holiday newsletter

behalf of all of us for your support and hard work. The Task Force will wrap up the Holiday Season with a Christmas Party and Bon- fire at 1800 on the 24 th , and Command Sergeant Major Pitkus and I will enjoy the privilege of serving a traditional Christmas meal to our Soldiers in the dining facility on Christmas Day. I look forward to personally thanking each Soldier for their sacrifice and service during the Holiday Season. Although a good meal or decorations cannot replace the joy of spending time with family members during the Holidays, our Sol- diers inspire us with their overwhelming expressions of pride in being a part of TF Spearhead, and the opportunity to serve the country. We will continue working hard to make a difference here and look forward to our return to you all soon. Sincerely, LTC Alexander At the close of another year, we gratefully pause to wish you a warm and happy Christmas and a peaceful and prosperous New Year. To all family members and friends of Task Force Spearhead, I would like to take this opportunity to inform you that your TF Spearhead Troopers continue to perform magnificently here in Afghanistan. We have crossed the halfway point in the deployment and have much to be proud of! The Soldiers of TF Spearhead have provided our brothers and sisters within Regional Command West with record-setting aviation support. The Task Force has safely moved over 12,500 soldiers and civilians throughout Afghanistan; executed over 292 MEDEVAC rescue missions; provided an incredibly responsive, 24hr Attack Weapons Team cover- age for the entire region; are closing in on our 2 millionth gallon of fuel in support of both aviation and ground missions and maintained an impres- sive operational readiness rate while safely flying over 11,500 flight hours. We have also hosted representatives of 12th Combat Aviation Brigade during their Pre-Deployment Site Survey as they prepare to relieve us in the summer, had numerous visi- tors, ranging from the IJC Com- mander to the WWE Superstars; enjoyed the “Turkey Bowl” Thanksgiv- ing day football tournament, and the leaders enjoyed serving thanksgiving meal at the DFAC. Currently we are in the process of welcoming our new MEDEVAC Company, F/5-159 th and saying farewell and job well done to F/1-126 th the outgoing MEDEVAC Company. The transition is going well and demanding our mission focus to ensure that we maintain this impor- tant mission during the process. Winter has set in and the temps are dropping! The TF Coffee shop is deco- rated for Christmas and we have had 24/7 Christmas music playing in the TOC Compound since 1 December. (Some would say BLARING!) As busy as we are, the Task Force Spearhead Soldiers have found a way to embrace the Holiday season. Each and every one of you has helped us in this en- deavor. We have been receiving over- whelming support from so many grateful, patriotic Americans. We have actually had to augment the post office with one of our very own forklift drivers to help move all of the mail! I also wanted to highlight a tremen- dous effort made by our families in the FRG back home. The FRG ac- quired items from the USO and other agencies, assembled, packaged and shipped a special Christmas bag for each and every deployed Soldier in the entire Task Force! Over 600 bags are standing by for the 1SGs to play Santa Claus here in Shindand! I would like to personally thank you on COMMANDER’S COMMENTS 24 DECEMBER 2011 SPEARHEAD ASSAULT NEWS INSIDE THIS ISSUE: HEADQUARTERS COMPANY “PHANTOM KNIGHTS” 2 C Company 4-227 “SNAKEYES” 3 C COMPANY “GHOSTRIDERS” 4 D COMPANY “ROUGHNECKS” 5 E COMPANY “REGULATORS” 6 TASK FORCE 3-227 ASSAULT HELICOPTER BATTALION, 1ST AIR CAVALRY BRIGADE, 1ST CAVALRY DIVISION CSM’S STATION Spearhead Family and Friends, I would like to start by wishing each and every one of you a “Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year”. I know each and every one of us wish that we were home spending the holi- days with the ones that we love. As we pass through our six month mark I would like you all to know that your significant other, son, daughter, father, or mother has done an out- standing job here in Shindand and you could be very proud of their accomplishments. I know that the Task Force Com- mander and I are very proud of each and every one of them. MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! CSM Pitkus

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Spearhead Holiday Newsletter


Page 1: Holiday Newsletter

behalf of all of us for your support and

hard work.

The Task Force will wrap up the Holiday

Season with a Christmas Party and Bon-

fire at 1800 on the 24th , and Command

Sergeant Major Pitkus and I will enjoy

the privilege of serving a traditional

Christmas meal to our Soldiers in the

dining facility on Christmas Day. I look

forward to personally thanking each

Soldier for their sacrifice and service

during the Holiday Season. Although a

good meal or decorations cannot replace

the joy of spending time with family

members during the Holidays, our Sol-

diers inspire us with their overwhelming

expressions of pride in being a part of TF

Spearhead, and the opportunity to serve

the country.

