hole stories energy

founder’s HOLE story An inspirational survival story INSIDE: PRODUCT SHOWCASE Oil & Energy specific items the hole community Giving of our time & talents ENERGY | VOL 2 | 2013 ENTERTAINING. ENLIGHTENING. INSPIRING. offshore strength McNICHOLS ® Fiberglass Bar Grating provides necessary slip resistance while being sturdy and lightweight. p. 4 McNICHOLS ® HOLE Inspired to Serv e!™

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Hole Stories Energy


Page 1: Hole Stories Energy

founder’s HOLE story

An inspirational survival story


SHOWCASEOil & Energy

specific items

the hole community

Giving of our time & talents

ENERGY | VOL 2 | 2013ENtERtaiNiNG. ENLiGhtENiNG. iNspiRiNG.

offshore strengthMcNICHOLS® Fiberglass Bar Grating provides necessary slip resistance while being sturdy and lightweight. p. 4



Inspired to Serve!™

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Inspired to Serve!For over 60 years our main goal has been to provide exceptional service to our customers. From having the largest inventory of Hole Products in North America and getting that inventory to you quickly, to our knowledgeable team members who help guide you to the right Hole Product - we always go above and beyond.

We are honored that thousands of customers continue to choose McNICHOLS. Your loyalty has inspired us to create HOLEStories .

In this new magazine we will showcase our customers’ projects that selected our Hole Products as a solution to a particular challenge. We will announce new products that have been added to our vast inventory. And finally, we will let you know a little more about the Company and our Hole Team.

We hope you find our HOLEStories to be entertaining, enlightening and most of all inspiring!


A publicAtion ofMcNICHOLS CO.

editoriAl office2502 N. RoCkY PT. DR., STe. 750 TAmPA, FL 33607

editor-in-chiefSTeveN mCNICHoLS GenerAl [email protected]

product SAleS & [email protected]

copYriGht©2013 McNICHOLS CO. The Hole Story and McNICHOLS are registered trademarks of McNICHOLS CO. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission. Printed in the U.S.A.

Application photos reflected are typical of Hole Products in use that can be supplied or have been supplied by McNICHOLS CO. Some illustrations may depict uses designed, manufactured, fabricated or installed by others.

inSide:the hole StorY ........................... 2

the founder’S StorY ............... 3

cover StorY cASe StudY: fiberGlASS GrAtinG offShore StrenGth ................. 4

cASe StudY: riveted bAr GrAtinG StrenGth With mobilitY ...... 6

product ShoWcASe .................. 7

QuAlitY hole productS ........ 8

oil & enerGY SolutionS ......10

the hole communitY ............12

chAirmAn’S corner & locAtionS ...............................13

QuAlitY certified ..................14“As an organization, McNICHOLS

has grown beyond a small family business, while the essence and spirit of its founder remain ever present.”

What is “The Hole Story?”Bob mcNichols started McNICHOLS CO. on may 1, 1952, with his wife Phyllis.

With holes in all the products he carried, Bob trademarked “The Hole Story.” The trademark was first advertised in the 1975 McNICHOLS master Catalog and began a legacy of hole references to products (Hole Products) and personnel (The Hole Team).

After the unexpected loss of Bob mcNichols in 1981, his son Gene took over the leadership role at McNICHOLS. Gene carried on his father’s legacy to transition the company and ready it for the future.

In 1990, Gene made McNICHOLS’ mission “Service, Quality and Performance.” These three words embody the spirit of the organization: Service to customers; unfailing Quality that is challenged and measured through ISo 9001:2008 certification; and Performance that surpasses expectations for customers and provides a secure, fulfilling career for all Hole Team members.

As McNICHOLS celebrates its 61st Anniversary this year, the third generation of the mcNichols family – with Scott mcNichols, as president – is standing steady and making their mark, acting as stewards of the legacy passed on by their father and grandfather.

As an organization, McNICHOLS has grown beyond a small family business, while the essence and spirit of its founder remain ever present.

Service, Quality and Performance... that’s The Hole Story®!

Steven mcNicholseditor-in-Chief

Bob McNichols

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What is “The Hole Story?”

only Survivor of a Nine-man Crewoctober 1944. World War II. Nine soldiers left for a mission, only one survived. Bob mcNichols’ Inspirational Story of Survival.

founder’S hole StorY

Back in the days when Allied bombers were slowly beating Germany to death, a jubilant crew

of a Flying Fortress took the air one early morning bound, for the first time, for Berlin.

only one member of the crew got there. Six were killed, and two were reported missing when the big bomber was shot down in flames with its mission almost completed.

