history essay 24102011

H.W By Adeshewa-Victoria Ajayi 10D Were the problems with the German economy the main reason why the Nazi Party grew between 1919-1923? There were many factors which contributed to the rising up of the Nazi Party, such as Hitler’s public speaking, the role of the SA, the Volkischer Beobacther and the economic problems in Germany at the time. In my opinion I believe that their newspaper was a great step forward for the Nazi’s. The problems in the German economy was a great factor to how the Nazi Party grew, Germany needed help and Hitler was there to bring out of a huge crisis, in a way he was everyone’s saviour. However I do think Germany would have been able to cope with it. Therefore the German economy was not the most important factor. Hitler’s public speaking was an extremely important factor to the Nazi Party’s success. Hitler’s public speaking attracted a lot of people, because he criticised the Weimar Republic for they were the cause of the economic crises. He talked about her Germany were the pure superior race, and dismissed the Jewish. On the other hand, not everybody went to Hitler’s public speaking events, either the lived to far away or they did not agree with the Nazi’s points. But this issue was helped by creating their own newspaper. The newspaper was greatly helped by Hitler’s public speaking. By first of all gaining all the followers from the speaking, the Nazi party were able to buy the ‘Volkischer Beobacther’, their own newspaper. Made it easier for the Nazi Party to get their points across clearly, quickly and powerfully. Their ideas were easily spread throughout the country, the only down-side was that some people may not buy or read the newspaper. The newspaper led him to talk about the idea of ‘Fuhrenzip’ which was the ‘Leadership Principle’. This meant that Hitler

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Page 1: History ESSAY 24102011

H.W By Adeshewa-Victoria Ajayi 10D

Were the problems with the German economy the main reason why the Nazi Party grew between 1919-1923?

There were many factors which contributed to the rising up of the Nazi Party, such as Hitler’s public speaking, the role of the SA, the Volkischer Beobacther and the economic problems in Germany at the time. In my opinion I believe that their newspaper was a great step forward for the Nazi’s.

The problems in the German economy was a great factor to how the Nazi Party grew, Germany needed help and Hitler was there to bring out of a huge crisis, in a way he was everyone’s saviour. However I do think Germany would have been able to cope with it. Therefore the German economy was not the most important factor.

Hitler’s public speaking was an extremely important factor to the Nazi Party’s success. Hitler’s public speaking attracted a lot of people, because he criticised the Weimar Republic for they were the cause of the economic crises. He talked about her Germany were the pure superior race, and dismissed the Jewish. On the other hand, not everybody went to Hitler’s public speaking events, either the lived to far away or they did not agree with the Nazi’s points. But this issue was helped by creating their own newspaper.

The newspaper was greatly helped by Hitler’s public speaking. By first of all gaining all the followers from the speaking, the Nazi party were able to buy the ‘Volkischer Beobacther’, their own newspaper. Made it easier for the Nazi Party to get their points across clearly, quickly and powerfully. Their ideas were easily spread throughout the country, the only down-side was that some people may not buy or read the newspaper.

The newspaper led him to talk about the idea of ‘Fuhrenzip’ which was the ‘Leadership Principle’. This meant that Hitler had absolute power in his party. The party became bigger and stronger as a group. This helped them because, it meant that there were no conflictions between other people in the group, and to the Germans it meant that they meant business and they were organised and sure about what they were doing. Hitler then adopted the swastika, as an emblem of the party and the use of the raised arm salute. This was recognisable to all Germans everywhere in the country; it then showed unity and made a cult idea. Meant to say that they are all one, and all pure Germans are equal.

However, once the newspaper was created, all other Party’s new of Hitler’s antics. He created the SA, a protection squad. They were ordered many times to scare off opponents and disrupt meetings of the Social Democrats and Communists. This did not help them very much because it did scare off some of their followers, they were scared of what Hitler could do next when he was angry or did not like someone very much.

Page 2: History ESSAY 24102011

H.W By Adeshewa-Victoria Ajayi 10D

Were the problems with the German economy the main reason why the Nazi Party grew between 1919-1923?

Clearly, all the factors for how the Nazi Party grew are all linked together. But there was an even which helped them better than others. I believe that this was the newspaper. Without it, they would of not been able to get their point across quickly and easily across the whole county. But this would of not happened without Hitler’s public speaking, which brought large crouds to witness what the Nazi Party was standing for. So there two points were the most important.

The least important was the SA because all they did was really scare off opponents and sometimes their own followers. The German economy did help them a lot but I believe that only pushed them a little in the right direction.