hold the intensive summercamps for young people, with sessions for those ages 9 to 17. Overthe past two years they have attracted close to 70 students with awide variety of backgrounds and helped screen excellentcandidates for the CES program.

Executive DIRECTOR'S Report

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awarded to contortionist Leilani Lemuela Franco (DEE 2008). ClownMick Holsbeke (DEE 2009) won the Cirque Éloize and Telmondisprizes. At the Festival gala, clown duo Okidok, Xavier Bouvier andBenoît Devos (DEE 1997), as well as tightrope artist Molly Saudek(DEE 1998) were among the guests of honour. The latter star alsoreceived honours at the most recent circus festivals in Moscow (silvermedal) and Budapest (bronze Pierrot). Finally, a first for a westernartist in the Chinese pole, Paul Hertzfeld (DEC 2004) won a Silver Lionprize at the Wuqiao Acrobatic Arts Festival in China.

The 7 Fingers collective, whose co-directors Shana Carroll (1993),Isabelle Chassé (1990), Patrick Léonard (DEC 1997) and SamuelTétrault (DEC 1996) are graduates, launched two new versions of theshow Traces composedmostly of other recent School graduates. Thecompany also successfully launched a new show, Psy, directed byShana Carroll (1993) with 9 out of 11 cast members being recent NCSgraduates. As for Cirque Éloize, co-founder and artistic directorJeannot Painchaud (1991) staged iD, which successfully inauguratedthe Montréal Complètement Cirque festival with a cast composedmostly of graduates from the School.

Twelve School acrobats participated in the Opening Ceremonies ofthe Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics and delivered spellbindingperformances. Thomas Saulgrain (DEC II) alone vaulted across thestadium at a height of 50 metres, leaving an indelible and poeticimage with hundreds of millions of television viewers.

Finally, the fixed trapeze duo of Rosalie Ducharme and Louis David-Simoneau (DEC 2009) were the uncontested stars of the new Cirquedu Soleil show, Totem in Montreal.

RecruitmentDemand for the high school program has reached record numbersin recent years. However, even with the provision of housing services,the number of candidates in the Circus and High School Studiesprogram from other Canadian provinces has not increased to thedesired level.

Despite strong demand from Quebec candidates and a markedincrease in applications from the United States, overall demand forcollege-level programs has declined by 9% with a decrease in thenumber of applications from other Canadian provinces and weakerdemand from European candidates. These mixed results have nothad much effect on recruitment, since the quantity and quality ofapplicants were maintained at the highest levels.

But all this argues in favour of targeting efforts towards high school-age young people from all Canadian regions, and students inEuropean preparatory schools. Towards this end, the School rampedup the fall 2010 major Canadian screening and recruitment tour byincreasing the number of stops from 3 to 18 cities. By year end theSchool already had announced European partners, with which it willhold a European edition of the Entrance Examination in Paris thiscoming January 2011.

Timely new studios and student residencesConstruction of the new studios was completed during the year, andthe School was able to enjoy expanded facilities from December2009. However, the School foresaw that only the residences' firstfloor, completed at the end of December, would be ready foroccupation during the year. Thanks to an additional $609,000 fromthe Ministère de la Culture, des Communications et de la Conditionféminine announced in the spring, by the end of the year the Schoolwas able to complete significant work towards occupancy for the2010-2011 school year. Although some deficiencies must becorrected, the School is completely satisfied with the functionality ofthe many facilities. Unfortunately, because of cost overruns associatedwith unexpected site conditions, the School regrettably had to reducethe acquisition of specialized equipment for this project.

The addition of two studios with a total area of 575 square metresmeans we can respond to the need for space in which to train, andthat training can now take place simultaneously, up to 15 additionalcourses. The School now can house up to 23 minor students fromacross Canada, offering them safe, supervised accommodations.

Previously, except for thosestudents residing in the Montrealarea, few talented youngCanadians had access toprofessional training in circus artsat the age considered optimal forfuture access to higher educationand a career in circus arts.

A balanced financial situationThe School and the Foundationhave completed the 2009-2010fiscal year in a balanced state asevidenced by the operatingstatements presented below.

The proportion of public financingfor the School's operatingrevenues increased slightly from66% in 2008-2009 to 68% in 2009-2010. This was due mainly toincreased funding from HeritageCanada. Indeed, with thesubstantial increase in the budgetdevoted to arts education by thefederal government, and of coursethe very favourable externalevaluation of the School,assistance for operations hasincreased from $600,000 to$840,000.