The only known survivor was Lieutenant Robert L. mcNichols, Cleveland Heights, ohio, who came home after months in a Nazi prison camp to tell the poignant story of his Fortress’ last flight and his escape from death.

As reported by the news in 1945, Bob was still trying to figure out why he was alive. He does not remember much about that sunny morning of october 6, 1944, when the ship was pounced on by a huge flight of German planes.

He lost consciousness when he tore off his oxygen mask to help a wounded comrade, and the next thing he recalled was lying on the ground looking into the muzzle of a shotgun held by a German farmer.

“I was out cold,” he said, “and have no idea how I got out of the ship or down to earth. I don’t remember pulling a rip cord, landing, or anything.”

He recalled the thrill the entire crew got when they first saw a smoking Berlin in the distance 30 miles away. He remembered opening the bomb doors and concentrating on the approaching target.

As the plane’s bombardier, he was alone in the nose of the craft when the Nazi fighters struck at 27,000 feet.

“I didn’t even know we were hit,” he said, “until I heard the bail-out bell. We must have gotten it in the wings. When I heard the bell, I released the bombs and rushed back into the body of the ship. our navigator was lying in a passageway, badly wounded. I had to take off my oxygen mask to try to help him. As I bent

over I collapsed, the air was too thin to breathe. That’s all I know. That’s the last I saw of any of the guys who were my pals.”

mcNichols believes he was a swinging target for Nazi snipers as he drifted, unconscious, to earth in his parachute.

“my uniform,” he said, “was full of bullet holes when I came to. They must have peppered me on the way down, but I didn’t have a scratch.”

Due to the grace of God, Bob mcNichols survived the crash, which killed eight of the B-17’s nine-man crew.

Bob was confined in a Nazi prison camp for nine months. on may 1, 1945, Bob mcNichols and his fellow prisoners of war were liberated from Stalag Luft No. 1. His handwritten diary entry for that day expresses his excitement in the final hours before freedom:

“Slept in my clothes all night. The Germans left at 1 a.m., and we took control of the camp. Woke up at 5 a.m. and started breakfast. Russians are 14 to 15 miles from here… we are still wondering when we will get out of here! Around noon Russians reported… and some of the boys saw

infantry and tanks from the roof...picked up New York on the radio this evening…thinking of getting home has upset me…I’m getting mighty impatient! The Russian advance scouts reached here tonight at 10 p.m.! German radio announced Hitler’s death…had lights until midnight!”

After his release from the prison camp, Bob returned to America and was greeted by his wife, Phyllis, and his six-month-old daughter, Barbara.

During his experience, the 22-year-old lieutenant made a solemn vow, that if he came out of the war alive, he would put God first and make Him his partner.

In may of 1952, using this second chance God had given him, he started McNICHOLS CO. basing the company’s core values in his faith and service.

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with McNICHOLS® Fiberglass Bar Grating

Customer Vision:

A state-owned petroleum company in Mexico needed a product that would meet its many requirements for an offshore living quarters platform. durAdeK® Fiberglass Grating was selected for both its safety and low maintenance properties.

Let us showcase your projects that include


Hole Products in an upcoming issue of

hole Stories.Please contact us at

[email protected]

Remember to specify McNICHOLS

on your next project!durAdeK® I-6000 Fiberglass Stair Treads

Offshore Living Quarters in Mexico

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Hole Solution:

A state-owned petroleum company in Mexico, needed to find a grating product that would provide safety, corrosion resistance, be lightweight and easy to install for their offshore

living quarters platform.

durAdeK® Fiberglass Grating was the product of choice for their project requirements. durAdeK® I-6000 was installed in the stairwells, while durAdeK® I-4000 covered the perimeter walkways.

McNICHOLS® fiberglass Grating exhibits unequaled corrosion resistance in conditions often found in an offshore, salt-water environment. This feature helps to reduce maintenance costs and the inconvenience of downtime for repairs.

durAdeK® is made with a fire-retardant polyester resin and is low in thermal and electrical conductivity - key factors when considering products installed on living quarter decks. durAdeK® is also lightweight and is an ideal replacement for steel or aluminum grating.

