history of film


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Post on 18-May-2015



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Page 1: History of film


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Wheel of Life

The first machine that showed motion pictures of drawings was patented in 1867 in the United States by William Lincoln, this was to show moving photographs and drawings of pictures. This was called the ‘’wheel of life’’.

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Even though there was lots of inventions around this time, Louis Lumière with his brother August Lumière were credited for the creation of the first motion picture in 1895. This was a portable camera with motion picture, film processing unit and projector called the Cinematographe.

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The First Film

Before 1930 most films where silent, and they where usually films of trains. The first screening was by the Louis Lumière and August Lumière in 1895 of workers leaving the Lumière factory.

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The First Colour Film

In 1899 Edward Turner patented with Frederick Marshall Lee the first colour motion picture process in Britain however this was seen as unworkable by Charles urban he made his own colour processer which was named the Kinemacolor, this became the most commercially successful motion picture in colour.

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Horror Movie Star

The first American horror movie star Lon Chaney was one of the first American horror movie star, he was in the Hunchback of Notre Dame mad in 1923 and The monster 1925, he was also in the Phantom Of The Opera made in 1925.

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History of Horror 1890’s to the 1920’s

The first of supernatural films was created by Georges Mèliés in the late 1890’s, a silent film Le Manoir du Diable, which is sometimes credited for being the first horror movie.

In 1910 Edison Studios produced the first film version of Frankenstein.

In 1922 the first vampire themed movie was made, called Nosferatu, this was by Nurnaus, an unauthorised version of Bram Stoker’s Dracula.

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Timeline – Horror 1930’s to the 1940’s

In this time era Movie Studio Universal Pictures began the theme of gothic horror. With science- fiction and Egyptology as themes.

Tod Browning’s Dracula, 1931.

James Whales’ Frankenstein, 1931.

James whales’ The Invisible Man Science- Fiction/Gothic Horror.

The Mummy, 1932 introduced Egyptology.

The Wolf Man, 1941.

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Timeline – Horror 1950’s to the 1960’s

The theme of aliens started to come light with technology becoming increasingly advanced, the mutations in Godzilla, 1954 is an example.

The Hammer company started to make horror films in colour, with films like The Curse Of Frankenstein 1957 these films would often star Peter Cushing and Christopher Lee.

Peeping Tom was the first slasher movie, 1960.

The Haunting, 1963 started the horror of the Demonic theme.

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Timeline – Horror 1970’s to the 1980’s

The Exorcist, 1973 was the first commercially successful of supernatural evil with the Devil representing this.

The introduction of the evil spirit by bringing possessed children: Alice sweet Alice 1977, The Omen 1976.

Slasher films had become popular:Halloween by John Carpenter, 1978. Friday The 13TH by Sean Cunningham, 1980. A Nightmare On Elm Street, 1984.

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Timeline – Horror 1990’s

This saw the sequels of

A Nightmare On Elm Street.

Friday The 13TH.


The Scream movies by Wes Craven, reignited the Slasher movies along with I Know What You Did Last Summer, 1997.

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Timeline – Horror 2000’s

This era was mainly about remakes of some earlier popular films this included, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2003, The Hills Have Eyes 2006, Friday The 13TH 2009.

Recently we have seen films that are more towards the supernatural spirit theme with films The Conjuring, 2013, Paranormal Activity, 2007 and beyond and Insidious, 2010.