holy week observances:

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  • 8/14/2019 Holy Week Observances:


    Page 1 March 11, 2010

    Holy Week Observances:

    March 28: Palm Sunday Worship, 8:30 & 10:30 amEaster Eggcitement Childrens Program at Noon

    April 1: Maundy Thursday Footwashing, 6:00 pmDinner & Last Supper Worship, 6:30 pm

    April 2: Good Friday Prayer Vigil, 6:00 am6:00 pmGood Friday Prayer Service, 6:00 pm

    April 4: Easter Sunday Worship, 8:30 & 10:30 amSpecial musical offerings from choir at 10:30Pancake Breakfast between services

    PLEASE SIGN-UP for Maundy Thursdays dinner (so we know how many to prepare for) andfor a 20-minute slot in our Good Friday Prayer Vigil. Sign-up sheets are available in SippelHall on Sundays, and in the church office throughout the week.

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    We have a fun time planned for this years Easter Eggcitement. Join us aftersecond service for an afternoon filled with:

    LUNCH-The Disciple Women will be offering soup, cornbread andhot dogs for sale to help raise funds for Quadrennial.

    BAKE SALE-Help yourself to dessert, which will also be a

    Quadrennial fundraiser.

    DIGNITY DUFFELS-Our children will be packing up DignityDuffels for other children who are in need of hygiene supplies be-cause of less than perfect living situations. This is a great oppor-tunity to reach out with love to others.

    BUNNY HOP-Get your bunny slippers and dont forget your cam-eras because the Easter Bunny is coming to town.

    EASTER EGG HUNT-Join in for the famous Easter egg hunt onour own church lawn. Bring a dozen filled eggs per child and dontforget your Easter basket!

    Everyone is invited and well see you there!

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    A big THANK YOU to all of you who were able to participate in the HisHands Relay for Life fundraiser at El Paso Cantina. You all helped usraise $257.20 toward our goal of $8,000.00, and you also got to enjoya great Mexican meal at the same time. The Relay is approaching fast,April 24-25, and you will be hearing more in the near future. Please

    prayerfully consider if and what you can do to help us reach our goal tohelp eradicate cancer.

    Gail Grove

    Feed The Hungry Sunday

    Our next Feed The Hungry Sunday is March 28. You have been so faithfulin providing the non-perishable food items for His House. With your help we

    are able to feed many of the less fortunate that come to His House in Tor-rance seeking food for their families. Here are some food suggestions:canned tuna or chicken, canned vegetables, boxed juices, canned fruit,

    granola bars, cereal, pasta, canned soups, cup of noodles and pudding cups.

    A Lenten Poem

    Forty days of wildernessYou ask of me, Lord;

    What is it I am to seek?What is it I am to find?

    Forty days of wildernessYou give to me, Lord;

    What will be your gift to me?What will be your treasure?

    I desire to seek you Lord;I desire to find you,

    You give the gift of your presence, Lord,That will be my treasure!

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    Dign i ty Duf fels Help Out K ids in Need

    As part of our last project with Love INC, we delivered 200 backpacks filledwith school supplies to the Department of Child and Family Services here in


    We are now focused on a new effort to provide 100 Dignity Duffels to chil-dren who lack items most of us deem basic to our everyday life. Basic hygienesupplies will be lovingly placed into individual child sized duffels to be distrib-uted by Love INC to those most in need.

    How can you help? Please donate any of the following items by March 24,


    Light-weight, Cotton Bath Towel Wash Cloth

    Bars of Soap






    Dental Floss

    Facial Tissues Moistened Towelette Pack

    Our churchs children will be packing the Dignity Duffels with your donateditems as part of our Easter Eggcitement celebration on Palm Sunday, March28.

    Thank you for your support and please know you are making a tremendous

    difference in the lives of our local children in need!

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    Marion Casey is moving through physical therapy after surgery for a malignant brain tu-mor.

    Karen Jackson and Bonnie Reniff are both recovering well from respective knee surgeries,

    and have already made it to worship.

    Charlotte Sandberg is home and recovering from hiatal hernia surgery. She will be offwork for about two weeks.