Visit: mcnichols.com for more case studies

McNICHOLS carries a large inventory of products useful for the Oil & Energy markets. Products that help build or maintain:• Platforms and Stairs• Guards• Ladders• Filtration• Fiberglass

durAdeK® Fiberglass Grating was selected for this project. Please visit mcnichols.com or call 866.813.2413 to order.

Walkways: durAdeK® I-4000 Fiberglass Grating (shown in gray)

Stair Treads:durAdeK® I-6000 Fiberglass Stair Treads

durAdeK® I-4000 Fiberglass Walkway


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Strength with Mobility

with McNICHOLS® Rectangular Riveted Bar Grating

Customer Vision:

A hydroelectric generating station needed covering for their dam’s trash gate areas that was strong enough to handle heavy wheeled traffic yet easily removable.

McNICHOLS® riveted bar Grating used for trench grates

McNICHOLS® rectangular riveted bar Grating was used in this project. Please visit mcnichols.com or call 866.813.2413 to order.

Product Specifics:• Heavy-Duty Riveted Bar Grating• Rectangular bearing and crimp bars• 37-R-5• 4-1/2" Bearing Bar Height• 3/8" Bearing Bar Thickness • Load banding used• Steel, hot-dip galvanized

Visit: mcnichols.com/products/grating/riveted for more information!

Hole Solution:

This hydroelectric generating station required trench grates to span pits across trash gate areas in the dam. Their application required a grating product that could support high capacity loads while also being removable.

McNICHOLS® rectangular bar riveted Grating was the Hole Solution. Formed with cold pressure driven rivets under hydraulic pressure, the steel grating made strong, durable trench grates. The heavy-duty construction also supports rolling wheel traffic with loads.

The grate panels could also serve as a trench cover by being lifted out of place to access the area below ground level. The panel openings allow for quick drainage.

Tolerates heavy loads Easily removable

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product ShoWcASe:Quality Products for Tough environments


DURADEK® Fiberglass GratingThe MS I-6000 is our most popular stocked fiberglass product. DURADEK® Fiberglass Pultruded I-Bar has I-Bar shaped bearing bars with perpendicular cross bar rods placed every six inches. The polyester resin panel bearing bars and cross bar colors may vary from each other. mS I-6000 Series has an open area of 60%.

To see more please scan QR Code above with your smart phone.

VYNAGRIP® High Traction matVYNAGRIP® High Traction Mat has a high wear and slip resistance rating and is resistant to certain chemicals. VYNAGRIP® is typically used when high performance is required in commercial, industrial or retail applications for platforms, counter areas, equipment areas, washing areas or where oil or chemicals are used. Available in three widths in 33' rolls in black. VYNAGRIP® is also available with four yellow ribs on each side of the mat to act as an edging – called VYNAGRIP® PLUS.

To see more please scan QR Code above with your smart phone.

GRIP STRUT® Plank GratingGRIP STRUT® Plank Grating has a non-slip diamond surface that is ideal for safety applications where mud, ice, snow, oil and detergents can create hazardous walking conditions. In addition, GRIP STRUT® offers low material cost and nominal installation cost. GRIP STRUT® is also available in stair treads and ladder rungs.

To see more please scan QR Code above with your smart phone.

McNICHOLS® Stair TreadsMcNICHOLS carries a large inventory of stair treads - ready to fabricate and ship to you! We can fabricate over 20 different styles of stair treads in a variety of sizes and material types - from metal plank and bar grating stair treads to both pultruded and molded fiberglass stair treads. many items are in stock for immediate shipment!

To see more please scan QR Code above with your smart phone.

Visit: mcnichols.com to see our complete line of Quality Hole Products.

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quaLIty HOLE


McNICHOLS has provided Industrial and Architectural Hole Product Solutions since 1952. Below is a snapshot of our Hole Products. Please visit mcnichols.com or call 866.813.2413 to find out more!

perforAtedMcNICHOLS® Perforated Metal is used for its versatility, high strength-to-weight ratio and aesthetic appeal. aPPLICatIONS:paNELsENcLOsuREssuNshadEsGuaRdsscREENsFiLtERs

