history of the space program

By: Collin Sternad, Abby Lopez

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Page 1: History Of The  Space  Program

By: Collin Sternad, Abby Lopez

Page 2: History Of The  Space  Program

NASA was founded in 1958 The Cold war started tensions between

the U.S. and Soviets, which started the “Space Race”

Both the Soviets and the U.S. wanted to be the first ones to have a manned spaceship land on the moon.

Page 3: History Of The  Space  Program

• The soviets were the first ones in space when they launched “Sputnik” and later “Sputnik 2” into space, which carried a small dog.

• This event made the people of the world more curious about space because they realized that mankind could go into space and survive.

• The Soviets also had the first man in space in 1957, Yuri Gagarin. This showed the world that exploring elsewhere was possible and that more discoveries were possible beyond earth’s boundries.

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The U.S. launched “Explorer 1” in 1958, which was the first U.S. satellite to reach orbit.

The U.S. formed NASA in 1958, which showed dedication that they were committed to the “Space Race”.

Neil Armstrong and Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin became the first men to step foot on the moon.This made people of the world realize that there was countless opportunities in the U.S. space program.

Page 5: History Of The  Space  Program

Mercury: The first U.S. program for human space flight.

Gemini: The first two-man crews, longer missions.

Apollo: The first Space Flight to the moon.

Skylab: A place where humans lived and work in space for extended periods of time. Let astronauts have the ability to study and examine un-know lands.

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Apollo-soyuz: First international manned Spaceflight. Many countries including the U.S. have a general mission and will work together.

Space shuttle: The first reusable space crafts. Saved a lot of money and time in space travel.

International Space Station: An effort to create a permanent orbiting laboratory in space. Would allow for scientist to discover new vaccinations and shots for sickness.

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The U.S. Became inspired but the soviets launching “Sputnik 1” in 1957

May, 5th 1961, Alan Shepard piloted America’s first manned speed craft.

May, 25th 1961, John F. Kennedy announced that it was a national goal to land an astronaut on the moon by the end of the 1960s

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NASA accepted the challenge and launched “Friendship 7” on February, 7th 1962.

The pilot, John Glenn, took the first step by orbiting the earth three times.

July, 20th 1969, Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin were the first men to take step on the moon.

Page 9: History Of The  Space  Program

The Soviets first launched “Sputnik 1” and then later launched “Sputnik 2”, which carried a small dog. In 1957

In 1959 the soviets launched “Lunar 1”. The first man-made satellite to orbit the sun.

“Luna 3” orbited the moon and photographs 70% of it surface in 1959

1961- Yuri Gagarin orbited the earth once and becomes the first man in space.

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1963- Cosmonaut Valentia Tereshkova becomes the first women in space.

1966- “Luna 9” becomes the first spacecraft to soft-land on the moon.

1967- “Venera 4” transmits data about the atmosphere of Venus.

“Zond 5” is launched. It carried a biological payload including two turtles. Went around the moon and returned to earth 6 days later.

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October Sky: This movie shows the public understanding rocketry, which is related to the space program in countless ways.

Star Wars: This movie takes place in space and shows the interest of the every day person in the possibilities and imaginable things that could happen in space.

Page 12: History Of The  Space  Program

Were NASA and the U.S. Government are Today Commander George

Zamka will lead the “STS-130” mission to the international space station aboard a space shuttle named “Endeavour”

They will deliver the space station a third connecting module and other pieces of equipment that will be used in the control room for robotics.

Page 13: History Of The  Space  Program

Were Russia and their space program is today

A possible break though might have emerged out off Russia with a new way to reduce weight and cost of hydrogen fuel tanks.

They are using tiny glass tubes to store the hydrogen and .They are all bundled together in an array and is said to be strong and efficient.

They have been tested in Germany to be safe, but it is still unknown to see if they can be produce to be cost effective.

Page 14: History Of The  Space  Program

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"Space Milestones - Lesson Plan Library." Discovery Education Classroom Resources. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Jan. 2010. <http://school.discoveryeducation.com/lessonplans/programs/spacemilestones/>.

"TheSpaceRace.com - Timeline of Space Exploration." TheSpaceRace.com. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Jan. 2010. <http://www.thespacerace.com/timeline