history of religions volume 51 issue 2 2011 [doi 10.1086%2f660928] gelders, raf; balagangadhara, s....

Rethinking Orientalism: Colonialism and the Study of Indian Traditions Author(s): Raf Gelders and S. N. Balagangadhara Reviewed work(s): Source: History of Religions, Vol. 51, No. 2 (November 2011), pp. 101-128 Published by: The University of Chicago Press Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/10.1086/660928  . Accessed: 18/06/2012 09:12 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at  . http://www.jstor.org/page/info/about/policies/terms.jsp JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact [email protected]. The University of Chicago Press is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to  History of Religions. http://www.jstor.org

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Rethinking Orientalism: Colonialism and the Study of Indian TraditionsAuthor(s): Raf Gelders and S. N. BalagangadharaReviewed work(s):Source: History of Religions, Vol. 51, No. 2 (November 2011), pp. 101-128Published by: The University of Chicago PressStable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/10.1086/660928 .

Accessed: 18/06/2012 09:12

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The University of Chicago Press is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to History

of Religions.


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© 2011 b T Uv C. A v.0018-2710/2011/5102-0001$10.00

 Ra Gelders

S. N. Balagangadhara


“” . b v “-,” 1787 b

C C . 1 T bq v b B j - v w . 2 T w w vw, w ’ W- b . ’ q , v w :(a) ’ w b , -

, (b)  

1 ,  Imagined Hinduism: British Protestant Missionary Constructions o  Hinduism (: , 2006), 68–72. W Cw , The Meaning and End o  Religion (1964; ., : , 1991), 144, b .

2 B C, Colonialism and its Forms o Knowledge: The British in India (P, J: P Uv P, 1996); ,  Imagining India (:B Bw, 1990); T, “ C? A ,” Modern Asian Studies 23, . 2 (1989): 209–31;

P v V,  Imperial Encounters: Religion and Modernity in India and Britain (P, J: P Uv P, 2001).

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 Rethinking Orientalism102

. b - “ .”

, w bv

w. v vb . T “ ” B: b - w b , v - b . 3 A - , k , b “ w W- b ‘’

w w.” 4 “ ” w k “ A-P .” 5 T . T w j “W P -” b , b -, vw . 6

T, , b -: v . T B vb ; , w , w b V, w v v B. T v b - v W .

3 b . b, “C ,” Journal o Interdisciplinary History 23, . 3 (1993): 523–50; ,“B C: T kw v-,” Orientalism and the Postcolonial Predicament: Perspectives on South Asia, .C A. B P v V (P: Uv Pv P,1993), 215–49.

4 k, Orientalism and Religion: Postcolonial Theory, India and “the MysticEast” (: , 1999), 101.

5 k, “C, ,” Rethinking Religion in India: The Colonial Construction o Hinduism, . B, k-, j (: , 2009), 95–113.

6 j, Imagining Hinduism: A Postcolonial Perspective (: -, 2003), 25. T . PA, The British Discovery o Buddhism (Cb: Cb Uv P, 1988),24; , “A P P B,” History o Religions 31, . 1 (1991): 1–23.

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 History o Religions 103

“ w W ” w “” v: , w “” bw v .

T v w v v B. b b - B w w w “ b bwv .”7 A , , w - b v B. T  B w - . 8

W b q , w . - : , B. : w v . w . w v, w w

? W w ? T b, w w B -, B. w v, . W - B,

7 b . b, “T ‘’ C : A w ,”  Hinduism Reconsidered ,. . . . k (w : , 1989), 29–49, 37. A

k, Orientalism and Religion, 103–4; ,  Imagined Hinduism, 99, 265–67;P v V, “T : C-,” Orientalism and the Postcolonial Predicament: Perspectives on South Asia, .C A. B P v V (P: Uv Pv P,1993), 23–44; Vw, “C C ,” The Blackwell Companion to Hinduism, . v (: Bw, 2003), 23–44.