Assistance from theministère de laCulture, des Communications etde la Condition féminine (MCCCF)has remained stable, as it has since2002-2003, despite the significant increase in the student body andprogramming, and the resulting contribution by the School to thecircus arts sector over the years. However, in anticipation of the 2010-2011 fiscal year, the MCCCF announced last spring a 6.4% increasein its funding of the School for 2010-2011.

In addition, the School's Foundation benefited from the MCCCFPlacements Culture program, through which we received a secondgrant in the amount of $250,000 towards our endowment fund. Thissum does not appear in the results, but contributes toward increasedlong-term assets for the Foundation. The latter, thanks to income fromvarious fundraising activities, has contributed close to $382,000 tothe School, also adding $173,000 toward general operations, $155,000for the construction project, and $54,000 for student bursaries.

It is due to additional funds from Heritage Canada and increasedoperating revenues that the financial capacity of the Foundation wassufficient to balance the School's budget.

A school at the heart of circus artsA co-founder of Tohu, the Cité des arts du cirque, the School activelyparticipated in the Cité's development, planning and promotion.The School is an established Tohu tenant, and also offered a totalof five free performances for members of the surroundingSaint-Michel community.

In partnership with Tohu and withassistance from the MCCCQ, theSchool has opened its facilitiesand studios to circus artists andprofessional organizations forindividual training sessions (4,769person-hours) and in-residencehousing (1,214 hours).

Working with Quebec's majorcircus companies — Cirque duSoleil, Cirque Éloize and The 7Fingers — and with Tohu, theSchool participated in theComplètement cirque! initiative. Itaims to regroup and promote theindustry, consolidating Montreal'sposition as a world capital ofcircus arts and supportingorganizational efforts that benefitthe entire circus arts community.These efforts led to the birth of theFestival Montréal ComplètementCirque in July 2010.

The School continues itsinvolvement with the Circus artsNational Network En Piste,housing the group's headquarterswithin our walls.

This 29th year of operations forthe National Circus School and itsFoundation was the result of theconcerted efforts of more than 100regular and occasional employees

supported by 25 artists-creators. This team can be proud of itsachievements, backed by our generous and exacting directors, whosededication we must applaud. The full and complete pursuit of ourmission was possible only with the unwavering support of our truepartners, MELS, MCCCQ, Heritage Canada and Tohu, and thegenerosity of close to 200 donors, individuals, businesses andfoundations from all sectors, all of whom we thank most sincerely.

Marc LalondeExecutive DirectorNational Circus School

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• Preparation for Advanced Training (Préparation à la formation supérieure – PFS)The first level of professional training, this extra-curricular program is aimed at students 9 to 12 years old. It is a preparatory programfor advanced training in the circus arts that allows students to continue their primary education in another school.

• Circus and High School Studies (Cirque-études secondaires – CES)This arts-academic program is offered to students in Grades 7 through11. It combines required academic subjects as outlined by the Quebecsecondary school curriculum with professional training in the circus arts.After obtaining their high school diploma, students pursue highereducation through the Diploma of Collegial Studies in Circus Arts(DEC) program.

• Diploma of Collegial Studies in Circus Arts DEC (560.D0)(Diplôme d’études collégiales – DEC)This 3-year program marks the pinnacle of higher education in the circusarts and leads directly to a professional career. Graduates receive acollege diploma, Diploma of Collegial Studies in Circus Arts or DEC,from Quebec’s ministère de l’Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport. Intendedfor Canadian students who have completed their high school studies,the program combines specialized training in the circus and performingarts with a general college education.

• Diploma of National Circus School Studies(Diplôme d’études de l’École – DEE)Intended exclusively for foreign students who have completed their highschool studies, this 3-year program constitutes the final phase of highereducation in the circus arts. Graduates receive a diploma from theSchool, as they prepare for a professional career.

• Creation and Exploration Workshop for Graduates(Atelier de recherche et de création – NRC.0W)As a complement to its higher education programs, the School offersgraduates a chance to participate in a professional immersion sessionrecognized by the Quebec’sministère de l’Éducation, du Loisir et du Sportwith an Attestation of Collegial Studies (Attestation d'études collégiales -AEC) The objective of this workshop is to provide a group of 5-to-8 young artists with the complete experience of creating an interdisciplinarycircus work under the direction of a creator and director. Participants receive a scholarship to take part. Approximately 13 weeks in duration,the workshop culminates in a public performance of the work at Tohu.