    Arly Jahn (Jack Rogers sister) is suffering from pneumonia. She is at Heritage Rehab.

    Terry Linehans mother suffered a hairline fracture of the ankle in a recent fall. Terry alsoasks prayer for Henry, a coworker who is recovering from heart surgery.

    Ed Shroyer requests prayer for his friend, Lorrie, whose family is struggling with decision-

    making for a mentally ill family member; he also invites prayer for his cousin Danny, Un-cle Bob, Aunt Virginia and a long-time friend, Alvereta Lohr, all of whom are dealing withsignificant health issues.

    Marilyn Roehl has three brothers in need of continued prayer: Jim is recovering well froma stroke; his twin, Joe, is recovering from surgery for an abdominal aneurysm; and Doncontinues to respond well to chemotherapy.

    Janet Wysong asks for prayer on behalf of Eleanor ONeil, the five year-old daughter of afriendshe is receiving chemotherapy for what is usually a very treatable form of cancer.

    Chuck Bruleys friend, Burt Mann, is doing better after kidney removal surgery.

    Gerri Stoodley is entering a new treatment plan prescribed by her doctors at UCLA.

    With Sympathy in Loss

    A celebration ofRod Norriss life will be held at our church in April. Dates and more de-tailed arrangements with his family and fraternal organizations are still pending.

    Susie Noble asks prayer for her friend, Jennifer Johnson, whose husband Bret Johnson diedsuddenly of a heart attack. He was 51, and leaves behind three children.

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    March 2010Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thu

    WORSHIP SERVICES8:30 and 10:30 am

    Sunday School 9:30 am1 2 3

    Unbinding Your Heart7:00 (Fireside)(Parsonage)

    Prayer Ministry 5:45

    Unbinding Your Heart7: 00 (Choir Room)

    Unbinding Your Heart10:00 (Fireside)7:00 (Room 4)

    Unbindin7:00 (

    7 8 9 10

    CYF 9:30Unbinding Your Heart

    Youth Adventure/Chi Rho 12:007:00 (Fireside)

    Unbinding Your Heart7:00 (Fireside)(Parsonage)


    Prayer Ministry 5:45Prayer Shawl 7:00

    Unbinding Your Heart7: 00 (Choir Room)

    Unbinding Your Heart10:00 (Fireside)

    Prayer Shawl 2:00Young Adults 7:00


    7:00 (

    14 15 16 17

    CYF 9:30Unbinding Your Heart

    Youth Adventure/Chi Rho 12:007:00 (Fireside)

    Unbinding Your Heart7:00 (Fireside)(Parsonage)

    Love 9:30Faith 1:30

    Prayer Ministry 5:45Prayer Shawl 7:00

    .Unbinding Your Heart10:00 (Fireside)

    Prayer Shawl 2:00

    7:00 (Room 4)Choir 7:00

    Unbindin7:00 (

    21 22 23 24

    CYF 9:30Unbinding Your Heart

    Youth Adventure/Chi Rho 12:00

    His Hands 12:007:00 Study(Fireside)

    NewsletterUnbinding Your Heart

    7:00 (Fireside)(Parsonage)

    Prayer Ministry 5:45Prayer Shawl 7:00

    Unbinding Your Heart(Elders) 7:00

    Unbinding Your Heart10:00 (Fireside)

    Prayer Shawl 2:00Unbinding Your Heart

    (Young Adults) 7:00Choir 7:00

    Unbinding(New H

    28 29 30 31

    CYF 9:30Unbinding Your Heart

    Youth Adventure/

    Chi Rho 12:00Feed The Hungry Sunday

    7:00 Study(Fireside)

    Unbinding Your Heart

    7:00 (Fireside)(Parsonage)

    Unbinding Your Heart(Elders) 7:00

    Unbinding Your Heart10:00 (Fireside)

    Unbinding Your Heart

    (Young Adults) 7:00Choir 7:00

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    March BirthdaysMary Ibe (1)