8 B. , Castes o Mind: Colonialism and the Making o Modern India (P-, J: P Uv P, 2001). T B w b b bw , -. C B, Indian Society and the Making o the British Empire (Cb:Cb Uv P, 1988), 155–68; v Wb, “ :

C T B ,” The Oxord  History o the British Empire: Historiography, . . W. W (: UvP, 1999), 604. v, B k. P, Was Hinduism Invented?

 Britons, Indians, and the Colonial Construction o Religion (w y: UvP, 2005).

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 Rethinking Orientalism104

B w b b - . B b , .

b w v v w b b w w b B. 9 A , B : - B b , .

, v “ B”w w j B w B b . T “ ”

b w B , , - “P ” .wv, , Bw, w , , b w w j B . W B - j U 1820, w v b .10 T - w w 1868 “ B

b , b, w V.” 11 W w w b , Bv , V U- v . 12 T B w b, , w . T q “  ” v: b

w w B

9 P Cj, “C b C,” Subaltern Studies: Writ-ings on South Asian History and Society, . j (: Uv P,1989), 195; Q, The Interpretation o Caste (: UvP, 1993), 54–86.

10 , ., Dialogue between a Theist and an Idolater: An 1820 Tract Prob-ably by Rammohun Roy (C, 1963), 46.

11 w P kjw, The Asiatic Society o Bengal and the Discov-ery o India’s Past, 1784–1838 (: Uv P, 1988), 3. b-

v, J-A b, Description o the Character, Manners, and Customso the People o India etc. (: , , , & Bw, 1816), 173–74.

12 A . P. , “T P T,” Seminar 313 (1985):23–29. , ü , The Sacred Books o the East (:C, 1879–1910), V.

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 History o Religions 105

B . B v v . 13

wv, b bw

. ,  v . T “” b - v w - . T : v b b B- w w . y,w “ ” w . W-

’ Sketch o the Religious Sects o the Hindus, w v  Asiatic Researches (1828, 1832). , -W’ Hinduism, w, , b w - w . b j “ B ” .  Brahmanism and Hinduism “ - . . . ‘ ’ b Bā .” 14 -W

bv , - , . 15

T w w . T vb: “ ,”-W w. “ b , w .”16 T w v b B b : “ ,”

- .17 T w “

13 B b, b w b. Jb v C, “T C- C W?”  Rethinking Religion in India: The Colonial Construction o 

 Hinduism, . B, k, j (Ab: ,2010), 164–83.

14 -W, Brahmanism and Hinduism: Or, Religious Thought and Liein India (..: , 1891), .

15 b., v–v.16 b., v.17 T w v b .

wb, The Oriental Renaissance: Europe’s Rediscovery o India and the East,1680–1880 (w y: Cb Uv P, 1984). -

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,” . - .18 T “” :

v b b B w v - .

w b b   v . T - b q .v Z -C w v , w w vw w . Z -

P w C.19 - , — B—w , w b vv. w b C C (1797), T T bv — B—w “ P ” “ q C w .”20 wv, v C

v P b, , “” C C . , w (a) v v, b (b) bb - w w . w, w w : w -

v, . v k, British Orientalism and the Bengal

 Renaissance (B: Uv C P, 1969).18 w- b v - w. T. Cb, “ C ,   B’ ,” Asiatic Researches 5 (1801): 345–68,  Asiatic Researches 7(1801): 232–87; W J, “T T Av : ,” Asi-atic Researches 1 (1786): 343–55. , . , The

 History o India (, 1841), 86, 99. A A , Natural Religion in India etc.(Cb, 1891), 6–7; J . , A View o the Hindū Law as Administered bythe High Court o Judicature at Madras (, 1877), 139. T . b, Description o the Character,

 Manners, and Customs o the People o India etc.19 v . Z, “T P W W -

,” Journal o Ecumenical Studies 13, . 1 (1976): 15–35.20 T T, Aryans and British India (B: Uv C P,1997), 104–5, 124. , W ,“ A-B: C ,” Economic and Political Weekly 38, . 43 (2003): 4611–17.

