holiday engagement session 2021-22 grade -ix

Holiday Engagement Session 2021-22 GRADE -IX At last the much-awaited summer vacation has begun. It is time to rejoice, rejuvenate and have fun. Let vacation time be a doorway to self- dependence, learning, growth and joy. Keeping this very thought in mind, several interesting activities (Holiday Engagement) have been planned, so as to encourage each child to tap into his/her creative potential. Time to do something different .... give wings to your imagination by using your knowledge, skills and creativity. We are glad to share with you ‘The Goenkan Holiday Engagement”, which will give you an opportunity to showcase your talent and indulge in fun-filled, engaging and innovative activities. Let the fun begin! Enjoy researching and creating!

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Page 1: Holiday Engagement Session 2021-22 GRADE -IX

Holiday Engagement

Session 2021-22


At last the much-awaited summer vacation has begun. It is time

to rejoice, rejuvenate and have fun. Let vacation time be a

doorway to self- dependence, learning, growth and joy. Keeping

this very thought in mind, several interesting activities (Holiday

Engagement) have been planned, so as to encourage each child

to tap into his/her creative potential.

Time to do something different .... give wings to your

imagination by using your knowledge, skills and creativity. We

are glad to share with you ‘The Goenkan Holiday Engagement”,

which will give you an opportunity to showcase your talent and

indulge in fun-filled, engaging and innovative activities.

Let the fun begin!

Enjoy researching and creating!

Page 2: Holiday Engagement Session 2021-22 GRADE -IX

At last, the much-awaited summer vacation has begun. It is time to rejoice, rejuvenate and have fun. Let vacation time be a doorway to self- dependence, learning, growth and joy. Keeping this very thought in mind, several interesting activities (Holiday Engagement) have been planned, to encourage your creative potential. We hope that our Class XI students deliberate on their fun-filled vacation experiences with learning and get a chance to paint their holidays with a creative spirit and an academic endeavor.

Let the fun begin!

Enjoy researching and creating!

Page 3: Holiday Engagement Session 2021-22 GRADE -IX

Subject Enrichment Assessment Project work During Summer Season Economics /Disaster Management The Topic for the project is Disaster Management (Do any one of the following) a. Earthquake b. Flood c. Drought d. Landslide

e. Cyclone Guidelines for the project

• Collect information from various sources like newspapers, photographs, article from magazine, internet, eye witness, accounts etc, Regarding the event and the problems faced by the disaster victims. • Collect information on immediate response of various government agencies like police, hospitals, district administration etc. • Discuss the role of authorities, Indianan international agencies (CRY, WHO, UNO) in the rehabilitation process. • In conclusion highlights the mitigation process to include identification of risk zones, community awareness and individual response. • A case study of supplement and build up on the project shall be appreciated. • Criteria for evaluating project work include content accuracy, originality, presentation and creativity. • The project should be hand written. Print outs will not be accepted. • All the photographs should be labelled and acknowledged. Project should be developed and presented in this order

Social Science

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• Cover page showing project title, schools name, students name, class and section and academic session(year) • List of contents with page number (approx...15 pages) • Acknowledgements: Acknowledging institution, offices and libraries visited and people who have helped. • Project Overview: Purpose, aim, methodology and experience while doing the project • Chapters with relevant headings. • Summary and conclusions based on findings. • Bibliography should have the title, pages referred, author, publisher, year of publication and if a website, the name of the website with a specific link which have been used. • NOTE: Only eco-friendly material to be used • Total marks allotted for the project are 5, which includes theory as well as viva or written test for content assimilation. The First page of the project should contain the following details. School’s Name & Address Student’s Name Roll. No Class & Section

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Note: Do not get your work done by your parents or seniors. It must be the effort of the child . Parents must act as guides and facilitators but not substitutes to do the work.

Project work should be seen as an interesting activity that helps in mental and physical development of the child.

Compile all the work completed in a file (either you can bind it or clip it). Use A 4 size paper for all the writing work.

English Language and Literature

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(To check the students’ vocabulary)

Q A. Find 10 slogans on the following topics and write them on A 4 size paper. (make an artistic writings).