We will continue working hard to make a

difference here and look forward to our

return to you all soon.


LTC Alexander

At the close of another year,

we gratefully pause to wish you a warm

and happy Christmas

and a peaceful and prosperous New


To all family members and friends of

Task Force Spearhead, I would like to

take this opportunity to inform you

that your TF Spearhead Troopers

continue to perform magnificently

here in Afghanistan. We have

crossed the halfway point in the

deployment and have much to be

proud of!

The Soldiers of TF Spearhead have

provided our brothers and sisters

within Regional Command West with

record-setting aviation support. The

Task Force has safely moved over

12,500 soldiers and civilians

throughout Afghanistan; executed

over 292 MEDEVAC rescue missions;

provided an incredibly responsive,

24hr Attack Weapons Team cover-

age for the entire region; are closing

in on our 2 millionth gallon of fuel in

support of both aviation and ground

missions and maintained an impres-

sive operational readiness rate while

safely flying over 11,500 flight hours.

We have also hosted representatives

of 12th Combat Aviation Brigade

during their Pre-Deployment Site

Survey as they prepare to relieve us

in the summer, had numerous visi-

tors, ranging from the IJC Com-

mander to the WWE Superstars;

enjoyed the “Turkey Bowl” Thanksgiv-

ing day football tournament, and the

leaders enjoyed serving thanksgiving

meal at the DFAC. Currently we are in

the process of welcoming our new

MEDEVAC Company, F/5-159th and

saying farewell and job well done to

F/1-126th the outgoing MEDEVAC

Company. The transition is going well

and demanding our mission focus to

ensure that we maintain this impor-

tant mission during the process.

Winter has set in and the temps are

dropping! The TF Coffee shop is deco-

rated for Christmas and we have had

24/7 Christmas music playing in the

TOC Compound since 1 December.

(Some would say BLARING!) As busy

as we are, the Task Force Spearhead

Soldiers have found a way to embrace

the Holiday season. Each and every

one of you has helped us in this en-

deavor. We have been receiving over-

whelming support from so many

grateful, patriotic Americans. We have

actually had to augment the post

office with one of our very own forklift

drivers to help move all of the mail!

I also wanted to highlight a tremen-

dous effort made by our families in

the FRG back home. The FRG ac-

quired items from the USO and other

agencies, assembled, packaged and

shipped a special Christmas bag for

each and every deployed Soldier in

the entire Task Force! Over 600 bags

are standing by for the 1SGs to play

Santa Claus here in Shindand! I

would like to personally thank you on

C O M M A N D E R ’ S C O M M E N T S

2 4 D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 1



I N S I D E T H I S I S S U E :



“ P H A N T O M

K N I G H T S ”


C Company 4-227




“ G H O S T R I D E R S ” 4


“ R O U G H N E C K S ”



“ R E G U L A T O R S ”



C S M ’ S S T A T I O N

Spearhead Family and Friends,

I would like to start by wishing each and every one of you a

“Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year”. I know each and

every one of us wish that we were home spending the holi-

days with the ones that we love. As we pass through our six

month mark I would like you all to know that your significant

other, son, daughter, father, or mother has done an out-

standing job here in Shindand and you could be very proud

of their accomplishments. I know that the Task Force Com-

mander and I are very proud of each and every one of them.


CSM Pitkus

Page 2: Holiday Newsletter

S I X M O N T H S D O W N , S I X T O G O ! ! !


Christmas Greetings

from the Phantom Knights at

Shindand! We have found

the Christmas cheer here in

between our busy mission

with the help of a few decora-

tive individuals. The CSM’s

Coffee shop is the first thing

you see and hear when you

enter our compound. He,

with S6’s help has had 24/7

Christmas music for all to


OPS tent is a warm welcome

for the pilots thanks to Ar-

chega and Waylon’s decora-

tive spirit.

As you can see your Com-

mander is on leave and got to

see his baby boy, Logan born

on 15 December at Darnell

army Medical Center. Con-

grats to Hildebrand family for

their newest member.

Congrats to the Niederriters

on their twins, Kendsly Raye

and Berkley Ryan born on 13

November 2011.

Congrats to the Falbes on

their new addition, Maci

Falbe born 16 November

2011 in McAllen TX.

As most of you well know, we

are all passed the half way

mark of our deployment, and

those on ADVON are well

past. So far, this deployment

has been a huge success, our

job is to keep it that way. I

humbly thank all you at home

for all of the packages that

your Soldier’s have been re-

ceiving. The Mail room and

the S1 Shop have worked

overtime getting the literally,

room full of mail daily to the

Task Force’s Soldiers.