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 History o Religions 107

v , ( , ) . , w w w

w v .

W “” C w -C -C -C v . Tbq b “-C” b w C   C-. w b b w

w, -C - . W v- P C , w , w - “-C” . T v . T w w w w . bq, w

- “- ” w v P B b, ,w w “B” w . T q w w b j. T B b . A b w v q

w .21

the proto-christian religion of indiaW j b , C- w v J Xv 1542. Xv’ v, C, J 15, 1544, -b w B -. T w J w Xv’ b , P, V, C, P.

21 b v - b . . v . ,Who Invented Hinduism? (w : y P, 2006).

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 Rethinking Orientalism108

C w b v v v .22 T w q w P v 1545. T B

, Ab, 1660. “J 15 ,” Xv b v b v “ ” -v C- . B v . Xv v b w : B bv . T v Bb v w, w , ; w

. T w Ab’ :

b , C v , b w; b  v; B v Bb [une espèce de Bible], w v w . T w v, . . . . b, v w , w w v, : “ v


ww w (1545). T w B T C J-C (les dix commande[n]s de la loy). T B ( C C w v ) w v : “On Cirinarainanoma.” T , “Oṃ Śri Nārāyaṇāya

 Nāmaḥ” (, Bw ).24

w, Xv J-C- . T w, v

22 J C-A, Jesuit Letters and Indian History, 1542–1773 (Bb: Uv P, 1969), 32. J , . , Asiain the Making o Europe (C: Uv C P, 1965), 1:245–80; C, Salvation and Globalization in the Early Jesuit Missions (Cb: CbUv P, 2008).

23 Xv, “ V. A P & C v à ,” Lettres de S. Francois Xavier de la compagnie de Iesvs, apostre dv Iapon etc., .

Ab (P, 1660), 68–69 ( ).24 Xv, Copie dunne lettre missive envoiee des Indes, par mo[n]sieur maistreFra[n]cois xauier, rere treschier en Ihesuchrist, de la societe du nom de Ihesus, a son preuost monsieur Egnace de Layola, et a tous ses reres estudia[n]s aulx lettres a Romme, Pauie,Portugal, Valence, Coulogne, et a Paris (P, 1545), . –j.

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 History o Religions 109

, q - b w Xv’ v.

T v - v w w bb — v b b v w, w . v , w bb b ( b ) C- v. T w ( ; ),

j b b  corpuschristianum , , -C C . , v , J , - b C C. 25 T B . A  . A’  De civitate Dei , B w w b b . T - : “T Catholike, b

w , w w, b - .”26 T B C w b . 27 Tb - : - v b . T w w . w , Omnium gentium mores (C   ; 1520) b C , J B,

w b B v w

25 J , “T A J,” The Ante-Nicene Fathers: Translationso the Writings o the Fathers Down to A.D. 325, . A b J (A Ab, : , 1979), 1:178. - C , . . . B, “The Heathen in His Blindness. . .”: Asia, the West, and the Dynamic o Religion (: B, 1994), . 2.

26 A, St. Augustine, o the Citie o God: With the learned Comments o Io. Lod.Vives etc., . J  (, 1610), 406. v, - b b C, Preparation or the Gospel, . . . (: C, 1903), b. 6, 34.

27 A . , “Jw B T  Z: A T C T ,” Classica et Mediaevalia: Revue danoisede philologie et d’histoire 34 (1983): 75–90. A Bv B, “: A C P A,” Classica et Mediaevalia: Revue danoise de philologieet d’histoire 31, . 1–2 (1976): 269–305.