Wire meShMcNICHOLS® Wire Mesh comes in a variety of openings and diameters and is easily adapted to almost any application. aPPLICatIONS:iNFiLLsFENciNGENcLOsuREstRELLisscREENs

expAndedMcNICHOLS® Expanded Metal is a versatile and economical product that can be used for screening, ventilation or enclosing. aPPLICatIONS:paNELsGuaRdsENcLOsuREsscREENswaLkwaYs

deSiGner & texturedMcNICHOLS® Designer Metals are used by architects, contractors and designers alike to incorporate aesthetic beauty with function and form. aPPLICatIONS:paNELsscREENsFacadEscEiLiNGscLaddiNGs





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quaLIty HOLE PrOduCtS

“McNichols has always come through for us, often talking us through our project plans and suggesting another alternative that saved time and money. They are my go-to for all of my Hole Products.” - Dallas Customer

bAr GrAtinGMcNICHOLS® Bar Grating is the top choice for strength, safety and overall value. aPPLICatIONS:waLkwaYspLatFORmsdRaiNssuNshadEsscREENsstaiR tREads

plAnK GrAtinGMcNICHOLS® Plank Grating is a one-piece construction product that is lightweight and offers high slip-resistant surfaces. aPPLICatIONS:waLkwaYspLatFORmscatwaLksRampsstaiR tREads

fiberGlASS GrAtinGMcNICHOLS® Fiberglass Grating is lightweight and can be used like traditional metal grates but have the inherent benefits of Fiberglass. aPPLICatIONS:waLkwaYspLatFORmsdEckiNGcatwaLksstaiR tREads

mAttinG & floorinGMcNICHOLS® Matting & Flooring is used for its slip resistance, wear resistance and durability and can be used in both retail and industrial settings. aPPLICatIONS:ENtRYwaYswaLkwaYsFLOORiNGROOFtOps





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OIL & ENErgy


All YourNeeds: One Hole Source

with McNICHOLS® Oil & Energy Products

Locating, extracting and processing valuable energy-based resources is a difficult business with a unique set of challenges. It takes specialized knowledge to recommend and supply a product that meets the load requirements and environmental and safety requirements for each application.

McNICHOLS has created the energy Service network to help meet the needs of companies that work in Mining, Drilling and NG Extraction. We are available to assist you at 866.813.2413!

vYnAGrip® plus Matting

Grip Strut® Ladder Rungs

rectangular bar Grating Platform

Grip Strut® Platform on Frac Truck

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All YourNeeds: One Hole Source

with McNICHOLS® Oil & Energy Products

Visit: mcnichols.com for Oil & Energy products

fiberglass Grating Platform

bar Grating used for this skid

Grip Strut® Walkway

perforated metal Security Screen

fiberglass Stair Treads


McNICHOLS carries a large inventory of products useful for the Oil & Energy markets that can be used in OEM creation or to maintain existing projects:

• Platforms, Catwalks, Skids

• Stairwells, Stairways

• Pump Equipment Stands

• Temporary Pit Walks & Covers

• Pipe Crossovers

• Brine Equipment Maintenance Platforms

• Stationary Mud & Brine Tanks

• Stationary Site Frac Tanks

• Mobile Frac Tanks

• Brine Hauler Tanks

• Brine Handling Equipment

• Hydraulic Frac Trucks

• Wireline Trucks

• Mobile Drilling Rigs

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Latting do a lot of 5ks together, and when Tammy heard about this and told Rene her thoughts, she was immediately all in! The fact that it was for breast cancer was something they would enjoy being a part of, but adding the mud degree of difficulty to their 5k experience was what they wanted! The 3.1 mile course had several obstacles, including a lot of mud crawls, wall climbs and a two-story rope wall to go up and over. “We DID IT AND LoveD IT!” says Tammy. “We are already planning on next year.”

Giving of our Time and TalentsIN TAMPAHeart Walk: Honoring Friends and Family by Walking

on Saturday, November 10, the Tampa Hole Team came out for the Tampa Heart Walk. The group had more than 55 Hole Team associates and family members in attendance and raised more than $7,000. The team had two top walkers who raised more than $1,000 for the American Heart Association - Dave Brenneman, raising money in remembrance of his brother, and Gene mcNichols, who was raising funds in honor of his wife, Patsy, and our own kristen Powers.

McNICHOLS CO. has been recognized as a 2013 Gold level recipient of the American Heart Association’s Fit-Friendly Work sites Recognition program for implementing at least nine criteria as outlined by the American Heart Association in the areas of physical activity, nutrition and culture.


elissa Larsen, John kirkman, and mark Bidinger, in our Chicago location, dropped off more than 100 gifts that the Team collected for the Shriners Hospitals for Children® in Chicago. John has been a Shriner for many years and was aware that there was a shortage of gifts for the sick children in the Shriners Hospital. The Hole Team responded, so that others may have a good Christmas.