(a) Energy crisis (b) Save our Earth (c) The world of sports

(d) Right to education (e) stop corruption

(To sharpen the reading and writing skills)

Q B. Read “ Santosh Yadav” page 99 in your , Beehive and review it on the basis of the following points.

(i) Biography of Santosh Yadav. (ii) Mental qualities of Santosh (iii) Paraphrase point No 10 (page 102)

(iv) The Chapter of her life that inspired you the most)

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Q C Use 3 pages (A4 size) to create a profile of one of your favourite person. Put interesting facts and pictures and autobiographical details about him or her . Add details of famous work done by him or her.

(For speaking skills)

QD. Make an interview with one of your family members on the ongoing “covid-19” in the country. Record the interview and give post it in the English group for the hearing.

Page 8: Holiday Engagement Session 2021-22 GRADE -IX


To construct a square-root of spiral.


Coloured threads, adhesive,

drawing pins, nails, geometry box,

sketch pens, marker, a piece of


1. Take a piece of plywood with dimensions 30 cm x 30 cm.

2. Taking 2 cm = 1 unit, draw a line segment AB of length one unit.

3. Construct a perpendicular BX at the line segment AB using set squares (or compasses).

4. From BX, cut off BC = 1 unit. Join AC.

5. Using blue coloured thread (of length equal to AC) and adhesive, fix the thread along AC.

6. With AC as base and using set squares (or compasses). draw CY perpendicular to AC.

7. From CY, cut-off CD = 1 unit and join AD.


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Fig. 1 8. Fix orange coloured thread (of length equal to AD) along AD with


9. With AD as base and using set squares (or compasses), draw DZ perpendicular to AD.

10. From DZ, cut off DE = 1 unit and join AE.

11. Fix green coloured thread (of length equal to AE) along AE with adhesive

[see Fig. I].

Repeat the above process for a sufficient number of times. This is called “a square root spiral”.


1. From the figure, AC2' = AB2 + BC2 = 12 + 12 = 2 or AC =√2.

AD 2 = AC 2 + CD2 = 2 + 1 = 3 or AD =√3.

2. Similarly, we get the other lengths AE, AF, AG ... as √4 or, √5, √6.....


On actual measurement

AC = ..... , AD = ...... , AE =...... , AF =....... , AG = ......

√2 = AC = ................. (approx.),

√3 = AD = ................ (approx.),

√4 = AE = ................. (approx.),

√5 = AF = ................. (approx.)

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Through this activity, existence of irrational numbers can be illustrated.

*Students write the following activity in Activity copy.

Solve the given questions:

Q.N.-1- Draw the graph of 2x+y=6 and find the point where graph intersects Y-axis.

Q.N.-2-Solve the equation 3y-3=13-yand represent the solution

(i)on the number line (ii) in the Cartesian plane

Q.N.-3-Express y in terms of x, given that 2x-5y=7.Check whether the point (-3,-2) is

on the given line.

Q.N.-4- Plot the points P (1,0),Q(4,0)and S(1,3). Find the coordinates of the point R

such that PQRS is a square.

Q.N.-5-Find the coordinates of four points lying on the coordinate axis at a distance

of 5 units from the origin.

Page 11: Holiday Engagement Session 2021-22 GRADE -IX


1. Experiment 1- To prepare stained temporary mounts of (a) ONION PEEL and (b) HUMAN CHEEK CELLS and to record observations and draw well labelled diagrams. Kids need to go through the following link and observe the experiment and write down the complete experiment in BIOLOGY PRACTICAL NOTEBOOK. In the practical Notebook, you need to mention the following:-

• Aim of the experiment. • Materials Required • Procedure (Write in bullet points) • Observations (Write in bullet points) • Conclusion (Write in bullet points) • Precautions (Write in bullet points) • Labeled Diagrams in the white sheet with pencil only


Write in a neat handwriting. Draw the diagrams in white side of the Practical notebook. Draw the diagrams with pencil only. Label the diagrams properly. Fill the index with proper date. The experiment of Onion Peel and Human Cheek Cell must be written in different sheets of the notebook.

2. Experiment 2-

To identify Parenchyma & Sclerenchyma tissues in plants and Striped muscle fibre & Nerve cells in animals from prepared slides and to draw their labeled diagrams.