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 Rethinking Orientalism110

v w bb . 28 T b w B w: C b v b .29 T

: J-C ,Xv w w w . 30

A , w  ponti- ces Virgines Vestales .T w q: w - w -

’ , C w C. T Cw w , w - . A w , w v  Heidnisches Papstthum (1607) Papatu romano per ethnicismum (1634).31 , P- vv - w b— v — C C. T b v

, v w W w - b.32 w w P : B , b , , ,

28 J B, Omnivm gentivm mores leges et ritvs etc. (Ab, 1520), .v–v.

29 b., . –v. T b -

w . w-w . A w Aw 1540, w b P 1542, 1545, 1547. T w v 1542, 1549, 1558, 1560, 1566. T w C, Aw 1556. 1555, W W w b w w b A A ( ). A - w w b w A 1611.

30 T w vv P . C. , “P P: A b-,” Journal o the History o Ideas 27, . 4 (1966): 505–32.

31 T J C. A,  Handbuch der christlichen Archäologie (,1836), 1: 55. T w P . , ..,

, The Plea o Reason, Religion and Humanity, against War (w y, 1813), 33–35.T - w  Antipolemus.32 b C, “, , A,”  Journal o the

 History o Ideas 67, . 4 (2006): 623–47; J-P bé, “T, , ,” Journal o the History o Ideas 67, . 4 (2006): 571–96.

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 History o Religions 111

w C ecclesia; w v C w. 33

b w b C . B w C T(1545–63), C- j   b b w .  Annales - P w v.T C bw v v

C- v .34 T C-. T J w - q P , - b - v.T w -C.35 Xv’ “” w .T : C C ’ ,

w v - . 36 Xv’ J 15 b Xv’ b ’ w , b v , b b : B- .

A Xv, B . b , , v w  . T bv q -

. T j v, w

33 , “ C : T   ,” Comparative Studies in Society and History 51, . 3 (2009):563–89.

34 J , Catholicism between Luther and Voltaire: A New View o the Counter- Reormation, . J , . 1971 (P: W, 1977).A J , “ C,”  Religious Orthodoxy and Popular Faith in European Society, . B (P, J: P UvP, 1990), 24–53.

35 P Cw, Calvinist Preaching and Iconoclasm in the Netherlands, 1544–

1569 (Cb: Cb Uv P, 1978), 149–50. w C C, P A. A. b, ., Anticlericalism in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe (: B, 1993).

36 J , The Survival o the Pagan Gods: The Mythological Tradition and Its Placein Renaissance Humanism and Art (P, J: P Uv P, 1972).

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bq. W w b, w v . T w (1545) :

A B, -, . T v v w, v v ,  Deliver me rom this proane race, and rom evil men and cheats.T b v : , v w , bv q , w v, . T v bv . T — v— b. T B j bq , w w v . W , w ; , v w b ; w ; v w v . b , w bv w , bwv . T B v w ,b b q w .37

v B w b . v w v -B , w, w- b . W Xv qv “,” v  menteurs () imposteurs (). 38 w B b v. T w, :

bv b . Xv w B bw w .T q w Xv’ b v b

B v w: w v b vb . T w v b

37 Xv, Copie dunne lettre missive envoiee des Indes, par mo[n]sieur maistreFra[n]cois xauier , . C–C ( ); . C–Cv.

38 A “” v- ,

— — P v v C v. , ,“P B W,” Political Discourse in Early Modern Britain, . P Q (Cb: Cb Uv P, 1993),209–31.

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 History o Religions 113

. P -, Xv’ w v b q v C . T

Xv’ v. b, B- : v Bw bb w b v w. A b b . 39 A w bw, B- w w b v .

Xv .T b b w B- . T w w w -C. A w v , b b b v w . T w b T: Jw Ab J . T

.40 A b - : bw bbb w v 1555 B’Omnium gentium mores, w B “ Abrahmanes.”41 T w -

39 T b J

W’ v J 15 , (1545). b v w: b , P Ab(1546–48). T Xv’ b - . ’ ww, , . T P- v “One ciri naraina noma,” v . J W, “ ä Xvb J 1545 .,” Neue Zeitschrit ür Missionswissenschat 4 (1948): 105–9.