• Assistant Instructor, Instructor and Trainer in Circus ArtsAttestation of Collegial Studies (Attestation d’études collégiales – AEC)The National Circus School offers two specialized programs: Instructor in Circus Arts and Trainer in Circus Arts. The aim is to prepareteaching professionals versed in the circus arts able to provide high quality, afety-conscious training from introductory to advanced levels.Both programs lead to a college diploma: Attestation of Collegial Studies (Attestation d'études collégiales - AEC) accredited by Quebec’sministère de l’Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport.

PROGRAMS in Summary Applicants and Admissions 2004 to 2010

The National Circus School would like to thank the preparatory schools and sports organizations from which emanated many of the newstudents admitted in 2010-2011

AFUK, DanmarkCEFAC, Sao Paulo, BrazilCircus Center, San Francisco, CA, United StatesCircus Harmony, St-Louis, MO, United StatesÉcole de cirque de Châteauguay, Québec, CanadaÉcole de cirque de Châtellerault, FranceÉcole de cirque de Québec, CanadaÉcole de cirque de Verdun, Canada

Gymnastics Ontario, CanadaGymnastics New Brunswick, CanadaFédération de gymnastique du Québec, CanadaFédération de patinage artistique du Québec, CanadaPhiladelphia School of Circus Arts, PA, United StatesSchool of Acrobatics and new Circus Arts, Seattle, WA, United StatesZero Gravity Circus, Toronto, Canada

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ERIC MCGILLSwinging trapeze



KAELYN SCHMITTDouble trapeze



MAXIME YELLEDouble cloud swing



ALMA BUHOLZERSwinging trapeze




Class of 2010Instructors and Trainers in Circus ArtsAttestation of Collegial StudiesInstructors

Kevin AuclairAlexandre BoucherCéline ChevrierAnnie DeslongchampsGeneviève DurocherJérôme FournierVincent Gervais

Xavier GravelineBéatrice HarveySabrina LeclercStéphanie LeclercOlivier Papineau-SchneidermanSamuel Papineau-SchneidermanAriane Reeves-BlizzardKim Rocheleau-BeaulieuMarie-Christine Simoneau


Alisan FunkAlexandre GillisJorge PadillaFrancis ProteauItzel Viruega


Class of 2010 -Higher Education in Circus Arts


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STUDENT Enrolment byProgram 2004 to 2010

04-05 05-06 06-07 07-08 08-09 09-10 10-11

Preparatory program - PFS 16 16 18 22 15 19 10

Circus and High School Studies - CES 10 16 18 24 24 25 24

Diploma of Collegial Studies,Higher Education - DEC-DEE

61 60 62 69 80 82 87

Creation and Exploration WorkshopAEC - NRC.0W

10 7 5 7 6 7

Attestation of collegial Studies -Instructor AEC NRC.08

13 9 5 6 12 19 15

Attestation of collegial Studies -Trainer AEC NRC.09

6 6 8 10 10 9 12

Total 116 107 118 136 148 160 155

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FoundationBURSARY ProgramSupporting the Next Generation of Circus ArtistsThe generosity of donors to the Major Campaign 2002-2006 has allowed the creation ofa Bursary Endowment, which provides a sustainable source of financial aid to needy studentswho wish to pursue their studies at the National Circus School. The Foundation Bursary Programensures a bright future for talented young artists no matter what their financial situation.

Bursary Program Disbursements

“ Know thatyour support not

only provides me withfinancial assistance, but alsoprovides moral support andgreater motivation to work

that much harder…Thank you! ”

-Bursary recipient

2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010

Collegial programs(DEC - DEE - AEC)

12 15 16 16 21

High School program (PFS - CES) 4 9 14 10 8

Total Bursaries 16 24 30 26 29

Total $ $34,400 $45,000 $54,300 $45,750 $54,000

The National Circus School Foundation provides the National Circus Schoolwith vital financial support to sustain its mission of educational excellence,and innovative pedagogical and artistic initiatives. Thanks to the generosityof donors and partners in Canada and around the world, the School canprovide talented youth from all regions in Canada accessibility to the bestpossible programs and services.