    Linda Gilmore (2)Dottie Taggart (3)Hilda Coleman (4)Gail Grove (5)Gene Jackson (5)Virginia Gober (6)Wally Sandberg (6)Kurt Nelson (9)Ruth Morrison (10)Terry Linehan (15)Marion Casey (16)Lois Sherwood (17)Haley Noble (20)Emma Hernandez (22)Katie Redderson (22)Orlando Martinez (24)Charlene Bowring (26)Kristin Karlin (28)Ziggy Wilk (28)Lois Sherwood (29)Ruth Perry (29)Helen Reed (29)Glenn Singleton (30)Kel Henderson (30)Mandy Fontaine (30)Lilian Asomugha (31)

    ANNIVERSARIESRaymond & Donna Stent (18)John & Anne Beecher (20)

    sday Friday Saturday

    4 5 6

    Your Heartireside)

    Unbinding Your Heart10:00 (Fireside)

    11 12 13

    Your Heart


    Unbinding Your Heart

    10:00 (Fireside)

    18 19 20

    Your Heartireside)

    Mens Breakfast8:30 a.m.

    Unbinding Your Heart10:00 (Fireside)

    25 26 27

    Your Heartope) 7:00

    Unbinding Your Heart10:00

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    Palm Sunday

    We have some special mini workshops planned for Palm Sunday and you wont

    want to miss attending Sunday School on March 28th. Join us at 9:30 in the Sun-day School rooms where we will be making (and eating) Empty Tomb Buns, mak-ing an Easter wreath and then all are invited to be part of our traditional Palm Sun-day procession during service time.

    Easter Pancake Breakfast

    Our CYF group will be hosting an Easter breakfast on Easter morning. Come jointhem for a delicious Pancake Breakfast Bar at only $5 for adults and $3 forchildren.

    Spring Fling Retreat for 9th



    CYF members are encouraged to attend this years Spring Fling at Loch Leven. It is a leader-ship training and spiritual retreat for youth on the weekend of April 9-11. If you liked Feb-Camp, youll love Spring Fling! See Jimmy for more information. Scholarships available.

    Loch Leven Retreat Rescheduled

    Filled With the Fullness of God is the theme for this years retreat. It is based on Ephe-sians 3:16-19 and those who attend will be exploring and experiencing prayer in a variety ofways. This weekend for all ages has been rescheduled for May 21-23. Please talk to Saman-

    tha Lubrani to reconfirm that you will be attending. If you werent able to attend in January,but are available for this weekend talk to Samantha as well.

    Vacation Bible School

    The date has been set for VBS this summer so mark your calendars for July 26-30. Pleasesee Jill Foster if you are interested in being part of the leadership team for this event. We arelooking for workshop leaders, classroom shepherds and helpers and anyone willing to helpplan this great week.

    Education Notes & News

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    Bible ExplorersAll children ages PreK through 6th grade are invited to Bible Explorers at 9:30 on Sundaymornings. March will focus on the story of Jesus resurrection. See schedule below.

    Middle School students are invited to be shepherds for this program. See Jill if you are inter-ested.

    During the Lenten season Pastor Ted is leading our high schoolers in doing their own versionof Unbinding the Heart during their Sunday School time. Its not too late to join them! SeePastor Ted for more information.


    March Youth Calendar

    Sunday, March 1411:00 CYF is going on a hike! After attending first service and Sunday School join in for an

    early Spring hike in the local hills. Plans are to leave the church at 11:00.12:00 Youth Adventure/Chi Rho-Unbinding Your Heart-Bring a sack lunch

    Saturday, March 20CYF is planning to attend Founders Day at Chapman University.

    Sunday, March 2112:00 Youth Adventure/Chi Rho-Unbinding Your Heart-Bring a sack lunch

    12:00 CYF is going Karaoke Krazy!

    Sunday, March 2812:00 All ages invited to Easter Eggcitement!


    The Resurrection-He Lives!

    3/14 PRE K-1 Art 2 JANIE FIETZ

    3/14 2-5 Games 4 KARA

    3/21 PRE K-1 Games 4 KARA

    3/21 2-5 Drama 3 PEGGY & LARRY

    3/28 Palm Sunday


    Empty Tomb BunsEaster Wreath Art




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    Upcoming Sermons

    March 14, 2010 Spring Up, O Well (John 4:5-29)

    We say actions speak louder than wordsand its truebut words can speak prettyloudly. Most of us can remember a conversation that changed our lives. Our fourth Un-binding Your Heartsermon looks at the longest exchange attributed to Jesus, and the powerhe conveyed.