40 , .., ’  Liber Chronicarum (b C; 1493), ., b vb w v. T v v

, bb . W ’The Historie o the World etc. (, 1614), . . 8.

41 J B, The Fardle o acions conteining the aunciente maners, customes,and Lawes, o the peoples enhabiting the two partes o the earth, called Afrike and Asie, .W. W (, 1555), . ..

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P’ v, w b  Abraiamim.42 b A w P.

vb 1548, b P w b Xv .T w J yj, bb Xv P é (P ). yj v J w J v . T w q : P  Merveilles du Monde (v w; . 1552) J w . P

J C . T b- v  Merveilles du Monde w C w vw. P w bv v w v : C v, J . T w w b , v C.43 P yj’ . w  Abrahmanes—, B b P “ Abrahmin”— -

bb Ab. W b w ,Ab b w bw v . P w w b- v :

Ab, Ab-’ b. T b b ,  w v b b Xv . , J, w w P

, w Xv Ab, w P Ab. T B b v . A , Xv v , , b v , b b B . B , w bv . A , w Ab w

42 P’ v, b w : P, [B:] Hie hebt sich an das puch des edel[e]n Ritters un[d] Landtarers

 Marcho Polo (b, 1477), . 50.43 P, Des Merveilles du Monde, et Principaleme[n]t des Admirables Cho-

ses des Indes, & du Nouveau Monde (.., 1553?), . . 13–14, 16. T , w bb P 1552. W v - bb 1553, w 96 , w b .

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b b C C, w v , w . A , , w

, J.44

T Ab’ w, k, w ’ (1 C. 1:32).45 w w b w v- , w w b P C bw v w, .46 v, v -C B w v

v . , v. T J wP J, , J b, v j A. w  Histoire des choses plus memorable advenues tant ez Indes Orientales ( b ;1610). T -b w -v v B (1608, 1610, 1614) b J Ab. J

 j w b 1610. T w w, w, w v— C v. T— B q— b .47 T v b , w “ ” w v . T

44 b., . 18–19 ( ). A . 29, 32.45 w P v : the Recognitions o Clement ,

w C, Ab.T C w b Ab’ , B. A b J -, ., Fathers o the Third and Fourth Centuries etc.: The Ante-Nicene Fathers (AAb, : , 1951), . 33, 86. P’ w v . èv B C v. èv, La Galliade, ou de la Révolution des Arts et Sciences (P, 1578; 2. 1582), . 48–49. A 1793, b B ,T , b P’  Indian antiquities etc. (, 1793),2: 291–92. T B b Ab k w v : b  Brachmins

6 . Encyclopaedia Britannica (1823), 4:364–65.46 . , “J ,”  History o Religions 41,. 1 (A 2001): 1–23.

47 P J, Histoire des choses plus memorables advenues tant ez Indes Orientales,etc. (B, 1610), 44–45.

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w w b v v. T - C w : B w C b v v v

j v. 48 C w Xv w b , .

, P ’Av’  Les Estats, Empires, et Prin-cipautéz du Monde (T , w;1614). w () v . W b , - w w , , , . w , , b  

w . 49 , j C Vj.T — — v. , ’Av Vj— b b — w vb -CB w Omnium gentium mores (1520), wP’ .50 C b v w. 51 ’Av

J 15 v- . T  j , j Xv’ -v - b B Vj. 52 , J (1661) bv b v, “vw b , B, w w v .” 53

48 b., 45. w w A 1611

1628. T b í C 1615. T b 4 ( Ab) w Akbar and the Jesuits: An Account o the Jesuit Missions, to the Court o Akbar by Father Pierre du Jarric, . C. .P (: , 1926).