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2009-2010Annual Campaign• The Student Fund• Teaching and Artistic Excellence Fund• National Circus School Priorities Fund

Great Donors - $5,000 and more

Cirque du SoleilDavid Atkins Enterprises Productions CanadaKPMG

The Ring Masters Circle - $1,000 and more

AnonymousCogeco CableLili de GrandpréBruno DuguayFeeling ProductionsLuc FiliatreaultMarc GagnonJTI - Macdonald Corp.Marc LalondeLuc MartinDavid McAuslandRobert C. NadeauCarol Elaine and Brian O'SullivanAlain Pacherie – Société de Spectacles et d’ÉvénementsNicole Riendeau and Yvon R. TessierZeller Family FoundationZero Gravity Circus Productions

Ambassadors $500 - $999

David AtkinsJeannette and William BuholzerJacques CotéDistinction Maintenance ServicesEmmanuel Dubourg Député, Circonscription de ViauLyn HewardThe Jewish Community Foundation of MontrealSNC-LavalinTurbulent MédiaTV5

Supporters $200 - $499

AnonymousClaude BédardSuzanne BlanchetConstruction Deschênes & PerreaultYves DagenaisBernard LamarreLasco ConceptLectraChristine Marchildon

Thanks to our donors


Diamond $10,000

Mouvement des Caisses DesjardinsSolotech

Silver $5,000

Borden Ladner GervaisDavid Forest Financial ServicesHunt PartnersRio Tinto Alcan


$5,000 and more

Allstate of CanadaCirque du SoleilJTI - Macdonald Corp.

$2,000 - $4,999

ADM EntretienAndré Rodrigue Peintre DécorateurAon Reed StenhouseCaisse d'économie solidaire DesjardinsCaisse populaire Desjardins de Saint-MichelCascadesCentre de Remorques LeaderChristieCogeco CableDeeth Williams WallFarris, Vaughan, Wills & MurphyFeeling ProductionsFreshfields Bruckhaus DeringerImperial Tobacco CanadaLernersMetaforeOgilvy RenaultOutbox TechnologyPower Corporation of CanadaProactionRailTermRobicSamson Bélair/Deloitte & ToucheScotiabank

Standard LifeThe Forzani GroupThe Herjavec GroupUBS Valeurs mobilières CanadaWomble Carlyle Sandridge & RiceWortzman Nickle ProfessionalCorporation

$500 and more

Action Sport Physio Centre-VilleAéroports de MontréalBCFBrio ConseilsJeannette and William BuholzerConfection C. ClicheJacques CotéCréations D.Lili de GrandpréDe Grandpré ChaitDesjardins SecuritiesDevencore NKFDistinction Maintenance ServicesDMR - FujitsuE3 Services ConseilsEBINassib El-HusseiniErnst & YoungExecaireFortsum Business SolutionsHélène Dufresne and Daniel GauthierGazMétroSarah Ellwood and Russell GoodmanGSoft GroupHeenan BlaikieImperial Snacking/EquipmentInspec-SolJ.F. L'AcrobateJD InternationalKPMGLa Maison du RôtiLa Presse TéléLanticSuzanne Langevin and Guy LapierreLapointe Magne et associésAnthony S. LaytonJohn LeBoutillier

Le Groupe Jean-CoutuLes Centres Jeunesse de LanaudièreLoto-QuébecDavid McAuslandMcCarthy TétraultMercerMicrosoftStéphane MongeauMont-Roy L’ImprimeurMontrusco Bolton InvestmentsRobert C. NadeauNational Bank FinancialNational Bank of CanadaCarol Elaine and Brian O’SullivanQuebecorRBC Capital MarketsRBC Royal BankClaire Richer LeducRogers WirelessS.P.I.N. Société de production enimagerie nouvelle

Show Distribution GroupSociété du Vieux-Port de MontréalSociété Générale (Canada)Société Immeubles Majewski #1 -Appartements Trylon

SoftchoiceLouis M. SolomonSupremexNicole Riendeau and Yvon R. TessierTrizart AllianceTV5VenableVézina assurancesVoilerie Air Terre MerWatson, Poitevin, Turcot, Prévost, notaries

Benefit Evening Goods and Services Partners

Naya WatersS.P.I.N.St-AmbroiseVincent Lafleur Traiteur

BENEFIT EVENING 2010The Foundation Benefit Evening celebrating the next generation of circus artists was held on June 15 at the Tohu. This event helped usraised more than $160,000. With your generosity, 20 graduates had the opportunity to experience a uniqueshowcase which allows them to put their craft at work and display their impressive talent in a highly professional production. Thisexperience is especially meaningful for our students before they move on to charm audiences around the world.