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Kids need to go through the following link and observe the experiment and write down the complete experiment in BIOLOGY PRACTICAL NOTEBOOK.

In the practical Notebook, you need to mention the following:-

• Aim of the experiment. • Materials Required • Procedure (Write in bullet points) • Observations (Write in bullet points) • Conclusion (Write in bullet points) • Precautions (Write in bullet points) • Labeled Diagrams in the white sheet with pencil only


Write in a neat handwriting. Draw the diagrams in white side of the Practical notebook. Draw the diagrams with pencil only. Label the diagrams properly.


3. Experiment 3- Preparation of

a) a true solution of Common salt, sugar and alum b) a suspension of soil, chalk powder and fine sand in water. c) a colloidal solution of starch in water and egg albumin/milk in water and

distinguish between these on the basis of :- • Transparency • Filtration criterion • Stability

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Kids need to go through the following link and observe the experiment and write down the complete experiment in CHEMISTRY PRACTICAL NOTEBOOK. In the practical Notebook, you need to mention the following:-

• Aim of the experiment. • Materials Required • Procedure (Write in bullet points) • Observations (Write in bullet points) • Conclusion (Write in bullet points) • Precautions (Write in bullet points) • Labeled Diagrams in the white sheet with pencil only


Write in a neat handwriting. Draw the diagrams in white side of the Practical notebook. Draw the diagrams with pencil only. Label the diagrams properly. Fill the index with proper date.

4. Experiment 4- Preparation of

a) a mixture b) a compound

using iron filings and Sulphur powder and distinguish between these on the basis of:-

• Appearance i.e. homogeneity and heterogeneity • Behavior towards magnet • Behavior towards carbon disulphide as a solvent • Effect of heat

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Kids need to go through the following link and observe the experiment and write down the complete experiment in CHEMISTRY PRACTICAL NOTEBOOK. In the practical Notebook, you need to mention the following: -

• Aim of the experiment. • Materials Required • Procedure (Write in bullet points) • Observations (Write in bullet points) • Conclusion (Write in bullet points) • Precautions (Write in bullet points) • Labeled Diagrams in the white sheet with pencil only


Write in a neat handwriting.


5. Experiment 5- Measurement of displacement by Screw gauge. Kids need to go through the following link and observe the experiment and write down the complete experiment in PHYSICS PRACTICAL NOTEBOOK. In the practical Notebook, you need to mention the following:-

• Aim of the experiment. • Materials Required • Procedure (Write in bullet points) • Observations (Write in bullet points) • Conclusion (Write in bullet points)

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• Precautions (Write in bullet points) • Labeled Diagrams in the white sheet with pencil only


Write in a neat handwriting. Draw the diagrams in white side of the Practical notebook. Draw the diagrams with pencil only. Label the diagrams properly. Fill the index with proper date.

6. Experiment 6- Measurement of displacement by Spherometer. Kids need to go through the following link and observe the experiment and write down the complete experiment in PHYSICS PRACTICAL NOTEBOOK. In the practical Notebook, you need to mention the following:-

• Aim of the experiment. • Materials Required • Procedure (Write in bullet points) • Observations (Write in bullet points) • Conclusion (Write in bullet points) • Precautions (Write in bullet points) • Labeled Diagrams in the white sheet with pencil only


Write in a neat handwriting. Draw the diagrams in white side of the Practical notebook. Draw the diagrams with pencil only. Label the diagrams properly. Fill the index with proper date.

Page 16: Holiday Engagement Session 2021-22 GRADE -IX

Sample letter in French about your vacation:

Bonjour Jean,

Je suis en vacances à Nice pour cinq jours. C’est une ville très sympa. Hier, j’ai joué au volley sur la plage. Super! Maintenant, je prends le déjeuner dans un petit café. Il fait très beau, avec beaucoup de soleil. Je rentrerai chez-moi samedi prochain.