49 T w b ’ (1635). 1617, 1619, 1630, 1635, 1644, 1649, 1659. w w-v . W v bw (, 1615). T w A 1621.J w w (, 1628, 1649) (, 1628; . 1695). w b , A . b, “P v: ‘’ U b ,” Geographical

 Review 7, . 5 (1919): 322–38.50

P ’Av, The Estates, Empires, & Principallities o the World , . . (, 1615), 774–75.51 b., 756–57.52 b., 778.53 , Relation dernière de ce qvi s’est passé dans les Royaumes de

 Maduré, de Tangeor, & autres lieux voisins du Malabar, aux Indes Orientales etc. ( . 1661; P, 1663), 8–9 ( ).

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T b - v v .T w b b j

w w. T B b - J-C . T -v , b P . v w b - , v . W w , w b   . T C : . 54

from proto-christian to post-christian indiaW C w -C (B w bb ), w w b -C . A C , w w w . v b, . T A w - w v . 55 T bw

w T . w v “” b w bb J-C b C : - P v Bb, Té P, ã B w w T, T w T.56 b

54 P’ Xv’ bv -

v b B w 1628 b , b ü ( 1540): Cosmographia, Das ist: Beschreibung der gantzen Welt (B, 1628), 1561–62. A , b w b J Pé: Geographicall Description o the World. Describing Europe, Asia,

 Arica, and America etc. (, 1659), 83–84.55 b C ( Historia Ecclesiae, ) w

C A — , w w, b Bw. b, “T C b,”  Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, . P W,. A. C (Pb, A: , 1995), 225. -Aé V,“ T, A A,” Hispanic American Historical Review 57, . 1 (1977):

82–90, w w T w A .56 Bb, The Book o Duarte Barbosa, . . (, 1918),

1:115–16; Té P, The Suma Oriental o Tomé Pires, . A. Z. Cã (, 1944),39; ã , “C ã ,”  A Forgotten Empire (Vijayanagar),. b w (, 1900), 390–91. A P , Bb P w

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P (1558), J wb ’ b w , T, , “la alsa Trinidad de los

gentiles.”57 T P A ’Abqq B w b T V , “wb w C.”58

B Bb bv, -C w J (J) v P w P- P Av Cb (1501). , J w q b . J - “ C” (k) w — C— bv w ,

w . w w b Paesi novamente retrovati (T v ; 1507). w w - -b C bv , , . J ’ w  Novus orbis (w w; 1532), v , ’ b Bb’ w (1550). J ’ w w: “T w v bv T, w w w

.”59 ç B  L’Histoire Universelle (1570): “A v b C, w : bv , , b w w , , Tambran .”60 T w J ’ b

v B v, Delle naviga-tioni et viaggi (V, 1550).


’ w J , b P J Av: “C [] ç Bç .,” Copia de algunas cartas que los padres y hermanos de la compa-ñia de IESUS, que andan en la India, y otros partes orientales etc., . . Av (Cb,1562), . 13.

58 P Commentaries w b 1557,1576, 1774. W v b . A ’Abqq, The Commentaries o the Great A. Dalboquerque etc. (,1875), 1:78.

59 W   Novus orbis. J bü, ., Die Nieuwe Weerelt der Landtschappen ende Eylanden etc., . C. Abj(Aw, 1563), ( ). w B 1537

1555.   Novus orbis, Bö, Die grossen Reisesamm-lungen des 16: Jahrhunderts und ihre Bedeutung (b, 1904), 46–69.60 ç B, L’Histoire Universelle du Monde (P, 1570), . 52 (-

). A w P 1572.

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b 130 v b P v A, , j w - Bb w: “T w v

Tb. T w ; T.” 61

T b w w P ; w v v. v w b- C . T P bJó ó , -C -b (1563), w P -, De Rebus Emannuelis (T ; 1571). ó j

w P v ( J ) b . W P , ó b B , b w , w w b’ C :

T . T v bw , w B B,

v. . . . T - , to represent the existence o the Trinityin one divine nature. T bv w w . v that they have taken this rom the ancient Christians. T b : v . T b b w .62

T B ó’ -

. T v b ó’ B w vb

61 P v A, ., Naaukeurige Versameling der Gedenk-Waardigste Zee en Land  Reysen (, 1707), 3:6 ( ).

62 ó , Histoire de Portugal etc., . . (v, 1581),2: 43 ( ). w C 1574,1581, 1586, 1597. W v ’ (v, 1581).T w b, w wv ó

P b P ã C (1551). A w w b P 1587 1610. J bb ó ’ w 1752.