HHC has done a fine job wel-

coming in our New MEDEVAC

Company F 1-159th National

Guard out of Tampa FL, from

maintenance test flights and

last minute ranges, to email

accounts and the TOC’s con-

stant battle tracking/ plan-

ning, they have keep us busy

and allowed us to bring them

into the team properly.

I want to thank all the Sol-

diers in HHC for their contin-


excellent performance.

Thank you to the Families for

supporting us

this year and especially this

Holiday season. We are driv-

ing on with our

“deployed family” and are

doing fine.




Kendsly Raye and Berkley

Ryan Niederriter


Logan Mason Hildebrand

Maci Falbe



SPC Warren

SPC Smith V.

SPC Whittaker


CW4 Erickson

SPC Smith, S

PFC Collins


SPC Springer

SGT Silva

SSG Brown

SGT George

SPC Falbe

SPC Caro



SGT George

SGT Smith

SGT Guerra

SGT Johnson

SPC Nantell

Page 3: Holiday Newsletter

-Photos Courtesy of the “Apache Surgeon” & resident lens wiz

C Co. Attack “Snake eyes”


While 1SG Anthony was the only Snake alive While 1SG Anthony was the only Snake alive

in 1965 when Sonny & Cher topped the charts in 1965 when Sonny & Cher topped the charts

with this classic single, most of the Snakes with this classic single, most of the Snakes

were alive when this song played over and were alive when this song played over and

over in the Bill Murray, 1993 cinematic classic, over in the Bill Murray, 1993 cinematic classic,

“Ground Hog Day.” The term became a “Ground Hog Day.” The term became a

popular metaphor for the life of a deployed popular metaphor for the life of a deployed

Soldier in combat. While every day still pro-Soldier in combat. While every day still pro-

vides a new set of challenges, we must con-vides a new set of challenges, we must con-

tinue to work together to accomplish the mis-tinue to work together to accomplish the mis-

sion. The fast pace of our operations allow for sion. The fast pace of our operations allow for

work, sleep, and repeat. We enjoy the occa-work, sleep, and repeat. We enjoy the occa-

sional event that serves as a diversion and a sional event that serves as a diversion and a

bit of a break. All of us would prefer to be at bit of a break. All of us would prefer to be at

home spending the Holidays with our immedi-home spending the Holidays with our immedi-

ate family, sharing cherished memories, a few ate family, sharing cherished memories, a few

libations, and some great food. However, in libations, and some great food. However, in

the absence of our family by blood we have the absence of our family by blood we have

our family by purpose. Like many families we our family by purpose. Like many families we

have the crazy uncle, the dreamer cousin, and have the crazy uncle, the dreamer cousin, and

the flatulating grandpa. the flatulating grandpa.

Your support of the Snake Eyes has been Your support of the Snake Eyes has been

overwhelming as SPC Wolf returns from the overwhelming as SPC Wolf returns from the

mail room with mountains of packages filled mail room with mountains of packages filled

with homewith home--baked reminders of our loved baked reminders of our loved

ones. Please continue to support your Sol-ones. Please continue to support your Sol-

ider and remind them of how much you ider and remind them of how much you

care. Thank you for care. Thank you for your your sacrificessacrifices.

At the end of the day we are brothers who At the end of the day we are brothers who

fight and bicker but care for each other and fight and bicker but care for each other and

protect one another as any family would. protect one another as any family would.

Some Snakes are experiencing the Holiday’s Some Snakes are experiencing the Holiday’s

away from their nuclear family for the first away from their nuclear family for the first

time, while others cannot remember the time, while others cannot remember the

number of Holiday’s they have missed in number of Holiday’s they have missed in

support of this cause. This time of year pro-support of this cause. This time of year pro-

vides pause for the sacrifices that everyone vides pause for the sacrifices that everyone

makes and an opportunity to reflect and be makes and an opportunity to reflect and be

thankful for gifts we have been given. The thankful for gifts we have been given. The

changes of season and passing Holidays changes of season and passing Holidays

remind us that although our day to day op-remind us that although our day to day op-

erations are exhausting, time marches on as erations are exhausting, time marches on as

there are only 274,539 minutes until we are there are only 274,539 minutes until we are

home with our families preparing for sum-home with our families preparing for sum-

mer fun. mer fun.

-Romeo GQ: Cortez, Sutter, Nieves

-1SG posing with our live tree

-A Moustache Tribute

-SPC Cochran freshly promoted

Page 4: Holiday Newsletter


Page 4

Merry Christmas from the Ghost Riders!!! The cold is finally upon us as

the seasons change in Shindand.

