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HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT CONSULTANCY SERVICES VISION: To establish our presence in Budget Hospitality Sectors by delivering a measurable difference to the Value, Cost & Time of our Clients' projects at affordable price. MISSION: To be the best and the most preferred Innovative Hospitality Management Consultancy Services Brand's Globally. VALUES: Our core value focuses on integnity, Innovation & Collaboration thereby, delivering successful solutions that respects the Environment

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Post on 08-Sep-2014




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HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT CONSULTANCY SERVICES VISION: To establish our presence in Budget Hospitality Sectors by delivering a

measurable difference to the Value, Cost & Time of our Clients' projects at affordable price.

MISSION: To be the best and the most preferred Innovative Hospitality Management Consultancy Services Brand's Globally.

VALUES: Our core value focuses on integnity, Innovation & Collaboration thereby, delivering successful solutions that respects the Environment

ABOUT USHMCS is a unique and first company in India to focus and assist upcoming Hospitality Sectors. Small and Medium types of businesses are the prime concern for the company. The company wishes to spread its wings across India & Abroad having extensive growth plans in near future.

With increasing globalization, career opportunities in this field are not only limited within the 5 Star hotels but also opening numerous opportunities for entrepreneurs in India to startup their own businesses. It is a glamorous profession promising a bright future.

The diversity of experience in hospitality sector is greater than in any other profession. Hotel industry involves combination of various skills like management, food and beverage service, housekeeping, front office operation, sales and marketing, accounting etc., wherein continuous developments & innovations keep on updating us opening new ventures in the professional & personal areas. HMCS is trying to expose these areas in the Hospitality Sector to enable the owners, managers & employees to understand the needs & wants of the business & clients.



• Hospitality Management Consultancy Services (HMCS) was launched on 10th May, 2009 creating a niche market to focus and assist upcoming Budget Hotels, Resorts, Restaurants, Pubs, Night Clubs, Catering companies, Resorts, Fast-Food Chains / Joints, Fast-Food Retail Concepts etc. for various services required.

The Company is all set to create milestones in the Hospitality Industry with its well defined Vision, Mission & Values.

UNIQUENESSHMCS is created with a specific aim to improve the performance of young and dynamic entrepreneurs. There are many Hospitality Consultancy Companies in India and Abroad and they usually tend to neglect this niche market.

To cater the needs of this niche market, the HMCS shall provide a wide range of expertise and offer Landscaping, Kitchen Designing, Human Resource Management, Training & Development Workshops, Website Designing, Domain Hosting & Emailing Services, Mystery Shopping, Operational Management, Training & Development, Marketing Communications Market Feasibility Studies, Strategic Analyses, ECO-FRIENDLY Initiatives such as: Solar Power, Water Heating Solutions, Biogas etc.

HMCS is tuned to understand the needs of the Organization will create a Road Map of Success with it’s team of experts on board.

ABOUT MANAGING DIRECTORSaurabh J Bamane is the Managing Director of HMCS. He got M.Sc. Degree in International Hotel Management with merit from the University of Surrey, Guildford, United Kingdom. He completed his Bachelor’s Degree in Applied Hospitality and Tourism Management from Pacific International Hotel Management School (PIHMS), New Plymouth, New Zealand.

Furthermore, he holds a Diploma in Hotel and Catering Technology from the Institute of Hotel Management, Catering Technology and Applied Nutrition(IHMCTAN) Dadar, Bombay and also Master’s Degree in Tourism Management from Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU), New Delhi. Moreover, prestigious Davis Langdon first Prize of United. Kingdom is at his merit. He has got wide experience in hotel & retail industries in United Kingdom, Kingdom of Bahrain, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Republic of South Africa and India.

His wide exposure in hotel & retail industries in United Kingdom, Kingdom of Bahrain, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Republic of South Africa and India has allowed his not only to understand different types of clientele base but also different types of consumer behaviour with various attributes of brand perceptions in decision making process.