    March 21, 2010 Mi Casa Es (Genesis 18:1-5; Mark 2:1-12)

    Hospitality is a core virtue for biblical culturein a desert culture, welcoming the strangercould be a life or death issue. Our fifth Unbinding Your Heart message asks us to exploreour own mission of hospitality. It can be a life or death issue even yet!

    March 28, 2010 Unbinding Your Heart (John 15:12-17; 1 John 3:16)

    On Palm Sunday, we celebrate Jesus entry into Jerusalemand remember that the shadowof the cross hangs over the parade. As Unbinding Your Heartdraws to a close, we will con-sider what our faith unbinds usfromand what God wants to unbind usfor.

    Sermons on line

    Miss a Sunday? You can access past sermons on our church website(www.fcctorrance.org). Click on Worship Media, then on the title or date of the sermon.Let us know if youre listening, and thank Jimmy Koontz for helping us to provide this ser-vice!

    Prayer Meeting Each Tuesday at 5:45 pmUnder the guidance of our Prayer Team Coordinator, Elba Woods, our Tuesday night meet-ing is undergirding the Unbinding Your Heartseries with prayer, in addition to our regularintercessions for one another and others. All are welcome.

    Wednesday Morning Bible Study

    Wednesday Morning Bible Study will reconvene on April 7 following our UnbindingYourHeartseries. At that time, we will begin a series on the Babylonian Exilea time that dra-

    matically shaped both modern Judaism and Christianity.

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    In our Unbinding Your Heartsmall groups, we have shared about Goals with Grace.

    By goals, we mean that we want to develop our spiritual lives, our devotional disci-

    plinesand were willing to let God stretch us beyond where we might have thoughtwe could go. We recognize that God has made us different, and not every form ofprayer or discipline is right for every personbut we also open ourselves to thegrowth that is right for us.

    And we acknowledge grace in our process of growth. We remember that prayer anddevotional activities are means, not ends. They are avenues for deeper relationshipwith God. If and when they do not serve that purpose, then we prayerfully step backfrom them.

    And, ironically, we find that we have not stepped away from God, but closer, into the

    divine grace that gives us permission to let go of the goalpermanently, perhaps, orfor a periodbut always for good. Our good.

    Shalom, Steve

    Home phone: 310-212-5950 email: [email protected]

    Adult Sunday Class

    From now through March 28, our Adult Sunday morning class will be discussing someof the issues of evangelism that arise out of our Unbinding Your Heart small groups.We will not meet on Easter Sunday, instead taking part in the Easter Brunch.

    On April 11, Steve Fietz will facilitate a discussion on The Spirituality of Martin Lu-ther King, Jr. Starting on April 18, David Matson will offer a series on Is Christian-ity the Only True Religion?

    This class is a lively forum where all views are welcome! We meet in Room 7 at 9:30am Sunday morning.

    Next Newsletter articles need to be at the church office by March 22, 2010


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    (Disciples of Christ)2930 El Dorado StreetTorrance, CA 90503

    (310) 328-2820 Fax 310 328-2929E-mail - [email protected] address - fcctorrance.org

    Sunday Schedule

    8:30 a.m. - Worship - Informal9:30 a.m. - Church School for all ages

    10:30 a.m. - Worship - TraditionalChildrens Worship - Ages Pre-school through

    2nd Grade(During the Traditional Worship Service)

    Nursery Provided

    For birth through age 3 during Sunday Schooland Contemporary & Traditional Service

    Office Hours

    Monday - Friday8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.


    Steven Fietz, Senior PastorTed Oden-Minister of Contemporary Worship

    Administrative Assistant Camelia OlloqueChoir Director - Ken Potter

    Nursery Attendant - Kim LarsonDorie Hernandez


    Chair - Doug CrawfordVice Chair - Don ZukasTreasurer Bill Wysong

    Financial Secretary - Charlotte SandbergClerk Angie Ahumada