Happy Holidays to our friends and families back home. Thank you for

your continued support through letters and care packages. We miss you all,

and we will be home soon.

Continue to check our company webpage “” and our

facebook page “C Co. Ghostriders, 3-227 AHB, TF Spearhead”, for updates.

Don’t forget to view the latest installments of GhostRider TV.

In the past couple of months the Ghost Riders said

goodbye to our two BlackHawk Platoon Leaders, CPT Wax

and 1LT Castro. Your dedication and leadership to the

company will be missed. Good luck in the next step in

your careers.

The Ghost Riders would also like to welcome our two

new Platoon leaders, 1LT Livingston and 1LT Czernia-

kowski. Additional new members of our company include

CW2 Nielson, SPC Letnom, SPC Foster, and SPC Ahmed.

Welcome to the team !!

The GhostRiders continue to provide phenomenal

helicopter lift support for western Afghanistan.

Our Chinook platoon continues to be the workhorse

of the theater, providing critical resupply to outlying

forward operating bases that have been isolated by

the winter months.

We continue to support a myriad of customers

amongst our NATO partners including Italy, Slyvenia,

Lithuania, and Spain.

C Co 3-227 Ghostriders


“Is there a CAV hall of fame?” - CPT Hedrick

“No. But if there was, I would be in it.” - 1SG Berry

D A Y - T O - D A Y

“SGT Guzman’s Reenlistment”

“Crew Brief”

“Winter Flying”

“1LT Czerniakowski at the controls.”

Page 5: Holiday Newsletter

H A P P Y , H A P P Y H O L I D A Y S !

Page 5

First and foremost, I know that all of the Roughnecks

wish that they could be home with their family and friends

throughout this holiday season. However, I’ve been com-

pletely impressed with everyone’s festive spirit here and the

total transformation of our company area into a winter won-

derland is amazing. Wreaths and lights adorn porches and

walls, wrapping paper covers office doors, snowflakes hang

from the ceilings, and Santa hats are everywhere. There is

even a gingerbread house!

Since the last newsletter, your Roughnecks have been

incredibly busy maintaining the Task Force fleet. CW3

Rumplik, SSG Hines, SGT Spivey, and SSG Karlsson all aided

in the recovery of a broken MEDEVAC helicopter in early No-

vember. That evening saw fantastic collaboration between

SFC Brown in Production Control, multiple Avionics and Air-

frame Soldiers, the Technical Inspectors, HHC Soldiers at the

TOC, the flight companies, and our 615th B/FLE attachment.

It was so impressive to watch all of the distinct groups offer-

ing their unique skills throughout the night and resulted in an

aircraft being safely returned to mission capable status.

We have been fortunate enough to celebrate the promo-

tions of SSG Haas, SGT A. Rodriguez, SGT Benitez, SPC J.

Carter, SPC Askew, SPC Howell, PFC Gause, and PFC Navarro.

SFC Brown and SFC Potts were also selected on the latest E8

promotion board, and a heartfelt congratulations goes out to

both of those outstanding NCOs and their families.

Your Roughnecks are making the most of FOB Shindand

with their enthusiastic support for activities outside of work.

SPC Howell and PFC Maynard nearly won the Airbase Hallow-

een costume contest with their portrayal of a flamingo and a

police officer, and many of our Soldiers are consistent run-

ners in the local mud runs and 5ks. SPC Doran recently

placed third in the Airbase talent contest with her outstanding

singing, and the Roughneck football team led by SFC Lindsey

and SPC Flowers is still in the running for the Christmas Eve

MWR football championship. Their numerous practices so far

indicate they’re well prepared to win!

Although we won’t be able to spend the holidays at home

this year, please know that you are in our hearts and minds.

The abundance of mail we’ve received already is a testament

to all of the great support from home, and everyone has en-

joyed the treats! Best wishes for a safe and joyful Holiday

season to everyone!

-Roughneck 06, CPT Beth Lachner

and Roughneck 09, 1SG Stacy Orr

D Co. Roughnecks

LTG Scaparrotti and

CSM Troxel, the IJC

command team,

helped the Rough-

necks celebrate

Thanksgiving with a

visit to Shindand and

our maintenance

hangars. A festive

dinner at the dining

facility also bright-

ened many spirits. PFC Navarro following her promo-


SFC Potts, 1SG Orr, and SFC Lindsey oversaw the spur ride range


range cadre dur-

ing the Downed

Aviator training


Page 6: Holiday Newsletter

“Supporting Excellence”

The Headquarters platoon of Echo

consistently competes internally for

the best platoon within Echo Com-

pany. During the last Soldier/NCO of

the month board, the headquarters

platoon swept the NCO of the month

with sending SGT Singmanichan, 92G.