Once again we would like to thank all of our donors for their support towards the National Circus School Foundation, it was a realpleasure to have them among us.

The Foundation extends its deep thanks to Evening sponsors, donors and volunteers!

Thanks to our donors

Student Residences Special ProjectCirque du Soleil - $ 150,000National Bank of Canada – $ 5,000

Endowment FundPlacement Culture – $ 250,000

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Cirque du Soleil


Fondation Dufresne et Gauthier

$400,000 - $749,999

Canadian Heritage

$300,000 - $399,999


$200,000 - $299,999

Gouvernement du Québec - Programme Placements CultureSamson Bélair/Deloitte & Touche

$100,000 - $199,999

Pascal JacobPower Corporation of CanadaProductions du Dragon

$75,000 - $99,000

AnonymeNational Bank of CanadaBellCirque ÉloizeMicrosoft CanadaRBC Capital Markets

$50,000 - $74, 999

Ernst & YoungFondation J. Armand BombardierTD Bank Financial GroupIBM CanadaJTI-Macdonald Corp.Daniel LamarreMouvement des caisses DesjardinsOgilvy RenaultQuebecor

$25,000 - $49,999

EmergisFondation J.- Louis LévesqueGlaxoSmithKlineKPMGN.M. Rothschild & Sons CanadaRonaTranscontinental

$10,000 - $24,999

Aéroports de MontréalAnonymes (2)Robert BlainBull, Housser & TupperCanadian Pacific RailwayNational Circus School EmployeesDe Grandpre FamilyFondation Marc BourgieGrand Prix du Canada (GPF1)Luc MartinDavid McAuslandMercer, Human Resource ConsultingGaétan MorencyPratt & Whitney CanadaRaymond Chabot Grant ThorntonAndré SimardGilles Ste-CroixPeter and Mary White

$5,000 - $9,999

Bruno DuguayThe William & Nancy Turner FoundationMarc LalondeLapointe Magne et associésMac's Convenience StoresMarketelMichel NoëlPierre VézinaVézina, Dufault

$1,000 - $4,999

Axa CanadaDaniela ArendasovaJocelyn BeaudoinAlain BlaisJacques CotéYves DagenaisJovette DemersMarc GagnonDavid A. GilmourHyperion SolutionsMarie LangloisJohanne LaroseMonique LefebvreRobert C. NadeauHoward RichardYves RocrayChristophe RousseauMartin SaintongeAndré St-JeanMarie-Pier TurgeonRobert Villeneuve

2002-2006 Major Campaign$5,000,000

Thanks to our donors

The National Circus School Foundation, administrators and staff of the National Circus School warmly salute the donors and partners of theSchool’s $5 million Campaign 2002-2006. Their exceptional generosity and bold vision have made possible new world-class facilities andan enriched learning environment unrivalled the world over, allowing the School and its young aspiring artists to excel on the world stage.

Page 22: HISTORY - École nationale de cirque · popular (more than 19,000 spectators)andcriticalsuccessof both year-end shows staged in June 2010, so ably directed by Shana Carroll of The
Page 23: HISTORY - École nationale de cirque · popular (more than 19,000 spectators)andcriticalsuccessof both year-end shows staged in June 2010, so ably directed by Shana Carroll of The
Page 24: HISTORY - École nationale de cirque · popular (more than 19,000 spectators)andcriticalsuccessof both year-end shows staged in June 2010, so ably directed by Shana Carroll of The
Page 25: HISTORY - École nationale de cirque · popular (more than 19,000 spectators)andcriticalsuccessof both year-end shows staged in June 2010, so ably directed by Shana Carroll of The
Page 26: HISTORY - École nationale de cirque · popular (more than 19,000 spectators)andcriticalsuccessof both year-end shows staged in June 2010, so ably directed by Shana Carroll of The
Page 27: HISTORY - École nationale de cirque · popular (more than 19,000 spectators)andcriticalsuccessof both year-end shows staged in June 2010, so ably directed by Shana Carroll of The