Cher Paul..Marc…Jean…Papa Chère Mathilde…Tante…Grand-mère…Maman Chers Parents, Main Body of Letter. Merci beaucoup de ta dernière lettre – Thanks for your last letter Merci pour la carte postale que j’ai reçue hier matin – Thanks for the postcard I got this morning. J’ai reçu ta carte d’anniversaire hier matin – I got your birthday card yesterday morning. Comment vas-tu et ta famille? – How are you and your family Comment allez-vous là-bas? – How are you all there? Ça va bien, chez toi/chez-vous? – Everything alright with you? Je m’excuse de ne pas avoir écrit depuis un mois – I’m sorry I haven’t written for a month J’écris pour te dire de les nouvelles – I’m writing to tell you the news. J’écris pour t’informer que… – I’m writing to tell you that… J’ai reçu ton cadeau ce matin. Quelle surprise! – I got your present this morning. What a surprise! Comment va ton père après son accident? – How is your Dad after his accident? Comment est-ce que tu as fêté ton anniversaire? – How did you celebrate your birthday?


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Tu m’as demandé de te décrire une journée typique dans mon école – You asked me to tell you about a typical school day J’ai des nouvelles à t’annoncer, je me suis cassé la main! – I have some news to tell you, I broke my hand! Est-ce que tu veux venir en vacances avec nous ? – Do you want to go on holidays ?

Tu aimes le rugby mais ça m’énerve beaucoup! – You like rugby but it really annoys me! Le film que j’ai vu ce weekend, c’était super chouette! – The film I saw this weekend was brilliant! Cette semaine à l’école, c’était casse-pieds! – This week at school was a pain in the neck! Comment as-tu passé les vacances de Pâques? – How did you spend the Easter holidays? Je viens de finir mes examens – I’ve just finished my exams.


Je suis en vacances à _____________ pour _________________. C’est une ville très ______________. je visite_________________. c’est________________. Il fait______________ . Je rentrerai chez-moi _____________________.

A bientôt________________

1. Écrivez une lettre à votre ami dans laquelle vous devez écrire à propos de vos vacances d'été.

Les points suivants devraient être : -

a. Qu'as-tu fait pendant les vacances d’été ?


Où êtes-vous allé pendant les vacances d’été ?

b. Comment était cet endroit ?

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c. S’il vous plait joindre vos photos à la lettre.

2. France est connue pour ses parfums, ses cuisines, ses modes, ses fromages, ses vins, ses monuments.

Préparez une cuisine française et faites une vidéo dessus.

Bonne Vacances

Page 19: Holiday Engagement Session 2021-22 GRADE -IX

प�रयोजना - कायर्म ्

क) पञ्च वाद्ययन्त्राणां �चत्रा�ण रच�यत्वा संक्ल्य वा तेषा ंप�रचयो लेखनीया:। {Paste the five Musical Instruments & write one or two sentences for each in Sanskrit.}

ख) उद्यमस्य �वषये पञ्च श्लोकान ्संक्ल्य स्वणार्�रेण ले�खतव्यम।् {Write five shlokas in the subject of the “enterprise” in beautiful handwriting.}

भारत की प्रमुख मिहला पव�तारोही से संबंिधत मह�पूण� जानका�रयां ,उपल��यां एकत्र करते �ए एक पीपीटी तैयार कर�।

जो िन�िल�खत है-

बछ� द्री पाल

अ�िणमा िस�ा

संगीता बहल

संतोष यादव पे्रमलता अग्रवाल



Page 20: Holiday Engagement Session 2021-22 GRADE -IX

Project 1: What to do

Write any two of the following Python programmes: To calculate Simple Interest. To accept five numbers and print the average. To accept the value of P, B, and H of any right angled triangle and

check whether they are in Pythagorean triples or not. To accept the number and check whether it is even or odd. To accept the length, breadth of a Rectangle and print Area and

Perimeter of Rectangle. To accept two numbers and swap their values. To convert a number entered by the user into its corresponding number

in words. For example, if the input is 985, then output should be ‘NINE EIGHT FIVE’.

File Work: 1) Mention Requirements, Aims, Learning Outcomes of your project. 2) Take screenshots of all source files, output pages and take out print to stick

on your portfolio file. Submit your project files:Click me to upload * You need sign-in / sign-up from Google Account to upload file(s)

Scan QR Codes for more reference:

To download and install Python For Python Tutorial For Python Projects For Online Compiler
