holocaust vocabulary. holocaust term used to refer to the systematic murder of 6 million jews by the...

Holocaust Holocaust Vocabular Vocabular y y

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Post on 26-Dec-2015




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HOLOCAUSTHOLOCAUSTTerm used to refer to the Term used to refer to the systematic murder of 6 systematic murder of 6

million Jews by the Nazis million Jews by the Nazis between 1933-1945. between 1933-1945.

“Holokaustos” meaning “Holokaustos” meaning “Burnt whole”“Burnt whole”

(over 11 million people in all)(over 11 million people in all)

ADOLF HITLERADOLF HITLERRuler of Germany Ruler of Germany

during WWII, during WWII, called the called the “Fuhrer”“Fuhrer”

FUHRERFUHRERA leader, especially A leader, especially one exercising the one exercising the absolute power of absolute power of

a tyranta tyrant

DICTATORDICTATORA ruler with A ruler with

absolute powerabsolute power

ARYANARYANRacial term used by Nazis Racial term used by Nazis

to describe a “race” to describe a “race” they believed to be they believed to be superior. It has no superior. It has no biological validitybiological validity

(This is where the Blue eyes, blonde hair, (This is where the Blue eyes, blonde hair, tanned skin stereotype came from)tanned skin stereotype came from)


Discrimination Discrimination or persecution or persecution

of Jewsof Jews


Place where Place where political prisoners political prisoners

were keptwere kept(EX: Dachau, Bergen-Belsen, forced labor, (EX: Dachau, Bergen-Belsen, forced labor,

POW, transit camps)POW, transit camps)

DEATH CAMPSDEATH CAMPSNazi centers of Nazi centers of

murder and murder and exterminationextermination

GENOCIDEGENOCIDEThe systematic The systematic elimination of a elimination of a

people or people or nationnation

Top GenocidesTop Genocides“geno” – race, “cide” - kill“geno” – race, “cide” - kill

• Bosnia (1992-1995) – 200,000 DeathsBosnia (1992-1995) – 200,000 Deaths• Rwanda (1994) – 800,000 DeathsRwanda (1994) – 800,000 Deaths

• Cambodia (1975-1979) – Cambodia (1975-1979) –

2 million Deaths2 million Deaths• Nazi Holocaust (1933-1945) – Nazi Holocaust (1933-1945) –

6 million Deaths6 million Deaths• Stalin’s Forced Famine (1932-33) – Stalin’s Forced Famine (1932-33) –

7 million Deaths7 million Deaths

GHETTOGHETTOa section of a city a section of a city

occupied by a minority occupied by a minority group who live there group who live there especially because of especially because of social, economic, or social, economic, or

legal pressurelegal pressure 


the ideology and practicethe ideology and practice of the Nazis, especially of the Nazis, especially

the policy of racist the policy of racist nationalism, national nationalism, national expansion, and state expansion, and state

control of the economycontrol of the economy 

SWASTIKASWASTIKASymbol of the Nazi Symbol of the Nazi party; originally an party; originally an ancient religious ancient religious



The Nazi term for The Nazi term for the annihilation the annihilation of the Jews in of the Jews in


PROPAGANDAPROPAGANDAFalse or partly false False or partly false information used by a information used by a government/political government/political

party intended to party intended to influence/sway the influence/sway the

opinions of the opinions of the populationpopulation

ASSERTION• Commonly used in advertisingCommonly used in advertising• An enthusiastic and energetic An enthusiastic and energetic

statement presented as a fact, statement presented as a fact, although not necessarily truealthough not necessarily true

• Should be accepted without questionShould be accepted without question

““My product is the best”My product is the best”

BANDWAGON• An appeal to the subject to follow the crowd, An appeal to the subject to follow the crowd,

to join in because others are doing itto join in because others are doing it• One side is the winning side because it has One side is the winning side because it has

more people, more popularmore people, more popular• The subject is meant to believe that since it The subject is meant to believe that since it

has so many people, the “win” is inevitable has so many people, the “win” is inevitable and defeat impossibleand defeat impossible

• Backwards look: you will be left out if you Backwards look: you will be left out if you don’t join indon’t join in

““If everyone jumped off a cliff, would you?”If everyone jumped off a cliff, would you?”

SSSSFormed in 1925 as Formed in 1925 as

Hitler’s personal guards Hitler’s personal guards and developed into the and developed into the most powerful affiliated most powerful affiliated organization of the Nazi organization of the Nazi


STAR OF DAVID STAR OF DAVID (Yellow Star)(Yellow Star)

Universal symbol of Universal symbol of Judaism, also the Judaism, also the Shield of DavidShield of David

PERSECUTIONThe systematic

mistreatment of an individual or group by another group

GESTAPOGESTAPOAbbreviation for Abbreviation for

Geheime Staatspolizei Geheime Staatspolizei (Secret State Police)(Secret State Police)

NUREMBERG TRIALSNUREMBERG TRIALSTrials held in Nuremberg, Trials held in Nuremberg,

Germany from 1945-1949 to Germany from 1945-1949 to prosecute war criminals from prosecute war criminals from Nazi Germany for their crimes Nazi Germany for their crimes

against the Jews. The main against the Jews. The main targets charged were political, targets charged were political,

economic, and military leaders. economic, and military leaders.

Nuremberg Trials. Defendants in the dock. The main target of the prosecution was Hermann Göring (at the left edge on the first row of benches), considered to be the most important surviving official in

the Third Reich after Hitler's death.