It has been a highly productive journey in his professional career for instance, during his tenure with McDonald’s in India the clientele based was more unfocused & unaware with Fast-Food concept. In the UK with Costa Coffee (South-East UK), Whitbread Group Plc. it was an exposure with highly educated & more focused customer base and they were more brand loyal than brand switchers. New product development, customer service, presentation, quality were extremely important attributes of brand. Whereas, in the North-East UK, consumers were more brand switchers as they are more cost conscious than focusing more on quality & service of the product. New product development & market penetration strategy hardly works here.

Marketing activities performed were, liaising with BBC in South-East UK to promote Youth Café in Costa Coffee, i.e. drawing attention of Youths towards coffee culture rather than alcoholic beverage.From European market to Middle East market, there was a surge in market behaviour, i.e. in Kingdom of Bahrain with Costa Coffee; fewer options are available to consumers so this creates more of a monopolistic market. However, in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA), more options are available to consumers, i.e. not only domestic but also international competition is more prominently observed, here, Costa Coffee has been out-numbered in competition, i.e. more brand switching is observed.

Worked for an upcoming Organization with a vision to expand it’s Operations in South Africa. It was quite interesting to carry out Feasibility Study for a country like South Africa as, it was totally a New Market to be researched and astonishingly, I found that, there is lots of potential than India in South Africa in terms of Indian and Chinese Cuisine.


Currently, he is working as the General Manager of Upper Deck Resort Pvt. Ltd. at Lonavala, near Mumbai, India since three years. This is a 3 Star Boutique Resort classified by FHRAI. It is spread across in 10 Acres with 34 Cottages. The resort is located at 2,500 FT. above sea level & is one of the most beautiful resorts of Maharashtra.

The current job profile involves Budgeting & Forecasting, Cost Control, Project Management, Effective Resource Utilization, Achieving Organizational Goals, Designing Long-Term & Short-Term Goals, Performance Appraisals, Designing Plans for Refurbishments & Renovations, ECO-FRIENDLY initiatives, Training & Development for Employees, Designing Management Development Program, MIS, Ensuring Highest Degree of Customer Satisfaction, Brand Development, Ensuring strict guidelines for Safety, Health and Environment for better work environment and higher productivity etc.

Saurabh has developed a passion for Flora & Fauna at Upper Deck Resort Pvt. Ltd., which has the most pristine & serene environment, this allowed him to experiment his undoubted passion towards Landscaping. The resort was Recipient of 1st Prize for “Best Garden Award” & “Best Display in Exhibition” for maintaining 6 Acres of Garden, in ‘Garden & Flower Exhibition’ held on 28th February, 2009 to 1st March, 2009 in Lonavala, Maharashtra, India.




CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITYHMCS has been actively involved in it’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) towards helping the poor students of Thakurwadi School in Pangloli Village, Lonavala, Maharashtra.

The school has very poor infrastructure which makes education extremely difficult for the poor children of the village. HMCS has donated various basic requirements time & again to this school ranging from Tiffin boxes for poor children, text books & uniforms.

HMCS is dedicatedly keeping an element of CSR as one of the key elements for the Social Up-liftment of the society & encouraging would be leaders of the nation.

HOSPITALITY SCENARIOSIn India, it has been many years since Hospitality Services have been neglected. Being a highly resourceful country with its astonishing natural reserves, hospitality sector has been till date a slow developing area of the country.

There are many star hotels in the country. which are trying to take the share from the pie from the ground levels of development. It has been observed that, not all people wish to work under an employer. It is true that, not all people have money to start-up their small businesses. However, some people wish to take risk in-spite of not having enough money. The usual approach is towards banks or other types of investors.

Now-a-days, banks do sanction loans to some of them, It is a very important decision for someone to manage funds in right direction. Not all of the entrepreneurs have sound knowledge of opening their business. This is the time when HMCS comes into picture. We are here to seek to build the best most valued relationships with the entrepreneurs of the hospitality industry.

GLOBAL HOSPITALITY SCENARIOThe hospitality industry being highly sensitive to economic and competitive market conditions will need to address six important issues in couple of years, cost controlling, branding, new expansion strategies, head count management, eco-friendly initiatives and technological innovations / adaptations.