IN DALLASMud Run: Getting Muddy for Breast Cancer

“You know…it was a total blast!” says Tammy Holbert (Dallas), of the mud run and her team “The Pink Avengers.” Tammy and Rene


“For over 60 years McNICHOLS has been in business and one thing has remained constant: our unwavering commitment to making a positive difference in the communities we live. We are blessed to have such amazing Hole Team members who volunteer their own time in this way.”

- Gene McNichols, Chairman & CEO

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chAirmAn’S corner & locAtionS

Chairman’s CornerService, Quality and Performance, that’s The Hole Story®.

The very foundation our company was built on. our journey began over six decades ago when our founder, Bob McNichols, relied on his abiding faith to open our first facility in Cleveland, ohio. It was my privilege to work alongside my father. Now I am blessed to work with my sons and The Hole Team members, with facilities across America. Since the beginning our purpose has not changed. We have one goal… to be your trusted source for Hole Products! Please allow us to be of service!

Gene mcNichols, Chairman & CEO

18 Service Centers Across the U.S.We have 18 service centers strategically located throughout the United States to provide our customers with fast service!



San Francisco







CharlotteKansas City



























Service Centers

Visit: mcnichols.com

Gene McNichols

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What is ISo and Why Does It matter? ISO certification is important for us at McNICHOLS as an achievement of recognition from a respected international body. But it’s more than that: it’s important to us because it’s important to you — even if it’s not clear how. It is in the background of all we do.

ISo 9001:2008 is a global Quality management Standard (QmS) created entirely with the interests of the customer in mind.

To achieve ISO certification, we have to follow a set of principles that “ensure a common-sense approach to the management of business activities to consistently achieve customer satisfaction.”

There are eight fundamental management principles that companies must demonstrate through intensive audits to earn ISo 9001:2008 certification:

1. Customer-focused practices2. Strong leadership3. meaningful involvement of people4. ensuring a process approach to quality and

customer service5. A systematic approach to management6. A factual approach to decision making7. Mutually beneficial supplier relations8. Continuous improvement

These principles form the basis for performance improvement and organizational excellence. our ongoing commitment to these principles translates into our commitment to the customer. Achieving ISO certification means that we’ve been designated an authority at what we do — and how we do it. It’s all part of our continuous commitment to excellence — a commitment to the customer.

Visit: mcnichols.com/about-us/iso-certificate

ISo 9001:2008 Registered by

SRI Quality System Registrar

“Achieving ISO certification and recertification means that we’ve been designated an authority at what we do — and how we do it. It’s all part of our continuous commitment to excellence — a commitment to the customer.”

- Scott mcNichols, President

Page 15: Hole Stories Energy

McNICHOLS CO.Industrial & Architectural Hole product Solutions since 1952

866.813.2413 | mcnichols.com

There is a difference between doing a job and doing it right. For over 60 years, McNICHOLS has followed our commitment to doing things the right way.

We have been providing customers with the best in personalized service for over 60 years.

our quality is assured by our ISO 9001:2008 Certification. our fabricators are also American

Welding Society (AWS) Certified. our quality programs help ensure that you receive your

Hole Products with the highest level of service. From print takeoffs and stair treads to welding

and cut-to-size, we are ready to fabricate our Hole Products to your specifications.

McNICHOLS offers a wide variety of fabrication services including:

McNICHOLS® Fabrication services

From the smallest project to the largest, McNICHOLS gets your job done.

Inspired to Serve!™




mEtaL FiNishEs


pRiNt takEOFFs

staiR tREads


Page 16: Hole Stories Energy

866.813.2413 | mcnichols.com | [email protected] 9001:2008 Certified | Member Metals Service Center Institute



McNICHOLS CO.Discover what literally hundreds of thousands of customers have come to know and trust since 1952 - McNICHOLS is the worldwide leader in providing perforated metal, Expanded metal, wire mesh and other Designer metals, as well as a full line of Grating and flooring products. Our loyal customers continue to rely on our experience, vast product inventory and shipping options to produce the right Hole Solution for their projects.

for more information on our complete line of Hole products please visit mcnichols.com or call 866.813.2413. we look forward to serving you!