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-C w bw , ó .63 T

B P w b w w . A b , C - . w, , w v b P .

T b w Xv’ (1552) w b b P . T w

w v, b- b v Xv’ v W . T v C b . Xv’ b ( w )w b J T Aw 1596.64 T w J 15 , q bv, B (C ) Parabram ( Para Brahman,

V). y “ w b b v .” 65 T T C b : w v w, “ , ,  B. Trinity, w w .” 66 ,

63 Aw, A Learned discourse o ceremonies Retained and used in ChristianChurches etc. (, 1653), 24–25. A b W, Aw

 Discourse Shewing that many Paynim Ceremonies were retained in England ater Christianitywas received , b 1626. w b w b (, 1653).

64 T w w w b v . è (1597), (1600), (1601, 1607), C (1610, 1621), w Ab(1752, 1797). A Xv’ J 15 , w b j v w -B v. b P . T w V 1600, w 1603, P 1620. A 1606. T - ü 1674. V T, Xv’ 1632

b J , T b, w w v q. T, The admirable Lie o S. Francis Xavier etc., .T. b (P, 1632), 141.

65 b.66 b.

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B’ w w T . T “v - w w bb ” B bq,

b .67 Ab , Xv (1682) b J q B w w T B J 15 . T b b J w -.68 B -B w v “ .” w w w b  Parabrama,

“ ” “ b”:

T , , Parabrama; , b, w B , w v B . T b , b, b . . . . v’ , w , w’  Maiso [v]. w , w wVisnu, w b B, ’ Brama, B. . . . T w  Indians b , w

w B, w , . By which it may be inerr’d, that in ormer times they haveheard o Christianity; and that their Religion is an imperect imitation, or rather aCorruption o ours.69

W w v v bj b w . T - q w v , w w v v C . T ; -b -C -C , bw vv B . T

67 b., 141–42. T b Xv (1600) b P J Jã v B -B   J 15 . Jã , Historia da vida de Padre Francisco de Xavier etc.(b, 1600), 98–107. T P b 1788. A w w b v P. b 1613.T b A bv w v 1619.

68 q B, The Lie o St. Francis Xavier, o the Society o Jesus etc ., .J (, 1688), 125–26. 1743,1812, 1828, 1837. T w 1682, 1826, 1828, 1845, 1853.B’ (, 1824).

69 b., 117–18 ( ).

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v .


b - b. , w w v —P w C— w - w . T J 15 w b q. T b w w P,B, Aw, b Jw v - . w w w v b -

w. b vb v , b - v-b J v - .70 , J v , A b, v (1608), w w b J-P bé. b q w

—C— w k C. T -B b v b’ . 71 T v bw , , , , J — b , , J w w B b sannayasi w w b . -v v vvw J .

, b w bv b .72

70 , . J-P bé, Traveland Ethnology in the Renaissance: South India through European eyes, 1250–1625 (C-b: Cb Uv P, 2000).

71 J-P bé, “T J v : A b’ A   Vj (1608),”  Archiv ür Religionsgeschichte 3 (2001):210–56

72 v- J b b (1577–1656), Preaching Wisdom to the Wise etc., . A. A (. : J ,2000). w- , . Žv,  Disputed 

 Mission: Jesuit Experiments and Brahmanical Knowledge in Seventeenth-Century India (w: Uv P, 1999), . 3, 24–30.