The important issues can be addressed by understanding and establishing strategy to address, consumer trends, economic conditions, technology, competition and concerns for public safety.

Some of the Important Highlighted Areas are:1) Cost Controlling 2) Branding3) China, India & Gulf to Experience Substantial Growth4) Aging Consumers5) Technology is the Key !!!

INDIAN HOSPITALITY SCENARIOThe Indian hospitality sector is certainly the most apt replication of the belief 'Atithi devo bhava'- touch of tenderness, a helping hand and a welcoming visage.

According to the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC), the growth in the hospitality industry is pegged at 15 per cent every year, with 200,000 rooms needed, the hotel segment of India is on the brink of an astounding growth.

According to the Tourism Satellite Accounting (TSA) research, released by WTTC and its strategic partner Oxford Economics in March 2009

The demand for travel and tourism in India is expected to grow by 8.2 per cent between 2010 and 2019 and will place India at the third position in the world. India's travel and tourism sector is expected to be the second largest employer in the world, employing 40,037,000 persons by 2019. Capital investment in India's travel and tourism sector is expected to grow at 8.8 per cent between 2010 and 2019. The report forecasts India to get capital investment worth US$ 94.5 billion in the travel and tourism sector in 2019. India is projected to become the fifth fastest growing business travel destination from 2010-2019 with an estimated real growth rate of 7.6 per cent.




HMCS is actively looking for projects on Consultancy of Budget Hotels & Resorts from Conceptual Stage to Finish, Restaurants, Menu Planning, Designing Syllabi for Hotel Management Institutes / Colleges etc.

HMCS shall understand the client’s requirement, customize the same & devise quotations on per visit basis with scope of work.

Kindly visit our contact us page for sending us any query.

CURRENT PROJECTSUpper Deck Resort Pvt. Ltd., Lonavala.HMCS has been contracted by Upper Deck Resort Pvt. Ltd. towards Human Resource Issues. The primary objective is to support with the manpower solutions.

Secondary objective is of Training & Development of the Employees which is also under consideration, wherein, HMCS shall be conducting classroom sessions to the employees for various departments such as: Front Office, Food & Beverage, House Keeping, Sales & Marketing etc.

Valvan College, Lonavala.HMCS is actively involved in delivering Lectures for Valvan College, Lonavala. The subjects covered are Sales & Marketing, Grooming Standards, How to Crack Interview etc.. There are more than 100 Students in the College for the Management Studies.

BNN College, BhiwandiThe college was started by Padmashree Annasaheb Jadhav for the Poor Children who could not afford education. HMCS is actively delivering voluntary Lecturers in the area of Management Studies & also assisting the College for Designing Syllabi.

PROJECTS COMPLETEDCosta Coffee, United KingdomCosta Coffee from Whitbread Group Plc., United Kingdom (UK), is one of the most profitable businesses in terms of coffee. The major competitor being Starbucks from USA has more outlets than Costa Coffee, however, Starbucks is failing to get high returns from their business. The reason being, Starbucks coffee is not as good as Costa Coffee and the locations are highly expensive, i.e., in terms of rent. Costa Coffee has plans to expand globally thereby ensuring focus on Franchised Operations. Costa Coffee is being approached by many Franchisees and one of them for which feasibility study was conducted is located in North East UK near Leeds region. Costa Coffee was successfully launched in the year 2006 there and is now currently operational.

Costa Coffee, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA)Costa Coffee from Whitbread Group Plc., United Kingdom (UK), is one of the most profitable businesses in terms of coffee. The major competitor in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) being Starbucks from USA, Dr. Café from KSA has more outlets than Costa Coffee.In KSA, Costa Coffee was not performing as there were only fewer outlets operational, therefore, major chucks of market share was taken by Starbucks and Dr. Café. Feasibility Study was conducted for the following locations in Riyadh, KSA, i.e., Al Faisaliyah, Al Hayat Mall and Khurais Center. All the locations were proved to be feasible and Costa Coffee was successfully launched in the year 2006 there and all are now currently operational.


Please feel free to contact us with the detailed query and complete contact details on [email protected]