holy qur'an (surah al-humazah)holy qur'an (surah al-humazah) discuss the verses. haqiqat ul-wahi...


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Post on 30-Jan-2021




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  • Talim ClassPRESENTATION #2

  • Holy Qur'an (Surah Al-Humazah)

    Discuss the verses

  • Haqiqat ul-wahi (The Philosophy of Divine Revelation)pages 129-133

    Every sensible person would realise that such a doctrine reduces theadvent of Prophets, peace be upon them, to be an exercise in futilityand fruitlessness. If one could still attain salvation through belief inGod being One even while refuting and opposing the Prophets, peacebe upon them, would this not perforce mean that the Prophets weresent to the world in vain—even without them the task could bemanaged—and there was no great need for their advent? ….It is not hidden from even a person with minimal intellect that since thedays of the Companions, may Allah be pleased with them, up to now,all sects of Islam agree that, indeed, the essence of Islam is that just asa person deems God to be One without a partner and believes in HisBeing, Existence, and Oneness, so is it obligatory upon him to believein the Prophethood of the Holy Prophet, may peace and blessings ofAllah be upon him. Furthermore, he must believe in whatever is laiddown and recorded in the Holy Quran……

    Is it enough to believe in God without accepting a religion or a prophet?

  • •Many sincere Muslims who had been captured by the disbelievers in the time of the HolyProphet, may peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, were repeatedly told that theywould be released if they renounced the Holy Prophet, may peace and blessings of Allah beupon him, but they did not renounce him and laid down their lives in this very path….•A close study of all the Scriptures revealed by God Almighty shows that all the Prophetshave admonished the same thing: believe in God Almighty to be One without partner and,along with it, also believe in God’s Messengers. ..•It should also be borne in mind that it is only the Prophets, peace be on them, whodemonstrate the existence of God and teach people that He is the One without any partner.If these holy ones had not appeared in the world, it would have been an implausible andimpossible matter to find the straight path with certainty. Though a person of pure natureand sound mind can, by reflecting on the earth and heaven and observing their perfect andfirm order, conclude that there ought to be a Creator of this work full of wisdom; but, thereis a great difference between the statement that ‘there ought to be [a Creator]’ and ‘Hereally does exist’. It is only the Prophets, peace be on them, who established throughthousands of Signs and miracles that the Being, who is Transcendent and comprises allpower, does in fact exist….”

  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_zBmKU-bTek

    What impact does spending too much time on gaminghave on ...

    * Social Life? * Mental Health? * Religious Education? *School Education? * Physical Health?

    What does our religion tell us about spending time inthese sort of activities?

    The dangerous world of gaming addiction-A modern disease ?

  • Abid Khan Sahib’s DiaryFollowing the conclusion of the meeting there was a break for a few minutes, duringwhich myself and a few other of the Qafila members remained in the room withHuzoor. Huzoor told me to show him my new phone, which I had purchased the daybefore. I was amazed that, despite being in the middle of so many meetings, Huzoorstill remembered that I had bought a new phone. Upon seeing it, Huzoor said: “Itappears that you have not checked your emails or Whatsapp messages for a while asthere are many unread emails and messages!” Thereafter, Huzoor continued to use myphone for a few minutes, until the next meeting.

    Later in the day, on a couple of further occasions, when there were brief breaks orinterludes, Huzoor again asked for my phone before returning it to me for the final timeduring the lunch break. When I checked it, I noticed that Huzoor had downloaded adictionary app for me. In the past, Huzoor had done the same on my old phone and soHuzoor gave the same blessing to my new phone as well. Those moments whereHuzoor scrolled through the phone showed me that Khalifa-Waqt was not overawedby any location, no matter how vast or historic. Despite meeting with Ministers andSenators, Huzoor remained very relaxed and even found the time to download adictionary app for me! In years to come, Insha’Allah, I will enjoy telling the story that afew moments before meeting Prime Minister Trudeau and being officially recognised inCanada’s House of Commons, our beloved Khalifa was reminding me to check myWhatsapp messages and ensuring that I had easy access to an online dictionary!

    What do we learn from this?

  • Whichcountries are thearrowspointing


  • www.khuddam.org.uk

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    Questions?Comments?Let us know!