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T w B, j . T —w B

—w v .73 w - - : B . , (“- ”) w b B- (“ ”). A w , w b .

the textualization of tradition b , b v T Bb J C. T v b, , ; , , j -. 74 v w , b v v Jw C. T -

q : . A , w . T v v B ( ) Bb C. 75

73 , .., v b J C ;Kerckelycke Historie van de Gheheele Wereldt etc. (Aw, 1671), 1: 245–79. T -

b (1678–1701). P (. 1552), J q, A k, b A , b T, w, China Illustrata (1667).T China Illustrata w b J (1668) b ç-v Aq (1670). W v :  LaChine d’Athanase Kirchere De la Compagnie de Jesus etc., . . Aq (A,1670), . 214–15. A 1733, J J-ç B w “ ” (B, V, v) - T. J . , Histoiredes Découvertes et Conquestes des Portugais dans le nouveau monde (P, 1733), 1:98.

74 v , “: P U v T,”

 Hinduism Reconsidered , . ü- k (w :, 1991), 11–27.75 . . , “,”  Historia Religionum: Handbook or the History

o Religions, . . J B W (: B, 1969), 2:237–345; W, “,”  A Handbook o Living Religions, . J .

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T b w wv J v . T “ ” w -

w. w v - V w Bb C. q, “ ” j, w v P .76 J w bv, P w b J J ,  Livro de Seitas dos Indias Orientais (B ; 1609), J j - B. 77 A 1602, J v ,

ò P, C (Pè V). C bv B - wv b b b, “,” b (C) - b w.78

T b b J V B, J w v- v -. , w w v

w v . w b Av, P- ,   DemonstratioEvangelica ( ; 1679), w w b v C v-. B w b w - . T ( 1713) w: “A B B Av, w v T

(w: P B, 1984), 191–236. v b A . P. . J , ., Greek Religion and Society (Cb: Cb Uv P,1985), –.

76 “” C-C. . , Catholicism between Luther and Voltaire, 40–43.

77 Jb , The Livro Da Seita Dos Indios Orientais etc., . J C (U-, 1933). W B w w , w w b v w , v w b. b b b P B, Naauwkeurige beschryvinge van Malabar enCoromandel, etc. (A, 1672).

78 T , C Aqvv, (,b 1, 1600), 1602 , , . W v 1603: C ò P,  Les Miracles Merveilleux Advenus aux Indes Orïentales etc.(P, 1603), 50–51.

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, T w v w b.” T J b : w w bb , w

w v b.T v B j w “b” b v. T w J B 1713: “T v - B P; b B ’ w, T b b w, P, b C w Jw -, C , b . T, A . . . , v

A .”79 B w , B w : “ A T .” 80 T b - b: Bb. bw B Ab, w v : b ; w w b Jb. T

Ab b w: Jw v w, , - .81 . B w w , b B V B w, -b “ ’ P.” 82 T V w  ; V ; w V, b ,

, v, B v. 83 A wB, V, [] b w   , “ ” “[]

79 J V B, “A . B, J, , w C, B A,” The Travels o several Learned Missioners o the Society o Jesus, into divers parts o the

 Archipelago, India, China, and America etc., . C b (, 1714), 2. Tw J ,  Lettres

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b T, w w ’ .”84

v , w

v w b v , J - . 1705, J , . , “B w, w -,” bv “ B v b w ; , A, T.”85 , -, b , “ w .” 86 

B, v w j : “v b T T’ P .” W v v, - b : , “ ,v b b , U [] ’.”87 - ,

w w “” w , “T w B ’ V, w C w .” 88

T bv v . T w b Bb, w - w  v C . W w

Bb - , V b

84 b., 21. T w. w J b J ö, P Pb, - k, Allerhand so lehr- als geist-reiche Brie, Schriten und Reis-Beschreibungen, etc.(Ab, 1726). B’ w - , w b v, B P, Cérémonies et Coutumes Religieuses des Peuples Idolatres etc. (A, 1723), 1:100–106, v v w b . A T 1728. T 1733.

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T v “ -

” v B . -vv, w b - bw w w b   . , v , , . T q v v -. T

C. T   - W- . 91

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