Her victory has been an addition to

the company’s record 5-0 for this

season’s Soldier/NCO of the month

board. Along with competitiveness,

the headquarters platoon also does a

phenomenal job when it comes to

MOS proficiency. The supply section

is, hands down, the best Unit Supply

in the Battalion. After taking over the

TPE equipment left behind, the com-

pany’s unit readiness was lacking due

to massive shortages on ALL the

equipment left for Echo. Since then

100% of the Company’s shortages

has been put on order. The supply

section receives equipment to fill the

shortages every day, and slowly but

surely has been improving the overall

mission effectiveness for the deploy-


In Distro the heat of summer

has passed and the chill of winter

creeps through Afghanistan but the

Soldiers of Distro Platoon are still red

hot with work, missions and training.

Soldiers leave and return refreshed

from R&R, finding themselves moti-

vated to jump right back into the

rhythm of work with their Battle Bud-

dies. A noticeable increase in the

mission is from the Ammo and Trans-

portation Section as the Task Force

trains and retrains Soldiers on basic

and advanced marksmanship with

individual and crew-served weapons.

This increased demand on ammo has

kept the section and its Soldiers, SSG

Tiffanie Rideaux, SGT Jonathan

Wegscheider, SPC Jeremy Harper and

PVT Allen Patrick, very busy. Alongside

the ammo section are the transport-

ers, led by SGT Jonathan Hudson, that

move the Task Force’s equipment,

supplies and machinery. Moving the

multitude of large and complex ma-

chines of war is no easy task and

takes lot of training to operate the

equipment designed to move these

machines. The 88M Motor Vehicle

Operators SPC Cornelius Green, PV2

Armeen Braxton, and PV2 William

Chulak receive training daily on these

vehicles; preparing themselves for

critical missions at a moment’s no-


In Maintenance Platoon SPC Wil-

son, since stepping foot into mainte-

nance, has distinguished himself from

his peers. On 1 December 2011 Pri-

vate First Class Wilson; soon to be

Specialist Wilson was surprised when

he was called to the front and center

of the Echo Company 3-22th Task

Force Spearhead’s formation, to re-

ceive his promotion to Specialist. The

hard work Specialist Wilson displayed,

scoring a 290 on his Army Physical

Fitness Test (APFT), winning boards,

furthering education, troubleshooting,

repairing and servicing generation

equipment aided in his promotion to

Specialist. PFC Ezell, John who is a

young and determined warrior, who

demands nothing but the best, won

the Soldier of the Month Board for the

month of November 2011. His per-

formance was noted by the Battalion

Command Sergeant Major; CSM Pit-

kus and the Echo Company First Ser-

geant; 1SG Reid as being stellar. Due

to Private First Class Ezell’s perform-

ance, he will be competing at the Bri-

gade Soldier of the Quarter Board.

SGT (P) Mejia, Ricardo is a 91B serv-

ing as the Senior Mechanic Wheeled

Vehicle Mechanic, recently attended

the Staff Sergeant/E-6 promotion

board in November of 2011. Sergeant

Mejia’s performance was awesome.

The discipline, military bearing and

knowledge he displayed at the promo-

tion board earned him a recommen-

dation to compete for the rank of

Staff Sergeant.. In addition to the

Maintenance Platoon’s recognition of

winning boards and promoting Sol-

diers, training must take place and

work must be done. The Maintenance

Platoon successfully trained ten Sol-

diers on the Mine Resistant Ambush

Protection (MRAP) Vehicle, qualified

15 Soldiers on their primary weapon

system (M16), and provided logistical

support (servicing, troubleshooting

and dispatching) for over 80 pieces of

equipment. The training and logistical

support of the Maintenance Platoon

increased the functionality of the pla-

toon, company and task force greatly.

-Regulator 06: CPT Bryant, Gerald

-Regulator 09: 1SG Reid, Thomas

Page 6


G R E E T I N G S F R O M S H I N D A N D A I R B A S E , A F G H A N I S T A N !



SGT Sturgill


SPC Green

SPC Wilson

SPC Justice



SPC Irwin 3 Nov

PFC Marshall 11 Nov

PFC Sanders 12 Nov

PFC Moore 13 Nov

SPC Lee 22 Nov

PFC Lartey 23 Nov

PFC Elliott 25 Nov

PV2 Tatum 28 Nov


SGT Evangelista 2 Dec

PFC Jones, C. 11 Dec

SGT Silva 12 Dec

SGT Valencia 19 Dec

PFC Gipson 21 Dec